HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-04-15 Minutes CLARINGTON HERITAGE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting April 15, 2014 MEMBERS PRESENT: David Reesor Tenzin Gyaltsan Angela Tibbles Councillor Hooper Karin Murphy Victor Suppan Bonnie Seto (7:45) Tracey Ali Joseph Earle REGRETS: Ruth Goff (Ex-officio), Kim Vaneyk (ex-officio), STAFF: Faye Langmaid Angela Tibbles welcomed all to the meeting. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST- None declared. ADOPTION OF AGENDA 14.11 Moved by Ron Hooper, seconded by Joseph Earle, THAT the agenda be adopted. “CARRIED” ADOPTION OF MINUTES 14.12 Moved by David Reesor, seconded by Tracey Ali THAT the minutes of the Meeting of March 18, 2014 be accepted. “CARRIED” Vic provided a presentation on the history of windows (glass making) and how the age of windows can be determined by various factors (number of panes, size etc.) Sketches of window types, shutters and fixtures were distributed. Vic was fascinated by the 20 pane window at 210 King Avenue as it is unusual and would have been made from the older windows in the original part of the house. 1 | Page BUSINESS ARISING 210 King Avenue West – The process that is required for an amendment is essentially the drafting of a new By-law under the 2005 Heritage Act and the subsequent repeal of the existing designation. This requires that the bylaw be written in a different format than previous by-law and the features noted as distinctive must relate back to the overall Statement of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest. Bert Duclos from the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport (our heritage consultant at the Ministry) has reviewed the draft and provided suggestions. The draft Schedule A was reviewed with the Thornes, who requested that the application be treated as a new application, with features included if it were a new application. Typically in new applications interior features are only listed if they are spectacular, related to the Statement of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest and if the owner wishes them to be included. In this case the owners do not wish to have the interior features included. Committee had a long and fulsome discussion on the process, the architectural features, the care, maintenance and work that Mr. and Mrs Thorne have put into their property. 14.13 Moved by Vic Suppan, seconded by Dave Reesor THAT the CHC have worked with the owners of 210 King Avenue West to recommend to Council a new designating by-law meeting the requirements of the 2005 Ontario Heritage Act as presented in Schedule A (attachment 1) and that Council also be requested to repeal By-law 95-30. “CARRIED” Camp 30- Jury Lands Foundation formation -The foundation is meeting this weekend to continue their work on setting out a vision for the Jury lands and also drafting the by- laws for incorporation as a non-profit, charitable organization. These by-laws must comply with Canada Revenue Agency regulations. Ontario Heritage Trust Awards –Nominations for 2014 are due September 30. Faye has approached Charles Taws about nominating Susan Laing, a long-term volunteer at the Museum. Bonnie provided a write up about Ron Allread which was shared with the group and will need some additional work. Faye distributed a handout on the criteria and who has been nominated in the past. Additional discussion on this item will be included on an agenda for future meetings. Provincial Plaque – As a follow-up on the suggestion of a provincial plaque for the Walbridge House, Faye contacted O.H.T to determine the cost of the plaque as the application form indicates that there has to be a contribution by the applicant. The cost of the provincial plaques is approximately $17,500 and O.H.T. requires at least $5,000 from the applicant. In addition the applicant is to assist with the ceremony and other in- 2 | Page kind works (such as installation). The permission of the owner is also required. No further action on this item will be taken at this time. Information Sheet “benefits” – Please provide comments on this sheet that is to be used when visiting designated property owner to Faye by April 30 and she will have them finalized. Designated Property Owners Outreach – the list of designated properties, addresses and owners was distributed to all. The list was reviewed and a member of the CHC assigned to each property to make a visit. The purpose of the visit is to thank the owner, inform them of the website, salvage opportunities, heritage incentive grants, and obtain their contact information if they wish to be contacted about the committees’ ongoing work and projects. Heritage Incentive Grant – Notice went out to all designated property owners about the Heritage Incentive Grant in the Heritage Week letter in early February, and a couple of applications have been received. Due date is this week. Committee members were asked to pass this on to any other potential applicants and encourage them to apply quickly. Faye will report on the recipients at the next meeting. 14.14 Moved by Karin Murphy, seconded by Tracey Ali THAT St. George’s Anglican Church, 250 Mill Street South, Newcastle proposal to change the protective covering of the tiffany stained glass window on the south end of the sanctuary under a Heritage Incentive Grant be approved as a minor alteration. “CARRIED” REPORTS from OTHER COMMITTEES (community improvement plans, etc) Bowmanville CIP – Next meeting is April 16, Councillor Hooper Newcastle CIP – Next meeting is May 15, Tenzin Gyaltsan Orono CIP – Meeting is March 19, Karin Murphy provided a report on the closing of Main Street for the culvert replacement. Next meeting is in October. th ACO, Clarington Branch – Getting ready for Doors Open on June 14. They will have a booth at Maplefest to promote the Doors Open event. The provincial organization has a new logo that is to be used by all the member agencies, this is what the local branch has been using anyway so does not affect their promotion. Newcastle Village and District Historical Society (NVDHS) – No update. NVDHS is meeting April 22 and will provide a replacement representative. Clarington Museums and Archives – The current display at the Museum with the historical photographs has been very well received. In addition there is a short video 3 | Page clip that is also worthwhile viewing. All are encouraged to visit the show. New member appointed Olinda Cassimiro. Heritage Week Working Group – The Working Group held their wrap-up meeting on March 20. Angela Tibbles report is attachment 2. Heritage Conservation District –There was damage (due to the ice storm) to the roof of a storage building located near the tennis courts. A temporary structure has been erected to hold the materials until it is decided what will be done with the roof. The Operations Dept. is working on a proposal for a new roof. CORRESPONDENCE and COUNCIL REFERRAL 2014 Ontario Heritage Conference – Cornwall on May 23-25, 2014. At this point no one has indicated an interest in attending. Any member who does attend and wishes to be reimbursed should bring their expenses request to the next meeting. PROJECT REPORTS Inventory Photos – Karin and David have been taking photos of the ice storm damage as it relates to designated buildings. – Barn ProjectMethodology was shared at the last meeting. Kim and Jane will be starting up visits again this next week. NEW BUSINESS 14.15 Moved by Tenzin Gyaltsan seconded by Karin Murphy THAT a gift card for $50 be purchased from Gather for Kristy Kilbourne as a thank you from the Committee for her work with the group over the past year and a half. “CARRIED” David Reesor moved the meeting be adjourned. Next meeting: May 20, 2014, 7:00 p.m., at Clarington Municipal Offices Attachments Attachment 1 –Schedule A for 210 King Avenue Attachment 2 – Heritage Week Wrap-up Report 4 | Page