HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-X 1980-07-02 Community Services Committee - R F P 0 R T TO: Councillor Maurice Prout Ft l`Tembers of Community Services Committee FROII: T. A. Fanning, R. D. M. R. Director, Denartment of Community Services DATE: .Jul-v ?, 1980 SUB.JECT: o rt I'i nic r - 1.owra n v i 1 1 c rt"cno r'i ;r 1 r rens The present ;core ­)oard at the Bowmai :ille Pteirorial Arena is out-d,,-, c( and ;, _, leave had requosts for a modern t vpe of Si>orts Timer. The present Sports Timer was donated to the Bowmanville Memorial Arena years ago by the local Royal Canadian Legion. A letter from the Director of Community Services was sent to the Legion regarding donating a new Sports Timer. The Director of Community Services notified by the Legion that funds were not available. for this project. The Director and Facilities Pianager, Iir. Fred Payne met separately with representatives of Pepsi-Cola of Canada and Uxbridge Beverages, r\�?ent i-or' Coca-Cola. They were risked to submit proposals on ;r Sports Tinter fur the Rowman� i I le "Iemori;rl Aron;i. Plc•;rse he ;rdvised th;rt carlicr this soar the Oirector of Connuurrity sorvice< �,as not in faxonr of' a ('ive ('0 "year contract re: Sports Timer supplied by a heverzige company. However, ;r{ier visiting other arenas and talkin(I to other Directors, 1 "ind that the beverage Corll)anys are involved with Sports Timers in most arenas. With this in mind and taking into consideration the attached proposals, the proposal by Uxbridge Beverages (Coca-Cola) seems to he financially better then Pepsi-Cola of Canada's proposal. Respectfully recommend that we except the proposal of Uxbridge Bcverage�; for a Sports 'Timer, covered by a five (S) year contract for sales o'' soft drinks. Uxbridge Beverages.Limited :.A6thonzed b�!"er of Coca-C oia Udder contact w4tn Cpca.Co a L td ,. '119'Fronklin Street-,Uxbrijge;Ontario LOC IKO 416-852-3377-Uxbr,dge 416-723-1141 -Oshawa A42 1 Shi t..� r tS f June 27., 1980 ' orpof a,ti o» of the Towne of Newcastle. 4 .. Teinperare St Bowmanvi T ve,,Ontari o Att: Bud Fanning or Fred Payne Dear Sirs: As requested'by you at our meeting on June 26, 1980. I am pleased to supply you with the following proposal re: Soft drinks at both Bowmanville Arena and Darlington Sports Centre. We will supply and erect I Rotomatic Sports Timer Model #MPH-2000-4PT-IA in the Bowmanville Arena at no cost to you. We will up=grade your existing equipment where and when necessary whether it be Post Mix, Pre Mix, or Can Vending on an on loan basis. Due to the fact that the above is a departure from our normal practice we would ask for a 5 year agreement between you and Uxbridge Beveranes for the exclusive rights for the sale of soft drinks at both locations. For the .equipment located at Bowmanville Arena which is owned by. you and should be up-graded at this time we are prepared to _offer you $500.00 cash which includes I Cornelius 800 premix unit and I Ideal 250 Can Vending machine. The cost of products to supply the above mentioned equipment is as follows- Premix - $9.50 plus $5.00 deposit per tank. Po,stmix - Coca-Cola and Ginger Ale - $2.4.00 plus $5.00 deposit per tank. Flavours - $22.00 plus $5.00 deposit per tank. CO2 Gas - @ No charge Cans - $5.95 per case in 100 case lots if possible. We also.will supply you with the necessary sales aids such as Menu Boards, Clocks, Signs etc. as we have in the past. 'In addition .we are prepared to participate in various promotional.,a.nd samplino proorams with you pereodic,illy. Hopinq.that thi,. lead,, to a haply business relot.ion.hip in the future as it has in the past. I remain. bhC Bgt Coca-Cola and Coke are registered trade marks which,dentity onlyAhe prgduct of Cosa-Cola Ltd. / i CC r r. o`Yd'Brin�n g Manager PEPSI , PEPSI-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY OF TORONTO/OSHAVVA _ 1100 BURN STREET,EAST,WHITBY,ONTARIO June 25th, 1980. Mr. Bud Fanning Township of Bowmanville Bowmanville, Ontario Dear Bud: With regards to our meeting on June 24th, 1980, this letter will serve to confirm our agreement that Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company of Oshawa being the exclusive supplier of Soft Drinks. to the Darlington & Bowmanville Arenas. The details of this agreement are as follows: EQUIPMENT * Postmix & Premix equipment will be supplied on loan * Can Vendors will be supplied on loan * Competitor's equipment will be picked up and repainted at no charge POS Menu boards and electric clocks will be supplied at no charge r SPORTS TIMER A Rotomatic Sports Timer, MFH 2000 4PT-lA will be supplied and installed in the arena at no charge. This Sports Timer is covered by a two yEar manufacturers warranty on replacement ` parts. Any additional service would be the responsibility of the Arena. SERVICE r �' Service will be supplied at no charge, also emergency weekend service will be provided. r_r BY 2 - PRODUCT/PRICING Postmix National. Accounts Pricinc3 Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Country 'rime Lemonade $ 24.00 plus $5.00 Deposit on Tanks Ginger Ale & Flavours $ 22.00 plus $5.00 Deposit on Tanks CO2 supplied at no charge $20.00 Deposit on Tanks w Premix All Pepsi and Flavours are $9.00 plus $5.oO Deposit on Tanks Cups and Lids * 7oz. Cups $35.00 * 7oz. Lid: * 9oz. Cups $39.00 * 9oz. Lid * 12oz. Cups $49.00 * 12oz. Lid: * 14oz. Cups $56.00 * 14oz. Lid:; *** 16oz. Cups $33.00 ** if>oz. Lid" * Prices quoted at 2,500 Units per case ** Prices quoted at 2,000 Units per case *** Prices quoted at 1,000 Units per case Cans Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Country Time Lemonade Cost Rebate wholesale Price 6.65 1.00 5.65 Flavours 5.95 1.00 4.95 Wholesale Pricing will be subject to change with thirty days written notice. - 3 - 3 - If you have any Llii c not hesitate to contact me_ I am anxiously looking forward to your reply_ Yours truly, 74y" L Reg Whitney AVD Manager Pepsi Cola Bottling Company of Oshawa 1100 Burns Street East Whitby, Ontario L1N 6M6 PC.-rd encls. iSY dORANDUM CF AGKEEMENT ntered into the (1ay of 19 E,E74EEN: AND: nerelnafter cal - l,:-d "the Ac,.,ount" ) (her einafter called "the Pepsi-cola Bottler) , WHEREAS the account owns and maintains a building at premises (hereinafter called "the Premises") known as and located at and controls therein, among other things, the sale and advertising of non-alcohlic Li -veraqes and MIEREAS, Pepsi-Cola Bottlz.r desires to hiv,-, Pepsi-cofa advertised aiid sold as the exclusive Cola in the premises; TriEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual agreements hereinafter contained, the parties h•.reto agree together as follows: 1. Pepsi-Cola agrees to have- erected at n,) charge :o the Account ard at a location of the Account' s choice on the premises, a Scoreboard (hereinafter called "the Board") as per specifications attached hereto. 2. The Board shall remain in the proper,­y of Pepsi-Cola Bottler and upon termination - of this agreement* for any reason, Pej is t-Cola Bottler shall have the riylit to x emove the Board and make further ust� of it a-,, it deem:-, fit. 3. The Account shall be responsible for tle supply of electricity to the Board and for the payment of all accounts for elecirlCity Used in its operation, for keeping the Board clean and for replacing all li(;hting elem(ants as the need arises_ 4. Pepsi-Cola Bottler shall have the richi to display on the Board advertising of h.LS choice for Pepsi-Cola, provided always that such advertising shall not occupy more than 1/3 of the area of the face of the Board. 5. The Account agrees that Pepsi-Cola shall be the only Cola bevera,je sold and advertised in the premises during the life of this agreement and that i-,; shall diligently promote tht sale of Pepsi- C( la at all times. 6- Pepsi-Cola Bottler agrees to provide arA maintain a regular delivery service of Pepsi-Cola to tl�o Acc(-)uii'1. in accurdai,:( with th, Account 's requiiements. I kn ic-A3 of 1-� year:: from the date her-of, aiid, This agreement sl,�all he valid for ,i at its; expirat for Pej­3i-Cola iiottlei - ha] I have the option to r,�new it on the same terms and conditic)vs for a furtf (-.x period ( f 5 years, provided suet, option is exercised by written notice to that effect thirty days prior to expiiation of the present contract. IN WITNESS WHEREC,F the I arties hereto r;avf• exect.ited this; agreeme,,it. FOR *.!'HE ACCOUNT. 1'OR PEPSI-COLA BOTTLI`'R: TITLE