HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-21-88 DN: 21-88 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # w Res. # ` r ' By-Law # MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Monday, February 15, 1988 REPORT #: PD-21-88 FILE #: 18T-87034 SUBECT: APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION APPROVAL - AKAL CONSTRUCTION LTD. PART LOTS 33 & 34, CONCESSION 2, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON FILE: 18T-87034 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-21-88 be received; and 2. THAT the Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle recommends approval of proposed draft plan of Subdivision 18T-87034 dated April 14, 1987 as revised in red, and attached hereto, subject to the conditions contained in Attachment No. 1 hereto; and 3. THAT the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment to the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law, as amended, be deferred pending execution of a Subdivision Agreement; and 4. THAT a copy of Report PD-21-88 be forwarded to the Region of Durham. V, BACKGROUND: On May 12, 1987, the Town of Newcastle was advised by the Region of Durham of an application for approval of a Plan of Subdivision submitted by Akal Construction Ltd. The subject application proposes the creation of two hundred and eighty-five (285) single family dwellings, one (1) 3.5 ha park parcel and 0.5 ha contribution . . .2 REPORT NO. : PD-21-88 PAGE 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- towards a future school. This development is proposed for a 29.76 ha parcel of land between Prestonvale Road and Townline Road and north of the proposed Bloor Street extension (see attached plan) . On May 12, 1987, the Town of Newcastle also received an application for an amendment to the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law, as amended. The proposed rezoning would be to allow the above-noted development, by removing the "Holding (H)" symbol on the "Holding - Urban Residential Type One ( (H)R1)" zone and rezoning the northwest corner from "Environmental Protection (EP)" zone to "Urban Residential Type One (Rl) " zone. The subject subdivision is only one of three (3) proposed by the applicant within the Courtice Area. The other two (2) subdivision applications are directly to the south of said proposal (18T-87041 and 18T-87042) . These applications, however, also require an Official Plan Amendment to extend the Courtice Urban boundaries to enable the proposed development to take place. A fourth subdivision application (under a different ownership) 18T-87040, immediately to the west of the subject site, is also being processed by Planning Staff. A Public Meeting regarding the above-mentioned rezoning was held Monday, June 29, 1987. The report to the General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting recommended referral back to Staff for further processing and a subsequent report upon receipt of all outstanding comments. Residents at the meeting spoke in opposition to the proposed development and as well, they requested the developer to construct all roads on his lands and that none of the streets be dead-ends. Staff note that letters objecting to the proposed development were filed by all the residents adjacent to said application and fronting on Prestonvale Road. Staff note that on October 16, 1987, a revised plan was submitted by the applicant. The revisions were dated September 19, 1987 and dealt with the northwest corner of the proposal affected by the "Environmental Protection (EP)" zone. The revision removed Lots 197 and 198 and re-aligned 194 to 196. .. .3 � 7Y / (� REPORT NO. : 9D-21-88 PAGE 3 _______________________________________________________________________________ These changes can be incorporated through red-line revision. COMMENT: Since June 29" 1987 meeting, Staff have further reviewed both applications. In accordance with departmental procedures, the applications have been oicooImted to obtain comments from other departments and agencies. Staff would note the following agencies/departments, in providing comments, offered no objections to the applications as submitted: - Newcastle Building Department - Ontario Hydro - Ministry of Agriculture and Food - Ministry of the Environment - 0VctbonbecIaod and Newcastle Board of Education The following agencies provided some comments or conditions to the development of the DcoDnaed subdivision. Newcastle Fire Department "Although the department had no objection to the application, they expressed serious 0000ezoa regarding the ability of this "part-time" Fire Department to maintain emecgeocl, services considering all of the development which is taking place throughout the municipality. This development will represent an increase population of 855 people." Newcastle iServices Department "Community Services Staff also had no objection in principle to the proposed Plan of aubidiviaou provided the following concerns or conditions were addressed: - increase access to proposed park via walkways; - provision of a Pack Site Master Plan, incorporating two softball diamonds and two 0000ec fields, hook-ups for water and sewer mains, an identification sign and fencing, and grading, sodding and vegetative planting." \ �= REPORT 00. : PD-21-88 P&Q8 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Town of Newcastle Public Works tmeot "Public Works Staff have no objections to the proposed development provided that the following issues or concerns are addressed either through design revisions or Subdivision Agreement: - that the developer provide easements, road wideoiuga and land dedications as required; - that the developer be responsible for necessary road reconstructions and alignments including, a traffic impact study for Dcemtouvale Road and contribution towards future upgrading; - that the necessary sight triangles and additional walkways be incorporated into the proposed plan; - that a site servicing report be prepared and that a groundwater monitoring program be carried out for a minimum of one year; and - that the developer reimburse Gatehouse Holdings for ovezaiziug of the detention pond." Central Lake i i on Authori "Conservation Authority have reviewed this proposal and had no objections to the proposed development as they considered the majority of the site suitable for development. However, concerns were expressed regarding areas abutting or within Imta 194 to 199. Authority Staff also wanted the following issues to be addressed prior to approval: - removal of Lots 197 & 198 and part of [mta 199, 194 and 196 for development purposes; - an approved Phased Grading and Erosion Control Plan indicating on-site containment of sedimentation." Ministry f Natural Resources "Ministry Staff have no objection to the principle of development on this site, however, 000cecua were expressed regarding the proposals proximity to Farewell Creek, and possibility of sedimentation from development activities. Therefore, Staff recommend that prior to any grading or onuotcuotiuu/ a site drainage and soil erosion control plan, acceptable to the Ministry, be developed and the owner agree to implement said plan." Peterborough-Victoria-Northumberland and Newcastle Roman Catholic Separate School Board "School Board Staff have no objection to the development of this proposed plan of subdivision. Planning Staff note that through verbal conversations between School Board officials and the Town's Planning Director, interest has been expressed in acquiring the ooboVl site proposed in the above-noted applications in conjunction with Subdivision Application 18T-87040.11 REPORT 00. : PD-21-88 PAGE 5 _______________________________________________________________________________ Regional Public Works "Regional Works Staff have no objection to the development of this proposed plan of subdivision provided the usual works conditions regarding financing and servicing addressed. Staff noted oouoecua regarding the timing of development and will require that development of Imta I-133, 136-154 and 238-285 be withheld until a commitment has been made by way of subdivision agreement on Plan I8T-87048 to extend the Darlington Boulevard Trunk Sewer." STAFF COMMENT: In reviewing the above-noted comments, Staff note, although commenting agencies provided no objection to the proposal, several of the comments identified issues and conditions to be addressed prior to receiving clearance from said department or agency. Staff also note that residents of the area did object to the proposal at a Public Meeting and by Letters of Objection to the Planning Department of the Town and the Region. Residents objecting to the proposed subdivision, appear to be primarily concerned with the location of the extension of Renwick Road. All of the objecting residents live adjacent to the subject site and have frontages on Pceatouvale Road. The above-noted road extension is not contained within the proposed Plan of Subdivision but rather, is illustrated as a DnoaibIe method of continuing this road and best utilizing laud, without disrupting existing development. The residents object to having a future road bisect their rear ` yards and would like to see it totally contained within the proposed subdivision along the eastern border. This would, in theory, enable them to sever future Iota from their present bnIdiugo as is presently obuwo' without the responsibility of constructing a road. in fact, this could not occur since severances must share in any road construction ouatm and must also aoomcd with the principles of good planning. In reviewing this objection, Staff do not believe that relocating the proposed Renwick Road extension to the applicants' site would be a practical alternative or good planning. This approach would result in the under utilization of laud that is designated for residential development and therefore, be Ieoo economical in terms of services to be provided. Regarding residents comments on the use of "dead-end" streets, Staff note that it is virtually impossible to develop multiple parcels of land, with various land owners, while maintaining a continuous road pattern, without the use of temporary "dead-end" streets. The subject DIao is a good example of this REPORT N0. ; PD-21-88 PAGE 6 _______________________________________________________________________________ technique, as ten (IO) temporary "dead-end" streets have been proposed in order to maintain the possibility of m nouti00000 transportation network for future subdivision developments. Planning Staff are satisfied that the Dcugnaed street pattern provides for the future development of abutting lands and therefore support same without modification. Comments received from the Town of Newcastle Community Services identified iaooeo which can be resolved through red-line revisions and Subdivision Agreement. Ministry of Natural Beoouccea'o concern regarding site drainage and oniI erosion were similar to issues expressed by the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. Both agencies have requested a site drainage and soil erosion plan be submitted prior to grading and construction. Town of Newcastle Public Works Staff have also required a site servicing report be prepared to address the servicing needs of the development as well as the developer being required to initiate m groundwater monitoring program one (l) year prior to the start of any construction. In response to Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority's concern regarding the vEPn zone and lots proposed in or adjacent to it, Staff feel a further red-line revision to the applicant's revision is ueneoaozy, eliminating Imta 197 to 199 and re-aligning Lots 194 to 196 to have frontage on the proposed east/west road. Regional Public Works Staff comments regarding servicing of the subject lands brings to mind questions of timing and phasing for the proposed development. Although, the necessary sewage pumping station is available to the northern part of the proposed plan via the WbiteoIiffe Subdivision (18T-84039) , an easement over the future Huntington Drive between the two plans I8T-84029 and 18T-87034 (the subject plan) would have to be acquired. Servicing to the southern portion of the subject pIou is conditional upon extension of the Darlington Boulevard trunk sewer presently terminating at Qleoabbay Road. An extension of this trunk however, depends on approval of the proposed plan of subdivision adjacent to the west (18T-87040) . Municipal water supply is available to the proposed lands. REPORT 00. : PD-21-88 PAGE 7 _______________________________________________________________________________ Planning Staff are in oouoocreuoe with Public Works' concern regarding traffic generated from this development and its impact on PraoLoovaIe Road and any future reconstruction required. Staff agree this impact should be mooeaaed and the developer be responsible for the appropriate share of the road upgrading costs. The Council is avmxce of the comments of the Fire Chief and have referred Report FD-30-87 in respect of Courtice fire protection, presented to the General Purpose and Administration Committee Meeting of December 21, 1987v to the 88 Budget discussions. We note that the recommendations contained therein deal with the situation relative to existing conditions. At the General Purpose and Administration Meeting of January 18, 1988 the Committee further resolved to have a Joint Report prepared by Planning and Fire / Department Staff in order to further address this issue. In view of the actions by Council in respect of fire protection services and in consideration of the Official Plan designation, Staff are of the opinion said Plan of Subdivision 18T-87034 can proceed to draft approval. Staff are recommending draft approval of the proposed Subdivision and deferral of the Zoning By-law Amendment pending execution of a Subdivision Agreement. Staff note that without the necessary amendment to the Zoning By-law, implementation of the plan is prevented. ( Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee 40- ------------------- ----�------------------�7---- T.T. Edwards, M^C.I.P. Lawrence E. Kotoeff \/ Director of Planning Chief Administrative Officer TTD*L8* 'ip *Attach. February lO" 1988 CC: Mc. Mack McCann CC: Wilfred & Erika Bobcm c/o &kaI International Ltd. 2424 Pcaotoovale Road 330 Bay 8t. , Ste. 1202 B.R. #4 TORONTO, Ontario M5D 238 OSEDkWA, Ontario LIB 7K6 D.G. Biddle 6 &aonoiatea Peter & Marie 8aavyaege 90 King Street East 3362 PreotoovaIe Road O8BAWA, Ontario Ll8 1B6 R.R. #4 OSBAW&, Ontario REPORT NO. : PD-21-88 PAGE 8 -------------------------------.------------------------------------------------ CC: Gil & Helen Roussy Paul & Rita Ramlal 2370 Prestonvale Road 2406 Prestonvale Road R.R. #4 R.R. #4 OSHAWA, Ontario LlH 7K6 OSHAWA, Ontario LlH 7K6 Mr. John Russel DeCoe 2500 Prestonvale Road Martha J. Penfound R.R. #2 R.R. #4 BOWMANVILLE, Ontario LlC 3K3 Prestonvale Road OSHAWA, Ontario Mr. Dave Simon LlH 7K6 2418 Prestonvale Road R.R. #4 Robert & Lynda Todd OSHAWA, Ontario 2218 Prestonvale Road LlH 7K6 R.R. #2 BOWMANVILLE, Ontario Mr. William Hunter L1C 3K3 2446 Prestonvale Road R.R. #2 BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C 3K3 Gail and Gifford MacKenzie 2394 Prestonvale Road R.R. #4 OSHAWA, Ontario LlH 7K6 I •ti 1 • `•J � ������ t � 9 � �`i �f l 1\ • • N \\ _ _1 /,' �/ � Ry j off• � t� •,+�•1 t.t Ki a � 1 1 n � � � �C a f -q�-J! Ej lo � � �� / ,r /« •« a cc a •a n *c Lot 3010 ♦ \ .. 11 / \ r ta . A/ •1l •a to u i •c •+ a. ui \ h,1 i a 1 — Syr ' �� � � � 4 r. W � R G a.'G A U•R tp ATTACHMENT NO. 1 TO REPORT PD-21-88 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE CONDITIONS OF DRAFT APPROVAL SUBDIVISION APPLICATION 18T-87034 1. This approval shall apply to a draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-87034 prepared by Donevan and Fleischmann Company Limited, Ontario Land Surveyors identified as their file number 1-7221 dated April 24, 1987, which is revised in red as per the attached plan showing a maximum of 285 lots for single family dwellings, a school block, a park, and Open Space Block and Blocks reserved for future development. 2. The developer shall enter into a Subdivision Agreement with the Town of Newcastle in respect of the subject plan which shall include, in addition to the Town's Standard requirements, specific provisions with respect to the following Conditions 3 to 36, all inclusive. 3. That all works are completed in accordance with the Town of Newcastle's Design Criteria and Standard drawings. 4. That any easements required by the Town be granted free and clear of all encumbrances. 5. That a Master Park/School Site Plan for Block 308 be prepared, at the Developer's expense, to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Services and the appropriate School Board. 6. That Grading and sodding; fencing; vegetative planting; and water and sewer installation to the park block be undertaken to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Services and at the expense of the developer with any oversizing to be reimbursed through the Town's standard endeavour to collect agreement. 7. That a sign identifying the name of the park be erected at the developer's expense in a location approved by the Director of Community Services. 8. That the 0.3m reserves be dedicated to the Town as shown in red on the draft plan. 9. That the utility distribution on the internal streets (Hydro, Bell, Cable TV, etc.) be installed underground and that all secondary services for the proposed lots be underground. 10. That the developer dedicate a 1.25 metre road widening across the frontage of Prestonvale Road. 11. That the developer shall be responsible for reconstructing the complete intersection of Glenabbey Drive and Prestonvale Road to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. 12. That the alignment of the intersection between Glenabbey Drive and Prestonvale Road be revised to as close as possible to a 90 degree intersection. 13. That 3.0 metre walkways to the park block 308 be located between Lots 91 and 92 and Block 295 and 296. . . .2 Page 2 of ATTACHMENT NO. 1 TO REPORT PD-21-88 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE CONDITIONS OF DRAFT APPROVAL SUBDIVISION APPLICATION 18T-87034 14. That a 3.0 metre walkway be constructed between Lots 182 and 183 and 145 and 146 as revised in red. 15. That the necessary adjustments be made to the proposed lot frontages, in order to maintain 15 metres frontage while incorporating the above-noted walkways. 16. That prior to final approval, the developer's Engineer prepare a Site Servicing Report to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works that address the servicing needs of this development (i.e. storm drainage, preliminary road grades, etc.) . 17. That no Building Permits for Lots 27, 28, 29, 71, 121, 224, and 225 shall be available until such time that temporary turning circles are eliminated through extension of the urban road sections adjacent to same. 18. That the impact of the traffic onto Prestonvale Road generated from this development is assessed to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works, and an appropriate share of the future reconstruction of Prestonvale Road based on the above be contributed to the Town of Newcastle. 19. That the development of these lands are phased in a manner acceptable to the Town. 20. That the developers initiate a groundwater monitoring program recommended by a Hydrogeologist (ie. piezometer) and approved by the Director of Public Works which commences a minimum of one (1) year prior to the start of any construction. 21. That sight triangles (4.5m x 4.5m) be provided at all intersecting roads. 22. That the developer meet all the requirements of the Public Works Department, financial and otherwise. 23. All of the other standards requirements re: Lot Grading, Schedules of Work, Performances Guarantees, Cost Estimates, etc., shall be met by the developer. 24. That, in accordance with the Town's Subdivision Agreement with Gatehouse Holdings, the Town will endeavour to reimburse Gatehouse Holdings for the oversizing of the Gatehouse Detention Pond which accepts all upstream post development runoff. The drainage from Plan 18T-87034 lies upstream from this facility and accordingly, their share of the costs of the detention pond shall be reimbursed to Gatehouse Holdings. The actual costs will be determined at a later date through negotiation of the Subdivision Agreement. 25. That the developer meet all of the requirements of the Durham Regional Public Works Department. . . .3 Page 3 of ATTACHMENT NO. 1 TO REPORT PD-21-88 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE CONDITIONS OF DRAFT APPROVAL SUBDIVISION APPLICATION 18T-87034 26. Prior to any grading or construction on the site, the Owner shall prepare a site drainage and soil erosion control plan, which shall be acceptable to the Ministry of Natural Resources, C.L.O.C.A. , and the Town of Newcastle. This Plan will show all proposed surface drainage works and will describe the proposed means to minimize soil erosion and the direct discharge of stormwater into Farewell Creek, both during and after construction. 27. The draft plan shall be amended as indicated in red on the attached copy, effectively adding the rear third of Lot 194, the northwest half of Lot 196, all of Lots 197 and 198 and the southwest half of Lot 199 to Block 309 (open space) . 28. Block 309, expanded in accordance with Condition 1 above, shall be zoned to prohibit buildings or structures other than those required for erosion control. 29. Prior to the commencement of site preparation, including the rough grading of roads, the Owner shall obtain C.L.O.C.A. approval of a phased grading and erosion control plan which indicates area grading and provides for the on-site containment of sedimentation. 30. The Owner shall agree in the Subdivision Agreement to carry-out or cause to be carried-out in accordance with C.L.O.C.A. approval: a) grading, filling and sedimentation control; and b) the storm run-off control plan for the site. 31. That Lots 194, 195 and 196 be redesigned as revised in red. 32. That no building permits be issued until access routes meet Subsection of the Ontario Building Code and until watermains and hydrants are fully serviced. 33. That during construction, fire access routes be maintained according to Subsection of the Ontario Fire Code, storage of combustible waste be maintained as per Subsection and open burning as per Subsection of the Ontario Fire Code. 34. That a 20 metre right-of-way be established in the vicinity of Lot 131 as revised in red and the necessary adjustments made to lots affected by same. 35. That prior to the Town passing any implementing amendment to Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, the Town will be satisfied that an adequate level of Fire Protection Services will be available to the lands. 36. That Block 308 (3.15 ha) be dedicated to the Town for park purposes and that the developer be credited an over-dedication of 1.65 ha based upon a 5% dedication of 1.5 ha. Such over-dedication to be reimbursed through an appropriate endeavour to collect agreement.