HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-05-20 Minutes CLARINGTON HERITAGE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting May 20, 2014 MEMBERS PRESENT: Angela Tibbles Councillor HooperKarin MurphyVictor Suppan Tracey AliJoseph EarleKim Vaneyk (ex-officio) REGRETS: Ruth Goff (Ex-officio),David Reesor,Tenzin Gyaltsan,Bonnie Seto, Robert Malone STAFF: Faye Langmaid Angela Tibbles welcomedall to the meeting. Faye circulated a thank you card from her family for the floral tribute to her mother. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST- None declared. ADOPTION OF AGENDA 14.16 Moved by Ron Hooper, seconded by Karin Murphy, THAT the agenda be adopted. “CARRIED” ADOPTION OF MINUTES 14.17 Moved byJoe Earle, seconded by Tracey Ali THAT the minutes ofthe Meeting of April 15,2014 be accepted, with the addition of the Sept meeting as the deadline for visits to designated properties and a clarification to the Heritage Week Report (attachment 2) that the Sandy Hawley Dinner was sponsored by the Rotary Club, not the Clarington Older Adults Association. “CARRIED” 1|Page It was noted that the new member from NVDHS is Robert Malone but he is unable to join us this evening as it is their meeting.They will be appointing an alternate who will attend when Robert is unable to attend. As the terms of reference indicate an alternate representative from NVDHS is acceptable. BUSINESS ARISING 210 King Avenue West–The description in the Schedule has been finalized with the owner and the Report was approved by Council. The next step is for the newspaper advertisement (only one is required), the 30 day appeal period and then if no appeals are received the by-law will go directly to Council. If an appeal is received, the Clerk reports to Council on the appeal. Subsequent to the meeting, Faye was informed that the notice would be in the th newspaper on May 28 . Camp 30-Jury Lands Foundation formation-The foundation is working with the Municipal Solicitor on their by-laws. They have a visit to the Evergreen Brickworks scheduled for mid-June, it is a good example of a reuse of a heritage site. Faye is working on retaining an architect with the monies provided by Council for the structural analysis. Ontario Heritage Trust Awards–Nominations for 2014 are due September 30. Charles Taws will be nominating Susan Laing, a long-term volunteer at the Museum. Bonnie provided a write up about Ron Allred which was shared with the group and will need some additional work. Additional discussion on this item will be included on an agenda for future meetings. Designated Property Owners Outreach–the list of designated properties, addresses and owners was divided up at the last meeting. Information packages for each member have been assembled, these include information sheets, business cards, the information on the designated properties (website sheet and by-law). The information to be acquired is contactinformation, salvage information, if the heritage plaque is installed and any other comments. Heritage Incentive Grant –Four grants have been awarded and a fifth is pending the submission of additional information. The grants approved are for resurfacing of flooring at 99 Church Street, stained glass window repair at St. George’s Anglican, maintenance and painting of gingerbread, soffits and trim at 6537 Werry Road, maintenance and painting of clapboard siding at 210 King Avenue. The fifth grant is the repair of a front verandah/porch and entry which may require a heritage permit depending on the work being proposed. The grants are typically for approximately 30% of the cost of the works. 2|Page REPORTS from OTHER COMMITTEES (Community Improvement Plans, etc.) Bowmanville CIP–Councillor Hooper provided an update on the works that are occurring in Bowmanville as a result of the grants, capital works that are happening during 2014 and suggestions tothe group on how to priorize grants for future years. Newcastle CIP–The meeting included a presentation from Lisa Cullen of CIMA about the streetscape design plan that is underway. There was a update on the Walbridge House (2013 grant), Buster’s and Massey House are both carrying out facade improvements this year with grants. Orono CIP–Next meeting is in October. th ACO, Clarington Branch–Getting ready for Doors Open on June 14, orientation evening th is June 4at 7 p.m. at the COAA. The heritage committee will have a display in the carriage house at Strike’s, all were asked to sign up for a portion of the day to assist with selling books and answering questions. They will have promotion of Doors Open at the Ribfest. The provincial organization has a new logo that is to be used by all the member agencies. Newcastle Village and District Historical Society (NVDHS)–No update. Clarington Museums and Archives –The current display at the Museum with the historical photographs has been very well received. In addition there is a short video clip that is also worthwhile viewing. All are encouraged to visit the show. rd Heritage Week Working Group–Next meeting is October 23at 9:30 a.m. in 1C. Heritage Conservation District–There was damage (due to the ice storm) to the roof of a storage building located near the tennis courts. A temporary structure has been erected to hold the materials until it is decided what will be done with the roof. The Operations Dept. is working on a proposal for a new roof. CORRESPONDENCE and COUNCIL REFERRAL None PROJECT REPORTS Inventory Photos–No update since last meeting. – Barn ProjectKim was contacted by Winston Wong from MTO (407 Project), Kim attended the demolition of the Werry Barn and was able to obtain additional photos and interior shots. The Bradley Barn (top part) is going to be moved, Kim will attend and photograph. Jane and Kim are currently working on which photos to include in the calendar that they want to have ready for Orono Fair. 3|Page NEW BUSINESS Memberships–the CHC has memberships in both the Clarington Museum and Archives and Newcastle Village and District Historical Society. It is suggested thatthese memberships be renewed. 14.18 Moved by Karin Murphy, seconded by Joseph Earle THAT the Clarington Heritage Committee purchase community group memberships for the Clarington Museums and Archives and the Newcastle Village and District Historical Society. “CARRIED” Walbridge House–A photograph of what the Walbridge House now looks like with the clapboard siding on the exterior was circulated. It has been suggested that the heritage plaque should be installed and that an unveiling occur. This could be in co-ordination th with the 190anniversary of the first service for Methodism which will be in November. The Newcastle United Church is having some celebrations and the event could be tied to theirs or as a lead-in to it. Faye to contact the owner about plaque installation. Municipal Register -It has been previously discussed what the process would be to move all the properties on the heritage inventory to the Municipal Register. The Municipal Register is a new tool provided in the Heritage Act, if properties are listed on the Register they are not designated but should an application for their demolition be made, the Municipality would have 60 days rather than the time set out in the Building Code which is10 days for a house, 15 days for commercial under 600 sq. m. and 20 days for complex buildings over 600 sq. metres. Barns (farm structures) do not require demolition permits although if requested Clarington will issue them, such as in the 407 process. Demolition permits have to be signed off by all utilities plus for heritage. Some municipalities have considered unilaterally moving all the properties on their inventory to the Register. For Clarington we have 74 designated buildings, 1 heritage district (which includes two individually designated building and 11 others). On our inventory there are 273 Primary properties (9 on the Register, 1 has multiple buildings), 371 Secondary properties (2 on the Register), 381 Merit properties. Definitions: Designated propertieswere those which had been formally designated at theowner’s request under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act. Beech Avenue Heritage Conservation District (Part V) contains two properties that have been designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act. Primary propertieswere those that were the best examples of a particular style of architecture in Clarington. 4|Page Secondary propertiesare those that were constructed with a vernacular interpretation of a particular style of architecture but worthy of designation in Clarington. Heritage meritbuildings are those which still retain the majority of their original architectural features but are not the best or second best example of that architectural style in Clarington. Clarington’s Inventory In 1986 the Clarington Heritage Committee engaged a heritage consultant to complete an inventory of all the heritage resources in Bowmanville. The inventory recorded heritage buildings that mostly predated 1900 and was broken into three categories (outlined above).The heritage resources inventory was updated in 2004 and period photographs of each property are maintained by the Planning Services Department. The Clarington Heritage Committee assist with the inventories, research and verification of the heritage resources. The mapping of the inventory has been included in the GIS (Geographic Information System). This means that any planner can pull up the inventory on the mapping system. This is also publicly available on the website heritage.clarington.net. Many questions are fielded by Planning Services Staff when buildings are being sold. Faye provided a recent example of a primary resource that is for sale which she has received 3-4 inquiries on. In these cases the inventory sheet has been provided to the prospective purchaser/real estate agent. It was suggested that the Committee members may be interested in knowing more about how questions are responded to and the information available to the planners when queries come in. There is much available electronically including the photos Karin and David have taken. Faye will provide a demonstration of the GIS system and data available at the June meeting providing that the agenda can accommodate it. There was general discussion on the potential public responses to notification that a property was being shifted from the inventory to the Register. It was determined that once the members had visited the designated owners (e.g. at the September meeting) there would be another discussion. Ron Hooper moved the meeting be adjourned. Next meeting: June 17, 2014, 7:00 p.m., at Clarington Municipal Offices 5|Page