HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-05-05 Minutes Draft minutes – Not yet approved by Committee NOTES OF MEETING OF SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE HELD MONDAY MAY 5, 2014 7:00PM Present: (Voting) Michael Goleski Brian Reid (Chair) Karin Murphy Leo Blindenbach Melanie McArthur Jim Cleland Suzanne Land Bonnie Seto Regrets: Kate Potter Geoff James Councillor Corinna Traill 1.Agenda Additions Site Clean-up Acceptance of Agenda MOVED SECONDED : by Suzanne Land by Melanie McArthur THAT : the agenda for May 5, 2014 be accepted CARRIED 2. Minutes of April 8, 2014 Approval of Minutes MOVED:SECONDED by Leo Blindenbach by Mike Goleski THAT: the minutes of April 8th be approved. CARRIED SWNA May 2014 Minutes 2 3. Items/Updates OPG/Scouts planting project On May 3 at 9:00AM approximately 50 scouts, parents and scout leaders met at the SWNA to plant 450 bare root trees along the west side of Toronto Street. SWNA members Mike Goleski, Brian Reid and Leo Blindenbach also attended. OPG provided the trees for the project. The planting consisted of a combination of native deciduous and coniferous trees. The event was run very efficiently and all the trees were planted in a little over 1 hour. OPG would like to arrange a second phase in the spring of 2015 to continue the tree planting all the way to the CN rail line. The committee agreed a second phase in 2015 would be welcome. Tree Clearing on Trails The ice storm in December left many downed trees at the SWNA; some were blocking the trails. On April 16 a group of six Clarington Firefighters volunteered their time to help clear the trails at the SWNA of fallen trees. P. Windolf met on site with the fire fighters to show them the priority locations. The firefighters were able to cut and remove all of the trees blocking the trails however for safety reasons they did not attempt to remove tree limbs overhanging the trails. Operations have been notified that there are still several overhanging limbs to be removed. CN EcoConnexions grant program. On May 5 CN EcoConnexions e-mailed the municipality with news that the application for funding submitted on behalf of the SWNA committee was not approved. The SWNA application requested funding for a planting project along the south side of the CN rail line at Toronto Street. Over 200 applications were submitted but only 30 projects received funding. The committee agreed that the buffer planting along the rail line was worthwhile and could still be done though other volunteers. RBC Blue Water project On June 15 RBC will have a group of volunteers available to plant 50 bare root trees at the SWNA. They will be directed to plant in the zone that was intended for the CN EcoConnexions project. P. Windolf will meet with the RBC representative on-site to review the location and tree species. Site Clean-up The committee agreed that it was time to do an overall litter pick-up at the SWNA. The ThursdayMay 15 litter pick-up has been scheduled for two consecutive days and Friday 16 at 9:00AM . Members who are able to attend should meet at the Toronto Street parking lot. Brian Reid will bring bags and gloves. The committee also requested 2 additional garbage containers for the SWNA: one for the Toronto Street entrance to the Waterfront Trail and the other at the Toronto Street parking lot. Brian Reid will continue to empty the cans when they become full. Operations will be advised of the request. SWNA May 2014 Minutes 3 SWNA Photo Contest The opening of the SWNA Focus on Photography Exhibition is scheduled for 7:00 PM th on May 15 at the Visual Arts Centre. Fifty-two photos were submitted for the 2014 contest in five categories. The committee reviewed the photos to determine three finalists and one winner in each category to be displayed at the exhibition. The winners will be announced at the opening on May 15. The photos will be placed on the municipal web site once the exhibit opens. 4. Motion to Adjourn MOVED: by Leo Blindenbach SECONDED by Melanie McArthur THAT: the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED Adjournment: 9:00 P.M. Tuesday June 10, 6:30 PM On-Site Next Meeting: Members are to meet at the Toronto Street entrance to the Waterfront Trail Notes prepared by: P. Windolf