HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-04-17 Minutes CLARINGTON SAFE COMMUNITIES ADVISORY COMMITTEE April 17, 2014, 3:00 P.M. MEETING ROOM 1A Present: Chris Newman, Firehouse Youth Centre, Chair Rolf Kluem, Durham Regional Police Services, Vice-Chair Len Creamer, Manager, Municipal Law Enforcement Mayor Adrian Foster Sheryl Greenham, John O'Toole's Office Maria Perrino, John Howard Society Marten Wind, Durham Regional Police Services Rev. John Wildeboer, Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church Also Present: Anne Greentree, Deputy Clerk 1. MINUTES Moved by L. Creamer, seconded by R. Kluem THAT the minutes of the meeting held on March 20, 2014 be approved. CARRIED 2. BUSINESS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MEETING (a) Upcoming Community Clean-up — Saturday April 26, 2014 Chris thanked members for soliciting volunteers for the upcoming event. To date, they are anticipating 96 volunteers with a possible 30 more from the youth centre. Chris also acknowledged Jen Cooke and her team for the posters for the Clean Up Crew event. He distributed posters to members who agreed to deliver them to local businesses in the downtown area. Chris stated that he is hoping that the media will cover the event. Chris confirmed that the necessary Health department arrangements are complete. The final planning action items were identified: • Chris is picking up garbage bags and gloves from the Operations Department and will have them on site • Last year's winners from Battle of the Bands are playing while the volunteers are eating lunch • Chris confirmed that Patti had advised that the Municipality is providing the bbq and Chris will follow up with Fire Services this week • Susan Hajnic has agreed to prepare volunteer certificates to be presented to those participating in the event. • The Mayor's Office staff will look after purchasing the food; including pop, water, hamburgers, hot dogs, buns, condiments, paper plates, napkins, and cookies. Clarington Safe - 2 - April 17, 2014 Communities Committee These expenses will be funded through the Mayor's budget and through Durham Regional Police Services. • It was agreed that it was best to have volunteers start at both ends of the valley. John committed to making the necessary arrangements to have some volunteers from his church start cleaning near the south end of the valley and then work their way back up through the valley, as far north to highway 2. • All garbage picked up from the valley will be carried to the parking lot located just on the south side of highway 2, as per the Operation's staff recommendation. Len agreed to contact Operations to confirm if the volunteers could leave the garbage bags part way up long the valley and the parking lot. Anne will then email the Committee to advise them of the appropriate staging area for the valley garbage. Garbage from the downtown will be staged in the parking lot on Church Street, near the water tower. • Poster distribution will be undertaken by Rehoboth volunteer group. • Registration will take place in front of the Municipal Administrative Centre. Chris will welcome the volunteers, provide brief instructions and then they will split into two crews — one for the downtown core and the second for the valley. John agreed that he and five volunteers will arrive by 8:00 AM to help with the registration. • Anne agreed to have Operations staff contact Chris to provide him the necessary details regarding access to power for their microphone system. • Chris will arrange with OPG to borrow 2 tents. He will work with Martin and John to arrange for pick-up of the tents. The Committee agreed that the event will proceed as planned unless there is sever weather, in which case, the event will be re-scheduled for May 10, 2014. b) Marketing/Events i) The Committee discussed options for acquiring A-Frame signs. It was concluded that Len could arrange for a few signs through the redeployment of existing resources. Len will ensure that the signs are painted plain white. ii) In response to the Mayor's suggestion, Anne will reach out to other advisory committees to encourage them to participate in the 2014 Maplefest event. The Mayor and Anne will discuss this matter further next week. c) Parachute Safe Communities Checklist Chris distributed a copy of"Parachute's — Designated Canadian Safe Communities Checklist. He suggested that the Committee take time to review the handout and discuss it at a future meeting. Chris and Martin will see if they can arrange to have Parachute attend a meeting to present further details. Clarington Safe - 3 - April 17, 2014 Communities Committee d) Discussion of subcommittee formation Chris and Martin provided a detailed verbal update on the concept of "Youth Leading Youth". They have reached out to several schools and agencies and are currently developing a structured program. The goal is to attract participation of the youth to inspire youth participate in our community. The concept will include a variety of projects, participation with various agencies, ensuring the youth efforts are well promoted and possibly incorporating friendly completion. Phase 1 of the program is a graffiti cleanup event in Courtice on Thursday, June 1St While the details have not yet been finalized, it is expected that they will plan for a central meeting point at approximately 3:00 pm. Chris and Martin will be looking after the event promotion. Len will provide contact information for the various businesses/agencies (ie Veridian, Post Office, Hydro One, etc.) and Chris will contact the agencies/businesses to ascertain the paint colour codes and will ask if the agency is willing to provide the paint. Mayor Foster advised that he will raise the matter at Veridian, as they may be interested in participating in the event. The Committee briefly discussed requirements of the box owners for maintenance standards. Rolf advised he met with Veridian, and during their meeting Veridan representatives appeared to be quite willing to clean up their boxes should it be brought to their attention that cleaning was required. Anne and Len agreed to undertake a record review to determine if there is a standard maintenance requirement. 3. NEW BUSINESS (a) Brainstorming around next event. i) RBC Blue Water Day - Chris reported that RBC approached him to see if the Safe Communities Committee is interested in participating in their Blue Water Project event. Launched in 2007, the RBC Blue Water Project is a 10-year global charitable commitment of$50 million to help provide access to drinkable, swimmable, fishable water, now and for future generations. Chris believes the 2014 Blue Water Day event will be held on June 14th, but will confirm. ii) Bullying - The topic of bullying has been raised by Councillor Partner as she was approached by a Clarington you who wanted to know what the Municipality of Clarington was doing about bullying. Maria advised that the John Howard Society is looking at developing a portable system to offer workshops regarding education for social media which may include a piece regarding bullying. The Committee briefly discussed the "Walk a Mile in Her Shoes" event which raises awareness to violence which is a form of bullying. All members were encouraged to participate. (b) DRPS Trending Report Clarington Safe - 4 - April 17, 2014 Communities Committee (b) DRPS Trending Report Inspector Kluem advised of the following: • Violent crime in Durham Region is down • Nationally, crime rates are trending downward, and Durham Region is even lower • DRPS is focussing on areas where policing resources are most needed • Their community patrol is focussing on youth, traffic, seatbelts, texting, and drinking • Proactively they are addressing safe driving through on-going monthly ride programs • Clarington had two fatal traffic accidents in 2013, one on a roadway in the Municipality and one at Mosport Race Track. Both were people on motorcycles. There were none involving passenger vehicles like cars, vans, or trucks. • They continue to focus on downtown areas and thus the community can expect to see a heightened police presence Len advised that there are on-going issues relating to the former elementary school located at 105 Queen Street in Bowmanville. Rolf confirmed that he will ensure there is an increase in attention during regular patrols in the area. Len advised that Municipal Law Enforcement Division will be pursuing a Property Standards Order. (c) Correspondence received form Avi Benlolo, President and CEO of Friends of Simon Weisenthal Centre for Holocaust Studies Mayor Foster briefly described the Tour for Humanity. Essentially it is a mobile human rights education center to teach students, educators, community leaders, and front-line professionals about topics of diversity, democracy, and Canadian civic rights and responsibilities. The Committee agreed that arrangements should be made to include the Tour for Humanity in Clarington's 2014 Family Safety Day Event. Anne agreed to follow up with the Safety Day Coordinating Team and the Friends of Simon Weisenthal Centre for Holocaust Studies to coordinate the necessary arrangements. 4. OTHER BUSINESS None 5. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting is scheduled to be held on May 15, 2014, in Meeting Room 1A . at 3:00 p.m. 6. ADJOURNMENT Moved by L. Creamer, seconded by R. Kluem THAT the meeting adjourn. CARRIED Clarington Safe - 5 - April 17, 2014 Communities Committee The meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m. �M7w it Anne r ntree, Deputy Clerk