HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-161 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 2003-161 Being a By-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Dagmar Construction Inc., Markham, Ontario, to enter into agreement for the Longworth Avenue Extension. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and seal with the Corporation Seal, a contract between, Dagmar Construction Inc. of Markham, Ontario, and said Corporation; and 2. THAT the contract attached hereto as Schedule "A" form part of this By-law. By-law read a third time and finally passed this MEMO TO: Marie P. Knight Stanley, Deputy Clerk FROM: Lou Ann Birkett, C.P.P., AM.C.T., Purchasing Manager DATE: Thursday, 13 November 2003 RE: CL2003-27 LONGWORTH AVENUE EXTENSION Please find enclosed one (1) fully executed contract document for the above noted agreement. Thank you, /~ Lou Ann Birkett LAB/km .~"-\~~. 9-003,-/0/ CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-4169 I I I I I I I, I I I ,I I I I I I I I I CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON LONGWORTH AVENUE EXTENSION CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 SEPTEMBER 2003 ~.~ architects planners d TSH No. 12-29273 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made in quintuplicate BETWEEN: DAGMAR CONSTRUCTION INC. of the Regional Municipality of York and Province of Ontario hereinafter called the "Contractor" THE PARTY OF THE FIRST PART -and- THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON hereinafter called the "Purchaser" THE PARTY OF THE SECOND PART WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, for and in consideration of the payment or payments specified in the tender for this work hereby agrees to furnish all necessary machinery, tools, equipment, supplies, labour, and other means of construction and, to the satisfaction of the Engineer, to do all the work as described hereafter, furnish all the materials except as herein otherwise specified, and to complete such works in strict accordance with the plans, specifications and tender therefore, all of which are to be read herewith and form part of this present agreement as fully and completely to all intents and purposes as though all the stipulations thereof have been embodied herein. Page I of 3 I I 'I I I I I i i I 'I I I I I I I I I I I DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK AND LIST OF DOCUMENTS CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27, LONGWORTH AVENUE EXTENSION ADDENDVM NO.1 - dated October 1, 2003 ADDENDUM NO.2 - dated October 6, 2003 ADDENDUM NO.3 - dated October 7,2003 A. TENDER FORM: General Pages1 and 2 Itemized Bid Pages 3 to 15 Bonds Schedule of Tender Data Page 17 B. TERMS AND CONDITIONS C. INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS Pages 1 to 5 D. SPECIAL PROVISIONS - GENERAL Pages 1 to 18 E. SPECIAL PROVISIONS - TENDER ITEMS Pages 1 to 33 F. STANDARDS G. PLANS: Drawings No. R1, R2, Road: 1 - 11 and P-201, P-202, Bridge: 1 - 9, WI - W6, L1 - L6, E1 H. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS: It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to obtain the applicable edition of the following Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications. OPSS No. Date OPSS No. Date OPSS No. Date OPSS No. Date 127 Current 353 Sept. 1996 511 Nov. 2001 603 Mar. 1993 128 Current 405 Feb. 1990 541 Mav 1988 902 Nov. 2002 201 Feb. 1996 407 Nov. 2001 552 Nov. 2002 903 Nov. 2002 206 Nov. 2000 408 Nov. 2001 559 Aug. 1994 904 Jan. 1995 212 Apr. 1999 410 Apr. 1999 570 Aug. 1990 905 May 1994 310 Nov. 2002 501 Feb. 1996 571 Nov. 2001 913 Nov. 2001 314 Dec. 1993 507 Nov. 2001 572 Nov.2oo1 914 Mar. 1998 351 Sept. 1996 510 Nov. 2002 577 Feb. 1996 922 Feb. 1993 I. GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION (Borehole Logs) J. GENERAL CONDITIONS: OPS General Conditions of Contract (September 1999) All plans and documents referred to in the Specifications. The Contractor further agrees that he will deliver the whole of the works completed in accordance with this agreement on or before October 31,2004. IN CONSIDERATION WHEREOF said party of the second part agrees to pay to the Contractor for all work done, the unit prices on the Tender. Page 2 of 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I This agreement shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators and assigns of the Contractor and on the heirs and successors of the Purchaser IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Contractor and the Purchaser have hereunto signed their names and set their seals on the day first above written. in the presence of ) ) ) ) Nov. t/2oo~ ) Date ) ) ) ) ) ) SIGNED and sealed by the Contractor Date SIGNED and sealed by the Purchaser in the presence of ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) q 4Ilt~ No-.). l3 :;::LaY3 John Mutton, Mayor , Date tJo.:, 13 ~\X.)3 . Date - -. // --.- ~ - ...... '-' P/29273/Specs/ Agree-Signing, doc Page 3 of 3 I :,.,.: ;0< I>~~i<' :'-.:....-...; .., I "1 "'1 .... ... ..:t .~:.,.I "I I I - ,: ,., " If I ;1, ?>;,\I. $:ri~! .. ... I CONTRACT NO. CUOO2-27 . l\QJNIClPALITYOF CLARlNGTON ~ Avenue Extension 'AJ}DEN.DUM,NO.l ~t()rs are hereby advised of the following clarificationslmodificatitmstojContra~t No.CL2002..21. I"I'BMIZED BID 1le entire Itemized Bid 8ectit)nof the Contract is reissued. TheCont1'aCtot sballntltetbat the major revisions bavebeen made to Part 'A' with minor revisioDs,mPart 'B'., P3rt 'D\ Part 'E' and Part 'F'. a~vethe Itemized Bid secdonJr~m the dOC1Jll1entS ;issued to you _replace"withd1elttac... bed. ...~.... .. .. ,. . . .. . . - .. - - .. /. . ... ., .. . . .....UCTIONS 'l'0 TENDE1lE8S .. ~.following clauses. are. added: 2(J~B.ction of Contract The Owner reserves the right to delete certain WOrksjr(}m the Contrl1Ct shpuldthelQWbid exceed the budget (.I1fIIJJIIU.. . Works which may be deleted include 411 Q$J1h4lt and sekctld 'items from.the ~ing part of the Ct'IlIttact. ZI,,~ofAwanl of Tender . ~orsare advised thatthelend#'wUI '" ~in two~: Worts' up to the lJudget(lfltDUlttbaml tmthelqw bid wiU #Je.,~ by CQundlonMondtly, ~r 20, 2003, . The balJmce of the works wiU IN!. consi4tJred/6T! aJiprowzll!Yllw ~(}J,.il at the earliest opportltnity, . . - . .. / '.$lWJw.. PROVISIONS.. ~ >'~,'1. General 1't1eClosing dateofFri4ay~OctOber 3, 2003ise~to Wednesday,Oc~r 8,2003. TheclosingfuBe, remains at 2:00:00 P.M.' / ~.... 3.Contraet Time8DAiLiguidatedDa..... StctiCin(3) of Clause 3 is amended in thatthe.aD1OUDtofliquidatedda~ shall ~increasedtO .$2,000.00. \fi)t~ .and every calendar d3y', delay. ~ "I"" .: .. :'.- ." ",', h - '" ' , ",Ii '1'.1 ;,"1 ' 'I" ' " , I ii' ~" . , ~,- . - . , fa" ::::;\.~ . - .. I I ,.,. ..'" , ;. .:. ..C. ....1' .. 'I "I .'.' ,1 :.1 ..tl' '\-~~::::': 1,..' " '~ET NO. CJ,.2002-27 ~ of ClariDgtoo v.....fIJ~.A.~..~ ',~~NO.l 20CS ~PROVlSI()NS'.'~ ITEMS '\ ,. ., tb.efollowing changesa~ maae tothe'SpeciaI Ptovisions - T~r Items: ,~";ili1arth Excavation (Grading) - ~ No.'AI8ildB3 .'..,iJJen.cbing o(s}ope east ofthe new bridgeinacc~ WithOPSJll_,OlO '.NQtb:.'ThataUasphalt must be removed from the si.-.to an approved dispO$allocation, Noasphalts~Ube ....:~inthee~. ...t;8arth Borrow ~ Items No. B4 (a) and B4(b) ~ieQlltactpersonsfol' St.Mary'sCement are: """ R~Y Almeida. (Operations).90S..(i23~3341 Ext.257 '> .' . '.' / ". .. .~~Goyette. (CommerciaI),90s-623-3341Ext.2~S. ....It . Item No. B4(b) ~tbe following sen.: 74i,rice atljf.tStmerztifapplicab~e wiU be negodilttrdwlth the QJ~r(Jnthe.uiutprice lor btJ"OW undertltis ..n ........1I.epia4;e SP ,_:PaIe.4 db tile foBowiDa: .~Sewers - Items No. A9--All. A3o-A33_B.13~B17 U11detthese Items'~fortheUl1it prices bid, the Concractor'slIaU. SQppJy.311'._wsincluding pipe of the /~ type, size .and class, other fittings, saIldmatO.rial for eoverand'~ run I_tone embedDlClltf$ , '_~pipe. BacldiUshallbe native material...ibaIl be the IIIIfedal of which the road e11loankmenti$. cOnstructed. eve SD28 will be used for catChbasiD leads, ~pipe fot ttUflkstom'1sewe,rs ,Ind' Boss 2000 ribbed pipe forstQm1 sewer outlets down tbeiemtilQ1kmeJlt slopes. . )~,.ic:l. pipe Type 3 soil.sbaUbe used for ClaasB bedding. BetMiltgtllaterial sballbe crusher l1Hf 1'" ..'sandoover and native backfill. . . I, ~..> . ""I"" ,;j\",. . - ,,,:"-' ii>; I 'I II :'1' , ' r<-' <. i'''1 k,'.',-.:.. ., I I, ~"I '"" , .';,. , \..- , ,I .'1 I I "'I " ""I' , " .1 <I c,> . .."1,,, ~)IZ ~~,:;:: (~g~4f~ _ CONTRACT NO. CU002-%7 MuDidppUtyofCIariDatoD '~AveJ)Ue Extension , ADDBNDUM NO.1 3 OfS Page$:keplace SPon Page S "the fol1o"~ Catchbasins, Twin Inlet Catchbasins and MainteDancel:loles - Items.No.,821-B23 DiteltInlet Maimel1ll11Ce Holes and Maintenap.ceHOles - Items No.A12-A19ad A34-A39 , -. ... .,.. . . . ... ;t\lle~hbasins, ditch inlets andmainteoallCe holes slJallbe fitted with $UIllp$'exCej)t ftlrs~res No. 7 and 1'1.Whichshall be benched. C8tchbasin framesaOO..andm~~~ft~ and cOVers shaU be ,.~ted.to the. level ofmiddlebinaer.courscupbalt in,urban,~sec_. WotkUl'lderltems No. A19a,nd A.37-A39 slullllnclude~ fulloWiJag: / L .' DIMIllO will be salvaged and rebuilt as DIMH3with additional section and salvaged top. 2. ',DIMH 11 will be salvaged and rebuilt as DIMH 1. with additionalseCdon and>a new top section and .' gratieg. as per the drawings. 3.PIMH.13 will be salvaged and ~lt asJ)1MH 2,'with~~n,and a new top -uonaDd '" ~tingas per the drawings Ma 12 will be salv~ged,and rebuilt as DIMa 13,,,,ithadditi~~aon and~new.toP.sectionand QOV'- as per the drawings. ShtlUld additionalsectitlnnot bet'equired, the C08tofdlis will be agreed withtheCoitract0r $').<fdeducted from tl)e unit price. See Drawing No.' P201 forstruetUre sizes. ' I~No.. A36 includes aUlabour,materw'aoo cqWpment to complete the work; including; 1. Naappedrops~ b3s been strUCturally ~by the ~(l.M.Se~(Dwg. CD-I01). /' " "Sl1opdrawings'mustbe submitted for review and flPProvat by .~...~. Tlie$ttUCtW'e shall meet the IIJqUirements of the review engineer. Thedtop is to fit on top of MJOOlum x 36OOmmmajD~ . section and to have 1200mm diameter top sectiODs. , 2. Safety grate for lower section to ~ loweredbychaincontrollcd'.\IPI*.satetygtateas shown on dmwmg. ' ...8# Delete the WO~: "including all maintenance nectSSfPYtokeep the metI$""~s fully operslive. · ~r~Sewer.Laterals - lteal No. A28 1Jle~tor shall note that two laterals aretolKt~tedtO "l'$andOlle~wil be connected by eodtIgto the existing sanitary sewer. ,Lateralssltall~. capped at dJe __lillean4~ witlu stake. I / ~I' v., ' ~~',:'':' . 1 "-< .. "I ", , , " I' , ~;r,___.... , 'I" , , :"~I :,1 I / ::,1,;1 ,'............ "- . I I ,'I <,I', '.'.'. .. I I ,"I ""1'" is_'_'::.::_ .. ~~'\; '. ,;,',~'I' .~~:> - - " <;~cr NO.ct.1OQ1.Z7 ~palityof Clarington ~ Aven", Extension ADD'-UM No. 1 4 of 5 Pqe'%l: . Field Closures: Ad4ltems No. 3.01.31 and 3.01.32. ~2$:.Drain Valve in Chamber ...ltem.No. 3.03'.25 .l\ddthefollowing: , . " - \ ' , :6 .Supply and place 150 mmdia. PVC SDR~~dr4ina$e pipeout1etto chamber, 17m long, miniNtUTfJlc,over 0/ 1.2 m outletting to the, swole at the toe of. slope. ' .7 ,SUpplymuJ instal~ono/ 150 mm resilients. gate valve complete with extension stem ~valve box on , "150 mm gr4vUy, outlet. pipe. ' ' ) A.<W:thefollowing SP to Landscaping Part,'B": flf:lI)~.~ Item No. E3(b) ,/ '11IeEco Berm refertedto'under'Item 3(b). Sp~cijicatWns regarding.&o Be'rmreferr~ tountier Items No. E3 andE4 s4al1 apply to It ern No. E 3(b) ~ l'1:Ccmcrete General ... Items No.C8 ... C15 "I't1e following olause is added: ~<..,.,. Ct1nereliltg / .~ t1Je Contractor elect to carry, out concme wt1rk on the bridgestrlletUre duri(lg, the winter, the ~r shall be responsible for all necessaryprovllions for such work i" accMtIt11tceWith OPSS904. ~er work will be permitted for constructitJTIll/pien and abutmetttStMtdpJqcingofgirden. No deckpquring ~ be carried out until 1M spring 0/2004. ' ....4N>DRAWlNGS ~d drawings No.OPSD208.010; OPSD3320. MTOD 2102.01 and S-449bave been added. CON'.rlU.CT NO. Cueo.z..27 ~tyC)fCl~, ~AvC$ue Extension AJ)J)ENllJJM NO.1 I 50fS PartA: Drawings No. P-201 and P..202 date sta1llpe(l Septemb<tt 1~. 2003 are rep~ by Drawings~~o. P20! and P-202 date stamPed SepteDlber Z9, 2003. " Construction detail drawing No. CD-IO,1 is attached, datestal'nped September 29, 2003. PaRD: Revised watermlin drawings WI - W6are'attached. ,eontractorsare asked to remov'ethe drawings'issued~With.the teJ1d.er.set and replace .them with the attached draWmgs. . . SPJtClA.J,.PRQVISIQNS'- TENJ)U ITEMS ..'~foJ.IoWing Item.No. changes shall be made: "6: ,~val of Curb and Gutter- Change Item No. A28to A22 Jlemoval, of Concrete Road Base -Change IteD'l..No. A29 to A23 ...9: 'lUp.,.Rap with Geotextile - Cbaogeltem No. A33to A44 ~e -Ciulnge Item No. 46 to B46 .~ must/ be submitted on the basis of these modifications. ~..iMJdeDdum shall remaiD(~ to 8DdfOlDl~of all teaclltni~~ .TSB P~'Architects Planners 513' Division Street . COBOlJaG, Ontario K9A 5G6 "~'I.2003 p:\11.29113\IP'CI\I~~ ( , 'I .,.t I I 1 :., ,..:- 1< I I' 1 ~;I , . ... -'-- " I I 'I ::<--. "'t' "" '\ .... ,,,I 't.".. '.1 "'1 ",'" -{~.,( ":~I }>:., .. CON1"R:ACTN().. CL28CQ-rI MlJNfCIPALITY/OF.CLARlNGTON ~GWORTH AVENUE EXTENSION ADDENDUM NO. Z ( (:~~rs are hereby advised 1)f the following modifications to ContrattNo. ,CL2003-27 ITDBSED BID '.S - Item No.Af9 , ' The work under this Item involves the supply IQJdplacingofa'~ Qllnsanitatypipeto~ NO..l6-S4 includ,' ing .removal and. reco. nstru.ction of bench ins.' ,and prov...is.. ionofby~. passpwnping. . fl, or main. tenance., . . .of . :... '. .. . .. .. . .... . . ... . ... . - , : . . ... : ... .. . . .. : '.. ... ... .. .. . flow as required. The price includes for b~g into the strll~which is Dotprov41ed with a knock out section. SftECIAL PROVISIONS - TENDER ITEMS Page 17 Concrete General- Items No. C8-ClS . Item No. ell - Concrete in Piers Change quantity of 2SO m3 to 150 nr \ IJItAWlNGS Coa1laCtOl'S' are advised that drawing sizesfor~. purpo&e$ :"reduced to .11 x .11 to facilitate reproduction. In the case of Drawings No. P"201_. p..2(}2 anden..l01(Sernas Dtawings)anci.bridge _wings No. 1-9 it meatlStbat the smalletsi8tiwiDgs areaot;tD'SC8le_~ and lengths should not be scaled from these drawings.' Whereverifications()fdiJnensioDsis~this should be done through the Consultants. .A;lti.~ mustbesubmiUed on the basis of "~ons. tWS.~~shall remain attaelled to and formpartofalltenders~. TSH SqiDeers Arcbitects Planners S43Division Street ~g. Ontario. K9A .506 ~i6T 2003 '~1992S.Add-2.doc I' Pb~,"'CT'" . 'UA. ny.,.....lhli'W " . ",,~1:~ '.' , l"U. ~., .~ALlTYOF~ !"';;I:"'~ y,-'....\ " <,';'-;-'.',\': . '--'-'- .'.. \ , :,~~. ,:,. ,~\:'-':,~ """" , ,', ". :/ :.,. "" '", ' -',..(i' _ ,. ,'-~ :;~(, ~., ."1' " ,,:' ':'. '~", . . - ., ';-":. --, - : ", - ~ -~.~<'.~ :::::.":- .:-,,}.~\ , ~<~, ' " - "t' " A.~-~ _ ,-' , ..~ ';r' , t~", ~_,.~-'.r:~ ..~.":..,.~ ''''I'' ' ':"~'-' .- - -' ,~,.' , " .. ,~ .- '. . _.j'.,; ." ' '- -- . j I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PROJECT: AUTHORITY: CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR: TENDERER: TENDERS RECEIVED BY: P/29273/Specs/19896signing TENDER FOR CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 LONGWORTH AVENUE EXTENSION CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON TOTTEN SIMS HUBICKI ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS, ARCHITECTS and PLANNERS 513 DNISION STREET COBOURG, ONTARIO. K9A 5G6 Telephone: 905-372-2121 Fax: 905-372-3621 DAGMAR CONSTRUCTION INC. Name 7350 Markham Road. P.O. Box 510 MARKHAM. Ontario. L3P 3Rl Address (include Postal Code) 905-294-7480 Telephone and Fax Numbers 905-294-8414 Dino D' Alessandro Name of Person Signing Director Position of Person Signing Mrs. Patti Barrie, Clerk Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street BOWMANVILLE, Ontario LIC 3A6 Page 1 of 17 pages I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TENDER CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 To: The Mayor and Members of Coun~il Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington Re: Contract No. CL2oo3-27 Longworth A venue Extension Dear Mayor and Members of Council: The Contractor has carefully examined the Plans, Provisions, Specifications and Conditions described herein as part of the work to be done under this Contract. The Contractor understands and accepts the said Plans, Provisions, Specifications and Conditions, and, for the prices set forth in this Tender, hereby offers to furnish all machinery, tools, apparatus and other means of construction, furnish all materials, except as otherwise specified in the Contract, and to complete the work in strict accordance with the said Plans, Provisions, Specifications and Conditions. The Contractor understands and accepts that the quantities shown are approximate only, and are subject to increase, decrease, or deletion entirely if found not to be required. Attached to this tender is a bid deposit in the amount specified in Clause 3 of the Instructions to Tenderers, made payable to the Authority. This cheque or bid bond shall constitute a deposit which shall be forfeited to the Authority if the successful Contractor fails to file with the Authority a 100% Performance Bond, and a 100% Labour and Material Payment Bond, satisfactory to the Authority within ten (10) calendar days from the date of receipt of Notice of Acceptance of the Tender. Notification of acceptance may be given and delivery of the form of Agreement made by prepaid post, addressed to the Contractor at the address contained in this Tender. Page 2 of 17 pages I ITEMIZED BID CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 I In accordance with the first paragraph of this Tender, the Contractor hereby offers to complete the work specified for Contract No. CL2003-27 for the following unit prices. I Spec. No. The numbers in this column refer to the applicable issue of the Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications SP Refers to Special Provisions I (P) Plan Quantity Payment Item I PART A: ROADWORKS, SCUGOG STREET TO STATION 9+835 Al 206 Earth Excavation (Grading) m3 4,863 6.76 32,873.88 I SP (P) A2 310 Hot Mix H.L.-4, Middle Binder t 240 50.50 12,120.00 I SP A3 310 Hot Mix, H.L.-8, Lower Binder t 300 47.00 14,100.00 SP I A4 314 Granular 'A' 1,080 15.40 16,632.00 SP A5 314 Granular 'B', Type 1 t 3,250 8.07 26,227.50 I SP A6 351 Concrete in Sidewalk m2 279 35.72 9,965.88 SP I A7 353 Concrete Curb and Gutter (all m 329 33.05 10,873.45 SP t es) A8 405 150 nun Perforated Corrugated m 329 13.02 4,283.58 I SP Plastic Subdrain with Geotextile A9 410 300 nun Dia. CP Storm Sewer, m 100 181.17 18,117.00 I SP Class 100-D, Including Excavation, Class 'B' Bedding and Native Backfill I A10 410 375 nun Dia. CP Storm Sewer, m 28 239.00 6,692.00 SP Class 100-D, Including Excavation, Class 'B' Bedding and Native I Backfill All 410 450 nun Dia. CP Storm Sewer, m 129 297.65 38,396.85 SP Class 50-D, Including Excavation, I Class 'B' Bedding and Native Backfill I A12 407 600 X 600 nun Precast Catchbasin ea 2 989.96 1,979.92 SP (OPSD-705.01O) I A13 407 Install 600 x 1200 nun Precast Twin ea 1 2,165.66 2,165.66 SP Inlet (OPSD 705.040) I I Page 3 of 17 pages I ITEMIZED BID CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 I In accordance with the first paragraph of this Tender, the Contractor hereby offers to complete the work specified for Contract No. CL2003-27 for the following unit prices. I Spec. No. The numbers in this column refer to the applicable issue of the Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications SP Refers to Special Provisions I (P) Plan Quantity Payment Item 0 I 600 X 1200 mm Twin Inlet ea 1,842.12 Catchbasin (Salvaged under Item I No. A21) A15 407 Supply and Construct Maintenance LS 2,586.81 2,586.81 SP Hole No.7 (OPSD 701.010) I A16 407 Supply and Construct Maintenance LS 2,951.33 2,951.33 SP Hole No. 17 (OPSD 701.010) I A17 407 Supply and Construct Maintenance LS 3,975.81 3,975.81 SP Hole No. 18 with Drop Structure I (OPSD 701.010) A18 407 Supply and Construct Maintenance LS 4,339.71 4,339.71 SP Hole No. 19 (OPSD 701.010) I A19 407 Install MH 13 Complete with new LS 6,110.36 6,110.36 SP Top and Grate and Additional I Section. (Salvaged MH No. 12) A20 510 Remove DIMH 12 and salvage to LS 1,099.21 1,099.21 I be used as MH 13. Remove top and lead and dispose of off-site. I A21 510 Remove and Salvage Twin Inlet LS 252.72 252.72 Catchbasin A22 510 Removal of Curb and Gutter m 45 3.05 137.25 I SP A23 510 Removal of Concrete Road Base m2 480 7.37 3,537.60 I SP and Asphalt A24 408 Adjust Maintenance Hole ea 1 322.24 322.24 I A25 408 Rebuild Maintenance Hole ea 1 1,093.90 1,093.90 A26 570,571 Topsoil and Nursery Sod m2 1,508 4.10 6,182.80 SP I A27 570,572 Terra Seed 2 1,018 2.95 3,003.10 m SP I A28 410 150 mm Dia. SDR 28 PVC m 50 120.21 6,010.50 SP Sanitary Sewer with Plug Including Excavation, Embedment and Native I Page 4 of 17 pages I ITEMIZED BID CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 I In accordance with the first paragraph of this Tender, the Contractor hereby offers to complete the work specified for Contract No. CL2oo3-27 for the following unit prices. I Spec. No. The numbers in this column refer to the applicable issue of the Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications SP Refers to Special Provisions I (P) Plan Quantity Payment Item I A29 410 200 mm Dia. SDR 35 PVC m 2,596.95 Sanitary Sewer Including Excavation, Embedment and Native I Backfill. I Sub-Total, Part A: Items No. 1-29 (Carried to Summary) $ 240,470.13 PART A: STORM SEWER OUTLET WORKS I A30 410 300 mm Dia. CP Storm Sewer, m 6 280.96 1,685.76 SP Class loo-D, Including Excavation, Class 'B' Bedding and Native I Backfill A31 410 1050 mm Dia. CP Storm Sewer, m 15 843.89 12,658.35 SP Class 50-D, Including Excavation, I Class 'B' Bedding and Native Backfill I A32 410 2250 mm Dia. CP Storm Sewer, m 151 1,849.48 279,271.48 SP Class 50-D, Including Excavation, Class 'B' Bedding and Native I Backfill A33 410 a) 2400 mm Dia. CP Storm Sewer, m 48 2,268.13 108,870.24 SP CLloo-D, including Excavation, I Class B Bedding and Native Backfill I b) 2400 mm Dia. CP Storm m 50 2,637.72 131,886.00 Sewer, CLI40-D, including Excavation, Class B Bedding and I Native Backfill c) 2400 mm Dia. CP Storm Sewer m 18 3,361.02 60,498.36 CL140-D, Radius Pipe, including I Excavation, Class 'B I Bedding and Native Backfill I A34 407 1200 mm Dia. Maintenance Hole LS 4,702.60 4,702.60 SP and Tee (MH No.3) (OPSD 707.010) I A35 407 Supply and Construct Maintenance LS 35,287.74 35,287.74 SP Hole No.4 (OPSD 701.015) I Page 5 of 17 pages I ITEMIZED BID CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 I In accordance with the first paragraph of this Tender, the Contractor hereby offers to complete the work specified for Contract No. CL2003-27 for the following unit prices. I Spec. No. The numbers in this column refer to the applicable issue of the Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications SP Refers to Special Provisions I (P) Plan Quantity Payment Item ! I A36 407 Supply and Construct Maintenance LS 157,634.57 157,634.57 SP Hole No.5 i (3600 mm x 3600 mm) I A37 407 Install DIMH 1 Complete with LS 8,839.75 8,839.75 SP New Top and Grate, and Additional I Section. (Salvaged MH No. 11) A38 407 Install DIMH 2 Complete with New LS 11,169.80 11,169.80 SP Top and Grate, and Additional I Section. (Salvaged MH No. 13) A39 407 Install DIMH 3 Complete with LS 2,906.09 2,906.09 SP Salvaged Top and Grate, and I Additional Section. (Salvaged MH No. 10) I A40 510 Remove DIMH 11 and salvage to LS 749.65 749.65 be used as DIMH 1. Remove Top and lead and dispose of off-site. I A41 510 Remove DIMH 13 and salvage to LS 749.65 749.65 be used as DIMH 2. Remove top I and lead and dispose of off-site. A42 510 Remove and Salvage DIMH 10 c/w LS 749.65 749.65 Top to be used as DIMH3. Dispose I of Lead off Site. A43 904 Construct Outlet Headwall with LS 17,706.41 17,706.41 Swing Gate (OPSD 804.04) I A44 511 Excavate, Place Rip Rap and LS 16,969.31 16,969.31 SP Geotextile for Storm Outfall and I Tie into Creek Sub-Total, Part A: Items No. 30-44 (Carried to Summary) $ 852,335.41 (A ward of this Section Deferred) I PART B: ROADWORKS, STATION 9+835 TO REGIONAL ROAD No. 57 Bl 201 Clearing and Grubbing ha 0.53 18,396.23 9,750.00 I SP B2 201 Close Cut Clearing ha 0.80 12,300.00 9,840.00 I B3 206 Earth Excavation (Grading) m3 7,840 5.10 39,984.00 SP P I Page 6 of 17 pages I ITEMIZED BID CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 I In accordance with the first paragraph of this Tender, the Contractor hereby offers to complete the work specified for Contract No. CL2003-27 for the following unit prices. I Spec. No. The numbers in this column refer to the applicable issue of the Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications SP Refers to Special Provisions (P) Plan Quantity Payment Item I I B19 421 450 mm Dia. Entrance Culvert, 1.6 m 14.5 84.04 1,218.58 mm Gauge, Plain Galvanized. I B20 421 600 mm Dia. Entrance Culvert, 1.6 m 20 105.69 2,113.80 mm Gauge, Plain Galvanized I B21 407 600 mm x 600 mm Precast ea 8 1,082.78 8,662.24 SP Catchbasin (OPSD-705.01O) B22 407 600 mm x 1450 mm Precast Twin ea 1 2,541.70 2,541.70 I SP Inlet Catchbasin (OPSD-705.01O) B23 407 1500 mm Dia. Precast Maintenance ea 1 3,156.42 3,156.42 I SP Holes (OPSD-701.01O) B24 501 Water for Compaction and Dust m3 900 3.69 3,321.00 I Suppression B25 506 Calcium Chloride Flake kg 7,000 0.76 5,320.00 I B26 510 Removal of Post and Wire Fence m 391 3.00 1,173.00 SP B27 510 Removal of Culverts and Sewers m 25 5.05 126.25 I SP B28 510 Removal of Steel Beam Guiderail m 96 5.00 480.00 I SP B29 552 Steel Beam Guiderail m 546 62.00 33,852.00 SP I B30 559 Guiderail End Treatment - Extruder ea 1 4,300.00 4,300.00 SP B31 541 Highway Fencing m 134 26.00 3,484.00 I SP B32 SP Garbage Removal and Disposal LS 80,000.00 80,000.00 I B33 SP Geoweb m2 1,248 28.54 35,617.92 B34 314 Crushed Limestone 650 23.10 15,015.00 SP I B35 577 Erosion Control Blanket m2 5,000 1.60 8,000.00 SP B36 577 Permanent Sediment Control Trap LS 5,343.74 5,343.74 I SP B37 577 Temporary Sediment Control Trap - LS 2,083.53 2,083.53 I SP Type A Page 8 of 17 pages I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ITEMIZED BID CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 In accordance with the first paragraph of this Tender, the Contractor hereby offers to complete the work specified for Contract No. CL2oo3-27 for the following unit prices. Spec. No. SP (P) The numbers in this column refer to the applicable issue of the Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications Refers to Special Provisions Plan Quantity Payment Item ~ ;i> ~L ~ n Ul1it .tiri;f}Pi\;r-o... B38 577 Heavy Duty Silt Fence m 450 21.35 9,607.50 SP B39 577 Light Duty Silt Fence m 300 8.17 2,451.00 SP B40 577 Rock Flow Check Flat Bottom ea 18 702.73 12,649.14 SP Ditch B41 577 Berms LS 3,910.02 3,910.02 SP B42 577 Chutes (with Sediment Traps) ea 10 1,639.24 16,392.40 SP B43 577 Maintenance of Erosion Control LS 10,000.00 10,000.00 SP Devices B44 511 Rip Rap with Geotextile, 200 mm m2 86 51. 54 4,432.44 SP Maximum Size. B45 511 Rip Rap with Geotextile, 400 mm m2 7 164.64 1,152.48 SP Maximum Size. B46 511 Provisional Item' m2 1 ,400 1.20 1,680.00 SP Geotextile B47 314 Provisional Item: t 200 21.23 4,246.00 19 mm Clear Stone B48 314 Provisional Item' t 200 15.92 3,184.00 50 mm Crushed Rock B49 552 Dead End Barricades ea 2 1,015.00 2,030.00 B50 VCWS 6xloo mm Rigid PVC Ducts, m 57 168.89 9,626.73 SP Concrete Encased B51 603 75 mm Rigid PVC Duct Direct m 76 31.20 2,371.20 Buried B52 603 50 mm Polyethylene Duct Direct m 500 15.40 7,700.00 Buried B53 603 Electrical Handwells ea 2 403.70 807.40 Sub-Total, Part B: (Carried to Summary) $ 1,218,246.90 PART C: BRIDGEWORKS Cl 902 Earth Excavation for Structure m3 214 34.46 7,374.44 SP Foundations C2 903 Steel Sheet Piles m2 420 80.36 33,751.20 SP Page 9 of 17 pages I ITEMIZED BID CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 I In accordance with the first paragraph of this Tender, the Contractor hereby offers to complete the work specified for Contract No. CL2oo3-27 for the following unit prices. I Spec. No. The numbers in this column refer to the applicable issue of the Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications SP Refers to Special Provisions I (P) Plan Quantity Payment Item Dillt I C3 902 Unwatering Structure Excavation LS 2,254.23 SP C4 314,501 Granular Fill under Abutments t 4,000 14.00 56,000.00 I 902,SP C5 903 Supply Equipment for Driving Piles LS 88,000.00 88,000.00 I C6 903 Steel 'H' Piles (HP 31OxllO) m 255 69.00 17,595.00 SP I C7 903 Driving Shoes ea 22 600.00 13,200.00 SP C8 904 Mass Concrete m3 20 283.21 5,664.20 I SP C9 904,905 Concrete in Structure Foundations m3 195 278.90 54,385.50 SP I ClO 904,905 Concrete in Abutments and LS 170,356.72 170,356.72 SP Win walls Cll 904,905 Concrete in Piers LS 139,597.42 139,597.42 I SP C12 904,905 Prestressed Concrete Girders (CPCI LS 438,213.14 438,213.14 SP 1400) I C13 904,905 Concrete in Deck, Sidewalk and LS 316,984.72 316,984.72 SF Dia hra IllS C14 904,905 Concrete in Parapet Walls LS 41,601.13 41,601.13 I SP C15 909,922 Concrete in Approach Slabs LS 23,120.02 23,120.02 I SP C16 405 150 mm Dia. Perforated CSP m 42 13.67 574.14 SP Subdrain I C17 405 150 mm Dia. Non-Perforated CSP m 40 13.73 549.20 SP Subdrain C18 314,501 Granular Backfill to Structure LS 29,679.89 29,679.89 I 902,SP C19 511 Rock Protection LS 63,287.74 63,287.74 SP I C20 913 Embedded Work in Structure - LS 4,655.90 4,655.90 SP Utili Ducts C21 913 Embedded Work in Structure - LS 2,139.90 2,139.90 I SP Electrical Ducts C22 914 Asphalt Membrane Waterproofing m2 1,048 15.00 15,720.00 I Page 10 of 17 pages I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I, I I I I ITEMIZED BID CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 In accordance with the first paragraph of this Tender, the Contractor hereby offers to complete the work specified for Contract No. CL2003-27 for the following unit prices. Spec. No. SP (P) The numbers in this column refer to the applicable issue of the Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications Refers to Special Provisions Plan Quantity Payment Item es Form and Fill Grooves Sub-Total, Part C: (Carried to Summary) $ 1,525,964.49 PART D: CPP AND PVC WATERMAINS 3.01 RMDSS Pipe (not including restoration) SP 3.01.02 150 mm Dia. PVC m 21.5 208.05 4,473.08 3.01.03 200 mm Dia. PVC m 28 217.85 6,099.80 3.01.06 400 mm Dia. CPP m 424 438.28 185,830.72 3.01.30 Field Closure at Station 9+680+/- LS 7,246.27 7,246.27 3.01.31 Field Closure at Station 9+725+/- LS 7,246.27 7,246.27 3.01.32 Field Closure at Station LS 9,902.45 9,902.45 9+996.5+/- 3.01.40 400 mm Dia. CPP installed in m 37 1,235.83 45,725.71 Existin Casin as er S-415 3.02 RMDSS Extra Over Item No. 3.01 SP 3.02.14 Stone for Extra Depth Bedding m3 50 53.07 2,653.50 (H. L. -8 Blend Clear Crushed Stone) 3.03 RMDSS Valves SP 3.03.02 150 mm Dia. Gate Valve and Box ea 1 657.99 657.99 as er S-408 3.03.03 200 mm Dia. Gate Valves and Box ea 2 920.01 1,840.02 as Per S-408 3.03.05 400 mm Dia. Butterfly Valve and ea 3 7,742.99 23,228.97 Box as er S-444 3.03.25 Drain Valve in Chamber as Per S- LS 11 ,856.76 11,856.76 413 Page 11 of 17 pages I ITEMIZED BID CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 I In accordance with the first paragraph of this Tender, the Contractor hereby offers to complete the work specified for Contract No. CL2003-27 for the following unit prices. I Spec. No. The numbers in this column refer to the applicable issue of the Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications SP Refers to Special Provisions (P) Plan Quantity Payment Item I I 3.04.01 New Hydrant with Storz Pumper ea 2 3,518.94 7,037.88 I Nozzle as er S-432 3.04.04 Salvage and Relocate Existing LS 2,319.56 2,319.56 I Hydrant as per S-432 3.05 RMDSS Services SP I 3.05.02 25 mm Main Stop ea 2 43.25 86.50 3.05.05 50 mm Main Stop 1 194.33 194.33 ea I 3.05.07 25 mm Curb Stop and Box ea 2 73.69 147.38 3.05.10 50 mm Curb Stop and Box ea 1 215.07 215.07 I 3.05.12 25 mm Dia. Copper Pipe m 43 74.35 3,197.05 3.05.15 50 mm Dia. Copper Pipe m 21.5 98.09 2,108.94 I 3.06 RMDSS Test Points SP I 3.06.01 19 mm Dia. Test Point as Per S-429 ea 1 624.06 624.06 3.07 RMDSS Blow Off I SP 3.07.01 19 mm Dia. Blow off as per S-406 ea 1 436.69 436.69 I 3.07.02 50 mm Dia. Blow off as per S-406 ea 3 600.45 1,801.35 I Sub-Total, Part D (carried to Summary) $ 324,930.34 I PART E: LANDSCAPING El 570,571 Topsoil (Imported) and Nursery m2 1,700 4.10 6,970.00 SP Sod I E2 570,572 Terra Seed m2 5,230 2.95 15,428.50 SP E3 570,572 a) EcoBlanket - Seed Mix 1 m2 12,141 3.95 47,956.95 I SP b) EcoBerm m 525 9.20 4,830.00 I Page 12 of 17 pages I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ITEMIZED BID CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 In accordance with the first paragraph of this Tender, the Contractor hereby offers to complete the work specified for Contract No. CL2003-27 for the following unit prices. Spec. No. SP (P) The numbers in this column refer to the applicable issue of the Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications Refers to Special Provisions Plan Quantity Payment Item 0) Sambucus canadensis, 60cm ea 50 28.00 1,400.00 (Elderberry) p) Thuja occidentalis, 150cm b.r. ea 23 48.00 1,104.00 (White Cedar, Field Grown) q) Viburnum lentago, 100cm ea 14 34.00 476.00 (Nannyberry) r) Viburnum trilobum, 80cm ea 19 32.00 608.00 (American Highbush Cranberry) Sub-Total, Part E: (Carried to Summary) $ 116,195.70 PART F: GENERAL ITEMS 8.01.01 SP Supply and Maintain Field Office LS 11,170.06 11,170.06 8.02.01 SP One Hundred Percent (100%) LS 24,107.14 24,107.14 Performance and Maintenance Guarantee Bond, Liability Insurance and Labour and Material Payment Bond 8.03.01 SP Mobilization and Demobilization LS 3,354.98 3,354.98 Sub-Total, Part F: (Carried to Summary) $ 38,632.18 Page 14 of 17 pages I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ITEMIZED BID CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 In accordance with the first paragraph of this Tender, the Contractor hereby offers to complete the work specified for Contract No. CL2003-27 for the following unit prices. Spec. No. SP (P) The numbers in this column refer to the applicable issue of the Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications Refers to Special Provisions Plan Quantity Payment Item SUMMARY: Total Part A: Roadworks, Scugog Street to Station 9+835 Items No. 1- 29 Total Part A: Storm Sewer Outlet Works Items No. 30-44 Total Part B: Roadworks, Station 9+835 to Regional Road No. 57 Total Part C: Bridgeworks Total Part D: CPP Watermain Total Part E: Landscaping Total Part F: General Items Total (excluding GST) GST (7% of Total) Tenderer's GST Registration No. R121964290 P:29273/Specs/19896-IB-Signing Page 15 of 17 pages $ 240,470.13 A ward Deferred $ 1,218,246.90 $ 1,525,964.49 $ 324,930.34 $ 116,195.70 $ 38,632.18 $ 3,464,439.74 242,510.78 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AGREEMENT TO BOND (to be comDleted bv Bondine: ComDanv) CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 Bond No. 83-0658-0059-03 WE, the Undersigned, HEREBY AGREE to become bound as Surety for DAGMAR CONSTRUCTION INC. in a Performance Bond totalling ONE HUNDRED PERCENT (100%) of the Total Tender amount, and a Labour and Material Payment Bond totalling ONE HUNDRED PERCENT (100%) of the Total Tender amount, and conforming to the Instruments of Contract attached hereto, for the full and due performance of the works shown or described herein, if the Tender for Contract No.CL2oo3-27 is accepted by the Authority. IT IS A CONDITION of this Agreement that if the above mentioned Tender is accepted, application for a Performance Bond and a Labour and Material Payment Bond must be made to the Undersigned within TEN (10) DAYS of Notice of Contract Award, otherwise the Agreement shall be null and void. DATED AT NORTH YORK this 1ST day of OCTOBER 2003 AVIV A INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA Name of Bonding Company PAUL MCINTYRE Signature of Authorized Person Signing for Bonding Company (BONDING COMPANY SEAL) ATTORNEY-IN-FACT Position (This Form shall be completed and attached to the Tender Submitted). Page 16 of 17 pages I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SCHEDULE OF TENDER DATA CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 The work specified in the Contract shall be performed in strict accordance with the following Schedule: A. TENDER FORM: General Pages 1 and 2 Itemized Bid Pages 3 to 15 Agreement to Bond Page 16 Schedule of Tender Data Page 17 B. TERMS AND CONDITIONS C. INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS Pages 1 to 5 D. SPECIAL PROVISIONS - GENERAL Pages 1 to 18 E. SPECIAL PROVISIONS - TENDER ITEMS Pages 1 to 33 F. STANDARDS G. PLANS: Drawings No. R1, R2, Road: 1 - 11 and P-201, P-202, Bridge: 1 - 9, WI - W6, L1 - L6, E1 H. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS: It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to obtain the applicable edition of the following Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications. OPSS No. Date OPSS No. Date OPSS No. Date OPSS No. Date 127 Current 353 Se t. 1996 511 Nov. 2001 603 Mar. 1993 128 Current 405 Feb. 1990 541 Ma 1988 902 Nov. 2002 201 Feb. 1996 407 Nov. 2001 552 Nov. 2002 903 Nov. 2002 206 Nov. 2000 408 Nov. 2001 559 Au . 1994 904 Jan. 1995 212 A r. 1999 410 A r. 1999 570 Au . 1990 905 Ma 1994 310 Nov. 2002 501 Feb. 1996 571 Nov. 2001 913 Nov. 2001 314 Dec. 1993 507 Nov. 2001 572 Nov.2oo1 914 Mar. 1998 351 Se t. 1996 510 Nov. 2002 577 Feb. 1996 922 Feb. 1993 I. GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION (Borehole Logs) J. GENERAL CONDITIONS: OPS General Conditions of Contract (September 1999) The Contractor, by this Tender, offers to complete the work of this Contract in strict accordance with the terms contained herein. The bidder certifies that it has met all of its obligations to comply with the Provincial Retail Sales Tax requirements, so that it is able to do business in Ontario. Yes X No SIGNATURE: By my/our signatur Specifications, for and we have fully r chedule of Tender Data, Plans and bearing date the 8th day of October. 2003 sted above. ' ' POSITION: DIRECTOR , "'. .- - "'- , (COMPANY SEAL) NAME OF FIRM: DAGMAR CONSTRUCTION INC. This is Page 17 of 17 Pages to be submitted as the Tender Submission for Contract No. CL2oo3-27. I I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PI29273/Specs/198976, ST &C ,doc CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS The Municipality of Clarington's "Standard Terms and Conditions" shall apply to this Contract except where noted below. . Clause 8 of the "Standard Terms and Conditions" shall be superceded by Clause 8 - "Payments" of the "Special Provisions - General" Section of the Contract. . Clause 15 of the "Standard Terms and Conditions" shall be superceded by Clause 2- "Guaranteed Maintenance" of the "Special Provisions - General" Section of the Contract. . Clause 16 of the "Standard Terms and Conditions" is not applicable to this Contract. . Clause 23 of the "Standard Terms and Conditions" shall be superceded by Clause 6.03.02 of the OPS General Conditions of Contract (September 1999) which requires a $5,000,000.00 liability coverage. . Clause 26 of the "Standard Terms and Conditions" shall be superceded by Clause 19- "Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)", the Municipalilty of Clarington's "Contractor Safety" Documents (5 pages) I \1 I I I I I I I, I I I I I I I I I I 1. STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS DEFINITIONS Municipality - The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, its successors and assigns. Bidder - The person, firm or corporation submitting a bid to the Municipality. Company _ The person, contractor, firm or corporation to whom the Municipality has awarded the contract, it successors and assigns. Contract _ The purchase order authorizing the company to perform the work, purchase order alterations, the document and addenda, the bid, and surety. Subcontractor - A person, firm or corporation having a contract with the company for, or any part of, the work. Document _ The document(s) issued by the Municipality in response to which bids are invited to perform the work in accordance with the specifications contained in the document. Bid - An offer by a Bidder in response to the document issued by the Municipality. Work _ All labour, materials, products, articles, fixtures, services, supplies, and acts required to be done, furnished or performed by the company, which are subject to the Contract. 2. SUBMISSION OF BID Bid invitation shall be in accordance with the Municipality of Clarington Purchasing By-law #94-129 and will apply for the calling, receiving, and opening of bids. The Municipality will be responsible for evaluating bids, awarding and administering the contract in accordance with the Purchasing By-law. The bid must be submitted on the form(s) and in the envelope supplied by the Municipality unless otherwise provided herein. The envelope must not be covered by any outside wrappings, Le. courier envelopes or other coverings. The bid must be signed by a designated signing officer of the Bidder. If a joint bid is submitted, it must be signed on behalf of each of the Bidders. The bid must be legible, written in ink, or typewritten. Any form of erasure, strikeout or over-writing must be initialled by the Bidder's authorized signing officer. The bid must not be restricted by a covering letter, a statement added, or by alterations to the document unless otherwise provided herein. Failure to return the document or invitation may result in the removal of the Bidder from the Municipality's bidder's list. A bid received after the closing date and time will not be considered and will be retumed, unopened. Should a dispute arise from the terms and conditions of any part of the contract, regarding meaning, intent or ambiguity, the decision of the Municipality shall be final. 3. CONTRACT The contract consists of the documents aforementioned. The contract and portions thereof take precedence in the order in which they are named above, notwithstanding the chronological order in which they are issued or executed. The intent of the contract is that the Company shall supply work which is fit and suitable for the Municipality's intended use and complete for a particular purpose. None of the conditions contained in the Bidder's standard or general conditions of sale shall be of any effect unless explicitly agreed to by the Municipality and specifically referred to in the purchase order. 4. CLARIFICATION OF THE DOCUMENT Any clarification of the document required by the Bidder prior to submission of its bid shall be requested through the Municipality's contact identified in the document. Any such clarification so given shall not in any way alter the document and in no case shall oral arrangements be considered. Every notice, advice or other communication pertaining thereto will be in the form of a written addendum. No officer, agent or employee of the Municipality is authorized to alter orally any portion of the document. 5. PROOF OF ABILITY The bidder may be required to show, in terms of experience and facilities, evidence of its ability, as well as that of any proposed subcontractor, to perform the work by the specified delivery date. 6. DELIVERY Unless otherwise stated, the work specified in the bid shall be delivered or completely performed by the Company as soon as possible and in any event within the period set out herein as the guaranteed period of delivery or completion after receipt of a purchase order therefor. A detailed delivery ticket or piece tally, showing the exact quantity of goods, materials, articles or equipment, shall accompany each delivery thereof. Receiving by a foreperson, storekeeper or other such receiver shall not bind the Municipality to accept the work covered thereby, or the particulars of the delivery ticket or piece tally therefor. Work shall be subject to further inspection and approval by the Municipality. The Company shall be responsible for arranging the work so that completion shall be as specified in the contract. Time shall be of the essence of the contract. 7. PRICING Prices shall be in Canadian Funds, quoted separately for each item stipulated, F.O.B. destination. Prices shall be firm for the duration of the contract. Prices bid must include all incidental costs and the Company shall be deemed to be satisfied as to the full requirements of the bid. No claims for extra work will be entertained and any additional work must be authorized in writing prior to commencement. Should the Company require more information or clarification on any point, it must be obtained prior to the submission of the bid. I II I 1 I , J I I I I I I ,I I - I I I I t I I I , I, I I I I I I I , i I I; I 8. Payment shall be full compensation for all costs related to the work, including operating and overhead costs to provide work to the satisfaction of the Municipality. All prices quoted shall include applicable customs duty, excise tax, freight, insurance, and all other charges of every kind attributable to the work. Goods and Services Tax and Provincial Sales Tax shall be extra and not shown, unless otherwise specified herein. If the Bidder intends to manufacture or fabricate any part of the work outside of Canada, it shall arrange its shipping procedures so that its agent or representative in Canada is the importer of record for customs purposes. Should any additional tax, duty or any variation in any tax or duty be imposed by the Government of Canada or the Province of Ontario become directly applicable to work specified in this document subsequent to its submission by the Bidder and before the delivery of the work covered thereby pursuant to a purchase order issued by the Municipality appropriate increase or decrease in the price of work shall be made to compensate for such changes as of the effective date thereof. TERMS OF PAYMENT Where required by the Construction lien Act appropriate monies may be held back until 60 days after the completion of the work. Payments made hereunder, including final payment shall not relieve the company from its obligations or liabilities under the contract. Acceptance by the company of the final payment shall constitute a waiver of claims by the company against the Municipality, except those previously made in writing in accordance with the contract and still unsettled. The Municipality shall have the right to withhold from any sum otherwise payable to the company such amount as may be sufficient to remedy any defect or deficiency in the work, pending correction of it. Payment may be made 30 days after delivery pursuant to the Bidder submitting an invoice, contract requirements being completed and work being deemed satisfactory. 9. PATENTS AND COPYRIGHTS The company shall, at its expense, defend all claims, actions or proceedings against the Municipality based on any allegations that the work or any part of the work constitutes an infringement of any patent, copyright or other proprietary right, and shall pay to the Municipality all costs, damages, charges and expenses, including its lawyers' fees on a solicitor and his own client basis occasioned to the Municipality by reason thereof. The company shall pay all royalties and patent license fees required for the work. If the work or any part thereof is in any action or proceeding held to constitute an infringement, the company shall forthwith either secure for the Municipality the right to continue using the work or shall at the company's expense, replace the infringing work with non-infringing work or modify it so that the work no longer infringes. 10. ALTERNATES Any opinion with regard to the use of a proposed alternate determined by the Municipality shall be final. Any bid proposing an alternate will not be considered unless otherwise specified herein. 16. 17. 11. EQUIVALENCY Any opinion determined by the Municipality with respect to equivalency shall be final. 12. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBCONTRACTING The company shall not assign or subcontract the contract or any portion thereof without the prior written consent of the Municipality. 13. FINANCING INFORMATION REQUIRED OF THE COMPANY The Municipality is entitled to request of the Company to fumish reasonable evidence that financial arrangements have been made to fulfill the Municipality's obligations under the Contract. 14. LAWS AND REGULATIONS The company shall comply with relevant Federal, Provincial and Municipal statutes, regulations and by-laws pertaining to the work and its performance. The company shall be responsible for ensuring similar compliance by suppliers and subcontractors. The contract shall be govemed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario. 15. CORRECTION OF DEFECTS If at any time prior to one year after the actual delivery date or completion of the work (or specified warranty/guarantee period if longer than one year) any part of the work becomes defective or is deficient or fails due to defect in design, material or workmanship, or otherwise fails to meet the requirements of the contract, the company, upon request, shall make good every such defect, deficiency or failure without cost to the Municipality. The company shall pay all transportation costs for work both ways between the company's factory or repair depot and the point of use. BID ACCEPTANCE The Municipality reserves the right to award by item, or part thereof, groups of items, or parts thereof, or all items of the bids and to award contracts to one or more bidders submitting identical bids as to price; to accept or reject any bids in whole or in part; to waive irregularities and omissions, if in so doing, the best interests of the Municipality will be served. No liability shall accrue to the Municipality for its decision in this regard. Bids shall be irrevocable for 90 days after the official closing time. The placing in the mail or delivery to the Bidder's shown address given in the bid of a notice of award to a bidder by the Municipality shall constitute notice of acceptance of contract by the Municipality to the extent described in the notice of award. DEFAULT BY COMPANY a. If the company: commits any act of bankruptcy; or if a receiver is appointed on account of its insolvency or in respect of any of its property; or if the company makes a general assignment for the benefit of its creditors; then, in any such case, the Municipality may, without notice: terminate the contract. I t I I I , I t j I I i J I J i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I b. If the company: fails to comply with any request, instruction or order of the Municipality; or fails to pay its accounts; or fails to comply with or persistently disregard statutes, regulations, by-laws or directives of relevant authorities relating to the work; or fails to prosecute the work with skill and diligence; or assigns or sublets the contract or any portion thereof without the Municipality's prior written consent; or refuses to correct defective work; or is otherwise in default in carrying out its part of any of the terms, conditions and obligations of the contract, then. in any such case, the Municipality may, upon expiration of ten days from the date of written notice to the company, terminate the contract. c. Any termination of the contract by the Municipality, as aforesaid, shall be without prejudice to any other rights or remedies the Municipality may have and without incurring any liability whatsoever in respect thereto. d. If the Municipality terminates the contract, it is entitled to: i) take possession of all work in progress, materials and construction equipment then at the project site (at no additional charge for the retention or use of the construction equipment), and finish the work by whatever means the Municipality may deem appropriate under the circumstances; ii) withhold any further payments to the company until the completion of the work and the expiry of all obligations under the Correction of Defects section; iii) recover from the company loss, damage and expense incurred by the Municipality by reason of the company's default (which may be deducted from any monies due or becoming due to the company, any balance to be paid by the company to the Municipality). 18. CONTRACT CANCELLATION The Municipality shall have the right, which may be exercised from time to time, to cancel any uncompleted or unperformed portion of the work or part thereof. In the event of such cancellation, the Municipality and the Company may negotiate a settlement. The Municipality shall not be liable to the Company for loss of anticipated profit on the cancelled portion or portions of the work. 19. QUANTITIES Unless otherwise specified herein, quantities are shown as approximate, are not guaranteed to be accurate, are furnished without any liability on behalf of the Municipality and shall be used as a basis for comparison only. Payment will be by the unit complete at the bid price on actual quantities deemed acceptable by the Municipality. 20. SAMPLES Upon request, samples must be submitted strictly in accordance with instructions. If samples are requested subsequent to opening of bids, they shall be delivered within three (3) working days following such request, unless additional time is granted. Samples must be submitted free of charge and will be returned at the bidder's expense, upon request, provided they have not been destroyed by tests, or are not required for comparison purposes. The acceptance of samples by the Municipality shall be at its sole discretion and any such acceptance shall in no way be construed to imply relief of the company from its obligations under the contract. Samples submitted must be accompanied by current Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) where applicable. 21. SURETY The successful tenderer shall, if the Municipality in its absolute discretion so desires, be required to satisfy surety requirements by providing a deposit in the form of a certified cheque, bank draft or money order or other form of surety, in an amount determined by the Municipality. This surety may be held by the Municipality until 60 days after the day on which all work covered by the contract has been completed and accepted. The surety may be returned before the 60 days have elapsed providing satisfactory evidence is provided that all liabilities incurred by the company in carrying out the work have expired or have been satisfied and that a Certificate of Clearance from the Workers' Compensation Board has been received. The company shall, if the Municipality in its absolute discretion so desires, be required to satisfy fidelity bonding requirements by providing such bonding in an amount and form determined by the Municipality. Failure to furnish required surety within two weeks from date of request thereof by the Municipality shall make the award of the Contract by the Municipality subject to withdrawal. 22. WORKPLACE SAFETY AND INSURANCE BOARD All of the Company's personnel must be covered by the insurance plan under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997. Upon request by the Municipality, an original Letter of Good Standing for the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board shall be provided prior to the commencement of Work indicating all payments by the Company to the Board have been made. Prior to final payment, a Certificate of Clearance must be issued indicating all payments by the Company to the Board in conjunction with the subject Contract have been made and that the Municipality will not be liable to the Board for future payments in connection with the Company's fulfilment of the contract. Further Certificates of Clearance or other types of certificates shall be provided upon request. 23. INSURANCE The company shall maintain and pay for Comprehensive General Liability insurance including premises and all operations. This insurance coverage shall be subject to limits of not less than $2,000,000.00 inclusive per occurrence for third party Bodily Injury and Property Damage or such other coverage or amount as may be requested. The policy shall include the Municipality as an additional insured in respect of all operations performed by or on behalf of the Company. A certified copy of such policy or certificate shall be provided to the respective participant prior to commencement of the work. Further certified copies shall be provided upon request. 24. LIABILITY The company agrees to defend, fully indemnify and save harmless the Municipality from all actions, suits, claims, demands, losses, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever for all damage or injury including death to any person and all damage to any property which may arise directly or indirectly by reason of a requirement of the contract, save and except for damage caused by the negligence of the Municipality or its employees. The Company agrees to defend, fully indemnify and save harmless the Municipality from any and all charges, fines, penalties and costs that may be incurred or paid by the Municipality if the Municipality or any of its employees shall be made a party to any charge under the Occupational Health and Safety Act in relation to any violation of the Act arising out of this contract. I I I t I I I 1 I' I I ,I , I I l I I I I I I I i I I , 'i 'I I, I I I I' I I I I 25. 26. VISITING THE SITE The Company shall carefully examine the site and existing building and services affecting the proper execution of the work, and obtain a clear and comprehensive knowledge of the existing conditions. No claim for extra payment will be allowed for work or difficulties encountered due to conditions of the site which were visible or reasonably inferable, prior to the date of submission of Tenders. Bidders shall accept sole responsibility for any error or neglect on their part in this respect. SAFETY The Company shall obey all Federal, Provincial and Municipal Laws, Act, Ordinances, Regulations, Orders-in-Council and By-laws, which could in any way pertain to the work outlined in the Contract or to the Employees of the Company. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Company shall satisfy all statutory requirements imposed by the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations made thereunder, on a contractor, a Constructor and/or Employer with respect to or arising out of the performance of the Company's obligations under this Contract. The Company shall be aware of and conform to all governing regulations including those established by the Municipality relating to employee health and safety. The Company shall keep employees and subcontractors informed of such regulations. The Company shall provide Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) to the Municipality for any supplied Hazardous Materials. 27. UNPAID ACCOUNTS The company shall indemnify the Municipality from all claims arising out of unpaid accounts relating to the work. The Municipality shall have the right at any time to require satisfactory evidence that the work in respect of which any payment has been made or is to be made by the Municipality is free and clear of liens, attachments, claims, demands, charges or other encumbrances. 28. SUSPENSION OF WORK The Municipality may, without invalidating the contract, suspend performance by the company from time to time of any part or all of the work for such reasonable period of time as the Municipality may determine. The resumption and completion of work atter the suspension shall be govemed by the schedule established by the Municipality. 29. CHANGES IN THE WORK The Municipality may, without invalidating the contract, direct the Company to make changes to the work. When a change causes an increase or decrease in the work, the contract price shall be increased or decreased by the application of unit prices to the quantum of such increase or decrease, or in the absence of applicable unit prices, by an amount to be agreed upon between the Municipality and the Company. All such changes shall be in writing and approved by the Municipality. 30. CONFLICT OF INTEREST No employee or member of Council of the Municipality shall sell goods or services to the Municipality in accordance with the Municipality of Clarington Policy or have a direct or indirect interest in a Company or own a Company which sells goods or services to the Municipality. I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I~ I' I I P/29273/Specsll 9898 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r I r ( r PAGE ONE INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 1. GENERAL SEALED Tenders plainly marked "Contract No. CL2003-27 " will be received until: 2:00:00, LOCAL TIME, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3,2003 and shall be addressed to: Mrs. Patti Barrie, Clerk Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street BOWMANVILLE, Ontario. LIC 3A6 2. BLANK FORM OF TENDER One copy of the Tender, on the forms provided, shall be submitted. All information requested shall be shown in the tender, in the space provided. 3. TENDER DEPOSITS All tenders shall be accompanied by a certified cheque or a bid bond in the minimum amount defined below, made payable to the Authority, as a guarantee for the execution of the Contract. $ 20,000.00 or less 20,000.01 to 50,000.00 50,000.01 to 100,000.00 100,000.01 to 250,000.00 250,000.01 to 500,000.00 500,000.01 to 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.01 to 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.01 and over $1,000.00 2,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 25,000.00 50,000.00 100,000.00 200,000.00 All deposits will be returned within ten days after the Tenders have been opened except those which the Authority elects to retain until the successful tenderer has executed the Contract Documents. The retained tender deposits will be returned when the successful Tenderer has fully complied with the conditions outlined in the Contract Documents. . SPECIAL PROVISIONS - GENERAL CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 (3) Liquidated Damages It is agreed by the parties to the contract that in case all the work called for under the contract is not completed by the date specified, or as extended in accordance with Section GC3.07 of the General Conditions, a loss or damage will be sustained by the Authority. Since it is and will be impracticable and extremely difficult to ascertain and determine the actual loss or damage which the Authority will suffer in the event of and by reason of such delay, the parties hereto agree that the Contractor will pay to the Authority the sum of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,000.00) as liquidated damages for each and every calendar day's delay in achieving completion of the work beyond the date prescribed. It is agreed that this amount is an estimate of the actual loss or damage to the Authority which will accrue during the period in excess of the prescribed date for completion. The Authority may deduct any amount under this paragraph from any moneys that may be due or payable to the Contractor on any account whatsoever. The liquidated damages payable under this paragraph are in addition to and without prejudice to any other remedy, action or other alternative that may be available to the Authority. 4. CONTRACTOR'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Authorized representative as referenced in GC7.01.09 is defined as an employee of the Contractor. 5. OPS GENERAL CONDITIONS Wherever in this Contract reference is made to the General Conditions, it shall be interpreted as meaning the OPS General Conditions of Contract, September 1999. 6. LAYOUT Section GC7.02, Layout, is hereby revised by the deletion of Parts 03),04),05), and 06), and by the addition of the following: The Contract Administrator shall lay out and establish the primary alignment and grade controls necessary for construction. The Contractor shall provide the Contract Administrator with sufficient advance notice of his requirements to permit appropriate scheduling of the layout work. The layout performed by the Contract Administrator shall be sufficient to permit construction of the work by the Contractor in compliance with the Contract Documents, but shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for the provision of qualified personnel and normal tools of the trade, as necessary for the transfer or setting of the secondary lines and grades from the primary controls provided. Tools of the trade are interpreted to include but not necessarily be limited to hand and line levels, boning rods, tape measures, lasers, etc. I 2. I I I I I I I I I I. I 1 I I I 1 l 1_ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL PROVISIONS - GENERAL CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 3. 7. RESTRICTIONS ON OPEN BURNING Open fires will not be permitted within the limits of this Contract. Brush and debris may as an alternative to burning, be disposed of outside the Contract Limits and in compliance with the requirements specified elsewhere for Management and Disposal of Excess Material. 8. PAYMENTS Except as herein provided, payments under this Contract will be made in accordance with Section GC8.02.03 of the General Conditions. Notwithstanding the provisions of the General Conditions respecting certification and payment, the Authority may withhold 2-1/2 percent of the total value of work performed beyond the expiration of 46 days from the date of publication of the Certificate of Substantial Performance, to enable the Contract Administrator to produce the final detailed statement of the value of all work done and material furnished under the Contract. As a condition of holdback reduction from 10% to 2-1/2%, the Contractor shall supply a Statutory Declaration as defined in GC8.02.03.07 03)(b) and advertise the Certificate of Substantial Performance per GC8.02.03.04(03). The Completion Payment Certificate to include statutory holdback release, will be issued within 120 days after the date for completion as specified under GC1.06. The date for interest due to late payment shall commence following 180 days after the date of completion of the work. As a condition of the final holdback payment, the Contractor shall provide the required Property Owner's Releases as specified elsewhere, as appropriate. The Contractor shall include in his price for the publication of the Certificate of Substantial Performance. Publication is mandatory whether Contractor requests Substantial Performance or not. The Contractor is advised that the Authority may withhold payment on Interim and Holdback Release Certificates up to 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of the executed Payment Certificates. 9. UTILITIES Sections GC2.01 and GC7 .1202) of the General Conditions are deleted in their entirety and are replaced by the following: The Contractor shall be responsible for the protection of all utilities at the job site during the time of construction. The Authority will be responsible for the relocation of utilities where required. However, no claims will be considered which are based on delays or inconvenience resulting from the relocation not being completed before the start of this Contract. SPECIAL PROVISIONS - GENERAL CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 8. Designated Identified on this Site Location Substance Acrylonitrile No Arsenic Yes Within dump area Asbestos No Benzene No Coke Oven Emissions No Ethylene Oxide No Isocynates No Lead Yes Within dump area Mercury Yes Within dump area Silica No Vinyl Chloride No It is the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that all sub-contractors performing work under this Contract have received a copy of this specification, where Designated Substances are identified as being present at the site of the work. The Contractor shall comply with the governing Ministry of Labour Regulations respecting protection of workers, removal, handling and disposition of the Designated Substances encountered on this Contract. Prior to commencement of this work, the Contractor shall provide written notification to the Ministry of the Environment at 7 Overlea Boulevard, Toronto, Ontario. M4H lAS, of the location(s) proposed for disposal of Designated Substances. A copy of the notification shall be provided to the Contract Administrator a minimum of two weeks in advance of work starting. In the event that the Ministry of the Environment has concerns with any proposed disposal location, further notification shall be provided until the Ministry of the Environment's concerns have been addressed. All costs associated with the removal and disposition of Designated Substances herein identified, shall be deemed to be included in the appropriate tender items. Should a Designated Substance not herein identified be encountered in the work, then management of such substance shall be treated as Extra Work. The requirements of Section GC4.03 of the General Conditions of the Contract shall apply. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL PROVISIONS - GENERAL CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 9. 19. WORKPLACE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INFORMATION SYSTEM (WHMIS) Reporting Section GC4.03.06 is deleted and replaced with the following: Prior to the commencement of work the Contractor shall provide, to the Contract Administrator, a list of those products controlled under WHMIS which he expects to use on this Contract. Related Material Safety Data Sheets shall accompany the submission. All containers used in the application of products controlled under WHMIS shall be labelled. The Contractor shall notify the Contract Administrator of changes to the list in writing and provide the relevant Material Safety Data Sheets. 20. SPILLS REPORTING Spills or discharges of pollutants or contaminants under the control of the Contractor, and spills or discharges of pollutants or contaminants that are a result of the Contractor 1 s operations that cause or are likely to cause adverse effects shall forthwith be reported to the Contract Administrator. Such spills or discharges and their adverse effects shall be as defined in the Environmental Protection Act R.S.O. 1980. All spills or discharges of liquid, other than accumulated rain water, from luminaires, internally illuminated signs, lamps, and liquid type transformers under the control of the Contractor, and all spills or discharges from this equipment that are a result of the Contractor's operations shall, unless otherwise indicated in the Contract, be assumed to contain PCB's and shall forthwith be reported to the Contract Administrator. This reporting will not relieve the Contractor of his legislated responsibilities regarding such spills or discharges. 21. PROTECTION OF WATER QUALITY At all times, the Contractor shall maintain existing stream flows and shall control all construction work so as not to allow sediment or other deleterious materials to enter streams. No waste or surplus organic material including topsoil is to be stored or disposed of within 30 metres of any watercourses. Run-off from excavation piles will not be permitted to drain directly into watercourses but shall be diffused onto vegetative areas a minimum of 30 metres from the watercourse. Where this measure is not sufficient or feasible to control sediment entering the watercourses, sedimentation traps or geotextile coverage will be required. If dewatering is required, the water shall be pumped into a sedimentation pond or diffused onto vegetated areas a minimum of 30 metres from the watercourses and not pumped directly into the watercourses, SPECIAL PROVISIONS - GENERAL CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 10. No machinery shall enter the creek bed of any watercourse. Movement of construction equipment in the vicinity of any creeks shall be limited to the minimum required for construction. The Contractor shall not carry out equipment maintenance or refuelling or store fuel containers within 100 metres of any watercourse. The Contractor shall not stockpile construction debris or empty fuel/pesticide containers within the Contract limits. 22. TRAFFIC AND STREET SIGNS The Contractor will be responsible for the removal and salvage of existing traffic and street signs, and their delivery to the Authority's Works Department Yard, for re-erection by the Authority f9llowing completion of the work. Scheduling for sign removal shall be as approved in advance by the Contract Administrator. Regulatory signs such as "Stop" and "Yield" must be maintained throughout. 23. GARBAGE COLLECTION The Contractor will be responsible for ensuring that garbage collection, including recyclables, is maintained and when necessary, the Contractor shall make arrangements directly with the collecting agency, to permit and coordinate pick-up. 24. ASPHALT MIX DESIGNS The Contractor shall be responsible for the provision of current mix designs for all hot mix asphalt required for the work, or for having the necessary mix designs prepared by a certified laboratory. The mix designs proposed for use by the Contractor shall be submitted in writing to the Contract Administrator for his approval and no work shall commence until the design mixes are approved. All costs associated with the provision of approved mix designs shall be borne by the Contractor. Steel slag and blast furnace slag coarse and fine aggregates shall not be used in any hot mix required by this Contract. 25. REVIEW OF SHOP/WORKING DRAWINGS For the portions of the work to be done under this Contract where detail drawings are to be supplied by the Contractor, six (6) copies of same, together with specifications. plus such additional copies as the Contractor and his subcontractors may require, shall be submitted to the Contract Administrator for review. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL PROVISIONS - GENERAL CONTRACTNO.CL200347 11. The Contractor or his Subcontractor shall check and initial all shop drawings before submission to the Contract Administrator so as to intercept and correct any major errors or omissions. Shop drawings will not be reviewed by the Contract Administrator unless they have been previously checked by the Contractor. The review by the Contract Administrator is for the sole purpose of ascertaining conformance with the general design concept. This review shall not mean that the Contract Administrator approves the detail design inherent in the shop drawings, responsibility for which shall remain with the Contractor submitting same, and such review shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for errors or omissions in the shop drawings or of his responsibility for meeting all requirements of the Contract Documents. The Contractor is responsible for dimensions to be confirmed and correlated at the job site, for information that pertains solely to fabrication processes or to techniques of construction and installation and for coordination of the work of all subtrades. Work which relates to the shop drawings shall not be carried out before the Contract Administrator's review of the shop drawings is complete. 26. AMENDMENT TO OPSS 1820 - CONCRETE PIPE Section 1820.02, References, of OPSS 1820 is deleted and replaced by the following: 1820.02 References This specification refers to the following standards, specifications, or publications: Ontario Provincial Standards Specifications (Material) CSA Standard A257-M1982 - Standards for Concrete Pipe Section 1820.07, Production, of OPSS 1820 is deleted and replaced by the following: 1820.07 Production 1820.07.01 General Production methods shall conform to the requirements ofCSA A257.1 and CSA A257.2. Pipe for use in sewers up to and including 900 nun designated internal diameter shall be pipe of the size and class required, and shall conform to the MOE Pre-qualification Requirements for Concrete Sewer Pipe Plants. The plant shall have a valid Pre-qualification Certificate at the time of production and delivery of the pipe. SPECIAL PROVISIONS - GENERAL CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 12. 1820.07.02 Marking Marking shall conform to the requirements of CSA Standard A257. 1 M or A257. 2M. Pipe conforming to the MaE Pre-qualification Requirements for Concrete Sewer Pipe Plants shall bear the letters "MaE". Jacking Pipe shall be marked with the words "Jacking Quality". 27. AMENDMENT TO OPSS 1301 - HYDRAULIC CEMENTING MATERIALS Section 1301.01 "Scope" of OPSS 1301 is deleted and replaced with the following: This specification covers the requirements for Portland cements, blended hydraulic cements and supplementary cementing materials together with the method of sampling, testing, delivery, handling and storage, prior to proportioning. The following types of cementing materials are covered by this specification: Portland Cements: Type ION ormal Intermediate Grind Type 20 Moderate Type 30 High Early - Strength Type 40 Low Heat of Hydration Type 50 Sulphate Resistant Blended Hydraulic Cements: Type lO-S Portland Blast Furnace Slag Cement Type 10-SM Slag-Modified Portland Cement Type 10- P Portland Pozzolan Cement Supplementary Cementing Materials: Slag Type G - Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag Section 1301.02 "References" of OPSS 1301 is amended by the deletion of the reference to CSA Standard" A363-M83 Cementitious Hydraulic Slag". Sub-Section 1301.05.01 "Physical and Chemical Requirements" of OPSS 1301 is amended by deleting the first paragraph and replacing it with the following: Except as modified herein, cementing materials shall conform to the physical and chemical requirements of CAN3-A5, CAN3-A362 or CAN-A23.5 depending on the cementing material type used. Ground granulated blast furnace slag shall also conform to the supplementary optional chemical and physical requirements of CAN3-A23.5 with the exception of the requirements for "Re-activity with Cement Alkalies", I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL PROVISIONS - GENERAL CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 13. 28. AMENDMENT TO OPSS 1350; MATERIALS AND PRODUCTS 1) Subsection 1350.04.01.01 is amended by the addition of the following: Strength Test Data The contractor shall produce the following information with regard to the mix design. The information shall consist of test data from a laboratory or field mixed batch of concrete, or a summary of test data from previous work using similar concrete mix proportions, as follows: (i) Laboratory or Field Mixed Batch of Concrete The test data shall include compressive strength tests consisting of at least one set of standard cylinders tested at 7 days, and 1 set of standard cylinders tested at 28 days. For mixes with cementitious hydraulic slag, the compressive strength tests shall also include one set of standard cylinders tested at 3 days. The air content, temperature and slump of the samples of concrete used to fabricate the test cylinders shall be stated. Note: The intent of the laboratory or field mixed batch of concrete is to indicate the ability of the proposed mix proportions to produce concrete of the required properties. (ii) Summary of Test Data The test data shall include at least ten consecutive 28 day strength tests from previous work. The data shall report individual strength tests and the average of all groups of three consecutive strength tests. The air content and slump of the samples of concrete used to fabricate the test cylinders shall be stated. The tests shall have been carried out within a period of two years prior to the award of the contract. 2) Subsection 1350.05.01.01 is amended by deleting paragraphs 3 through 5 and replacing them with the following: Portland Cement shall be used, however, up to 25 % of it may be replaced by a ground granulated blast furnace slag. lag shall not be used for lean concrete base. 3) Subsection 1350.05.01 is amended by the addition of the following: A certificate of compliance shall be provided at the time of submittal of the mixture design if the concrete aggregate proposed in the mix design is supplied from a source for which the Concrete Aggregate Sources List shows "approval by stockpile only". The compliance certificate shall indicate that the stockpiled aggregate at the ready-mix plant meets the requirements of OPSS 1001 and OPSS 1002 and any special requirements shown in the Remarks of the Aggregate Sources SPECIAL PROVISIONS - GENERAL CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 List.. Testing shall be conducted by any laboratory that participates in the Owner's Interlaboratory Correlation Program for testing of aggregates. Basis of Payment All costs for the above work shall be included in the contract price for the appropriate concrete I item(s). 29. DELIVERY OF TEST SAMPLES The Contractor shall include in his tender prices for the cost of delivery of concrete test cylinders and asphalt samples to a designated testing laboratory. For this contract the designated site for delivery of samples is TSH Cobourg. 30. PREPARATION AND POSTING OF REQUIREMENTS FOR WORK IN CONFINED SPACES Clause GC7.01.06 of the OPS General Conditions of Contract is amended by the addition of the following: Detailed written procedures addressing the confined space requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Ontario Regulations for Construction Projects, Ontario Regulation 213/91, shall be clearly posted at the project site and available to all personnel, including the Contractor's workers, Authority staff, Contract Administrator, and Ministry of Labour inspectors. The procedures must include the rescue procedures to be followed during a rescue or evacuation of all personnel from an unsafe condition or in the event of personal injury. The Contractor shall have personnel trained in rescue procedures readily available on site. 31. CONFINED SPACE ENTRY Without relieving the Contractor of his responsibilities under the Occupational Health and Safety Act the Contractor shall be responsible for the supply of personal protective equipment for the use of the Contract Administrator, in connection with confined space entry while the Contractor is operating on site. The following equipment shall be made available on request: . Mechanical Ventilation Equipment . Gloves . Gas Detector (C95-80) . Full body harness securely attached to a rope 14. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL PROVISIONS - GENERAL CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 15. . Rope . Gas mask or dust, mist or fume respirator (optional) . 30 minute self-contained breathing apparatus (need not be worn but, if required, be readily available to supply air for instant egress) . 7 minute Escape Pack . Explosion-proof temporary lighting . Adequate clothing to ensure protection against abrasions and contamination. In addition the Contractor shall provide a competent person who shall inspect all safety equipment prior to use to ensure that it is in good working order and appropriate for the task at hand. 32. ENTRY ONTO PRIVATE PROPERTY The Contractor shall not enter private property or property which is to be acquired to construct the works without the prior consent of the Contract Administrator. This requirement will be strictly enforced. 33. STORAGE AREAS Clause GC3.06.01 of the General Conditions of Contract is amended by the addition of the following: The use of the road right-of-way as a long term storage area is not allowed under this Contract. The storage of materials and movement of equipment will only be allowed for normally accepted construction practices. 34. GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE In addition to the requirements of GC6.03.02.01, the Region of Durham and Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority shall be named as additional insureds. 35. CONSTRUCTION LIEN ACT The Contractor shall give the Authority notice in writing, immediately, of all lien claims or potential lien claims coming to the knowledge of the Contractor or his agents. When a claim for lien is filed by a Subcontractor, labour or material supplier or equipment renter acting under the Contractor, and proceedings are commenced by the Authority to vacate the lien, the Contractor agrees and shall forthwith pay to the Authority, in addition to their reasonable legal fees therefore, all interest costs and expenses incurred by the Authority and an additional sum equal to ten percent (10%) of the sum found to be owing as liquidated damages, and such remedy shall be in addition to any other remedy available to the Authority under the Contract Documents. SPECIAL PROVISIONS - GENERAL CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 16. Where any lien claimant asks from the Authority the production for inspection of the Contract Documents or the state of the accounts between the Authority and the Contractor, the Contractor shall be liable for an administration fee of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) for each request made as compensation for the preparation of such accounting or for the preparation of the Contract, or both, as the case may be, and the Contractor acknowledges that such administrative fee shall be properly deductible, if the Authority should so choose, from monies otherwise payable to the Contractor under the terms of the Contract Documents. Where an application is brought to a judge of a competent jurisdiction to compel production of any particular document to a lien claimant, the Contractor further agrees to indemnify the Authority from reasonable legal fees incurred in appearing on such an application and in addition agrees to pay to the Authority its reasonable costs incurred in producing such documents to the extent that the same is made necessary under the disposition of the matter by such judge, and the Contractor further agrees that such reasonable costs and fees incurred by the Authority as stated herein may be properly deductible from monies otherwise payable to the Contractor under the terms of the Contract Documents. 36. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PLAN The Contractor's attention is drawn to the following environmental protection requirements, which will impact construction activities within or in close proximity to the Bowmanville Creek. These measures are in addition or complimentary to the works included for erosion and sediment control under other items in the Tender. · Sediment and erosion control items included in this contract shall be implemented prior to any other construction in the vicinity of the creek, in order to prevent any sediment from entering the watercourse (including soil from exposed banks) and to prevent any downstream transport of resuspended sediment. All disturbed areas shall be stabilized upon completion of works or attainment of final grades. · Temporary erosion and sedimentation works should be maintained until vegetation has been re-established to a sufficient degree so as to provide adequate protection to disturbed work areas. · All sediment traps, check dams and silt fence will be cleaned, as a minimum, when they are 50% filled. Maintenance of these devices is essential. Lack of co-operation on the part of the Contractor will be considered as a major violation to the Plan and the Contract and will result in a shut down of the project operations until maintenance is performed to the Engineer's satisfaction. · All disturbed areas shall be topsoiled (if necessary) and revegetated immediately after final grading is completed. · Construction procedures and handling/storage of toxic materials shall conform to Ontario Ministry of the Environment regulations. · Stockpile or spoil materials necessary for road construction and the construction of the proposed bridge shall be prevented from entering the creek. No grading or concrete pours I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL PROVISIONS - GENERAL CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 17. shall occur over or close to the water without adequate barrier measures in place beforehand. The Contractor shall advise the Engineer in advance of placement of any stockpiled material so that the Engineer can determine what protective measure, if any, are necessary. . In water work will only be permitted during the period from July 1 to September 15. During this period all work shall be confined to within 1.0 m of the design toe-of-slope imprint for the proposed embankment. This shall include the construction of any falsework required for the construction of the new structure. . All activities, including maintenance procedures, must be controlled to prevent the entry of petroleum product, silt, debris, rubble, concrete or other deleterious substances into the watercourse. Vehicular refuelling and maintenance, including the storage of fuel containers, must be conducted 30 m away from the watercourse banks. . Maintenance of all proposed vegetation, once established, will be a critical component of the contract during the guarantee period. All temporary erosion and sediment control structures constructed (except the dewatering trap) will remain in place during this period unless the Engineer requests their removal. Prior to the end of the guarantee period, if all vegetation has established successfully, these measures shall be removed (upon notification by the Engineer) as noted under their particular items in the Special Provisions - Tender Items. The dewatering trap is as shown under OPSD 219.240. Its use is associated with the pier and abutment constructed. . All dewatering discharges must be directed to the dewatering trap. Materials from the excavation of the trap shall be removed from the site or controlled as the Engineer directs. The Contractor shall be wholly responsible for the adequate design and maintenance of the dewatering system related to the construction of the bridge abutments and wingwalls (ie., pumps, sheeting, etc.) The design will be subject to the review and approval of the Engineer before any work on these bridge components proceeds. . Maintain continuous and uninterrupted flow downstream of the construction site. Extreme reduction in stream discharge and water level above and below the site must be avoided. . No machinery shall enter the creek bed of any watercourse. Movement of construction equipment in the vicinity of the creek shall be limited to the minimum required for construction. . All construction work in areas which in the Engineer's opinion may have adverse effects on the watercourse shall be monitored by a designated representative of the Contractor to ensure compliance with the Plan. . All clauses pertaining to the construction/placement of erosion and sediment controls in the Special Provisions-General and the Contract Items, will form an integral part of the project Environmental Protection Plan. SPECIAL PROVISIONS - GENERAL CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 37. PROPERTY OWNER'S RELEASE OF PRIVATELY OWNED LAND USED BY THE CONTRACTOR Upon completion of the Contract, the Contractor shall provide the Authority with two (2) copies of a form of release signed by each property owner, upon whose land he has entered for purposes associated with the Contractor's operations but not for the purpose of undertaking works stipulated in the Contract: Date ....................... To: Mr. A..S. Cannella, C.E.T. Director of Engineering Services Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street BOWMANVILLE, Ontario. LIA 3A6 Re: Contract No. CL2003-27 Dear Sir: I hereby certify that (Name of Contractor) have fulfilled the terms of our agreement and have left my property in a satisfactory condition. I have accepted their final payment and release (Name of Contractor) and the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington from further obligations. Yours very truly, Signature Property Owner's Name.......................... ..Lot..... .Concession.......... Municipality of ......... ............................... (Please complete above in printing) Final payment will not be released to the Contractor until all the applicable forms of release have been signed by the property owners and received by the Authority. 18. I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I I Ii I I I I SCHEDULE (C) CONTRACTOR SAFETY POLICY AND PROCEDURE Continued... HEALTH AND SAFETY PRACTICE FORM SCHEDULE "AU To Contractor(s): The Municipality of Clarington is committed to a healthy and safe working environment for all workers. To ensure the Municipal workplace is a healthy and safe working environment, contractors, constructors and subcontractors must have knowledge of and operate in compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and any other legislation pertaining to employee health and safety. In order to evaluate your company's health and safety experience, please provide the accidentlincident and/or Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) information noted below, where applicable. . The New Experimental Experience Rating (NEER) _ The WSIB experience rating system for non-construction rate groups ...... ................................. ~............................................. . The Council Amended Draft #7 (CAD-7) Rating . _ The WSIB experience rating system for construction rate groups ................................9.:....~. ~..2. .......................................... . Injury frequency performance for the last two years - This may be available from the contractor's trade association O. \ ,-' ............................. ..... ........................................ ................... . Has the contractor received any Ministry of Labour warnings or orders in the last two years? (If the answer is yes, please include th~\infraction). /VO. . Confirmation of Independent Operator Status - The WSIB independent operator number assigned: ""6- (Bidders to include the letter confirming this status and number from WSIB with their bid submission.) I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SCHEDULE (C) CONTRACTOR SAFETY POLICY AND PROCEDURE Continued... CONTRACTOR'S STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY As a contractor working for the Municipality of Clarington, l/we will comply with all procedures and requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Municipal safety policies, department and site specific policies and procedures and other applicable legislation or regulations. l/we will work safely with skill and care so as to prevent an accidental injury to ourselves, fellow employees and members of the public. 1. The contractor/successful tenderer certifies that it, its employees, its subcontractors and their employees, a) are aware of their respective duties and obligations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, as amended from time to time, and all Regulations thereunder (the "Act'); and b) have sufficient knowledge and training to perform all matters required pursuant to this contractltender safely and in compliance with the Act. 2. In the performance of all matters required pursuant to this contract/tender, the contractor/successful tenderer shall, a) act safely and comply in all respects to the Act, and b) ensure that its employees, it subcontractors and their employees act safely and complying all respects with the Act. 5. The contractor/successful tenderer shall rectify any unsafe act or practice and any non- compliance with the Act at its expense immediately upon being notified by any person of the existence of such act, practice or non-compliance. The contractor/successful tenderer shall permit representatives of the Municipality and the Health and Safety Committee on site at any time or times for the purpose of inspection to determine compliance with this contractor /tender. No act or omission by any representative of the Municipality shall be deemed to be an assumption of any of the duties or obligations of the contractor/successful tenderer or any of its subcontractors under the Act. 3. 4. 6. The contractor/successful tenderer shall indemnify and save harmless the Municipality, a) from any loss, inconvenience, damage or cost to the Municipality which may result from the contractor/successful tenderer or any of its employees, its subcontractors or their employees failing to act safely or to comply in all respects with the Act in the performance of any matters required pursuant to this contractltender; I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SCHEDULE (C) CONTRACTOR SAFETY POLICY AND PROCEDURE Continued... b) against any action or claim, and costs related thereto, brought against the Municipality by any person arising out of any unsafe act or practice or any non-compliance with the Act by the contractor/successful tenderer or any of its employees. its subcontractors or their employees in the performance of any matter required pursuant to this contractltender; and c) from any and all charges. fines, penalties, and costs that may be incurred or paid by the Municipality (or any of its council members or employees) shall be made a party to any charge under the Act in relation to any violation of the Act arising out of this contractltender. ~~::~~"~"'::::::::~:~~:~=:~::~I 2ro3 Signature of COntractor Date I SCHEDULE (C) I CONTRACTOR SAFETY I DATE & TIME OF INFRACTION: DESCRIPTION OF INFRACTION INCLUDING LOCATION: I I ORDER GIVEN BY MUNICIPALITY: , I I DID THE CONTRACTOR COMPLY WITH THIS ORDER? I . DATE & TIME OF COMPLIANCE: I ISSUED TO: CONTRACTOR'S EMPLOYEE" TITLE I ISSUED BY: MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEE, DEPARTMENT TITLE I I PART "C" - ADDITIONAL COMMENTS THIS SECTION IS TO BE USED INTERNALLY TO RECORD ADDITIONAL COMMENTS SUBSEQUENT TO ISSUING THE WARNING/STOP WORK ORDER, I.E. DATE AND TIME I WORK RESUMED, FURTHER ACTION TAKEN, ETC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SCHEDULE (C) CONTRACTOR SAFETY POLICY AND PROCEDURE Continued... Schedule "B" CONTRACTOR HEALTH AND SAFETY WARNING/STOP WORK ORDER The purpose of this form is to: (Issuer to check one of the following) Provide warning to the contractor to immediately discontinue the unsafe work practice described below Direct the contractor to immediately cease all work being performed under this contract due to the unsafe work practice described below. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THIS WARNING/STOP WORK ORDER SHALL CONSTITUTE A BREACH OF CONTRACT. PART "A" - DETAILS OF CONTRACT CONTRACT/P.O. # DESCRIPTION: NAME OF FIRM: PART "B" - DETAILS OF INFRACTION (TO BE COMPLETED BY ISSUER) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II II CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 SPECIAL PROVISIONS - TENDER ITEMS P/29273/Specs/19900-SP- TI . doc I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PAGE ONE SPECIAL PROVISIONS - TENDER ITEMS CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 PART A: ROADWORKS AND STORM OUTLET, SCUGOG STREET TO STATION 9+835 PART B: ROADWORKS, STATION 9+835 TO REGIONAL ROAD NO. 57 CLEARING AND GRUBBING AND CLOSE CUT CLEARING - ITEM NO. BI AND B2 Payment shall be made under this Item for the clearing and grubbing of all trees within the designated area, for disposal of debris off the site of the works at a location arranged for by the Contractor and for the removal and disposal of deleterious (organic) material within the clearing and grubbing area. Clearing and grubbing is specified for those areas where fill is less than 1.2 metres or for areas of cut. Close cut clearing shall be carried out elsewhere within the Contract Limits. EARTH EXCA V A TION (GRADING) - ITEMS NO. Al AND B3 Payment shall also be made under this Item for the following work: . Removal and disposal of asphalt from Jackman Road. Material shall be deposited in embankment. . Proof rolling of sub-base on Jackman Road and Longworth Avenue west of Scugog Street to limits of cut. . Disposal of unsuitable excavated material within the site at locations approved by the Contract Administrator. . Stockpiling of stripped topsoil within the site of the works at a location to be approved by the Contract Administrator. . Removal and disposal of asphalt of Old Scugog Road (abandoned) from right-of-way to right-of- way as detailed on drawing No. R2. Material shall be used in embankment. . Removal and disposal of asphalt sidewalk on Scugog Street. Material shall be used in embankment. . Sawcutting of asphalt as required. EARTH BORROW - ITEMS NO. B4(a) and B(4b) Under these Items and for the unit prices bid the Contractor shall carry out the following work: Item No. B4(a) . Excavate borrow material outside the right-of-way to the limits directed by the Contract Administrator, and deposit the material within the roadway embankment. SPECIAL PROVISIONS - TENDER ITEMS CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 The Contractor is cautioned that the use of this material is subject to favourable weather conditions and may only be used in the lower levels of the embankment. A copy of the Soils Consultants report on the testing of this material and its use is attached to this document. Item No. B4(b) · Supply, placing and compacting of borrow material in accordance with OPSS 212 from sources other than that of Item No. B4(a). The volume of material under this Item will be adjusted to reflect the quantity of material placed in the embankment under Item No. B4(a) and from excavated material in Item No. B3. A price adjustment if applicable will be negotiated with the Contractor on the unit price for borrow material under this Item. The Contractor shall note that the "Earth Excavation, Grading" quantity contains about 500 m3 of material unsuitable for embankment construction. Measurement for Payment . Item No. B4(a) shall be measured for payment by end area method at source. . Item No. B4(b) shall be measured for payment by end area method, in place. A possible source of borrow material is St. Mary's Cement. A contact name shall be supplied during the tender period. Each source of borrow material shall be checked for chemical inertness in addition to the parameters of OPSS 212. HOT MIX H.L.-4 AND H.L.-8 - ITEMS NO. A2 AND A3 AND B5 - B7 The Contractor shall supply all materials required for the proper execution of paving in accordance with OPSS 310. Asphalt shall be PGAC 58-28. The Marshall Stability for H.L.-4 surface course shall be a minimum 8,900 and for H.L.-4 binder and H.L.-8 lower binder courses, a minimum of 8,000. The unit prices under these Items shall include for the following: · Asphalt gutter outlets at Martin Road intersection. · Construction of step joints at tapers on Martin Road. · Restoration of asphalt on Scugog Street at new catchbasin locations. · Temporary ramp at limits of surface asphalt. Note: Full depth of asphalt (90 nun, two courses) will be placed on Longworth Avenue (Jackman Road) in this Contract to the limits shown on the drawings. No surface asphalt will be placed on the remainder of the roadway in this Contract. The east limit of surface paving is Station 9 + 507. 2. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL PROVISIONS - TENDER ITEMS CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 3. The following depths of asphalt shall apply: Longworth Avenue (Rural) (Formerly Jackman Road) 40 mm H.L. -4 Surface 50 mm H.L.-8 Binder Bridge Deck and Approaches 40 mm H.L.-4 Surface 50 mm H.L.-4 Middle Binder Longworth Avenue (Urban) 40 mm H. L. -4 Surface (by others) 40 mm H. L. -4 Middle Binder 50 mm H.L.-8 Lower Binder Tapers on Martin Road 40 mm H.L.-4 Surface 50 mm H.L.-8 Binder Access Road 50 mm H.L.-4 Surface The Contractor is advised that the depth of Granular 'B' (600 mm) proposed for the urban length of Longworth A venue may be adjusted by testing carried out on the completed subgrade. Favourable results may lead to a reduction in the subbase depth. GRANULAR' A' AND GRANULAR 'B', TYPE 1 - ITEMS NO. A4 AND AS, B8 AND B9 Payment shall also be made under these Items for the placing of Granular 'A' as foundation to sidewalk. The following construction standards shall apply: Longworth A venue (Rural) 150 mm Granular 'A' 350 mm Granular 'B', Type 1 Longworth Avenue (Urban) 150 mm Granular' A' 600 mm Granular 'B', Type 1 Tapers on Martin Road 150 mm Granular 'A' 450 mm Granular 'B', Type 1 Sidewalk Foundation 100 mm Granular' A' Access Road 150 mm Granular' A' 200 mm Granular 'B', Type 1 CONCRETE IN SIDEWALK - ITEM NO. A6 AND BIO Where new sidewalk abuts or connects to existing sidewalk, an expansion joint shall be constructed at these locations. Every joint shall be a contraction joint except where expansion joints are indicated. SPECIAL PROVISIONS - TENDER ITEMS CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 Section 351.07.01 ofOPS 351 is amended in that Granular 'A' for sidewalk foundation shall be paid for under the Item for Granular 'A'. The unit price bid shall also include for any excavation required to construct sidewalk on Scugog Street to match existing width. CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER (ALL TYPES) - ITEMS NO. A 7 AND Bll A 2 metre length of curb and gutter shall be omitted at each catch basin and catch basin/maintenance hole. Where sidewalk abuts curb, a 50 mm wide key shall be constructed at the back of the curb in accordance with the standard. The unit price bid shall include for sawcutting existing concrete curb at point of connecting to new curb. Subsection 353.07.06 of OPSS 353 is amended in that traverse jointing of curb and gutter shall be at a maximum spacing of 4.0 m. Sub-section 353.05.01 of OPS 353, September 1996 is amended by the addition of the following: The air content of concrete placed by extension methods shall not be less than 4.5% when tested in place in a plastic state. 150 mm DIAMETER PIPE SUBDRAINS - ITEMS NO. AS AND B12 The Contractor shall supply and place perforated corrugated polyethylene pipe complete with geotextile sock with 2 metres of non-perforated pipe at outlet locations complete with rodent grate. Backfill to subdrains shall be Granular 'B', Type 1 material supplied and placed under Item No. B9. STORM SEWERS - ITEMS NO. A9 - A14 AND B13 - B17 Under these Items and for the unit prices bid, the Contractor shall supply all materials including pipe of the required type, size and class, other fittings, sand material for cover and crusher run limestone embedment for flexible pipe. Backfill shall be native material which shall be the material of which the road embankment is constructed. PVC SDR28 will be used for catchbasin leads, concrete pipe for trunk storm sewers and Boss 2000 ribbed pipe for storm sewer outlets down the embankment slopes. 4. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL PROVISIONS - TENDER ITEMS CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 5. FRENCH DRAIN - ITEM NO. Bl8 The unit price bid under this Item shall include for all materials to construct the french drain in accordance with the standard on Drawing No.3. Geotextile shall be Terrafix 270. Sub-drain pipe shall be perforated corrugated polyethylene pipe. A 2 metre length of non-perforated pipe shall be installed at the outlet complete with rodent grate. CATCHBASINS, TWIN INLET CA TCHBASINS AND MAINTENANCE HOLES - ITEMS NO. B21 - B23 DITCH INLET MAINTENANCE HOLES AND MAINTENANCE HOLES - ITEMS NO. A15, A21 - A23 All catchbasins and maintenance holes under Items B2l - B23 shall be fitted with sumps. Catchbasin frames and grates and maintenance hole frames and covers shall be constructed to the level of middle binder course asphalt in the urban sections of construction. Work under Items No. A2l - A23 shall include the following: 1. DIMH 11 will be salvaged and rebuilt as DIMH 1, with additional section and a new top section and grating as per the drawings. 2. DIMH 13 will be salvaged and rebuilt as DIMH 2, with additional section and a new top section and grating as per the drawings. 3. MH 12 will be salvaged and rebuilt as DIMH 20, with additional section and a new top section and cover as per the drawings. Should additional section not be required, the cost of this will be agreed with the Contractor and deducted from the unit price. See Drawing No. P20l for structure sizes. Item No. A18 includes all labour, material and equipment to complete the work including: 1. Nappe drop structure to be structurally designed by the Contractor with the shop drawings submitted for review and approval by the engineer. The structure shall meet the requirements of the review engineer. The drop is to fit on top of 3600 mm diameter manhole section and to have 1200 mm diameter top sections. 2. Safety grate for lower section to be lowered by chain controlled at upper safety grate as shown on drawing REMOVAL OF POST AND WIRE FENCE - ITEM NO. B26 Removed material shall be disposed of off the site at a location arranged for by the Contractor. SPECIAL PROVISIONS - TENDER ITEMS CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 REMOVAL OF CULVERTS AND SEWERS - ITEM NO. B27 Removed material shall be disposed of off the site at a location arranged for by the Contractor. REMOVAL OF STEEL BEAM GUlDERAIL - ITEM NO. B28 Removed material shall be disposed of off the site at a location arranged for by the Contractor. REMOVAL OF CURB AND GUTTER - ITEM NO. A28 Concrete rubble shall be disposed of off the site at a location arranged for by the Contractor or broken down to acceptable size for use in the embankment. REMOVAL OF CONCRETE ROAD BASE - ITEM NO. A29 Concrete base is directly overlain with asphalt the average base width is assumed to be 7.0 metres with a total area of approximately 480 m2. All concrete rubble resulting from base removal shall be disposed of off the site at a location arranged for by the Contractor or broken down to an acceptable size for use in the embankment.. STEEL BEAM GUlDERAIL - ITEM NO. B29 Under this Item at the unit price bid, the Contractor shall supply all materials, equipment and labour as required for the installation of steel beam guiderail at the locations indicated on the drawings. Guiderail shall be constructed using steel post with wooden offset block in accordance with OPSD- 912.104 and OPSD-912.130. GUlDERAIL END TREATMENT - EXTRUDER - ITEM NO. B30 Under this Item at the unit price bid, the Contractor shall supply all equipment, labour and materials necessary for the installation of extruder end treatments, including high intensity object markers in accordance with OPSD 922.510, OPSD 922.530 and as shown on the drawings. HIGHWAY FENCE - ITEM NO. B31 The work under this Item includes the installation of two 4.9 m wide gates at locations to be determined by the Contract Administrator. 6. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II SPECIAL PROVISIONS - TENDER ITEMS CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 7. GARBAGE REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL - ITEM NO. B32 Payment shall be made under this Item on a time and material basis for the excavation within the existing garbage dump (including overburden) and disposing of excavated material at an approved landfill site licensed to receive such material. The Contractor's attention is drawn to the soils report which defines the material within the dump as non-registerable, non -hazardous material which requires no special handling. The excavated material must be transported by a Contractor licensed by the Ministry of the Environment. The soils report indicates the presence of concrete debris in the garbage. The Contractor shall be asked to segregate this material from the household garbage and dispose of it in the base of the road embankment after it is broken down to acceptable size. GEOWEB - ITEM NO. B33 Payment shall be made under this Item for the following work: . Supply and placing of geoweb in standard cell size 244 mm x 203 mm x 102 mm deep on prepared surface. . Excavation as required to defme grades for geoweb. Grades are critical for this spillway. No geoweb shall be placed until complete subgrade for spillway is checked and approved. Excavated material shall be disposed of within the Site. . Geoweb shall be anchored in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions complete with J-pin surface anchorage, helical crest anchorage and tendons. . Infilling of geoweb with imported topsoil flush with the surface. . Infilling of geoweb with 20 MPa concrete for a length of 3 metres for the full width of the geoweb as shown on the drawings. Surface finish as per sidewalk. Geoweb shall be as manufactured by Presto or approved equal and as supplied by Geosynthetic Systems. CRUSHED LIMESTONE - ITEM NO. B34 Payment shall be made under this Item for the supply and placing of crushed limestone in the 3.0 metre wide pathway on the south side of the road embankment east of Jackman Road. SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES - ITEMS NO. B35- B43 The Contractor is advised that the sediment control plan included with the Contract represents minimum requirements. The successful bidder is required to prepare and maintain a sediment control plan SPECIAL PROVISIONS - TENDER ITEMS CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 throughout the duration of the works. The Contractor may vary the plan to suit operations. All measures proposed by the Contractor are subject to the approval of the Contract Administrator and Central Lake Ontario Conservation. Approved sediment controls must be in place prior to grading works commencing. The Contractor shall be paid for his sediment control operations on the basis of the unit prices for Items No. B35 - B42, excepting B43, including all maintenance necessary to keep the measures fully operative. Maintenance will be paid on a time and material basis and paid for under Item No. B43. The unit prices bid shall include for the removal of all temporary controls on completion of the work. · Erosion control blanket shall be straw, North American Green "SC150". · Permanent sediment trap shall be constructed to the configuration shown on the Contract Documents. The permanent sediment trap is considered as a permanent site feature, however, it must be constructed prior to the road embankment so that it can provide protection along with the other proposed temporary sediment controls. Rock protection shall be a single layer of 300 mm diameter placed on TerraflX "270R" geotextile. All other finished surfaces shall be comprised of 100 mm topsoil and sod. Outlet culverts shall be Big "0" - Boss 2000 - smooth interior HDPE pipe with Granular 'A' bedding and backfill. A specific planting plan for Trap No. 1 area is provided on the drawings . Permanent and temporary sediment control traps No.1 and No.2 shall be constructed in accordance with OPSD 219.220. Basins shall be 15 m long by 1.0 m deep. All chutes shall outlet into an 8 m long by 1.0 m deep trap as shown on OPSD 219.220 and 219.230. · Heavy duty silt fence shall be constructed in accordance with OPSD 219.130. Control measure support shall consist of plastic fencing attached to the support stake for the full length of the silt fence. Straw bale support shall be placed behind the silt fence, continuously for its full length. · Berms shall be constructed at the top of the embankment on each side when directed by the Contract Administrator. Berm shall be 1.2 m wide x 0.3 m high built in accordance with OPSD 219.230. The Contractor will maintain continuous berms in the locations indicated on the drawings until curbs and boulevard grades have been constructed. · Chutes shall be constructed in pipe or polyethylene sheeting and the unit price shall include for supply and placing of 200 mm size rock protection at the outlet in accordance with OPSD 219.230. 8. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL PROVISIONS - TENDER ITEMS CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 9. Note: The quantity indicated in the Itemized Bid may be greater than that shown on the drawings to allow for flexibility as the construction process proceeds. RIP RAP WITH GEOTEXTILE - ITEMS NO. A33, B44 AND B45 Rip rap material shall be 100 mm to 200 mm crushed rock laid in accordance with OPSS 511 for Item No. 45. Geotextile shall be Terrafix 270R. Rip rap shall be placed by hand to provide a uniform surface. Under Item No. B45, rip rap shall be placed in two layers of 300 mm to 400 mm maximum size. Work under Item A33 shall include the following work: 1. Excavate and grade affected area from storm outfall to edge of creek. All excavated material if suitable is to be used on site. The area is to be cut to grades shown on the drawings to allow for the construction of a forebay. 2. Place geotextile filter fabric and Class II riprap on the excavated area. Tie forebay riprap area into existing vegetated rip rap at the edge of the natural channel. Class II rip rap has the following gradation: Nominal 500 mm diameter or 200 kg mass Allowable local velocity up to 4 m/s Grading Specification: 100% at least 20 % at least 50 % at lest 80 % smaller than 800 mm or larger than 600 mm or larger than 500 mm or larger than 300 mm or 700 kg 300 kg 200 kg 30 kg GEOTEXTILE - ITEM NO. 46 - (PROVISIONAL) Payment shall be made under this Item for the supply and placing of geotextile Terratrack 2411 as manufactured by Terrafix or an approved equivalent, on road subgrade at locations where directed by the Contract Administrator. CONCRETE ENCASED DUCTBANK - ITEM NO. B50 Concrete encased ductwork shall be installed in accordance with Veridian Connections specification No. VCWS-9, Section 5. Payment shall be made for the length of ductbank constructed irrespective of the number of ducts included in the crossing. Location of duct banks will be determined in the field by the Contract Administrator. SPECIAL PROVISIONS - TENDER ITEMS CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 PART C: BRIDGEWORKS EARTH EXCAVATION FOR STRUCTURE FOUNDATIONS - ITEM NO. Cl Under this Item and for the Contract unit price the Contractor shall excavate earth material for the pier foundations, as shown on the Drawings and as directed by the Engineer. Measurement for earth excavation for structure foundations will include only those quantities as measured within the neat plan dimensions of the pier footings, below the original ground to the base of excavation, as shown on the Drawings, or as directed by the Engineer. The limits of measurement for payment of Earth Excavation for Structure Foundations are further defined on Contract Drawings. Additional excavation above and beyond the defined payment limits will be considered incidental to the construction of the structure and no payment will be made for such excavation. STEEL SHEET PILES- ITEM NO. C2 The Contractor shall supply and install the steel sheet piles for the pier cofferdams to the lines and depths shown on the drawings or as revised in the field by the engineer. The Contractor shall be responsible for establishing the actual top and bottom of pile elevations, above the specified top of footing elevation and below the theoretical bottom of pile elevations shown on the Drawings, as required to accommodate his dewatering operations. No payment will be made under this Item for sheet piling above the top of pier footing level or below the theoretical bottom of pile elevation shown on the Drawings. Payment for such quantities of sheeting, which are not required as part of the completed structure shall be considered to be included under the Item "Unwatering Structure Excavations" The Contractor shall submit six(6) sets of shop drawings to the Engineer for review, and as required elsewhere in the specifications, showing details of design and of his proposed method of construction of the cofferdams, including temporary bracing of the steel sheet piles. The submission of shop drawings for review shall be supported by relevant design calculations. The drawings and calculations shall bear the seal and signature of a Professional Engineer, retained by the Contractor at his own expense, who is registered or licensed in the Province of Ontario. The Engineer shall be responsible for visiting the site and certifying in writing that the sheet pile cofferdams and bracing have been constructed in accordance with the drawings. No sheet piles shall be placed in position until the Contractor's submission ha been reviewed satisfactorily by the Engineer. The Contractor shall be responsible for the supply, storage, handling, moving and proper care of the steel sheet piles until placed in the work. Sheet piles shall be driven according to approved methods of driving practice and as specified by the hammer manufacturer. The Contractor shall drive the sheet piles to the specified depths as shown on the drawings, or as adjusted to suit the Contractor's dewatering operations. 10. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL PROVISIONS - TENDER ITEMS CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 11. The Contractor shall be responsible for selecting the appropriate sheet pile section to ensure that the sheet piles are capable of being driven below the specified elevation without damage. The selected sheet pile section shall have a minimum plate thickness of 6 mm. The Contractor unit price shall include supply and installation of the sheet pile anchors, and cutting off the tops of the sheet piles at the top of the pier footings, all as shown on the Drawings. All sheet pile cut-offs will remain the property of the Contractor. Measurement for payment under this Item shall be made in square metres on the basis of the driving lines and length of steel sheet piles remaining in the completed structure, after the sheet piles have been cut off at the top of the pier footings, as shown on the drawings. UNWATERING STRUCTURE EXCAVATION - ITEM NO. C3 For the Contract price, the Contractor shall supply all labour , equipment and materials required to complete the following work in accordance with OPSS 902 and these specifications, and to the satisfaction of the Engineer. a) Ensure that all concrete and granular backfill materials for the new structure are placed in the dry. b) Construction and maintenance of dewatering and temporary pumping systems as required. The Contractor will carry out all operations as indicated in this special provision and in the Environmental Protection Plan or as specified elsewhere in the Contract. c) The discharge points of all pumps utilized in unwatering the work shall be located away from the watercourse, to permit natural filtration of the silts by the soil and vegetation, to the satisfaction of the Engineer. d) Maintain continuous flow in the watercourse at all times during construction. e) Removal of the dewatering structures and pumping system at completion of the bridge substructure. The Contractor shall note carefully the requirements of the Environmental Protection Plan for this project which is contained in the "Special Provisions - General" Section. Prior to commencing construction, the Contractor shall submit six (6) copies of his detailed drawings and specifications for his proposed method of unwatering for the Engineer's review. The Contractor shall be wholly responsible for the adequacy of his method of unwatering. No dewatering arrangement or structure shall be placed in position until the procedures have been approved in writing by the Engineer. SPECIAL PROVISIONS - TENDER ITEMS CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 The Contractor is advised that all unwatering schemes shall also be subject to the approval of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, the Ministry of Natural Resources, and the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. The Contractor shall be prepared to present his proposed dewatering scheme to Agency representatives. Measurement for payment under this Item shall be made by lump sum, on the basis of 75 % for the completed installation and 25 % for maintenance and removal of the system. GRANULAR FILL UNDER ABUTMENTS - ITEM NO. C4 Under this Item and for the Contract unit price, the Contractor shall supply, place and compact to 95% Standard Proctor Density the Granular 'B' material required for the first stage fill under the abutments, as shown on the Drawings and as directed by the Engineer. The material will be proven boulder free with a maximum particle size of 75 ffiffi. Measurement for payment in cubic metres shall computed from field measurement of cross sections taken after organic or unsuitable material is removed and shall be based on the theoretical limits designated in the Contract. HP 310x110 STEEL 'H' PILES - ITEM NO. C6 Under this Item and for the Contract unit price the Contractor shall supply and install HP31Ox110 steel 'H' piles conforming to C.S.A. G40.20/G40.2l,Grade 350W, including the supply and installation of the driving shoes as per OPSD 3301.00, all shown on the Drawings and as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall drive the piles in accordance with the Drawings to an ultimate pile capacity of 2400 kN per pile, including any necessary re-driving, in accordance with Standard SS103-11, and as directed by the Engineer. The piles shall be driven to their final set utilizing a pile driving hammer capable of supplying a minimum driving energy of 30 KJ. The driving energy shall not exceed 50 KJ. Piles shall be driven according to approved methods of driving practice and as specified by the hammer manufacturer. Pile butts shall be protected during driving with an approved driving head as recommended by the hammer manufacturer. Any piles improperly driven shall be re-driven at the Contractor's expense. Payment for this Item will be made for the total length of piling remaining in the completed structure and shall include full compensation for all labour , equipment and materials to complete the work including the supply and installation of driving shoes as well as the cutting off of the piles, all as shown on the Drawings and as directed by the Engineer. Payment for this Item at the Contract unit price shall also include compensation for all labour, equipment and materials required to auger holes in the native soil strata, including the supply and placing of the sand fill, as shown on the Contract Drawings and as directed by the Engineer. Each H- pile shall be installed centred inside a 600 mm diameter by 3m deep hole, measured from the underside 12. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I: I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL PROVISIONS - TENDER ITEMS CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 13. of the abutment stem. The annular space around the pile shall be backfilled with a uniform graded sand after the installation of each pile is completed. A steel liner shall be used where required to retain the sides of the augered holes against collapse during pile driving and backfilling operations. Sand used to fill the augured holes shall be uniform, graded material of the Ottawa type or other commercially available sand meeting the following gradation: MTO Sieve Designation Percentage Passing Mass 2 mm (#10) 600 flm (#30) 425 flm (#40) 250 flm (#60) 150 flm (#100) 100% 80% - 100% 40% - 80% 5% - 25% 0% - 6% The Contract price shall include cutting off the tops of the piles to the elevations shown on the Drawings. All pile cut-offs shall remain the property of the Contractor. 1. Basis of Payment Payment at the contract unit price for the above tender at item shall be full compensation for all labour , equipment and materials necessary to complete the work. DRIVING SHOES - ITEM NO. C7 Clause 903.05.01.07, Driving Shoes and Rock Points, ofOPSS 903, November 2002, is amended by adding the following: Where the contract shows details of "Splice and Driving Shoe Details for Steel 'H' Piles the Contractor may substitute the Titus "H" Bearing Pile Point, Standard model, in place of the driving shoe details shown. Welding of Titus Points shall conform to the manufacturer's specifications. Where the Contractor elects to use the above substitution, the cost shall be deemed to be included in the contract price for the appropriate item. CONCRETE IN ABUTMENTS AND WINGW ALLS - ITEM NO. C10 Payment for this Item, at the Contract price shall include: a) The supply and installation of all joint filler, flexcell, expanded polystyrene, caulking, PVC waterstop, etc., and similar items as indicated on the Drawings, and as required to complete the structure. / SPECIAL PROVISIONS - TENDER ITEMS CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 14. b) The supply and placing of the Date and Site Figures as per OPSD 4601.000, and as directed by the Engineer. CPCI 1400 PRESTRESSED GIRDERS - ITEM NO. C12 For the Contract price under this Item, the Contractor shall provide for the supply, fabrication, delivery and erection of the prestressed girders. All coated and uncoated reinforcing steel, steel angles, etc. embedded in the girders shall be supplied and placed by the prestressed manufacturer. The Contractor shall submit shop drawings and erection procedures to the Engineer, for review, as required elsewhere in the Specifications. Fabrication shall not commence until the shop drawings have been reviewed. Erection shall not commence until the erection procedures have .been reviewed. Prestressing Steel Prestressing steel shall be Low-Relaxation seven wire strand, size designation 13, Grade 1860, and shall meet the requirements of CSA Standard G279-M 1982. Minimum Breaking Strength of Strand Nominal Steel Areas of Strand Nominal Linear Mass 184 kN 99 mm2 0.775 kg/m Transporting The Contractor's attention is drawn to the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act regarding dimensions and weights of vehicles. When it is planned to make delivery by highway transport, the Contractor must contact the Ministry of Transportation prior to submitting his bid, to ensure that the hauling operation will comply with the regulations. If delivery cannot be made by highway transport, then some other means of transportation must be arranged and no additional payment will be made for such arrangement. Bearing Pads Bridge bearing pads shall be elastomeric bearings meeting the material requirements of OPSS 1202, and the structural requirements indicated on the Drawings, and in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. All bearing pads shall be supplied by the Contractor. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ii I Ii I I 'I I I I SPECIAL PROVISIONS - TENDER ITEMS CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 15. Air Content of Concrete Subsection 909.05.01 of OPSS 909, February 1993, is amended in that concrete shall conform to OPSS 1350, January 1995, except that for prestressed members, Clause 1350.05.02.03 of OPSS 1350 is deleted and replaced with the following: The air void system in the hardened concrete, when tested in accordance with ASTM C457, Microscopical Determination of Air-Void Content and Parameter of the Air-Void System in Hardened Concrete, shall be: Air Content Percent Spacing Factor Specific Surface 4.0 :t 1.0 0.2 mm maximum 25.0 mm minimum Dowels All dowel inserts shall be capable of developing the full strength of the dowels. CONCRETE IN DECK, SIDEWALKS AND CURB - ITEM NO. C13 The Contractor shall use a mechanical self-propelled deck finishing machine. The concrete shall be deposited and compacted at a rate sufficient to ensure a uniform finish. The method used to deliver concrete to the work shall be such that essentially the same conditions will be produced in the vicinity of concrete placement. The concrete surface between the points at which the concrete is struck off and the final hand floating is carried out shall be protected from wind. All concrete shall be cured by two layers of wet burlap. Sections of the sidewalk shall be cast using alternate pours and bulkhead forms removed prior to casting adjacent sections. No deviation from this requirement will be considered. Payment for this Item at the Contract price shall include: a) The sidewalks and curbs on the wingwalls and approach slabs. b) Concrete in the east and west abutments above bearing seat level. c) Concrete in the light pole bases. d) The supply of all flexcell, expanded polystyrene, PVC waterstops, caulking, and seals, etc. as required to complete the structure. SPECIAL PROVISIONS - TENDER ITEMS CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 16. CONCRETE IN PARAPET WALLS - ITEM NO. C14 Payment for this Item at the Contract price will include the supply and placing of the anchorages for the guiderails and channels, and the supply and placing of all flexcell, caulking, etc., as shown on the Contract Drawings. Payment for this Item at the Contract price will also include full compensation for the supply of all labour, equipment and materials required to provide a recessed panel architectural fmish to the inside face of the parapet walls, as shown on the Drawings. Under this Item, the Contractor shall provide Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) as a cash allowance for the purchase of a plaque to be mounted on the southwest end post of the parapet wall. Plaque details and location shall be subject to the Engineer's approval. The Contractor shall provide for installation of the plaque. In the event the plaque is not required, the cash allowance will be deducted from this Item. Sections of the parapet wall shall be cast using alternate pours and bulkhead forms removed prior to casting adjacent sections. No deviation from this requirement will be considered. CONCRETE IN APPROACH SLABS - ITEM NO. CiS The Contract price bid under this Item shall include the supply of all labour , equipment and materials required to construct the cycle joint at the ends of the approach slabs, as shown on the Drawings. The work to be done under this Item shall also include the supply and installation of 13 mm bituminous joint filler between the approach slabs and the wingwalls as shown on the Drawings. The Contractor shall also provide for a 5 mm elastomeric seating pad and 40 mm expanded polystyrene between the approach slab and abutment haunch, as shown on the Drawings. Prior to placing concrete in the approach slabs, the Contractor shall provide and lay a polyethylene film moisture vapour barrier over the full width between the side forms. Joints in the polyethylene shall be lapped at least 100 mm and it shall be maintained in an undisturbed condition throughout concrete placement. The polyethylene film shall have a thickness of at least 50 Ilm and shall otherwise meet the requirements of OPSS 1305. Elastomeric Seating Pads Clause 904.05.14 of OPSS 904 is deleted and replaced by the following: Elastomeric seating pads used for approach slabs shall conform to the requirements of OPSS 1202, except that the hardness of the elastomeric shall be 60+50 Shore A. I I il I I I I I I I ~I I I I I I I I I I I ,. SPECIAL PROVISIONS - TENDER ITEMS CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 17. I I I I I I ! I I I I ,I I, I I I I I CONCRETE GENERAL - ITEMS Nos. C8, C9, CI0, Cll, C12, C13, C14 AND CIS Concrete Quantities The following approximate quantities for the Tender Items listed below are for the Contractor's information only: Item No. C10 - Concrete in Abutments and Wingwalls Item No. Cll - Concrete in Piers Item No. C13 - Concrete in Deck, Sidewalks and Diaphragms Item No. C14 - Concrete in Parapet Walls Item No. C15 - Concrete in Approach Slabs 275 m3 250 m3 540 m3 41 m3 60 m3 Lump Sum Concrete Items Should the estimated quantities of concrete as shown in the tendering information, for any specific lump sum concrete item, differ by more than 5 percent from the theoretical quantities as determined from the design dimensions of the structure component and where such discrepancy in quantities does not result from a change in design made in accordance with Clause GC 3.11.01 of the General Conditions, then either party to the Contract upon the written request of the other, shall as soon as reasonably possible, negotiate upward or downward, the compensation for that portion of the concrete which is in excess of or less than the estimated quantity plus or minus the 5 percent increase or decrease. Where a change in quantity results from a change in design made in accordance with Clause GC 3.11.01 of the General Conditions, then either party to the Contract upon the written request to the other, shall as soon as reasonably possible, negotiate a new lump sum price for the Tender Item in question. Curin~ of Concrete Clause 904. of OPSS 904 is deleted and replaced with the following: "All unformed and slip formed surfaces shall be cured by burlap and water curing method only". Payment for the above items will include full compensation for all labour , materials and equipment necessary to cure all concrete with burlap and water in accordance with OPSS 904. Shippin~ of Concrete Test Cylinders In addition to the requirements of OPSS 904.10, payment for the above Items will include compensation for shipping concrete test cylinders to the location designated by the Engineer. SPECIAL PROVISIONS - TENDER ITEMS CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 18. Aggregate Sources Only those sources listed on the MTO's Aggregate Sources List for concrete shall be used; sources that are not shown on this list may be accepted by the Engineer after samples have been tested and have met the current physical requirements and the alkali reactivity requirements of OPSS 1002. Reinforcing Steel Payment for the above items, whether by lump sum or cubic metre, will include the supply, storage and installation of reinforcing steel and mechanical couplers, as shown on the Drawings. The Contractor shall submit shop drawings to the Engineer, for review, as required elsewhere in the Specifications. Fabrication shall not commence until the shop drawings have been reviewed. SUBDRAIN - ITEMS NO. C16 & C17 Under this Item and for the Contract unit price the Contractor shall supply all materials, labour and equipment to complete the subdrains, including any fittings, couplings, bends, and caps, filter cloth, rodent grates, rock protection and outlets, etc. as directed by the Engineer. Subdrains shall be CSP pipes, 1.3 mm gauge, PG. Filter cloth wrapping shall conform to the requirements of OPSS 1860 Class I. Under these items, the Contractor shall also place any additional rock protection at the subdrain outlet, as directed by the Engineer. GRANULAR BACKFILL TO STRUCTURE - ITEM NO. C18 Under this Item and for the Contract unit price, the Contractor shall supply, place and compact in accordance with OPSS 501, the Granular 'B I material required for the structure backfill and frost tapers, as shown on the Drawings and as directed by the Engineer. The extent of the contract unit price item for placing granular backfill to the structure shall be as shown on the Drawings. Where, however, the Contractor has excavated beyond these limits, or has failed to place earth fill to the limits shown, he shall supply, place and compact, to the satisfaction of the Engineer, either earth or granular material, whichever the Engineer shall direct, as required to fill the resulting excess volume. All costs of supplying and placing such additional material shall be deemed to be the responsibility of the Contractor and no measurement for payment of such material will be made. Water shall be applied to the material to assist compaction, as directed by the Engineer, and shall also be included in the Contract price. The Contractor shall not be permitted to use other than hand operated vibratory type compaction equipment for compaction of backfill material within the restricted zone behind all earth retaining structures. I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I t I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I. SPECIAL PROVISIONS - TENDER ITEMS CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 19. Restricted Zone a) At Abutments: The area within a plane extending from the base of the back face of the wall, where it contacts the footing, upwards at a slope of 1.5 vertical to 1 horizontal. b) At Wingwalls: The area within 1.2 m from the back face of the wall. Hand Operated Vibratory Equipment Hand operated vibratory equipment shall have an energy output no greater than 6.7 kilowatts. ROCK PROTECTION - ITEM NO. C19 The work shall be performed in general compliance with the plans, OPSS 511 and as directed by the Engineer, and shall consist of constructing a protective covering of approved rock on the approach embankments to the new structure as shown on the Contract Drawings. The Contractor shall supply all materials for this Item. Rock shall be an imported quarry or field stone material; the quality of the rock approved by the Engineer. Rock subject to marked deterioration by water or weather will not be accepted. Rock shall fulfill the following gradation requirements: Gradation Limits for Rock Protection Maximum Allowable Maximum Allowable Maximum Allowable Minus 450 mm Minus 300 mm Minus 200 mm Minus 75 mm 95% 60% 40% 0% Placing shall be done in such a manner that the surface of the finished rock protection shall have a uniform appearance and be without segregation. The rock protection shall be 600 mm minimum thickness on the approach embankments and shall extend along the approach embankments as indicated on the Drawings. The Contract price for the rock protection shall constitute full compensation for the supply of rock, any excavation or trimming required for the bedding of the rock, the supply and placing of the geotextile filter fabric, the hauling and placing of the rock, and all items incidental to the completion of the work in accordance with the Specifications. SPECIAL PROVISIONS - TENDER ITEMS CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 20. EMBEDDED WORK IN STRUCTURE - UTILITY DUCTS - ITEM NO. C20 EMBEDDED WORK IN STRUCTURE - ELECTRICAL DUCTS - ITEM NO. C21 Under the Item 'Embedded Work in Structure - Utility Ducts' and for the Contract price, the Contractor shall supply all labour, equipment and materials necessary to complete the installation of the 100 mm diameter PVC ducts in the north and south sidewalks, including conduit, expansion joints, polypropylene pull rope, junction boxes etc., as shown on the Drawings, and as directed by the Engineer. Under the Item 'Embedded Work in Structure - Electrical Ducts' and for the Contract price, the Contractor shall supply all labour , equipment and materials necessary. to complete the installation of the 75 mm diameter PVC ducts in the north and south parapet walls, including conduit, expansion joints, polypropylene pull rope, junction boxes, etc. required for the structural lighting system, as shown on the Drawings, and as directed by the Engineer. The materials used are to be new and are to have CSA and/or Inspection Department approval. Items specified by name imply such products to be used unless a substitute is approved by the Engineer. Materials no specified by name shall be the best available and where there is a choice of materials, the Engineer shall have the right to select the materials used. During construction, all conduits shall be kept clean by sealing the open ends with metal or paper pennies and bushings. All conduits are to be swabbed cleaned and dry. A tight waterproof system of the highest standard shall be provided by the Contractor. The various stages of the work of duct installation shall be carried out at the proper time co-ordinated with the proper progress of the entire job. The duct and any other material to be installed in concrete shall be placed in the formwork before the concrete is placed, rigidly held and supported and all open ends plugged and protected. Upon completion of the duct installation the Contractor shall install 6 mm polypropylene rope in the duct for the full length of the duct. An additional 1 m of rope shall be coiled in each end of the duct. The duct shall be extended 150 mm beyond the end of the structure and sealed with plastic caps. The Contractor shall submit six (6) sets of shop drawings to the Engineer for review showing all details and location of duct work, expansion joint couplers, junction boxes, etc., necessary to complete the work. I , I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I II 1/ I I I I I ,I I I I I I I SPECIAL PROVISIONS - TENDER ITEMS CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 21. PART D: CPP AND PVC WATERMAINS PVC WATERMAINS - ITEMS NO. 3.01.02 AND 3.01.03 Reference: RMDSS, Section 02511 Note: .1 All thrust/surge protection on PVC pipe shall be by mechanical in combination with granular thrust blocks. Mechanical restrainers shall be in accordance with Detail S-430. Also include: .1 Additional H.L.8 blend stone bedding in accordance with S-401 Class 'P' for wet trenches. CPP WATERMAIN - ITEM NO. 3.01.06 Reference: RMDSS, Section 02511 Note: .1 All thrust/surge protection on CPP watermain shall be by joint restrainers in combination with granular thrust blocks. Joint restrainers shall be in accordance with pipe manufactures recommendations. .2 Measurement for payment of CPP main shall be based on final approved shop drawings using plan view measurements. Payment length for CPP shall include pipe through butterfly valves with no deduction being made for the valve. Also include: .1 Supply and installation of temporary bulkheads with 150 mm flanged outlet complete with 150 mm flanged gate valve and 50 mm IPT outlet with 50 mm main stop for testing and disinfection. .2 Removal of temporary bulkheads after testing etc. prior to closure piece installation. FIELD CLOSURE AT STATION 9+996.5 - ITEM NO. 3.01.30 Reference: Contract Drawings Note: .1 Closure connections to be completed using a split sleeve welded joint complete with cement mortar encasement all in accordance with CPP manufacturers' recommendations. .2 In order to make the connections to the existing PVC watermain, it will be necessary to drain down the existing water lines on the pressurized side of the existing bulkheads. The Region's Operations section require a minimum of 7 days advance notice in order to complete the draining of these existing watermains. SPECIAL PROVISIONS - TENDER ITEMS CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 22. Include: .1 Excavation to grade and disposal of surplus materials. .2 Measurement for the manufacture of concrete pressure pipe materials to complete closure section. .3 Supply of all concrete pressure pipe materials including steel closure sleeves. .4 Installation of pipe sections, complete the welded connection and supply and installation of cement grout diaper to encase the closure section. .5 Backfill with select native materials and compaction. CPP W A TERMAIN INSTALLED IN EXISTING CASING - ITEM NO. 3.01.40. Reference: RMDSS and Region of Durham Standard Retail S-4l5 Also include: .1 Supply of all labour and materials to install 400 mm Dia. CPP main in existing 900 mm Dia. steel liner in accordance with Detail S-4l5. .2 Provide all necessary dewatering. The Contractor is advised that a high ground water table was encountered in this area during installation of the liner. .3 Removal of temporary bulkheads and pumping water from liner. Pump discharge shall not be allowed directly to the creek. A temporary control pond shall be constructed. STONE FOR EXTRA DEPTH BEDDING - ITEM NO. 3.02.14 Reference: RMDSS, Section 01210 Include: .1 Excavation of unsuitable native materials below standard bedding depth and disposal of surplus materials. .2 Supply, placement and compaction of HL-8 blend crushed clear stone. GA TE VALVES AND VALVE BOXES - ITEM NOS. 3.03.02 AND 3.03.03 Reference: RMDSS 02511, RMD Details S-408, S-425 and S-438 Include: .1 Supply and installation of the (resilient seat) gate valve and valve box in accordance with Detail S-408. .2 .3 .4 .5 Excavation, blocking, backfilling and compaction. Tracer wire arrangement in accordance with Detail S-425. Supply and installation of cathodic protection in accordance with Detail S-438. Adjustment to final grade at completion of work. I I I I I I I I I I I I I, I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL PROVISIONS - TENDER ITEMS CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 23. BUTTERFL y VALVE AND BOX - ITEM NO. 3.03.05 Reference: RMDSS, Section 02511, RMD Details 2-425, S-428 and S-444 Include: .1 Supply and installation of the butterfly valve and valve box in accordance with Detail S-444. .2 Excavation, blocking, backfilling and compaction. .3 Tracer wire arrangement in accordance with Detail S-425. .4 Supply and installation of cathodic protection in accordance with Detail S-438. .5 Adjustment to final grade at completion of work. DRAIN VALVE IN CHAMBER - ITEM NO. 3.03.25 Reference: Contract Drawings Region of Durham Standard S-413 Include: .1 Excavation and disposal of all surplus material. .2 Supply and placement of drain chamber with watertight cover. .3 Supply and installation of 150 mm resilient seat gate valve complete with extension stem, stem support brackets and valve box. .4 Adjustment to final grade. .5 Backfill and compaction. NEW HYDRANT WITH STORZ PUMPER NOZZLE - ITEM NO. 3.04.01 Reference: RMDSS, Section 02511, Sub-Section 2.12 and RMD Detail S432 Include: .1 Excavation to grade and disposal of surplus materials. .2 Supply and installation of hydrant, anchor tee and resilient-seat gate valve and box including any hydrant extensions and/or valve box and rod extensions as shown on Contract Drawings. .3 Supply and installation of filler piece watermain pipe. .4 Supply and installation of mechanical restrainers. .5 Cathodic protection in accordance with Detail S-436. .6 Backfill and native materials and compaction. SALVAGE AND RELOCATE EXISTING HYDRANT - ITEM NO. 3.04.04 Include: .1 Excavation. SPECIAL PROVISIONS - TENDER ITEMS CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 24. .2 Removal and separation of valve, piping and anchor tee clearing and salvaging and storing on site for reuse. .3 Backfill with native material and compaction. .4 Installation of mechanical plug. MAIN STOPS - ITEM NOS. 3.05.02 AND 3.05.05 Include: .1 Excavation and compacted backfill with native materials. .2 Supply and installation complete with saddle, union adapter, connectors, etc. .3 Connection to new or existing service pipe. .4 Cathodic protection in accordance with Detail S-414. CURB STOPS AND BOXES - ITEM NOS. 3.05.07 AND 3.05.10 Include: .1 Excavation and compacted backfill with select native materials where corresponding service pipe is not to be installed. .2 Removal of existing curb stop box and rod. .3 Supply and installation complete in accordance with RMD Detail S-414. .4 Heavy duty box for 50 mm diameter stops. .5 Stainless steel rod with brass pin. COPPER SERVICE PIPE - ITEM NOS. 3.05.12 AND 3.05.15 Note: .1 The exact locations for all new service connections shall be field confirmed by the Contract Administrator unless specifically dimensioned on the Contract Drawings. Include: .1 Excavation to grade and disposal of surplus materials. .2 Removal and disposal of existing service pipe as required. .3 Supply and installation of pipe in specified bedding and cover including connections to e~isting service with required unions/adapters. .4 Supply and installation of cathodic protection. .5 Backfill with native material and compaction. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I, I I I I I I SPECIAL PROVISIONS - TENDER ITEMS CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 25. 19 MM TEST POINT - ITEM NO. 3.06.01 Reference: RMD Detail S-429 Include: .1 Supply and installation of all corporation main stops, valves, backflow preventers, copper tubing, fittings, etc. .2 Removal of all main stops upon completion of testing and flushing. .3 Supply and installation of brass plug in locations where main stops were removed. .4 Backfill with native materials and compaction. 19 MM AND 50 MM BLOW OFF - ITEM NOS. 3.07.01 AND 3.07.02 Reference: RMD Detail S-406 and Contract Drawing Include: .1 Excavation. .2 Supply and installation in accordance with detail S-406. .3 Backfill with native materials and compaction. SPECIAL PROVISIONS - TENDER ITEMS CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 26. PART E: LANDSCAPING TOPSOIL (IMPORTED) AND NURSERY SOD - ITEMS NO. El AND A34 Screened topsoil shall be placed to a minimum depth of 100 mm in disturbed grass areas. It is not anticipated that there will be any suitable topsoil available from stripping operations. Sub-section 570.05.01 of OPSS 570, August 1990 is amended by the addition of the following: The topsoil shall be tested to ensure there are no deficiencies with respect to fertility levels. The soil shall consist of a minimum 4 % organic matter. The phosphorous level shall be 30 ppm :!:: 2 ppm. The potassium level shall be 235 ppm :!:: ppm. The soil shall have a base saturation of calcium of 75 %, :!::10%. The base saturation of sodium shall be a maximum of 0.5 %. The pH level shall be between 6.0 and 7.0. A copy of the topsoil testing report shall be provided to the Contract Administrator. Payment for this testing shall be included in payment under the respective topsoil items. If the topsoil does not meet all of the fertility elements the soil shall be treated with the required amendments as recommended by the topsoil analysis report. It is anticipated that there will be topsoil available from stripping within the Jackman Road allowance. Where this topsoil is acceptable it will be used and a cost adjustment agreed with the Contractor. TERRASEEDING - ITEM NO. E2 AND A35 Terraseeding â„¢ Organic Soil Amendment and Seed Cover Establishment This work shall consist of furnishing, constructing and maintaining a new vegetated surface composed of an organic growing media injected with seed. This surface must be constructed with a pneumatic blower unit complete with a supplemental granular injection system capable of installing at least 15 cubic meters per hour. Compost and seed shall be applied at a minimum depth of 50 mm. To be installed by: Hermanns Contracting Limited 1510 Hwy. 27 Schomberg, ON LOG ITO (905) 939-1230 OR Landsource Organix Ltd. 100 Britannia Road East Milton, Ontario, Canada LOP lEO 1 877 548-8558 Web: www.landsourceorganix.com I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL PROVISIONS - TENDER ITEMS CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 27. OR Approved Equal. Material: The material shall consist of composted materials, according to certain particle sizing specifications. Particle size: 99% passing through a 25 mm sieve. Organic Soil: The amendment shall be derived from 100% well-decomposed green waste organic matter produced by composting sites who meet or exceed MOE Compost Regulation 101 as well as meeting the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment's (CCME) definition for Type" A" Compost (See "Support Document for Compost Quality Criteria", CCME). Quality Assurance: A proof of compost quality meeting CCME guidelines by an approved laboratory shall be submitted to the engineer/landscape architect for approval prior to installation. Seed Mix shall be Short Native Prairie Grass Mix as supplied by OSC (Ontario Seed Company Limited), 1-800-465-5849, www.oscseeds.com , or approved equal. Application Rate: l2kg/ha. A nurse crop of annual ryegrass shall be included with the seed mix, at a rate of 22kg/ha. The application shall be uniformly applied directly at the soil surface with a pneumatic blower. Terraseeding shall not be applied over french drain. Seeding shall be performed within the local region's seeding deadlines. The Contractor shall maintain the surface in a functional condition for a period of one year. Contractor shall make periodic inspections of the composted surface for effectiveness and shall immediately correct all deficiencies. Where deficiencies exist, additional material shall be installed immediately to required depth. Method of Measurement: All surfaces shall be measured by the square metre, complete in place. QUALITY ASSURANCE Performance Measure: All compost and seeded areas will be inspected to ensure compliance with this specification at the thirty day period following the operation. At the thirty day inspection within the seeded earth area, the surface shall be visually intact and shall form a uniform cohesive mat. Failure to Meet Performance Measure: If the completed work does not meet the Performance Measure after the thirty-day inspection, the areas shall be documented, and the Contractor shall be notified of those areas, and re-inspected at sixty days. If the completed work does not meet the Performance Measure after the sixty-day inspection, the Contractor shall re-apply the specified materials in accordance with this specification within 14 calendar days of receiving the notification. SPECIAL PROVISIONS - TENDER ITEMS CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 28. The Contractor shall maintain the site until conditions permit application or re-application of compost and seed. All replaced compost and seed shall be subject to the Quality Assurance section of this specification. ECOBLANKET - ITEMS NO. E3 AND E4 1.0 Description: This work shall consist of furnishing, constructing and maintaining an EcoBlanket (to Rexius specifications. EcoBlanket is a ground cover (surface blanket) of the Rexius specified compost/mulch (Erosion Blend) combined with a special additive (Microblend) constructed with a pneumatic blower to control and reduce soil erosion. An EcoBlanket stabilizes the soil, prevents splash, sheet and rill erosion, and removes suspended soil particles and contaminants from water moving off the site and into adjacent waterways or storm water conveyance systems. For Item No. E3 (EcoBlanket - Seed Mix I), this work shall include furnishing, constructing, maintaining and dispersing (if necessary) an EcoBerm along the top of the slopes (to Rexius specifications. EcoBerm is a water permeable windrow (berm) of the Rexius specified compost/mulch (Erosion Blend) combined with a special additive (Microblendnl) constructed with a berm forming machine (BermBuildernl) and pneumatic blower to control sediment by removing suspended soil particles and contaminants from water moving off the site and into adjacent waterways or storm water conveyance systems. 2.0 Material: The EcoBlanket and EcoBerm filtering material consists of the Rexius Erosion Blend of compost and mulch materials, according to the Rexius particle sizing specifications, in combination with the Rexius Microblend additive. 2.1. Particle size must meet exact specifications of the Rexius EcoBlanket Erosion Blend material and Rexius EcoBerm Erosion Blend material supplied by a certified supplier/installer. 2.2. The compost portion of EcoBlanket and EcoBerm shall be derived from well-decomposed organic matter source produced by controlled aerobic (biological) decomposition that has been sanitized through the generation of heat and stabilized to the point that it is appropriate for this particular application. Compost material shall be processed through proper thermophilic composting, meeting the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment's (CCME) definition for a 'process to further reduce pathogens' (PFRP). The compost portion shall meet the chemical, physical and biological properties (as outlined in the chart on reverse). These and all other required properties for the performance of the EcoBlanket and EcoBerm are included in the Rexius EcoBlanket and Rexium EcoBerm Manufacture Guidelines followed by certified suppliers/installers. 2.3. Rexius Microblend additive shall be injected into Erosion Blend material at time of EcoBlanket and EcoBerm construction. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ii I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL PROVISIONS - TENDER ITEMS CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 29. 2.4. A proof of certification as an EcoBlanket/EcoBerm supplier shall be submitted to the Engineer/Landscape Architect for approval prior to installation. Test results for EcoBlanket and EcoBerm performance shall be made available upon request. 2.5. Erosion Blend material must meet Rexius' minimum specification requirements for seeding purposes. 3.0 Construction: 3.1. The EcoBlanket shall be placed as shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. EcoBlanket shall not be placed over the french drain. The EcoBerm for EcoBlanket - Seed Mix 1 (Item No. E3) shall be placed adjacent to the EcoBlanket at the top of the slope or as directed by the Engineer. 3.2. On areas with a slope of 2: 1 or less, the EcoBlanket shall be uniformly applied directly at the soil surface with a pneumatic blower as specified by Rexius. EcoBlanket shall be applied at a depth of 50 mm and approximately 90 cm over the top of the slope, or overlap it into existing vegetation. For EcoBlanket - Seed Mix 1 (Item No. E3), EcoBerms shall be included and constructed at the top of the slope. The EcoBerm shall be 30 cm high by 45 cm wide. 3.3. For EcoBlanket, Rexius Microblend shall be applied/injected at a minimum rate of 615 kgs. per hectare (or as specified by Rexius), to be confirmed by inspector/project manager. For EcoBerm, Rexius Microblend shall be applied/injected at a minimum rate of 1.5 kgs. per 10 lineal metres (or as specified by Rexius) to be confirmed by inspector/project manager. 3.4. EcoBlanket application depth may be modified based on specific site (e.g., soil characteristics, existing vegetation) and climatic conditions, as well as particular project related requirements. The severity of slope grade, as well as slope length will also influence the size and number of EcoBerm placements in combination with the EcoBlanket. 3.5. Erosion Blend material will be injected with seed during application. Seed Mix 1 (Item No. E3) shall be a native Grass and Woody Plant Mix consisting of: Andropogon scoparius Bouteloua curtipendula Bouteloua gracillus Sporbobolus cryptandrus Cephalanthus occidentalis Cornus racemosa Cornus sericea Hamamelis virginiana Prunus virginiana Rhus typhina Viburnum dentatum Viburnum lentago Viburnum trilobum Little Blue Stem Side Oats Grama Blue Grama Sandrop Seed Buttonbush Gray Dogwood Red Osier Dogwood Witch Hazel Chokecherry Staghorn Sumac Arrowwood Viburnum Nannyberry American Highbush Cranberry 10% 5% 5% 10% 5% 7% 10% 3% 8% 7% 10% 10% 10% SPECIAL PROVISIONS - TENDER ITEMS CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 30. As supplied by OSC (Ontario Seed Company Limited), 1-800-465-5849, www.oscseeds.com , or approved equal. Application Rate: l2kg/ha. A nurse crop of annual ryegrass shall be included with the seed mix, at a rate of 22kg/ha. Seed Mix 2 (Item No. E4) shall be Short Native Prairie Grass Mix as supplied by OSC (Ontario Seed Company Limited), 1-800-465-5849, www.oscseeds.com , or approved equal. Application Rate: l2kg/ha. A nurse crop of annual ryegrass shall be included with the seed mix, at a rate of 22kg/ha. The compost/mulch component shall abide by the minimum standards set by Rexius for seeding. 3.6. Where vegetation is to be established, slightly roughen (scarify) slopes and remove large clods, rocks, stumps, roots larger than 50 mm in diameter and debris on slopes. Where practical, track (compact) perpendicular to contours on the slope using a bulldozer before applying.EcoBlanket injected with seed. 3.7. Do not use EcoBlankets in areas of concentrated flow (ie. ditches, streams, etc.) 3.8. Unless otherwise allowed by Engineer, seeding shall be performed within the local region's seeding deadlines. 4.0 Maintenance: 4.1 The Contractor shall maintain the EcoBlanket and EcoBerm in a functional condition at all times. Contractor shall make periodic inspections of the EcoBlanket and EcoBerm for effectiveness and shall immediately correct all deficiencies. Where deficiencies exist, additional EcoBlanket and EcoBerm material shall be installed immediately to required depth. The Contractor shall make a daily review of the Laotian of the EcoBerm in areas where construction activity causes drainage runoff to ensure that the berm is properly located for effectiveness. 4.2. The Contractor shall remove sediment retained by the EcoBerm ifit reaches 1/3 to 1/2 of the exposed height of the berm, as directed by the Engineer. At the Engineer's discretion, an additional EcoBerm may be placed immediately uphill from existing berm as an alternative maintenance measure. 4.3. The EcoBerm shall be dispersed when no longer required, only if required by the Engineer. At the Engineer/Landscape Architect's discretion, EcoBerm material may be left to decompose naturally, or distributed over an adjacent area for additional use as a soil amendment or ground cover. 5.0 Method of Measurement: EcoBlanket shall be measured by the square metre, complete in place. For Item No. F3, EcoBerm shall be measured by the linear metre, complete in place, and added to the square metre measure of EcoBlanket. 6.0 Performance: I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I SPECIAL PROVISIONS - TENDER ITEMS CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 31. 6.1. Place EcoBlankets on denuded areas immediately or as directed by Engineer. EcoBerms and seed shall be applied as indicated on the Contract Drawings for additional erosion and sediment control. 6.2. The work specified in this Section consists of designing, providing, and maintaining erosion and sedimentation controls as necessary. All existing and foreseeable future conditions that affect the work inside and outside the site limits must be acknowledged as the Contractor's responsibility. 6.3. Contractor is responsible for providing effective sediment control measures based on performance. Contractor may, with approval from the Engineer, work outside the minimum construction requirements to establish a working erosion control system. SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF PLANTS - ITEM NO. ES Payment shall be made under this item for the supply and planting of trees and shrubs according with the landscape plan and planting details in the Contract Drawings. All planting and related work shall be done by experienced, qualified personnel under the direction and supervision of foremen with at least five (5) years of horticultural and planting experience. The Contractor must be a member of Landscape Ontario. All plant material shall meet the horticultural standards of the Canadian Nursery Trades Association with respect to grading and quality. They shall be nursery grown, under proper horticultural practices as recommended by the Canadian Nursery Trades Association. Nomenclature of specified plants shall conform to the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants and shall be in accordance with the approved scientific names given in the latest edition of the Standardized Plant Names. The names of varieties not named therein are generally in conformity with the names accepted in the nursery trade. Substitutions for the specified plants will not be accepted unless approved in writing by the Engineer. Notify Engineer of source of material at least 7 days in advance of shipment. Make plant material available for inspection at source of supply or upon arrival at site. Approval of plant material at source of supply does not ensure acceptance upon arrival on project site or during the course of construction. The Engineer reserves the right to reject any plant material, whether planted or not, which does not conform to the specifications. Do not remove any labels from plants until they have been inspected and approved by the Engineer. All plant materials which cannot be planted immediately upon arrival on the site shall be well protected with soil or similar material to prevent drying out and shall be kept moist until commencement of planting. Coordinate shipping of plants and excavation of holes to ensure minimum time lapse between digging and planting. Ensure that trees are protected from abrasion, breakage, and exposure during transit. Root balls shall not be cracked, broken, or damaged at time of planting. Plants shall be true to type and structurally sound, with straight trunks and leaders intact, and be well and characteristically branched for the species. All plant material to be free of disease, insect infestation, rodent damage, sun scald, frost cracks and other abrasions or scars to the bark. They shall be densely foliated when in leaf and have a healthy, well developed root system. SPECIAL PROVISIONS - TENDER ITEMS CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 Planting shall be done during periods suitable with respect to weather conditions and locally accepted practice, and to the Engineer's approval. Excess excavated material shall be removed from site. Excavated soil shall be mixed 3: 1 with augmented topsoil or commercially prepared Triple Mix for planting backfill. All debris, clay lumps, roots and stones over 50 mm in diameter and other extraneous matter shall be removed from excavated soil to be used in backfill and disposed of off site. Topsoil shall be fertile, friable, natural loam containing not less than 4% organic matter, capable of sustaining vigorous plant growth. It shall be free of any admixture of subsoil, clay lumps or weeds, and free of stones and roots over 50 mm in diameter and other extraneous matter. The topsoil to be used shall be tested, and the results of the soil test shall be provided to the Engineer prior to installation. In areas to receive EcoBlanket where plants are being planted in fill material, all excavated material shall be removed from site and topsoil or Triple Mix shall be used for planting backfill. Plants shall be planted prior to installation of EcoBlanket, with the base of plants situated flush. with finished grade of EcoBlanket. Remove all ropes, wires, etc., and cut burlap away from at least the top half of the root ball. At least the top half of the wire basket shall be removed. Pots shall be removed from potted plant material. Backfill and tamp soil mixture in layers not exceeding 150 mm depth. Soak the soil mixture thoroughly with water when the hole is half filled, and water thoroughly immediately after planting is complete. Provide a corrugated PVC trunk guard for all deciduous trees. Fasten guard using plastic lock ties. Shredded bark mulch free of any granular and organic material will be applied over planting pit areas to a compressed depth of 100 mm. A sample of the mulch to be used shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval. Mulch shall be kept 100 mm away from trunks of trees and shrubs. Maintain all plant material and assume full responsibility for protection of all planted areas until fmal acceptance of all project work. Submit a written guarantee to the effect that all materials and workmanship be guaranteed for a period of two (2) years following project completion. Keep planted areas free of weeds at all times. Remove all debris, broken branches, etc., and maintain planted areas in neat condition at all times. Water when necessary, with sufficient quantities to . moisten the entire root system. Use chemicals as necessary for weed, disease, and insect control.in strict accordance with manufacturer's recommendations, and in compliance with applicable pesticide control regulations. Assume full responsibility for any damage that may result from the use of such chemicals. The warranty on replacement plant material shall be extended for a period equal to the original warranty period. Final inspection of all plantings shall be made at the end of the specified guarantee period. All stakes, ties, and wires used for staking shall be removed at the end of the guarantee period. At the time of inspection, all plants shall be alive and in a healthy, satisfactory growing condition. All plant material found dead, or not in a healthy, satisfactory growing condition, or which in any way do not meet the requirements of the specifications, shall be replaced by the Contractor at the Contractor's expense. All required replacements shall be plants of the same size and species as specified on the plant list and shall be supplied and planted in accordance with the drawings and specifications. Owner reserves the right to extend Contractor's warranty responsibilities for an additional year if, at end of initial warranty period, leaf development and growth is not sufficient to ensure future survival. 32. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL PROVISIONS - TENDER ITEMS CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 33. PART F - GENERAL ITEMS SUPPLY AND MAINTAIN FIELD OFFICE - ITEM NO. 8.01.01 Under this Item the Contractor shall supply and maintain a field office for the sole use of the Contract Administrator as described in Clause 16 of the Special Provisions - General. Payment shall be made at 50 % on the first payment certificate and the 50 % balance will be paid when the Contract is substantially performed. BONDS, INSURANCE AND MAINTENANCE SECURITY - ITEM NO. 8.02.01 Reference: RMDSS, Section 01001 Include: .1 100% Performance and Guaranteed Maintenance Bond for 24 months. ,2 100% Labour and Materials Payment Bond. .3 Liability Insurance based on the Contract Price. Note: Payment of this Item shall be made upon receipt of applicable documentation. MOBILIZATION AND DEMOBILIZATION - ITEM NO. 8.03.01 Reference: RMDSS, Section 01001 The contract price stated in the Tender Form for this item shall be compensation for the following: .1 Security protection of the Contractor's office, plant and sorted materials during the course of the contract. .2 Moving onto the site and setting up the Contractor's office, storage facilities, plant, etc. .3 Providing all necessary access to the project including haul roads as required and the restoration of the surfaces to their original condition after the haul roads are removed. .4 Moving off the site and removal of the Contractor's office, storage facilities, plant, etc. Payment will be made as follows: 50% of the lump sum stated in the tender Form for this Item will be paid on the first payment certificate; and, the 50% balance will be paid on the issuance of the Certificate of Substantial Performance. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 STANDARD DRAWINGS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I STANDARD NO. PAGE ONE STANDARD DRAWINGS CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 DESCRIPTION OPSD: 208.010 218.01 219.01 219.110 219.130 219.210 219.211 219.220 219.230 219.240 301.010 310.010 310.020 310.030 400.010 401.030 404.020 600.020 600.040 600.060 605.010 605.040 701.010 701.011 701.013 701.015 701.030 701.040 701.060 701.080 703.010 704.010 705.010 705.020 Benching of Earth Slopes Sodding of Side Slopes Erosion Control Blankets Light Duty Silt Fence Barrier Heavy Duty Silt Fence Barrier Temporary Rock Flow Check - V-Ditch Temporary Rock Flow Check- Plat Bottom Ditch or Channel Excavated Sediment Trap Chute Dewatering Trap Rural Entrances - To Roads on Pill Concrete Sidewalk Concrete Sidewalk Adjacent to Curb and Gutter Concrete Sidewalk Ramps at Intersections Cast Iron, Square Frame with Square Overflow Type Dished Grate for Catchbasins Cast Iron, Square Prame with Circular Watertight Cover for Maintenance Hole Aluminum Safety Platform for Circular Maintenance Hole Concrete Semi-Mountable Curb with Wide Gutter Concrete Barrier Curb with Standard Gutter Concrete Semi-Mountable Curb with Standard Gutter 450 Concrete Outlet for Concrete Curb and Gutter Asphalt Spillways for Cut or Fill Precast Maintenance Hole - 1200 mm Diameter Precast Maintenance Hole - 1500 mm Diameter Precast Maintenance Hole - 2400 mm Diameter Precast Maintenance Hole - 3600 mm Diameter Precast Concrete Maintenance Hole Components - 1200 mm Diameter Precast Concrete Maintenance Hole Components - 1500 mm Diameter Precast Concrete Maintenance Hole Components - 2400 mm Diameter Precast Concrete Maintenance Hole Components - 3600 mm Diameter Precast Concrete Single and Twin Inlet Flat Cap - 1500 mm Diameter Maintenance Hole and Catchbasin Precast Concrete Adjustment Units Precast Concrete Catchbasin - 600 mm x 600 mm, Depth - 4.0 max. Precast Concrete Twin Inlet Catchbasin - 600 mm x 1450 mm, Depth - 4.0 max. I I I 802.010 802.031 I 804.04 912.130 I 912.233 912.401 I 912.430 912.531 I 922.530 971.101 I N-l08 N-30l I N-630 S-40 r S-406 I S-408 S-409 I S-4l0 S-413 I S-4l4 S-4l5 S-423 I S-425 S-429 I S-430 S-43l S-433 I S-435 S-436 I S-438 S-444 I S-449 S-50l M-4955 I M-4955 MTOD- I 2102.01 PAGE TWO STANDARD DRAWINGS CONTRACT NO. CL 2003-27 Flexible Pipe Embedment and Backfill Earth Excavation Rigid Pipe Bedding, Cover and Backfill, Type 3 Soil - Earth Excavation Concrete Headwall for Sewer or Culvert Pipe Guide Rail System, Steel Beam Steel Post with Wooden Offset Block Assembly, Installation - Single Rail Guide Rail System, Steel Beam End Treatment, Installation - Shoulder Guide Rail System, Steel Beam Structure Connection Component - Rail and Channel Guide Rail System, Steel Beam Structure Connection Guide Rail System, Steel Beam End Treatment Installation - Entrances and Intersecting Roadways Energy Attenuator, End Treatment Extruder Installation Fence, Highway Installation Drop Structures for Manholes Sewer Trench Bedding for Concrete Pipe Dead End Street Barricade Detail Sanitary, Storm and Water (Main and Service) Trench Bedding Detail 19 mm Blowoff for 100 mm to 300 mm Water Service Stubs 100 mm to 400 mm Gate Valve and Valve Box Hydrant Assembly with Mechanically Restrained Joints 19 mm and 25 mm Copper Water Service Drain Valve in Chamber Layout of Pipe and Fittings for Copper Water Service on Non-Ferrous Watermain Pipe Casing Tracer Wire Arrangement at Hydrants for Watermain Pipe Tracer Wire Arrangement at Valve Box for PVC or CPP Watermain 19 mm Test Point By-Pass Restrained Joint Detail for PVC Pipe Joint Restraining Length for PVC Pipe Thrust Blocks for PVC Watermains for Hydrant Runouts, Tees and Dead Ends Cathodic Protection for Tracer Wires on PVC or CPP Watermain Cathodic Protection for Hydrant Assembly Cathodic Protection for Valves and Fittings Butterfly Valve and Valve Box (400 mm to 500 mm CPP) Water and Sewer Mains Location Sign Pavement Joint Treatment Stepcon Grate - 2400 mm Steel Cover with Hatch/Model 4955 Stepcon Grate - 2400 mm Steel Cover with Hatch/Model 4955 Underground Rigid Duct Connection at Concrete Structure I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PAGE THREE STANDARD DRAWINGS CONTRACT NO. CL 2003-27 APPLICABLE STANDARD DRAWINGS FOR STRUCTURE DWG. 1 OPSD-3501.00 OPSD-3906.020 OPSD-3906.030 OPSD-39l1.00 OPSD-401O.00 DWG. 2 OPSD-3301.oo OPSD-3320.0oo DWG. 3 OPSD 3501.00 OPSD-4670.oo DWG. 4 OPSD-4670.oo DWG. 5 DWG. 6 DWG. 7 OPSD-3904.04 OPSD-3906.020 OPSD-3906.030 OPSD-39ll.oo OPSD-3922.01O OPSD-3930.0l OPSD-3950.oo OPSD-4670.oo DWG. 8 OPSD 4010.00 DWG. 9 OPSD-3906.020 OPSD-3906.030 GRANULAR BACKFILL REQUIREMENTS-INTEGRAL ABUTMENTS BRIDGE DECK WATERPROOFING BRIDGE DECK WATERPROOFING LIGHTING POLE BASE DETAILS GUIDERAIL & CHANNEL ANCHORAGE SPLICE AND DRIVING SHOE DETAILS FOR STEEL 'H' PILES. STEEL SHEET PILES ANCHORAGE DETAILS GRANULAR BACKFILL REQUIREMENTS INTEGRAL ABUTMENTS TYPICAL JOINTS DETAILS TYPICAL JOINT DETAILS DRIP DETAIL BRIDGE DECK WATERPROOFING - HOT APPLIED ASPHALT MEMBRANE WITH PROTECTION BOARD BRIDGE DECK WATERPROOFING DETAILS AT ACTIVE WIDE CRACKS GREATER THAN 2mm AND CONSTRUCTION JOINTS LIGHTING POLE BASE DETAILS SUPPORTS FOR REINFORCING STEEL METHODS FOR OBTAINING SCREED ELEVATIONS DRAINAGE OF ASPHALT WEARING SURFACE ON NEW DECK TYPICAL JOINTS DETAILS GUIDERAIL & CHANNEL ANCHORAGE BRIDGE DECK WATERPROOFING - HOT APPLIED ASPHALT MEMBRANE WITH PROTECTION BOARD BRIDGE DECK WATERPROOFING DETAILS AT ACTIVE WIDE CRACKS GREATER THAN 2mm AND CONSTRUCTION JOINTS New roadway Existing roadway Subgrade Existing outside edge of shoulder rounding Note 1 —.._.—......._. Bench height >0.3m and <1.Om Bench width Variable Existing slope to be stripped when specified before benching NOTES: 1 When the subgrade is below the existing outside edge of shoulder rounding, benching shall be carries -:xt below the point where the subgrade intersects the existing slope. A Benching is not required on existing slopes flatter than 3:1 or where specified. ---•—•—•—•—•—..^.—.—._ rn c s 0 C L 0 v- k r- 0 41 .c rn .0 B Benches are to be excavated one level at a time and the compacted fill brought up before the next benching level is excavated. C All dimensions are in millimetres or metres unless otherwise shown. ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD DRAWING 11996 02 01 I Rev BENCHING OF EARTH SLOPES date—— — — ��w OPSD - 208.010 YP 1, °^ 2:1 slope$ or faceePer�su Sfaki9yeTn flush w ••' w ;,,_ " • / and _ ,• �. . b 100 100 , �• .• �. o{' ' � ., ' _ •. .�.• '• „� •mil � Direc `= • / ' Subgrode elevation _ on roadway frontslope NOTES: A For application to designated areas. B All dimensions are in millimetres unless otherwise shown. ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD DRAWING SODDING OF SIDE SLOPES Date 11990 09 14 1 Rev 1 2 Date____ OPSD- 218.01 M " M M M M W lM W M M M 1M M M M M M M 220 rn / 1000 mm min 900 to o to 3 / beyond crest blorket, iii � '� •• ket of slop% is s 2000 mm Ion Cr/ / ' 100 do 00 / to 2 1221 Note 01 r e i op Stap lle y rolled led / ' NO e s tio� lov 01 tJ of e 5 / 01 0 led I Subgrode elevation on _ Staples ♦ roadway frontslope • Note I Note 4 NOTES: I Staples in adjacent rows to be staggered. A Staple locations shown are typical . 2 Use four rows of staples on 1221 to 2000mm wide blanket, l3 For application to designated areas. 3 Use three rows of staples on 900 to 1220mm wide blanket. C All dimensions are in millimetres unless otherwise shown. 4 Longitudinal joints between adjoining blankets shall not be placed within ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD DRAWING Date 1990 09 14 1 Rev 300mm of the ditch centreline. Date 5 Stapling on all blankets as specified. ----- EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS -- ---------- OPSD - 219 .01 SILT .., 'O. Area under construction .~ PERSPECTIVE VIEW Area under construction Direction of flow c:::=:> Area under protection SECTION VIEW Silt fence barrier f~. - ~.., // ~.,...... / / . A ~ . , I "<, 'A~ . II I 2.3m max. Typ ,I : I A 4 PLAN OF SILT FENCE BARRIER Direction of flow ~ Main run 1 stoke Geotextile r~, ~ Direction of flow c:::=:> c 'E E E o g Trench to be I ~~~kfilled and ~mpacted SECTION A-A Earth surface o o N 1 300mm min of geotextile in trench o o <0 NOTE: A All dimensions are in millimetres or metres unless otherwise ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD DRAWING l LIGHT FENCE DUTY BARRIER ---------- Date OPSD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Area under construction 0, ..., PERSPECTIVE VIEW Area under construction Direction of flow ~ Area under protection SECTION VIEW Silt fence barrier ~ 6t)Q'. ....,., lit) Stokes "t . I~ Direction of flow A 5~ . . I ~ A~ I / / "J-Ilo"",,, // . . 2m max, Typ .-1 Main run A 4 PLAN OF SILT FENCE BARRIER 1 Earth surface Control measure support Geotextile c 'E E E o Direction c=;> g Trench to be of flow I ~ockfilled and ~ompacted ~ o o N Stoke 1 JOOmm min of geotextile in trench SECTION A-A NOTE: A All dimensions are in millimetres or metres unless otherwise shown. ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD DRAWING HEAVY DUTY SILT FENCE BARRIER Date _ _ _ _ _ _ OPSD 219.130 Trench to be backfilled and 200mm ~ compacted ~JOomm min of geotextile in trench Direction of flow ~ \.. -~ (0, \.,.-;': I ~B PlAN VI EW Geotextile o ~J (.--. . .~..? SECTION A-A o o " SECTION B-B NOTE: A All dimensions are in millimetres or metres unless otherwise shown. ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD DRAWING 1996 02 ( , TEMPORARY ROCK FLOW V-DITCH CHECK Date OPSD A 100 o If) ~ Direction of flow ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _.1 A t_ A ~ SECTION A-A rr150 o o r-- SECTION B-B Trench to be backfilled and 200mm -!--l.-l compacted ~ 300mm min of geotextile in trench NOTE: A All dimensions are in millimetres or metres unless otherwise shown. ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD DRAWING TEMPORARY ROCK FLOW CHECK FlJ\T BOlTOM DITCH OR CHANNEL Date OPSD - 219.211 Direction of flow ~ NOTES: A Ditch cross section upstream or downstream of sediment trap may be flat bottom or 'V' shaped. B All dimensions are in millimetres or metres unless otherwise shown. r- Temporary rock flow check , OPSD-219.211 Direc~ flow t B _.1 B Excavated basin {~ PlAN VIEW ~ ,- Direction of flow ~ Ditch invert I 1~ 0.5 ~ L=20m max SECTION B-B (-.'1 -, -'-J C'. ,. -.,; SECTION A-A ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD DRAWING l " EXCAVATED SEDIMENT TRAP Date OPSD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Temporary rock flow check OPSD-219.211 Excavated sediment trap OPSD-219.220 ~'\r~~~ ~~I\ ~1 1\~'fl PERSPECTIVE VIEW End section OPSD-801.02 Berm barrier OPSD-219.140 -- - Corrugated pipe plastic or metal, non-perforated Fill slope beyond chute Chute to be secured to the slope Note 1 SECTION VIEW OF CHUTE NOTES: 1 Scour protection required. A All dimensions are in millimetres or metres unless otherwise shown. ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD DRAWING CH UTE Date OPSD 219.230 Light duty sediment barrier t_ A x o E E o N 1 I ~ I (~ Direction of flow ~ 20m max Dewatering trap ~ Side slope Rock flow check not to exceed 0.5: 1 Typ /'. 1m min SECTION A-A Silt fence barrier OPSD-219.110 Excavated basin _1 A be 20m max DEWATERING TRAP WITH SILT FENCE I t_ A x o E E o N 1 I . /;'"'-1 '"=.;y Straw bale barrier OPSD-219.100 Temporary rock flow check Excavated basin _1 A Interface to be gap free 20m max .1 J N .. , DEWATERING TRAP WITH STRAW BALES NOTE: A All dimensions are in millimetres or metres unless otherwise shown. ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD DRAWING Date I " DEWATERING TRAP OPSD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Additional 600mm width required when guide roil is installed Cf. I 5.0 I I I SECTION B-B Edge of pavement I I -- Cf. povement-----t---------- I +1A PLAN Cf. I Sh ~ Exist entrance grade SECTION A-A NOTES: 1 Radius to be 8.0m when entrance is used for farm equipment. 2 Desirable entrance configuration, when conditions permit. Desirable maximum gradient: 6% for residential entrances end 10% for farm and field entrances. A All dimensions are in millimetres or metres unless otherwise shown. ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD DRAWING 1998 03 01 Rev RURAL ENTRANCES TO ROADS ON FILL OPSD - 301.010 Varies l.Sm Note 2 BOULEVARD 2% to 87- - R=5mm .:'.1. . 125mm Note 1 Concrete sidewalk O.3m min 7J'- to ......-...... ............- "- ............ Subgrade or granular -- base as specified --.... 511 5 lYPICAL SECTION "~:>;~::\~</ lr . A . . . . . . . f. .' " 0 -0 .." ::...~ :: ..:...~..".. :c"c;; ... ""t .... f ..~..r. 41. ..- '+- . . .. ~ ..' ..' 0 DUMMY JOINT 511 O.2ST ..._~.:,....:.. :.':.~ J". - - . .,. III ~ .( ..' ,,~ l'. : -,- :: C '.' ...... . . '.. . . T ...... c ~ , '. ,__ .. . '."9" .:.: a> . , . '.' .' . ~ .f. ., '.. u :2 ." ." .. ..-4 ::.. ,.. ". .. ".. .. :c (I') .." ,,"':, .".., .".,:.. .....~: I-- a CONTRACTION JOINT R=5mm Typ 5 : ~. .:..:1 ~.: .~~. Jill =5 . . ..... ~'4' .. a> ~ . . . ., .' c Cl . .t .' ."V. f' '. "V. . oX -0 '., . M.~ .' .'::. ..' ~ 'Vi ....".....f. .).".....J. 1-.... .... ." . 0 --II- 1 2mm expansion joint material EXPANSION JOINT NOTES: 1 Sidewalk thickness at residential driveways and adjacent to curb shall be 150 mm. At commercial and industrial driveways. the thickness shall be 200mm. 2 Sidewalk width shall. be increased to 2.4 m at schools I bus. stops and other high pedestrian areas. BOULEVARD Curb and gutter Expansion joints Contraction joints Typ JOINT LAYOUT A All dimensions are in millimetres or metres unless otherwise shown. ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD DRAWING CONCRETE SIDEWALK 1993 10 01 Date OPSD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Slo e 27. to 47. 1S0mm Note 1 t 1.5m Note 2 Finished surface Expansion joint material .., ._ ...1#.." ,to 4 ., .. _ .. J .. . . ~.. 0'".... R=5mm Concrete R=5mm sidewalk LSUbgrade or granular base os specified Curb and gutter as specified lYPICAL SECTION 511 5 ....... "?-r" J"] -.. -~.. OJ" .. .. ~ """ .::L. . : .., ." ..... . :::"0 -'; ..- ,...t".: Gl~ .. ".... . .. ;~ -.. .. .. .. .. .. .. :..: ~ G) . 1 . . . . . . . f. .. . ., 0" .:' .~~:~~ ,,:~~ . '~).~::..'..~' ~ ~ Ol :?! III C Gl ~ C Gl oX" 0- - Ol .s:; ........ o Expansion joint material DUMMY JOINT 511 0.25T :.<:~: .~:.:~ ~ ::: ~.~ l.~..: :1 . . . ;..... ~ . '. .....: ..... . 1...... .~ .f. ','. ,. . '.: ~ .....'.~..:~ .. ,...... -. .. . .:.~.... .. _0 A: Contraction joint Expansion joints CONTRACTION JOINT R=5mm Typ. 5 Dummy joints Typ . ....:. :~:.it ~'::~']:?! . (/) C . . 'f' ~ ~'4' .. Gl ~ .' . .~." . .' C Gl ~:t. f". v,. oX" .-';. .':-:. ..' ~g; '::'''..:~.f: .)'.:":".' ""'0 --II-- 12mm expansion joint material Contraction joint JOINT lJ\YOUT EXPANSION JOINT NOTES: 1 Sidewalk thickness at residential driveways and adjacent to curb shall be 150mm. At commercial and industrial driveways, the thickness shall be 200mm. 2 Sidewalk width shall be increased to: 1.8m when adjacent to curb on major roadways 2.4m at schools, bus stops and other high pedestrian areas. A All dimensions are in millimetres or metres unless otherwise shown. ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD DRAWING CONCRETE SIDEWALK ADJACENT TO CURB AND GUTTER Date 310.020 OPSD Stop or yield street Expansion joints Typ Curb and gutter Through street ... .. street .. UNSIGNAUZED INTERSECTIONS Back of Directional lines 0.3m apart and 1.5m long - min Typ 1.0 -1-,.5 --L--,.o line RAMP ELEVATION Curb and gutter Finished road surface Expansion joint material SIGNAUZED INTERSECTIONS 2.5m "I Back of sidewalk _Slope "81. mOl( 5!- desiroble . :i.. : ;. : .., .~. .. .. ... .. JI ... t :. 0.'" .... .," f' , - .....:........ 150mm min Curb and gutter os specified Sidewalk romp lYPlCAL RAMP SECTION NOTES: A Directional lines shall be 1 Ox1 Omm made B with grooving tool having a 15mm radius. All dimensions are in millimetres or metres unless otherwise shown. ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD DRAWING 1993 10 01 CONCRETE SIDEWALK RAMPS AT INTERSECTIONS Date OPSD 310..030 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~o II) , ~ - - , ovL u T--Tp ~Br ~_nz - gr-l r ~ t') I zo~ U LLI I Ul t09 o c: '0. z :s c.. () w ~ Q:: C) N ..... co E E en IX) I') IX) 0: I SOl I t1 ~ < ..... Z o t= u LLI en ~Z9 LS9 m ..... 10 W ~Z~ ..... It) q:n IX) t') o < N IX) ~9~ SZ -1 ..... 10 .ct:n N o ..... ('If o ..... ~ m OZ9 OJ ..... z ~ <c.. w :E ~ cr: l&. Er Eo. ~t?:' E ..... It) ~ 0: IX) ..... ..... ..... It) co $ ~ LLI ci N o o ..-- (0 "0 C o z o t= u LLI Ul o c > ..-- ~ CD ~ 0 0::: O.t: ..-- en (0 N I CD 0 Q.~ 0 en ~ N a.. CD > o.t: 0 .r. (5 Z .... .- en ~ en C ~ o c :;; ::J o en ~ CD ...... L. C .... o CD o .~ c= .- E "0 o .; f f .8 0 en o c .... 0 Q '0; en c a.. CD .. 0 .~ en en "0 ~ ~ < Z<m c , C Z o t= u LLI en (80 0.:: .,... (I) I ~ . 0 10 ,-q- : I , , C I(f) Ie... '0 I o I I I I I t I I I I 0::: 0(1) I.L.C) C) Z Z :::c lLI - S: I-I-Z ~_<(W Cl 3: ~ ~ '"' lLI 0 0:: ~ lLI ~ C3 ~:::c 0 z l.L.~m ~ 0 r- lLI C) en 0:: lLI Z ...J <( 0- - < => >- 0:: C3 0 I- 0:: Z LaJ > (/) 3: :::c o zO .. 8:0~~ o e:~iii ~ 1-><( < (/)Om !Z <( o 0 LaJ ::x: 0::0 ~~ 00 (/) m I 10 m . ..... 0: ...I e c ~ 9 en NOTE: A Lugs and keyways are optional. B All dimensions are in millimetres unless otherwise shown. BOO A FRAME PLAN 1 t co"" ...N -L ~ N N 16.5 f676 '632 f624 f578 25 01 ... co ,.... '575 '667 38mm dia x 14mm deep SECTION A-A 4-16mm dia cap screws x 57mm long LUG AND HOLE DETAIL BAR HANDLE DETAIL 2mm rubber gasket co .1 ~r ~ ~'" SECTION B-B SECTION D-D ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD DRAWING CAST IRON, SQUARE FRAME WITH CIRCULAR WATERTIGHT COVER FOR MAINTENANCE HOLES Nov 2002 opse - 401.030 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Cl C) Cl CD .. Z 0>'" I cm =>>-1 0.. :l~1 CD 0::- -Cl < EE Z C)I- E2 1 ..... 0 zL&.l 10" .J. en _ t= _0 ... T~9L~ I- xO () < .c L&.I oQ 0:: -c (f) C) "00 t- O::: 0 0.. 0.. ~ en ~"'<::l "6 .. ~... Cl.! ClO CIlZ .. Cl.1! O>Q .!:~ ::C.c z Q3= !::L&.I D (1)- 0> Q"LaJ zO D LaI- Q,,(f) o .......10101010 co co co co ~ C'l en 0 0 10 ..... co co I I ,., 'It" ,., ,., I I I I ~ 10 ..... IX) ..... I I C'l ..... 0 0 I I C'l ,., ,., 'It" N 0 I I C 0 N I I (/); 0 IX) ,., 'It" > I I a.. , \) 10 ..... en C'l 0 I I IX) 0 C'l ..... Z 0 ..... ..... ... I I C) z ~ c c a::: ~ z ~ (/) -' <( C3 z ~ a::: a. <'!o 0) - lOa::: rti ~~ "0 CD CD 1:"E z "irn.D 0 00 o 0. " ... CD.D -" I c .,_ 0 c. 0 1> . CD '- O',c 01: "E - ~ ~ ~ .s.~ rn E'o E:E -= (f) o c g '- CD rn 0 0.C! - ~ < - '-OOO~CD lo~-(I) --.D 0.2' ~ rno lO :2.... 0 -I O'~ ~ CD ~ E -cOco,- c c,,~_o. rn ._ ~,c E 0 CD CD CD CO CD ~ -cO.O 0.::1 CD-CDO~ t- ,'- LaJ ::I::IoCDE" !o~..2.S g'1:;)1> Q 0 rn 1: 0._ c CD ,,1> o..s =0 .... .... E E 0 0 _.S 0 .D CD.D CD rn '- lO (f) :: -ooErn 0.D 0"1 == " _ ,cO,c ~ OCO" E' Co "g.!J 'b o.S ~Q.~o ~ g CD ~ ~ ..co 0 CD CD- ........ Co oJ I) 0 ... ..... "CD " .... ..... .- CD 0 C ...... . .D 0 CD CD C ,c C) 6 0 CD.~<"i CD CD.!.D.D o.s f 0 ~ o.Cb -0200 =,c(l) OCD 0= E O,c . O,c ,c ~ 2 0 0 0 eOo,c .!-> 8 CD 0' "i E (}i ~'i .D"O__.... CD'bCD.f 0 o~ I) 'i .S ,.... b g '- 0 E CD 0'::1 'Ii ~ I) ~ E &._,c 0 0' 6 0 c c .S 0 c- g'1)~" og'c .cll'i.!=O E- 1)0 :E ~.-.! ~ 0 .! E CD.... 0 "i ::I C E I E c 01: '- co1: of ~ - 0"- _ e ::1'- 0'- 0'- ..-" 0 .- " ~ O~ &.:a ~:i2:i 6 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .... 4( m () Q l&J LI.. ~ z o I ~ o m cZ z:) <a.. C) z i= < 0::: C) ,^olX),.,'It" """I 10"'" en C'l IX) 0 C'l ..... ... ..... 0 IX) 'It" 'It" " 0 C'l 'It" ..... en.....,.,..... ..... ... ... rn CD - e C) C'lC'l"''It" .. I.L. .1! 0 Q ~ ...J .c ~ g' LaI :;:; C C 60.. ~~ - o o z '- CD - CD Eoooo 00000 i5~~~~ :c :::::!: In -' ~ LaJ Q CI) .D z~ LalI Q,,~ o "z zO i5 en ~~~ o z W ....J ::EO a::::J: Ow 1.&..(,) I-Z :3< a...Z l.&J >-1- I-Z l.&J - 1.&..< <(~ (/) 0::: ::E:3 :::>:::> ~(,) ::EO::: :::>- -10 <(0::: o La.. ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD DRAWING April 1999 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 700 It) N N L_ ~ l- 25 725 For flexible L For rigid pavement pavement 25x75mm keyway Typ centred in concrete base Typ Note 1 and 3 725 TANGENT SUPERELEVATED NOTES: 1 When curb and gutter is adjacent to concrete pavement or base, this drawing is to be used in conjunction with OPSD-552.010 and 552.020. 2 Flexible and composite pavement shall be placed 5mm above the adjacent edge of gutter. 3 For slipforming procedure, a 5" batter is acceptable. A Treatment at entrances shall conform with OPSD-351.010. B Outlet treatment shall conform with OPSD-610 Series. e The length of transition from one curb type to another shall be 3.0m, except in conjunction with guide rail. it shall conform to OPSD-900 Series. o All dimensions are in millimetres unless otherwise shown. LEGEND: S - Rate of pavement superelevation in percent, %. CONCRETE SEMI-MOUNTABLE CURB WITH WIDE GUTTER OPSD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I qJn:l JO O:)().:f -e :J U., '"OG GU a.C a.e e- a. Cl~~ qJn:l JO O:)().:f J 1 II) c-. oX. ."0 .,~ GG c'"O .x- u. - a. t:o~ 1 8 ~li ~.J o ~ ~ a:: l.LJ 0- ::> U) !z l.LJ C) z if o ~ q. .~C/) ~IOCD CD .a t? "C ~ .sl~ 0..0 G(I)o oo.~ oOco o I ft:fio --(I) ~ '-~o. BE! ~o OEO s:. =t;' .c.e ~ CD E o~ ~ g ~ g 2 ft E ~01O 0 J:: C)~o ! 10 11).... 0 - t: E.c .... 1) ::s "6_0e e E Oft ..s:. e =OJ:: ..__ ::s CD CD II) 0 - o~ t: cO '- 0 s:.uo E - ., e ::s., e 8) e- C "6 eP'OCD_O::se ~ s:. o~ CD 0"6='-"2'0 Co II) oe oe es:."iil!oU -s:. CD p CD e., u= . G lD .... ft o..~ po oft ~ ~ . -,; e 1: ~ e es:.-! 0 CD E ~:!: ga G G 0- lD G fte!! CD~ ~-e~,;~o.s":",(I) at 8. CII ~ U 0 1:tD i~~=g 1!~ CD'O lDl'a C) ~ cbCD een G .. &2 e 'ii ~ 1) ~ .. 06 ~ I ~ ~tjt.f ~ B .5a~~ ~g z~ N t?cmu 0 - o CD ... .... 00 met: C)I ~CI) .... e G o o =t;' o CD o ::s '0 e CD :fi CD > o .c o CD .c ~ o ,V o . o o (0 ~ e CD e CD 0.. .E e o :p o > CD e CD a. ::s ft en en en ~ c (f) a.. o 'i: 0.. < C)al^*, ~Q::w.. ~::>I.&.I o 01=1; o ::>~ ~ffiC)~ ~ii2Q~ rnQ::Q:: ~~~~ (.) z- ~~~~ Q.~cn~ oQ: 0 - O:E:~ ~Z:I- 083: .... e G E CD ~ a. OPSD 600.060 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Dropped curb at entrances, Typ ~ ~ 275 -n 225 11~ r R=5mm For flexible r Hate 2 ".s-o 251 h pavement. '?h T 'l . 0 yp~ .f: :. t n . ... -. -.. '.' ~ .... j....'R=5mm: '.: ::,.:., ~ "'f . .. ., _ .,. .,,~ . -., It) 10 . "_'_ ....-.,:....:. .: .";'::'. 0. : ....1 " C'I ~\'__'.':' --.f . 00 .: :.. ":'. '? '. .f~1 C'I ~, J..... .. . "'" ~ I~ ...... . . __.' ._'. ...... -0 ..' . .'JO. .. Y." . . .' .... ...':'. ~ . ". . ..' . . I L .:~ ...:.: .~-..; :: :'. .,' Note 3: .: :'-1 ._to.. : --' .' ..'. _... ., -:!.. . . .. ... /-I.~~5 . . 525. .. . . ." I=l-:~ L~n,. .. Additional width For ngtd pavement where sidewalk b 25x75mf"!' keyway adjacent to curb centred In concrete Typ . bose. Typ Notes 1 and 3 Thickness of adjacent SideWQlk'7 Typ 275 ---r-- 2251 , R=5mm 1"-:'0., 251 { / CHote2 '?'m R=5mm, I _ .,. >~t~ t \ .., .: '"' ~.' Cl ~ _ .,. ....~....... ....,,~ f :0 . _.:: '. .... '.. v_ ..'"7"'1 c.... ..' '.. .. ..' 0. ...... 0 l~'.:' ;:~~"':'::f:~: .:.;:.~..::. :?" ..:.~~ .~ 10 .,. " .... ,. . . .... . '? . . I > N ..... : .,,:......: . ":.-;. -: '"0 .."0: 0'"':'1 C'I -.rJf: ~ :. ~ ~.: . '. : .!. ~ot~. 3 ,', :-.) :~.::. .<:. ,: -'"' 5 . :.,:. 0.. '...-..'1.-1- -11-" .n 50 25 . 525 TANGENT SUPERELEVATED NOTES: 1 When curb and gutter is adjacent to concrete pavement or bose, this drawing is to be used in conjunction with OPSO-552.010 and 552.020. 2 Flexible and composite pavement sholl be placed 5mm above the adjacent edge of gutter. 3 For slipfonning procedure. 0 5';; batter is acceptable. A Treatment at entrances sholl conform with OPSO-351.0 10. 8 Outlet treatment sholl conform with OPSO-510 Series. e The length of transition from one curb type to another sholl be 3.0m. except in conjunction with quide roil, it sholl conform to OPSO-9oo Series. o All dimensions ore in millimetres unless otherwise shown. LEGEND: S - Rote of pavement superelevatlon in percent, ~. ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD DRAWING April 1999 CONCRETE CURB WITH SEMI-MOUNT ABLE STANDARD GUTTER ---------- ---------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Curb and CURB and GUTTER 0 R gutter Type m m Barrier 1.9 2.1 f Semi-Mountable 2.5 2.8 Mountable 2.9 2.9 Elevation of top of curb to follow shoulder slope lYPlCAL PlAN VIEW and GUTIER o '" '" ,... 7/////////h~' -- -.-t- _1 ... J. '7KQ/)il'~ -,;~.-:"",:.,. ';',. (..'~:' .. .". .... '" .... ",."" j 300 lsJ-l ~ l- SECTION X-X SEMI-MOUNTABLE CURB and o It) II) ,... >'//////////1-'. ,~..~A"A"n ..' ~. ..\. .: :0<.'. ::! ;.' JI '..: j 400 l-450-l 400 l- Level of gutter at X-X Section Typ SECTION X-X MOUNTABLE CURB and GUTTER NOTES: A For spillway details refer to OPSD-605.040. B All dimensions are in millimetres unless otherwise shown. ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD DRAWING 450 CONCRETE OUTLET FOR CONCRETE CURB AND GO II ER April 1999 OPSD - 605.010 Outlet Type OPSD-605.010 and 605.030 Barrier 200 450 Semi-Mountable 300 450 Mountable 400 450 OPSD-605.020 and 601.010 Type B 400 450 Asphalt spillway rO~Ol-1 ~ I~NO" ////// t SOmm min SECTION X-X .! ~-<t of ditch PLAN WITH 30. or 45. GUTIER OUTLET OPSD-605.010, 605.020 or 605.030 Gutter width <t Outlet Type OPSD-604.010 Barrier 200 450 Semi-Mountable 300 450 Mountable 400 450 OPSD-604.020 and 601.010 Type B 400 450 ----IT 5 Y > j _ ~d.9! _oj _ !.~o~!.d~r Y roT9-011 ~~~el ///// f 50mm min SECTION Y-Y Asphalt spillway L - -<t of ditch PLAN WITH 90. GUTIER OUTLET OPSD-604.010 or 604.020 NOTES: 1 Depression of spillway to coincide with outlet end of gutter outlet. 2 All dimensions are in millimetres unless otherwise shown. ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD DRAWING April ASPHALT SPILLWAYS FOR CUT OR FILL OPSD I I , , : , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I For adjustment unit and frame installation see OPSO-704.010 Typ /f-------1I c'.1_______1.~ -j-------E-' :J-, :J '" .,. . '. Tapered top See alternative 0 . Riser sections as required '" Monolithic base with inlet and ouUet openings to suit See alternatives A.B and 0 . '. :'" ~. '.";'. "". 300mm, Typ --l .-..... '" ~. ~ ~ _.' . '. . ......... C1 I'-nulor- . ~. ........ '..,. · VI u ~_......~_--:_....-~........ bedding ALTERNATIVES A SUMP FOR STORM SEWER MAINTENANCE HOLE 300 Note 1 :",..,. till ..-'. -,.- . .". ("'-., 'T' ....... n . . . <( ..' '" .. .... . . . ~_...... _........~.......-..... Granular bedding S PRECAST SlAB BASE C CAST -IN-PLACE BASE Bottom riser section with inlet and outlet openings to suit . ,150 Ir150 ,. 275f 300 t" ..:'~.. . ..... ~:.::.i' ";I t ste~"';:rno~-:':;:; ~~~nular as specified bedding Riser section . . ... 4t... ... . ~"'T'" ........ C1 . . 'I. ..... .. .. .,. I -...... _.:.-._--~ Granular bedding NOTES: 1 The sump is measured from the lowest invert.. A Granular backfill to be placed to a minimum thickness of 300mm all around the maintenance hole. S Precast concrete components according to OPSD-701.030. C Structure exceeding S.Om In depth to Include saf~ platfonn according to OPSD-404.020. o Pipe 8Upport according to OPSD-708.020. ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD DRAWING o PRECAST FlAT eM' E For benching details, maximum pipe hole diameters and flow configurations, see OPSD-701.021. F All dimensions are nominal. G All dimensions are in mtlltmetres unless otherwise shown. PRECAST MAINTENANCE HOLE 1200mm DIAMETER April 1999 ---------- ---------- opse 701.010 C TAPERED TRANSmON SlAB 0 1200mm PRECAST FLAT CAP E 1500mm PRECAST FLAT CAP 125 ~ ''\r,. ......, 4 Flat Flat cap cop '. Riser . section , 150 150 For adjustment '1'-------1' unit and frame \ cl.1_______.L~ Installation see l:J-------:J OPSD-704.010 l_J-1 _J Typ , Riser sections os required Tapered top See alternative 0 and E , Transition slob See alternative C . - .1. t.... .",' 1500mm dia c E .! E ,. E o ;" 0 . :q':' ~ ~ .~ .;.:..: :.. . J. . .,.~.. -..: -. 41 -. ,.. .. See alternative . ..... .f.... ..... .,. ..,&'.. A and B C;.. . : .. . '. ." ...... I 'j .'" . ~.. ,e : ,.~.. ..-. ..... ..- _.<-..:. ..... ....1 . .t. . .. -. .... .. : '. ..... .. . .... ---------"-- ~.. Granular 300mm l-- bedding Typ Riser sections as required 300mm max Typ Bench or sump Note 1 Precast slab base I ALTERNATIVES A PRECAST MONOUTIiIC BASE A '" ~ '" ~ '. :, -..... '. ~':[" ,... '. . ... .. .". . Granular '" . r '.' ...... r. , bedd. 9 ~.... . "'- ..... .."1 In .' .. . '. ... '. ." :', . ~~:-.':"'-.~~:-""::":":"'-I S CAST -IN-PLACE BASE I I NOTES: 1 For sump detail see OPSD-701.010. A Granular backfill to be placed to a minimum thickness of 300mm all around the molntenance hole. S Precast concrete components according to OPSD-701.040, OPSD-703.010 and OPSD-706.01 O. C Structures exceeding 5.0m In depth to include safety platform according to OPSO-404.020. ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD DRAWING o Pipe support according to OPSD-708.020. E For benching details, maximum pipe hole diameters and flow configurations, see OPSD-701.021. F All dimensions are nominal. G All dimensions are in mtlllmetres unless I otherwise shown. April 1999 PRECAST MAINTENANCE HOLE 1500mm DIAMETER ---------- ---------- OPSD - I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I ,,-------1\ For adjustment ---....... clJ_______L'-:I unit and frame ~-,-------r--, installation see t- - -1 r- -""1 OPSD-704.010. I-_...r.., I--~ Typ ..: Tapered top See alternative B and C . , ~ ~ '. Riser sections as required :. . ~ '. ..-' .",. . Transition slab 2400mm dia max Riser sections as required Bench or sump Note 1 Precast slab base See alternative A Granular bedding NOTES: 1 For sump detail see OPSD-701.010. A Granular backfill to be placed to a minimum thickness of 300mm all around the maintenance hole. S Precast concrete components according to OPSD-701.060, OPSD-703.030 and OPSD-706.030. C Structures exceeding 5.0m in depth to include safety platform according to OPSD-404.020. ALTERNATIVES A CAST -IN-PLACE BASE B 1200mm PRECAST FlAT CAP Flat cap Riser section C 2400mm PRECAST FlAT CAP a. ~ E E o o n Flat cap o Pipe support according to OPSD-708.020. E For benching details. maximum pipe hole diameters and flow configurations. see OPSD-701.021. F All dimensions are nominal. G All dimensions are in millimetres unless otherwise shown. ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD DRAWING April 1999 PRECAST MAINTENANCE HOLE 2400mm DIAMETER OPSD 701.013 S 1200mm ALTERNATIVES '1'"--1\ For adjustment --....,. c::'1.__J.'::I unit and frame ~-"---r-' installation see r--., r--" OPSD-704.010. 1--""1 1---1 Typ A CAST -IN-PLACE BASE Tapered top See altemative B and C Riser sections as required Transition slab Flat cap Riser section Riser sections as required c: 'E E E o o IX) C 3600mm PRECAST FlAT CAP Bench or sump Note 1 Flat cap 300 mm Typ Granular bedding . .r. ::;.:<. ";-:.:~;:,: ..:'\j '~>:;~':.:::..'~.::-:::.~.. ~:'\:~'~'<~'_~: NOTES: 1 For sump detail see OPSD-701.010. A Granular backfill to be placed to a minimum thickness of 300mm all around the maintenance hole. S Precast concrete components according to OPSD-701.070 and OPSD-703.050. C Structures exceeding 5.0m in depth to include safety platform according to OPSD-404.020. o Pipe support according to OPSD-708.020. E For benching details. maximum pipe hole diameters and flow configurations. see OPSD-701.021. F All dimensions are nominal. G All dimensions are in millimetres unless otherwise shown. ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD DRAWING April 1999 PRECAST MAINTENANCE HOLE 3600mm DIAMETER OPSD am IM 4M "A am IM 1111111C) am 14W. IM Ave M 4W aret. roferone. .Mrotten T,p„ed top --�-- flat cep O War section ( Iff 0 it, menollifft 1110419 " With ®d --�� 2-15M O 751 1 ♦+ 2-15M O 150mm r � � --' B PLAN 15M­-1 2-15M O 75mm 10--1 "85-1 1--230 P .WWF Ciro .ta�B 250mm /m 125-4 F-12oomm dw-4 I— 125 SECTION A—A TAPERED TOP 4-15M O 300mm OC eoch way t D WW CiT steel: 2-15M O 150mm c 3-15M O 150mm nit Y �! B �3-15M O 150mm PLAN U75mm Eta 205 I-â–º685-1 • I j . 4rw �L PLAN 25omm /m 1200mm dia 125 -� r-123 600nxn to max 2400mm, -1_----- WWF Cir steel: 150mm horements 2Wrnm /m 300 O NOTES: 1 Precast bases are available for depth of bury greater than 10m. SECTION D—D Depth of bury measured to floor of ^ MONOWHIC BASE monolithic base or top of base slab. 1O.Om max A All reinforcing steel shall have Note 1 SECTION B—B FIAT CAP 4-15M O 300mm OC each way E E 15M bent bar every 3rd bar PLAN ' e. .hewn I�-1475mm Eta 15M bent bar -`'--'+ every 3rd bar r_ as shown T—SECTION E—E BASE SLAB 1 MOM max Note 1 =CWWF r steel: .i2 e/m C C PLAN 1':511-1200mm Eia--I I--125 IF I -------------- s i '• x� O SECTION C—C RISER SECTION 25mm minimum cover. ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD DRAWING 1998 03 011 Rev 1 T 8 Steps according to OPSD-405.010 o p and OPSD-405 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S C All dimensions are nominal. MAINTENANCE HOLE COMPONENTS - - - - - - - - - - D All dimensions are in millimetres 1200mm DIAMETER OPSD - 701 .030 or metros unless otherwise shown. • am so Am im am 13M am 'AM 11111111101 AM IPW "M No 2-15M O 75mm 1314 �3-ISM O 75mm s° AZ + XaA 3-1511 O 75mm lo 1311 2—i5M O 75mm Gate retww o elevotlon — � --3-15M O 75mm PLAN 125—{ r--1200mm dla-+l M" as W P. OPSO-7O1.030 F---01830mm dlo SECTION A—A x TAPERED TRANSITION SLAB bvwlU+ roe '----`` E 10.Om max s-1514 O 300mm OC fter 9"Oo„ •' Note 1 each ray ISM t— B 1514 2-15M O 75mm -3–i5M O 75mm eB 3-15M O 75mm 2–iSM O 75mm-1 1N–�{ �-315M O 75mm 0mm 41 dio 1 SOmm 1200mm db min 1 1 t r„1• 303 C SECTION B—B TRANSITION SLAB 10.Om max Note 1 IOOmm OC 1 oath ray t4 t N- D D E E I Wff CWG ISM bent Ear I ( Cko sbdc eve 3rd bar 31 Smm=/m ry PLAN Total PLAN as eho. dose slop ( l iSO--I I--1300mm dio---I Imo-.150 I 183omm dio 1500mm to 1200mm dia 1 s a l/n, _ - ISM bent s a bbaar iv 300 / 303 .;,,; as shorn y O Total '�` NOTES: t$ 2 r SECTION E—E 1 Precast transition slabs and T SECTION D—D BASE SLAB precast bases are available for MONOLITHIC BASE 10.Om max depth of bury greater than 10m. 10.Om max Note 1 A All reinforcing steel shall have Note 1 25mm minimum cover. ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD DRAWING B Steps according to OPSD-405.010 and OPSD-405.020. PRECAST CONCRETE C All dimensions are nominal. MAINTENANCE HOLE COMPONENTS D All dimensions are in millimetres or metres unless otherwise shown. 1500mm DIAMETER s N I / I PLAN I 1500mm dlo--{ -io 7 SECTION C—C RISER SECTION 1998 03 011 Rev 11 • .1..1: %m -t I i; - - - - - - - - - - I OPSD — 701 .040 Orate reference elevation '—--------- i 1200nwn dia Wi as per I — OP50-701.030 TransBion slab o Riw section — s Ir E Miser section Do" sae 2400mm to 1200mm dia t A 15M every as ehown 2-25M O 300mm PI I--3-25M O 65mm 3-25M O 65mm, diagonal f � 3-25M O 300mm, T _ 1 I diagonal ppC� :4 � 2400mm dia---�{ i I WWF T3 M p ,rye ao B B 4-25M O 300mm Circ stefl: 507mm /m, Total N (�f 8 �• I A 3-25M 0 65mm, diagonal 3-25M O 300mm, 1 diagonal 2-25M 2-25M O 300mm I `�\ PLAN 4, /•� .nm OC each way PLAN 2895mm dia 305 T • it f 15M bent bar every 3rd bar as shown SECTION A—A BASE SLAB 10.Om max NOTES: Note 1 1 Precast transition slabs and precast bases are available for depth of bury greater than 10m. A All reinforcing steel shall have 25mm minimum cover. B Steps according to OPSD-405.010 and OPSD-405.020. C All dimensions are nominal. D All dimensions are in millimetres or metres unless otherwise shown. C 2895mm dia 1200mm I 230 [—dia—+I �, a �r• f° P 305 SECTION B—B TRANSITION SLAB 10.0m max 23 Note 1 x E 0 0 s PLAN > � T :4 � 2400mm dia---�{ i I --------------------- E } { N (�f 8 �• I ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD DRAWING PRECAST CONCRETE MAINTENANCE HOLE COMPONENTS 2400mm DIAMETER SECTION C—C RISER SECTION 1998 03 01 Rev 1 -- 230 �, Y r, U 9i-- OPSD - 701 .060 M an am 4" r= as W " AM im a M M M " 02 â– â– â– â– â– â– .0.0â–  â–  â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– II.00.//0.0.110.â– /.â–  1200mm dia â–  â– â– /â– â– â– â– â– /â– â– â– â– I1â– â– â– â– â– â– tâ–  â– â– â– â– /â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– 11â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â–  i .â– â– â– â– .0tâ– â–  1â– â– â–  Grate reference slayallon â– â– â– â–  â– â– //â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â–  i.0â– â– â– â– tâ–  â– â– â– â– â– â– /â– â– /â–  1/â– â– /â– â–  , r� â– â– /â– .0â– â– .â– â– â–  as:::EW -� or to pared each way transition slab PLAN I1 Riser sections • SECTION A—A Bass slab BASE SLAB 10.Om max 3600mm to 1200mm dio Note 1 NOTES: 1 Precast bases are available for depth of bury greater than 10.0m. 2 Transition slabs are available for depth of bury greater than 8.0m. A All reinforcing steel shall have 25mm minimum cover. B Steps according to OPSD-405.010 and OPSD-405.020. C All dimensions are nominal. D All dimensions are in millimetres or metres unless otherwise shown. 4-25M r0 270mm I B WWF Cire stef• 1`1-25M 762mm /m, Total O 330mm 11 I !l 4-25M—�, t-- 8-25M O 80mm O 320mm / PLAN 't I i� C I ' 1200mm 4360mm dio ;\ 3 dta 1 SECTION B—B TRANSITION SLAB 8.Om max Note 2 ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD E 0 0 s PLAN E 350 r ;t [ — 3600mm da nominal 3501 t, --------------------- SECTION C—C RISER SECTION ING 11998 03 01 1 Rev PRECAST CONCRETE MAINTENANCE HOLE COMPONENTS 3600mm DIAMETER C 1 w\ v E C4 2 OPSD - 701 .080 a" W I" *Mll 1M FW 1M W on / M M M 1111=1 so � M Am Flat cap Twin inlet flat cap ti r Cn, 15M t-- A 2-15M- 2-15M - ® 75mm 15M � RM&=&. 15M 2-15M 2-15M ® 300mm 2-15M ® 75mm j A B 600- ..1 15M �-2-15M ® 75mm 15M PLAN 1830mm dia 205 685mm dia 1 O Riser section SECTION A--A FLAT CAP 15M �- 2-15M ® 75mm 2-15M PLAN 2-15M ® 75mm 3-10M 1830mm dia 212.5 stirrups .. — 15M ® 300mm I B �- 2-15M ® 75mm 2-15M PLAN 212.5 1830mm dia 212.5 r600 205600 1 If) v- /. t� L 3-10M stirrups-] 2-10M, 700mm long SECTION B-B TWIN INLET FLAT CAP Riser section. Monolithic base alternative NOTES: Base slab A All reinforcing steel shall have 25mm minimum cover. B This OPSD to be used in conjunction with OPSD-701.040. C All dimensions are nominal. D All dimensions are in millimetres or metres unless otherwise shown. ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD DRAWING 1996 09 15 JRev PRECAST CONCRETE - - - - - - - - - - s SINGLE AND TWIN INLET FLAT CAP Date - - - - - _ 1 500mm DIAMETER OPSD -- 703.010 1�4 on, a mot M an IM, on M a mo No, no a. M a* to am PIPE IN SUPPORTED PIPE IN UNSUPPORTED EXCAVATION _-_--I {--- EXCAVATION PIPE IN UNSUPPORTED PIPE IN SUPPORTED EXCAVATION + I--- EXCAVATION Note 4 00 Subgrade 00 2 Typ 2 LEGEND: Over 900 In no case shall this dimension be less than 150mm or ` greater than 300mm. OOmm min, Typ 0 — Inside diameter 2 Support system the bottom of the Backfill material. 1 Q'1 `, _ Typ to OPSD-803.030 and 803.031. For culvert frost treatment Condition of trench is symmetrical about centreline of pipe. % 1.5 Note 3 Safety Act and 0 Regulations for Construction ,Projects. 0 , B Cover material ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD DRAWING to to OPSD-808.010. 300mm min, Typ PIPE BEDDING, C Al dimensions are in millimetres Compacted granular bedding material COVER Note 1 J Bedding grade 00 Typ 2 2 0.500 0.6 00 Note 2 Note 2 N CLASS B — BEDDING I-- __ CLASS C — BEDDING NOTES: Pipe nyide Diameter Clearance 1 The minimum bedding depth below the pipe shall be 0.150. LEGEND: Over 900 In no case shall this dimension be less than 150mm or greater than 300mm. 0 — Inside diameter 2 The pipe bed shall be shaped to receive the bottom of the pipe. 0,0 — Outside diameter 3 Pipe culvert frost treatment according to OPSD-803.030 and 803.031. 4 Condition of trench is symmetrical about centreline of pipe. A Soil types as defined in the Health & Safety Act and Regulations for Construction ,Projects. B Protection against heavy construction equipment according ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD DRAWING to OPSD-808.010. RIGID PIPE BEDDING, C Al dimensions are in millimetres or metres unless otherwise shown. COVER AND BACKFILL TYPE 3 SOIL - EARTH EXCAVATION —Clearance, see table Typ 0.1500 CLEARANCE TABLE Pipe nyide Diameter Clearance mm mm 900 or less 300 Over 900 500 1996 09 15 1 Rev Date 1� • - :0 10" M " W MM MI M 1 O M M M m m r M m m m -- G 225 \c\` m ; /Chute blocks 15 \ Note I \ / \ L hg - H — ti PLAN Footing Outline 0 Size 15 bars 300 mm long Cu t (one required in each chute blocks) I I '. V_ Size 15 bars at 300mm 1 \ ^e:• OC(both ways) Size 15 bars at 150 mm OC both ways +-14:� —� --1 225 225 I ' I l i i I o 1 150 I I I I I ( N1 1 I I I I I 1 1 I I I T T FRONT VIEW O E N Foundation to be poured against undisturbed earth CROSS-SECTION F �� I I I Size 15 bars I at 300 mm OC 1 1 (Both ways-both faces) I SIDE VIEW FIFE (mm) ENDWALL DIMENSIONS A B C D E F G H 600 1 050 2 400 2 725 1 400 300 75 1 525 2 350 675 1 125 2 400 2 725 1 475 300 . 75 1 600 2 425 750 1 1 200 2 4.00 2 725 1 550 300 75 1 675 2 500 825 1 275 2 400 2 725 1 625 1 300 75 1 755 2 575 900 1 350 2 400 2 725 1 700 300 75 1 825 2 650 975 1 425 2 400 2 725 1 775 375 150 1 975 2 725 1 050 1 500 3 000 3 400 1 850 375 150 2050 3 100 1 200 1 650 3 000 3 400 2 000 375 150 2 200 3 250 1 350 1 800 3000- 3 400 2 150 375 150 2 350 3 400 1 500 1 950 3 000 3 400 2 300 375 150 2 500 3 550 1 650 2 100 3 000 3 400 2 450 375 150 2 650 3 700 1 800 2 250 3 000 3 400 2 600 375 150 2 800 3 850 2 4001 30001 3 000 j 400 1 3 350 375 1 150 3 550 4 600 NOTES: I Poured co-ncrete chute blocks 300 x 200x 100 mm high or as specified. (optional) A Concrete to be 25MPa compressive strength at 28 days with 5% to 7% air entrainment. B Reinforcing bars to have 75 mm cover. C Granular backfill to be placed to 300 mm min thickness on all sides. D All dimensions are in millimetres unless otherwise shown. ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD DRAWING Date 1 1990 09 14 1 Rev I Date CONCRETE HEADWALL FOR SEWER OR CULVERT PIPE OPSD — 804.04 I I I 900 75 I--180 130 01111111 I= MW so AM an 'IM SO on 0o ono 1534 'r 475 159 515 -i 108 108 t _ 3-32mm dia holes o 0 -—� —em— - o I o ANCHORAGE BACK—UP RAIL FRONT AND SIDE ELEVATION I I 1 1559 410 515 475 159 25 180 130 75 440 108 108 A o 0 0. Steel bearing plate 15x66x460mm o 0 Note 1 —A- - -—� o o 3-32mm dia holes 0 0 A 2.5 ANCHORAGE FRONT RAIL FRONT AND SIDE ELEVATION t0 N 15x66x460mm steel bearing plate Front rail STEEL BEARING PLATE DETAIL Steel plate 10030x1084mm I I I I I 1 1559 1084 159 100 18095130 185 51 330 108 108 475 108 108 51 O -@- -m-- -<D-I -<D- _-m-- L 3-32mm dia holes 2 159--I Note 2 B 10-19x29mm -19x63mm slotted holes slotted holes CHANNEL—FRONT AND SIDE ELEVATION T_ t5l Steel beam —Steel plate guide rail Steel L channel SECTION A—A SECTION B—B NOTES: 1 End sections shall be welded with 2.5mm fillets and standard guide rail element materials shall be used. 2 Channel with swaged end shall be used at structure approach and non swaged end section shall be used at structure exit. A All welds shall be to low hydrogen classification and shall be ground smooth. Manual electrodes shall be E7015, E7016, and E7018. B This OPSD to be read in conjunction with OPSD-912.101 and 912.102. C All dimensions are in millimetres unless otherwise shown. ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD DRAWING GUIDE RAIL SYSTEM, STEEL BEAM STRUCTURE CONNECTION COMPONENT - RAIL AND CHANNEL Nov 2001 IRev - - - - - - - - -�t, OPSD - 912.401 " so " W Now I <�:= Traffic flow 1°-- 1400 1400 j- 135��I--� 135rpp�__l 1-- One standard beam element Vertical transition, Note 1 Post spacing ±5mm 2 standard beam elements r475 1.905m standard post spacing ---- ' I I I9?=im • Imo • • 1•I LEAVING END Structure connection rail 6—M22x70mm long A325M gals bolts APPROACH END .a " • " Embedded plate anchor as per OPSD-4010.000 with gale washers • ••„ Steel plate r EMBEDDED ANCHORAGE NEW CROSS-SECTION Structure connection roil - S Bolt—A490M Washer—A490M =; BOLT THROUGH NOTES: ANCHORAGE DETAIL 1 Horizontal and vertical transitions apply to structure approach and leaving end curb and gutter termination. 2 Channel post bolt at offset blocks to be 510mm long. End of bolts to be saw—cut, flush with face of nut. 3 When channel is to be discontinued, a 7.62m termination shall commence at the third beam element joint beyond the end of approach slab. 3—M22—A490M bolts or threaded rod ° ' of equivalent strength in 25mm dia ��'• holes, drawn tight. Bolt length shall St Structure connection rail Note 2 3—M22—A490M bolts or threaded rod of equivalent strength in 25mm dia holes, drawn tight. Bolt length shall include wall thickness plus 75mm 3-100050x20mm thick galvanized washers and 2 lock nuts 2—A490M nuts Note 3 late late ,_ include wall thickness plus 75mm A bo p % 4.6mm thick galvanized washers 7777 and 2 lock nuts , e EXISTING CROSS-SECTION 4 Steel beam guide rail and channel to be field drilled to suit. Coat holes and bolt heads with approved zinc rich paint. A This OPSD to be read in conjunction with OPSD-912.130, 912.140, 912.401, and 912.530. B All dimensions are in millimetres unless otherwise shown. c�^lj ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD DRAWING GUIDE RAIL SYSTEM, STEEL BEAM STRUCTURE CONNECTION Nov 2002 IRev - - - - - - - - - - I N,I�-=NO OPSD - 912.430 M #M M iM M I� m im m m um im � N IN III so 3.50m brace panel--}-- Standard post spacing Trpost 3.50m brace panel I--Gate opening--{�3.50m brace panel{ Note 1 Farm entrance Wooden o I Post m F 4.90m, walk 175 or 185 200mm min Terminal ost `Brace steel -Brace Gate 1i I gate 1.20m I�Gate Brace , 50 to for P _!C. post line post �/ post ,�I I post post p terminal oats `- E 14-Diagonal brace wire I I o`- ° E o I I Imo—-I I I L 100x100mm x I L °E Ground I ' four 3.Smm strands wire twisted in I I '� ° LE I I 420 I I 3.70m wood brace I I 0 line E tension I ICE U I I I I_1E I I —U Typ U U U U Note 2 3.70m x 100x100mm FENCE DETAILS tees T post r wood brace IN EARTH, SHALE, LOOSE OR FRIABLE ROCK erminal post Ion shrink ement grout IN I--3.50m brace fencing ROCK 3.5mm tie wires Wooden line post panel Standard post--I Steel line post P I--Standard post--I--3.50m brace panel--I spacing , , spacing 60x6Ox6mm angle iron-r:;;, > �� �Overburdens v X " --post hole to be ru drilled �uu 1 see table below With wooden posts SPLICING DETAIL 420�ss�1 t1 tsli Ground line U X T2121 Overburdens br. Y 14--Post hole to YU Ground �� rU be drilled �'U line a�91ex6omm� I see table below T -150mmpmin 175 g lop for line g 130-4- Posts 150 -330mm max 13-oT- butt end for 150 all posts 1 II I 150 to 100 U 110 or 125 I I WIRE SPACING AND POST DIA NOTES: 1 Standard post spacing: Wooden post to wooden post-6.0m. Steel post to steel or wooden post —5.0m. 2 Tie steel posts and wooden post together top and bottom with 3.5mm wire. A Ratio of steel posts to wooden post shall be 3:1 unless otherwise specified. 8 All dimensions are in millimetres unless otherwise shown. .I Footing, see Ground 15MPo FENCE DETAILS detail A ore line concrete With steel posts Typ IN SOLID .ROCK Steel angle it n g r Overburden 6 .••; to 450mm Rock Non shrink Lay together end stay wires of each of the two sections to be spliced. Then wrap the over- hanging ends tightly around line wire with pliers or splicing tool. Cut away stay if necessary to allow sufficient length for splicing. Steel angle iron . "min o line 1001— ' `-840mm Non sh-in T cement grout-} cement grow ''� yP If excavated or �u�� min -100mm dia --1 I--100mm dia blasted-concrete '1 t` 100mm dia DETAIL A DETAIL B —�300 ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD DRAWING FENCE, HIGHWAY INSTALLATION :N MORE THAN 450mm Nov 2001 IRevI 0 OPSD - 971 . 101 I ~' I NOTf; I o SEE NOTE ~ ST AHDAIlO 'y' F1TT\tfG ftEVEftSE:O 20 .. P. CONe. (1:iO _I TO UNOISTURem SOL STAHDAIlO 4~o ELlIOw. sa NOTE II I I SE:E NOTE <<; STAHllMO 'y' ftTT1ffG IlEVEll3C) SEE NOTt: I STAHONIO 4~o ELIlOW ELeOW I TYPE A TYPE 8 I .~. - ., ., .' ... - .! I .0 '. . . SEE NOT1! I - I 20 ...... CXlMC. (1:iO -I 10 ~ lOll.. I SECTION A-A I SECTION B-B I NOTES - I I 1MlL Of" ...... ~ . MAXIMUM WLOCmU o..oe PlI't: TYft 'f( TYl'I'" WAX. vu.oc:trY 0lA.. 'f/ \: '0' \.' MI' . ZOO .00 7lIO 1200 mo I, 4Z 150 ue lOt IUS 1050 ,. 55 JOO .. toO 1425 IC25 I. 7'0 175 toO 1125 1175 IZOO I.U 450 . n lZOO 2OZ5 IU5 2-11 525 1050 1275 2175 1425 2.M 100 1125 1150 2-.00 1500 2-61 175 1200 1425 2475 1575 2... 150 IUS 1500 ZI~ IC50 2a L fQlt SEWER SIZES IH'TO JOO _ 014. 1ltE 0Cl0l' I'lI'E SHAU. lIE 11CE: I AM IE SlZIE AS T1CIE Itcc..lET plplE. FOft SlEWE:ft 41 ZES ~ THAN lOt) _ OIA. 0lQ' l'll'E: 10 lIE (lIE llIZE IMAl..L.IEft lllAN 1lCl.tt l'lk. 2. 0IWltT Of" MOl' l'ft TO lIE LIEVEL '"'" ~. OF CICItUT l'ln NiD IIEJIatIED 10 1ltIE 0ftIIl1' OF 1ltE CICItUT I'll'lE 1. 0lQ' ITlIUClUlIIE TO lIE' ENCASED It A ......... Of" ISO _ OF to We CONCIlf:n: AHO oowa.m TO MMHClC.IE wmt IZ.,.I oowns ,450 _ LOIlII OTHER IIIIE Of" 0Cl0l' l'ft AND AT 1Ot).. CIIEknlIES. 4. IIAXIMUIIl m.ocma IItQIMl It TMU: lIIOlCATE THE MAX. ftDW WLOCm' iN lNCOMlNI l'ln WITHOUT 0VIRSlt00T1HQ. I. AOIUInIDrf It 'if NiD \.' TO lIE MAK THROUGH 1HlI lo:noN OF I'ln. .. CIllNCIIIETE CIWIU: TO IE EX1UCllED TO FlCtST .IOtNT UPSnIaIII OF DAOP 1'lC'IE. T. AU. ClClNCM1IE It ... STIIUC1VllIE . TO lIE 2ll).... AT ze OArS. . IIItllIUII ~ IASOI 0tC u:K Of" ITAHOo\IlO ~ F1T11NClS. I I I I I I Town of Newcastle .A<.~ Public Works De arhnent DROP STRUCTURES FOR MANHOlES 'M' ,a .a N-108 81lt 1M 0.125 H WITH A WlN. Of' 150 OOfSELY COWI'f.CTEIl SAND :~.?~ ~~:. \:~.:~;~~::.;j~fit~ :~~~~.::::.:.: O. Z5 0 WITH A ....... Of' DO I'I..AlH Oft ~ ~ NlH.15 NPo 0.5 lie COMfW:TtD CRUSHER RUN UNESTONE CONCRETE ARCH CLASS A ~ CRADl..E llOHf'I:lftCm ~. LO% It. 4~ ~~.o.4%lt.SA P\.MI It . Z. -I lid ~ I. ... . 1 125 H v.mc A MlH. OF 150 l~~i~~~:;~~Wi1;;~ :,~,!-.~" ":..:..~'" ... ::L~.~.f. ~.~.~ Z :E 0DeEU' CiClWllCfED SAND Be o:M'iIloCT'EIl CRUSHER RUH LlMESlONE .. - .117 . .. _. . ../e CLASS; B It.~ ClASSC Lt-&5 ~; D<<Y TRalat - 19_ CRUSHER RUN UNE8TONE (COMPACTED J wa TRalat-.HL8 BLUDED LIMESTONE WITH FILTER FABRIC UNLESS APPROVED OTHERWISE . BY DIRECTOR OF PUSJ.:IC WORKS. UKMO - k .~ IlIMIf:Tm H . UQCflU. CO'e MOW; 'lOP W PIPE o . ~ IIlMK1Dt .. .llU"11t OF lIErllllHe MAlDUI. IlIUM l'Il'E: ... . ....HilUIIl WlOT1t OF TRaeat . ... COO Wl11l A -..uM OF 100 Oft . ... WDnt OF 1HOIIltlI. toO . It .~~ DEPTH OF BEDDING I~~tf I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Town of Newcastle $.~ !!!t<<HSlOMS '" II Public Works rtment 2 . DEC., 1987 SEWER FOR TRENCH BEDDING CONCRETE PIPE N-301 'HI II 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0" ~8" ~t T \ J ~ ~ .. ~~ "" I - .\ I Cl.. . 00 w ~ Ww w ~ NJ- 0 %2 (/) E ~~ l- E ~ z ~Cl.. -l ~ ~ e> <z 00 .. .. en e>::> WIO w~ 0 ~ct:l'" " 1 e~ 2 I- ~< ~ Wt\I (/)(/) ~.... ~~ <l- E ow IL.::> .... <I- z 00::: ~ wO W tOlD I'l oZ " lOX I \ Ot: I-~ A ~ ,'\ :0. ~ ...011 w~ 'NIW ~ 1 .I. ... ~ ~ (J r . . . . ~ .. 'lIIII E t III " 1- - lit "\\ - '" ., ., . EI- ~ ~ o(/) Q~~ ~. .. ::> eQ:O E<w gfih: . . _UO e .;~ E ~ ~ ~ co e I'l 0 "" ~ , 01- N~f )(~ ~~~ 09~ ~ 2tj t ~ . , . III '- I L - III .,," I r ..- { } i OOL -' <( t- w o w o <( o 0:: 0:: <( m z o .-- u w C/) lL.. 00 ;lCi ::>i! zz ero ~z w~ r:~ ~ !:~ o 00 ~ !!!-J 0::: !!:O ~r; ~ Cl.Z 0(1)0 g'(I)U ~<U aenZiL 0::: e>U:: gocn< Z(I)Or; ~~Z~ (/) Wo::: ~~~~ :I:~O::> I- . ...: -N Z o i3 ::> .., Z o U fa I- o z Town of Newcastle Cl4ECICED ALL O.MENIIONS IN MIl.UMETftU UCEPT WHEIlE NOTIED Public Works 0 rtment IlIEVISION.... 3 DATE OCT. 1990 DEAD END BARRICADE STREET DETAIL JULV 25, 1988 N':"63 0 r---O.D. + 6OO~ I (MIN. 9OO) I SAND BACKFIll COUPACTt:D TO 98% PROCTOR DENSITY PlAIN OR RElNF'ORCED CONCRETE UIN. 15 MPo DRY TRENCH 19 mm CRUSHER RUN UMESTONE COMPACTED TO 98 % PROCTOR DENSITY WET TRENCH H18 BLEND OF' CRUSHED CLEAR STONE CONCRETE ARCH CLASS A RElNF'ORCED As - 1.0~ 4" 4.8 RElNF'ORCED As - 0.4% Lf" 3.4 PlAIN 4" 2.8 r-O.D. + 6OQ~ I (MIN. gOO) I SAND BACKFlLl COUPACTEO TO 98% PROCTOR DENSllY SAND BEDDING AND COVER COt.IPACTEO IN 150 mm LAYERS TO 98~ PROCTOR DENSllY DRY TRENCH 19 mm CRUSHER RUN UMESTONE COUPACTEO TO 98 % PROCTOR DENSITY WET TRENCH H18 BLEND OF' CRUSHED CLEAR STONE CLASS 8 CONCRETE AND C.P.P. PIPE Lf - 1.9 r-O.D. + 6QO~ ~O.D. + 6QO~ I (MIN. 900) I I (UIN. 900) I t ;..,....:.,,:....;:':.. ..'.,:;::;;. -.;,....:.:... SAND BACKFlLl COUPAI'Tr'n .>~':'..':"'; .'::..".'. '.:'~..h:;.: ;..,'" T .....:.:.:.:.."'.J":'.....:....... ;".._."v.'"':; .......""'" .':;'.....:.. ........:...'L.....::;...... ~ '>: .:<,...,......, .....:....~..~. h. ... TO V8% PROCTOR DENSITY ,. ... ...... .......' ......'.:....',..,0{. ~ t .;I ;~:.::.(;~:.~:~~<\~.~;:: ~~:: ~/:;~i .~: >;~:'<:~ :.:~~. .:~ ..:~..: .~:;:; :~..: ::'::':~~ > t 19 mm CRUSHER RUN ci UUESTONE COUPACTt:D ci ci TO 98 % PROCTOR ci DENSITY H18 BLEND OF' CRUSHED CLEAR STONE WET TRENCH DRY' TRENCH CLASS P P.V.C., P.E. AND V.C. PIPE THE REGIONAL MUNIClPAUTY or DURHAM CHECKED: r---O.D. + 600~ I (UIN. 9oo) I t o o ..., CONCRETE CRADLE r-O.D. + 600~ I' (UIN. 900) I j~~~;~~~~~~~ ~ ;.).;..~':. ...........;.~\ ". ~""~I. -., .~:..~..~: ;S~~~~~:?::.: ::~:. :~<::~';,::~{~:~ CLASS D DUCTILE . IRON PIPE LEGEND 0.0. - OUTSIDE OWAETER OF' PIPE Lf - LOAD FACTOR As - AREA OF' STEEL NOTES: I I I I I I I I II II I 1. BEDDING MATERIALS SHALL BE FUllY EXTENDED AND COMPACTED AGAINST TRENCH WALLS. ,..- BEDDING MATERIALS SHALL BE PW:ED AND COUPACTED IN 150 mm lAYERS. 2. NO MECHANlCAl. COMPACTION EQUIPMENT SHALL BE USED ON TOP OF PIPE PRIOR TO :a A MINIMUU or 300 mm COVER. 3. PIPE SHALL BE BEDDED TO PROPOSED UNE AND GRADE WITH UNIFORU AND CONTINUOUS SUPPORT FROM 8EDDING. BlOCKING WITH mY HARD OBJECT SHALL NOT BE USED TO BRll THE PIPE TO GRADE. 4. FILTER FABRIC SHALl. BE USED If' GROUND WATER TABLE IS NKNE THE TRENCH BED OR IF GROUND WATER IS flOWING INTO TRENCH THROUGH THE EMBEDMENT ZONE. L All DIMENSIONS IN MIU.lMETERS EXCEPT WHERE N REVISION NO.: 5 DA 1[: 2001 01 APPROVED: SANITARY, STORM AND WATER (MAIN AND SERVICE) TRENCH BEDDING DETAIL DA1[: lV?S 03 10 8-40 I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - WA TERI.IAlN : / GlAND RING 19 mm CURB STOP &: DRAIN PLAN BLUE PAINTED LOCA liON STAKE CRIMP 5mVICE BOX _ TOP SECllON . VI<J..VE BOX o o Cl ~ 19 mm COPPER :i :i 19 mm DRAINING CURB Sf 19 mm COPPER ~ RES1R 19 mm MAlNSl GAlt: VI<J..VE 19 mm aLAR CRUSHED STONE 5.4 ZINC ANOOE ELEVATION All DIMENSIONS IN ...1UJt.lElt:RS EXCEPT WHERE NOTED. tHE REGIONAL MUNICIPAlITY Of DURHAM CHEa<ED: WORKS DEPARTMENT RE...SlON NO.: 1 DAlE: 1"5 02 APPROVED: 19 mm BLOWOFF FOR 100 mm TO 300 mm WATER SERVICE STUBS 8-406 DATE: 1"3 11 SLIDE TYPE GRADE ANISHEO 135 mm SUOE T't'PE -- VIoLVE BOX'" COVER IRON J:ENlRE EXTENSION (AS REQUIRED) I I I I ~ ~~ I , , , , );.w: EXTENSION STEM TO BE FASTENED TO OPERAllNG NUT YttTH 2 SET SCREWS RESlUENT SEAT IoCEOiANlCIoL JOINT GAlE VIoLVE A.W.W.A. C-5Q9 '\W.""""" / t o o -L I \ \ + / Lo.o.J 19 men RUN UNESTONE GRADE I I I I I I "in E~ 00 .,.z ..~ '0:: ~~ ::Ew ~ \ ~ \ :t \ \ \ \ \ \ I I I I I I NOTES: 1. VIoLVE BOX TO BE ADEQUATEl..Y BRACED WHIlE BACKFlWNG AND loCUST REMAIN PUJt.lB 2. VIoLVE BOX EXTENSION TO BE USED ONLY F REClUlRED. 3. REFER TO SCHEDULE 'e OF STANDARD WATERt.lAIH SPEClflCAlIONS fOR PLACENENT OF MARKER STAKES. 4. VIoLVE TO BE COMPLETELY BAa<F1LLED ~1H 19 mm awSHER RUN 1.IMEST0Nt. 5. WHEN THE 0EP1H Of THE OPERA lING NUT IS OREA lER THAN 2.0 m BELOW FINISHED GRADE AN EXTENSION STEM IS REQUIRED. 6. AU. INUNE VIoLVES INSTAlLED ON PYC WAlERloCAlN TO BE RESlRAlNED AS PER S-43O. UNLESS 01HER~SE HOTED. 7. F VIoLVE BOX IS LOCATED IN A GRAVEl AREA. A U)m x 1.Om ASHPHIoLT COLLAR IS REQUIRED. AU. DlIoCENSlONS IN t.t1WMElERS EXCEPT WHERE HOTED. lliE REGIONAL MUNIClP AUTY Of DURHAM CHECKED: APfIRO'ttD: 100 mm TO 400 mm GATE VALVE AND VALVE BOX DATE: 1111 11 1& RE\1S1ON HO.: 12 DATE: 1199 02 09 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WRAP TRACER WIRE ONCE AROUND HYDRANT BARREL TRACER WIRE COI.TED 7 S1'RANO 12 GAUGE 1W7S. 1WU7S OR ~ 90 XlPE WIRE RATED AT MINUS 4O"C 19 mm CRUSHER RUN UMESTONE COt.lPACTED TO 98X PROCTOR DENSITY It. H'l1)RANT ATTACH TRACE WIRE UP THROUGH SPUT RING AND FASTEN ~~ ~~ l ~W S~ ZO :is m~ OZ wG: IDW oj!: F- ADJUSTABLE VN.VE BOX SHALL BE SET FLUSH WITH ANISHED GRADE TRACER WIRES. CONNECTED TOGETHER USING A SPlIT BOLT , 10 CONNECTOR SPlIT BOLT SHAU. BE WRAPPED IN ELECTRICAl.. PUTTY ~I JOINTS SHALL BE MECHANICAI..L Y RESTRAINED AS PER S-433 CONCRETE BLOCK MIN. 1000 150 x 150 x 300 , I I I , I NOTES 1. JOINTS SHALL BE MEOWfICAW.Y RESTRAINED. 2. BEDDING AS PER 5-401. J. H'l1)RANT EXTENSIONS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT BO'TTOM OF BARREl... 4. ANCHOR TEE. VN.VE a: HVDRANI' SHALL BE COMPlETEI..Y BACKFI.LED wnH 111 mm CRUSHER RUN LAtEST'ONE. 5. F HVDRANI' REQUIRES ACCESS ACROSS DITCH, INSTALlAllON SHAU. BE AS PER 5-428. 8. TRACER WIRE COATED. 7 STRAND. 12 GAUGE 1W75. 1WU75 OR RW 1IO XlPE WIRE RATED AT MINUS 4O"C. 7. TRACER WIRE SHALL BE INSTALLED AT AU. H'l1)RANT I.OCAllONS. 8. CA1HOOIC PROTECTION. BONDING CABlE AND TRACER WIRE SHALL BE AS PER S-4J5. S-43ll. 1 SI mm CRUSHER RUN UMESI'ONE COMPACTED 10 SI8X PROCTOR DENSI1Y MIN. 1500 HYDRANT ASSEMBLY WITH MECHANICALLY RESTRAINED JOINTS 8-409 COPPER TO COPPER COUPUNC CONPRESSION JOINT (SHALl. BE USED WHERE REQUIRe>) BRASS SERVICE GROUND ClAMP ift. ~ WIRE CONNE/:: COPPER SERVICE 7 1YPE 'K' . 5.4 kg ZINC ANODE BRASS SERVICE GROUND ClAMP C/W TRACER WIRE CONNECTOR SEE NOli: 4 TRACER WIRE COATED 7 STRANO, 12 GAUGE lW75, 1WU75 OR RW IlO XLPE WIRE RATED AT MNJS 4O'C. CORPORAllON MAIN STOP (Wmi APPR<MD SlDOlE) \NlSHED ROAD GRADE FNSHED GAAOE ~~ NON-FERROUS VIM CURB STOP LOCA11ONS AS PER S-445 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ROO 8 ,... - :i 2 1-15O~ 50 mm Ie 150 mm Ie 300 mm CEDAR BLOCK PlACED ON UNOlSTURSED CROUNO COPPER SERVICE PIPE 1YPE 'K' FERROUS WM INSUlAllON AS PER 5-307 LOWERING WATER SERVICES NOTES 1. THE WAltR CONNEC1'1ON stW.L. BE lAID FROM 1HE MAIN TO 150 mm 8E"roNO THE PROPERTY UNE. IN NEW SUBOMSIONS ONLY. 2. HORIZONTAL GOOSE NED< stW.L. BE USED WHEN CCM:R u:ss nwt 1700 1M\. 3. ~ StWJ. BE TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. 4. SERYICE GROUND QJ.MPS NG SPUT BOlT StWJ. BE WRAPPED WITH ELECTRICAL PUTTY. 5. ANODE StWJ. BE PlACED AT lEAST 1.0 m NIIAY FROM THE SERVICE AND AS DEEP AS THE BOTTOM OF' THE SEJMCE. ll. ANODE StWJ. BE LOCATED BEIWEEH THE MAIN STOP AND CURB STOP. 7. ~ CONTRICI'OR TO RDlOYE TAl.. PIECE AND HOOK UP TO CURB STOP.Lll. CA1HOOIC t'K01EC'OOH. BOHDINQ CNl.E AND TRACER WIRE StWJ. BE AS PER 5-435, $-4;58. 19 mm AND 25 mm COPPER WATER SERVICE 8-410 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I x L J . 1 '.~'I .. 1 1 .: 1 :1 + Lw.x. 750 NOTES 1. A DRAIN PIPE CONNEC11ON FROM THE CHAMBER TO A STORM SEWER SHALl.. BE PROVIDED F SPEClFlED ON THE CONTRACT DRAWINGS. VN...VE STDl EXTDGION BlW:1<ET IS PER s-45O STANDARD VN...VE--"7 BOX a: CXNER , ~ PRESS SE:Al. OR EQUIVA- lENT RUBBER GASKET EXTEND 1RACER WIRE 1HROUGH STEPS TO TOP STEP AND FISTEN SECURELY ADJUST BRICK TO SUIT GfW)E. PARGE OOTSIOE a: PAINT WITH Bl1'U- MlNOUS ~ ~"'" 1RACER WIRES CONNECTED TOGE1ltER~ USING A SPUT BOLT , '0 CONNECTOR SPUT BOLT SHALl.. BE" WRAPPED IN ELEct'RICN... PUl1Y CONCRETE - NON-SHRINK GROUTING USED TO SEN... JOINTS i ~ '1",", CRUSHER RUN LJMESroNE .... 7& "'"' SECTION X-X DRAIN VALVE IN CHAMBER 1 00 mm, 150 mm, AND 200 mm 8-413 lIlnIIR nrPAR1Uf:NT TRACER WIRES CONNECTED TOGETHER USING A- SPlIT BOlT , 10 CONNECTOR. COPPER TO COPPER COUPUNG TO BE USED WHERE REQUIRED. BRASS SERVICE GROUND ClAMP C/W ANODE WIRE CONNECTOR (SEE NOTE 7) COPPER SERVICE P~ TYPE 'K" ~ .-/ REFER TO S-445 FOR CURB STOP LOCATIONS \F1NISHED ROAD GRADE r "'~. . FINISHED GRADE ROD SERVICE BOX : ECUPSE PATTERN NO. 9 ~ CURB STOP ----,""-. o o to- ~ ::!: => ::!: Z ~ NON-FERROUS WATERMAlN ~~ 5.4 kg ZINC ANOOE 50 mm X 150 mm X 300 mm CEDAR BlOCK PlACED ON UNDISTURSED GROUND BRASS SERVICE GROUND ClAMP c/W TRACER WIRE CONNECTOR TRACER WIRE COATED 7 STRAND. 12 GAUGE 1W75, lWU75 OR RW 90 XLPE WIRE RATED AT MINUS 4O"C. CORPORATION MAIN STOP (WITH APPROVED SADDLE) NOTES: 1. FOR CONNECTIONS lAAGER THAN 25 mm, REFER TO THE REGIONAl WNlCIPAUTY or DURHAM FOR THEIR REQUIREMENTS FOR F1TTINGS. 2. AlL t.lATERIAl.S TO BE SUPPUED BY THE CONTRACTOR. 3. THE WATER CONNECTION SHAll BE lAID F'ROtol THE MAIN TO 150 mm BEYOND THE PROPERTY UNE, IN NEW SUBOMSIONS ONLY. 4. HORIZONTAl. GOOSE NECK TO BE USED WHEN COVER LESS THAN 1700 mm. 5. WATERMAlN TO BE TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. 6. SERVICE CROUND ClAMPS AND SPlIT BOLT SHAlL BE WRAPPED WITH ElECTRICAl PUTlY. 7. ANODE TO BE PlACED AT LEAST 1.0 m AWAY FROM THE SERVICE AND ~ DEEP ~ THE BOTTOM OF THE SERVICE. 8. ANODE SHAl.L BE LOCATED BETWEEN THE MAIN STOP AND CURB STOP. 9. PlUMBING CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE TAIL PIECE AND HOOK UP TO CURB STOP. 1878 03 10 LAYOUT OF PIPE AND FllTlNGS FOR 19 mm AND 25 mm COPPER WATER SERVICE ON NON FERROUS WM AlL DIMENSIONS IN MIWMETERS EXCEPT WHERE NOlE WORKS DEPARTMENT REVISION NO.: 9 DATE: 2001 01 THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM CH:CI<EO: APPROVED: DATE: 8-414 I I I I I I I I I I PROVED CASING SPACERS OR HARDWOOD 11MBER BLOCKING LOCAllON Of GROUT HOlES ON ADJACENT UNER RING GROUT HOU'S- SEE NOTE 1 WATERMAlN / SEWER TUNNEL SHAll. BE GROUTED 1:5 CEMENT /SAND MIX OR AS SPECIFIED ON CONTRACT DRAWINGS MIN. 150 I I I I I I I I I STEEL PIPE CASm WA1ERMAIN/ SEWER PRESSURE GROUT WI1M 1:5 CEMENT/SAND RATIO JACK / BORE PIPE CASING NOTES 1. GROUT SHAI..l. BE INJECTED INTO THE LOWER GROUT HOLE UNTIL GROUT EMERGES FROIoI THE UPPER HOLE. 2. OUTSIDE OF UNER PlATE SHAU.. BE GROUTED TO RESISTANCE WITH 1:2 CEMENT / SAND GROUT AT THE END OF E"J.CH WORKING DAY. 3. GROUT HOlES SHAU. BE SECURELY PLUGGED AFTER GROUT INJECTlON. 4. N>PROVEO CASING SPACERS SHAI.l.. BE USED AND INSTAUEO I<S PER THE t.lANUF~RERS RECOMMENDED PROCEDURE. NOTES 1. MINIMUM 750 nvn CASING PIPE REQlMED FOR CONFINED SPACE ENTRY. 2. CASING PIPE SHAU. BE CATHODICALLY PROTECTED AT BOTH ENDS. 3. srm. CASING PIPE TO CONFORM TO REQUIRDfENTS Of GRADE 2 STEEL AS SPECIFlEO IN A.STu STANDARD A2S2. PIPE ENDS StW.1. BE BE.VEI.. EDGED ON THE OUTSIDE TO AN ANGlE OF 30 DEGREES FOR BUTT WELD SPUCING. 4. BLOCI<INC OR CASING SPACERS SHAU. BE SIZED TO PREVENT FlOo\11NG. MOOTH WALL STEEL PIP FOR DEPTH UP TO 10m PIPE CASm SIZE 0lAI0lETER SEE NOTE 4 . CASING THICI<NESS ~Y By 7.137 nvn 1.737 nvn 10.312 nvn 11.113 nvn 150 nvn 200 nvn l500 nvn 100 nvn 8-415 JOINTS TO BE MEaWlICAU.Y RESTRAINED IS PER 5-430 ANO 5-432 I.NCHOR TEE BOND BREJoKER CONCRETE BUlCl< 18 men CRUSHER RU LIMESTONE COUP TO 8m1; PROCTOR DENSITY t tM>RANT IT ~ 8 ~ on L ATTACH TRACE WIRE UP THROUGH SPlIT RING AND FASTEN WRAP TRACER WIRE ONCE MOUND HYDRANT BARRa LJ 'TRACER WIRE COATED 7 STRANO 12 GAUGE 1W7S. 1WU7S OR RW ~ XlPE WIRE RATED AT MINUS 4O"C ADJUSTABlE VAlVE BOX TO BE SET FlUSH WITH FINISHED GRADE o CD 01 - % Sl MIN 600 TRACER WIRES CONNECTED TOG USING A SPUr.. BOLT , 10 CONNE SPUr BOlT SHALL BE WRAPPED IN ElECTRICAL PUnY 18 mIn CRUSHER RUN UMESTONE COMPACTED TO 88': PROCTOR 0ENSI1Y 150 mm GAlE VAlVE 150 mm D.L OR P.V.C. WI.(. OONCREIE BlOCK 300 nvn X 200 ~ X 200 men 1. TRACER WIRE COATED. 7 STRANO. 12 GAUGE 1W75. 1WU75 OR RW 80 XlPE WIRE RATED AT MINUS 4O"C. 2. TRACER WIRE TO BE INSTAllED AT AU. HYDRANT lOCATIONS. I I I I AU. dIMENSIONS IN MIl.1.JME'reRS EXCEPT MERE NOlED. NOTE: APPRCMD: TRACER WIRE ARRANGEMENT AT HYDRANTS FOR WATERMAIN PIPE WORKS OEPM REWllOH NO.: 1 DATE: 2000 03 1HE REGIONAL MUNIClPAUTY Of' DURHAM CIHECICED: DATE: '0011 03 03 I I I I I I I I I "I I I I I I I I I I 13 mm ROUND HOLE Y<1TH GROMMET NOTES: 1. TRACER Y<1RE COATED. 7 STRANO. 12 GUAGE lW75. TVN75 OR RW90XlPE Y<1RE RA TED AT MINUS 40"C. 2. TRACER Y<1RE TO BE INSTAU.EO OUTSIDE VIoJ...VE BOX AND BROUGHT INTO UPPER SECTION THROUGH 13 mm ROUND HOlE AND LOOPED AT TOP. LOOP TO BE MIN. 450 mm IN LENGTH. 3. lRACER WIRE TO BE INSTAU.EO IN AlL MAIN UNE VIoJ...VE BOXES. VIoJ...VE BOX AS PER S-408 TRACER WIRE CONNECTED TOGETHER USING A SPlIT BOlT , 10 CONNECTOR. SPUT 1I0lT StW.l BE WRAPPED IN aE~ PUTlY. WA TERt.tAlN THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY Of DURH...... CHEa<ED: AU. DIMENSIONS IN MIUJt.tElERS EXCEPT Vlt1ERE NOlED. WORKS DEPARTMENT RE't1SlON NO.: 10 DAlE: 11te 03 03 APPRO\e): DAlE: 1879 OS 15 TRACER WIRE ARRANGEMENT AT VALVE BOX FOR P.V.C. OR C.P.P. W.M. (MAIN UNE VN...VES ONLY) 8-425 ~ N'Dllt"IUnIT I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8-429 I PROPOSED WAlUUoWN EXIST1NG WATEfUolAlN 19 mm BACKFlOW PRE.VENTER iMIN. 600 MIN. 6001 19 mm t.CAIN STOP SHALL BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH A 19 mm BRASS PWC AFTER TES11NG HAS BEEN COt.CPLETm FLOW -AI 19 mm CURB STOP MAY BE OPERATED BY THE CClN'1RACTOR NOTES 1. TRENCH SHN..L BE ID'T OPEN AND FENCED IN HX:ORDNtCE WITH WE1Y REQUlA11ONS. 2. INSUlAllON Of WATERMAIN BY-PASS REQUIRED DURIHC F1IEEZIfO CONOIT1C)HS. 19 mm 1YPE "K" COPPER 19 mm TEST POINT BY-PASS I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I SERRATED SPUT FlANGE PlAIN END PVC PIPE SERRATIONS FLANGE JOINT UNI-FLANGE SERIES 900 RESTRAINER OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT 100 mm TO 300 mm SERRATED SPlIT Q.AMPING RING lliITE: N('( CONNECTION TO OTHER fL'NGEO PIPE REQUIRES AN AOOlTlONAL RESTRAINER TO tHE P.V.C. PIPE. MECHANiCAl JOINT UNI-FLANGE SERIES 1300 RESTRAINER OR APPROVED EQUIVAlENT 100 mm TO 400 mm NOTES: 1. AU. BOLTS AND NU1S SHALl BE CORE-TEN STEEL OR EQUIVAlENT. 2. REFER TO STANOMO OWG. S-431 FOR LENGTH or JOINTS TO BE RESTRAINED. 3. ONE 5.~ ZINC ANODE IS TO BE INSTALLED ON E'ACH RESTRAINER. 4. ANODE WIRE TO BE FASTENED TO RESTRAINER WITH THEfMl[ WELD. 5. AU. THERUITE WELD CONNECTIONS TO BE COATEO WITH -ROY8ONO 74"1' 1"RIUER" AND. RO'VSTON "11ANOY. CNf" OR APPROVED EQUAL. 6. ........uu HORIZONTAL DISTANCE 8E1WEEN ANODES 1.0 m. THE REGIONAl MUNIOPAUTY Of DURHAM CHE:CKED: PVC PIPE BEll JOINT - UNI-FI:ANGE SERIES 1.350 RESTRAINER OR APPROVED EOUIVAlENT 100 mm TO 400 mm AU. OIUENSlONS IN WWUElERS EXCEPT WHERE NOTED. WORKS DEPARTMENT RE\1S1ON NO.: 5 OA 1E: "15 04 APPRO\'ED: RESTRAINED JOINT DETAIL FOR P .V.C. PIPE 8-430 DAlE: "82 05 31 I RESTRAINED JOINT SEE S-4JO FOR DETAIL ITRENCH WIDTH I I 19 mm CRUSHER RUN :. . '.. , ..~ UIN. 300 LlUESTONE COUPACn:D .. '~.. .. . TO 98 " OF PROCTOR . .... ; '.. 0 D. DENSITY. ---L- ~...:. 09 : .;. . ----,;;- , '. .,.' ... MIN. 300 I SECTION A-A I 19 mm CRUSHER RUN UMESTONE COMPACTED TO 98 " OF PROCTOR DENSllY SEE ABLE B I TRENCH WIDTH I --L- .~.:/; :--. .';~.1 :::. 150 '.~'~'~""~: ~ >~. .~:.~.~:::- ~ ... . ----= 19 mm CRUSHER RUN UUESTONE COMPACTED TO 98 " Of PROCTOR 0ENSllY I I HORIZONTAL DEFLECTION RESTRAINED JOINT SEE 5-4JO FOR DETAIL SECTION B-B DOWNWARD THRUST VERTICAL DEFLECTION I TRENCH WIDTH I ."""~..:';'.:.'~:.:.I .' ..4: . ...;. "." .~.. WIN ~::~4~;".' ;~':.;::. . .; ~. 9. ,...... 0.0. ~;:~.~. ?:-..J.~' SECTION C-C UPWARD THRUST # CLEAR STONE FOUNDATION ~ REQUIRED SEE NOTE No. 5 1. AU. JOINTS ENCOUNTERED WITHIN THE SPEClFlEO RESTRAINING LENGTH -l- SHAll. BE RESTRAINED ON rACH SlOE Of THE RTllNG. 2. REFER TO STANONW DWG. 5-430 fOR JOINT RESTRAlNlNG DEfAII.... 3. ~ THRUST BLOCKS SHAll. BE FUllY EXTENDED AND COMPACTED AGAINST TRENCH WAl..l.S. 4. GRANUlAR THRUST BlOCKS SHAll. BE ENClOSED WITH ALTER FABRIC If' GROUND WATER TABLE IS NJr:NE THE TRENCH BED OR IF GROUND WATER IS SEEPING lHROUCH TRENCH WAl..l.S 5. If' THE BEARING CN>~fTY Of TRENCH BED RESISTING DOWNWARD THRUST IS LESS THAN 100 KN/m2. Cl..EAR STONE FOUNDATION SHAll. BE PRO\IlOED ~ DIRECTED BY THE ENClNEER. 6. WHEN ~.ARE PARTW.lY OR FUllY EXPOSED UNDER PRESSURE. AU. JOINTS MUST BE RESTRAINED. 7. AU. PIPE AND ATT1NC JOINTS SHAll. BE RESTRAINED IN EARTH ru APPUCATIONS. 8. AU. FERROUS AmNCS AND RESTRAINERS TO BE CATHODICAlLY PROTECTED ~ PER 5-438. TABLE NO.1 t.llNlUUM DIMENSION fOR CfWMAA THRUST BLOCl<S DEfL PIPE OlAMETER ANGLE 100&150 200 300 400 11 .25' 400 500 600 700 22.5' 400 500 600 700 45' 450 550 650 750 90' 600 700 850 950 TABLE NO.2 -L- MINIMUM RESTRAINING lENGTH (m) . VERT1CAI.. DEFlECTION DOWNWARD THRUST UPWARD THRUST NOTES: PIPE 0lA. (mm) . 100&1 200 . 300 400 11.25' 22.5' 1.5 2.8 2.0 3.7 2.8 5.2 3.6 6.7 . 45' 11.25' 22.5' 45' 11 .25' 22.5' 45' 90' 4.' 4.' 7.5 10.1 1.5 2.8 4.11 8.1 6.3 6.3 '.6 13.1 2.0 3.7 6.3 10.5 '.0 8.8 13.4 18.3 2.8 5.2 11.0 14.' 11.6 11.2 17.2 23.7 3.6 6.7 11.6 11.3 AU. DIMENSIONS IN MIWt.lETERS EXCEPT MitRE NOlED. WORKS DEPARTMENT RE't'ISlON NO.: 2 DAlE: '''5 02 THE REGIONAL MUNICtPAUTY OF DURHAM 04EO<ED: tV91 11 15 JOINT RESTRAINING LENGTH FOR P .V.C. PIPE COMBINATION WITH GRANULAR THRUST BLOCK) 8-431 APPROVED: DAlE: (IN /GRANUlAR TliRUST BlOCK l MAX 19 mm CRUSHER RUN 600 UUESTONE COUP,6,CTED TO ~'.":. ".: ':':. 98 X PROCTOR OENSllY. . . ~ fI". "..._ .J . :' ~ .~.:. . l.........- UECHANICAL JOINT eN> Y - ~ ~ ~. lt0'f ~ - I-W-- - · . . - . ~.--;..- ~ ~ / . / .: / ~~:.i.;L::r---UNOlSTURBED GROUND ~ RESTRAINED --.-J -1150 I-- ... JOINT PLAN DEAD ENDS ~- ~D1H 'I ... = . ~ GRANUlAR THRUST BLOCK - -., ...... ~~I .& U~.,..(. .~~ 19 mm CRUSHER RUN l ". . t _::lE UUESTONE COUPACTED TO { g .. _ . j . ~ '.'~ ~ 98 X PROCTOR OENSllY. 0 .. - O~ b ~~~ .:. I- ;~.. - · ..:....r;;. ~.... -. is . .. ~. --.. i:" ::7.". ...9 .' ~1.:.~" ~UNOlSTURBED ELEVATION ~\~~ - :::;' I~~ ~ c-it::1Th--m RESTRAINED TEE ~ I I I I I I I I 11 I I I I I I I I I I I g ~ b ... i: -c TRENCH WIDTH PLAN g ~ ( ~() .... i: TRENCH WIDTH ~~, ~ ~flts,~ ~ .:.: "':MA1E. /GRANUlAR THRUST BlOCK .. ..'. J~" . ...1Il .",~ . 19 mm CRUSHER RUN I ... ~. ~..,: UWESTONE COMPACTED TO . '.' 98 X PROCTOR OENSllY'. b "'~ . . C'. .~~:.~.: · -: r IIii .:" WIN ...;. . . . ...: F""' ~t5O ." ........ ..t:., · .~. 4.. . . .... ..; -i, UNDISTURBED GROUND . .4''!... ... pyr.... . ". · . . ...~" I. TRENCH WIDTH . I PLAN PLUGGED CROSS \ RESTRAIN JOt NOTES: l ~~: . - .M!!An!...... Aft.... ELEVATION l ::.';':;>-; ~ JOO . >""~ ." fOll .....:. ~ .. . illS 0.0. . '.~' :..... . JOO f' I; ...:.......... "~~..:' .... .-" I ..' i '...::.::..: :. .' . i ","~........." . JOO ~I- ~ ~I 0.0 75 .r ~ WHERE PIPE IS 1WO SIZES lARGER OR MORE TO REDUCED PIPE. i.e. JOO II TO 150 II 200 II TO 100 II RESTRAINED REDUCER I. :........ ....... ,: .. , ..:..~~.-:: oO:::-::I! ., 'ij '. , : IS , ~. C · ~ J ~.~. Iii ~ '\... ~ '. ..13 Il :~".. ........ . -..... ~ ELEVATION l I 1. H..1.. JOINTS ENCOUNTERED WITHIN THE SPEClFlED RESTRAINING LENGTH (l) SHAU.. BE RESTRAINED f'R0t.I THE F1RST JOINT ON F1Tl1NG. 2. REFER TO STANOMO OWG. S-43O FOR JOINT RESTRAINING DErAIl AND TYPE. 3. GRNM.AR THRUST BlOCl<S SHAU.. BE ruu.y EXTENOEO AND COMPACTED AGAINST TRENCH WALLS. IF TRENCH .WH..1.. ARE SATURATED OR DISTURBED. SPECIAl.. OESICN DETAILS or THRUST RESTRNNT SHAU.. BE PRO\IIOEO BY THE ENGINEER FOR RE\1EW BY THE REGION. 4. GRANUlAR THRUST BlOCKS SHALL BE ENa..OSED WITH AlTER FABRIC IF GROUND WATER TABlE IS A8(NE THE TRENCH BED OR IF GROUND WATER IS SEEPING THROUGH TRENCH WALLS. 5. WHEN F1T11NGS ARE PARTIALLY OR F\JU.Y EXPOSED UNDER PRESSURE. H..1.. JOINTS WST BE RESTRAINED. 6. H..1.. PIPE AND F1Tl1NG JOINTS SHALL BE RESTRAINED IN rNmi FI.L IPPUCAllONS. 7. H..1.. FERROUS F1T11NGS AND RESTRAINERS TO BE CATHOOICAI.LY PROTECTm 1S PER S"';"38. 8. H..1.. SlOES TO BE RESTRAINED FOR IN UNE 1[ES. PIPE 0lA. 1001c150 200 JOO 400 .300 10.0. JOO "L. UIN. RESTRAINING lENGTH (m) 15.2 19.6 27.7 36.3 . THE REGIONAl MUNIClPAUTY Of DURHAM OIEa<EO: H..1.. DIMENSIONS IN UIWUETERS EXCEPT YttIERE NOTED. WORKS DEPARTMENT RE\'lSlON NO.: 4 DAlE: 19ft 02 09 APPROVED: THRUST BLOCK FOR P.V.C. WATERMAlNS FOR HYDRANT RUNOUTS. TEES AND DEAD ENDS DATE: '"' 11 15 8-433 I I I I I I I I I I SERVICE CONNECTOR (SEE NOTE 3) MASTlC MATERlAl (SEE NOTE 4) TRACER WIRE (SEE NOTE 1) PVC OR CPP WATERMAlN 5.4 kg ZINC ANOOE (SEE NOTE 2) ELEVATION . , SERVICE CONNECTOR (SEE NOTE 3) MASTlC MATERIAl (SEE NOTE 4) COATED COPPER WIRE TRACER WIRE (SEE NOTE 1) 5.4 kg ZINC ANODE (SEE NOTE 2) SECTION A-A NOTES: 1. TRACER WIRE TO BE COATED 7 STRAND. 12 GUAGE 1W75. TWl/75 OR RWVOXlPE WIRE RATED AT MINUS 4O'C. 2. 5.4 kg ZINC ANODE TO BE SUPPlIED AND INSTALLED IN A MANNER APPROvED BY THE REGION fOR EVERY 1000 m Of" TRACER WIRE _..~. .,. .... .. ... - ,~ .. 3. SERVICE CONNECTOR TO BE A .8URNOY SElMr 1YPE K.S. MODEl KS20 COPPER OR APPROIIEO EQUAL 4. CONNECTOR SPlICE TO BE WRAPPED WITH .SCOTCH ru" ElECTRICAL PUnY OR APPROVED EQUAL PVC OR CPP WATERMAlN ALL DIMENSIONS IN IoIIWIoIETERS EXCEPT WHERE HOTED. THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM CHECKED: WORKS DEPAR1YENT RE....SlON NO.: 4 DAlE: 1'" 11 15 APPROVED: CATHODIC PROTECTION FOR TRACER WIRES ON PVC OR CPP WATERMAlNS 8-435 DAlE: lt81 04 01 I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I rA It. HYORANT It. HYDRANT 1 l 1 l 1 l 1 ,. ATTACH TRACE WIRE UP THROUGH SPLIT RING AND FASTEN FINISHED CRADE CiVI>L.VE WRAP TRACER WIRE ONCE AROUND HYDRANT BARREL .1 TRACER WIRES CONNECTED TOGETHER USING A SPUT BOlT , 10 CONNECTOR SPUT BOlT SHALL BE WRAPPED IN ElECTRICAL PUnY \~~ 1 (sa: NOTE · & 5) THERUITE WElD (CADWElD) (SEE NOTE 4) 1000 mm UIN. 150 mm GATE VALVE 150 mm WATERUAIN SECTION A-A I ~C:~ ELEVATION 5.4 kg ZINC ANODE NOTES: 1. ANOOE TO BE PlACED AT lEAST 1.0 m AWAY FROM THE FITTINGS ANO #S DEEP #S THE BOTTOIot OF THE F1TTINCS UINIWM OIST~ BETWEEN ANODES TO BE 1.0 m. 2. ALL f1TTINCS TO BE COo\TEO WITH BlTWINOUS SEALER ON SITE. 3. PR<MOE 0.20 mm POlYETHY\.ENE BONO BREAKER BEtWEEN CONCRETE ANO f1TTINCS. 4. ALL THERIoCITE WELD CONNECT1ONS TO BE COo\TEO WITH ~OYBOND 747- PRIMER ANO.ROVSTON "HN<<>Y CNJ- OR APPROVED EQUAL. 5. BONOINC CABLE TO BE NO.6. SEVEN STRANO COo\TEO COPPER WIRE. CADWELDED TO F1TTINCS. 6. WATERMAlN TIW::ER WIRE TO BE INSTAlLED IN VI-LVE BOX #S PER $TO. DWC. 5-425. ALL DlMENS10NS IN MUItoCETER5 EXCEPT YMERE NOTED. WORKS DEPARTMENT RE\'lSION NO.: 6 DAtE: 2000 03 THE REGIONAL MUNIQPAUTY OF DURHAM atEQCD): APPROVED: CATHODIC PROTECTION FOR HYDRANT ASSEMBLY ON NON-FERROUS PIPE 8-436 DAtE: ,.IS5 05 21 ., 5.4 kg ZINC ANOOE AU. DIMENSIONS IN MlU..II.lElERS ExCEPT v.ttERE NOTED. I WORKS DEPARTMENT ~SIOH NO.: 4 I DAlE: 1", 02 oe 8-438. rA ~V!oJ..Vf. 1000 mm MIN. SECTION A-A A CATHODIC PROTECTION FOR VALVES (TYPICAL) GRANUlAA SECTION B-B CATHODIC PROTECTION FOR FITTINGS (TYPICAL) NOTES: ,. ANOOE TO BE PI.ACEO AT lEAST 1.0 m AWAY FROI.l TME F1TllNG AND AS DEEP AS TME BOTTOI.l Of" THE F1T1ING MINIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN ANOOES TO at 1.0 m. 2. AU. VAlVES AND AmNGS TO BE COATED WITH BITUMINOUS SEALER PRIOR TO INSTAllATION ON SITE. 3. AU. TMERMlTE WElJ) CONNECTIONS TO BE COATED WITH "ROYEIOND 747- PRIMER AND ROYSTON "HANOY CN'- OR N>PROVEO EQUAl. 4. RESTRAIN F1TllNGS AS PER 5-433 AND 5-404. THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY Of DURHAM QiEQ<EO: APPROVED: DAlE: CATHODIC PROTECTION FOR VALVES & FITTINGS ON NON-FERROUS PIPE 1118S os 23 I ". I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 13 mm ROUND HOlE WITH GRO......ET- FINISHED GRADE EXTENSION (AS REQUIRED) elO q15 C'lz ~~ EXTEHSlON (AS REQUIRED) e 10 q15 C'lz ~~ EXTEHSlON STEM SHALL. BE FASTENED TO OPERAllNG NUT WITH r lWO SEf SCREWS ~500 CONCREIE PRESSURE PIPE, PI.Mf END 'TRACER WIRE '. .. . . .. . . .. ... . ~r'" ,:. .. a. .. .. . ., .. lI... . C . ..... . ... . ... ." UNOIST\JR8ED GROUND CONCRE:n: BLOCK CAST IRON BODY. IUNCED END BU1ltRFI.Y VAlVE FlANGE &: PI.Mf END ADAPTOR 0.0. NOTES 1. BEU. END UNIT SHALL. BE CUT OFF. 7. F VAlVE BOX IS LOCAlED IN A GRAVEL MEA. 2. VAlVE BOX EXTENSIONS StW.L BE USED OtLY F REQUIRED. A 1.0 m X 1.0 m ASHPHALT COLLAR IS REQUIRED. 3. VAlVE BOX StW.L BE ADEQUATELY BRACED WHILE BIoCK- e. ~AGE ~~ ~. FI.I.INQ AND wsr ROoWN PWWB. RWIK>>CLPE WRE RA lED AT ...uS 40" c. 4. REFER TO -sTANDARD SPEQF1CAl1ONS FOR 1HE CXlNS1RUC11ON e lRACER WRE SHAU.. BE INSTALLED OF WA'1'EJWAINr FOR Pt..ACDlENT OF MARKER STAKES. . OUTSIDE VM.VE BOX AND BROUGHT 5. VM.VE StW.L BE COMP\.E1U.Y BACI<FI.LED WITH 111 mm INTO UPPER SEClION 1HROUGH 13 mm CRUSHER RUN UMES1ONE. ROUND HOLE AND LOOPED AT roP. e. WHEN 1HE DEPIH OF 1HE 0PERA11HO NUr IS LOOP SHAU.. BE .... 480 mm IN LEN01H. GRfATtR 11Wf 2.0 m IJELOW FHSHED GfW)E, 10. CATHODIC PR01tXmON. 8ONDINO CA8lE 11m 11W:ER WIRE AN EXTENSION STDI IS REQUIRED. StW.L BE AS PER 5-435. ~. BUTTERFLY VALVE AND VALVE BOX (400 mm TO 500 mm CPP) 8-444 WORKS DEPNmIOfT ~~.u~ ~S OEPARl\olENT SEE NOTE 2 III HIGH PRESSURE C'I WA TERMAIN .... l CAll. BEFORE YOU OIG 905 668-7721 AFTER HOURS de VlEEKENDS 576-9991 OR 1-800-327-11 I 150 ,. REGION Of OURHAM . MlRICS """'''''NT SEWER MAIN CAll BEFORE YOU DIG 905 668- 7721 AFTER HOURS de WEEKENDS 576-9991 OR 1-800-327-11 ~ 10 mm HEX NUT ~ ~~1O~~_ ~ ~~,,~ ~I I~ 10 m: HEX HEAD BOLT ~ REGION Of DURHAM . """"" """'lNENT HIGH PRESSURE WA TERMAIN SEE NOTE 4", ~ C'I Z :i CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 905 668-7721 AFTER HOURS &: WEEKENDS 576-9991 OR 1-800-327-11 SEE NOTE 1 ~ ~ Z 2 84 NOTES 1. HOT ROU.ED U FlANGE S1m.. POSTS MANUFAClURED FROM eo.ooo PSI CARBON S1EEl.. 1HE TOP 100 em Of TME POST IS PUNaiED W1lH 10 mm Of 50 mm CENlRES. UNIVERSAl.. FOR E1TMER METRIC OR IMPERIAl SIGN MOUNllNG. HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED AF1ER PUNatlfG TO PRE't9fT RUSTING OF.1Mt METAL SURROUNOING 1HE 24 HOLES. HIGH PRESSURE WA1tRMAIN AHD/OR SEWAGE MAIN SIGNS SHAll. BE SUPPUED BY 1HE REGION Of DURHAM. lOCA 1lOH AND SPAQNO SHALL BE APPROVED BY 1ME REGION OF DURHAM. I,ENCTH OF POST USED WIU. DEPEND ON F1ElD CONOlllOHS (r.tINlMUM LEN01H 2400 mm). I I I I I I I I I I I L..-l 2. 3- 4. ~ ~ L T 1IIHERE NOTED. Dwo. DAlE: 1"' 11 RE\1SlON NO.: 2 REV. DAlE: 2002 10 SCALE: H. T.$. WATER AND SEWER MAINS LOCATION SIGN 8-449 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EXISTING ROAD EXISllNG ROAD EXISllNG ROAD 2.5 m 0lAG0NAL CUT (M1N) ROAD 40 mm 0EPTli (M1N) EXlSllNG ROAD LONGITUDINAL LAP JOINT TREATMENT fOR PROPOSED lANE WlOENINCS -------------------- END TREATMENTS RECONSTRUCTlON REQUIRES FINAl.. UFT Of ASPHALT IN fOlLOWING YEAR ...-;-'"'"" '] --- ~ t..-;-w.orn~ I.4IN I I(M1N) I ASPHALT RAMP 80 mm 0EP1li r WIDTH VARIES I (1.4IN) ~P;///D]/~ PROP. BINDER ASPHALT (2 UFTS) LAP JOINTS TYPICAl.. END tREATMENT - FINAl.. OVERlAY (MIN) 2.5 m OIAGONAI.. CUT (MIN) EXlSllNG BINDER ASPHALT (2 UfTS) EXISllNG ROAD END TREATMENTS ASPHALT oo./ERU.Y SECTlONS . f-----~ . ~ 2.5 m OIAGONAI.. CUT (MIN) 2.5 m OIAGONAI.. CUT (MIN) 40 mm 0EP1M=h[ (MIN) 2.5 m 0I10G0fW.. CUT (MIN)I EXISTING ROAD t THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY Of DURHAM QiEQ<EO: APPROVED: DATE: 111M 04 oe NOTES: VERTICIoJ.. fACE ANO BOTTOM Of KEY TO BE SWEPT CLEAN AND PAINTED WITH BITUMINOUS EMULSION. NOTES: AU. VERTICIoJ.. fACES Of JOINTS TO BE SWEPT ClEAN AND PAINTED . WITH BITUt.ClNOUS EI.lULS.lON PRIOR TO PAVING. NOTES: ALL VERTICIoJ.. fACES OF JOINTS TO BE SWEPT ClEAN AND PAINTED WITH BITUt.ClNOUS EI.lULS10N PRIOR TO PAVING. NOTES: ,. ALL VERTICAl fACES Of END JOINTS TO BE SWEPT ClEAN AND PAINTED WITH BITUMINOUS EMULSION PRIOR TO PAVING. 2. 0tAG0NAL CUTS TO BE MIN. Of" 2.5 m. AS DIRECTED BY TME ENGINEER ALL DIMENSIONS IN MIU.Jt,tElERS EXCEPT v.ttERE NOTED. PAVEMENT JOINT TREATMENT WORKS DEPARTMENT RE\1S1ON NO.: 3 DAlE: 111118 OJ 03 8-501 STEPCON INDUSTRIES INC. 2400mm Steel Cover W! Hatch. Model 4955 Apr 05 02 tHatch 24',48' r Stepcon Grate Half Welded Complete Bolt-On. W! hatch & locking Padlock. I" ";" ,1'':-': 1!2"x2" F.B. 4" Long,5/8" 0 ,3 per Grate Section. Grate Half Welded Complete Bolt-on. FrCi,!TIe 2~xS"x-1/2" Angle r(j)llsl:l. Leg.oio;2" I~g.ft'p. Bolhon 5/8~X5. W~ge.Allchor t 8'.0. Details: -Bearing Bars 3116"x1-1!2" 1" O.C. -Frame 2"x3"x1!2" L -Structural Support S"x4"x112" L Notch & Weld 2 pes -Steel to conform to CSA-CAN3-G40.21-M81, Grade 300W -Welding in according to CSA W59-M1989 -Galvanize In accordance to G-164M after fabrication. STEPCDN INDUSTRIES INe. 3ltS"x1-112" Press (' Gra. ti.ng. \lVeJd~ inside Frame. S"x4"x1/2" L Notched & Welded tn Fr:.mp. I I II I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Rigtd duct coupling where applicable styrofoam beddtng RIgId duct dtrect buried Note 2 .,. A.. . ... Concrete stnJcture Note 1 PLAN -h5 SECTION A-A 12mm thick )( 250mm long neoprene sleeve c/w 4 ltalnl8$S steel band straps ------------------------- ; ;;;;= ~ ~ ==-=~ :: --------- -------------- _ _____ l: ~100:i 60 J,: DETAIL A WOBBLE JOINT tgtd duct NOTES: 1 Ooncrete structures tnclude bridge ItNcture. concrete footing, electrical matntenance hole. conCrete duct bank. etc. 2 for number, .l%.. and orientation of ducte refer to contract drawtngs. . A All dimeo.ton. are tn mtlnmetra unleaa otherwtae shown. MINISTRY OF' TRANSPORTATION ONTARIO DRAWING UNDERGROUND RIGID DUCT CONNECTION AT CONCRETE STRUCTURE March 2001 Rev 1 ---------- MTOD - 2102.01 Cl Pile and flange plates lA Af 8 I 0 0 I") ~ ---r 0 .... TYPE I ELEVATION 8 Af 10mm, Typ-l Cl Pile and I flange plate I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I lA 10mm, Typ o .... TYPE II 12mm thick flange plate, Typ Csv~,"" ~I\~"e Q 'P . Cltin... !)Pto., ~f' -'I b ~ 'Pliej ~II}. IItt ~ fllll ~M 1\9. fOt eic:t ~ 11\ II. Pi~ 1 "Ie f' le1c:t DRIVING SHOE SECTION A-A SPUCE DEl AIL NOTES: 1 The pile splice shall be perpendicular to <t. of pile. A Flange plates shall be according to CSA G40.20jG40.21-98. Grade 300W. B Welding shall be according to CSA-W59M. C Driving shoe Type I or II shall be as specified. D All dimensions are in millimetres unless otherwise shown. ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD DRAWING Nov 2002 SPLICE AND DRIVING SHOE DETAILS FOR STEEL H-PILES OPSD - 3301.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Pile cut-off elevation and top of concrete l100x100x10mm . . . . 00 .. . . 4 . . :. .4.: . .... "" o. :..;.. o o ... :... .4 ,. , ,. 75 ~. . . ., .,. '.: . ~ '! . : ': . . .:. ':~. :'J':~ . . '-4 .. . \.: 6'.'~" , ,.'.4 . & ,. & o L100x100x10mm, 75mm long, welded to every second sheet pile, Typ -.' ". : . .0. , .. .. .4 .. 01 . .'" . "', #:. '.. : . .-. , .. .' .4! .4 : " :... .. . :A " -.~ :,.. , ., . .' ~.' . ;.. J1 . . :':. .' ~ . :i . .~. ... ,'. .0' ., o. """ . 4..- : . 00. ... .. .:4 '. . .. ,. .. ,. PLAN o NOTES: A Welding shall be according to CSA-W59. B Steel for structural angle shall be according to CSA G40.20jG40.21-98 Grade 300W. C All dimensions are in millimetres unless otherwise shown. ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD DRAWING Nov 2001 STEEL SHEET PILES ANCHORAGE DETAILS OPSD - 3320.000 1200mm. Note 2 ABUTMENT April 1999 NOTES: 1 d = depth of combined base and subbase courses. f = roadbed depth of frost penetration as specified. 2 Dimensions perpendicular to back face of abutment. 3 Height to be consistent with positive drainage of subdrain as specified. 4 Where specified. wall drains shall be installed according to OPSD-3506.000. 5 150mm dia perforated pipe subdrain wrapped with geotextile. A Lateral limits of granular backfill to bridge abutment to be inside face to inside face of retaining wall or wingwall. Frost taper shall extend the full width of the fill unless intemJpted by the retaining wall or wingwall. B Sections shown are parallel to ~ roadway. C Subdrain to be installed with a 2" gradient behind wall. D All dimensions are in millimetres unless otherwise shown. ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD DRAWING ~INI~U~ GRANULAR BACKFILL REQUIRE~ENTS ABUTMENTS OPSD - 3501.000 Consi r Drip Drip Note 1 ELEVATION Note 1 Const joint zoumm DETAIL FOR LOCATION OF DRIP WITH CONSTRUCTION JOINT im min Crete cover NOTES: 1 This dimension shall be 150mm, unless combined with a construction joint as shown. A Drip detail applies to all types of concrete deck slabs. ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD DRAWING 8 Drip shall be continuous along soffit. C All dimensions are in millimetres DRIP DETAIL or metres unless otherwise shown. r I--Note 1 Reinforcing steel Cod 1996 09 151Rev Date O P 3904.040 iiwl� wi w Iw wi wâ–  Iw ww Iw ww Iw Iw �w Iw Iw �w w Iw ww Note 2 Surface concrete course 0 20 Note 7 Asphaltic PARA EEE• _///%%------ • Surface Surface Bridge course � Bridge course 1 curb —L curb —L Note 6 Note 7 Note 5 Note 7 Note 5 0 SECTIONS WITH CHASE 0 Surface Surface Bridge course 1 Bridge course 1 curb curb —L Note 6 Note 7 Note 5 Note 5 Note 7 0 SECTIONS WITHOUT CHASE Note 7 Expansion joint Placing tolerance Asphaltic assembly +0 to —3mm, Typ concrete I is ;.ter I v Note 5 YP �{ �'I:;. Note 4, TYP i•: ;i Bridge deck Approach slab SECTION AT EXPANSION JOINT ASSEMBLY NOTES: INSTALLED AFTER PAVING 1 Existing joint filler to be removed as shown. Depth may vary when removing a neoprene joint filler at expansion joint. 2 Sawcut groove in pavement to be centred over joint and filled with hot—poured rubberized asphalt joint sealing compound. 3 5 ±1 mm thickness of asphalt to be tapered to zero in a distance not less than 1.0m from concrete dams. 4 20mm wide full depth sawcut groove to be filled with hot—poured rubberized joint sealing compound. 5 5 ±1 mm hot applied asphalt membrane. 6 Membrane reinforcement. ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD DRAWING 1998 03 01 Rev r 7 Protection board. A Joint filler tyPe A in accordance BRIDGE DECK P with OPSS 1308. WATERPROOFING - - - - - - - - - - S B All dimensions are in millimetres HOT APPLIED ASPHALT MEMBRANE — — — — — — — — — — ��`-` or metres unless otherwise shown. WITH PROTECTION BOARD OPSD - 3906.02 Membrane reinforcement 20x2Qmm sawcut roove filled— wi nnot—poured rd berized joint sealing compound ��0��//I����'11��� ///.o:..:.::.......Z�//� ................................. kff Bridge 10x20mm des pp roove to be sawcut and filled with asphaliq membrane Membrane —Membrane reinforcement reinforcement , _AsphgK - oricrate overlay.' . Asphalt :=•: `"'' °ï¿½'.' Crack or joint "' membrane membrane ;. :� q`•Note 1 . •° •300'• � ?:. ' !' Bridge deck Bridge dgck� approach slab: ' JOINT BETWEEN BRIDGE DECK AND JOINT OR ACTIVE WIDE CRACK APPROACH SLAB — WITH CONCRETE OVERLAY IN BRIDGE DECK 20x2Omm sawcut groove filled with Surface course Membrane hot—poured rubberized joint sealing Typ reinforcement compound _ NeA JOINT IN CONCRETE OVERLAY DIRECTLY ABOVE JOINT IN BRIDGE DECK Membrane — reinforcement Bridge deck NO JOINT IN CONCRETE OVERLA JOINT IN BRIDGE DECK Membrane reinforcement Asphalt membrane 1 .-.-30( Bridge dick :Approach slab' y, Y JOINT BETWEEN BRIDGE DECK AND APPROACH SLAB Asphalt ;, '' •: :'. mem rune :'.�; :i "00 'Granular•• .Concrete'. .0 backfill 4, JOINT BETWEEN CONCRETE DECK AND GRANULAR BACKFILL NOTES: 1 Cracks in concrete to be repaired as specified elsewhere. Asphalt A See OPSD-3906.020 for treatment at curbs. membrane B Protection board is not shown. Gy C All dimensions are in millimetres unless otherwise shown. Bridge deck' , :%• '. :=:' •• Aril 1999 Rev ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD DRAWING p JOINT IN CONCRETE OVERLAY BRIDGE DECK _ NO JOINT IN BRIDGE DECK WATERPR00FING DETAILS - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ - AT ACTIVE WIDE CRACKS GREATER THAN •2mm AND CONSTRUCTION JOINTS 10_ _ - 3906.0 <U C15M c:: Eg. C15M c:: C15M c:: E- Oc: 2-C15M U 0 0.- t') C15M 3000mm long nE Top and Bot co 1 gl R=530mm ~ Outside face of deck slab o <D ll) For anchorage refer to OPSD- 2215.02 250mm depth 1500 PLAN Parapet wall not shown ~ Anchorage and conduit This surface to be steel float finished level 300 I I I I I 1 . I . f' I I' .. . I .. I": .' 'I . J I '. . ..: .1' . o o n 50mm :i: 10mm clear cover C15M c:: I I: I, I, I I I I I I I NOTES: A Reinforcing steel for deck and barrier wall not shown. B Cover to reinforcing steel 70mm :i: 20mm except as noted. C Read in conjunction with bridge electrical details. D Strength of anchorage based on 4-32mm dia studs equally E All dimensions are in millimetres or metres unless otherwise C15Mc::1 3000mm long I on 406mm B.C.D. C15M U spaced shown. ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD DRAWING 1996 09 15 LIGHTING POLE BASE DETAILS FOR STRUCTURES WITH PARAPET WALLS Date _ _ _ _ _ _ OPSD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I~ I I I I Maximum s acin 900mm. Typ w Individual bar support, Typ Top of slab Note ,J w Maximum s adn 900mm, Typ Continuous bar support, Typ TYPICAL SLAB CROSS SECTION ontinuous bar support, Typ Individual bar support, Typ x o E E E o o 0) 900mm max & &. NOTES: 1 Dimension to suit specified nominal cover. A Individual bar supports shall be placed on a grid of 900mm maximum. S Bar supports shall be Class D or Class E for maximum protection as detailed in the "RSIC Reinforcing Steel Manual of Standard Practice", 1996. C Metal portions of continuous bar supports shall be plastic encased or approved equivalent. D Individual bar supports shall be firmly fixed to reinforcing bars. Continuous bar supports to be tied at every fourth intersection with mat bars, and meet the cover requirements specified in the Contract. E All dimensions are in millimetres unless otherwise shown. ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD DRAWING Nov 2001 SUPPORTS FOR REINFORCING STEEL FOR S~ DEPTH 300mm OR LESS opse 3922.010 J. Vary to maintain screed elevations, 25mm max, Typ Exterior face ct EXTERIOR GIRDER '. 0- 0041-' ~ ...:.....:" ..~ ct INTERIOR GIRDER BOTTOM OF DECK BELOW TOP OF GIRDER Exterior face l Vary to maintain screed elevations, Typ ct EXTERIOR GIRDER '. 0- 00410. :. J*..... ;. ......, - ct INTERIOR GIRDER BOTTOM OF DECK ABOVE TOP OF GIRDER NOTES: 1 Dimension shall not be less than the specified slob thickness. A This standard is also applicable to precast box girders. B All dimensions are in millimetres unless otherwise shown. ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD DRAWING METHOD OF OBTAINING SCREED ELEVATIONS FOR PRECAST CONCRETE GIRDERS Nov 2001 I J Note 1 JN~e 1 OPSD - 3930.01 I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I w '- Drain Drain J . ~.' ~. ... . Waterproofing 1...75mm max"l ".1 ;'".~ ... . . l . '. .' J . . '. Deck . ,. . .:.. ".' .... J: : "'. '" r Drain Drain'\. & . l '" . '.iI, TOP DECK PLAN o o Mechanical joint clamp for 40mm PVC drain Note 1 Bearing seat Deck . ..... . "" . ,. . Drain extension Galvanized eye socket .'. l' .'. . ",'. .' . .. .,. . . . .4 . ,.. '. . o If) End diaphragm Galvanized- steel band hanger . A' ..J , . . . ... , . . J 1 2mm NC galvanized threaded bar Galvanized connection insert for 12mm threaded bar . " ;. ...,.. - o If) '" A.' i f . '" . . '" A , . .d 40mm ID PVC drain (See "DRAINAGE TUBE & D IT AI Ls" ) 300 DRAINAGE TUBE DETAILS NOTES: 1 Top of drain to be installed flush with top of concrete dec~. Coupler and extension piece not to be installed until after removal of deck formwork. All metal parts to be galvanized in conformance to CSA Standard G164-M. A PVC tubes to be rigid type. B Tubes to be placed at low points of the bridge deck to prevent ponding of water. C No waterproofing compound shall be allowed to seal the tubes. Tubes shall be cleaned out prior to placing asphalt. D Drain extension to be securely fastened to substructure as shown. E Drain tubes shall be straight and shall be positioned to avoid any interference with beams, end diaphragms, stressing cables, voids and to prevent discharge onto bearing seats of piers or abutments. F All dimensions are in millimetres unless otherwise shown. ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD DRAWING Date 1991 12 16 DRAINAGE OF ASPHALT WEARING SURFACE ON NEW DECKS Date OPSD - 3950.00 I .<J] f-- End face of I barrier wall Anchorage to be flush with front face -j Embedded plate anchor, see detail Steel guide rail assembly 4 J 6-M22x70mm Ig A325M galv bolts with golv washers ~ Steel channel assembly Top of ~ asphalt L J ~ i ELEVATION & "In I 370 -j ~ I' 100. 100, I' 110 W 1-- ~ ~ ~ ~ " -r-r-w L -~-m L30 ~_~ PL 20x200x370mm galv steel ~ I Grade 300W . - ~ o o o o N 3-Ferrules for M22 galv bolt in-line with 24mm die hole 8-M20x150mm long shear studs 130mm Typ EMBEDDED PLATE ANCHOR DETAIL NOTES: A This OPSD to be read in conjunction with OPSD-912.401 and 912.430. B Steel according to CSA Standard CAN3-G40.21-M92 Grade 300W. C Studs to be welded using fusion weld process. D Welding shall be of a low hydrogen classification according to CSA Standard W59-M89.' (E480xx electrodes). E Anchor to be hot dip galvanized after fabrication according to CSA Standard G164-M92. F All bolts shall be liberally coated with antiseize compound meeting US Military Specification MIL-A-907D. G All dimensions are in millimetres unless otherwise shown. ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD DRAWING Nov 2001 GUIDE RAIL AND CHANNEL ANCHORAGE OPSD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I surface ~ .' 6 . . ~ .'" . ,J# . . . . 6 . . .~ 6 . . ~. ~ .411, . .... 6 '. o~o' o 0 ~ .".,d :,t1f/ ~ '. ..... . ."'" .'~' 6 '60.. . . f . . ~ . .'" . CONSTRUCTION JOINT IN DECK Back face o~ o 06 . . . '"", :,;1/ "Q" . '. .... . "" o o~ .A 060: . 0 o . o ~. . ." " ~ EXPANSION JOINT IN WALLS Cold applied joint sealing compound Note 2 Back face ~ . 06 . I . ~ . . ~ : ~ I. f . ~. 6 ~ . A . 0 . I ..~ ~o . ~ . I J10 '. ~ o. .> ..... ',.. ~lL Typ =-rGomm Typ '.,4 ..II ~. . '. .......411 .~. 6 . 6'. .' ~ . . .,.. . CONSTRUCTION JOINT IN WALLS Top surface 20mm expanded polystyrene, Note o~ . . 6 . '. ,.. ." . ." . . 0 A . ~'6 .' 0 . ~ "" . ~" . '. . . :.4 ..", "'9" '. .... .." .:~:6 .4....: . ~ . 0 . ." . . ~ o A . 0 . ,'. ~ EXPANSION JOINT IN FOOTINGS NOTES: 1 Expanded polystyrene shall meet the requirements of CGSB-51.2 Type 2. 2 Cold applied joint sealing compound and external waterstop shall be as specified in the Contract. A Expanded polysterene shall be held in place with light galvanized nails. B All dimensions are in millimetres or metres unless otherwise shown. ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD DRAWING TYPICAL JOINT DETAILS Date OPSD - 4670.000: C t J l� am an 00 -M Om em o" mom 404" FIELD MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUE DURING PiLE DRIVING HAMMERS* TYPE MASS OF RAM W Kilo.rorns s 9B3 726 —Anvil o a Elastic Strop / �_Pile E u E Roe rd 1183 2268 c = Sheet 1250 Observed Elastic 8225 1360 Compression of Pile Light Beam 2300 & Ground (C) 8300 Support rt 46100 Detachable 2200 53826 8400 Straight Edge 1.. D22-02 1 67000 —Set (S) 2200 67000 D30-02 Direction a( 91000 030-13 3000 PencilPencil movemcnl FIELD MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUE DURING PiLE DRIVING HAMMERS* TYPE MASS OF RAM W Kilo.rorns RATED ENERGY E Joules blow 9B3 726 12419 1083 1361 16948 SOC 2268 20337 1183 2268 26005 D12 1250 30506 8225 1360 39300 LB520 2300 40675 8300 1700 46100 D22 2200 53826 8400 2268 62400 D22-02 2200 67000 D22-13 2200 67000 D30-02 3000 91000 030-13 3000 91000 8500 3129 107100 036-02 3600 115000 D36-13 3600 115000 NOTE: Rom may olio be referred to as Piston *See General Notes 5) and 6). METHOD OF APPLYING THE HILEY FORMULA The Miley Formula far: (a) Double-oclinq, differential-acting Steom and Diesel Mommers, n of E •,_ 0.6 to 0.8 for sleom hommers R- S + C/2 •,_ 1.0 far diesel hommers (b) Drop Hammers and single-oclinq Steom Mommers. _n el Wgh el- 0.75 for drop hammers R S + C/2 M - height of free loll of mass in metres Where R - Ultimole pile resistance in kilonewlons S - Measured penelrolion of pile per hammer blow in millimetres C - Measured rebound of pile per hommer blow in milkmetres E _ Rated Energy of hommer blow in joules a,- efficiency based on monufoclurer's gross toted energy(typ. 0.6 to 0.8) n efficiency of blow e _ coefficient of restitution g _ 9.80665 m/s2 W + Pe= n - IN + P where e - 0.32 for steel (o( • - 0.55. See Note 1 below.) 0.25 for timber P _ Moss of pile + anvil or helmet in kilograms (See Note 2 below) W _ Moss of Tom (piston) in kilograms W IM = DIMENSIONS ARE IN METRES CONT NO AND/OR MILLIMETRES No UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN SHEET PRE DRNWC CONTROL GENERAL NOT 1)THIS STANDARD DRAWING K FOR THE CONTROL OF PILE 94STALLATONS BY VALIDATING DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS. 2)THE MILEY FORMULA SHALL BE USED TO CONFIRM PILE RESISTANCE FOR FRICTION-TYPE PILES N NON-COHESIVE SOILS. FOR USE N COHESIVE SOILS, THE GEOTECH NICAL ENGINEER WILL MiSlE TO BE CONSULTED. 3)DURING PILE DRIVING, THE NINMMEa HAS TO REBOUND ENOUGH TO UWRAOE ITS ENERGY PER BLOW. ACCOADMIGLY, THE SOIL MUST PROVIDE SUFFICIENT REBOUND FOR THE MejY FORMULA TO BE EFFECTIVE. 4)IF THE ULTIMATE PILE RESISTANCE.AS CALCULATED BY THE MILEY FORMULA IS NOTE 1: NOT REACHED WHEN REFERENCED TO A PRESCRIBED PILE TV ELEVATION OR It is oswmed that piles are driven with o pile cushion. Where Steel RANGE OF ELEVATIONS. THE ADVICE AND H-Piles are driven without o cushion, the ultimate pile Capacity R should be RECOMMENDATIONS OF A GEOTECHNICAL calculated assuming a coefficient of Restitution a 0.55. ENINEER SHALL BE SOUGHT. NOTE 2: 5)THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT THE PERTINENT HAMMER PROPERTIES.AS Assume moss of anvil - 600 k9 unless otherwise noted. REOUIRED BY OPSS 903. NOTE 3: 6)THE TABLE OF HAMMERS LIEN ON THIS STANDARD DRAWING CAN BE USED FOR The resulling Ultimole Pile Resistance, R. as calculated by Miley Formula must COMPARING THE SUBMITTED HAMMER the Ultimole Geolechnicol Resistance given in the Pile Driving Notes PROPERTIES. IT IS APPROXIMATE PAO MAY NOT INCLUDE ALL NMR{RS. on the Contract Drawings. REFERENCE SMALL BE MADE TO INTERNET WEB SITES FOR NIAMMMEIIS TO EXAMPLE FOR DIESEL, HAMMERS EXAMPLE FOR DROP HAMMERS CHECK CONTRACTOR SUBMISSIONS. 7)WHEN APPLYING THE MILEY FOAM1LA G;ven. Pik NP 310x110. length _ SOm r, =Timber Pile: length - 15m, density - 641 kg/mt THE MAMMER SMALL BE OPERATED AT moss of anvil . 600 kg butt dill. - 0.36n1, lip Ilia. - 010m FULL CAPACITY. Pile driven without o cushion Moss of Helmet - 300 kg Hammer is Delmog D22-13 Moss of Hammer - 2268 kg - W From the Pile Driving Notes on the Contract Drowings, Fall of Hammer - 1.0 metre - M Ultimate Geolechnitol Resistance - 3000 kN IT - 0.25 Observations: measured penetration . S - Smm From Pilo Driving Notes on Controcl Drawings. measured *bound . C - 10— Ultimate Geotechnicol Resistance - 750 kN Hilev Formula Colculatians Observations: measured penetration - S - 5mm P - 50(1 10) + 600 - 6100 kq measured rebound - C - 20-nn W - 2200 kg e - 0.55 Hilev Formula Calculations _ W + Pe: 2200 + 6100 (0.55)= P . (15 x II/0.36 + 0.20\T x 641) . }00 . 892 tq n W + P 2200 + 6100 - 0.49 e,- 0.75 4 ` 2 E - 67,000 Joules/blow W - 2268 kg _ n a, E 0.49 (1.0) (67,000) W + Pet 2268 + 892(0.25)7 R 5 + c72-- 5 + 1 y - 3283 kN > 3000 kN O.K. n . 0.74 W + P 2266 + 892 R -s+c z - 0.7.(o.7s)(+2 o )(z606)(t .o) _ 623 kN > 750 kN O.K. r ""°"°°'""` SS103-11 1.wKN IKWr 11,q STN10Mp 1K DESOKR SNpAD EMSUIE Am tale THE IK uLTxwC ao1EON Cr L RCWANCE 6 OWN ON PILE DRIVING CONTROL M CONTRACT De,1NN43 AS DETALED N SECTON 3,12/3 OF IK t 37RLOUP M#AK. 2.M'NOTES TO DCSOKR•SNNL K DELETED FRON INS DRANRO PUN IO 6SIMO OF IK C01rTMCT. ;==0 I.1 W M f1R11CN2hl NweNL ry I-6lF"TT, � I I I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARlNGTON CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I 'I , I I JUN-30-2003 09:38 GEO-LOGIC 706 749 9248 P.04 ----- . ...-:'.-:':~. ~~---- ,~.::.;;..~>~ ~.I.I.~''''.-'~''''''''~ .....'.~- .." : . ;' 0; ::r -, '.' ---.:..... ...~..._. ~"~.-. :"9'~ '~.;;:~:~.:~' .;~:",::~.:.. 347 Pido Road, Unit 29 P.O. Box 694 Peterborough, Ontario K9J 6Z8 (705) 749-3317 FAX (705) 749-9248 EMAIL peterborough@geo-Iogic.ca Totten Sims Hubicki 513 Division Street Cobourg, ON K.9A 5G6 June 26, 2003 Attention: Mr. Roy Kempton. P.Eng. Re: Fill Assessment Longworth Avenue Extension Bowmanville, ON Municipality of Clarington Our Project N2 02-G-180 Dear Mr. Kempton: At your request, samples of stockpiled material along the right of way for Longworth Avenue west of Scugog Street were obtained April 22, 2003. Samples were also taken below the existing grade of the cut section for the Longworth extension tlrrough this area at that time. The purpose of obtaining the samples was to perform laboratory testing of the material to aid in accessing its suitability to be used as earth fill for the Longworth A venue extension project. Atterberg tests performed on representative samples obtained found it to range from a clayey silt to a silty clay with a plasticity index of 4.8 and 7.2 respectfully. Moisture content test performed on the samples obtained ranged from 15.3 to 20.1 % moisture by weight. At the time of sampling, the in-situ moisture content would have been too high to allow for proper compaction during placement. Due to the makeup of the material, it is not expected that it could be dried out enough to be used as a earth fill without extremely favorable weather conditions. Should you require any additional information, please contact our office at your convenience. GKGIkk Yours very truly, Geo-Logic Inc. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS AND HYDROGEOLOGISTS ~#~ George K. Gunther, C.E.T. oject Manager Fax: 905-372-3621 hn T. Tewsley, P.Eng. enior Engineer soli I envlronmentallnvestlQatlons · materials testlna · hudroaeoloauTOTAL P.04 SEP-22-2003 08:48 GEO-LOOIC 705 749 9248 P . 0 1/0 1 " - ~ -'" ~~ ~I.L, ...,'~ '~'" ~ 't - ~ :........ . .:. ~;... ~"~ -~, y,~ ~-~' ~.J ' 347 Pido Road, Unit 29 P.O. Box 694 Peterborough, Ontario K9J 6Z8 (705) 749-3317 FAX (705) 749-9248 EMAIL peterborough@geo-Iogic.ca Totten Sims Hubicki 5 13 Division Street Cobourg, ON K9A 5G6 Septernber19,2003 Attention: Mr. Rov Kemoton. P.Eng. Re: Fill Assessment Longworth A venue Extension Bowmanville, ON Municipality of Clarington Our Project ~ 02-G-180 Dear Mr. Kempton: At your request, we have revisited the possibility of using material stockpiled along the right-of-way of Longworth A venue west of Scugog Street as earth borrow for the above referenced project. It is our understanding that there is available approximately IO,DOOm3 of the material from the stockpile and other earth cuts from this area. We have compared the results obtained during our investigation in April 2003 to the requirements set out in Table 1 Field Moisture Content Acceptance Criteria for Earth Borrow - OPSS 212. The moisture content at the time of sampling in April was found to be slightly higher than the allowable limit but could be acceptable to use in the lower portion of the fill under the following conditions: 1. Care will have to be taken during placement to ensure weather conditions are favorable to help promote dry and it is not raining. 2. Lifts must be kept to a maximum of 300mm and the material continually worked during placement to also help aid in drying the material. 3. Placement of this materia) will have to be monitored on a continuous basis during placement and if the material becomes unworkable, the contractor will have to adjust his operations to remediate the material. Should you require any additional information, please contact our office at your convenience. Yours very truly, Geo-Logic Inc. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS AND HYDROGEOLOGISTS GKGIkk Fax: 905-372-3621 TOTAL P.OI I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I' I' I I w w• w +ft- aâ–º am Am*) am AM mON& an w no I'm ow w � 400 1 — AREA OF BURIED CONCRETE CONCRETE PROBES LOCATION PLAN OLD SCUGOG ROAD BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO P•113 vy::'r r.'./P•:tG�=y�.;.y`a;:.:}}jar:;' =� Q §l�r;�"'��:�"l.f(.. yak'+;,�,r{:'• Gj,. •\\y'F' 7 tw. .f J - ---- P-10 ti 4• o SCUGOG • ^ ° ° T DATE: DEC,1997 CLIENT: TOTTEN SIMS HUBICKI SCALE: N.T.S JOB NUMBER: 97-G-149 DRAWING NUMBER: 6 0 / . 1 I CONCRETE PROBES , OLD SCUGOG ROAD BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Probe P-101 I Location: Refer to Site Plan Enclosure No.6 Offset: Centreline (Existing Road) Depth Soil Type , 0- 130mm Black, ASP HAL T 130-280mm Grey, CONCRETE I 280-600mm Brown, FILL, gravelly sand, moist 600mm+ Light grey, CLAYEY SILT, with trace of sand, moist Probe P-102 , Location: Refer to Site Plan Enclosure NO.6 Offset: Centreline (Existing Road) Depth Soil Type I 0- 100mm Black, ASPHAL T 100-250mm Grey, CONCRETE I 250-530mm Brown, FILL, gravelly sand, moist 530mm+ Light grey, CLAYEY SILT, with trace of sand, moist Probe P-103 j Location: Refer to Site Plan Enclosure No.6 Offset: Centreline (Existing Road) Depth Soil Type I 0- 125mm Black, ASPHAL T 125-260mm Grey, CONCRETE I 260-330mm Brown, FILL, gravelly sand, moist 330mm+ Light grey, CLAYEY SILT, with trace of sand, moist Probe P-104 I Location: Refer to Site Plan Enclosure NO.6 Offset: Centreline (Existing Road) , Depth Soil Type 0- 115mm Black, ASPHALT 115-260mm Grey, CONCRETE I 260-330mm Brown, FILL, gravelly sand, moist 330mm+ Light grey, CLAYEY SILT, with trace of sand, moist Probe P-105 I Location: Refer to Site Plan Enclosure No.6 Offset: Centreline (Existing Road) t Depth Soil Type o - 80mm Black, ASP HAL T 80-170mm Grey, CONCRETE I 170-350mm Brown, FILL, gravelly sand, moist 350mm+ Light grey, CLAYEY SILT, with trace of sand, moist t Plate t I I CONCRETE PROBES OLD SCUGOG ROAD BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO I Probe P-106 Location: Refer to Site Plan Enclosure NO.6 Offset: Centreline (Existing Road) I Depth Soil Type o - 55mm Black, ASPHAL T I 55-280mm Brown, FILL, gravelly sand, moist 280mm+ Light grey, CLAYEY SILT, with trace of sand, moist Probe P-107 f' Location: Refer to Site Plan Enclosure No.6 Offset: Centreline (Existing Road) I Depth Soil Type o - 50mm Black, ASPHAL T 50-700mm Brown, FILL, gravelly sand, moist f Probe P-108 Location: Refer to Site Plan Enclosure No.6 I Offset: Centreline (Existing Road) Depth Soil Type o - 50mm Black, ASP HAL T I 50-1.0m Brown, FILL, gravelly sand, moist Probe P-109 r Location: Refer to Site Plan Enclosure NO.6 Offset: Centreline (Existing Road) I Depth Soil Type o - 55mm Black, ASPHALT 55-900mm Brown, FILL, gravelly sand, moist 1 Probe P-11 0 Location Refer to Site Plan Enclosure NO.6 Offset: Centreline (Existing Road) I Depth Soil Type o - 60mm Black, ASPHAL T I 60-140mm Brown, FILL, gravelly sand, moist 140-300mm Grey, CONCRETE I Probe P-111 Location Refer to Site Plan Enclosure No.6 Offset: Centreline (Existing Road) I Depth Soil Type o - 75mm Black, ASPHAL T 75-150mm Brown, FILL, gravelly sand, moist I 150-300mm Grey, CONCRETE I Plate 8 CONCRETE PROBES OLD SCUGOG ROAD BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Probe P-112 Location: Offset: Refer to Site Plan Enclosure NO.6 Centreline (Existing Road) Depth o - 60mm 60-240mm 240-470mm 470mm+ Soil Type Black, ASPHALT Grey, CONCRETE Brown, FILL, gravelly sand, moist Light grey, CLAYEY SILT, with trace of sand, moist Probe P-113 Location: Offset: Refer to Site Plan Enclosure No.6 28m Right of Centreline of Middle Road (Existing) Depth o - 95mm 95-550mm Soil Type Black, ASPHALT Brown, FILL, gravelly sand, moist Plate I W, :e, to am Am oft mo- m' a m am Former Dump Site(closed ill 1974). Boundary established lion previous studies. Pl-1-14 PI®8 ® PH-16 A `�1 ' I'll-12 0�0, eTP-3 Fl)-2 A. IP BH-4 , e 111-10 TP-8 5 PH 2' \ X10 H-(TP P1 I ) T 1 PI I- 9® ut�� TP-9 TI-_ 111-7 I'II-17 �1_r1 Updated dump site buund:m}' t interpolatedâ–º Mt-11 Arc law Ioeical J1K' 11'.%111a11vilh: (111+1%111 1'11.7 1'I H-S I'Il-1 A 1' 1-6 I'II-3 Ill a .�i I& I 1 1 -2 Roadway control alignment Proposed Creek realignment 1.• • • • t 1''9• • 'I N Borehole Q� -Pest Pit Qk Probehule Source: Portion ofdrawin produced by l-utter Sines llubicki Associates and supplied to Gco-l-ut-ic Inc,via euslil dated January`).'_11113. TEST HOLE LOCATION PLAN Date: Scale: February,3003 I : 1,500 1;Ct)I Ct /I\It'.11.1.\I/i.s,/A"I /"L/'01?1' Lt)\t;IIUltl7l II'1:\1 k LAIP:.\.1OA 1't•t.�ject No.: 02-(i-180 Ill \'It ll'.Il.11l ()/"(./ IiUII.V,1A111l.li,l)\I 1/"1() I'IaIC Nu.: 3 347 PIDO ROAD, UNIT 29, P.O.BOX 694 PETERBOROUGH, ON K9J 6Z8 (703)749.7717 FAX(705)749-9249 EMAIL:y.I.A—IMlQ y-1-91...+ Geo-Logic Inc. I I I I J I I I I I I I I I' I I t I 'I APPENDIX A SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION DATA I ,I I I I f I f I I I I I I t I I I I Log of Borehole: BH-1 Project No: 02-G-180 Project: Longworth Avenue Extension Location: Bowmanville, Ontario J: I- 0. W e ft m o 0 1 2 3 1 4 5 6 7 2 8 9 10 3 11 12 13 4 14 15 16 5 17 18 19 20 6 21 22~ 23 7 24 25 26 8 27 28 29 30 9 31 SUBSURFACE PROFILE -l o III ~ >- en DESCRIPTION ....................................................................... Sand with Silt and Clay, trace Gravel Borehole terminated Elevation (m): 107.94 Completion Depth (m): 9.45 Date of Boring: November 29, 2002 Geo-Logic Inc. 347 Pido Road, Unit 29 Peterborough, Ontario K9J-6Z8 SAMPLE Moisture Content ro -Moisture Content %- Iii e z~ 10 20 30 40 Q; OE 0:: REMARKS f=~ w Qi <l:J: W => Standard Penetration Index E >1- III w -l 0 wo. ~ 0. ~ . N in blows/0.3m . N -lW => >- 20 40 60 80 OJ we z I- z a: 101.84 12.0 5 Waterlevel in open borehole at approximately 1.8m depth upon immediate completion of drilling Blow counts=15, 50 (=5") Blow counts=33, 50 (=4") Blow counts=17, 50 (=4") Blow counts=34, 50 (=2") Drilling/Sampling Equipment: Hollow stem auger/Split spoon sampler SS 55 2 SS 40 3 SS 88 4 SS 73 6 SS >100 7 SS >100 9849 8 SS >100 Ground Surface TOPSO/L (100mm) S/L TY SAND Brown Silty fine-grained Sand with trace Organics O' SAND ..:. . Brown fine-grained Sand with some . 1~642 q' ',.Gravel and Cobbles :' . 4 . ......... ......... ......... .......... . _ . . . . 106.0 Grey, fine- to medium-grained, damp 1. 1 to very moist GLAC/AL TILL Grey Sandy Silt and Clay with trace Gravel, dense GeologlstlTechnologlst: Dale Manley Drilling Company: Tri-Aqua Drilling Plate No.: A-1 Log of Borehole: BH-2 J: I- a. w o ftm o I- 0 1 2 3 -1 4 5 6 7 - 2 8 9 10 - 3 11 12 13 -4 14 15 16 ,... 5 17 18 19 20 -6 21 22 23 -7 24 25 26 - 8 27 28 29 -9 30 31 Project No: 02-G-180 Geo-Logic Inc. //7/ 347 Pido Road, Unit 29 fijeCK;;l H Peterborough, Ontario \:\1P}\. K9J-6Z8 ~ , ~ Project: Longworth Avenue Extension Location: Bowmanville, Ontario SUBSURFACE PROFILE SAMPLE Moisture Content '" - -Moisture Content %- ro 0 z~ 10 20 30 40 Qj OE f=~ a:: UJ Q; <l:J: W => Standard Penetration Index E >1- co w ..J 0 wa. ~ a. ~ ~ N in blows/0.3m ~ N ..JW => ~ 20 40 60 80 Q) wo z z c: ..J o co ~ >- C/) DESCRIPTION Ground Surface 107.96 ...n.. ~ '\. TOPSOIL (140mm) / --a:au " I' 0, " .~i:; SAND " c II 1" Q: Brown fine- to medium-grained Sand / 197i~0 7.~ :1 ,~ 'I I' : : :: \ with some Gravel 0 1 SS 36 W-y " '~ . :.:. GRAVELLY SAND .. I . ~ Brown fine- to coarse-grained 106.44 .52 : . :. " Gravelly Sand, moist to very moist, 2 SS 7 . .:.: ".dense ~ . . ".............................................. . . Loose 105.67 ~. , ...... 2.29 .;:.~ GRA VEL 3 SS 48 .-:. Light brown Gravel with some Sand, ...... '.. .... wet 104.91 -+ ~ :!I!I SANDY SILT 4 SS 76 .. Grey Sandy Silt, varved, wet, dense 104.30 GLACIAL TILL 3.66 Grey Silty Sand till, moist. compact 55 24 2.1 5 101.41 .................000..0000.. 0 0....... 0... 0 0 o..~ Dense . ~ <;~ h~o< .' ".'.' I . Borehole terminated 9851 9.45 6 SS >100 .' '". 0,.., r\ .' . " : l ~ ~~~\ ,;41~;0;i. \ , .,.,~:. \ I:; I" t.:,;. ,:;, Elevation (m): 107096 GeologlstlTechnologist: Dale Manley Completion Depth (m): 9,45 Drilling Company: Tri-Aqua Drilling Date of Boring: November 28, 2002 l!!!!l II ~~ 11 B ~~// 11 ! Monitoring well installed as , ::aval: at 1.2m dapth *. . on December 10, 2002 r Waterlevel in open . borehole at approximately (\ 108m depth upon immediate com PIe. tion of II' drillina Borehole caving in at J approximately 1.9m depth REMARKS JI I 'JI No SPT or sample obtaineJ I due to high amount of '1 cave-in n No SPT or sample obtaine~ I due to high amount of .. cave-in Blow counts=30. 50 (=3") II ~I ~I DrlllinglSampllng Equipment: Solid stem auger/Split s.poon sampler JI Plate No.. A-2 1 I I Log of Borehole: BH-3 Project No: 02-G-180 Geo-Logic Inc. I 347 Pido Road, Unit 29 Project: Longworth Avenue Extension Peterborough, Ontario K9J-6Z8 I Location: Bowmanville, Ontario SUBSURFACE PROFILE SAMPLE Moisture Content '" I -Moisture Content %- 1ii a z~ 10 20 30 40 Gi OE 0::: REMARKS ..J i=;; w a; J: 0 DESCRIPTION w ::> Standard Penetration Index E ?- m <(?- m w ...J 0 , 0- :2 >0- :2 0- <( A N in blows/0.3m A N w >- ~w ::> >- > 20 40 60 80 <l> a CI) wa z I- Z 0::: ft m Ground Surface o 0 Monitoring well installed as I 1 TOPSO/L (150mm) shown 2 LOAM Waterlevel in open 3 Dark brown Silty fine-grained Sand 1 .8 borehole at approximately I 1 with trace Organics SS 9 2.0m depth upon 4 SAND immediate completion of 5 Brown medium- to coarse-grained drillina Sand with trace Gravel 2 SS >100 Blow counts=16, 50 (=3") 6 ->(driving rock at tip of I 2 SILTY SAND 7 Light grey Silty fine-grained Sand, spoon) 8 moist, compact 3 SS >100 Blow counts=28, 43,50 9 SAND and GRA VEL (=2.5") I 10 3 Grey medium- to coarse-grained Sand and Gravel with trace Silt, very 4 SS >100 Blow counts=50 (=4") 11 12 moist to wet. compact to dense Standpipe plugged at 1.1 m S/L TY SAND I 13 4 Grey Silty fine-grained Sand with depth on December 10, 2002 - no groundwater 14 trace Gravel, layered, compact measurement obtained 15 GLAC/AL T/LL I Grey Silt with trace Gravel, dense, 5 SS >100 Blow counts=41, 50 (=3") 16 5 damp 17 18 1 19 20 6 --............................................... 10180 Sandy Silt. dry to damp .1 6 SS >100 Blow counts=50 (=2.5") 21 I 22 23 7 t 24 25 7 SS >100 Blow counts=50 (=2.5") 26 8 I 27 28 29 30 9 t Blow counts=50 (=3") 31 9845 8 SS >100 Borehole terminated ~ ~ I Elevation (m): 107.90 GeologlstITechnologlst: Dale Manley Completion Depth (m): 9.45 Drilling Company: Tri-Aqua Drilling I Date of Boring: November 28, 2002 Drilling/Sampling Equipment: Solid stem auger/Split spoon sampler Plate No.: A-3 Log of Borehole: BH-4 Project No: 02-G-180 Project: Longworth Avenue Extension Location: Bowmanville, Ontario ...J I 0 ?- m a. :2 w >- 0 en Oft ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 8 9 10 3 11 12 13 4 14 15 16 5 17 18 19 20 6 21 22 23 7 24 25 26 8 27 28 29 30 9 31 SUBSURFACE PROFILE DESCRIPTION Ground Surface TOPSOIL (200mm) SIL TY SAND Light brown / dark brown mottled Silty fine-grained Sand with some Gravel, damp SAND Brown medium- to coarse-grained Sand with some Gravel, loose GLACIAL TILL '. Light grey Silt and Clay till with trace ....~~.~~:.~~.I!'?: ~~~~~.. ..................;' Sandy Silt with trace Gravel, grey, wet Dark grey Grey Borehole terminated Elevation (m): 107.90 Completion Depth (m): 9.45 Date of Boring: November 27,2002 Geo-Logic Inc. 347 Pido Road, Unit 29 Peterborough, Ontario K9J-6Z8 SAMPLE Moisture Content <II -Moisture Content %- ro 0 z~ 10 20 30 40 Qj OE ~~ 0:: w (j) w ::> Standard Penetration Index E <l:1- m w ...J 0 >(L :2 a. ~ A N in blows/0.3m A N ~w ::> ~ 20 40 60 80 41 wo Z z a: 15.1 AS na 2 SS 8 3 SS 71 4 SS 68 5 9831 6 J REMARKS Waterlevel in open borehole at approximately 1.2m depth upon immediate completion of ,.1...:11:...... Borehole left open overnight - caved in at about 1.1 m depth the next day Blow counts=29, 50 (=3") , Blow counts=50 (=4") Blow counts=50 (=2") 7 8 SS >100 9 S5 >100 Blow counts=35, 50 (=2.5") Blow counts=50 (=4") , GeologlstlTechnologlst: Dale Manley Drilling Company: Tri-Aqua Drilling Plate No.: A-4 DrllllnglSampllng Equipment: Solid stem auger/Split spoon sampler I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Log of Borehole: BH-5 Project No: 02-G-180 Project: Longworth Avenue Extension Location: Bowmanville, Ontario ...J J: 0 ?- m a. :2 w >- 0 (/) ftm o 0 1 2 3 1 4 5 6 7 2 8 9 10 3 11 12 13 4 .. 14 15 16 5 17 18 19 20 6 21 22 23 7 24 25 26 8 27 28 29 30 9 31 SUBSURFACE PROFILE DESCRIPTION Ground Surface TOPSOIL (410mm) SAND Reddish brown fine-grained Sand with Silt and Gravel, damp, loose to compact SAND and GRA VEL Brown Sand and Gravel with Cobbles and some Boulders, dry, dense SANDY SIL T Grey / dark grey layered Sandy Silt and Clay, moist to wet, dense GLACIAL TILL Grey Silty Sand with some Gravel ................................................................ Grey Sandy Silt with Clay, wet, dense Borehole terminated Elevation (m): 108.56 Completion Depth (m): 4.88 Date of Boring: November 21,2002 Geo-Logic Inc. 347 Pido Road, Unit 29 Peterborough, Ontario K9J-6Z8 SAMPLE 'Moisture Content t1l - -Moisture Content %- ro 0 z~ 10 20 30 40 Q; OE REMARKS ~;; a: w -a; w ~ Standard Penetration Index E <(?- m w ...J 0 >a. :2 a. <( A N in blows/0.3m A N ~UJ ~ >- > 20 40 60 80 Q) wo Z I- Z c:: 2 .2 SS 30 Waterlevel in open 2 SS 40 borehole at approximately 2.1 m depth upon immediate completion of ".,..;11........ 3 SS Blow counts=15, 39, 50 (=4") 4 SS 90 5 Blow counts=24, 50 (=5") GeologlstITechnologlst: Garnet Brenchley, P.Eng. Drilling Company: Tri-Aqua Drilling Drllllng/Sampllng Equipment: Solid stem auger/Split spoon sampler Plate No.: A-5 Log of Borehole: BH-6 'I Project No: 02-G-180 Geo-Logic Inc. A'/'// / I \ '\ ,,\,~ 347 Pido Road, Unit 29 e.) ...@EGY'.UO@l@.....D Peterborough, Ontario fl~:<;~' . '. ......... < ~. '. .' . .... .... .'. .1Nt;:/ . \ I F;"','",-.-""-':-,c.. .- .,-' . '''''. :'~~'..'-' . .'-', ''';''' . ;':_'-~>');{i'" Project: Longworth Avenue Extension K9J-6Z8 ~"-\\ \ ~ :..d / / //./L/Y _' i Location: Bowmanville, Ontario ( ~ SUBSURFACE PROFILE SAMPLE Moisture Content (\] - -Moisture Content %- Cii 0 JI z~ 10 20 30 40 Q; OE REMARKS ...J t=~ 0:: W Q; J: 0 DESCRIPTION w :J Standard Penetration Index E ?- m <{?- m w ...J 0 a.. ~ >0.. ~ a.. ;; A- N in blows/0.3m A- N w >- ~w :J >- 20 40 60 80 Q) if 0 (/) wo Z I- Z 0:: oft m Ground Surface 107.72 1-0 I:C: 0.00 Waterlevel in open 1 :~ f'\.. TOPSOIL (150mm) / .8 borehole at approximately 1 AS na T 0.3m depth upon JI 2 .. SANDY SILT :ii Grey Sandy Silt with trace Gravel and I immediate completion of 3 1-1 :~ Clay, moist, loose to compact 106.65 ~; 1 drilling 2 SS 40 4 .. SILT 1.07 MW#$:...., .. II .. Grey /Iight grey mottled Silt with 106.20 5 ~ :~ I\~race fine-grained Sand, dense, mOist/ 1.52 5S >100 Blow counts=16, 21, 50 6 3 1-2 ii to wet (=4") 7 SANDY SIL T 105.43 :1 ...... 2.29 8 .~ " Grey / dark grey mottled and layered :' 4 SS >100 Blow counts=21, 50 (=5") 9 ii ".Sandy Silt, moist to wet, dense ,: \.............................................. 10 1-3 tt Increased Sand content 104.67 II 3.00 5 SS >100 ., t~t~-:~'k Blow counts=18, 50 (=5")J r 11 GLACIAL TILL 104.37 I\~rey Silt and Sand with Gravel and / 3.30 12 trace Clay, very dense, damp 13 1-4 II 14 Borehole terminated 15 16 -5 _I 17 J 18 19 II 20 -6 21 22 II 23 -7 24 25 ]I 26 -8 27 28 a 29 30 -9 31 ~ 1\ t Elevation (m): 107.72 GeologlstlTechnologlst: Garnet Brenchley, P.Eng. Completion Depth (m): 3.35 Drilling Company: Tri-Aqua Drilling ~I Date of Boring: November 21, 2002 DrllllnglSampling Equipment: Solid stem auger/Split spoon sampler 1( . ~ I Plate No.. A-6 I I I Log of Borehole: BH-7 Project No: 02-G-180 Project: Longworth Avenue Extension Location: Bowmanville, Ontario I I oft mo I ~ 3 .: 1 6 I ~ 2 9 110 3 11 112 13 4 14 15 I ~~ 5 I ~: 20 6 .1 ~~ 23 7 124 25 26 8 I 27 28 29 9 I ~~ I I J: ~ a. w o SUBSURFACE PROFILE ...J o (0 ~ >- (J) DESCRIPTION Ground Surface TOPSOIL (600mm) EARTH FILL ". Reddish brown fine-grained Sandy ....~~I!~ ~~'. ~??~~........................... Light grey fine-grained Sand with Silt and Gravel, some Cobbles, dry, dense SAND and SIL T Grey Sand and Silt, moist. compact GLACIAL TILL Grey Sandy Silt with Gravel and trace Clay, dry to damp, dense Borehole terminated Elevation (m): 109.31 Completion Depth (m): 3.96 Date of Boring: November 21, 2002 Geo-Logic Inc. 347 Pido Road, Unit 29 Peterborough, Ontario K9J-6Z8 SAMPLE Moisture Content III -Moisture Content %- 1ii 0 z~ 10 20 30 40 ~ OE REMARKS i=~ 0:: w Cii W => Standard Penetration Index E ::;~ aJ W ...J 0 wCL 2 a. ::; . N in blows/0.3m . N ...JW => >- 20 40 60 80 <ll wo Z ~ z a: 109.31 108.70 2 .7 S5 >100 107.48 2 SS >100 3 SS >100 105.35 Blow counts=10, 21, 50 (=2") Blow counts=50 (=5") Blow counts=50 (=2") Borehole dry upon completion of drilling GeologlstlTechnologlst: Garnet Brenchley, P.Eng Drilling Company: Tri-Aqua Drilling DrllllnglSampllng Equipment: Solid stem auger/Split spoon sampler PI",t.. "'''' . A.7 Log of Test Pit: TP-1 Project No: 02-G-180 Project: Longworth Avenue Extension Location: Bowmanville, Ontario J: I- Q. W o ft m o 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 SUBSURFACE PROFILE ...J o (l) :2 >- (J) DESCRIPTION Ground Surface TOPSOIL Dark brown, Silty FILL Brown Gravelly Sand, trace Cobbles, graded, damp, compact, occasional debris and rags, wood fragments, occasional asphalt fragments GLACIAL TILL Light brown Silty Sand till with trace Gravel, poorly sorted, moist, dense Test Pit terminated Completion Depth (m): 1.83 Date of Excavation: December 5, 2002 GeologlstlTechnologlst: David Workman I J: I- Q. W o 0.00 0.10 0.74 1.83 Geo-Logic Inc. 347 Pido Road, Unit 29 Peterborough, Ontario K9J-6Z8 SAMPLE VAPOUR READING c:: w (l) :2: :J Z W Q. >- I- Hydrocarbons (ppm) 100 200 300 400 .1 11l ro o Qi Q) E o N Q) a: GS REMARKS Ground surface elevation: 111.571 m ' Test pit remained dry throughout its excavation Excavating Company: Garth McQuaid Excavating 2 GS 3 GS Excavating Equipment: Backhoe Sampling: Bucket Plate No.: A-8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I Log of Test Pit; TP-2 Project No: 02-G-180 Geo-Logic Inc. 347 Pido Road, Unit 29 Peterborough, Ontario K9J-6Z8 Project: Longworth Avenue Extension Location: Bowmanville, Ontario SUBSURFACE PROFILE SAMPLE to VAPOUR READING Iii 0 I W REMARKS ..J 0:: Q; I 0 DESCRIPTION I w E ?- m ?- m w Hd'drocarborQC (ppmd 0 a.. ::2: a.. ::2: a.. N w >- w ::> ~ 1 0 200 3 0 40 Q) 0 en 0 z 0:: ft m Ground Surface 0.00 Ground surface elevation: 0- -0 ~ I U.1U i TOPSOIL / 113.225m xx. \Oark brown, Silty 1- xx xx FILL xx. Reddish brown Sandy Silt, occasional 1 GS xx xx debris inclusing wire fragments, plastic, 2- xx. xx. wood fragments, steel fence posts 0.76 ffi ...................................................... xx. Light brown, Sandy 2 GS 3- xx. -1 xx xx xx 4- xx xx xx xx 5- xx xx xx xx xxx 3 GS 6- xx. xx. 1-2 xx. 2.03 ;:;;~ ................................................-....................... - 7- xx. Reddish brown/dark brown Silt and xx. Sand with Cobbles and occasional xx. cinders xx. 4 GS 8- xx. xx. xx. xx. g- xx. xx. xx. 2.90 .. SILT 1-3 .. 10- .. .. Light brown to grey Silt with fine-grained .. .. .. Sand. slight plasticity, sorted, moist, .. .. compact 11- .. Test pit remained dry .. .. .. throughout its excavation .. . . . . 5 GS 12- . . . . 3.75 . . . . Test Pit terminated 13- 4 14- 15- Completion Depth (m): 3.76 Excavating Company: Garth McQuaid Excavating Date of Excavation: December 5,2002 Excavating Equipment: Backhoe GeologlstlTechnologlst: David Workman Sampling: Bucket Plate No.: A-9 3 xx 2 GS xx xx xx xx 4 xx 1.27 SAND Brown, medium-grained Sand with trace GS Silt and Gravel, sorted, damp, compact 3 5 Test pit remained dry throughout its excavation 6 2 4 GS 7 Log of Test Pit: TP-3 Project No: 02-G-180 Geo-Logic Inc. 347 Pido Road, Unit 29 Peterborough, Ontario K9J-6Z8 Project: Longworth Avenue Extension Location: Bowmanville, Ontario SUBSURFACE PROFILE SAMPLE VAPOUR READING :r: I- 0.. W o ftm o 0 ..J o co :2: >- en I I I- 0.. W o Hydrocarbons (ppm) 100 200 300 400 DESCRIPTION 0: w co :2: ::> z W 0.. >- I- Ground Surface 0.00 2 GS 1 TOPSOIL Dark brown, Silty 0.15 FILL Brown/grey mottled Sand with some Gravel, occasional debris including 1 pieces of wire, brick, asphalt fragments, moist, compact 8 2.74 5 GS 9 Test Pit terminated 10 3 ro ro o Cii Q) E o N Q) a: REMARKS Ground surface elevation: 113.757m Completion Depth (m): 2.74 Excavating Company: Garth McQuaid Excavating Date of Excavation: December 5.2002 Excavating Equipment: Backhoe GeologlstITechnologlst: David Workman Sampling: Bucket Plate No.: A-10 I Log of Test Pit: TP-4 Project No: 02-G-180 Project: Longworth Avenue Extension Location: Bowmanville, Ontario I :c f- a. w o ftm o 0 1 I I 2 3 14 I 5 I 6 I 7 2 8 I 9 Ii 10 I I 3 SUBSURFACE PROFILE ..J o al :E >- en DESCRIPTION Ground Surface TOPSOIL Dark brown, Silty FILL Brown Silt with some Sand, occasional brick fragments, moist, compact Numerous Cobbles Test Pit terminated Completion Depth (m): 1.57 Date of ExcavatIon: December 5, 2002 GeologlstlTechnologlst: David Workman Geo-Logic Inc. 347 Pido Road, Unit 29 Peterborough, Ontario K9J-6Z8 SAMPLE Cll VAPOUR READING ro 0 .S- a:: Ci; 1il :c w E f- al w H6drocarbons (ppmd 0 a. :E a. N w ::::> r:: 1 0 200 300 40 QJ 0 Z c:: 0.00 0.25 1 GS 0.61 2 GS 3 GS 1.58 REMARKS Ground surface elevation: 112.014m Test pit remained dry throughout its excavation Test pit terminated at boulder - unable to penetrate beyond Excavating Company: Garth McQuaid Excavating Excavating Equipment: Backhoe Sampling: Bucket Plate No.: A-11 Log of Test Pit: TP-5 Project No: 02-G-180 Project: Longworth Avenue Extension Location: Bowmanville, Ontario :r: I- a.. w o oft mo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 SUBSURFACE PROFILE ...J o CD :2 >- (f) DESCRIPTION Ground Surface TOPSOIL Dark brown, Silty FILL Brown Silt with Cobbles and Boulders, frequent fragments of concrete and bricks Test Pit terminated Completion Depth (m): 1.57 Date of Excavation: December 5,2002 GeologlstITechnologlst: David Workman 0.00 0.13 I :r: I- a.. w o 1.58 SAMPLE Geo-Logic Inc. 347 Pido Road, Unit 29 Peterborough, Ontario K9J-6Z8 VAPOUR READING c::: w CD :2: ::> z w a.. ~ Hydrocarbons (ppm) 100 200 300 400 I l\l co o Cii Q) E o N CI) a:: 1 GS REMARKS Ground surface elevation: 110.721m Corner of Stone foundation encountered at 0.8m depth - approximately 0.15m thick, located along south side of test pit Test pit remained dry throughout its excavation Test pit terminated within Cobbles and Boulders - unable to penetrate beyond Excavating Company: Garth McQuaid Excavating 2 GS 3 GS Excavating Equipment: Backhoe Sampling: Bucket Plate No.: A-12 I, I Log of Test Pit: TP-6 Geo-Logic Inc. I Project No: 02-G-180 347 Pido Road, Unit 29 Project: Longworth Avenue Extension Peterborough, Ontario K9J-6Z8 Location: Bowmanville, Ontario SUBSURFACE PROFILE SAMPLE ell I VAPOUR READING iii 0 I t REMARKS ...J a:: Q; J: 0 DESCRIPTION J: w E f- co f- co w HO'drocarbons (ppmd 0 a. ~ a. ~ a. N I w >- w => >- 1 0 200 300 4Q (I) 0 CJ) 0 Z f- a: ft m Ground Surface 0.00 0- -0 ! .. Ground surface elevation: ~ TOPSOIL 109.702m ~ Dark brown, Silty ~ 1- g 0.38 I .. FILL ... ... Reddish brown Silt with Sand, Cobbles GS .. 1 2- ... and Boulders, moist, compact ... I .. .. xx xx 2 GS .x 3- .. I .. - 1 ... ... ... ... 4- ... I xx. 1.30 x. .. SILT .. .. .. Grey flight brown mottled Silt with .. .. .. Sand, low plasticity, stiff, sorted, moist I 5- .. Test pit remained dry .. .. throughout its excavation .. .. .. .. .. .. .. J 6- .. .. .. .. i .. .. -2 .. .. .. .. 3 GS .. 2.13 I) 7- . . Test Pit terminated I 8- I 9- 10- -3 I I I Completion Depth (m): 2.13 Date of Excavation: December 5, 2002 GeologlstlTechnologlst: David Workman Excavating Company: Garth McQuaid Excavating Excavating EquIpment: Backhoe Sampling: Bucket Plate No.: A-13 Log of Test Pit: TP-7 Project No: 02-G-180 Project: Longworth Avenue Extension Location: Bowmanville, Ontario I I- a. w o oft mo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 SUBSURFACE PROFILE ..J o co ::2 >- II) DESCRIPTION Ground Surface TOPSOIL Dark brown, Silty, with occasional refuse (Le., garbage bag, plastic, papers) SIL TY SAND Reddish brown fine-grained Silty Sand with Cobbles and Boulders, sorted, moist, compact TILL Grey Silt with some Sand and trace Gravel, poorly sorted, low plasticity, hard, moist Test Pit terminated Completion Depth (m): 2.13 Date of Excavation: December 5,2002 GeologlstlTechnologlst: David Workman Geo-Logic Inc. 347 Pido Road, Unit 29 Peterborough, Ontario K9J-6Z8 SAMPLE III VAPOUR READING co 0 I Q) 0:: Q) I W E I- co w HOdrocarbons (ppmd 0 a. ::2 a. N w :) ~ 1 0 200 300 40 Cl> 0 z 0: 0.00 GS 0.30 2 GS 3 GS 1.65 2.13 4 GS ,I REMARKS Ground surface elevation: 109.557m Test pit remained dry throughout its excavation Excavating Company: Garth McQuaid Excavating Excavating Equipment: Backhoe Sampling: Bucket Plate No.: A-14 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Log of Test Pit: TP-B Project: Longworth Avenue Extension Location: Bowmanville, Ontario Geo-Logic Inc. 347 Pido Road, Unit 29 Peterborough, Ontario K9J-6Z8 Project No: 02-G-180 SUBSURFACE PROFILE SAMPLE CIl VAPOUR READING iii 0 I 0:: Q; REMARKS -l Q) J: 0 DESCRIPTION J: w E ?- m ?- m w HO'drocarbons (ppmd 0 0.. :2 0.. :2 0.. N W >- W => >- 1 0 200 300 4Q, Q) 0 (j) 0 Z I- a: ftm Ground Surface 0.00 IJL Ground surface elevation: 0- -0 ti TOPSOIL :J I:: 108.510m xx. \Dark brown, Silty / :J I:: xu :, I:: xx. :, I:: xx. FILL :1 I:: xx. :, I:: 1- xx. Dark brown Silt with some Sand and :J I:: 50mm diameter standpipe xx. trace Cobbles, refuse throughout 1 GS :, I:: piezometer installed as xx. :1 t:' xx. including tires, bottles, glass fragments, :1 I:: shown xx. concrete rubble, brick fragments, wire, :, I:: xx. :, I:: 2- xx. springs, metal debris :1 t:: xx :, I:: xx. 2 GS :J I;; xx :1 I:: xx :1 I:: - xx :1 I:: xx :1 t:: 3- x x. :J t:: ::: :, I:: 1-1 :1 I:: xx. :, t:: xx. :, I:: xx. 3 GS :J I:: xx. :, I:: 4- x x. .. : .. xx .. Waterlevel: at 1.27m depth xx .. ., on December 10, 2002 xx : ., ., xx ., .. x. : ., ., x. .. 5- ., x. .. .. ... .. : ., ... ., : ., ... .. x.. : .. ., 4 GS ., x.. 1.83 ., ., 6- .. ., Heavy groundwater .. .. SILT .. .. .. seepage into test pit at .. ., .. Grey Silt with Sand, low plasticity, .. .. .. about 1.8m depth 1-2 .. .. .. sorted, stiff .. .' .. ., 7- .. .. .. .. 2.26 5 GS ., . . ., .. Test Pit terminated 8- 9- 10- -3 Completion Depth (m): 2,26 ExcavatIng Company: Garth McQuaid Excavating Date of Excavation: December 5,2002 Excavating Equipment: Backhoe GeologlstlTechnologlst: David Workman Sampling: Bucket Plate No.: A-15 I Log of Test Pit: TP-9 Project No: 02-G-180 Geo-Logic Inc. 347 Pido Road, Unit 29 Project: Longworth Avenue Extension Peterborough, Ontario K9J-6Z8 Location: Bowmanville, Ontario SUBSURFACE PROFILE SAMPLE co VAPOUR READING ~ 0 .S- a; REMARKS ...J 0:: Qi :c 0 DESCRIPTION :c UJ E I- co I- co UJ HO'drocarbons (ppmd 0 ll. ~ 0- ~ 0- N UJ >- UJ ::J ~ 1 0 200 300 40 <V 0 en 0 z a:: ftm Ground Surface 0.00 o 0 Ground surface elevation: TOPSOIL 107.691m Dark brown, Silty 0.28 1 SILTY SAND Reddish brown fine-grained Silty Sand, GS mottled, moist, compact 2 Waterlevel: at 0.61 m depth .'a : in open test pit upon ~ 0.81 immediate completion of . . GRA VELL Y SAND excavation 3 Brown Gravelly Sand, wet, compact Heavy groundwater 1 2 GS seepage during test pit excavation at about 0.8m 1.22 depth 4 . ORGANIC SIL T 3 GS Dark brown organic Silt, wet, soft 1.37 SAND 5 Grey, fine-grained Sand with some Silt, . wet, compact 1.68 4 GS Test Pit terminated 6 Plate No.: A-16 2 7 8 9 10 3 Completion Depth (m): 1,68 Excavating Company: Garth McQuaid Excavating Date of Excavation: December 5, 2002 Excavating Equipment: Backhoe GeologlstlTechnologlst: David Workman Sampling: Bucket I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I Log of Test Pit: TP-10 Project No: 02-G-180 Geo-Logic Inc. 347 Pido Road, Unit 29 Peterborough, Ontario K9J-6Z8 Project: Longworth Avenue Extension Location: Bowmanville, Ontario SUBSURFACE PROFILE SAMPLE III VAPOUR READING iQ 0 .s Q; REMARKS -' 0:: Q; J: 0 DESCRIPTION :r: w E ?- m ?- m w Hd'drocarbons (ppmd 0 Q. ::2: Q. ::2: Q. N W >- W :J ~ 1 0 200 300 40 Q) 0 (/) 0 z a: ftm Ground Surface 0.00 0- -0 ~ Ground surface elevation: TOPSOIL 107.829m ~ Dark brown, Silty 0.23 :::r . . SILTY SAND 1- .,3 Reddish brown Silty Sand, sorted, .~: 1 GS ~ moist, compact . . ..: {J 2- . . 0.63 Heavy groundwater .~. . . . . GRA VELL Y SAND seepage into test pit at . . . . . . Grey I brown mottled Gravelly Sand, about 0.6m depth during its . . . . . . sorted, wet, compact GS excavation . . 2 . . . . 3- . . Waterlevel: at 0.81m depth . . . . -1 . . 1.01 in open test pit upon . . :~ SANDY SILT immediate completion of Grey Sandy Silt. slightly plastic, wet, stiff 3 GS excavation 4- :e. 1.22 Test Pit terminated 5- 6- 1-2 7- 8- 9- 10- 1-3 Completion Depth (m): 1.22 Excavating Company: Garth McQuaid Excavating Date of Excavation: December 5. 2002 Excavating Equipment: Backhoe GeologlstlTechnologlst: David Workman Sampling: Bucket DJ..... ,,",n . l'i 17 Log of Test Pit: TP-11 Project No: 02-G-180 Project: Longworth Avenue Extension Location: Bowmanville, Ontario SUBSURFACE PROFILE .J J: 0 DESCRIPTION f0- lD Q. :2: w >- 0 en oft mO Ground Surface TOPSOIL Dark brown, Silty SAND Reddish brown medium-grained Sand, sorted, moist .. SILT 2 .. Grey Silt with some Sand, low plasticity, .. .. .. sorted, damp, hard .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 1 .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 .. .. .. .. .. 5 6 2 7 8 9 10 3 Test Pit terminated Completion Depth (m): 1.32 Date of Excavation: December 5,2002 GeologlstlTechnologlst: David Workman 2 GS Waterlevel: at about 0.8m depth in open test pit upon immediate completion of 3 GS excavation Geo-Logic Inc. 347 Pido Road, Unit 29 Peterborough, Ontario K9J-6Z8 SAMPLE ell VAPOUR READING iii 0 I :u 0:: Q) J: W E f0- lD w H6drocarbons (ppmd 0 Q. :2: Q. N W :J ~ 1 0 200 300 40 Q) 0 z a:: 0.00 0.25 0.46 GS 1.32 4 GS I REMARKS Ground surface elevation: 107.974m Excavating Company: Garth McQuaid Excavating Excavating Equipment: Backhoe Sampling: Bucket PI:.t,. Nn. A.1A �IVVYV�111 MW L_I'd UL. QA I IVJ1�-/�VV�IV V 1L-L.Q1 V1�\IV PROBEHOLE LOGS [;Fn_I_OGlc INC. PROJECT NO. 02-G-180 Probehole Ground Surface No. Elevation(m)11' Depth(m beg) Description Sample I Waterievel 1z1 21 I (mbeg) r From PH-1 1U/.0 U.uu U.10 1 Vr0VIL_-vlVVVII ♦7111 0111 vlavv AS-1 dry 0.15 1.22 SAND and SILT-Brown, loose, moist 1.22 1.30 SAND and SILT-Grey PH-2 105.5 0.00 0.15 TOPSOIL-Brown Silt and Gravel 0.9 0.15 1.22 SAND and SILT-Brown, loose, moist AS-1 PH-3 106.7 0.00 0.15 TOPSOIL-Brown Silt and Gravel 0.15 0.46 SAND and SILT-Brown, loose, moist AS-1 0.9 0.46 0.61 SAND-Light brown, loose, moist 0.61 1.30 SAND and SILT-Brown, with Gravel PH-4 107.4 0.00 0.15 TOPSOIL-Brown Silty Organics 0.15 0.46 SAND and SILT-Brown, loose, moist 1.1 0.46 0.61 SAND-Light brown, loose, moist 0.61 1.30 SAND and SILT-Brown, with Gravel PH-5 107.4 0.00 0.15 TOPSOIL-Brown Silty Organics 0.15 0.61 SAND and SILT-Brown, loose, moist 0.61 1.30 SAND and SILT-Brown, with Gravel PH-6 106.8 0.00 0.13 FILL-Light brown Sand and Gravel 0.13 0.61 SAND and SILT-Brown, compact, moist 1.1 0.61 1.30 GRAVEL PH-7 108.2 0.00 0.13 FILL-Light brown Sand and Gravel 0.13 0.46 SAND and SILT-Brown, compact, moist 0.9 0.46 0.76 SAND-Light brown, loose, moist 0.76 1.30 SAND and SILT-Light brown,with Gravel, wet PH-8 107.5 0.00 0.61 FILL-Brown Silt and Gravel 0.61 0.76 COBBLES dry 0.76 0.91 SAND and GRAVEL-Light brown 0.91 Practical refusal to further advancement PH-9 111.5 0.00 0.76 FILL-Light brown Sand and Silt, compact, moist 0.76 0.91 GRAVEL dry 0.91 Practical refusal to further advancement Plate No. A-19 LVIVL7VVVR 1 n NV CIVuC CA 1 CIVOWIV -OVVVIVINIV V IL-LC, VIV I F1flIV PROBEHOLE LOGS GEO-LOGIC INC. PROJECT NO. 02-G-180 Probehole Ground Surface No. Elevation m I" ( ) Depth(mbeg)(2) Description Sample Waterlevel mbe (21 ( g) From To PH-10 112.0 0.00 0.76 SAND and GRAVEL-Brown dry 0.76 1.30 SAND and GRAVEL-Reddish brown PH-11 108.8 0.00 0.30 FILL-Brown Sand and Gravel with Cobbles d dry 0.30 Practical refusal to further advancement-relocated probehole 3 times with PH-12 114.0 0.00 0.76 FILL-Silt with tires, roots, steel pipe, boulders along surface, asphalt d dry 0.76 Practical refusal to further advancement PH-13 107.5 0.00 0.46 SAND and GRAVEL-Dark brown, compact, moist 0.46 0.61 SAND and SILT-Brown, loose, moist 0.6 0.61 0.76 GRAVEL 0.76 Practical refusal to further advancement PH-14 108.4 0.00 0.30 SAND and GRAVEL-Brown (numerous surficial Cobbles and Boulders) d dry 0.30 Practical refusal to further advancement PH-15 107.2 0.00 0.46 TOPSOIL-Brown Silty Organics with numerous roots throughout 0.46 0.61 GRAVEL dry 0.61 Practical refusal to further,advancement PH-16 109.5 0.00 0.61 TOPSOIL-Brown Silty Organics 0.61 1.07 SAND and SILT-Brown dry 1.07 1.30 GRAVEL PH-17 106.9 0.00 0.15 TOPSOIL-Dark brown Silty Organics 0.15 0.46 SAND and SILT-Dark brown 0.5 0.46 1.07 SAND and SILT-Grey 1.07 1.30 GRAVEL PH-18 109.0 0.00 0.15 TOPSOIL-Dark brown Silty Organics 0.15 0.46 SAND and GRAVEL-Dark brown dry d 0.46 0.61 SAND and SILT-Brown,with Gravel, wet 0.61 Practical refusal to further advancement PH-19 107.1 0.00 0.15 TOPSOIL-Dark brown Silty Organics IM iv�avvui[ n rlvuctiv� -tst�'TvilHw , uKiv PROBEHOLE LOGS GEO-LOGIC INC. PROJECT NO. 02-G-180 Probehole Ground Surface No. Elevation(m)�'� Depth(mbeg)(2' Description Sample Waterlevel (mbeg)(2) From To Notes: (1) interpolated from topographic plan prepared by Totten Sims Hubicki Associates (2) metres below existing grade Plate No. A-21 0.15 0.76 SANU and 61L I-UarK Drown, wltn trace (ravel, loose, moist 0.8 0.76 0.91 SAND and SILT-Brown, with Gravel, wet 0.91 Practical refusal to further advancement PH-20 109.0 0.00 0.15 TOPSOIL-Dark brown Silty Organics 0.15 0.46 SAND and SILT-Dark brown dry 0.46 1.30 SAND and SILT-Light brown, with Gravel PH-21 107.2 0.00 0.15 TOPSOIL-Dark brown Silty Organics 0.15 0.76 SAND and SILT-Dark brown, loose, moist d dry 0.76 0.91 SAND and SILT-Brown, with Gravel, moist 0.91 Practical refusal to further advancement PH-22 108.2 0.00 0.15 TOPSOIL-Dark brown Silty Organics 0.15 0.76 SAND-Brown, loose, moist 0.8 0.76 1.30 SAND and GRAVEL-Brown, wet PH-23 107.3 0.00 0.15 TOPSOIL-Dark brown Silty Organics 0.15 0.76 SAND-Brown, loose, moist dry 0.76 0.91 SAND and GRAVEL-Brown, compact, moist 0.91 Practical refusal to further advancement PH-24 107.7 0.00 0.15 TOPSOIL-Dark brown Silty Organics 0.15 0.76 SAND-Brown, loose, moist dry d 0.76 0.91 SAND and GRAVEL-Brown, compact, moist 0.91 Practical refusal to further advancement Notes: (1) interpolated from topographic plan prepared by Totten Sims Hubicki Associates (2) metres below existing grade Plate No. A-21 90 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION DATA PROJECT NO.: CLIENT: PROJECT: 02-G-180 PLATE NO.: DATE OF TESTS: A-22 January, 2003 Totten Sims Hubickl Longworth Avenue CLAY & SILT UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM SAND FINE MEDIUM GRAVEL FINE COARSE 10 I ' I I I ! III I /I i I / I V V I I I i I I I; II I I ! ! , I I I If I i I ! j 1 I I j I ' I I , I ) ; it I , I I I I I I , . ~t' I ./'/ IT 1 1uI . ___t I ! t ! I ! I I: : It Ii III1 i I I I ! t I ! o 100 90 10 80 20 70 30 60 40 o 5 .. 50 &1 ~ ! 0: 50 &1 u f 40 80 30 70 20 80 o 0.001 0.01 0.1 DIAMETeR _ 10 100 100 CLAY SILT GRAVEL SAMPLE No. BH-1, SS-3 DESCRIPTION Gravel SANDY SILT & CLAY 2.0 NOTE: UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM ("USeS") Sand Silt & Clay CLASS. 41.1 56.9 ML GEO-LOGIC INC. Plate No.: A-22 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PROJECT NO.: CLIENT: PROJECT: 100 90 80 70 80 i ~ 50 !Z .. U II:: .. L 40 30 -~..-~~-.-- 20 --~-.-. 10 o 0.001 SAMPLE No. BH-1, SS-6 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION DATA 02-G-180 PLATE NO.: Totten Sims Hubicki DATE OF TESTS: Longworth Avenue CLAY & SILT UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM SAND FINE MEDIUM -r---.----.~-.-'_r. -~---------:--~--'--~~--~-- --. " . ' Ii A-23 January, 2003 GRAVEL FINE COARSE o 10 30 40 o .. z " t;j II:: 50 !Z .. U II:: .. L 60 __ __._.___._..__.__...__.____..___~-____ 80 0.01 01 D....METER ....., CLAY SILT DESCRIPTION Gravel SAND with SILT & CLAY 4.0 NOTE: UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM ("USCS") GEO-LOGIC INC. 10 GRAVEL Sand 491 . . ... 90 100 100 Silt & Clay 46.9 CLASS. SM Plate No.: A-23 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION DATA PROJECT NO.: CLIENT: PROJECT: PLATE NO.: DATE OF TESTS: 02-G-180 A-24 January, 2003 Totten Sims Hubicki Longworth Avenue CLAY & SILT GRAVEL FINE COARSE UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM SAND FINE MEDIUM 100 I~ I . I I "1 '; I I I I Ii ..... ".:'- I ./ V I II I I , I I I i 'I I , i i i I , i I Ii ! I I I I I II i II I 90 80 70 60 i .. ~ 50 i e 40 30 20 10 o 0.001 OIAMI!T!~ _ 10 0.01 01 CLAY GRAVEL SILT SAMPLE No. BH-4. SS-3 Gravel Sand Sill & Clay 92.4 DESCRIPTION SILT & CLAY 0.0 7.6 NOTE: UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM ("USCS") GEO-LOGIC INC. Pille No.: A-24 o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10 20 30 40 o ~ 0: 50 !E OJ " ~ 60 70 80 90 100 100 CLASS. ML I I I PROJECT NO.: CLIENT: PROJECT: I I I I I 100 90 eo 70 I I I I II I I I I I I eo ~ 30 ---- ---.--, - . 10 o 0.001 SAMPLE No. SH-5, SS-2 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION DATA 02-G-180 Totten Sims Hubicki Longworth Avenue CLAY & SILT ---+-._-~-----..-----------_._'" " , i i i I I I , , , : i. i ~ .. 50 ~-----_-----..- !i: ~ f 20 ____":__n...------:_ OnO. ___ .___: " ' t . , i ~--i-~-~-+-~~---.-~----.-+-~ i i ' I I ; ~ 0.01 PLATE NO.: DATE OF TESTS: UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM SAND ANE MErnUM ~ '; 01 DIAMETER (mmJ CLAY SILT DESCRIPTION GEO-LOGIC INC. NOTE: UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM ("USCS") SANDY SILT & CLAY A-25 January, 2003 GRAVEL FINE COARSE o 10 20 30 ,: : i! i i I. ; i 1 i ': !. 40 o OJ z i3 OJ c: 50 i : i i i ! I ! Ii; ! i i i j ! i! : i i: ; ~ ! ! .... z OJ () c: OJ .. 60 : i .~-- 70 eo ... .- --. .nO_ 90 10 100 100 GRAVEL Gravel Sill & Clay Sand CLASS, 0.0 ML 20.3 79,7 Plate No,: A.25 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON CONTRACT NO. CL2003-27 OPS GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT (September 1999) I I- I I I I I I I I 1\ I I I I I I I I ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARDS FOR ROADS AND PUBLIC WORKS GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT SEPTEMBER 1999 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT Table of Contents SECTION GC 1.0 -INTERPRETATION GC 1.01 Captions... ....... ...... ..... ....... ......... ........ .... ......... ..... .... ....................... ......................... 1 GC 1.02 Abbreviations.. ...... ........ .......................... ... ................ .............................................. 1 GC 1.03 Gender and Singular References............................................................................ 1 GC 1.04 Definitions ..... .............. ........ .................... ..... .......... ......... ............. ................... ......... 1 GC 1.05 Substantial Performance ......................................................................................... 5 GC 1.06 Com pletion.... _.............. ........................................................................................... 6 GC 1.07 Final Acceptance. ....... ....... ........... ............................................ .... ...... .... ....... .......... 6 GC 1.08 Interpretation of Certain Words ............................................................................... 6 SECTION GC 2.0 - CONTRACT DOCUMENTS GC 2.01 Reliance on Contract Documents............................................................................ 7 GC 2.02 Order of Precedence ............................................................................................... 7 SECTION GC 3.0 - ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONTRACT GC 3.01 Contract Administrator's Authority ........................................................................... 8 GC 3.02 Wor1<ing Drawings .... ................. ...... ....... ..... ......... .................... ...... ........ .......... ....;.. 9 GC 3.03 Right of the Contract Administrator to Modify Methods and Equipment ................. 9 GC 3.04 Emergency Situations....................... ........... .......... .............. ................ .................. 10 GC 3.05 Layout.. ........... ...... .............. ................... ...... .......... ..... ............................... ......... ... 10 GC 3.06 Wor1<ing Area .......................................................................... ..... ....................... ... 10 GC 3.07 Extension of Contract Time ................................:.................................................. 10 GC 3.08 Delays.. ...................... ........... ....... ........... .............. ................................................. 11 GC 3.09 Assignment of Contract ......................................................................................... 11 GC 3.10 Subcontracting by the Contractor .......................................................................... 11 GC 3.11 Changes .............................................. ................. ............. ......... ........................... 12 GC 3.11.01 Changes in the Wor1<............................................................................................. 12 GC 3.11.02 Extra Wor1<... ......................................................... ............ ............... ................ ...... 12 OPS General CondItionS 01 COntrKt - 8eptembet 1we TebIe 01 Contents - I I I I I I I I I I I :1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GC 4.10 GC4.11 GC4.12 GC 4.13 Final Payment to Contractor.............................................. ........ ..... ..... .................. 19 T ennination of the Contract ...................................................................... ............. 19 Continuation of Contractor's Obligations ........ ................... .................................... 19 Use of Performance Bond ..................................................................................... 19 GC 5.01 SECTION GC 5.0 - MATERIAL GC 5.02 GC 5.03 GC 5.04 GC 5.05 GC 5.05.01 GC 5.05.02 Supply of Material..... ......... .............. ........ .............. .................................... ............ 20 Quality of Material.... ....... ............... .......................... ............. .......... ..... ..... ............. 20 Rejected Material............... .................................................................................... 20 Substitutions ... ............................................................ ........................................... 20 Owner Supplied Material. ........................................ ................... .... ........ ............... 21 Ordering of Excess Material.................................................................................. 21 Care of Material.......... ......................... ................. ...... ........ ................. .................. 21 SECTION GC 6.0 - INSURANCE, PROTECTION AND DAMAGE GC 6.01 GC 6.02 GC 6.03 GC 6.03.01 GC 6.03.02 GC 6.03.03 GC 6.03.04 GC 6.03.05 GC GC GC GC GC 6.03.06 GC 6.03.07 GC 6.04 Protection of Work, Persons and Property ............................................................ 23 I ndem nification .................... .................................................................................. 23 Contractor's Insurance......... .................................................................................. 24 General.................................................................................................................. 24 General Liability Insurance.. ........... .................... ..... .......... ...... .... ........ ............. ..... 24 Automobile Liability Insurance ..... ............. ..... .......... ....... ... ............... ......... ........ .... 24 Aircraft and Watercraft Uability Insurance............................................................. 25 Property and Boiler Insurance ........................................................................ ....... 25 Property Insurance........................................................................... ..................... 25 Boiler Insurance............... .................................................. ........................ ............ 25 Use and Occupancy of the Work Prior to Completion........................................... 25 Payment for Loss or Damage..............................~................................................. 26 Contractor's Equipment Insurance ..... ......... ......... .... .................. ........... ........... ..... 26 Insurance Requirements and Duration.................................................................. 26 Bonding..... .............................................................................................. ............... 27 SECTION GC 7.0 - CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES AND CONTROL OF THE WORK GC 7.01 General................................. ................................................................................. 28 Table of ConWntS - II 0P8 General Conditions of ConIrad - September 1 ggg GC GC 8.02.04 GC GC GC GC GC GC GC GC GC GC GC GC 8.02.05 GC 8.02.06 GC 8.02.07 GC 8.02.08 GC 8.02.09 Delay in Payment.......... ........... ............................................................... .............. 40 Payment on a Time and Material Basis................................................................. 40 Definitions. ................. ...................... ............ .......................................................... 40 Daily WorK Records..................... ................ ............ ............. ....... ........ ......... ..' ...... 41 Payment for WorK.... ...... ................ .............. ............... ................. ....... .... ............... 41 Payment for Labour........... .......... .................. ... ............... ...................................... 42 Payment for Material................ .... .......... ........ .................... ....................... ..... ....... 42 Payment for Equipment.......... ................ ..... .................. ....................... ................. 42 WorKing Time ................ ......................... ........... ........ ............................... ............. 42 Standby Time ...... ...... ...... .......... ......... ........ ............ ............................. ...... ............ 42 Payment for Hand Tools.. ..... ......... ...... ........... ............ ............... ........ ....... ............. 43 Payment for WorK by Subcontractors.................................................................... 43 Submission of Invoices.... ............. ......... ...... ....................... ............. .... ... ............... 43 Final Acceptance Certificate ................ ................. ................-..... ....... ........... .... .... 43 Payment of WorKers .. ..................... ................................................ ........... ............ 44 Records ................................................................................................................. 44 Taxes and Duties. ............... ......... ........ ..... ............ ......... .............. ........ ........... ....... 44 . Liq uidated Damages............................ ........................ ~........................ ................. 45 Table of Contents - y OPS Gene,.' Condltlona of Contract - 8epl:embw 1m I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GC 1.01 Ontario Provincial Standards for Roads and Public Works September 1999 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT SECTION GC 1.0 -INTERPRETATION Captions .01 The captions appearing in these General Conditions have been inserted as a matter of convenience . and for ease of reference only and in no way define, limit or enlarge the scope or meaning of the General Conditions or any provision hereof. GC 1.02 Abbreviations .01 The abbreviations on the left below are commonly found in the Contract Documents and represent the organizations and phrases listed on the right "AASHTO" "ANSI" "ASTM" "AWG" "A'lmA" "CESA" "CGSS" "CSA" "CVVS" "GC" "MOE" "MTC" "MTO" "MUTCD" "OPS" -"OPSD" "OPSS" "PEO" "SAE" "SSPC" "UL" "ULC" GC 1.03 American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials American National Standards InstitUte American Society for Testing and Materials American Wire Gauge American Water Works Association Canadian Engineering Standards Association Canadian General Standards Soard Canadian Standards Association Canadian Welding Sureau General Conditions Ministry of the Environment (Ontario) Ministry of Transportation (Ontario) Ministry of Transportation (Ontario) Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, published by MTO Ontario Provincial Standard Ontario Provincial Standard Drawing Ontario Provincial Standard Specification Professional Engineers Ontario Society of Automotive Engineers Structural Steel Painting Council Underwriters Laboratories Underwriters Laboratories Canada Gender and Singular References .01 References to the masculine or singular throughout the Contract Documents shall be considered to include the feminine and the plural and vice versa as the context requires. GC 1.04 Definitions .01 For the purposes of this Contract the following definitions apply: Actual Measurement: means the field measurement of that quantity within the approved limits of the Work. OPe Gene,.. Conditions cl Contract - ~ 169 page 1 Cost Plus: See "Time and Materiar. Cut-Off Date: means the date up to which payment will be made for work performed. Daily Work Records: mean daily Records detailing the number and categories of workers and hours worked or on standby; types and quantities of Equipment and number of hours in use or on standby; and description and quantities of Material utilized. Day: means a calendar day. Drawings: or Plans: mean any Contract Drawings or Contract Plans or any Working Drawings or Working Plans, or any reproductions of drawings or plans pertaining to the Work. Equipment means all machinery and equipment used for preparing, fabricating, conveying or erecting the Work and normally referred to as construction machinery andequipmenl Estimate: means' a calculation of the quantity or'eosfof-the'Work or'f)Srt:of it.clepending on the context. Extra Work: means work not provided for in the Contract as awarded but considered by the Contract Administrator to be essential to the 'satisfactory completion of the "Contract' within its intended scope, including unanticipated work required to comply with legislation and regulations which affect the Work. Final Acceptance Certificate: means the certificate issued by the Contract Administrator at Final Acceptance of the Work. Final Detailed statement means a complete evaluation prepared by the Contract Administrator showing the quantities. unit prices and final dollar amounts of all items of work completed under the Contract, including variations in tender items and Extra Work. all as set out in the same general form as the monthly estimates. Force Account: See"TH11e and Materiar'. Geotechnical Report: means a report or other information identifying soil, rock and ground water .conditions'in the area of-any proposed excavation or fill. Grade: means the required elevation of that part of the work. Hand Tools: means tools that are commonly called tools or-implementsof.the trade and include small power tools. Highway: means a common and public highway any part of which is intended for or used by the general public for the passage of vehicles and includes the area between the lateral property lines thereof. Lump Sum Item: means a tender item indicating a portion of the Work for which payment will be made at a single tendered price. Payment is' not based on a measured quantity,' although a quantity may be given in the Contract Documents. Major Item: means any tender Item that has a value, calculated on the basis of its actual or estimated tender quantity, whichever is the larger, multiplied by its tender unit price, which is equal or greater than the lesser of, a) $100,000, or b) 5% of the total tender value calculated on the basis of the total of all the estimated tender quantities and the tender unit prices. Material: means material, machinery, equipment and fixtures fonnlng part of the Work. OPS General CondItIona d Contract - September 1. page 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Utility: means an aboveground or underground facility maintained by a municipality, public utility authority or regulated authority and includes services such as sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water, electric. gas, oil, steam, data transmission, telephone and cable television. Warranty Period: means the period of 12 months from the date of Substantial Performance or such longer period as may be specified for certain Materials or some or all of the Work. Where a date of Substantial Performance is not established, the Warranty Period shall commence on the date of Completion. Work: means the total construction and related services required by the Contract Documents. Working Area: means'allthe lands and 'easements owned or acquired by the Owner for the'construction of the Work. Working Day: means any Day, a) except Saturdays, Sundays and statutory holidays; . b) "except a-Day as detel1'i'\iiled' bY lhe"ConuacfAdministrator;'on"Which'1he-:Contractor is prevented by . ., inclelTientweatheror conditions resulting immediately1herefrom,-'from-proceeding-with'a"Controlling 'Operation." For the purposes of this definition, thiswill.be a Day during 'which' the Contractor .cannot proceed with at least 60% of the normal labour and equipment force effectively engaged on the Controlling Operation for at least 5 hours; c) except a Day on which the Contractor is prevented from proceeding with a Controlling Operation, as determined by the Contract Administrator by reason of, i. any breach of the Contract by the Owner or if such prevention is due to the Owner, another contractor hired by the Owner,'oran employee of anyone of them, or by anyone else acting on behalf of the Owner. ii. on-delivery of Owner-supplied materials, iii. any cause beyond the reasonable control of the Contractor which can be substantiated by the Contractor to the satisfaction of the Contract Administrator. Working. Drawings: or Working Plans: . means any Drawings or Plans prepared by the Contractor for the execution of the Work and may, without limiting the generality thereof, include falsework plans, Roadway protection plans, shop drawings, shop plans or erection diagrams. GC 1_05 Su~ntiaIPe~onnance .01 The Work is substantially performed, a) when the Work to be' performed under the Contract or a substantial part: thereof is ready for use or is being used for the purpose intended; and b) when the Work to be performed under the Contractis'capable'of completion or, where there is a known defect, the cost of correction, is not more than i. 3% of the first $500,000 of the Contract price, ii. 2% of the next $500,000 of the Contract price, and iii. 1 % of the balance of the Contract price. .02 For the purposes of this Contract, where the Work or a substantial part thereof is ready for use or is being used for the purposes intended and the remainder of the Work cannot be completed expeditiously for reasons beyond the control of the Contractor or, where the Owner and the Contractor agree not to complete the Work expeditiously, the price of the services or materials remaining to be supplied and required to complete the Work shall be deducted from the Contract price In determining Substantial Performance. CPS 0eneraI Concllllonl 01 Connct - 8epWmber 1898 Page 5 SECTION GC 2.0 - CONTRACT DOCUMENTS GC 2.01 Reliance on Contract Documents .01 The Owner warrants that the information furnished in the Contract Documents can be relied upon with the following limitations or exceptions: a) The location of all mainline underground utilities which will affect the Work will be shown to a tolerance of: i. 1 m horizontal and ii. 0.3 m vertical b) The Owner does not warrant interpretations of data or opinions expressed in any Subsurface Report available for the perusal of the Contractor and excluded from the Contract Documents; and c) Other information specifically excluded from this warranty. GC 2.02 Order of Precedence .01 In the event of any inconsistency or conflict in the contents of the folloWing documents, such documents shall take precedence and govern in the following order: a) Agreement b) Addenda c) Special Provisions d) Contract Drawings e) Standard Specifications f) Tender g) Supplemental General Conditions h) General Conditions i) Working Drawings Later dates shall govern within each of the above categories of documents. .02 In the event of any conflict among or inconsistency in the information shown on Drawings, the following rules shall apply: a) Dimensions shown in figures on a'Drawing shall govern where they differ from dimensions scaled from the same drawing; b) Drawings of larger scale shall govern over those of smaller scale; c) Detailed Drawings shall govern over general Drawings; and d) Drawings of a later date shall govern over those of an earlier date in the same series. .03 In the event of any conflict in the contents of Standard . Specifications the following order of precedence shall govern: a) Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications; then b) Other Standard Specifications, such as those produced by CSA. CGSB, ASTM and ANSI, and referenced in the Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications. .04 The Contract Documents are complementary, and what is required by anyone shall be as binding as If required by all. " OPS General CondItloM cf COntr8ct - 8eplIember 1_ P8ge 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .14 Notwithstanding any inspections made by the Contract Administrator or the issuance of any certificates or the making of any payment by the Owner, the failure of the Contract Administrator to reject any defective work or Material shall not constitute acceptance of defective work or Material. .15 The Contract Administrator will have the authority to temporarily suspend the Work for such reasonable time as may be necessary to facilitate the checking of any portion of the Contractor's construction layout or the inspection of any portion of the Work. There shall not be any extra compensation for the suspension of work. GC 3.02 Working Drawings .01 The Contractor shall arrange for the preparation of clearly identified and dated Working Drawings as called for by the Contract Documents. .02 The Contractor shall submit Working Drawings to the Contract Administrator with reasonable promptness and in orderly sequence so asto"notcause delayinthe'WorK..lf~itherthe'Contractor or the Contract 'Administrator so requests they shall jointly prepare a schedule fixing the .dates for submission and return of Working Drawings. Working' Drawings shalLbesubmitted in printed form. At the time of submission the Contractor shall notify the' Contract Administrator in writing of any deviations from the Contract requirements that exist in the Working Drawings. .03 The Contract Administrator will review and return Working Drawings in accordance with an agreed upon schedule, or otherwise, with reasonable promptness so as not to cause delay. .04 The' Contract Administrator's review will be to check forconfonnity to. the' design .concept . and .for general arrangement only and such review shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for errors or omissions in the Working Drawings or of responsibility for meeting all requirements of the Contract Documents unless a deviation on the Working Drawings has been approved in writing by the Contract Administrator. .05 The Contractor shall make any changes in Working Drawings which the Contract. Administrator may require consistent with the Contract Documents and resubmit unless otherwise directed by the Contract Administrator. When resubmitting, the Contractor shall notify the Contract Administrator in. writing 'of any revisions other than those requested by the'Contract Administrator. .06 Work related to the Working Drawings shall not proceed until the Working Drawings have been signed and dated by the Contract Administrator and marked with the words "Reviewed. Permission to construct granted." .07 The Contractor shall keep one set of the.revieWed Working. Drawings; marked:as above, at the site at all times. GC 3.03 Right of the Contract Administrator to Modify Methods and Equipment .01 The Contractor shall, when requested in writing, make alterations 'In the method, Equipment or work force at any time the Contract Administrator considers the Contractor's actions to be unsafe, or damaging to either the Work or existing facilities or the environment .02 The Contractor shall, when requested in writing, alter the sequence of its operations on the Contract so as to avoid interference with work being performed by others. .03 Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Contractor shall ensure that all necessary safety precautions and protection are maintained throughout the Work. OPS 0enefII1 CondIUonl of COntnIct - September 1. Page 9 GC 3.08 Delays .01 If the Contractor is delayed in the performance of the Work by, a) war, blockades, and civil commotions, errors in the Contract Documents; an act or omission of the OWner or Contract Administrator, or anyone employed or engaged by them directly or indirectly, contrary to the provisions of the Contract Documents; b) a stop work order issued by a court or public authority, provided that such order was not issued as the result of an act or omission of the Contractor or anyone employed or engaged by the Contractor directly or indirectly; c) the' Contract Administrator giving notice under subsectionGC -7.09.. Suspension of Work; d) abnormal inclement weather; or e) -archaeological finds in accordance with subsection GC 3.16, Archaeological Finds, then the Contractor shall be reimbursed by the Owner for-reasonable costs incurred by-the Contractor as the result of such delay, provided that in the case of an application for an extension of. Contract Tune. due to abnormal inclement weather;. the'Contractor 'shall~ with. the' Contractor's.. application, submit evidence from Environment Canada in.supportof such'application.H~ension of Contract Tune will be granted in accordance with subsection GC3;07, Extension of. Contract Time. .02 If the Work' is delayed by labour disputes, -strikes or Iock-outs- - includinglock-outs decreed or recommended to its 'members by a'recognized contractor's.association, of which 'the Contractor is' a . member or to Which the Contractor is otherwise bound-which are beyond the Contractor's control, then the' Contract Time shall: ;be' extended' in ~ accordance 'with' subsection' GC' 3;07; .Extension of Contract Time. In no case shall the extension of Contract. Time be less' than the time lost as the result of the event causing the delay, unless a shorter extension-is agreed to by the Contractor; - The Contractor shall riot-be entitled to payment for costs incurred as the-result of.such delays unless such, delays are the result of actions by the Owner. GC 3.09 Assignment of Contract .01 The Contractor shall not assign the Contract. either in whole or in part. without the written consent of the Owner. GC 3.10 subcontracting by the Contractor .01 The Contractor may subcontract any part of the Work; subject to these General Conditions and any limitations specified in the Contract Documents. .02 The Contractor shall notify the Contract Administrator, in writing~' of'the'intention -to subcontract. Such notification shall identify the part of the Work; and the Subcontractor with whom it is intended. .03 The Contract Administrator will, within 10 Days' of receipt ofsuchnotificatiOn,.-accept or reject the intended Subcontractor. The rejection' will be 'in writing-and will include the reasons for the rejection. .04 The Contractor shall not, without the written consent of the Owner, change a Subcontractor- who has been engaged in accordance with subsection GC 3.10 Subcontracting by the Contractor. .05 The Contractor shall preServe arid protect the rights of the parties under the Contract with respect to that part of the Work to be performed under subcontract and shall, a) enter into agreements with the intended Subcontractors to require them to perfonn their work in accordance with the Contract Documents; and b) be as fully responsible to the Owner for acts and omissions of the Contractor's Subcontractors and of persons directly or indirectly employed by them as for acts and omissions of persons directly employed by the Contractor. OPS General Condltlona of Contract - 8eptMlber 1888 P8ge 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .02 The Contractor and the Owner shall provide each other with the mailing addresses, telephone numbers and facsimile terminal numbers for the Contract Administrator and the Superintendent at the commencement of the Work. .03 In the event of an emergency situation or other urgent matter the Contract Administrator or the Superintendent may give a verbal notice. provided that such notice is confirmed in writing within 2 Days. :.04 -Any notice permitted or required to be given to the Owner or the Contractor shall be given in ; accordance with the notice provision of the Contract. GC 3.13 Use and Occupancy of the Work Prior to Substantial Performance '.01 Where it is not contemplated elsewhere in'the Contract Documents: the Owner may use or occupy the Work or any part thereof prior to substantial-.Performance;' provided.thataUeast 30 Days' written notice has been given to the Contractor. .02 The use or occupancy of the Work or any part thereof by'theOWnerpriorto'Substantial Performance shall not constitute an acceptance of the Work 'or parts so' occupied. In "addition, the use or occupancy of the Work shall not relieve the Contractor or the Contractor's SUrety from any liability that has arisen. or may arise,fromthe performance 'ofthe'Work 'in 'accordance.with.the'Contract '. Documents. The Owner will be responsible for any damage that occurs because of the Owner's use or occupancy. Such use or occupancy of any part of the Work by the Owner does not waive the .Owner's right'to'charge'the:Contractor'liquidated damages in accordance with the'terms of the Contract. GC 3.14 Claims, Negotiations, Mediation GC 3.14.01 Continuance of the Work .01 Unless the Contract has' been terminated or completed. the Contractor shall in every case, after serving or receiving any. notification' of a claim or dispute; 'verbal- or written, continue to proceed with the Work with-due diligence and expedition. It:is understood by 'the parties that such ,action will not jeopardize any claim it may have. . GC 3.14.02 Record Keeping .01 Immediately upon commencing work which may result in a claim, the Contractor shall keep Daily Work Records during the course of the Work,. sufficient to substantiate the Contractor's claim, and the Contract Administrator will- keep Daily Wor1CRecords 'to. be used in 'assessing'the Contractor's claim, all in accordance with clause GC 8.02.07, Records. .02 The Contractor and the Contract Administrator shall reconcile their respective Daily Work Records on a daily basis, to simplify revieW of the claim, when submitted. .03 The keeping of Daily Work Records by the Contract Administrator or the reconciling of such Daily Work Records with those of the- Contractor shall not be construed to be acceptance of the claim. GC 3.14.03 Claims Procedure .01 The Contractor shall give verbal notice of any situation which may lead to a claim for additional payment immediately upon becoming aware of the situation. .02 The Contractor shall provide written notice in the standard form "Notice of Intent to Claim" within 7 Days of the commencement of any part of the Work which may be affected by the situation. OPS CJentnI Condltlorw of ConIrad - .....Iber 1_ P8ge 13 GC 3.14.07 Rights of Both Parties .01 It is agreed that no action taken under this subsection GC 3.14, Claims, Negotiations, Mediation, by either party shall be 'construed as a renunciation or waiver of any of the rights or recourse available to the parties, provided that the requirements set out in this subsection are fulfilled. GC 3.15 GC 3.15.01 Engineering Arbitration Conditions for Engineering Arbitration .01 If a claim is not resolved satisfactorily through the negotiation stage noted in clause GC 3.14.04, Negotiations, or the mediation stage noted in clause GC 3.14.05, Mediation, either party may invoke the provisions 'of subsection GC 3;15, Engineering Arbitration, by giving written notice to the other party. .02 Notification that arbitration shall be implemented to resolve theissueshall.be,cx>mmunicated in writing as soon as . possible and 'nolaterthan'"60'.Days"following'1he"opinion,,-given in paragraph GC 3.14.03:05. Where the use of a third party'mediator was implemented: notification shall be within 120 Days. of the opinion given in paragraph GC .03 The parties shall be bound by the decision of the arbitrator. .04 The rules and procedures. of the Arbitration Act, 1991,5.0. 1991, c.17, as amended, shall apply to -any arbitration conducted, hereunder except to the . extent that they are modified by tI1e express provisions of this subsection GC 3.15, . Engineering Arbitration. GC 3.15.02 Arbitration Procedure .01 The following provisions are to be included in the agreement to arbitrate and are subject only to such right of appeal-as exist where the arbitrator has exceeded 'his or her jurisdiction or have otherwise disqualified him or herself: a) All existing actions in respect of the matters under arbitration will 'be 'stayed pending arbitration; b ) All outstanding claims and matters to be settled are to be set out in a schedule to the agreement Only such claims and matters as are in the schedule will be arbitrated; and c) Before proceeding with the arbitration, the Contractor shall confirm that all matters in dispute are set out in the schedule. GC 3.15.03 Appointment of Arbitrator .01 The arbitrator shall be mutually agreeduponby.the Owner and Contractor:tO"adjudicate the dispute. .02 Where the Owner and Contractor cannot agree on a sole arbitrator within 30 Days of the notification of arbitration noted in paragraph GC, the Owner and the Contractor shall each choose an appointee within 37 Days of the notice of arbitration. .03 The appointees shall mutually agree upon an arbitrator to adjudicate the dispute within 15 Days after the last appointee was chosen or they shall refer the matter to the Arbitration and Mediation Institute of Ontario Inc. which will select an arbitrator to adjudicate the dispute within 7 Days of being requested to do so. .04 The arbitrator shall not be interested financially in the Contract nor in either party's business and shall not be employed by either party. .05 The arbitrator may appoint Independent experts and any other persons to assist him or her. OPS GenefaI CondItJonI or Contract - Sepeember 1 gge Page 15 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION GC 4.0 - OWNER'S RESPONSIBILmES AND RIGHTS GC 4.01 Working Area .01 The Owner will acquire all property rights which are deemed necessary by the Owner for the construction of the Work, including temporary working easements, and will indicate the full extent of the Working Area on the Contract Drawings. :02 The Geotechnical Report and-Subsurface Report which will be provided by the Owner as part of the tender documents shall form part of the Contract Drawings. GC 4.02 Approvals and Pennlts .01 The Owner will pay for all plumbing and building permits. .02 The Owner will.obtain and pay for all..permits, licenses and .certificates:.soJely:.required, for Project approval. ' . GC 4.03 . Managementand Disposition of Materials .01 . The Owner will identify in the Contract Documents the materials to be moved within or removed from the Working Area. and any characteristics' of those materials.which will necessitate special materials management and disposition. ",' '.02 'InaceordanceWithTegulations under the OCcupational Health,and'SafetyAct; R:S.O:.1990;'c.0.1,. as amended. the Owner advises that a) the designated substances silica, lead and arsenic are generally present throughout the Working AreQ occurring naturally or as a result of vehicle emissions; b) the designated substance asbestos is present in asbestos conduits for utilities; . c) 'the . fOllowing - hazardous' materials are.ordinarily present in construction: activities:'limestone, gypsum, marble, mica and Portland cement; and . d)' exposure '"to these substances may occur as .a result of activities by the Contractor such as sweeping. grinding. crushing,drilling, blasting; cutting and abrasive blasting. .03 The Owner will identify in the Contract. Documents any designated substances or hazardous materials other than those identified above and their location in the Working Area. .04 If the Owner or Contractor discovers or, is advised'of ,the' presence.,of.designatedsubstances or hazardous materials which are in addition to those listed in paragraph GC 4.03.02, or not clearly . identified in the 'Contract" Documentsaccording-.to"paragraph.'GC~4~03:03;,1hen:.verbal notice will be provided to the other party immediately with written confirmation within 2 Days. The Contractor will stop work in the area 'immediately and will determine the necessary steps required to complete the work in accordance with applicable legislation and regulation. .05 The Owner will be responsible for any reasonable' additional cOsts of removing, managing and disposing of any material'not-Identified in the Contract DoCuments, or where conditions exist that could not have been reasonably foreseen at the time of tendering. All work under this paragraph shall be deemed to be Extra Work. .06 Prior to commencement of the Work. the Owner will provide to the Contractor a list of those products controlled under the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System or WHMIS, which the Owner will supply or use on the Contract, together with copies of the Materials Safety Data Sheets for these products. All containers used In the application of products controlled under WHMIS shall be labelled. The Owner will notify the Contractor In writing of changes to the 1st and provide relevant Material Safety Data Sheets. ~S~M~~*-d~-~1- Page 17 d) charge the Contractor the additional cost over the Contract price of completing the Work or portion thereof withdrawn from the Contractor, as certified by the Contract Administrator and any additional compensation paid to the Contract Administrator for such additional service arising from the correction of the default; e) charge the Contractor a reasonable allowance, as determined by the Contract Administrator, to cover correction to the Work performed by the Contractor that may be required under subsection GC 7.15, Warranty; f) charge the Contractor for any damages the Owner may have sustained as a result of the default; and g) charge the Contractor the amount. by which the cost of corrections to the Work under subsection GC7.15, Warranty, exceeds the allowance provided for such corrections. GC 4.10 Final Payment to Contractor .01 If the Owner's cost to correct and complete the Work in.whole or in part. is ,less than the amount withheld from the Contractor under subsection - 'GC;4.09,:Termination.of.;.,Gontractor's Right to Continue the Work,' the Owner will pay the'balance to 1he' Contractor assoon)lS the final accounting for the Contract is complete. GC 4.11 Termination of the Contract .01 Where the Contractor is in default of the Contract the Owner may, without prejudice to. any other right or remedy the Owner may have, .terminate.the Contract by giving written notice of termination to the Contractor, the Surety and 'any trustee 'or receiver acting on behalf of ' the Contractor's estate or creditors. .02 If the Owner elects to terminate the Contract the Owner will provide the Contractor and the trustee or receiver with a complete accounting to the date of termination. GC 4.12 Continuation of Contractor's Obligations .01 The Contractor's obligation under the Contract as to quality; correction and warranty of the Work performed prior to the time of termination of the Contract or termination of the Contractor's right to continue with the Work in whole or in part shall continue to be in force after such termination. GC 4.13 Use ofPerfonnance Bond .01 If the Contractor is in default of the Contract and the Contractor'has provided a Performance Bond, the provisions of this Section shall be exercised'in accordance with the conditions of the Performance Bond. '--', 0P8 General CondttionI d Contract - 8epIiImber 1. Pege 18 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .02 Rulings on a proposed substitution will not be made prior to the acceptance of the Tender. Substitutions shall not be made without the prior approval of the Contract Administrator. The approval or rejection of a. proposed substitution will be made at the discretion of the Contract Administrator. .03 If the proposed substitution is approved by the Contract Administrator, the Contractor shall be entitled to the first $1000 of the aggregate saving in cost by reason of such substitution and to 50% of any additional saving in cost in excess of such $1000. Each such approval shall be conveyed to the , Contractor in writing or by issuance of a Certificate of Equality on the Owner's .standard form of . "Certification of Equality"' and if any adjustment to the Contract price' is made by reason of such substitution a Change Order shall be issued as well. GC 5.05 GC 5.05.01 Owner Supplied Material Ordering of Excess Material .01 Where Material is supplied by the Owner and where this Material:is:ordered;:'by the Contractor in excess of the amount specified to complete the Work;~:.such:.:excessc.Material shall become the property of the Contractor on completion of the Work and shall be charged to the Contractor at cost plus applicable overheads. GC 5.05.02 Care of Material . .01 The Contractor shall, in advance of receipt of shipments of Materialsupplied by the Owner, provide . adequate and proper storage facilities acceptable to the Contract Administrator, and on the receipt of .' such Material shall promptly place it in storage except where it is to be incorporated forthwith into the Work. .02 The Contractor shall be responsible for acceptance of Material supplied by the Owner, at the specified delivery point and for its safe handling and storage. If such Material is damaged while under. the control of the Contractor it shall be replaced or repaired by the Contractor at no e>q>ense to the Owner, and to the satisfaction of the Contract Administrator; If such Material' is rejected' by the Contract Administrator for reasons which are not the fault of the 'Contractor it shall remain in the care and at the risk of the Contractor until its disposition has been determined by the Contract Administrator. .03 Where Material supplied by the Owner arrives at the delivery point in a damaged condition or where there are discrepancies between the quantities received, and,-the . quantities shown on the bills of lading, the Contractor shall immediately. report such damage or discrepancies to the Contract Administrator who shall arrange for an' . immediate inspection .of .the.:shipment and provide the Contractor with a written release from responsibility for such damage onteficiencies. Where damage or deficiencies are not so reported it will be assumed that the' shipment arrived in good order and any damage or deficiencies reported thereafter shall be made good by the Contractor at no extra cost to the Owner. .04 The full amount of Material supplied by the Owner in each shipment shall be accounted for by the Contractor and such Material shall be at the risk of the Contractor after taking delivery. Such Material shall not, except with the written permission of the Contract Administrator, be used by the Contractor for purposes other than the performance of the Work under the Contract. .05 Empty reels, crates, containers and other type of packaging from Material supplied by the Owner shall become the property of the Contractor when they are no longer required for their original purpose and shall be diSposed of by the Contractor unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents. OPS General CondItIoM 01 Contrac:t - ~r 18e9 pege 21 SECTION GC 6.0 - INSURANCE, PROTECTION AND DAMAGE GC 6.01 Protection of Work, Persons and Properly .01 The Contractor, the Contractor's agents and all workers employed by or under the control of the Contractor, including Subcontractors, shall protect the Work, persons and property from damage or injury, and shall be responsible for all losses and damage which may arise as the result of the Contractor's operations under the Contract unless indicated to the contrary below. .02" The Contractor is responsible for' the full cost of any necessary temporary provisions and the restoration of all damage where the Contractor damages the Work or property in the performance of the Contract. If the Contractor is not responsible for the damage that occurs to the Work or property the Contractor shall restore such damage, and such work shall be administered according to these General Conditions. .03 The Contractor shall immediately inform..the~Contract AdministratOrofall~damage and injuries which occur during the term of the Contract. .04 The Contractor shall not be responsible for loss and damage'that occurs as a result of, a) war. b) blockades and civil commotions; c) errors in the Contract Documents; or d) acts or omissions of the Owner, the Contract Administrator, their agents and employ., or others not under the control of the Contractor, but within the Working Area with the Owner's permission. .05 The Contractor and his Surety or Sureties shall not be released from any term or provision of any responsibility, obligation or liability under the Contract or waive or impair any of the rights of the Owner except by a release duly executed by the Owner. GC 6.02 Indemnification .01 The Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Owner and the Contract Administrator, their agents, officers and' employees from and against all claims" demands, losses, expenses, ..costs, damages, actions, suits or proceedings by third parties, hereinafter called "claims", directly or indirectly arising or alleged to arise out of the performance of or the failure to perform the Work, provided such claims are, a) attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease, or death or to damage to or destruction of tangible property; b) caused by negligent acts or omissions of the; Contractor oranyoneJor.whose acts the Contractor may be liable; and c) made in writing within a period of 6 years from the date of Substantial' Performance of the Work as set out in' the Certificate of Substantial Performance of the Work or, where so specified in the Contract from the date of certification of Final Acceptance. .02 The Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Owner from all and every claim for damages, royalties or fees for the infringement of any patented invention or copyright occasioned by the Contractor in connection with the Work performed or Material furnished by the Contractor under the Contract. .03 The Owner expressly waives the right to indemnity for claims other than those stated above in paragraphs GC 6.02.01 and GC 6.02.02. .04 The Owner shall Indemnify and hold harmless the Contractor, his agents, officers and employees from and against all claims, demands, losses, expenses, cOsts, damages, actions, suits, or proceedings arising out of the Contractor's performance of the Contract which are attributable to a lack of or defect in title or an alleged lack of or defect In tIUe to the Working Area. OPS General Conditions d Contrac:t - September 1899 Pege 23 I I I I I I I I I I I I I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GC 6.03.04 Aircraft and Watercraft Liability Insurance .01 Aircraft and watercraft liability insurance with respect to owned or non-owned aircraft and watercraft if used directly or indirectly in the performance of the Work, including use of additional premises. shall be subject to limits of not less than 5 million dollars inclusive per occurrence for bodily injury, death, and damage to property including loss of use thereof, and limits of not less than 5 million dollars for aircraft passenger hazard. . Such insurance shall be in a form acceptable to the Owner. The policies shall be endorsed to provide the Owner with not less than 30 Days' written notice in advance of cancellation, change or amendment restricting coverage. GC 6.03.05 GC Property and Boiler Insurance Pnopertylnsurance .01' All risks property insurance shall be in the name of the,Contractor~..withJhe~Owner~and the Contract Administrator named ' as . additional insureds, insuring 'not.Jess. ihan..the";sum.:ofthe .amount of the Contract price and the.full value, as may..be stated.in:the.supplementaLGeneraL.Conditions, of . Material :that is specified to be provided.by;the'OWner;:for:jncorporation~-jntopthe.Work. with a deductible not exceeding 1 % of the amount insured at the site of theWorl<. This insurance shall be in ,: .a form acceptable to the Owner and shall be maintained continuously until 10 Days after. the date of Final Acceptance of the Work, as set out in the Final Acceptance Certificate. . GC Boller Insurance . . '.01 ,. Boiler insurance insuring'the interests of the Contractor, the Owner:and the Contract Administrator for not less than the replacement value of boilers and pressure vessels forming part.of the Work, shall be in a form acceptable to the Owner. This insurance 'shall be maintained continuously from commencement of use or operation of the property insured until 10 Days after the date of Final Acceptance of the Work, as set out in the Rnal Acceptance Certificate. GC . Use and Occupancy of the Work'Prior to Completion .01 Should the Owner wish to use or occupy part or all of the Work prior to Substantial Perfonnance, the Owner will 'give 30 Days" written notice'to the' Contractor of the intended purpose and extent of such use or occupancy. Prior to such use or occupancy the Contractor shall notify the Owner in writing of the additional premium cost, if any, to maintain property and boiler insurance, which shall be at the Owner's expense. If because of such use or occupancy the . Contractor is unable to provide coverage, the Owner upon written notice from the.Contractor.and prior'~to:such_useor.occupancy shall provide.' maintain and pay for property and boiler insurance Insuring the, full value of the Work, including coverage for such use or occupancy,' and shall, provide the -Contractor with proof of such insurance. 'The Contractor shall refund to the Owner the uneamedpremiums applicable to the Contractor's policies upon termination of coverage. .02 The policies shall provide that, in the event of a loss or damage, payment shall be made to the Owner and the Contractor as their respective interests may appear. The Contractor shall act on behalf of both the Owner and the Contractor for the purpose of adjusting the amount of such loss or damage payment with the insurers. When the extent of the loss or damage is determined the Contractor shall proceed to restore the Work. Loss or damage shall not affect the rights and obligations of either party under the Contract except that the Contractor shall be entitled to such reasonable extension of Contract Time relative.to the extent of the loss or damage as the Contract Administrator may decide in consultation with the Contractor. OPS Genera' COndItIonS of ConCract - SeptMlbef 1_ pege 26 .07 If the Contractor fails to pay the cost of the insurance placed by the Owner within 30 Days of the date on which the OWner made a formal demand for reimbursement of such costs the OWner may deduct the costs thereof from monies which are due or may become due to the Contractor. GC 6.04 Bonding .01 The Contractor shall provide the Owner with the surety bonds in the amount required by the tender documents. ~02 SUch bonds shall be issued by'a duly licensed surety company authorized to transact a business of suretyship in the Province of Ontario and shall be maintained in good standing until the fulfilment of the Contract. OPS General Condltlonl of COntrad - September ,. pege 27 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .08 Prior to commencement of the Work the Contractor shall provide to the Contract Administrator a list of those products controlled under the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System or WHMIS. which the Contractor expects to use on the Contract. Related Materials Safety Data Sheets shall accompany the submission. All containers used in the application of products controlled under WHMIS shall be labelled. The Contractor shall notify the Contractor Administrator of changes in writing and provide relevant Material Safety Data Sheets. .09 The Contractor shall have an authorized representative on the site while any work is being performed. to act forororftheContractor's behalf. Prior to commencement of construction, the Contractor shall . notify the Contract Administrator of the names;. addresses,' positions and telephone numbers of the Contractor's representatives who can be contacted at any time to deal with matters relating to the Contract. . .10 The Contractor'shall,'-atno'sdditional cosUotheOwner, furnish all reasonable aid; facilities and assistance required - by the Contract Administrator for the "proper inspection and examination of the Work or the taking of measurements for the purpose:ofpayment - . .11 The Contractor shall prepare, and update as required, a construction scheduhi1ndicating the timing of the'major and critical activities of.the Work. 'The schedule' shall be.designed to ensure conformity with the specified Contract Time. The schedule shall be submitted to the Contract Adm,inistrator within 14 Days from the date of the Contract award. . .12 Where the Contractor finds any error, inconsistency or omission relating to the Contract. the .'. Contractor shall promptly.report it to the.ContractAdministrator and shall not proceed with the activity affected until- receiving direction from the Contract Administrator. .13 The Contractor shall arrange with the appropriate utility authorities for the stake out of all underground utilities and service connections which may be affected by the Work. The Contractor shall be responsible for any damage done to the underground utilities by the Contractor's forces during construction if the stake out locations are within 'thetoierances given in' paragraph GC 2.01.01a). GC 7.02 Layout .01 '. Prior to commencemenfof construction; the Contract Administrator and the Contractor will locate on site those property bars. baselines and benchmarks which are necessary to delineate the Working Area and to lay out the Work, all as shown on the Contract Drawings. .02 The Contractor shall be responsible for the preservation of all. property banfwhile the Work is in progress, except those property bars which must be removedto.facilitate.the Work. Any other property bars distUrbed, damaged or removed by the Contractor's operations shall be replaced by an Ontario Land Surveyor. at the Contractor's expense. .03 At no extra cost to the Owner, the Contractor shall provide the Contract Administrator with such materials and devices as may be necessary to layout the baseline and benchmarks, and as may be necessary for the inspection of the Work. .04 The Contractor shall provide qualified personnel to layout and establish all lines and grades necessary for construction. The Contractor shall notify the Contract Administrator of any layout work carried out, so that the same may be checked by the Contract Administrator. .05 The Contractor shall Install and maintain substantial alignment markers and secondary benchmarks as may be required for the proper execution of the Work. The Contractor shall supply one copy of all alignment and grade sheets to the Contract Administrator. OPS Genefal Conditions of ContrKt - 8ept8mber 1999 Page 29 .05 The Contractor shall maintain, ina satisfactory condition for traffic, a road through the Working Area, at the Owner's expense. The road through the Working Area will include any detour constructed in accordance with the. Contract Documents or required by the Contract Administrator. Compensation for all labour, equipment and materials to do this work shall be at the Contract prices appropriate to the work and, where there are no such prices, at negotiated prices. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the cost of blading required to maintain the surface of such roads and detours shall be deemed to be included in the prices bid for the various tender items and no additional payment will be made. .06 'Where work under the 'Contract is discontinued for any extended period including seasonal shutdown, 'the Contractor shall, when directed by the Contract Administrator, open and place the'Roadway and detours in a passable, safe and satisfactory condition for public travel. .07 Where the Contractor constructs a detour which is not specifically provided for in the Contract Documents; or required by the' CoritracfAdministrator, the construction of the detour and, if required, the subsequent removal shall beperfonned at: the, Contractor's expense.. . .The detour shall be constructed and maintained to 'struCtural' <ana'geometric.standards~;ap'p~yed by .the Contract . Administrator. Removal and site' restoration':shall :,be.. perfonned.~as~directed by the Contract Administrator. :08 . Where, with the prior written approval of the Contract Administrator, the Highway is closed and the . traffic diverted entirely off the Highway to any other Highway, the Contractor shall, at no extra cost to the Owner;' supply, 'erect and maintain'traffic control devices in accordance with the MUTeD. .09 Compliance with the foregoing provisions shall in noway relieve the Contractor of obligations under subsection GC'6.01;;protection 'of' Work, Persons' and "Property, dealing.' with the. Contractor's responsibility for damage claims, except for claims arising 'on sections. of Highway within the Working Area that are being maintained by others. GC 7.07 Access to Properties Adjoining the Work and Interruption of Utility Services .01 The Contractor shall provide at all times, and at no extra cost to the Owner, a) adequate pedestrian and vehicular access; and b) continuity of Utility services to properties adjoining the Working Area. .02 The Contractor shall provide at all times and at no extra cost to the Owner access to fire hydrants, and water and gas valves located in the Working Area. .03 Where any interruptions in the supply oLUtilityservices are 'required_and.are authorized by the Contract Administrator, .the-Contractor'shall give the affected property owners notice in accordance with subsection GC 7.11, Notices by the Contractor, and shall arrange such interruptions so as to create a minimum of interference to those affected. GC 7.08 ApprovalS and Pennlts .01 Except as specified In subsection GC 4.02, Approval and Pennits, the Contractor shall obtain and pay for any pennits, licenses,. and certificates which at the date of tender closing, are required for the performance of the Work. .02 The Contractor shall arrange for all necessary inspections required by the approvals and pennits specified in paragraph GC 7.08.01. OPS Genera. Condltlonl of Contract - September ,. P8g831 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GC 7.12 Obstructions .01 Except as otherwise noted in these General Conditions, the Contractor assumes all the risks and responsibilities arising out of any obstruction encountered in the performance of the Work and any traffic conditions, including traffic conditions on any Highway or road' giving access to the Working Area caused by such obstructions, and the Contractor shall not make any claim against the Owner for any loss, damage or expense occasioned thereby. ;02 Where the obstruction is .a: Utility or other man-made object, the Contractor shall not be required to. assume the risks 'and responsibilities. arising out of such obstruction, unless the location of the '. obstruction is shown on the plans or described in the specifications and the location so shown is within the tolerance specified in paragraph GC 2.01.01 a), or unless the presence and location of the obstruction has otherwise been made known to the Contractor or could have been determined by the visual site investigation made by the .Contractor in accordance with these General Conditions. .03 During the course of the Contract. it isthe:.Contractor's'responsibility;to:-consultwith Utility companies ':or other appropriate authorities forfurther;lnformationin ,regard :to,the exact:-toeation of these Utilities, to exercise the necessary care in construction'operations;'-and 'to "take -such-otherprecautions as are necessary to safeguard the Utility from damage. GC 7.13 Limitations of Operations .01 Except for such work as maybe required by the Contract Administrator to maintain' the Work ina safe and satisfactory condition, the Contractor shall not carry on operations under the Contract on Sundays without permission in writing from the Contract Administrator. .02 The Contractor shall cooperate with other Contractors, Utility companies and the Owner and they shall be allowed access to their work or plant at all reasonable times. GC 7.14 Cleaning Up Before Acceptance . .01 Upon attaining Substantial Performance of the Work; the Contractor shall remove surplus materials, ~. tools, construction machinery and equipment not required for the performance of the remaining Work. The Contractor shall also remove all temporary works and debris other than that caused by the Owner, or others and leave the Work and Working Area clean and suitable for occupancy by the Owner unless otherwise specified. .02 The Work shall not be deemed to have reached Completion 'Until the Contractor has removed surplus materials, tools, construction machinery and' 'equipment The Contractor shall also have removed debris, other than that caused by the Owner, or others. . . GC 7.15 Warranty .01 The Contractor shall be responsible for the proper performance of the Work only to the extent that the design and specifications permit such performance. .02 Subject to the previous paragraph the Contractor shall correct promptly, at no additional cost to the Owner, defects or deficiencies in the Work which appear, a) prior to and during the period of 12 months from the date of Substantial Performance of the Work, as set out in the Certificate of Substantial Performance of the Work, b) where the work is completed after the date of Substantial Performance, 12 months after Completion of the Work, c) where there is no Certificate of Substantial Performance, 12 months from the date of Completion of the Work as set out In the Completion Certificate, or OPS Oeneral Conditions d Contrac::l - 8epIiImber 1W1) pege 33 SECTION GC 8.0 - MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT GC 8.01 Measurement GC 8.01.01 Quantities .01 The Contract Administrator will make an estimate once a month, in writing, of the quantity of Work performed. The first estimate will be the quantity of Work performed since the Contractor commenced the Contract, 'and every. subsequent estimate; exceptthe final one,will be of the quantity of Work performed since the preceding estimate was made. The Contract Administrator will provide the copy of each estimate to the Contractor within 10 Days of the Cut-Off Date. . '.02 . Such quantities for progress payments- shall be construed and held to approximate. . The final " quantities for the issuance of the Completion Certificate shall .be' based on. the measurement of Work completed. .03 . Measurement of the quantities 'of the;Work~ perfonned .Will be:.either~'by,-'Actual Measurement or by . Plan. Quantity principles as indicated.-in' 'the' Contract"'"' Adjusbnents',to;:Plan' Quantity. measurements will normally be made using Plan 'Quantity. principles but may; where-appropriate, be made using Actual Measurements. Those' items' identified' on "the Tender by~e . notation (P). in .the unit column "'shall be paid according'.to the 'Plan Quantity. Items where the notation (P) does not occur shall be ; paid according to Actual Measurement GC 8.01.02 Variations In Tender Quantities .01 Where it. appears that the quantity of Work to be done 'and/or' Material' to be supplied by the Contractor under a unit price tender item will exceed or be less than the tender quantity, the Contractor shall proceed to do the Work and/or supply the Material required to complete the tender item and payment will be made for the actual' amount of Work done and/or Material supplied. at the unit prices stated in the Tender except as provided below: a) In the case of a Major Item where the quantity of Work performed and/or Material supplied by the Contractor exceeds the tender quantity by more than 15%, either party to the Contract may make a written request to the other party to negotiate a revised unit price for that portion of the Work performed and/or'Material supplied which exceeds 115% of the tender quantity; The negotiation shall be carried out as soon as reasonably possible. Any revision of the unit price shall be based on the reasonable cost of doing the Work and/or supplying the Material under the tender item plus a reasonable allowance for profit and applicable overhead. b) In the case of a Major Item where the-quantity'ofWOrkperformedand/or'Material supplied by the Contractor is less than 85% of the tender.quantity, the Contractor may make a written request to negotiate for the portion of the actual:.overheads'and, fixed ,costs, applicable to the amount of the underrun in excess of 15% of the tender quantity. Forpurposes'of the"negotiation, the overheads and fixed costs 'applicable to the item are deemed to' have' been prorated uniformly over 100% of the tender quantity for the item. Overhead costs shall be confirmed by a statement certified by the Contractor's senior financial officer or auditor and may be audited by the Owner. Alternatively, where .both parties agree, an allowance equal to 10% of the' unit price on the amount of the underrun in excess of 15% of the tender quantity will be paid. Written requests for compensation must be received no later than 60 Days after the issuance of the Completion Certificate. GC 8.02 GC 8.02.01 Payment Price for Work .01 Prices for the Work shall be full compensation for all labour, Equipment and Material required in its performance. The term "all labour, Equipment and Materlar' shall include Hand Tools, supplies and other Incidentals. OPS 0.,... ConcIItIons elf Contract - September 1899 Pege35 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .03 One copy of the progress Payment Certificate will be sent to the Contractor. .04 Payment will be made within 30 Days of the Cut-Off Date. GC Certification of Subcontract Completion .01 Before the Work has reached the stage of Substantial Performance, the Contractor may notify the Contract Administrator, in writing that a subcontract is completed satisfactorily and ask that the . Contract Administrator certify ,the completion of such subcontract. .02 The Contract Administrator will issue a Certificate of Subcontract Completion if the subcontract has been completed satisfactorily, and all required .inspection and testing of the works covered by the subcontract have been carried out and the results are satisfactory. . . .03 The 'ContractAdministrator will set out in the Certificate of Subcontract, Completion the date on which . the subcontract was completed. and within '7' Days' of:thedate:the :subcontract,js certified complete, the Contract Administrator will give a coPy'ofthecertificate'to'.the.Contractor-and;to the Subcontractor concemed. GC Subcontract Statutory Holdback Release Certificate and Payment .01 Following receipt of the Certificate of Subcontract.Completion, the Owner will release.and .pay the Contractor the statutory holdback retained in respect of the subcontract.. Such release .shall, be made - 46 Days after the' date the subcontract'was certified complete ,and providing;the, Contractor, submits the following to the Contract Administrator. a) a document .satisfactory to the' Contract Administrator that will release the Owner from all further claims relating to the subcontract. qualified by stated exceptions such as holdback monies; b) evidence satisfactory to the Contract Administrator that the Subcontractor has discharged all fiabilities incurred in carrying out the subcontract; c)a satisfactory clearance certificate or letter from the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board relating to the subcontract; and . d) a copy oUhe contract between the Contractor and the Subcontractor and.a.satisfactory ,statement showing the total amount due the Subcontractor from the Contractor. .02 Paragraph GC d), will only apply to Lump Sum Items and then only when the Contract Administrator specifically requests it .03 Upon receipt of the statutory holdback, the Contractor'shall"forthwith'give~.the Subcontractor the payment due under the subcontract. .04 Release of statutory holdback by the Owner' in respect of 'a,'subcontract shall not relieve the Contractor, or the Contractor's Surety, of any of their responsibilities. GC Certification of Substantial Perfonnance .01 Upon application by the Contractor and where the Contract has been substantially performed the Contract Administrator will issue a Certificate of Substantial Perfonnance. .02 The Contract Administrator will set out in the Certificate of Substantial Performance the date on which the Contract was substantially perfonned and within 7 Days after signing the said certificate the Contract Administrator will provide a copy to the Contractor. .03 Upon receipt of a copy of the Certificate of Substantial Performance, the Contractor shall forthwith, as required by Section 32(1) Paragraph 5 of the Construction Lien Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.C.30, as amended, publish a copy of the certificate In a construction trade newspaper. Such pUblIcation shall include placement In the Dally Commercial News. OPS General Conditions of ConIrad - 8ept8mber 1m Pege 37 Completion Payment and Completion Statutory Holdback Release Payment Certificates .01 When the Contract Administrator issues the Completion Certificate, the Contract Administrator will also issue the Completion Payment Certificate and the Completion Statutory Holdback Release Payment Certificate or where appropriate, a combined payment certificate. GC .02 The Completion Payment Certificate will show, a) measurement and value of Work at Completion; - b) the amount of the further'statutory holdback based on the value of further work completed over and above the value of work completed shown in the Substantial Perfonnance Payment Certificate. referred to above; and c) the amount due the Contractor. .03 The - Completion Statutory' Holdback Release. .Payment, .Certifi~te ,.will;b.e. ,a . payment.certificate . releasing to' theContractor;.the' further-statutory 'holdback;' 'Paymentof.such.(statutory holdback shall . be due 46 Days- after the date of CompletiOn'iofthEfWork:as .established ;.by~theCompletion-Certificate but subject to the. provisions of the ConstnJction LienAct.and:the:submission'~y.the Contra~r of the following documents: a) a release by. the Contractor in a .fonn satisfactory to the Contract 'Administrator'releasing the Owner from all further claims relating to the Contract; qualified by stated exceptions where appropriate; . b) a statutory declaration in a fonn satisfactory to the.ContractAdministrator that all liabilities incurred by the Contractor and the Contractor's Subcontractors in carrying out the Contract have been discharged, qualified by stated exceptions where appropriate; and c) a satisfactory Certificate of Clearance from the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board. GC 8.02_03.08 Interest .01 Interest due the Contractor is based on simple interest and is calculated' using the applicable Rate of Interest GC Interest for Late Payment .01 Provided the Contractor has complied with the requirements of the Contract including all documentation requirements, when payment by the Owner to the Contractor for Work performed, or for release of statutory holdback. is delayed by the Owner, then the Contractor shall be entitled to receive interest on the outstanding payment aUheRate'oNnterest,-ifpayment.js not received on the dates set out below: a) Progress Payment Certificates: 30 Days after the Cut-Off Date; b) Certificate of Subcontract Completion:' 30 Days after the date.certifiedas:the date on which the subcontract was completed; c) Subcontract Statutory Holdback Release Payment Certificate: 76 Days after the date on which the subcontract was completed; d)' Substantial Performance Payment Certificate: 30 Days after the' date of issuance of the certificate. e) Substantial Performance Statutory Holdback Release Payment Certificate: 76 Days after publication of the Payment Certificate of Substantial Performance; f) Completion Payment Certificate: 30 Days. after the date certified as the date on which the Contract reached Completion; g) Completion Statutory Holdback Release Payment Certificate: 76 Days after the date certified as the date which the Work was completed. .02 If the Contractor has not complied with the requirements of the Contract, including all documentation requirements. prior to expiration of the time periods described In paragraph GC Interest will only begin to accrue when the Contractor has completed those requirements. OPS General Conditions cf Contrad - September ,. P8ge39 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f I I I .1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I Payroll Burden: means the payments in respect of workplace insurance, vacation pay, employment insurance, public liability and property damage insurance, sickness and accident insurance, pension fund and such other welfare and benefit payments forming part of the Contractor's normal labour costs. Rented Equipment: means equipment that is rented or leased for the special purpose of Work on a Time and Material Basis from a person, firm or corporation that is not an associate of the lessee as defined by the Securities Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.S.5, as amended, and is approved by the Contract Administrator. Road Work: means the preparation,construction, finishing and construction maintenance of. roads, 'streets; highways and' parking 'lots and includes all work incidental thereto other than work on structures. Sewer . andWatennain Work: means the preparation, construction, finishing. and construction , maintenance' of sewer systems and watermain systems,' and includes all work incidental thereto other than work on structures. Standby:Time:'means anY'period of time Whichis<not-consideredWorkingrUTl~d which together with the Working Time does not exceed 10 'hoors.in.,any;one;Working~Oay.:and'.duririg'which time a unit of ,equipment cannot practically be used onother;.work':but.must:;remain:on'.the:sitejn~order to.continue with -its'assigned'taskand during which time the unit is in fully operable condition. Structure Work: means the construction, reconstruction, repair, alteration, remodelling, renovation or .' demolition of any bridge, building, tunnel or retaining wall and includes the preparation for and the laying of the foundation of any"bridge, building, tunnel or . retaining wan and the installation of equipment and appurtenances incidental thereto. The 127 Rate: means the rate for a unit of equipment as listed in'OPSS 127, Schedule of Rental Rates for Construction Equipment Including Model and Specification Reference, which is current at the time the work is carried out or for equipment which is not so listed, the rate which has been calculated by the . Owner, using the same principles as used in determining The 127 Rates. Work on a 'Time 'and Material Basis: means Changes in the Work, Extra Work and Additional Work approved, by the Contract Administrator.forpayrrient 'on a Time and Material 'basis. The Work on a. Time and Material Basis shall be subject to all the terms, conditions, specifications .and provisions of the Contract. . Working Time: means each period of time during which a unit of equipment is. actively and of necessity engaged on a specific operation and the first 2 hours of each immediately following period during which the unit is not so engaged but during whichtheoperation~is.otherwise~proceeding.and during,which time the unit cannot practically be transferred to other work but must remain on the site in order to continue with its assigned tasks and during which time the unit isina fully operable condition. ,," , GC Dally Work Records .01 Daily Work Records prepared as the case may be by either the Contractor's representative or the . Contract Administrator and' reporting the labour and Equipment employed and the Material used on each Time and Material project, shall be' reconciled and signed each day by both the Contractor's representative and the Contract Administrator. GC Payment for Work .01 Payment as herein provided shall be full compensation for all labour, Equipment and Material to do the Work on a Time and Material Basis except where there is agreement to the contrary prior to the commencement of the Work on a Time and Material Basis. The payment adjustments on a Time and Material basis shall apply to each individual Change Order authorized by the Contract Administrator. OPS General Condltiotw of Contrad - September 1 egg pege 41 .04 When Equipment is transported, solely for the purpose of the Work on a Time and Material Basis, to or from the Working Area on a Time and Material basis, payment will be made by the Owner only in respect of the transporting units. When. Equipment is moved under its own power it shall be deemed to be working. The method of moving Equipment and the rates shall be subject to the approval of the Contract Administrator. GC Payment for Hand Tools .01 Notwithstanding. any . other provision of this. Section, .no.payment shall. be made to ,the, Contractor for or in respect of Hand Tools or equipment that are tools of the trade. GC Payment for Work By Subcontractors . .01 Where the Contractor arranges for Work on aTime and Material Basis, or.a part of. it, to be perfonned by SUbcontractors.;on,.a..Time.and.,Material ,basis.,.and...has...,~ived ~apprp~I,.prior .to the commencement. of.' such'. work:<in' accordance witI1Stbe)~.requirements::;~f~iSubsectiOR:'GC. .3.1 0, : SubContracting by the Contract6r; the Owner will pay-the 'cost"of.Wofk,oMr:itime~and'JMaterial Basis by1he Subcontractor calculated-asif the. Contractor had'done.the"iWorkoon~Time,and.,Material Basis, plus'a markup calculated on.the following basis: . . a) 20% of the first.$3,OOO; plus b) 15% of the amount from $3,000 to $10,000; plus c) 5% of the amount in excess of $10,000. ;02 .No further markup will be appliedregardless-ot.the extent to which .the work is assigned or. sublet to. - others.' If work is:assignedor.sublet..to an associate, .asdefinedby.the.. Securities:Actnomarkup whatsoever will be applied. . GC Submission of Invoices .01 At the start of the Work 'on a Time and Material Basis, the Contractor.shall .provlde..the applicable . labour and Equipment rates not already submitted to.the Contract Administrator during the course of. such work. .02 . Separate' summaries shall be'completed by the Contractor according to the.standard foon."Summary for Payment .of Accounts on a Time. and Material Basis". Each . summary shall. include. the order number and covering dates of the work and shall itemize separately labour, Materials and Equipment . Invoices for Materials, Rented Equipment and other charges incurred by the Contractor on the Work on a Time and Material Basis shlallbe included witheachsummary.-..,.c.;;. .,.,;.._.; . ..' ::03 Each month . the Contract Administrator will include with the.monthIYlp(ClQ{eSS .~yme~; CE!rtificate, the costs of the Work on a Tme and Material Basis incurred during the preceding month all in accordance with the contract administrative. procedures and the' Contractor's invoice of the Work on a Time and Material Basis. .04 The final "SummarY for Payment of Accounts on a Time and Matenal Basis" shall be submitted by the Contractor within 60 Days after the completion of the Work on a Time and Material Basis. GC 8.02.05 Final Acceptance Certificate .01 After the acceptance of the Work .the. Contract Administrator will issue the Final Acceptance Certificate, or, where applicable, after the Warranty Period has expired. The Final Acceptance Certificate will not be issued until all known deficiencies have been adjusted or corrected, as the case may be, and the Contractor has discharged all obligations under the Contract. OPS Genenil Conditio.. of Contm:t - 8epWmber 1m pege 43 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _I GC 8.02.09 Liquidated Damages .01 When liquidated damages are specified in the Contract and the Contractor fails to complete the Work in accordance with the Contract, the Contractor shall pay such amounts as are specified in the Contract Documents. OPS Gene,.1 Conditions 01 Contr8Ct - September 1999 Page 45 - ,,' .