HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/21/2014 (Special Budget) clarington Leading the Way SPECIAL GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE AGENDA DATE: February 21, 2014 i TIME: 9:30 A.M. PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBERS I 1. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER 2. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 3. DELEGATIONS (Draft List at Time of Publication —To be Replaced with Final 3-1 List) (a) Gail Rickard, Chair, and Edie Hopkins, Library Director, Clarington Public Library, Regarding 2014 Budget i (b) Chris Newman, Coordinator, Firehouse Youth, Regarding 2014 Budget (c) Michael Patrick, Treasurer, and James Campbell, Executive Director/Curator, Visual Arts Centre of Clarington, Regarding 2014 Budget (d) Bonnie Seto, Vice Chair, and Julia Fielding, Executive Director, Clarington Museums &Archives, Regarding 2014 Budget c (e) Sally Barrie, Administrator— Home Support, Community Care Durham, Regarding 2014 Budget i (f) Angie Darlison, Executive Director, Clarington Older Adult Centre, Regarding 2014 Budget 4. PRESENTATIONS (a) Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance/Treasurer—2014 Municipal Budget I 5. FINANCE DEPARTMENT (a) FND-002-14 2014 Current and Capital Budget 5-1 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 7. ADJOURNMENT i CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 DRAFT LIST OF DELEGATIONS GPA Meeting: February 21, 2014 (a) Gail Rickard, Chair, and Edie Hopkins, Library Director, Clarington Public Library, Regarding 2014 Budget (b) Chris Newman, Coordinator, Firehouse Youth, Regarding 2014 Budget (c) Michael Patrick, Treasurer, and James Campbell, Executive Director/Curator, Visual Arts Centre of Clarington, Regarding 2014 Budget (d) Bonnie Seto, Vice Chair, and Julia Fielding, Executive Director, Clarington Museums & Archives, Regarding 2014 Budget (e) Sally Barrie, Administrator— Home Support, Community Care Durham, Regarding 2014 Budget (f) Angie Darlison, Executive Director, Clarington Older Adult Centre, Regarding 2014 Budget 3-1 Glattygton REPORT FINANCE DEPARTMENT Meeting: SPECIAL GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION Date: FEB 21, 2014 Resolution#: By-law#: Report#: FND-002-14 File#: Subject: 2014 CURRENT AND CAPITAL BUDGET RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report FND-002-14 be received; 2. THAT Council approve the 2014 Operating and Capital budgets as outlined in Schedule "A", at an estimated tax levy impact of 2.05% (exclusive of tax policy impacts), as directed in FND-002-14; 3. THAT Council provide direction on the items listed as optional items for consideration, as itemized in Schedule "B"; 4. THAT Council provide direction on the grants for external agencies per their requests itemized in Schedule "C", at an estimated tax levy impact of 0.32%; 5. THAT Schedules "D", "E" and "F" outlining Reserve and Reserve Fund Contributions and new Reserves/Reserve Funds be approved; 6. THAT approximately $801;000 be drawn from the Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund to offset the tax rate impact; 7. THAT the financing of Capital projects, as outlined in the attached documents be approved; 8. THAT the external agencies, referred to in Schedule "C" be advised of Council's decision regarding their grant request; CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 5-1 REPORT NO.: FND-002-14 PAGE 2 9. THAT Council authorize the Mayor's Golf Tournament to take place in 2014, at no cost to the tax base with the net proceeds from the Mayor's Golf Tournament to be directed to the Bethesda House; 10. THAT any cash flow shortfall in the Development Charges Reserve Funds be interim financed from the Municipal Capital Works Reserve Fund, Impact/Escrow Reserve Fund and General Municipal Reserve Funds, to be repaid with interest as cash flow permits; 11. THAT one-time funding be provided to the Clarington Museums of$35,000 with $17,500 from the Bowmanville Museum Reserve Funds and $17,500 from the Clarke Museum Reserve Funds to offset a loss of provincial grant funds; 12. THAT the Clarington Tourism Marketing Board be advised of Council's decision with respect to their request for approximately $7,000 for a tourism plan cost shared with Central Counties Tourism; 13. THAT Council express its intent to fund the Courtice Library expansion into the vacant space at the Courtice Community Complex to complete the initially planned 12,000 square feet, including debenture repayments and financing to the extent allowable from future development charges; 14. THAT the recommendations contained in the Monteith Brown reported entitled "Expansion of Library Services for the Courtice Community" dated December 2013 form the basis for the library's position with respect to the 2015 update of the Development Charges by-law and be referred to the 2015 update of the Development Charges by-law; 15. THAT the land acquisition component of the recommendations from the report also be referred to the Finance Department for consideration in the 2015 update of the Development Charges by-law; 16. THAT Best Road and Bellamy Road rehabilitation projects be referred to the municipality's standard practice of prioritized scheduling of road projects and the delegations be advised; 17. THAT Lou DeVuono be advised of Council's decision with respect to the Heroes Highway Ride and Rally 2014; 18. THAT Report FND-002-14 be adopted by resolution in accordance with provisions of Ontario Regulation 284/09 of the Municipal Act, 2001; and i 5-2 REPORT NO.: FND-002-14 PAGE 3 19. THAT the appropriate By-laws to levy the 2014 tax requirements for Municipal Regional and Education purposes be forwarded to Council for approval, once final tax policy information is available. Submitted by: �/ ' Reviewed by: `Nancy Tay or, BBA, CPA, CA Franklin Wu, Director of Finance/ Chief Administrative Officer Treasurer NT/hjl 5-3 REPORT NO.: FND-002-14 PAGE 4 1.0 OVERVIEW: 1.1 The 2014 budget is outlined in detail in the draft budget documents circulated in conjunction with this report. The approximate 2014 base impact is detailed in Schedule "A" attached hereto. 1.2 The Chief Administrative Officer and the Director of Finance have worked diligently with all departments to review all areas and identify savings. 1.3 This impact is after assessment growth (growth is estimated at 3.35% including growth in education retained). Every 1% increase in the budget generally results in a tax increase of approximately $12 for the average residential taxpayer for the local portion of the tax bill (based on average value of $278,000). This does not include the impact of tax policy changes determined by the Region of Durham. 1.4 Based on the 2014 returned roll, Clarington assessment splits are 90% for residential, farm and multi-residential and 10% for commercial and industrial properties. 1.5 Clarington continues to rely on reserves and reserve funds to alleviate tax levy impacts for capital and operating. Surpluses in a given year are transferred into the Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund and then used in subsequent years to offset the levy. Contributions are made annually into reserve funds for future capital replacement and then drawn upon in those future years. For 2014, the net annual draw on reserves and reserve funds is approximately $16.5 million (2013 - $20.4 million) including $801,000 drawn from the Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund to offset the tax levy. This includes Capital and Current (operating). The summaries for the reserves and reserve funds are included in the attached Schedule "D", "E" and "F". 1.6 Consistent with prior years, interest revenue from the Strategic Capital funds were factored in so as to mitigate the tax levy impact. Revenue increases for many departments, where possible, have been factored in. I 1 .7 For 2014, the budget is reflecting no change in Veridian dividends without factoring in unknown extra dividends or the impact of the ice storm. 2.0 TAX RATE STABILIZATION: i 2.1 Historically, Clarington has drawn on our Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund approximately $801,000 per year. This is proposed to remain the same for 2014. We have had stable but positive financial results so the Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund is in the position to continue this practice. 5-4 REPORT NO.: FND-002-14 PAGE 5 3.0 TAX POLICY CHANGES: 3.1 A long term strategic tax policy plan was approved in 2002 by the Region of Durham that may have an impact on the final tax rates. The 2014 update of the plan will be presented to Regional Council in early 2014. The tax ratio changes impact upon the relative share of the total taxes that each property class pays. Another impact to Clarington relates to the education retained portion of payment-in-lieu properties such as Ontario Power Generation. In the 2008 provincial budget, a provincially mandated reduction in the industrial education rate was announced. This reduces our education retained revenue. Commencing 2013, the province has frozen these rates. However, the education rates have been adjusted for reassessment impacts which will result in minor tax policy impacts. 4.0 PHYSICIAN RECRUITMENT: 4.1 On July 14, 2008, Council committed to a four year funding program for the Physician Recruitment Program to be undertaken by the Clarington Board of Trade. The $120,000 annual commitment was drawn from Impact/Escrow Reserve Fund and from the general tax levy. In 2009, the split was $90,000 from Reserve Fund and $30,000 from the tax levy. In 2010, this was changed to eliminate the additional $30,000 previously committed for 2010 to be funded from the tax levy. The effect of this change resulted in reducing the recruitment target from four to three new family physicians with $60,000 from the Impact/Escrow Reserve Fund and $30,000 from tax levy. In 2011 the $30,000 tax levy funding was eliminated and left the $60,000 reserve fund monies available should it be necessary in 2011. 4.2 This was continued for 2012 and 2013 and remains in place for 2014. The $60,000 is funded from the Reserve fund, unless Council chooses to discontinue the program. Based on previous updates from the Board of Trade, it appears that, although we need to remain vigilant, the recruitment efforts and number of doctors are relatively satisfactory at this time and $60,000 should be sufficient to continue to maintain the appropriate number of physicians. 5.0 STAFFING: 5.1 As part of the background work leading to the 2011 budget report, staff prepared and presented a 4 year staffing plan for Council consideration. Council subsequently approved the following recommendation contained in Report FN D-003-11: "That the staffing plan (Schedule G to Report FND-003-11) be approved as revised by Recommendation 2.2 (d) above, and subject to the budgetary allocation for new staffing in any given year not to exceed the value of assessment growth for that year. 5-5 REPORT NO.: FND-002-14 PAGE 6 That the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to make any adjustment if necessary to ensure staff resources are allocated and deployed fairly and consistently among all departments, and in adherence to maintaining the current service standard;" 5.2 In recognition of the continuous growth of the Municipality and the necessity to maintain the current level of services, staff respectfully recommends the following positions be added with the corresponding cost for each position inclusive of benefits. Corporate Services Senior GIS Software Technician $ 90,000 Tourism Co-Ordinator (P/T) $ 35,000 - Emergency Services 4 Suppression staff $400,000 - Finance Summer student $ 10,000 - Operations Manager of Operations $125,000 2 Summer students $ 20,000 - Clerks Animal Services student $ 10,000 TOTAL TAX LEVY IMPACT $690,000 5.3 The $690,000 budget impact is well within the value of the assessment growth for 2014 which is estimated at 3.35% or $1,425,488 and is consistent with Council's direction to keep new staffing costs below that of assessment growth. 5.4 a) Suppression staff is recommended on the assumption Council will be staffing the Newcastle Fire Station by full time firefighters either on 24/7 or on a gradual phased in from day shift to 24 hour shift. b) Senior GIS software technician is required to accommodate the ever increasing need to develop specific applications for internal use. Continuous reliance on off-the-shelf software has proven inadequate and costly. In order to leverage new technology to provide the necessary internal support to the needs from all departments, this position which actually writes integration programs is essential to improve efficiency. The comparable numbers of IT staff in neighbouring municipalities is indicative of just how lean the municipality is in IT support (8) while servicing the largest geographical area (Whitby 16, Ajax 11 and Caledon 9). c) The part time Tourism Co-Ordinator is in response to the request from the Tourism Marking Board (CBMT) as well as to free up valuable time from other staff who will be re-directed to give priority to implement the social media focus of the Communication Strategic Plan as approved by Council. d) Manager of Operations is essential to provide relief to the Director and other supervisors and to attend to many important tasks such as risk management. The current flat management model no longer meets the 5-6 REPORT NO.: FND-002-14 PAGE 7 best practices in the efficient delivery of operational services demanded by our residents. e) Two summer students are requested for consideration, one in the Animal Services section of the Clerks Department and one in the Finance Department. This represents a continuation of a multi-year program for summer students. f) Two summer students are requested for the Operations Department. This does not represent an increase in service levels but an attempt to maintain existing levels as the practice of transferring Community Services staff in the summer months to Operations is being discontinued for co- ordination/efficiency reasons. 6.0 CAPITAL BUDGET COMMENTARY: 6.1 The recommended impact on the tax base of the proposed Capital Budget is $455,434 under the base recommendations and $494,000 under the optional recommendations. This translates to a 1.07% tax levy increase on the base recommendations and 1.16% on the optional recommendations. 6.2 There has been significant dialogue in recent years pertaining to the state of municipal infrastructure in Ontario. In Clarington, there have been only minor changes to the tax levy support to Capital since 2003. The combined base and optional recommendations are incorporated into the detailed budget pages, with the exception of$400,000 for roads. Due to the heightened awareness of the state of roads infrastructure, in addition to the approximately $300,000 included in the capital budget detail pages in the budget binder for Operations and Engineering, $400,000 has been added under the optional column representing an approximate additional 1% levy for roads. Should Council approve this additional levy, it would be split equally between Operations for rural roads and Engineering for pavement rehabilitation. Projects will be adjusted to reflect the final determination of the tax levy support to capital. 6.3 Details of Capital projects, by department, are included in the Draft Capital Budget. 6.4 Federal fuel tax proceeds have been incorporated into the Draft Capital Budget at $2,518,245. New funding agreements are forthcoming regarding Federal Gas Tax that reflect a reallocation based on updated census population data. This has resulted in a slight increase to Clarington. 6.5 The Capital Budget is presented to Council for consideration and approval. The financing for most of the projects is a combination of Reserve, Reserve Funds, Development Charges and tax levy. 5-7 REPORT NO.: FND-002-14 PAGE 8 7.0 CURRENT BUDGET IMPACTS: 7.1 Consistent with any other major employer, as well as all other municipalities, Clarington is experiencing costs increases in areas such as wage increases, benefit costs, insurance costs, building maintenance costs and road maintenance costs. Also of note is utility costs due to the loss of the 10% rebate and a significant increase in the "global adjustment" charges on utility bills. The Current budget impacts are detailed in Schedule "A" to this report. 8.0 DEBT STATUS: 8.1 Current projected annual debt repayment obligations for 2014 budget purposes total $3,895,375. This is comprised of debentures issued for the South Courtice Arena, the Bowmanville Indoor Soccer Facility, the Newcastle Aquatic facility, RRC Community Care Durham space, the Newcastle branch library and Green Road. i 8.2 The total principal amount outstanding at January 1, 2014 is $21,839,481. New debentures will be required in 2014 for the Green Road Grade Separation works as approved in 2013. As Council is aware, annual growth is required to maintain the debenture repayment obligations from development charges without impacting the tax levy. Growth numbers in 2009 were severely impacted by the economic conditions. As a result, Council approved interim borrowing from other Reserve Funds for 2009 through 2013. This impacted in 2013 due to reduced growth. For 2014 growth is based on a projected 525 new residential units but will be monitored throughout the year. Repayments of the interim borrowing from previous years will be addressed in the future as the economy gradually improves. I 8.3 Total debt is now projected to be $25,687,678 on January 1, 2015, most of which is growth-related through development charges. In 2014 the projected debt may ,I change subject to the amount of collections occurring in the Roads and Related Development Charges Reserve Fund between now and when the debentures will be issued for Green Road. New debt will also be issued for the Courtice Library expansion/renovation as included in the 2014 budget. If the project is approved the required by-laws for debenture issuance will be brought to Council at a later date. Repayments would not occur until 2015. I 9.0 MUNICIPAL GRANT PROGRAM: 9.1 The municipal grant program is administered through the Community Services i Department. The budget presented via this report includes a total of$60,000 for the grant program which is consistent with prior years. The program amount has not been increased to represent the increase in the population of Clarington. Historically it was a $1 per resident less $15,000 offsetting the external agencies grants dealt with separately through Schedule C to this report but has not been updated to keep pace with the population growth to comply with the approved policy. The $60,000 is allocated based on Council direction when the grant 5-8 REPORT NO.: FND-002-14 PAGE 9 report is brought forward. While not listed as an option on Schedule "B", should Council wish to reduce or eliminate this program, a cost saving of $60,000 would result. 10.0 INSURANCE: 10.1 Insurance premium costs are fairly a significant cause for concern for all municipalities in Ontario. A number of news releases from AMO during 201 land since have highlighted this issue with an attempt to have the Province address joint and several liability issues. These have been endorsed by Council as recently as January 2014. Many municipalities are being faced with significant increases. A budget increase of$200,000 or 0.47% has been incorporated into the draft Current budget as an estimate due to deductible requirements and a minor premium increase. Clarington's participation in the Durham Municipal Insurance Pool has provided an insulating factor from fluctuating market impacts. Clarington has several risk management initiatives underway to assist in the reduction in or defence of claims. A report to Council will be forthcoming on this issue. 11.0 RESERVE AND RESERVE FUND CONTRIBUTIONS: 11.1 Consistent with past practice, increases in reserve fund contributions are at times deemed appropriate to bolster balances in depleting reserve funds. For 2014 no notable changes are included on the Reserve and Reserve Fund summaries in the attached Schedules "D" and "E". This will need to be addressed in future years as part of a comprehensive long term asset management strategy to fund future capital replacement needs as there are several areas that will present challenges in the future. 11.2 For this year, the transfer has not been made into the Building division reserve fund as this fund is currently deemed sufficient to address the next downswing in the economy. However, this transfer was funded from building permit revenues, not tax levy funds as building permit fees are not permitted to be set at a level to subsidize the tax levy. As a result, this reduction in the transfer is funded from a corresponding revenue reduction, no corresponding tax levy savings result. 12.0 EXTERNAL AGENCIES: 12.1 The requests from the external agencies, including the Museum, Library, Visual Arts Centre, Clarington Older Adults Board, etc. are detailed in the External Agencies section of the Draft Current Budget for Council to consider their requests on an individual basis in Schedule "C" to this report. The external agencies tab in the Draft Current Budget provides background information pertaining to the requests by the external agencies. The increase in budget requests for the external agencies total $135,389 for 2014 which is a 0.32% total municipal levy increase. 5-9 REPORT NO.: FND-002-14 PAGE 10 12.2 There is also a request from the Museum for funding from the Reserve Funds held by the Municipality in the amount of $35,000 to assist with the anticipated temporary loss of provincial funding. These Reserve Funds were established by the Municipality and tax levy supported with the intent for their usage for building envelope type issues. All bequest and trust funds specific to the museum have been transferred to the museum in conjunction with the update to the museum's by-law that took place in late 2012. The potential is there to accommodate this request based on $17,500 from each of the Bowmanville and Clarke Museum Reserve Funds subject to this being a one-time circumstance and acknowledging that it does affect funds available in the future for building envelope issues. 12.3 The Clarington Public Library Board brought a report to the General Purpose and Administration Committee on January 6, 2014, with respect to the Courtice Community Library needs. The report was received for information. Included in the 2014 budget is $1.1 million for the renovation to the currently available vacant space of 6,000 square feet at the Courtice Community Complex. This project will be funded 90% from debt to be repaid from future development charges. Depending upon cash flow, there may be a minor cash flow issue during the transition period between the final repayment of the balloon for the Bowmanville Main Branch and the issuance of the debenture for the Courtice renovations. This will be recovered from future development charges collections. I 12.4 There are two additional recommendations provided to address the Courtice Library issues through the 2015 update to the Development Charges by-law. 13.0 MAYOR'S GOLF TOURNAMENT AND "FOR THE LOVE OF ART" EVENTS: 13.1 For the 2014 budget, Council is requested to provide continued direction on inclusion of the Mayor's Golf Tournament. The anticipated gross revenues to be i generated are approximately $70,000. The net proceeds estimated at $25,000 would be donated to the Bethesda House. 13.2 Also included in the 2014 budget with no tax levy impact, is the "For the Love of Art" Event which is to be self sufficient through the provision of sponsorship opportunities and donations. The event is in support of the Clarington Visual Arts Centre, The Gift of Art and the arts community. 14.0 CLARINGTON TOURISM MARKETING BOARD: 14.1 At a meeting held on January 13, 2014, Council referred correspondence from the Clarington Tourism Marketing Board (Schedule "G") to the 2014 budget. They are requesting support for a tourism plan in the amount of approximately j $7,000. This is included as Item #11 of Schedule "B" for Council consideration. i 5-10 REPORT NO.: FND-002-14 PAGE 11 " 15.0 BEST ROAD AND BELLAMY ROAD: 15.1 Further to the delegation of Mrs. Montague of Best Road and the correspondence from residents of Bellamy Road (Mr. and Mrs. Imalch and Mr. and Mrs. Carson) regarding current road conditions and requesting consideration in the 2014 budget for rehabilitation, staff has identified the costs for Best Road, including Skelding and Leskard as part of the loop at $541,200 and Bellamy Road at $147,600. The estimate includes pulverizing, granular addition, stabilize, two lifts of high float material, driveway tie-ins and slurry seal. 15.2 As Council is aware, the final road program decisions are made in the spring to allow the possibility for repairing substandard busy road sections damaged during an abnormal spring thaw/runoff. 15.3 Methods for determining the Clarington's Road program include fall and spring inspections, review of Pavement Management Index, amount of maintenance activity and the average annual daily traffic volumes. Along with this process, staff consider the nature and type of vehicular traffic, local or through traffic, traffic speed, topography, amount of heavy vehicles travelling the road and winter hazards associated with an individual road section. 15.4 It is recommended that both Bellamy Road and Best Road be referred to the normal process of prioritizing road rehabilitation works. 16.0 HEROES HIGHWAY RIDE AND RALLY 2014: 16.1 At its meeting on January 13, 2014, Council referred correspondence from Mr. Lou DeVuono regarding the Heroes Highway Ride and Rally 2014 to the 2014 budget deliberations and to the Business Improvement Areas for input. At the time of writing of this report, meetings have been scheduled with various staff and Mr. DeVuono to assess the implications of hosting the event. Further details will be provided via a memo for Council's information. One item of concern is that the currently proposed date is the same as Ribfest in Bowmanville. 17.0 ICE STORM: 17.1 Staff is still undertaking an assessment of damages resulting from the 2013 ice storm including, but not limited to trees, roads, parks, etc. Weather conditions at this time do not allow for a comprehensive assessment. Staff will prepare an update report and work plan to Council. Included under Schedule B, Item #26 is an amount of$75,000 for ice storm recovery costs for Council consideration. 18.0 ANIMAL SERVICES EXTENDED HOURS: 18.1 In January 2013 Council directed staff to report on the opportunity of keeping the Clarington Animal Shelter open until 8:00 pm on weekdays. 5-11 REPORT NO.: FND-002-14 PAGE 12 18.2 The core duties of the Animal Shelter essentially include two areas of responsibility, being sheltering operations and enforcement activities. Extending Animal Service Division hours to 8:00 pm would require the Division to be fully operational for 13 hours, Monday through Friday in both of the core functional areas. To accommodate these hours would necessitate additional staff including kennel attendants and clerical support. Kennel attendants are required to augment the Officers in performing their duties associated with cleaning and feeding of the animals which frees them to perform enforcement duties. The additional Clerical support is required to supplement the existing part-time clerk in performing reception duties; which are currently performed by an Animal Services Officer. 18.3 Costs associated with extending Clarington's Animal Shelter hours of operation to 8:00 pm Monday through Friday are estimated at $72,400. This is included as Item #15 of Schedule "B" for Council consideration. 19.0 2014 ACCRUAL BASED BUDGET FOR PSAB PER ONT REG 284/09: 19.1 Public Sector Accounting Board annual reporting requirements for municipal budgets require that certain accrual based items be reported to Council in conjunction with the budget for 2011 and onwards. 19.2 Accrual based expenses that are excluded from the 2014 tax based budget include post-employment benefits and amortization. Other items to transfer to a PSAB budget include tangible capital asset acquisitions, and accounting treatment of debt principal payments. In 2013, amortization was included in the draft budget with a revenue "reversal" to net out the impact. For 2014, we have reverted to past practice. 19.3 There is no financial impact of these PSAB additions or reductions since the tax based budget approves necessary funds to provide municipal services for 2014. 19.4 However, the estimated change to the accumulated surplus at the end of 2014 resulting from the above items is as follows: PSAB Additions to the 2014 Budget Tangible Capital Asset Amortization $15,910,889 Post-Employment Benefit Estimate $ 898,500 Total PSAB Additions $16,809,389 PSAB Reductions to the 2014 Budget TCA Acquisitions ($16,521,245) Debt Principal Payments ($ 2,996,371) Total PSAB Reductions ($19,517,616) (Increase)Decrease in Accumulated Surplus ($ 2,708,227) 5-12 REPORT NO.: FND-002-14 PAGE 13 20.0 FUTURE YEARS' BUDGETS: 20.1 There are certain known impacts for the 2015 budget year such as staffing, wage settlements, fire master plan implications, insurance costs, increasing maintenance costs of roads and buildings and normal inflationary impacts. Also, depending upon the growth and resulting funds collected for development charges for indoor recreation and library, there may be tax levy impacts for debenture repayment requirements. 21.2 Operating for 2015 will need to incorporate increased operating costs should Council approve the expansion/renovation to the Courtice Library at the Courtice Community Complex. This is detailed under the external agencies tab of the budget binder. 21.3 Other items for future consideration include increased tax support to capital as part of a comprehensive long term asset management plan that is currently underway. It is anticipated that this will have a significant impact on future decision making with respect to capital funding decisions. CONFORMITY WITH STRATEGIC PLAN The recommendations contained in this report conform to the following priorities of the Strategic Plan: X Promoting economic development X Maintaining financial stability X Connecting Clarington X Promoting green initiatives X Investing in infrastructure X Showcasing our community _Not in conformity with Strategic Plan Staff Contact: Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance/Treasurer Attachments: Schedule "A" — 2014 Base Budget Impact Summary Schedule "B" — 2014 Additional Funding Options Schedule "C" — External Agencies Budget Requests Schedule "D" — Reserve Funds Schedule "E" — Reserves Schedule "F" — 2014 Operating — Reserves and Reserve Fund Contributions Schedule "G" — Communications from Clarington Tourism Marketing Board 5-13 REPORT NO.: FND-002-14 PAGE 14 Interested Parties: • Clarington Museum and Archives • Clarington Older Adult Board • Clarington Public Library • Durham Region Community Care Association • John Howard Society (Firehouse Youth) • Newcastle Community Hall • Orono Cemetery Company • Visual Arts Centre of Clarington • Clarington Tourism Marketing Board • Paul and Diane Imalch • Scott and Vicki Carson • Mrs. Montague • Lou DeVuono, Heroes Highway Ride & Rally 2014 I i I I 5-14 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 2014 BASE BUDGET IMPLICATIONS SCHEDULE "A" DESCRIPTION AMOUNT REVENUE INCREASES: 1 Growth (Assessment and Education Retained) (1,425,488) 2 Supplementary Taxes (25,000) 3 Investment Income (50,000) 4 Increase in Swim Revenue-NRDC, CCC (37,800) 5 Planning Revenue Increases (14,000) EXPENSE DECREASES: 6 Utility Savings (54,615) 7 Uncl.Admin- Professional Fees (5,000) 8 Bank Service Charges (8,000) 9 Engineering Studies (26,000) 10 Building Division- Reduction in transfer to Reserve Fund (200,000) 11 Hall Boards- Defib program savings (6,900) 12 CFC savings from shutdown (2,717) 13 CIP Courtice (5,000) REVENUE DECREASES: 14 CAO Miscellaneous Revenue 10,000 15 Reduction in sale of cemetery plots 5,000 16 Reduction in interest on overdue accounts receivable 5,000 17 Building Permit Revenue 200,000 18 CCC loss of daycare rental 90,943 19 Decrease in Fitness program revenue 5,000 EXPENSEINCREASES: 20 Salary and wages increase(CUPE, FIRE ASSOC, Non-affiliated) 578,956 21 EHT/CPP/EI/WSIB/EXT HEALTH 350,639 22 Pay Equity 26,921 23 Hydro 85,204 24 Water 34,350 25 Energy Retrofit savings repayment to Reserve Fund 41,600 26 Corporate Services-IT increased tax support to capital 47,400 27 Emergency Services Bunker gear increased tax support to capital 7,480 28 Engineering increased tax suppport to capital 135,354 29 Operations increased tax support to capital 161,000 30 Community Services facilities increased tax support to capital 104,200 31 Council travel 6,000 32 Telephone and Photocopiers 10,550 33 Communications-Online services/photos/banners 15,487 34 Corporate advertising 36,996 5-15 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 2014 BASE BUDGET IMPLICATIONS SCHEDULE "A" DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 35 Software Maintenance contracts 10,000 36 Health and Safety books 3,000 37 Accessibility Advisory Program 5,000 38 Insurance 200,000 39 Postage 7,000 40 Fire-Training manuals 4,200 41 Fire-Communications-Radio Equipment rental 5,000 42 Fire Communications contract inflation 25,000 43 Operations-training forestry/hoisting etc 6,000 44 Streetlighting 100,000 45 Parks Maintenance-additional parks 10,000 46 Increase to Grass Cutting Contract 50,000 47 Building services snow removal 10,000 48 Solina Hall- East Exit 25,000 49 Asbestos Management Plan 7,500 50 Emerald Ash Borer tree removal and replacement 25,000 51 Top soil screening-tri annually 10,000 52 Catch basin Maintenance-additional in system 10,000 53 GPS monitoring 3,540 54 Fill site permit 10,000 55 Sidewalk Repairs and Maintenance- Minimum Maintenance Standards 4,000 56 Sidewalk Snowclearing-additional in system 18,800 57 Pavement Patching 20,000 58 Storm water management pond maintenance 10,000 59 Comm Sery Bldg and equipment Maintenance 40,800 60 CFC Transfer to reserve fund to reflect shutdown impact 98,472 61 Prior Year Various Other Changes funded from Reserve Fund 36,143 62 Various miscellaneous changes in other accounts througout budget 21,686 GRAND TOTAL 873,701 i PERCENTAGE INCREASE 2.05% dn:FinanceAdmin/2014 budget/2014 increase breakdown.xls 2-4-14 j i 5-16 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 2014 BUDGET SCHEDULE"B" OPTIONAL ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION 1 Proposed New Staffing 690,000 2 Reduction in trsf to Fire R/F to offset suppression staff (100,750) 3 Clerk's Increase in tax support to capital- Fleet 30,000 4 Engineering Roads additional capital levy 200,000 5 Operations Roads additional capital levy 200,000 6 Planning capital tax levy increase to land acquisition 64,000 7 Post Employment benefit costs 50,000 8 Human Resources legal 5,000 9 Human Resources automated time entry 16,100 10 Communications Branding 10,000 11 Tourism Plan-Clarington Tourism Marketing Board 7,000 12 Clerks-Miscellaneous 3,000 13 Animal Services Licensing Initiative 8,000 14 Animal Services Intake Room 11,500 15 Animal Services Extended Hours to 8pm weekdays 72,400 16 Bylaw-other capital 4,500 17 Fire Station 1 kitchen upgrades 10,000 18 Engineering Special Events 5,000 19 Parks and Cemetery fleet allocation 22,300 20 Miscellaneous Cemetery 5,000 21 Station 1 painting and station 5 bay door 24,000 22 MAC lighting controls 6,500 23 Newcastle Arena painting of structural beams 40,000 24 Block Tree pruning program 5,000 25 Newtonville/Riley Road wooden guide post 13,000 26 Ice Storm Recovery Costs 75,000 27 Older Adults Strategy tax levy component (90%do funded) 6,000 28 Community Services special events 5,000 29 CCC Fitness Equipment 41,600 30 Camp 30 Consulting 50,000 31 CIP Bowmanville Additional funding 10,000 32 CIP Newcastle Additional Funding 10,000 dn:FinanceAdmin/2014 budget/2014 increase breakdown.As 2-4-14 5-17 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SCHEDULE"C" EXTERNAL AGENCIES-2014 INCREASES 2013 APPROVED 2014 REQUEST INCREASE($) INCREASE(%) Community Care 28,110 28,953 843 3.00% Clarington Older Adult Centre 204,000 255,000 51,000 25.00% Clarington Public Library 2,759,491 2,825,610 66,119 2.40% Clarington Museums 258,702 270,342 11,640 4.50% Visual Arts Centre 192,901 198,688 5,787 3.00% Newcastle Community Hall 18,000 18,000 - 0.00% Orono Cemetery Board 10,000 10,000 - 0.00% Firehouse Youth 55,000 55,000 - 0.00% 135,389 =PERCENTAGE INCREASE ON MUNICIPAL TAX LEVY 0.32% dn:FinanceAdmin/2014 budget/2014 increase breakdown.xls 2-4-14 i I �i 4 i 5-18 RESERVE FUNDS 2014 BUDGET February 4,2014 ACC.# I NAME 2013 2014 BALANCE (Estimated) E X PE N D I T U R E S Contributions Est Revenues/ (Estimated). FUND BALANCE ICAPITAL JOPERATING From General Trsf Btwn R/F 2014 NAME GENERAL i 502 INDUSTRIAL/ECO.DEVELOPMENT 432,097 50,000 482,097 INDUST/ECO.DEVMT 510 STRATEGIC CAPITAL 10,033,601 (770,000) 770,000 10,033,601 STRATEGIC CAPITAL 511 MUNICIPAL CAPITAL WORKS 3,487,741 (118,613) 1 235,000 161,704 3,765,832 MUN. CAP.WORKS 515 DEBENTURE RETIREMENT 231,666 (20,936) 210,730 DEBENTURE RETIREMNT 528 IMPACT/ESCROW 239,635 (60,000)• 179,635 IMPACT/ESCROW 512 GENERAL MUNICIPAL 2,003,314 (350,000) (250,000) 49,200 1,452,514 GENERAL MUNICIPAL 554 RATE STABILIZATION 7,341,515 (801,000)1 6,540,515 RATE STABILIZATION 521 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 567,933 (189,900) 100,000 478,033 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT Sub-Total General 24,337,502 23,142,957 Sub Total 537 CLARINGTON/REGION STN.A ACC. 754,626 i 754,626 CLAR/REGION STN.A CLERK'S 1 501 PARKING LOT 345,336 (20,000) (188,762)! 170,000 306,574 PARKING LOT 523 ANIMAL SERVICES CAPITAL 49,143 1 7,000 56,143 ANIMAL SERVICES CAPITAL 525 CLERK FLEET 5,079 (5,000) i 5,000 5,079 CLERK FLEET FIRE 1 522 FIRE EQUIPMENT 1,131,637 (1,090,000) (10,000)1 425,750 457,387 FIRE EQUIPMENT ENGINEERING 1 503 ROADS CAPITAL 95,507 1 95,507 ROADS CAPITAL 513 ENGINEERING INSPECTION 2,438,335 (330,000) 2,108,335 ENGIN INSPECTION 514 ROADS CONTRIBUTIONS 870,367 (350,000) 520,367 ROADS CONTRIB"NS 517 ENGINEERING PARKS CAPITAL 473,218 (168,250) 1 304,968 ENG.PARKS CAPITAL 520 CEMETERIES CAPITAL 6,858 (5,000) 1 5,000 6,858 CEMETERIES CAPITAL 557 FEDERAL GAS TAX RECEIPTS 20,919 (2,518,245) 2,448,122 (49,204) FEDERAL GAS TAX RECEIPTS 558 BUILDING DIVISION RESERVE FUND .849,832 (11,000) 838,832 BUILDING DIVISION 505 ENGINEERING FLEET R/F 117,089 1 5,000 122,089 ENGINEERING FLEET R/F 564 ENGINEERING REVIEW ENGINEERING REVIEW new acct Sub-Total 4,872,126 3,947,753 1 OPERATIONS 516 FACILITIES/PARKS MAINTENANCE 540,413 (416,500) ; 275,000 398,913 FACILITIES/PARKS MAINTENANCE 524 OPERATIONS EQUIPMENT 432,084 (422,500) 109,500 119,084 OPERATIONS-FLEET 563 STORMWATER MGMT POND MTNCE 20,007 I 20,007 STORMWATER MGMT POND MTNCE ' Sub-Total 992,503 538,003 sub Total COMMUNITY SERVICES 1 560 CSD BUILDING REFURBISHMENT 198,990 1 85,000 283,990 BUILDING REFURBISHMENT 518 COMMMUNITY SERVICES CAPITAL 377,036 (325,000) ' 373,472 425,508 COM.SRVICES CAPTL n 2 PLANNING I o c 504 PARKLAND CASH IN LIEU - 1 - PARKLAND CASH-LIEU m 507 WESTSIDE/BOWMANVILLE MARSH 53,822 53,822 WESTSD/BOW MARSH o_ 508 NEWCASTLE WATERFRONT 88,798 88,798 NEWCASTLE WATERFRONT 526 PORT GRANBY LLRW AGREEMENT 155,104 1 155,104 PORT GRANBY 561 BEAUTIFICATIONrFREE PLANTING 5,289 ' 5,289 BEAUTIFICATION/TREE PLANTING 556 COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN 126,953 25,000 151,953 COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN Sub-Total 429,965 1 454,965 Sub Total CTi I I C.0 N ° RESERVE FUNDS 2014 BUDGET February 4,2014 ACC.# NAME 2013 2014 BALANCE (Estimated) EX PE N D IT U R E S Contributions Est ReveI:F/ (Estimated) FUND BALANCE CAPITAL OPERATING From General Trsf Btwn 2014 NAME LIBRARY 542 LIBRARY CAPITAL 914,691 (110,000) 1 30,000 834,691 LIBRARY CAPITAL 543 LIBRARY COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 192,765 i 192,765 LIBRARY COMPUTER EQUIPMENT MUSEUMS/CEMETERIES/OTHER 1 549 NEWCASTLE ARENA-OPERATING 2,271 2,271 NEWCASTLE ARENA-OPERATING 539 OLDER ADULTS CTR-OPERATING 68,458 3,000 71,458 OLDRADULT-OPER. 540 OLDER ADULTS CTR-CAPITAL 17,733 17,733 OLDRADULT-CAPTIAL 544 MUSEUM CAPITAL-Bowmanville 59,696 1 3,000 62,696 MUSEUM-Bowmanville 545 MUSEUM CAPITAL-CLARKE 66,263 3,000 69,263 MUSEUM-CLARKE 547 BOWMANVILLE B.I.A. 18,517 18,517 BOWMANVILLE B.I.A. 548 NEWCASTLE B.I.A. 123,170 1 123,170 NEWC B.I.A. 575 ORONO BIA 73,419 73,419 ORONO BIA 559 IRENE RINCH TRUST-NCH 158,264 i 158,264 IRENE RINCH TRUST 553 MONTAGUE TRUST 19,604 19,604 MONTAGUE TRUST Sub-Total 607,393 616,393 Sub Total Sub-Total 35,208,795 (6,870,008) 1,660,698 1,958,922 3,379,826 32,016,836 DEVELOPMENT CHARGES i DEVELOPMENT CHARGES 580 GENERAL GOVERNMENT 213,443 (180,000)1 33,443 DIC GEN GOVT 581 PUBLIC LIBRARY 42,845 (77,143) (57,803) (161,704) (253,805) LIBRARY 582 EMERGENCY SERVICES 1,647,273 1,647,273 EMERGENCY SERVICES 583 INDOOR RECREATION (3,034,001) (2,849,590) (5,883,591) INDOOR RECR. 584 ENG-PARK DEV.&FACILITIES 631,095 (520,250) (13,500)1 97,345 PRK DEV.&FACT 585 OPERATIONS 1,281,516 (64,800) 1,216,716 OPERATIONS 586 ROADS&RELATED 7,714,270 (2,678,158) (715,000) 4,321,112 RDS&RELATED 587 PARKING 228,956 1 Total Development Charges 8,725,397 (3,340,351 - 228449 PARKING (3,815,893) (161,704) 1,407;449 TOTAL RESERVE FUNDS 43,934,191 10,210,359 5,476,591 1,958,922 3,218,122 33,424,286 UNAVAI LABLEIRESTRICTED 527 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT ENTERPRISE11 23,533,483 I 41,600 23,575,083 MUN.GVMNT 552 AND 5622 PERPETUAL CARE&HAMPTON UNION 1,415,253 (17,460); 1,397,793 11PERPETUAL CARE&HAMPTON UNION TOTAL 68,882 928 (10,210,359) (5,494,051) 2,000,522 3 218 122 58,397,162 DN: 2014 BudgefRes'RF RESERVES 2014 BUDGET January 30,2014 Eococ-x-*X-x NAME 2013 2014 BALANCE AVAILABLE EXPENDITURES Contributions Transfers (Estimated) FUND ;COMMENTS - CAPITAL OPERATING From General Btwn.Fund 2014 NAME GENERAL I I 2902 SELF INSURED LOSSES 515,309 25,000 540,309 SELF INSURED LOSSES 2903 MUNICIPAL ACQUISITION-PROPERTY 583,619 (63,000) 40,000 560,619 MUNICIPAL ACQ.PROPERTY 2905 TAX WRITE-OFF 256,045 50,000 306,045 TAX WRITE-OFF 2917 GENERAL CAPITAL 45,820 2,500 48,320 GENERAL CAPITAL 2924 LEGAL FEES 268,549 268,549 LEGAL FEES 2933 CLARINGTON HERITAGE COMMITTEE 2,332 (1,000) 1,332 CLARINGTON HERITAGE COMMITTE� 2926 CONSULT/PROF FEES 88,960 88,960 CONSULTING CLERKS 1,760,634 1,814,134 2906 RECORDS MAINTENANCE 55,615 10,000 65,615 RECORDS MAINTENANCE 2928 ELECTION EXPENSES 235,686 i (6,000) (284,309) 70,000 15,377 ELECTION EXPENSES 1 FIRE 1 1 2908 FIRE PREVENTION RESERVE 97,132 (10,000) 87,132 FIRE PREVENTION RESERVE I I ROADS&PARKS I 1 2918 PITS&QUARRIES 330,310 (440,000) 280,000 170,310 PITS&QUARRIES 1 2919 RURAL RD REHABILITATION 16,538 16,538 RURAL RD REHABILITATION 2927 PARK DEVELOPMENT 812 812 PARK DEVELOPMENT 2930 WATERFRONTTRAIL 17,818 17,818 WATERFRONT TRAIL 2931 BURKETON PARK IMPR. 7,569 7,569 BURKETON PARK 1 2932 SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA 523 523 SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE I 0 373,570 213,570 a I m 1 m TOTAL RESERVES 2,522,637 (509,000) (295,309) 477,500 - 2,195,828 TOTAL RESERVES 1 U1 N cn 30-Jan-14 N N 2 OPERATING- RESERVE&RESERVE FUND CONTRIBUTIONS TOTAL SUMMARY RESERVE FUNDS RESERVES RESERVE RESERVES DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING RATE GENERAL OTHER NAME GENERAL GOVERNMENT FUNDS I CHARGES &INSPECT. STABILIZATION] MUNICIPAL ' NAME Rate Stabilization 801,000 801,000 801,000 Physician Recruitment 60,000 60,000 60,000 IMPACT/ESCROW Debt Retirement 20,936 20,936 20,936 DEBT RETIREMENT RIF Library debt retirement 57,803 57,803 57,803 Growth related studies 144,000 144,000 144,000 Veridian Interest 250,000 250,000 250,000 DC Appeal 36,000 36,000 36,000 Perpetual Care Interest 17,460 17,460 17,460 PERPETUAL CARE FIRE Fire Defibrillator Maint. 10,000 10,000 10,000 FIRE EQUIP OPG MOU-Training 10,000 10,000 10,000 FIRE PREV CLERK Parking Enforcement [match Acc.#7225] 188,762 188,762 188,762 PARKLOT Elections 284,309 - 284,309 284,309 ELECTION COMMUNITY SERVICES South Courtice Debenture 1,074,488 1,074,488 1,074,488 Indoor Soccer Debenture 188,426 188,426 188,426 Newcastle Facility Debenture 1,586,676 1,586,676 1,586,676 PLANNING Heritage Committee 1,000 1,000 1,000 HERITAGERE ENGINEERING Engineering Contribution re Admin.&consulting 330,000 330,000 330,000 Engineering design-growth projects 75,000 75,000 75,000 rn 0 Green Road Debenture 640,000 640,000 640,000 3 m Parks Design 13,500 1.3,500 13,500 c CD m TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO OPERATING L1,789,360 5,494,051 295,309 3,815,893 330,000 801,000 250,000 297,158 295,309 CMB Attachment "G" CLARIN6TON TOURISM MARKUIN6 BOARD December 28, 2013 Municipality of Clarington 44 Temperance Street Bowmanville, ON Attention: Mrs. Marie Marano Director of Corporate Services RE: Funding Request for a Tourism Plan for Clarington Dear Mrs. Marano: Following up on a presentation made by Clarington Tourism Marketing Board (CTMB) to Council on Monday, December 16, 2013, this letter will outline the funding and staffing request to prepare a Tourism Plan for Clarington. There is currently an opportunity through Central Counties Tourism to share the cost in preparing a tourism plan. This would be a written document produced on behalf of Clarington by a group of people representing a broad cross-section of interests within the community. Central Counties contracted a group - Brain Trust - to develop a template for a Tourism Plan, as well as deliver it in various communities. The cost to prepare this document is $13,842.50. Central Counties would share half of this, leaving $6,921.25 for the Municipality's share. The complete proposal and budget are included in my email. In conclusion, CTMB respectfully requests funds to carry out a Tourism Plan for Clarington. Please let me know if you require additional information. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely Sandy Archibald, Vice Chair Clarington Tourism Marketing Board 5-23 cn ClarbgtoiiCENTRAL COUNTIES Community Tourism Development in the Municipality of Clarington Key Contacts and Roles Municipality of Clarington Contact: Clarington Tourism Marketing Board Sandy Archibald,Vice Chair 905-263-2396 archibalds @idirect.com Municipal Staff Representative TBD Role: Key project contacts with consultant team. Identifies community leaders to be members of board/task force that will be involved in the development of the Community Tourism Plan,coordinates all meeting dates,venues,and provides on-going communication with board/task force and council as required. Central Counties Staff Lead: Chuck Thibeault,Executive Director cthibeault@centralcounties.ca 289-846-3652 Role: Provides strategic direction and input. Identifies opportunities for the municipality of Clarington to leverage CCT programs. Brain Trust Consultants: Carolyn O'Donnell, Project Lead carolynodonnell@rogers.com 519-588-7317 Richard Innes,Project Resource and Support. Richard.innes@ sympatico.ca 905-273-6159 Role: Provides strategic direction, recommendations to create an effective task force, prepares all background research to present to group (tourism performance, primary and secondary assets and key markets),facilitates a series of 4 sessions that lead task force through the Community Tourism Planning Guide, prepares draft and final reports and presents(or supports the presentation) of the final report to council as desired by CTMB. Project Geography - Municipality of Clarincgton I = -:A MuJnicci=pallity of Clarington Wig# +dgca�xa�nlar `„� z i Legend Urban H Pro1 7 d Goun1ry1aedc A-A - ! _ Rural —.11I. Greenbelt r! Protected Land L1 J c t_` ... I { o Oak Ridges wpm I j Moraine I 1 N CSl I N Cn Timeline This is a 3 month project DATES BELOW ARE FOR EXAMPLE, SCHEDULE TO BE DISCUSSED Step 1:Organizing the Team—Background and Committee/Task force Establishment Step Task Who Critical Method Timing Outcomes Client Briefing BT, CCT,CTMB Confirm Work Conference call Early February plans, key dates Complete Background BT Understanding Independent community Early February E Research of community visit,desk research, and what has report gathering Q) been done Begin to assemble a CTMB with Identify Guided community tour, Choose leaders by mid February Tourism Committee/Task input from BT Community discussion to identify Force leaders, committee/task force on encourage L Q engagement 0 Introduce Community BT %day session to 3-hour intro session, By End of February Planning Guide brief committee power point presentation members to get (BT), review of full Community Planning understanding Guide and process - Step 2:Tourism Development Work Begins Step Task Who Critical Method Timing Outcomes Initial Working Session BT Understanding 3-hour working session Early March (homework of tourism given to task markets and force) market profiles Second Working Session BT Identifying 3-hour working session Mid March CL o (homework community's given to task tourism assets aU o force) a Third Working Session BT Identify tourism 3-hour working session End of March ° goals and objectives, o ranking ~ objectives and 0 action steps Preliminary Draft Tourism Plan BT Draft Plan BT to produce and Early April circulate 1 week in advance of working conference call cn N J csi I N Co Step 3:Municipal and Public Involvement Step Task Who Critical Method Timing Outcomes Solicit feedback on Draft BT, CTMB, CCT Present to BT to create a power By mid April Tourism Plan municipal point, presentations to a council for be made, report to be � input,solicit circulated to key CU 76 E input from stakeholders a CU businesses, organizations and public Final Plan BT,CTMB,CCT Incorporate BT to write in By End of April L Feedback and consultation with CCT revise and CTMB Step 4:Monitor and Review Activities Step Task Who Critical Method Timing Outcomes Identify timing and CTMB Ensure clear BT to create clear chart End of April o responsibility for follow-up timing and oa3, responsibilities 7;; a� and monitoring L O LL (O Budget rM Client Briefing 5 (U Complete Background Research 0 Establish an Tourism Committee 5 5 Introduce Community Tourism Planning Guide 8 Initial Working Session 8 Second Working Session Third Working Session 5 Preliminary Draft Tourism Plan Review including writing time 24 Solicit Feedback on Draft Tourism Plan 5 Final Plan 10 Identify timing and responsibility for follow-up Professional Fees $11,250 Estimated Expenses $1,000 Subtotal $12,250 HST(13% of fees and expenses) $1,592.50 Payment Schedule VVe would request 30%of the total contract paid once work commences. | oo C1 0 arington Leading the Way February 7, 2014 Mayor and Members of Council Re: 2014 Budget Transmittal We respectfully submit the 2014 budget binder which incorporates summaries, operating budget by department, external agency requests, capital summaries and capital budget by department on a detailed basis. This binder cannot be read in isolation. It is critical to review the Finance department report in conjunction with this detail level. Report FND-002-14 provides the essential resolutions, corporate/overall level commentary and analysis, summaries, as well as addressing specific items referred to the budget process. The commentary provided is an invaluable_tool_to interpreting the budget submitted to you. The 2014 budget represents a stable approach to maintaining existing service levels and addressing identified needs. This is consistent with Council's Strategic Plan, 2011-2014. The Chief Administrative Officer and Director of Finance/Treasurer reviewed budget submissions in detail with each Department Head. Please feel free to contact either of the undersigned or each Department Head to answer specific queries you may have in your review of the budget documents. We trust that you will find this,document, in conjunction with the budget report, FND-002-14, to be a useful decision making tool. Sincerely, Franklin Wu Nancy Taylor, BBA, CPA, CA Chief Administrative Officer Director of Finance/Treasurer /hj I CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARI14OTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 2014 BUDGET CAPITAL CURRENT TOTAL REVENUE: Proposed Tax Levy 4,775,886 40,527,883 45,303,769 Estimated Growth - 1,425,488 1,425,488. Non-Departmental - 12,224,400 12,224,400 Administrator's Office - 2,000 2,000 Legal - 107,000 107,000 Corporate Services 206,900 228,170 435,070 Clerk's 25,000 703,800 728,800 Finance & Unclassified Administration - 1,562,000 1,562,000 Emergency Services- Fire 1,440,000 49,000 1,489,000 Engineering Services 7,273,745 1,359,050 8,632,795 Operations 1,416,000 545,665 1,961,665 Community Services 535,000 4,434,787 4,969,787 Planning Services 63,000 489,500 552,500 Clarington Library Board 1,185,714 - 1,1 85,714 Clarington Museums - - - TOTAL REVENUE- MUNICIPAL ONLY 16,921,245 63,658,743 1 TOTAL CAPITAL& CURRENT REVENUE - MUNICIPAL ONLY 80,579,988 EXPENDITURE: Mayor& Council 906,196 906,196 Administrator's Office - 652,017 652,017 Legal - 470,622 470,622 Corporate Services 379,000 4,746,219 5,125,219 Clerk's 55,000 3,247,027 3,302,027 Finance & Unclassified Administration - 4,796,068 4,796,068 Emergency Services-Fire 1,517,800 10,899,966 12,417,766 Engineering Services 9,475,745 4,125,705 13,601,450 Operations 2,578,500 14,023,549 16,602,049 Community Services 815,200 12,810,915 13,626,115 Planning Services 810,000 3,249,866 4,059,866 Clarington Library Board 1,290,000 2,895,610 4,185,610 Cultural Agencies - 834,983 834,983 TOTAL EXPENDITURE-MUNICIPAL ONLY 16,921,245 63,658,743 TOTAL CAPITAL& CURRENT EXPENDITURE - MUNICIPAL ONLY 80,579,988 Total from Overall Summary in Draft Budget Document $ 41,199,721 Items Not Posted in Budget Worksheets until Final Approval: Tax Levy support to Capital $ 4,375,886 Proposed New Staffing $ 690,000 Reduction in trsf to Fire.Reserve Fund to apply to new Firefighters $ (100,750) Branding Program $ 10,000 CTMB Tourism Plan $ 71000 Animal Services Extended Hours $ 72,400 Additional Operations Roads Capital $ 200,000 Additional Engineering Roads Capital $ 200,000 Ice Storm Recovery Impact $ 75,000 Estimated Assessment Growth (tax levy and education retained) $ (1;425,488) $ 4,104,048 2014 Total Tax Levy $ 45,303,769 2013 Total Tax Levy $ 42,695,528 Net Increase over 2012 $ 2,608,241 Percentage Increase in Budget Report(inclusive of options) 6,11% dn:tr admin/2014 budget/2014 increase breakdown.xlsx 4 Leading the Way THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY LI TY Olt+' C LARI[NG'I[ON 2014 DRAFT OPERATING BUDGET Organizational Chart 5 By-Law in final Summaries 6 Departments 1zevenue 10 Mayor and Council 24 Administration 27 Legal Department 29 Corporate Services 32 Clerks Department 41 Finance/Unclassified Administration 54 Emergency Services 60 Engineering Department 71 Operations Department 81 Community Services 104. Plamming Services 125 Levies/Business Improvement Areas 1.32 Clarington Library 133 Museums and Art 139 External Agencies 161 CORPORA'°t ION O1= THE e;WNICIPALITY OF CLARING 1 ON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 C1arjR,2t0H Leading the Way CORPORATE ORGANIZATION CHART 2014 MAYOR COUNCILLORS CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER Franklin Wu Executive Administrative Assistant to the F Assistant to the Mayor_ Councillors Linda Coutu Corporate Executive Assistant to Janet Dauncey _ the C.A.O. ,.—!�itiative Officer Community Curry Clifford Jane Pascoe Coordinator Heather Keyzers CORPORATE/HUMAN CLERKS COMMUNITY RESOURCES EMERGENCY/FIRE ENGINEERING FINANCE LEGAL OPERATIONS PLANNING DEPARTMENT SERVICES _ _. SERVICES ___ _ SERVICES__ __SERVICES_. DEPARTMENT_ SERVICES_ D_EPARTM_ENT_ __ SERVICES CLERK DIRECTOR . DIRECTOR DIRECTOR DIRECTOR DIRECTOR SOLICITOR DIRECTOR DIRECTOR Patti Barrie Joseph Caruana Marie Marano Gord Weir Tony Cannella Nancy Taylor Andrew Allison Fred Horvath David Crome Mayor Adrian Foster Regional Councillor,Wards 1 and 2 Mary Novak Regional Councillor,Wards 3 and 4 Willie Woo Councillor,Ward 1 Joe Neal Councillor,Ward 2 Ron Hooper Councillor,Ward 3 Corinna Traill Councillor,Ward 4 lWendy Partner MUnicipa"" 'arirnaton' 02103/14 BUDGET I/K IG PAPER ClaringtonniUMMARY 2014 DRAFT _2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTIM1. flesrr;itior. 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (170,710,456.95) (174,201,937.JC) GENERALFUND-.REVENUE (160,133,293.00) (179,292,055.00) (23,576,665.00) 155,715,390.00 (170,710.455.95) (174,201,93x_0_) Total REVENUE (160,133,293.00) (179.292,055.00) (23,576,565.00) 155,715,390.00 EXPENDITURE: 186,220,196.77 172,410,195.98 GENERAL FUND-EXPENDITURE 160,133,293.00 179,292,055.00 64,776,386.00 (114,515,669.00) 186.220,196.77 172,410,195.98 Total EXPENDITURE 160,133.293.00 179.292,055.00 64,776,386.00 (114,515,669.00) 15 509 739.82 179174;_1 fETLEVY 0.00 0.00 41,199,721.00 41,199,721.00 CN MuriClpa;l; T#1aC ABLE ASS I�SSMENT:; IN :.;.;... 1Nt13�liGIP SASE R WON: Pl.[CA�.t 5 5 N7:Y :.:......: 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Residential/Farm/Multi Residential 6,224,471,334 6,363,208,861 6,515,894,620 6,960,416,743 7,359,815,544 7,777,663,382 8,263,183,153 8,703,517,812 9,145,549,158 Commercial/Shopping Class 373,828,581 385,575,567 428,602,384 476,328,553 513,091,922 586,281,554 623,423,008 642,576,625 714,484,461 Industrial/Large Industrial 195,843,446 193,114,646 192,887,073 199,840,763 216,758,375 219,806,120 231,927,832 234,321,912 232,243,646 Pipelines/Managed Forest 47,109,600 46,961,270 48,042,490 51,465,343 55,455,486 57,865,198 51,493,970 62,932,953 66,224,961 Exempt 252,839,149 279,152,269 280,284,268 285,893,561 299,975,387 329,311,901 359,301,315 358,308,861 405,551,067 TOTAL 7,094,092,116 7,268,012,613 7,465,710,835 7,973,944,963 8,445,096,714 8,970,928,155 9,539,329,278 10,001,658,163 10,564,053,293 INCREASE 14.33% 2fQ 6.81% z 6.23% 6 34°/, 62° 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Residential/Farm/Multi Residential 91.0% 91.0% 90.7% 90.5% 90.4% 90.0% 90.0% 90.3% 90.0% Commerical/Industrial/Pipeline/Etc. 9.0% 9.0% 9.30/. 9.5% 9.6% 10.0% 10.0% 9.7% 10.0% TOTAL(excludes exempt) 100.0% 100.0°/ 100.0% J0Q,Q% 100.0°/ 100.0% 100 100.0% 1Q0.0% YEQLtE�t:G(�I4PAi2lSdt+l; t1,I A .RE$�DE IA�'1'AlL t'!A E6E::::: TAX RATE YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR 2006 2007 2003 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2D14 Municipal 0.381 0.414 0.432 0.425 0.422 0.423 0.425 0.430 AT Region 0.689 0.736 0.772 0.768 0.752 0.744 0.738 0.735 FINAL Education 0.264 0.264 0.264 0.252 0.241 0.231 0.221 0.212 TOTAL 1.334 1._414 1.468 1.4.45 1.415 139$ 1.3 1.377 INCREASE IN TAXES(%) YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR 2006* 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Municipal -6.45 8.78 4.19 -1.59 -0.60 0.27 0.46 1.14 AT Region 2.71 6.88 4.83 -0.53 -2.07 -1.13 -0.79 -0.35 FINAL Education -10.81 0.00 0.00 -4_55 -4_37 -4_15 -4_33 -4_07 OVERALL -UR 6106 3.74 -1,57 72.04 4.23 -9.:09 -01 49 APPORTIONMENT OF TAX DOLLAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Municipal $0.27 $0.27 $0.28 $0.27 $0.28 $0.28 $0.29 $0.30 AT Region $0.48 $0.49 $0.49 $0.50 $0.50 $0.50 $0.50 $'0.50 FINAL. Education 0.25 $0.24 $0.23 $0.23 $0.22 $0.22 $0.21 $0.20 9;7 99 S1.00 Si-0-0, "49 =0 $1.0-0 * 2006 was a reassessment year,2009 to 2012 represent a four year phase-in of reassessment values,2C13 to 2016 also is a four-year phase-in Municipalit rington 02/03/14 BUDGET WG._ S PAPERS Clarington:NON-DEPARTMENTAL 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET, 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (45,548,780.98) (48,569,544.03) MUNICIPAL TAXATION-REVENUE (45,077,856.00} (47,507,027.00) (4,836,523.00) 42,670,50400 (72,577,830.70) (75,974,366.87) REGIONAL TAXATION-REVENUE (71,043,527.00) (74,106,980.00). (1,108,852.00) 72,998,108.00 (27,773,276.01) (28,534,919.01) SCHOOL BOARD TAXATION}-REVENUE (27,269,796.00) (27,816,019.00) (569,943.00) 27,246;076.00 (25,399.08) (25,399.08) LOCAL IMPROVEMENT TAXATION-REVENUE (25,399.00) (26,269.00) (2,498.00} 23,771.00 (184,499.92) (184,558.51) BIATAXATION-REVENUE (184,500.00) (184,500.00) (190,000.00) (5,500.00) (105,054.90) (37,221.93) GRANTS-REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (132,121.42) (41,234.62) FEES SERV.CHGS-OTHER MUN.-REVENUE (28,600.00) (23,000.00) (33,000.00) (10,000.00) (300,964.96) (305,352.79) FEES SERV.CHGS-AGGREGATE ANNUAL FEES-REVENUE (270,000.00) (280,000.00) (280,000.00) 0.00 (11,464,492.06) (5,630,776.39) CONTRIBUTIONS-REVENUE (5,779,734.00) (5,324,954.00) (5,753,360.00) (428,406.00) (83,844.48) (119,650.07) RENTAL-INCOME-REVENUE (83,591.00) (86,853.00) (85,317.00) 1,536.00 (158,112.66) (98,486.00) FINES-REVENUE (90,000.00) (90,000.00) (97,000.00) (7,000.00) (1,242,636.64) (1,203,669.03) INVESTMENT INCOME-REVENUE (1,105,636.00) (1,089,200.00) (1,139,200.00) (50,000.00) (233.85) (33.92) OTHER-REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (159,597,247.66) (160,725,212.25) Total REVENUE (150,958,639.00) (156',534,782.00) (14,095,693.00) 142,439,089.00 (159,597,247.66) (160,725,212.25) NET LEVY (150,958,639.00) (156,534,782.00) (14,095,693.00) 142,439,089.00 r- O Municipalitt ington 02103/14 BUDGET WO', PAPERS Clarington:W kCIPAL TAXATI 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (39,034,480.81) (41,393,753.10) 100-05-220-10538-6100 TAXATION-MUNICIPAL (39,034,48100) (41,393,756.00) 0.00 41,393,756..00 (783,266.54) (910,431.62) 100-05-220-10538-6101 TAXATION,SUPPLEMENTARIES-Mb N. (575,000.00) (575,000.00) (600,000.00) (25,000.00) (1,265,432.02) (1,294,962.67) 100-05-220-10538-6102 TAXATION,PIL-MUN. (1,265,433.00) (1,301,772.00) 0.00 1,301,772.00 (1,900,327.10) (2,233,563.58) 100-05-220-10538-6103 TAXATION",PIL-EDUCATION RETAINED (1,750,329.00) (1,783,866.00) (1,783,866.00) 0.00 0.00 (165,512.88) 100-05-220-10538-6104 TAX-SUPP-PIL--MUN. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2,562,642.04) (2,568,662.95) 100-05,-220-10538-6111 TAXATION—RIGHT OF WAY-MUNICIPA (2,450,000.00) (2,450,000.00) (2,450,000.00) 0.00 (2,632.47) (2,657.23) 100-05-220-10538-6112 TAXATION—HEADS&BEDS-MUNICIPA (2,612.00) (2,633.00) (2,657.00) (24.00) (45,548,780.98) (48,569,544.03) Total REVENUE (45,077,856.00)_ (47,507,027.00) (4,836,523.00) 42,670,504.00 (45,548,780.98) (48,569,544.03) NET LEVY (45;077,856.00) (47,507,027.00) (4,836,523.00) 42,670,504.00 r--1 W Municipalit, -arington 02/03/14 BUDGET WO. /G PAPERS Clarington:REGTONAL TAXATIO — 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (67,727,897.18) (70,766,574.44) 100-05-221-10540-6100 TAXATION-REGION (67,727,900.00) (70,766,572.00) 0.00 70,766,572.00 (1,361,622.14) (1,561,906.60) 100-05-221-10540-6101 TAXATION,SUPP LEMENTARI ES-REGI 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2,195,625.20) .(2,213,863.84) 100-05-221-10540-6102 TAXATION,PIL-REGION (2,195,623.00) (2,225,504.00) 0.00 2,225,504.00 0.00 (282,960.17) 100-05-221-1054A-6104 TAX-SUPP-PIL—REGION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (177,789.00) (40,210.29) 100-05-221-1054-6110 TAXATION—CAPPING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1•,110,329.65) (1,104,308.76) 100-05-221-1051-6111 TAXATION—RIGHT OF WAY-REGION (1,115,416.00) (1,110,317.00) (1,104,309.00) 6,008.00 (4,567.53) (4,542.77) 100-05-221-10540-6112 TAXATION—HEADS&BEDS-REGION (4,588.00) (4,567.00) (4,543.00) 24.00 (72,577,830.70) (75,974,366.87) Total REVENUE (71,043,527.00) (74,106,960.00) (1,108,852.00) 72,998,108.00 (72,577,830.70) (75,974,366.87) NET LEVY (71,043,527.00) (74,106,960.00) (1,108,852.00) 72,998,108.00 N Municipality, ington 02/03114 BUDGET WO. i RAPERS Clarington:SCHOOC BOARD TAX - 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 20i3 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (26,614,905.26) (27,152,007.00) 100-05-223-00000-6100 TAXATION-SCHOOL BOARD (26,614,903.00) (27,152,004.00) 0.00 27,152,004.00 (503,477.57) (718,896.83) 100-05-223-00000-6101 TAXATION,SUPPLEMENTARIES-SCHO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0:00 (84,950.00) (94,072.00) 100-05-223-00000-6102 TAXATION;PIL-SCHOOL BD. (84,950.00) (94,072.00) 0.00 94,072.00 (414,371.48) (410,114.02) 100-05-223-10545-6111 TAXATION--RIGHT OF WAY-ENGRUBL (416,298.00) (414,371.00) (410,114.00) 4,257.00 (152,095.04) (155,452.00) 100-05-223-10550-6111 TAXATION—RIGHT OF WAY-ENG.SEP (150,328.00) (152,095.00) (155,452.00) (3,357.00) (3,476.66) (4,377.16) 100-05-223-10560-6111 TAXATION--RIGHT OF WAY-FREN.SEP (3,317.00) (3,477.00) (4,377.00) (900.00) (27,773,276.01) (28,534,919:01) Total REVENUE (27,269,796.00) (27,816,019.00) (569,943.00) 27,246,076.00 (27,773,276.01) (28,534,919.01) NET LEVY (27,260,796.00) (27,816,019.00) (569,943.00). 27,246,076.00 co Municipality 'irington BUDGETWO;. GPAPERS 02/03!14 Ciarington:LOCALIMPRO VEMEN 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL -_Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE (25,399.08) REVENUE: (25,399.08) 100-05-225-10540-6121 LOCAL IMP LEVY-NEWCASTLE SEWE (25 399.08) (25 399 (25,399.00) (26,269.00) (2,498.00) 23,771.00 08) Total REVENUE (25,399 OS) (25,399.0 8) (25,399,00) _ (26 269.00) (2,498 00) 23 771.00 399 8) NET LEVY (25,399.00) '(26,269.00 (2,4 00) 23,771-00 Municipali' 'ngton 02103/14 BUDGET W1- i PAPERS ClaringtoniBIA TAXATION -- 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (148,500.01) (148,500.57) 10.0-05-227-10565-6106 B.I.A.-BOWMANVILLE-TAX LEVY (148,500.00) (148,500.00) (154,000.00) (5,500.00) (29,999.93) (30,058.04). 100-05-227-10566-6106 B.I.A.-NEWCASTLE-TAX LEVY (30,000.00) (30,000.00) (30,000.00) 0.00 (5,999.98) (5,999.90) 100-05-227-10567-6106 B.I.A.-ORONO-TAX LEVY (6,000.00) (6,000.00) (6,000.00) 0.00 (184,499.92) (184,558.51} Total REVENUE (184,500.00) (184.500.00) (190,000.00) (5,500.00) (184,499.92) (184,558.51) NET LEVY (184,500.00) (184,500.00) (190 000.00) (5,500.00) t-� Municipalit 'arington 02103/14 _ BUDGET WC. ✓G PAPHkS Cladngt&n GRANTS 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (22,554.90) (37,221.93) 100-05-230-10006-6200 GRANTS-CANADA-NON RECURRING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (82,500.00) 0.00 100-05-230-10008-6201 GRANTS-PROVINCIAL-NON RECUR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (105,054.90) (37,221.93) Total REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (105,054.90) (37,221.93) NET LEVY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 a, Municipalit `ngton 02/03/14 BUDGET WC., 1 PAPER. Clarington-FEES-SERV.CkGS-0 — 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (92,244.56) (14,232.62) 100-05-235-00000-6402 FEES&S/C-OTHER MUNICIPALITIES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (39,876.86) (27,002.00) 100-05-235-10540-6401 FEES&S/C-REGION OF DURHAM (28,600.00) (23,000.00) (33,000.00) (10,000.00) (132,121.42) (41,234.62) Total REVENUE (28,600.00} (23,000.00) (33,000.00) (10,000.00) (132,121.42) (41,234.62) NET LEVY (28,600.00) _ (23 000.00) (33,000.00) (10 000.00) J 02/03/14 Municipalit, arington BUDGET Wo." 16 PAPERS Ciarington:FEES-SEAtV.GHGS-A 2014 DRAFT INCREASE 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Descri tion REVENUE: 270,000.00) (280,000.00) 280,000.00) 0.00 305,352.79) 100-05-237435005-6400 FEES&SIC-AGGREGATE ANNUAL F ( 280 000.00 0.00 (300,964.96) ( (270,000.2-0) 280 000.00 1��---� (305,352.79) Total REVENUE (300 964.96) (280 000.00) 0.00 (270�00� (280,000-02) �---- (300 964.96 (306352-79) NET LEVY s Municipalit, rington 02103/14 BUDGET WO. S PAPERS Clarington:CON i RIBUTIONS 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: 59,199.00 (2,568.63) 100-05-250-00000-6590 PROCEEDS FROM DISPOSAL OF ASS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (514,984.86) (18,592.27) 100-05-250-00000-6601 CONTRIB.-RES.TO GEN. (35,000.00) (10,900.00) (295,309.00) (284,409.00) (6,457,271.00) (5,495,083,22) 100-05-250-00000-6651 CONTRIB.-R/F TO GEN. (5,744,734.00) (5,290,697.00) (5,440,591.00) (149,894.00) (45,391.01) (5,628.71) 100-05-250-00000-6660 CONTRIB.FR:CAPITAL FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (23,357.00) 100-05-250-00000-6701 CONTRIB:TRUST FUNDS TO GF 0.00 (23,357.00) (17,460.00) 5,897.00 (3,120,476.19) (85;546:56) 100-05-250-00000-6770 CONTRIBUTION-OTHERS(DONATIONS) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1,385,568.00) 0.00 100-05-250-10019-6775 CONTRIB.FR:VERIDIAN-PROFIT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (11,464,492.06) (5,630,776.39) Total REVENUE (5,779,734.00) (5,324,954.00) (5,753,360.00) (428,406.00) (11,464,492.06) (5,630,776.39) NET LEVY (5,779,734.00) !(5,324,954.00) (5,7531360.00) (428,406.00) \O Municipalit 'arington 02/03114 BUDGET (,. ' >/G P APERS� Clarington:RENTAL INCOME - 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (53,356.38) (88,646.92) 1100-05-238-00000-651 1 RENTAL REV.-OTHER RENTAL REV. (53,242.00) (55,882.00) (54,343.00) 1,539.00 (28,978.52) (29,493.56) 100-05-238-10156-6511 RENTAL REV-132 CHURCH ST BOW (28,883.00) (29,461.00) (29,464.00) (3.00) (1,509.58) (1,509.59) 100-05-238-10159C6511 RENTAL REV.-BEECH CENTRE (1,466.00) (1,510.00) (1,510.00) 0.00 (83,844:48) (119,650.07) Total REVENUE (83,591.00) (86,853.00) (85,317.00) 1,536.00 (83,844.48) (119,650.07) NET LEVY (83,591.00) (86,853.00 (85,317.00) 1,536.00 O Municipalit, ington BUDGET WO., .7 PAPERS 02103/14 Claringt6mr-IINES 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (158,112.66) (98,486.00) 100-05-240-10540=6506FINES-PROV.OFFENCESACT (90,000.00) (90,000.00) (97,000.00) (7,000.00) (158,112.66) (98 486.00) Total REVENUE _ (90,000.00 (90 000.00) (97 000.00) _ (7,000,00) (158 112.66) _ (98,486.00) NET LEVY _ (90 000.00) (90,000.0T (97 000.00) (7,000,00 Municipalib 3rington 02/33/14 BUDGET WO. /G PAPERS Clarington:INVEST7MENT INCOM 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (352,094.84) (314,469.03) 100-05-245-01001-6540 INVESTMENT INCOME-OWN FUNDS (200,000.00) (200,000.00) (250,000.00) (50,00P.00) (639,200.00) (639,200.00) 100-05-245-10019-6540 INVESTMENT INCOME-VERIDIAN DI (639,200.00) (639,200.00) (639,200.00) 0.00 (250,000.00) (250,000.00) 100-05-245-10175-6540 INVESTMENT INCOME-PORT GRAN (250,000.00) (250,000.00) (250,000.00) 0.00 (2,327.29) 0.00 100-05-245-10416-6540 INVESTMENT INTEREST-BOW CEM (13,605.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 479.04 0.00 100-05-245-10418-6540 INVESTMENT INTEREST-BONDHEA (1,911.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (17.24) 0.00 100-05-245-10421-6540 INVESTMENT INTEREST-ADVENT (11.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (35.99) 0.00 100-05-245-10422-6540 INVESTMENT INTEREST-TRULL'S (22.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (155.27) 0.00 100-05-245-10423-6540 INVESTMENT INTEREST-LOVEKIN (125.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 714.95 0.00 100-05=245-10426-6540 INVESTMENT INTEREST-ST.GEOR (762.00) 0,00 0.00 ;4.00 (1,242,636.64) (1,203,669.03) Total REVENUE (1;105,636.00) (1,089,200.00) (1,139,200.00) (50,000.00) (1,242,636.64) (1,203,669.03) NETLEVY (1,105,636..D0 ) ,(1,089,200.00) (1,139,200.00) (50,000.00) iJ N Municipal' arington 02/03/14 BUDGET Wk. .G PAPERS Clarington:OTHER 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (233.85) (33.92) 1 00-05-255-30646-6400 DISCOUNTS TAKEN FEE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (233.85) (33.92) Total REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (233.85) (33.92) NET LEVY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 . N W Municipality -ington 02/03/14 BUDGET W0,.1- ;PAPERS Claringto MAYOR 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 377,321.95 370,359.42 MAYOR-EXPENDITURE 403,108.00 411,340.00 425,630.00 14,290.00 423,161.58 425,949.56 COUNCIL-EXPENDITURE 452,132.00 459,393.00 480,566.00 21,173.00 800,483.53 796,308.98 Total EXPENDITURE 855.240.00 870,733.00 906,196.00 35,463.00 800,483.53 796,308.98 NET LEVY 855,240.00 870,733.00 906,196.00 35,463.00 Iv .- Municipalit -ington 02/03/14 BUDGET WC i PAPERS Claringto-mmAYOR - 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 174,349.18 176,958.18 100-10-100-00000-7001 MAYOR'S-SALARY F/T 170,058.00 173,971.00 177,450.00 3,479.00 6,756.20 0.00 100-10-100-00000-7015 MAYOR'S-WAGES STUDENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 91,784.04 86,762.38 100-10-100-00000-7040 MAYOR'S-ELECT OFFICIAL REMUN 91,367.00 93,469.00 100,727.00 7,258.00 4,294.26 4,100.23 100-10-100-00000-7050 MAYOR'S-EHT 4,924.00 5,037.00 5,137.00 100.00 18,198.73 18,013.52 100-10-100-00000-7051 MAYOR'S-OMERS 23,003.00 26,125.00 26,686.00 561.00 7,257.62 7,496.98 100-10-100-00000-7052 MAYOR'S-CPP 6,653.00 6,920.00 7,069.00 149.00 2,358.47 2,537.64 100-1,0-100-00000-7053 MAYOR'S-El 2,203.00 2,352.00 2,495.00 143.00 27,731.13 27,393.96 100-10-100-00000-7054 MAYOR'S-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 28,856.00 27,383.00 29,813.00 2,430.00 3,513.14 3,732.36 100-10-100-00000-7058 MAYOR'S-WSIB 3,491.00 3,530.00 3,700.00 170.00 3,854.72 5,565.24 100-10-100-00000-7101 MAYOR'S-OFF SUPPLIES 5,305.00 5,305.00 5,305.00 0.00 250.39 486.36 100-10-100-00000-7132 MAYOR'S-PHONE/FAX 1,008.00 1,008.00 1,008.00 0.00 381.79 623.70 100-10-100-00000-7181 MAYOR'S-BOOKS/PERIODICALS 268.00 268.00 268.00 0.00 638.92 945.31 100-10-100-00000-7186 MAYOR'S-POST/COUR/FRT 1,061.00 1,061.00 - 1,061.00 0.00 421.42 1,421.48 100-10-100-00000-7189 MAYOR'S OFFICE-ADV'T 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 361.25 384.94 100-10-100-00000-7200 MAYOR'S-MEMB/DUES 530.00 530.00 530.00 0.00 3,496.72 2,410.08 100-10-100-00000-7201 MAYOR'S-CONFERENCES 7,957.00 7,957.00 7,957.00 0.00 10,620.16 12,511.33 100-10-100-00000-7202 MAYOR'S-TRAVEL EXP(payroll only) 11,670.00 11,670.00 11,670.00 0.00 . 407.04 0.00 100-10-100-00000-7203 MAYOR'S-STAFF DEV 6,365.00 6,365.00 6,365.00 0.00 10,619.57 9,470.30 100-10-100-00000-7205 MAYOR'S-RECEPTION 15,847.00 15,847.00 15,847.00 0.00 6,718.65 7,681.00 100-10-100-00000-7207 MAYOR'S-OFFICE EXP 91890.00 9,890.00 9,890.00 0.00 449.09 3.24 100-10-100-00000-7299 MAYOR'S-MISC EXPENSE 530.00 530.00 530.00 0.00 2,859.46 0.00 100-10-100-00000-7416 MAYOR'S-TRSF TO RES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,861.19 100-10-100-00000-7506 MAYOR'S-FURNITURE/FIXTURES 2,122.00 2,122.00 2,122.00 0.00 377,321.95 370,359.42 Total EXPENDITURE 403,108.00 411,340.00 425,630.00 14,290.00 377,321.95 370,359.42 NET LEVY 403,108.00 411,340.00 425,630.00 14,290.00 tin J v, Municipalit, wington 02103/14 HUDGVT WO, JG PAPERS Cllaringtoee:COUNCIL - 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 73,585.99 75,056.47 100-10-105-00000-7001 COUNCIL-SALARY F/T 71,631.00 73,279.00 74,745.00 1,466.00 217,054.50 208,228.48 100-10-105-00000-7040 COUNCIL-ELECT OFFICIAL REMUN 219,282.00 224,326.00 233,351.00 9,025.00 3,911.94 3,430.43 100-10-105-00000-7050 COUNCIL-EHT 5,255.00 5,376.00 5,484.00 108.00 9,545.75 6,502.29 100-10-105-00000-7051 COUNCIL-OMERS 17,936.00 20,038.00 .20,438.00 400.00 7,269.56 6,079.58 100-10-105-00000-7052 COUNCIL-CPP 8,954.00 8,292.00 8,476.00 184.00 1,178.70 1,268.82 100-10-105-00000-7053 COUNCIL-El 1,101.00 1,176.00 1,248.00 72.00 55,015.27 54,260.05 100-10-105-00000-7054 COUNCIL-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 57,254.00 54,251.00 56,600.00 2,349.00 1,578.94 1,697.02 100-10-105-00000-7058 COUNCIL-WSIB 1,569.00 1,605.00 1,674.00 69.00 863.09 2,006.44 100-10-105-00000-7101 COUNCIL-OFF SUPPLIES 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 3,091.88 5,306.78 100-10-105-00000-7132 COUNCIL-PHONE/FAX 7,500.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 0.00 398.81 275.35 100-10-105-00000-7181 COUNCIL-BOOKS/PERIODICALS 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 8.15 18.50 100-10-105-00000-7186 COUNCIL-POST/COUR/FRT 50.00 50.00 50.00 0.00 9,089.72 14,137.47 100-10-105-00000-7201 COUNCIL-CONFERENCES 12,000.00 12,000.00 13,000.00 1,000.00 38,416.44 43,614.00 100-10-105-00000-7202 COUNCIL-TRAVEL EXP(payroll only) 40,000.00 40,000.00 46,000.00 6,000.00 0.00 1,962.76 100-10-105-00000-7203 COUNCIL-STAFF DEV 1,500.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 500.00 2,152.84 2,105.12 100-10-105-00000-7299 COUNCIL-MISC EXPENSE 3,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-10-105-00000-7506 COUNCIL-FURNITURE/FIXTURES 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 423,161.58 425,949.56 Total EXPENDITURE 452,132.00 459,393.00 480,566.00 21,173.00 423,161.58 425.949.56 NET LEVY 452,132.00 459,393.00 480,566.00 21,173.00 ON Municipal wington 02/03/14 BUDGET WL G PAPERS Clarington:ADM tNISTRATOR`S 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (1,000.00) (2,329.07) ADMINISTRATION-REVENUE (12,000.00) (12,000.00) (2,000.00) 10,000.00 (1,.000.00) (2,329.07) Total REVENUE (12,000.00) (12,000.00) (2,000.00) 10,000.00 EXPENDITURE: 530,788.38 595,482.52 ADMINISTRATION-EXPENDITURE 505,308.00 610,176.00 652,017.00 41,841.00 530,788.38 595,482.52 Total EXPENDITURE 505.308.00 610,176.00 652,017.00 41,841.00 529,788.38 593,153.45 NET LEVY 493,308.00 598,176.00 650,017.00 51,841.00 V v MunicipF 3rington 02103114 BUDGET 14 G PAPERS Clarington:AD MINISTRATION 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (1,000.00) (2,329.07) 100-13-130-00000-6400 ADMIN- MISC REVENUE (12,000.00) (12,000.00) (2,000.00) 10,000.00 (1,000.00) (2,329.07) Total REVENUE (12,000.00) (12,000.00) (2,000.00) 10,000.00 EXPENDITURE: 384,415.65 436,509.78 100-13-130-00000-7001 ADMIN-SALARY FIT 350,100.00 419,403.00 451,120.00 31,717.00 6,951.13 8,304.45 100-13-130-00000-7050 ADMIN-EHT 6,827.00 8,179.00 8,740.00 561.00 35,144.78 51,766.00 100-13-130-00000-7051 ADMIN-OMERS 35,187.00 52,816.00 56,856.00 4,040.00 6,992.53 7,496.98 100-13-130-00000-7052 ADMIN-CPP 6,410.00 6,920.00 7,069.00 149.00 3,459.01 3,806.51 100-13-130-00000-7053 ADMIN-El 3,231.00 3,528.00 3,743.00 215.00 27,688.90 34,090.91 ,100-13-130-00000-7054 ADMIN-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 28,371.00 33,262.00 38,137.00 4,875.00 4,510.41 5,675.74 100-13-130-00000-7058 ADMIN-WSIB 4,482.00 5,368.00 5,652.00 284.00 2,774.93 1,291.39 100-13-130-00000-7101 ADMIN-OFFICE SUPPLIES 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 432.48 0.00 100-13-130-00000-7161 ADMIN-PROF FEES 12,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 0.00 410.14 0.00 100-13-130-00000-7174 ADMIN-R/M OFF EQUIP 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 672.37 351.55 100-13-130-00000-7181 ADMIN-BOOKS/PERIODICALS 600.00 600.00 600.00 0.00 0.00 70.84 100-13-130-00000-7186 ADMIN-POST/COUR/FRT 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 2,889.52 3,449.35 100-13-130-00000-7200 ADMIN-MEMB/DUES 3,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 10,689.88 10,933.09 100-13-130-00000-7202 ADMIN-TRAVEL EXP 9,500.00 11,500.00 11,500.00 0.00 8,805.00 8,766.93 100-13-130-00000-7203 ADMIN-STAFF DEV 10,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 0.00 5,880.99 2,244.18 100-13-130-00000-7205 ADMIN-RECEPTION 7,500.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 0.00 14,518.36 18,558.77 100-13-130-00000-7208 ADMIN-STAFF RECOGNITION 20,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 0.00 845.20 497.42 100-13-130-00000-7299 ADMIN-MISC EXPENSE 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 11,567.52 0.00 100-13-130-00000-7416 ADMIN-TRSF TO RES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,139.58 1,668.63 100-13-130-00000-7505 ADMIN-OTHER EQUIP PURCH 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 530,788.38 595.482.52 Total EXPENDITURE 505,308.00 610,176.00 652,017.00 41.841.00 529,788.38 593,153.45 NETLE\{Y 493,308.00 598,176.00 650,017.00 51,841.00 b LEGAL SERVICES ORGANIZATION CHART 2014 Clam n Leading he Way y MUNICIPAL SOLICITOR Andy Allison -F LAW _ CLERK _ _ .loarine Bachard Staff Complement Non-Affiliated 2 Union-Italicized 0 Part-time 0 Total 0 Municipality 'ington 02/03/14 BUDGET WO, 'PAPERS Clarington:LEGAL uEPARTMENT 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (96,937.20) (107,736.23) LEGAL-REVENUE (176,000.00) (128,000.00) (107,000,00) 21,000.00 (96,937.20) (107,736.23) Total REVENUE (176,000.00) (128,000.00) (107,000.00) 21,000.00 EXPENDITURE: 587,822.22 576,481.74 LEGAL-EXPENDITURE 544,592.00 532,088.00 470,622.00 (61,466.00) 587,822.22 576,481.74 Total EXPENDITURE 544,592.00 532,088:00 470,622.00 (61,466.00) 490,885.02 468,745.51 NET LEVY 368,592.00 404,088.00 363;622.00 (40.466.00) ' W 0 Municipali' ngtcn 02/03/14 BUDGET DYL PAPERS Clarington:LEGAL 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (19,245.99) (24,950.00) 100-14-130-00000-6400 LEGAL ADMIN-MISC.REV (15,000.00) (25,000.00) (25,000.00) 0.00 (31,837.96) (51,740.33) 100-14-130-00000-6460 LEGAL ADMIN-PLAN AGREEMENT F (56,000.00) (30,000.00) (30,000.00) 0.00 (452.00) (125.00) 100-14-130-00000-6461 LEGAL ADMIN-ENG AGREEMENT FE (2,000.00) (2,000.00) (1,000.00) 1,000.00 (24,265.76) (6,894.90) 100-14-130-00000-6462 LEGAL ADMIN-PROF.FEE RECOVER (60,000.00) (30,000.00) (10,000.00) 20,000.00 (5,665.73) (9,622.09) 100-14-130-00000-6463 LEGAL ADMIN-DISBURSEMENT RE (7,000.00) (5,000.00) (5,.000.00) 0.00 (15,469.76) (14,403.91) 100-14-130-00000-6651 LEGAL-CONTRIB.-R/F TOGEN. (36,000.00) (36,000.00) (36,000.00) 0.00 (96,937.20) (107,736.23) Total REVENUE (176,000.00) (128.000.00) (107,000.00) 21,000.00 EXPENDITURE: 246,961.98 253,823.29 100-14-130-00000-7001 LEGAL ADMIN-SALARY F/T 236,547.00 241,988.00 246,828.00 4;840.00 4,696.89 4,791.40 100-14-130-00000-7050 LEGAL ADMIN-EHT 4,613.00 4,719.00 4,813.0 94.00 25,969.81 29,128.17 100-14-130-00000-7051 LEGAL ADMIN-OMERS 18,936.00 29,719.00 30,314.00 595.00 4,838.06 4,997.64 100-14-130-00000-7052 LEGAL ADMIN-CPP 4,435.00 4,613.00 4,712.00 99.00 2,358.47 2,537.64 100-14-130-00000-7053 LEGAL ADMIN-El 2,203.00 2,352.00 2,495.00 143.00 21,864.38 22,041.93 100-14-130-00000-7054 LEGAL ADMIN-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 22,403.00 21,506.00 23,955.00 2,449.00 3,379.29 3,588.58 100-14-130-00000-7058 LEGAL ADMIN-WSIB 3,358.00 3,394.00 3,558.00 164.00 3,576.01 2,647.99 100-14-130-00000-7101 LEGAL ADMIN-OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,000.00 3,OOO.OU 3,000.00 0.00 19,169.48 17,454.20 100-14-130-00000-7115 LEGAL ADMIN-CONVEYANCE EXP 13,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 151,474.26 71,017.64 100-14-130-00000-7161 LEGAL ADMIN-PROF FEES 76,300.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 0.00 2,582.26 3,053.73 100-14-130-00000-7181 LEGAL ADMIN-BOOKS/PERIODICALS 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 203.64 229.69 100-14-130-00000-7186 LEGAL ADMIN-POST/COUR/FRT 300.00 300.00 300.00 0.00 2,840.92 2,665.02 100-14-130-00000-7200 LEGAL ADMIN-MEMB/DUES 2,850.00 2,850.00 3,000.00 150.00 754.18, 1,202.78 100-14-130-00000-7202 LEGAL ADMIN-TRAVEL EXP 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 1,408.48 606.43 100-14-130-00000-7203 LEGALADMIN-STAFF DEV 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 39,921.63 24,198.81 100-14-130-00000-7224 LEGAL ADMIN-PROF FEES RECOV'B 100,000.00 70,000.00 50,000.00 (20,000.00) 5,822.48 82,496.80 100-14-130-00000-7299 LEGAL ADMIN-MISC EXPENSE 1,647.00 1,647.00. 1,647.00 0.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 100-14-130-00000-7416 LEGAL ADMIN-TRSF TO RES 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 (50,000.00) 587,822.22 576,481.74 Total EXPENDITURE 544,592.00 532,088.00 470,622.00 (61,466.00) 490,885.02 468,745.51 NET LEVY 368,592.00 404,088.00 363,622.00 (40,466.00) W CORPORATE SERVICES/HUMAN RESOURCES ORGANIZATION CHART 2014 orlarin n Leading tire Way DIRECTOR Marie Marano INFORMATION HUMAN COMPENSATION HEALTH AND MANAGER OF PURCHASING TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES &BENEFITS SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER MANAGER SUPERVISOR SUPERVISOR CO-ORDINATOR AND TOURISM ASSISTANT --------.. ..--------- --------- ......---- -----------.. ..----------- ----- ----- Jerry Barber Rob Van Dyk Lisa Wheller Jackelyn Forsey Mike McCron Jennifer Cooke Gerry Jordan _Sr._Buyer Network Employee Relations Communications Sandra McKee Administrator_ Representatives _Co-ordinator _ Jim Anderson Adrienne Nazarko Jennifer Stycuk —-Buyer I .. Shard Dyer Jan Vreeker . Brigitta Harris Database A_d_ministrator Communications./ John Zheng RESPONSIBILITIES: Information Clerk Clerk H _ Human Resources Kim Macdonald Steve Grigg G.I.S. Payroll&Benefit Administration Alison Jeschke Analyst—- Corporate Advertising Purchasing Clerk Scott Stoldt Customer/Reception Web Technician Becky Rogers Tenders/Purchasing Adam Labijak Network Information Technology _Analyst_ _ Tourism Promotion Elizabeth Taylor Communication Tourism_Officers Jason Douglas Corporate Health&Safety Eleanor Cook(P/T) Shaun Novak Joanne Draper(P/T) Network Support Staff Complement —Technician__ Non-Affiliated 12 Department Head Backup- Cindy Ll Union-Italicized 14 Chief Administrative Officer Part-time 2 Total 28 Municipalit -ington 02/03/14 BUDGET Wf, i PAPERS Clarington:COREuRATE SERVIC 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (151,159.92) (125,863.32) ADMINISTRATION-REVENUE (3,000.00) (3,000.00) (3,000.00) 0.00 (157,806.33) (208,443.05) COMMUNICATIONS&MARKETING-REVENUE (164,839.00) (218,094.00) (225,170.00) (7,076.00) (308,966.25) (334,306.37) Total REVENUE (167,839.00) (221,094.00) (228,170.00) (7,076.00) EXPENDITURE: 217,516.53 221,789.52 ADMINISTRATION-EXPENDITURE 237,250.00 207,900.00 217,700.00. 9,800.00 1,285,531.47 1,207,957.82 HUMAN RESOURCES PAYROLL-EXPENDITURE 1,239,011.00 1,317,659.00 1,415,808.00 98,149.00 1,077,975.12 1,109,071.68 COMMUNICATIONS&MARKETING-EXPENDITURE 1,016,253.00 1,093,277.00 1,166,213.00 72,936.00 1,330,780.34 1,365,199.07 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY-EXPENDITURE 1,351,022.00 1,389,470.00 1,303,232.00 . (86,238.00) 437,022.88 448,425.46 PURCHASING-EXPENDITURE 438,743.00 452,186.00 466,566.00 14,380.00 29,107.41 25,923.75 HEALTH&SAFETY-EXPENDITURE 28,100.00 30,600.00 34,700.00 4,100.00 4,377,933.75 4,378,367.30 Total EXPENDITURE 4,310,379.00 4,491,092.00 4,604,219.00 113,127.00 4,068,967.50 4,044,060.93 NET LEVY 4,142,540.00 4,269,998.00 4,376,049.00 106,051.00 Li W Municipality -ington 02103/14 BUDGET WC. ;PAPERS Claringto mAD M1iv1STRATION 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (151,159.92) (125,863.32) 100-16-130-30643-6400 CORP SERV-MISC REVENUE (3,000.00) (3,000.00) (3,000.00) 0.00 (151,159.92) (125,863.32) Total REVENUE (3,000.00) (3,000.00) (3,000.00) 0.00 EXPENDITURE: 13,226.55 11,246.86 100-16-130-00000-7101 CORP SERV ADMIN-OFF SUPPLIES 14,500.00 14,500.00 14,000.00 (500.00) 2,387.49 2,575.04 100-16-130-00000-7112 CORP SERV ADMIN-MISC OPER/SH 3,500.00 3,700.00 3,700.00 0.00 106,073.92 121,486.62 100-16-130-00000-7132 CORP SERV ADMIN-PHONE/FAX 120,000.00 110,000.00 115,000.00 5,000.00 18,218.80 0.00 100-16-130-00000-7160 CORP SERV ADMIN-CONSULTING 25,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 91.58 0.00 100-16-130-00000-7174 CORP SERV ADMIN-R/M OFF EQUIP 250.00 300.00 300.00 0.00 1,472.47 1,659.44 100-16-130-00000-7186 CORP SERV ADMIN-POST/COUR/FRT 2,000.00 2,200.00 2,200.00 0.00 2,172.74 0.00 100-16-130-00000-7416 CORP SERV ADMIN-TRSF TO RES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-16-130-00000-7505 CORP SERV ADMIN-OTHER EQUIP 500.00 750.00 500.00 (250.00) 2,028.94 670.60 100-16-130-00000-7506 CORP SERV ADMIN-FURNITURE/F] 1,500.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 71,844.04 84,150.96 100-16-130-00000-7520 CORP SERV ADMIN-OTHER CAP(NO 70,000.00 74,450.00 80,000.00 5,550.00 217,516.53 221,789.52 Total EXPENDITURE 237,250.00 207,900.00 217,700.00 9,800.00 66,356.61 95,926.20 NET LEVY 234,250.00 204,900.00 214,700.00 9,800.00 W Municipalit, arington 02/03/14 BUDGET WO IG PAPERS Clarington:HUMwN RESOURCES 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 660,450.24 588,020.76 100-16-160-00000-7001 H/R-SALARY FIT 676,913.00 687,609.00 701,227.00 13,618.00 13,347.39 13,613.62 100-16-160-00000-7050 H/R-EHT 13,109.00 13,408.00 13,674.00 266.00 69,877.95 79,843.22 100-16-160-00000-7051 H/R-OMERS 69,982.00 79,773.00 81,370.00 1,597.00 16,933.75 17,493.36 100-16-160-00000-7052 H/R-CPP 15,52100 16,147.00 16,493.00 346.00 81254.08 8,881.87 100-16-160-00000-7053 H/R-El 7,710.00 8,232.00 8,733.00 501.00 74,389.31 73,209.86 100-16-160-00000-7054 H/R-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 73,349.00 70,437.00 77,327.00 6,890.00 12,126.63 12,812.66 100-16-160-00000-7058 H/R-WSIB 12,010.00 12,118.00 12,709.00 591.00 287,700.00 275,000.00 100-16-160-00000-7061 H/R-POST EMPLOY 225,000.00 275,000.00 325,000.00 50,000.00 30,735.37 45,000.00 100-16-160-00000-7156 H/R-LEGAL 45,000.00 45,000.00 50,000.00 5,000.00 7,800.32 2,900.16 100-16-160-00000-7160H/R-CONSULTING 13,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 19,947.36 20,335.50 100-16-160-00000-7161 H/R-PROF FEES(EAP) 26,000.00 20,000.00 23,000.00 3,000.00 1,411.29 1,288.59 100-16-160-00000-7181 H/R-BOOKS/PERIODICALS 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,650.00 150.00 3,036.92 3,264.42 100-16-160-00000-7200 H/R-MEMB/DUES 3,215.00 3,335.00 3,425.00 90.00 2,602.08 374.96 100-16-160-00000-7202 H/R-TRAVEL EXP 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 6,377.66 3,524.89 100-16-160-00000-7203 H/R-STAFF DEV 7,000.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 0.00 550.01 388.70 100-16-160-00000-7299 H/R-MISC EXPENSE 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 55,726.48 61,903.50 100-16-160-00000-7303 H/R-BANK SIC OTHER 46,000.00 63,900.00 80,000.00 16,100.00 14,264.63 0.00 100-16-160-00000-7416 H/R-TRSF TO RES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 101.75 100-16-160-00000-7505 H/R-OTHER EQUIP PURCH 200.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 1,285,531.47 1,207,957.82 Total EXPENDITURE 1,239,011.00 1,317,659.00 1,415,808.00 98,149A0 1,285,531.47 1,207,957.82 NET LEVY 1,239,011.00 11317,659.00 1,415,808.00 98,149.00 W Municipalit, •ington _ 02/03114 BUDGET WO.. I PAPERS Clarington:COMMUMCATIONS& 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (3,627.97) (3,625.35) 100-16-161-00000-6564 TOURIST INFO-INTERNAL BRANDIN 0.00 (3,500.00) (3,500.00) 0.00 (89,291.44) (89,796.73) 100-16-161-33010-6400 MKTG/TOURISM-ADVERTISING REV (90,000.00) (90,000.00) (93,500.00) (3,500.00) (3,605.01) 0.00 100-16-161-33020-6400 MKTG/TOURISM-BD.OF TRADE.REVE (7,200.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (61,281.91) (65,019.53) 100-16-161-33025-6400 COMM/TOUR-EVENT-MAYOR'S GOLF (67,639.00) (69,930.00) (70,000.00) (70.00) 0.00 (50,001.44) 100-16-161-33030-6400 COMM/TOUR-!VENT-MAYOR'S LOVE 0.00 (54,664.00) (58,170.00) (3,506.00) (157 806.33) (208,443.05) Total REVENUE (164,839.001 (218,094.00) (225,170.00) (7,076.00) EXPENDITURE: 394,942.25 392,855.41 100-16-161-00000-7001 COMM/TOUR-SALARYF/T 391,921.00 400,934.00 408,952.00 8,018.00 56,776.80 49,002.49 100-16-161-00000-7007 COMM/TOUR-WAGES PERM P/T 48,166.00 51,197.00 52,221.00 1,024.00 8,701.42 8,912.63 100-16-161-00000-7050 COMM/TOUR-EHT 8,546.00 8,778.00 8,954.00 176.00 37,079.47 40,917.05 100-16-161-00000-7051 COMM/TOUR-OMERS 37,124.00 41,747.00 42,582.00 835.00 16,638.11 17,217.09 100-16-161-00000-7052 COMM/TOUR-CPP 15,252.00 15,892.00 16,237.00 345.00 8,310.82 8,973.57 100-16-161-00000-7053 COMM/TOUR-El 7,763.00 8,317.00 8,807.00 490.00 48,037.59 50,323.57 100-16-161-00000-7054 COMM/TOUR-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 49,221.00 49,100.00 51,488.00 2,388.00 9,018.80 9,692.50 100-16-161-00000-7058 COMM/TOUR-WSIB 8,962.00 9,167.00 9,581.00 414.00 6,461.52 3,424.20 100-16-161-00000-7101 COMM/TOUR-OFF SUPPLIES 6,500.00 5,500.00 5,500.00 0.00 4,895.01 4,991.00 100-16-161-00000-7104 COMM/TOUR-CLEAN SUPPLIES 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,129.00 129.00 1,781.83 1,964.76 100-16-161-00000-7125 COMM/TOUR-HEAT 2,250.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 2,719.69 2,901.85 100-16-161-00000-7129 COMM/TOUR-HYDRO 2,250.00 2,400.00 2,800.00 400.00 269.10 303.26 100-16-161-00000-7130 COMM/TOUR-WATER/SEWER 1,000.00 400.00 400.00 0.00 1,832.69 1,213.31 100-16-161-00000-7140 COMMITOUR-SNOW REMOVAL 2,250.00 2,250.00 2,250.00 0.00 1,084.74 1,106.48 100-16-161-00000-7165 COMM/TOUR-WASTE DISPOSAL 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 24,873.49 37,548.42 100-16-161-00000-7167 COMM/TOUR-DESIGN 35,750.00 22,250.00 37,737.00 15,487.00 8,313.03 7,195.60 100-16-161-00000-7172 COMMITOUR-R/M-BUILDING 11,500.00 8,500.00 8,500.00 0.00 8,754.16 8,220.43 100-16-161-00000-7186 COMM/TOUR-POST/COUR/FRT 5,000.00 5,500.00 6,000.00 500.00 3,340.37 0.00 100-16-161-00000-7187 COMM/TOUR-CORP NEWSLETTER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 106,102.02 97,317.50 100-16-161-00000-7188 COMM/TOUR-PRINTING 118,959.00 125,97700 124,015.00 (1,962.00) 185,944.11 190,425.13 100-16-161-00000-7189 COMM/TOUR-CORP ADV'T 134,000.00 133,294.00 170,290.00 36,996.00 0.00 1,931.56 .100-16-161-00000-7190 COMM/TOUR-INTERNAL BRANDING 0.00 5,000:00 5,000.00 0.00 36,768.83 36,696.08 100-16-161-00000-7192 COMM/TOUR-SPECIAL EVENTS 27,000.00 30,480.00 32,000.00 1,520.00 11,120.74 11,702.42 100-16-161-00000-7198 COMM/TOUR-TOURISM CONSIGNME 12,000.00 12,500.00 12,500.00 0.00 4,320.52 4,425.18 100-16-161-00000-7200 COMM/TOUR-MEMB/DUES 3,200.00 4,000.00 4,100.00 100.00 7,550.36 7,754.15 100-16-161-00000-7202 COMM/TOUR-TRAVEL EXP 5,000.00 5,000.00 6,000.00 1,000.00 4,556.28 2,853.41 100-16-161-00000-7203 COMM/TOUR-STAFF DEV 4,000.00 5,000.00 6,500.00 1,500.00 4,018.70 168.31 100-16-161-00000-7206 COMM/TOUR-PROMO/OTHER 3,000.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 0.00 60,728.07 64,710.48 100-16-161-00000-7210 COMM/TOUR-EVENT-MAYOR'S GOLF 67,639.00 69,930.00 70,000.00 70.00 W Municipali{ larington 02/03/14 BUDGET WC. YG PAPERS Clarington:COMMUNICATIONS& 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Descriptions 2012 BUDGET 2019.BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE(continued): $0.00 $42,254.05 100-16-161-00000-7214 COMM/TOUR-EVENT-MAYOR'S LOVE $0.00 $54,664.00 $58,170.00 $3,506.00 694.88 2,069.79 100-16-161-00000-7299 COMM/TOUR-MISC EXPENSE 2,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 12,339.72 0.00 100-16-161-00000-7416 COMMITOUR-TRSF TO RES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,077,975.12 1,109,071.68 Total EXPENDITURE 1,016,253.00 1,093,277.00 1,166,213.00 72,936.00 920,168.79 900,628.63 NET LEVY 851,414.00 875,183.00 941,043.00 65,860.00 V Municipalitt -,ngton 02/03/14 BUDGET WO. 'PAPERS Clarington:INFORmATION TECH — 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 643,514.40 700,868.26 100-16-162-00000-7001 INFO TECH-SALARY F/T 616,365.00 649,593.00 668,199.00 18,606.00 0.00 7,687.68 100-16-162-00000-7015 INFO TECH-WAGES STUDENT 0.00 8,839.00 9,016.00 177.00 12,237.57 12,861.27 100-16-162-00000-7050 INFO TECH-EHT 12,019.00 12,833.00 13,199.00 366.00 61,328.34 70,384.35 100-16-162-00000-7051 INFO TECH-OMERS 61,402.00 71,812.00 74,080.00 2,268.00 19,353.29 19,992.74 100-16-162-00000-7052 INFO TECH-CPP 17,741.00 18,701.00 19,105.00 404.00 9,433.85 10,150.68 100-16-162-00000-7053 INFO TECH-El 8,812.00 9,625.00 10,209.00 584.00 72,919.62 77,319.95 100-16-162-00000-7054 INFO TECH-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 74,716.00 75,440.00 80,261.00 4,821.00 12,244.12 13,470.32 100-16-162-00000-7058 INFO TECH-WSIB 12,167.00 12,927.00 13,663.00 736.00 1,938.00 3,614.06 100=16-162-00000-7102 INFO TECH-DATA SUPPLIES 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 29,746.07 17,648.46 100-16-162-00000-7146 INFO TECH-H/UV MTNCE CONTRACT 50,000.00 55,000.00 55,000.00 0.00 200,304.59 197,432.19 100-16-162-00000-7148 INFO TECH-S/W MTNCE CONTRACT 220,000.00 230,000.00 240,000.00 10,000.00 1,458.48 1,722.29 100-16-162-00000-7160 INFO TECH-CONSULTING 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 316.90 1,371.17 100-16-162-00000-7166 INFO TECH-S/W DEVELOPMENT 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 2,476.20 2,274.45 100-16-162-00000-7174 INFO TECH-R/M OFF EQUIP 1,500.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 500.00 0.00 437.57 100-16-162-00000-7200 INFO TECH-MEMB/DUES 500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 1,444.29 1,105.75 100-16-162-00000-7202 INFO TECH-TRAVEL EXP 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 1,717.69 2,157.88 100-16-162-00000-7203 INFO TECH-STAFF DEV 5,000.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 0.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100-16-162-00000-7412 INFO TECH-TRSF TO RES FUND 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 0.00 160,346.93 124,700.00 100-16-162-00000-7418 INFO TECH-TRSF TO CAP FUND 160,800.00 124,700.00 0.00 (124,700.00) 1,330,780.34_ 1,365,199.07 Total EXPENDITURE 1,351,022.00 1,389,470.00 1,303,232.00 (86,238.00) 1,330,780.34 1,365,199.07 NET LEVY 1,351,022.00 1,389,470.00 1,303,232.00 (86,238.00) w Municipalib aringtorf 02103/14 BUDGET`WO. IG PAPERS Clarington:PO KCHASING 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 320,880.50 330,725.93 100-16-163-00000-7001 PURCHASING-SALARY F/T 321,290.00 328,680.00 338,647.00 9,967.00 6,378.93 6,507.31 100-16-163-00000-7050 PURCHASING-EHT 6,265.00 6,409.00 6,603.00 194.00 30,220.71 33,327.00 100-16-163-00000-7051 PURCHASING-OMERS 30,257.00 34,00100 35,179.00 1,176.00 12,095.65 12,453.47 100-16-163-00000-7052 PURCHASING-CPP 11,088.00 11,495.00 11,742.00 247.00 5,895.60 6,344.18 100-16-163-00000-7053 PURCHASING-El 5,507.00 5,880.00 6,238.00 358.00 43,747.29. 45,605.87 100-16-163-00000-7054 PURCHASING-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 44,825.00 44,497.00 46,651.00 2,154.00 6,652.89 7,107.35 100-16-163-00000-7058 PURCHASING-WSIB 6,611.00 6,722.00 7,106.00 384.00 0.00 0.00 100-16-163-00000-7160 PURCHASING-CONSULTING 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 167.61 143.86 100-16-163-00000-7181 PURCHASING-BOOKS/PERIODICALS 200.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 2,104.14 636.32 100-16-163-00000-7186 PURCHASING-POST/COUR/FRT 2,000.00 2,500.00 2,000.00 (500.00) 2,106.43 2,130.17 100-16-163-00000-7200 PURCHASING-MEMB/DUES 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,900.00 400.00 1,248.15 768.06 100-16-163-00000-7202 PURCHASING-TRAVEL EXP 1,600.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 (500.00) 2,155.27 1,817.18 100-16-163-00000-7203 PURCHASING-STAFF DEV 3,000.00 3,000.00 4,200.00 1,20100 0.00 78.45 100-16-163-00000-7206 PURCHASING-PROMO/OTHER 300.00 300.00 300.00 0.00 90.97 266.42 100-16-163-00000-7299 PURCHASING-IMISC EXPENSE 300.00 300.00 300.00 0.00 3,278.74 513.89 100-16-163-00000-7506 PURCHASING-FURNITURE/FIXTURES 2,000.00 2,700.00 2,000.00 (700.00) 437,022.88 448,425.46 Total EXPENDITURE 438,743.00 452,186.00 466,566.00 14,380.00 437,022.88 448,425.46 NET LEVY 438,743.00 452,186.00 466,566.00 14,380.00 - _ W Municipality ^ 'rington 02/03/14 BUDGET WO. .s PAPERS Clarington:HEALeH&SAFETY 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 2,991.44 2,967.90 100-16-165-00000-7112 H/SAFETY-MISC OP EXP 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 472.00 347.72 100-16-165-00000-7113 H/SAFETY-PRESENTATION 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 1,844.91 3,561.60 100-16-165-00000-7161 H/SAFETY-PROF FEES 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 2,662.75 0.00 100-16-165-00000-7181 H/SAFETY-BOOKS/PERIODICALS 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 1,017.76 873.20 100-16-165-00000-7200 H/SAFETY-MEMBERSHIPS 600.00 600.00 1,000.00 400.00 1,987.39 1,981.54 100-16-165-00000-7202H/SAFETY-TRAVEL 1,000.00 1,500.00 2,200.00 700.00 8,131.16 11,605.70 100-16-165-00000-7203 H/SAFETY-STAFF DEV 10,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 2,500.00 100-16-165-00000-7416 H/SAFETY- TRSF TO RES 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 0.00 2,086.09 100-16-165-00000-7520 H/SAFETY-OTHER CAP(NON TCA) 7,500.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 0.00 29,107.41 25,923.75 Total EXPENDITURE 28,100.00 30,600.00 34,700:00 4,100.00 29,107.41 25,923.75 NET LEVY 28,100.00 30,600.00 34,700.00 4,100.00 0 CLERK'S DEPARTMENT O. _ 3ANIZATION CHART 2014 Gar lnn�n Leading the Way MUNICIPAL CLERK Patti Barrie DEPUTY CLERK Anne Greentree MANAGER MANAGER RECORD/ELECTION ADMINISTRATIVE MUNICIPAL LAW ANIMAL SERVICES CO-ORDINATOR ENFORCEMENT ASSISTANT Len Creamer Duncan Anderson Chris Rainville Cindy Fleming Municipal Law Senior Animal Committee Enforcement Officer Services Officer Co-ordinator Teresa Mason Sheila Elkington June Gallagher Tom Vendrasco Jacky Mainguy ___Clerk H Kim Birkett _Animal Services Officer Teresa Aide . Mary Jane Bacon Michelle Chambers Parking Tracy O'Donohue Enforcement Officer Denise LeBreton Allison Genosko � _ _Clerk l _ Lynnda Bell Animal Services Kathryn Bugelli. _ ....Officer(PIT) __ _ Laura Preston Parking Enforcement Amy Janes ___ Officer PIT _ Kelly English Clerk I P/T Natalie Bartlett Staff Complement RESPONSIBILITIES: Non-Affiliated 6 Council/Committee Support Union-Italicized 15 Municipal Elections Part Time 3 Animal Services Municipal Law Enforcement Total 24 Parking Enforcement Records Management Licensing Department Head Backup- -Vital Statistics IlDeputy Clerk MuG icipality Ington 02/03114 Ctarington?CLERWS 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (9,485.00) (8,499.65) UNASSIGNED-REVENUE (8,100.00) (8,800.00) (9,700.00) (900.00) (109,660.51) (109,710.28) ADMINISTRATION-REVENUE (95,700.00) (106,500.00) (108,800.00) (2,300.00) (142,553.64) (127,892.35) ANIMAL SERVICES-REVENUE (170,800.00) (171,800.00) (171,800.00) 0.00 (18,767.00) (22,324.00) MUNICIPAL LAW ENFORCEMENT-REVENUE (15,000.00) (15,000.00) (17,000.00) (2,000.00) (195,546.97) (183,518.12) PAIZKING ENFORCEMENT-REVENUE 0.00 (170,000.00) (170,000.00) 0.00 (77,986.16) (21,067.25) GRANTS-REVENUE (135,000.00) (135,000.00) (100,000.00) 35,000.00 (194,224.81) (163,950.83) CEMETERY-REVENUE (230,800.00) (131,500.00) (126,500.00) 5,000.00 (748,224.09) (636,962.48) Total REVENUE (655,400.00) (738,600.00) (703,800.00) 34,800.00 EXPENDITURE: 6,456.45 0.00 UNASSIGNED-EXPENDITURE 8,000.00 10,500.00 10,500.00 0.00 20,036.16 0.00 PSAB-EXPENDITURE 0.00 18,409.00 0.00 (18,409.00) 946,798.21 931,469.09 ADMINISTRATION-EXPENDITURE 1,016,401.00 1,129,725.00 1,047,064.00 (82,661.00) 524,551.10 574,243.82 ANIMAL SERVICES-EXPENDITURE 544,884.00 597,344.00 696,278.00 98,934.00 586,040.67 565,026.71 MUNICIPAL LAW ENFORCEMENT-EXPENDITURE 600,725.00 635,335.00 654,447.00 19,112.00 393,407.89 385,717.97 PARKING ENFORCEMENT-EXPENDITURE 210,118.00 389,791.00 389,529.00 (262.00) 75,000.00 75,000.00 MUNICIPAL ELECTION-EXPENDITURE 75,000.00 75,000.00 344,309.00 269,309.00 4,104.88 0.00 CEMETERY-EXPENDITURE 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 13,234.71 18,432.01 FLEET-EXPENDITURE 16,500.00 16,500.00 17,500.00 1,000.00 2,569,630.08 2,549,889.60 Total EXPENDITURE 2,471,628.00 2,877,604.00 3,164,627.00 287,023.00 1,821,405.99 1,912,927.12 NET LEVY 1,816,228.00 2,139,004.00 2,460,827.00 321,823.00 r sv Municipalit rington 02/03/14 BUDGET WC, /G PAPERS Clarincgton;11NASSIGNED 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET_ 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (9,430.00) (8,499.65) 100-19-000-30644-6400 COMMISSION DOCUMENT FEE (7,500.00) (3,500.00) (9,500.00) (1,000.00) (55.00) 0.00 100-19-000-30645-6400 PHOTOCOPY CHARGES FEE (600.00) (300.00) (200.00) 100.00 (9,485.00) (8,499.65) Total REVENUE (8,100.00) (8,800.00) (9,700.00) (900.00) EXPENDITURE: 6,161.47 0.00 100-19-000-10088-7205 VOL PRGM-RECEPTION 7,500.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 294.99 0.00 100-19-000-10088-7299 VOL PRGM-MISC EXPENSE 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 6,456.46 0.00 Total EXPENDITURE 8,000.00 10,500.00 10 500.00 0.00 (3,028.54) (8,499.65) NET LEVY (100.00) 1 700.00 800.00 (900.00) r� Municipalit\ wington 02/03/14 BUDGET WO, ;G PAPERS Clarington:ADMIN$STRATION - 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET '1014•BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (1,950.00) (900.00) 100-19-130-00000-6400 CLERK'S-WILDLIFE DAMAGE ADNIIN (4,200.00) (3,000.00) (2,000.00) 1,000.00 (10,037.95) (1,786.60) 1 0 0-1 9-1 3 0-3 0 641-64 0 0 CLERI('S-MISC REVENUE (5,000.00) (14,000.00) (10,000.00) 4,000.00 (13,276.07) (17,345.81) 100-19-130-30800-6400 BY-LAW ADMIN-MISC REV (5,000.00) (10,000.00) (14,000.00) (4,000.00) (22,750.00) (22,750.00) 100-19-130-30815-6400 CLERK'S-MARRIAGE CEREMONY-MI (17,000.00) (17,000.00) (20,000.00) (3,000.00) (38,683.00) (37,875.00) 100-19-130-35010-6500 MARRIAGE LICENCES (40,000.00) (40,000.00) (40,000.00) 0.00 (3,548.00) (3,134.00) 100-19-130-35015-6500 BINGO LOTTERY LICENCES (3,000.00) (3,000.00) (3,000.00) 0.00 (2,825.70) (2,926.05) 100-19-130-35020-6500 NEVADA LOTTERY LICENCES (5,000.00) (3,000.00) (3,000.00) 0.00 (1,704.79) (2,632.82) 100-19-130-35025-6500 RAFFLE LOTTERY LICENCES (1,500.00) (1,500.00) (1,800.00) (300.00) (14,785.00) (20,360.00) 100-19-130-35520-6500 OTHER LICENCES (15,000.00) (15,000.00) (15,000.00) 0.00 (100.00) 0.00 100-19-130-35522-6500 HUNTING LICENCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (109,660.51) (109,710.28) Total REVENUE (95,700.00) (106.500.08 (1'08,800.00) (2,300.00) EXPENDITURE: 591,941.53 628,581.49 100-19-130-00000-7001 CLERK'S-SALARY FIT 567,361.00 668,426.00 631,138.00 (37,288.00) 3,696.29 0.00 100-19-130-00000-7007 CLERK'S-WAGES PERM P!T 24,929.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,145.78 100-19-130-00000-7008 CLERK'S-WAGES TEMP PIT 2,234.00 6,240.00 7,000.00 760.00 11,783.47 12,228.71 100-19-130-00000-7050 CLERK'S-EHT 11,573.00 13,152.00 12,438.00 (714.00) 56,863.72 66,211.98 100-19-130-00000-7051 CLERK'S-OMERS 56,932.00 73,796.00 68,665.00 (5,131.00) 18,229.68 19,174.76 100-19-130-00000-7052 CLERK'S-CPP 16,711.00 20,006.00 17,981.00 (2,025.00) 9,190.83 10,068.71 100-19-130-00000-7053 CLERK'S-El 8,585.00 10,508.00 9,816.00 (692.00) 69,064.60 75,957.86 100-19-130-00000-7054 CLERK'S-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 70,766.00 81,048.00 79,107.00 (1,941.00) 10,979.16 11,848.37 100-19-130-00000-7058 CLERK'S- WSIB 10,910.00 12,449.00 11,919.00 (530.00) 9,953.06 12,997.11 100-19-130-00000-7101 CLERK'S-OFF SUPPLIES 10,500.00 10,500.00 11,000.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 100-19-130-00000-7132 CLERKS ADMIN-PHONE/FAX 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,069.59 994.22 100-19-130-00000-7174 CLERK'S-R/M OFF EQUIP 500.00 1,000.00 1.,000.00 0.00 83.98 88.75 100-19-130-00000-7181 CLERK'S-BOOKS/PERIODICALS 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 6,988.42 6,554.46 100-19-130-00000-7186 CLERK'S-POST/COUR/FRT 8,000.00 8,000.00 6,000.00 (2,000.00) 748.41 479.10 100-19-130-00000-7188 CLERK'S-PRINTING 700.00 700.00 700.00 0.00 1,396.41 1,687.55 100-19-130-00000-7200 CLERK'S-MEMB/DUES 1,800.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 2,991.65 5,922.07 100-19-130-00000-7202 CLERK'S-TRAVEL EXP 3,000.00 4,000.00 6,800.00 2,800.00 4,852.46 4,991.81 100-19-130-00000-7203 CLERK'S-STAFF DEV 5,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 0.00 4,141.53 4,037.69 100-19-130-00000-7215 CLERK'S-RECORD RETENTION 6,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 0.00 14,400.00 14,400.00 100-19-130-00000-7240 CLERK'S-LIC/PERMIT EXPENSE 16,000.00 16,000.00 16,000.00 0.00 82,671.98 24,798.44 100-19-130-00000-7242 CLERK'S-LIVESTOCK EXPENSE 150,000.00 150,000.00 115,000.00 (35,000.00) 2,980.29 7,309.63 100-19-130-00000-7299 CLERK'S-MISC EXPENSE 2,000.00 12,000.00 5,000.00 (7,000.00) 0.00 5,000.00 100-19-130-00000-7412 CLERK'S-TRSF TO RES FUND 0.00 5,000.00 5,.000.00 0.00 36,245.06 10,000.00 100-19-130-00000-7416 CLERK'S-TRSF TO RES 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 BUDGET aY iallity /-ngton 02/03/14 BUD ET WO, PAPERS - Ciarington:ADMiNISTRATION 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE(continued): $1,953.10 $850.71 100-19-130-00000-7505 CLERK'S-OTHER EQUIP_PURCH $1,900.00 $'1,900.00 $1,500.00 ($400.00) 818.05 139.89 100-19-130-10516-7112 ACCESS.ADVISORY COMMITTEE-MI 500.00 500.00 5,500.00 5,000.00 3,754.94 5,000.00 100-19-130-10516-7160 ACCESS.ADVISORY COMMITTEE-CO 30,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 946,798.21 931,469.09 Total EXPENDITURE 1,016,401.00 1,129,725.00 1,047,064.00 (82,661.00) 837,137.70 821,758.81 NET LEVY 920.701.00 1,023,225.00 93x,264.00 (84,961.00) in il(unicipality uington jUDGE7'W0i G PAPERS CIa rington:ANIMaL SERVICES INCPEASE 2014 DRAFT 2014 BUDGET 2012 gUiDCvET 2013 BUDGET escri ion 2012 ACTUAL 201 D 3 ACTUAL 0.00 (7,000AO) (7,000.00) 0.00 (7,000.00) (18,000.00) REVENUE: (18,000.00) (18,000.00) 0.00 100-19-190-30705-6400 ANIMAL SERVICE IMPOUND FEE (200.00) (200.00) 0.00 (4,845.00) (5,550.00) (200.00) (1,600.00) (20,666.08) 100-19-Igo-30710-6400 SALE OF ANIMAL (1,600.00} 0.00 (19983'95) 1 0 0-1 9-1 9o-30715-6400 ANIMAL TRAP RENTALS (600.00) 0.00 {97.47) 0.00 O.dO 0.00 {76'91) 100-19-190-30720-6400 ANIMAL DISPOSAL FEE (145,000.00) (1,585.78) (1,980.80) (145,000.00) 0.00 100-19-190-30730-6400 A/SERV-MISC REVENUE (145,000.00} (171,B00,00) (140.00) 0.00(99,598.00) 100-19-190-35525-6500 DOG/CAT LICENCE - (_' 170 800.Q (115,922.00) Total REVENUE (127 892.35) 85,906.00 (142,553-L4) 334,620.00 248,714.00 1,106.00 243,135.00 56,778.00 E)(PENDITURE: 55,672.00 1,696.00 1 00-1 9-1 9 0-000 00-7005 AISERV"WAGES FIT 54,425.00 5 894.00 7,590.00 242,602.79 5,762.00 9,456.00 185,652.97 100-19-190-00000-7007 AISERV-WAGES PERM PIT 34,546.00 99,687.27 22,428.00 25,090.00 2,607.00 94,735.98 100-19-190-00000-7050 A/SERV-EHT 14,137.00 5,984.40 11,530.00 1,600.00 5,866.82 11,114.00 7 675.00 24,591.21 100-19-190-00000-7051 AlSERV-OMER 6,075.00 11,513.00 22,401.10 5,710.00 42,563.00 719 12 491.36 100-19-190-00000-7052 AISERV-CPP 31,050.06 2,100.00 12,124:02 100-19-190-00000-7053 AISERV-El 30,539.00 8 719,00 6,554.59 6,471.00 6,619.00 500.00 6,112.94 1pp-19-190-00000-7054 A/SERV-LTD/L1FE/HLTH 1,500.00 2,000.00 31,823.77 1,800.00 0.00 29,604.78 100-19-190-00000-7058 AISERV-WSIB 3,800.00 3,800.00 6,998.43 3,800.00 0.00 6,512.01 100-19-190-00000-7101 A/SERV-OFF SUPPLIES 17,000.00 787.83 2,168.66 17,000.00 500,00 1 0 0-1 9-1 9 0-0 0000-7 1 04 AISERV CLEAN SUPPLIES 17,000.00 1 700.00 3,266.75 1,200.00 (2�p00.00) 2,228.38 100.1 9-1 9 6-00000-7 1 07 AISERV-ANIMAL FEED/CARE 1,000-00 10,000.00 18,402.95 15,907.83 12,000.00 2,000.00 14,000.00 14,000.00 547.51 100-19-190-00000-7112 AISERV-MISC OP EX 12,000.00 0.00 1,673.43 11,000.00 1,800.00 8,253.35 100-19-180-00000-7125 AtSERV-HEAT 1,800.00 O.OD 9,961.66 1,400.00 5,000.00 10,826.73 100-19-190-00000-7129 A/SERV-HYDRO 5,000.00 O.OD 9,934.85 6,300.00 1,000.00 1,155.13 106-19-190-00000-7130 AISERV-WATER/SEWER 1,000.00 0.00 1,321.69 1,000.00 33,000.00 2,365.65 100"19-190-00000-7132 A/SERV-PHONE/FAX 33,600.00 0.00 2,441.80 30,000.00 11,400.00 643.05 100-19-190-00000-7142 AISERV-EQUIP MTNC 11,400.00 0.00 25194 16,300.00 2,300.00 2,300.00 26,92136 100-19-190-00000-7162 AlSERV-VET SERVICE 0.00 31,645.97 2,300.00 1,500.00 10,428.56 100-19-190-00000-7164 A/SERV-JANiTORI 1,500.00 (40,900.00} 9,422.69 1,000.00 4,800.00 2,095.90 100-19-190-00000-7165 AlSERV-WASTE DISPOSAL 46,700-00 500.00 2,524.09 100-19-190-00000-7168 A/SERV-DISPOSAL 4,800.00 1,500.00 1,837.72 750.00 1,000.00 0.60 1,216.55 100-19-190-00000-7172 A/SERV R/M-BUILDING 3,000.00 9,883.50 4,000.00 3,000.00 900.00 3,892'19 100-19-190-00000-7173 AISERV-RIM OTHER EQUIP 2,800.00 958.18 949.95 2ppp•00 2,000.00 50.00- 1 np"1 9-1 90_00000_71 Bo AISERV-SPAYEDlNEUTERED 200.00 250.00 2,233.32 150.00 1,506.00 2,656.60 100-19-190-00000-7183 A/SERV-CLTH/UNIFORMS 3,000.00 4,500.00 1,709.89 1,810.54 2,506.00 8,000.00 200.00 100-19-190-00000-7200 AISERV-MEMB/DUES 4,400.00 12,400.00 200.00 100_19-190-00000-7203 AISERV-STAFF DEV 4,400.00 2,967.79 2,085.37 •l` 427.39 1,884.13 100-19-190-00000-7244 AISERV-LIC/PERMIT EXPENSE � Municipali' rington 02103/14 BUDGET W(. dG AA�DBeaS Clarington:ANIMAL SERVICES 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE(continued): $32,977.06 $26,213.16 100-19-190-00000-7250 A/SERV-COMMISSION EXPENSE $27,000.00 $27,000.00 $27,000.00 $0.00 1,308.56 2,491.12 100-19-190-00000-7299 A/SERV-MISC EXPENSE 1,200.00 2,400.00 2,900.00 500.00 11,829.03 7,000.00 100-19-190-00000-7412 A/SERV-TRSF TO RES FUND 7,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 0.00 10,538.97 0.00 100-19-190-00000-7418 A/SERV.- TRSF.TO CAP FUND 3,100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 61.03 1,975.20 100-19-190-00000-7506 A/SERV-FURNITURE&FIXTURES 3,500.00 3,500.00 15,000.00 11,500.00 0.00 365.11 100-19-190-00000-7520 A/SERV-OTHER CAP(NON TCA) 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 524,551.10 574,243.82 Total EXPENDITURE 544,884.00 597,344.00 696,278.00 98,934.00 381,997.46 446,351.47 NET LEVY 374,084.00 425,544.00 524,478.00 98,934.00 T^ v Municipalit arington 02103/14 CBarington:MUNICIPAL LAW EN 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (18,767.00) (22,324.00) 100-19-191-00000-6506 BY-LAW ENFORCE-FINES (15,000.00) (15,000.00' (17,000.00) (2,000.00) (18,767.00) (22,324.00) Total REVENUE (15,000.00) _ (15,000.001 (17 000.00) (2,000.00) EXPENDITURE: 377,089.61 354,331.99 100-19-191-00000-7001 BY-LAW ENFORCE-SALARY F/T 397,452.00 418,449.00 428,116.00 9,667.00 9,648.60 8,467.11 100-19-191-00000-7015 BY-LAW ENF.-WAGES STUDENT 7,581.00 7,747.00 7,902.00 155.00 8,036.56 8,432.37 100-19-191-00000-7050 BY-LAW ENFORCE-EHT 7,893.00 8,305.00 8,496.00 191.00 37,741.67 43,345.81 100-19-191-00000-7051 BY-LAW ENFORCE-OMERS 37,787.00 44,225.00 45,302.00 1,077.00 . 14,719.25 15,184.67 100-19-191-00000-7052 BY-LAW ENFORCE-CPP 13,493.00 14,016.00 14,320.00 304.00 7,295.90 7,846.06 100-19-191-00000-7053 BY-LAW ENFORCE-El 6,815.00 7,272.00 7,712.00 440.00 52,700.73 55,568.09 100-19-191-00000-7054 BY-LAW ENFORCE-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 53,999.00 54,217.00 56,668.00 2,451.00 8,492.48 9,358.39 100-19-191-00000-7058 BY-LAW ENFORCE-WSIB 8,439.00 8,851.00 9,281.00 430.00 2,993.48 3,040.80 100-19-191-00000-7132 BY-LAW ENFORCE-PHONEIFAX 4,000.00 4,000.00 6,000.00 2,000.00 161.85 3,821.26 100-19-191-00000-7140 BY-LAW ENFORCE-SNOW REMOVAL 5,500.00 5,500.00 5,500.00 0.00 16,666.87 9,982.30 100-19-191-00000-7161 BY-LAW ENFORCE-PROF FEES 6,500.00 16,500.00 16,500.00 0.00 25,238.69 21,717.44 100-19-191-00000-7169 BY-LAW ENFORCE-CONTRACT-CON 20,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 0.00 256.95 100-19-191-00000-7181 BY-LAW ENFORCE-BOOKS/PERIODI 400.00 250.00 250.00 0.00 2,252.00 6,454.18 100-19-191-00000-7183 BY-LAW ENFORCE-CLTH/UNIFORMS 6,500.00 6,500.00 7,000.00 500.00 754.30 846.00 100-19-191-00000-7200 BY-LAW ENFORCE-MEMB/DUES 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 500.00 8,791.60 8,829.82 100-19-191-00000-7202 BY-LAW ENFORCE-TRAVEL EXP 10,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 0.00 4,569.02 3,796.67 100-19-191-00000-7203 BY-LAW ENFORCE-STAFF DEV 4,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 0.00 6,455.88 1,110.06 100-19-191-00000-7299 BY-LAW ENFORCE-MISC EXPENSE 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00. 1,831.62 0.00 100-19-191-00000-7416 BY-LAW ENFORCE-TRSF TO RES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 850.71 100-19-191-00000-7520 BY-LAW ENFORCE-OTHER CAP(NO 700.00 700.00 5,200.00 4,500.00 549.68 1,684.27 100-19-191-10515-7041 PROPERTY STDS-OTHER PAY 5,966.00 6,103.00 3,000.00 (3,103.00) 50.88 101.76 100-19-191-10515-7213 PROPERTY STDS-APPEALS 200.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 586,040.67 565,026.71 Total EXPENDITURE 600,725.00 635,335.00 654,447.00 19,112.00 567.273.67 542,702.71 NET LEVY 585,725.00 620,335.00 637 447.00 17,112.00 Gt) Municipalitt ington 02103/14 EUD)GET&Y'a'i. .i PAPERS Clarington:BARXING ENFORCEMM - 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASSE REVENUE: (93,136.57) (85,019.09) 100-19-192-10100-6409 PARKING METER REVENUE 0.00 (80,000.00) (80,000.00) 0.00 (102,410.40) (98,499.03) 100-19-192-10100-6506 PARKING TICKETS FINES REVENUE 0.00 (90,000.00) (90,000.00) 0.00 (195,546.97) (183,518.12) Total REVENUE 0.00 (170.000.00) (170,000.00) 0.00 EXPENDITURE: 100,787.66 102,372.55 100-19-192-10100-7001 PKG ENFORCE-SALARY FIT 113,118.00 114,525.00 117,599.00 3,074.00 15,696.23 28,026.24 100-19-192-10100-7007 PKG ENFORCE-WAGES PERM PIT 29,496.00 30,164.00 30,767.00 603.00 2,809.17 2,841.91 100-19-192-10100-7050 PKG ENFORCE-EHT 2,759.00 2,799.00 2,870.00 71.00 9,670.38 9,457.17 100-19-192-10100-7051 PKG ENFORCE-OMERS 9,682.00 9,649.00 9,986.00 337.00 6,180.94 6,365.95 100-19-192-10100-7052 PKG ENFORCE-CPP 5,666.00 5,876.00 6,004.00 128.00 3,115.35 3,339.35 100-19-192-10100-7053 PKG ENFORCE-El 2,910.00 3,095.00 3,274.00 179.00 12,286.34 17,259.64 100-19-192-10100-7054 PKG ENFORCE-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 12,589.00 16,840.00 17,332.00 492.00 3,117.63 3,323.17 100-19-192-10100-7058 PKG ENFORCE-WSIB 3,098.00 3,143.00 3,297.00 154.00 368.97 292.50 100-19-192-10100-7112 PKG ENFORCE-MISC OP EXP 500.00 500.00 650.00 150.00 783.70 666.84 100-19-192-10100-7132 PKG ENFORCE-PHONE/FAX 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,500.00 500.00 7,324.58 8,814.12 100-19-192-10100-7140 PKG ENFORCE-SNOW REMOVAL 4,000.00 4,000.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 17,473.19 11,886.43 100-19-192-10100-7173 PKG ENFORCE-R/M OTHER EQUIP 9,000.00 9,000.00 12,000.00 3,000.00 1,805.62 2,758.66 100-19-192-10100-7183 PKG ENFORCE-CLTH/UNIFORMS 2,000.00 2,000.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 2,974.55 3,600.21 100-19-192-10100-7202 PKG ENFORCE-TRAVEL EXP 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 12,015.16 1,195.11 100-19-192-10100-7299 PKG ENFORCE-MISC EXPENSE 300.00 300.00 750.00 450.00 195,546.97 183,518.12 100-19-192-10100-7412 PKG ENFORCE-TRSF TO RF 0.00 170,000.00 170,000.00 0.00 1,028.87 0.00 100-19-192-10100-7416 PKG ENFORCE-TRSF TO RES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 422.58 0.00 100-19-192-10100-7505 PKG ENFORCE-SMALL EQUIP.PUR 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-19-192-10100-7520 PKG ENFORCE-OTHER CAP(NON TC 8,500.00 11,400.00 0.00 (11,400.00) 393,407.89 385,717.97 Total EXPENDITURE 210,118.00 389,791.00 389.529.00 (262.00) 197,860.92 202,199.85 NET LEVY 210,118.00 219,791.00 219,529.00 (262.00) Municipalit, arington 02/03/14 BUDGET WC. IG PAiDERS Clarington:ELECTION 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 0.00 0.00 100-19-193-10190-7006 MUN ELECT-WAGES TEMP FIT 0.00 0.00 55,000.00 55,000.00 0.00 0.00 100-19-193-10190-7050 MUN.ELECT-EHT 0.00 0.00 1,073.00 1,073.00 0.00 0.00 100-19-193-10190-7052 MUN ELECT-CPP 0.00 0.00 2,356.00 2,356.00 0.00 0.00 100-19-193-10190-7053 MUN ELECT-El 0.00 0.00 1,248.00 1,248.00 0.00 0.00 100-19-193-10190-7058 MUN ELECT-WSIB 0.00 0.00 1,232.00 1,232.00 0.00 0.00 100-19-193-10190-7101 MUN ELECT-OFF SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 55,000.00 55,000.00 0.00 0.00 100-19-193-10190-7102 MUN ELECT- DATA SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 55,510.00 55,510.00 0.00 0.00 100-19-193-10190-7112 MUN ELECT-MISC OPER 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 0.00 100-19-193-10190-7186 MUN ELECT-POST/COUR/FRT 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 0.00 100-19-193-10190-7188 MUN ELECT-PRINTING . 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 100-19-193-10190-7202 MUNELECT-TRAVELEXP 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 100-19-193-10190-7203 MUN ELECT-STAFF DEVELOPMENT 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 100-19-193-10190-7230 MUN ELECT-BLDG RENTAL 0.00 0.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 0.00 0.00 100-19-193-10190-7232 ELECTION-OTHER RENTAL 0.00 0.00 51,890.00 51,890.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 100-19-193-10190-7416 MUN ELECT TO RES 75,000.00 75,000.00 70,000.00 (5,000.00) 75,000.00 75,000.00 Total EXPENDITURE 75,000.00 75,000.00 344,309.00 269,309.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 NET LEVY 75,000.00 75,000.00 344,309.00 269,309.00 - O Municipality -ington 02/03/14 BUDGET WO, G.PAPERS Clarongton?GRANTS 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (77,986.16) (21,067.25) 100-19-230-30631-6201 GRANTS-WILDLIFE DAMAGE COMPE (135,000.00) (135,000.00) (100,000.00) 35,000.00 (77,986.16) (21,067.25) Total REVENUE (135 000.00) _ (135,000.00) (100 000.00) 35,000.00 (77,986.16) (21,067.25) NET LEVY (135,000.00) _ (135 000.005 (1 00 000.00) 35.000.00 In Municipality 11arington 02/03/14 BUDGET WC IG PAPERS Claringtoiu:-METERY 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 20714 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (66,441.60) 0.00 100-19-326-10416-6400 BURIALS-BOWMANVILLE (65,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (68,593.07) (131,670.03) 100-19-326-10416-6561 SALE OF PLOTS-BOWMANVILLE C (100,000.00) (100,000.00) (100,000.00) 0.00 (4,000.00) 0.00 100-19-326-10416-6563 HEADSTONE MTNCE-BOWVLLE CE (5,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (7,280.84) 0.00 100-19-326-10418-6400 BURIALS-BONDHE4D (6,500.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (13,614.86) (17,919.08) 100-19-326-10418-6561 SALE OF PLOTS-BONDHEAD CEME (15,000.00) (15,000.00) (12,000.00) 3,000.00 (750.00) 0.00 100-19-326-10418-6563 HEADSTONE MTNCE-BONDHEAD CE (800.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1,062.51) 0.00 100-19-326-10426-6400 BURIALS-ST.GEORGE'S CEMETERY (1,500.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1,278.11) (1,811.72) 100-19-326-10426-6561 SALE OF PLOTS-ST.GEORGE'S CE (4,000.00) (4,000.00) (2,000.00) 2,000.00 (200.00) 0.00 100-19-326-10426-6563 HEADSTONE MTNCE-ST.GEORGE'S (500.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (17,978.82) 0.00 100-19-326-311'00-6400 CEMETERIES-MISCELLANEOUS FEE (20,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (13,025.00) (12,550.00) 100-19-326-35510-6502 BURIAL PERMITS (12,500.00) (12,500.00) (12,500.00) 0.00 (194,224.81) (163,950.83) Total REVENUE (230,800.00) (131 500.00) (126,500.00) 5,000.00 EXPENDITURE: 4,104.88 0.00 100-19-326-10419-7225 CEMETERY MTNCE-RETURN GRAVE 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 4,104.88 0.00 Total EXPENDITURE 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 (190,119.93) (163,950.83) NET LEVY (230,800.00) (126,500.00) (121500.00) 5,000.00 to ;v MunicipaP arington 02/03114 BUDGET M2 G PAPERS CGnringto..,rLEET 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 714.18 1,275.67 100-19-388-02009-71712009 DODGE TRUCK#020- R/M-VEH 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 2,474.25 1,809.55 100-19-388-02009-71942009 DODGE TRUCK#020-FUEL/OIL 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 191.77 694.85 100-19-388-02812-7171 2012 FORD ESCAPE SUV-028 R/M-VE 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 2,064.27 1,431.09 100-19-388-02812-7194 2012 FORD ESCAPE SUV-028-FUEU0 1,000.00 .1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 82.00 100-19-388-02913-7171 2013 CHEV EQUINOX-029-RIM-VEHI 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 481.38 100-19-388-02913-7194 2013 CHEV EQUINOX-029-FUEL/OIL 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 319.72 611.38 100-19-388-40543-7171'04 CHEV ASTRO VAN#023- RIM-VE 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 (1,000.00) 1,619.48 1,113.70 100-19-388-40543-7194'04 CHEV ASTRO VAN#023-FUEUOIL 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 (1,500.00) 0.00 0.00 100-19-388-40557-7171 PKG NEWVEHICLE- R/M-VEHICLES 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 100-19-388-40557-7194 PKG NEW VEHICLE-FUEL/OIL 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 614.34 1,060.99 100-19-388-40708-7171'05 PONTIAC PURSUIT CAR-R/M-VEHI 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 (1,000.00) 1,391.02 1,336.03 100-19-388-40708-7194'05 PONTIAC PURSUIT CAR-FUEUOIL 1,000.00 1,000.00 0100 (1,000.00) 659.65 4,069.99 100-19-388-42109-71712009 CHEV VAN-RIM-VEHICLES 1,500.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 500.00 2,277.85 3,024.00 100-19-388-42109-7194 2009 CHEV VAN-FUEL/OIL 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 0.00 269.65 355.06 100-19-388-42211-7171 2011 FORD TRANSIT CONNECT VAN- 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 500.00 638.53 1,086.32 100-19-388-42211-7194 2011 FORD TRANSIT CONNECT VAN-4 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 13,234.71 18,432.01 Total EXPENDITURE 16,500.00 16,500.00 17,500.00 1,000.00 13,234.71 18,432.01 NET LEVY 16,500.00 16,500.00 17,500.00 1,000.00 Cn W FINANCE DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATION CHART 2014 Clarin n Leading the Way DIRECTOR OF FINANCEITREASURER Nanc Ta for DEPUTY Lori Gordon MANAGER TAX CAPITAL ASSET MANAGER OF ADMINISTRATIVE INTERNAL AUDIT COLLECTOR MANAGER ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT Catherine Carr Ma Ann Mae Erika Watson ___SERVICES _ Heather L nch Rosalie Brent Financial Analyst Revereaae Co-ordiraa8or Accounting Clerk I_I _ _Clerk II •Laura Pinto Jessica James Michael Ste�Croix A_ccou_ntants Belinda Macke Alexandra Baker RevenueClerk l Adam Yarascavitch Liana Smith Heather McGregor Accounting Clerk 1l Shannon Crombie RESPONSIBILITIES: Nathan Schroor -Insurance Kase Schewa a -Risk Management -Investments and Banking Ac_co_untin_g Clerk_I -Financial Studies - Cathy Rout- -Accounting Laurie Cowell IStaff Complement -Tax billing and collections Vacant Non-Affiliated -Budget Union-Italicized 14 -Financial Reporting Part-time 0 -Performance Measures ITotal IE21 . -Internal Audit Asset Management Department Head Backup- IlDeputy Treasurer Municipality ington 02/03/14 BUDGET WO. G PAPERS CIarington:FINA__E&UNCLAS 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (19,623.73) (8,492.91) UNASSIGNED-REVENUE (15,000.00) (15,000.00) (10,000.00) 5,000.00 (2,014,943.63) (1,809,001.42) ADMINISTRATION-REVENUE (1,440,000.00) (1,552,000.00) (1,552,000.00) 0.00 (67,781.40) 0.00 UNCLASSIFIED ADMIN.-REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2,102,348.76) (1,817,494.33) Total REVENUE (1,455,000.00) (1,567,000.00) (1,562 000.00) 5,000.00 EXPENDITURE: 261,000.00 225,000.00 UNASSIGNED-EXPENDITURE 243,500.00 285,000.00 285,000.00 0.00 703,321.73 1,857.03 PSAB'-EXPENDITURE 0.00 375,472.00 0.00 (375,472.00) 2,071,342.68 2,127,579.91 FINANCE ADMIN.-EXPENDITURE 2,029,410.00 2,201,993.00 2,263,518.00 61,525.00 8,604,039.42 4,155,837.40 UNCLASSIFIED ADMIN.-EXPENDITURE 1,796,206.00 1,932,200.00 2,237,550.00 305,350.00 11,639,703.83 6,510 274.34 Total EXPENDITURE 4,069 116.00 4,794,665.00 4,786,068.00 (8,597.00) 9,537,355.07 4,692,780.01 NET LEVY 2,614116.00 3,227,665.00 3,224,068.00 (3,597.00) I Li Municipality -ington 02/03/14 BUDIGET WO a PAPERS Clarington:U,Y SSIGNED 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (19,623.73) (8,492.91) 100-21-000-00000-6506 INTEREST PENALTY ON A/R (15,000.00) (15,000.00) (10,000.00) 5,000.00 (19,623.73) (8,492.91) Total REVENUE (15,000.00) (15,000.00) (10,000.00) 5,000.00 EXPENDITURE: 171,000.00 225,000.00 100-21-000-10525-7112 BOARD OF TRADE-MISC OF EXP 183,500.00 225,000.00 225,000.00 0.00 90,000.00 0.00 100-21-000-10525-7206 BOARD OF TRADE-OTHER-PHYSICIA 60,000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 0.00 261.000.00 225.000.00 Total EXPENDITURE 243.500.00 285.000.00 285.000.00 0.00 241,376.27 216,507.09 NET LEVY 228,500.00 270,000.00 275,000.00 5,000.00 In G Municipality 3rington 02/03/14 BUDGET W®. G PAPERS - Ciarington:ADM:,,,vISTRATIDNG 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (1,736,245.89) (1,518,769.42) 100-21-130-00000-6506 PENALTIES/INTEREST ON TAXES (1,200,000.00) (1,300,000.00) (1,300,000.00) 0.00 (278,697.74) (290,232.00) 100-21-130-30642-6400 FINANCE-MISC REVENUE (240,000.00) (252,000.00) (252,000.00) 0.00 (2,014,943.63) (1,809,001.42) Total REVENUE (1,440,000.00) (1,552,000.00) (1,552 000.00) 0.00 (2,014,943.63) (1,809,001.42) NET LEVY (1,440,000.00) (1,552,000.00) (1;552,000.00) 0.00 lIt V Municipality ington 02/03/14 BUDGET WOW G PAIPE,RB Clarington:FIN),.vCE ADMIN. 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 1,468,011.49 1,512,480.21 100-21-210-00000-7001 FINANCE-SALARYF/T 1,444,159.00 1,555,885.00 1,587,488.00 31,603.00 4,856.75 1,515.13 100-21-210-00000-7008 FINANCE-WAGES TEMP P/T 4,548.00 4,648.00 4,740.00 92.00 28,760.71 29,629.54 100-21-210-00000-7050 FINANCE-EHT 28,247.00 30,427.00 31,045.00 618.00 140,572.17 157,880.59 100-21-210-00000-7051 FINANCE-OMERS 140,741.00 167,707.00 171,137.00 3,430.00 48,429.62 49,949.25 100-21-210-00000-7052 FINANCE-CPP 44,395.00 48,412.00 49,367.00 955.00 23,700.22 25,499.71 100-21-210-00000-7053 FINANCE-El 22,138.00 24,810.00 26,319.00 1,509.00 169,827.36 184,936.57 100-21-210-00000-7054 FINANCE-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 174,011.00 189,020.00 200,359.00 11,339.00 28,299.24 30,190.87 100-21-210-00000-7058 FINANCE-WSIB 28,121.00 29,952.00 31,363.00 1,411.00 18,381.64 17,967.73 100-21-210-00000-7101 FINANCE-OFF SUPPLIES 16,000.00 16,000.00 16,000.00 0.00 22,952.01 2,978.00 100-21-210-00000-7156 FINANCE-LEGAL 25,000.00 25,000.00 20,000.00 (5,000.00) 21,617.20 19,724.76 100-21-210-00000-7158 FINANCE-LEGAL/TAX 15,000.00 15,000.00 20,000.00 5,000.00 730.67 379.05 100-21-210-00000-7174 FINANCE-R/M OFF EQUIP 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 990.64 685.72 100-21-210-00000-7-181 FINANCE-BOOKS/PERIODICALS 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 42,552.26 43,833.69 100-21-210-00000-7186 FINANCE-POST/COUR/FRT 39,250.00 45,988.00 55,900.00 9,912.00 19,496.68 15,194.44 100-21-210-00000-7188 FINANCE-PRINTING 20,000.00 21,344.00 16,000.00 (5,344.00) 3,746.80 3,533.79 100-21-210-00000-7200 FINANCE-MEMB/DUES 3,300.00 3,300.00 3,300.00 0.00 9,147.89 10,863.31 100-21-210-00000-7202 FINANCE-TRAVELEXP 7,000.00 7,000.00 10,000.00 3,000.00 15,222.01 9,404.70 100-21-210-00000-7203 FINANCE-STAFFDEV 12,500.00 12,500.00 15,500.00 3,000.00 1,310.58 1,470.20 100-21-210-00000-7299 FINANCE-MISC EXPENSE 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 1,688.89 0.00 100-21-210-00000-7416 FINANCE-TRSFTO RES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,047.85 9,462.65 100-21-210-00000-7505 FINANCE-OTHER EQUIP PURCH 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 21071,342.68 2,127,579.91 Total EXPENDITURE 2,029,410.00 2,201,993.00 2,263,518.00 61,525.00 2,071,342.68 2,127,579.91 NET LEVY 2,029,410.00 2.201,993.00 2,263,518.00 61,525.00 Go Municipality rington 02/03/14 SULPOET W0i 9 PAPERS Clarington:UNCL.-.SIFIED ADM 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (67,781.40) 0.00 100-21-211-30640-6400 UNCL ADMIN-MISC REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (67,781.40) 0.00 Total REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 EXPENDITURE: 0.00 0.00 100-21-211-00000-7150 UNCL ADMIN-POST/METER MTNCE 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 53,220.00 0.00 100-21-211-00000-7154 UNCLADMIN-AUDIT&ACCTGFEES 65,000.00 65,000.00 65,000.00 0.00 17,599.89 15,721.92 100-21-211-00000-7161 UNCL ADMIN-PROF FEES 40,500.00 55,500.00 125,500.00 70,000.00 13,449.88 14,280.04 100-21-211-00000-7200 UNCL ADMIN-MEMB/DUES 13,500.00 13,500.00 14,500.00 1,000.00 5,025.74 11,444.19 100-21-211-00000-7203 UNCL ADMIN-STAFF DEV 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 0.00 6,510.43 18,300.00 100-21-211-00000-7205 UNCL ADMIN-RECEPTION 9,000.00 19,000.00 19,000.00 0.00 360,173.87 219,023.17 100-21-211-00000-7212 UNCL ADMIN-TAX W/O _ 175,000.00 175,000.00 175,000.00 0.00 1,019,378.74 1,077,611.33 100-21-211-00000-7217 UNCL ADMIN-INSURANCE 950,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,200,000.00 200,000.00 0.00 0.00 100-21-211-00000-7298 UNCL ADMIN-CONTINGENCY 59,938.00 59,950.00 59,950.00 0.00 108,441.39 1,629.64 100-21-211-00000-7299 UNCL ADMIN-MISC EXPENSE 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 0.00 13,283.34 11,491.80 100-21-211-00000-7302 UNCL ADMIN-BANK S/C TAX 13,268.00 11,750.00 12,500.00 750.00 102,312.70 108,652.70 100-21-211-00000-7303 UNCL ADMIN-BANK S/C OTHER 110,000.00 124,000.00 116,000.00 (8,000.00) 6,767,453.92 2,585,682.61 100-21-211-00000-7412 UNCL ADMIN-TRSF TO RES FUND 285,000.00 285,000.00 326,600.00 41,600.00 136,543.20 75,000.00 100-21-211-00000-7416 UNCL ADMIN-TRSF TO RES 25,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 0.00 0.00 17,000.00 100-21-211-00000-7418 UNCL ADMIN-TRSF TO CAP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 646.32 0.00 100-21-211-00000-7505 UNCL ADMIN-SMALL EQUIP.PURCH 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 8,604,039.42 4,155,8.37.40 Total EXPENDITURE 1,796,206.00 1,932,200.00 2,237,550.00 305,350.00 8,536,258.02 4;155,837.40 NET LEVY 1,796,206.00, 1,932,200.00 2,237,550.00 305,350.00 LO L AERGENCY AND FREE SERVICES DEP, ITMENT ORGANIZATION CHART 2014 Cl�111 11 _ Leading the Way DIRECTOR/FIRE CHIEF Gord Weir DEPUTIES Bill ..... ..............................i Mark Berne e ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPRESSION MECHANUCAL SENIOR TRAINING FIRE PREVENTION I_ __ ASSISTANT_ _ __ _CAPTAINS _ _ _TECHNICIAN _ _ OF_FICE_ An R __ __OFFICER _ Jo- n Macdonald "D. Chambers George Schroor Tim Calhoun Randy Reinert P. Lomax I FIRE_SE_RVICES C_L_ER_K G. Oliver FIRE PREVENTION Trixie Wright G. Dusseldorp 7RAINVING _ INSPECTORS_ ____ P. Shcherbak Ile _ OF_FdCLR___ Bill Reid _ RT-TIME CLERKM. Ulrich Ken Ostler Jacquelyn Hill-Bower Purkott R. Cowan Jennifer Delaney J. Dawson SUPPRESSION RESPONSIBILITIES: SUPPRESSION __VOLUNTEERS_ -Emergency Response FIREFIGHTERS _ 5 District Chiefs -Emergency Planning G.Bradley R McCutcheon PD. Worrall 20 Captains -Fire Prevention Public Education C.Coatham !P.O'Hare !D.Glaspell 100 Firefighters -Fire Suppression C.Camovale !S.Richardson 'R.Gardner -Communications/Dispatch R.Day :B.Rogers :S.Proctor -Training M.Dennis IF.Rowan IM.Oliver __ST_U_DENTS _ E.Donnelly :R.Staples ;D. Tyte 4 Jr. Firefighters O.Ferguson I R. Vanderkooi I B.Mercer Staff Complement J.Hansen aD.White -S.Snowden Non-Affiliated 4 B.Speakman T.Santos !M.Gibson Union-Italicized 60 D.Pellerin B.Pearce IS.Graham Part-time 1 K.Crouch .A.McConkey sM.Ayer Students 4 M.Kalita V.Hamilton IC.Forsey Volunteers 125 M.Schroor ;T.Muir ;Vacant T®ta I 194 M.Hoogsteen IA.Pudlis I Vacant M.Ladouceur 'E.Dion Department Head Backup- IlDeputy Chief Municipality ngton 02/03/14 BUDGET WO{ o PAPERS Clarington:EMEPc—NCY SERVIC _ 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (77,398.44) (292,435.60) ADMINISTRATION-REVENUE (25,000.00) (35,000.00) (35,000.00) 0.00 (15,438.00) (9,708.00) FIRE PREVENTION-REVENUE (13,800.00) (14,000.00) (14,000.00) 0.00 (92,836.44) (302,143.60) Total REVENUE (38,800.00) (49,000.00) (49,000.00) 0.00 EXPENDITURE: 636,884.06 2,510.93 PSAB-EXPENDITURE 0.00 354,178.00 0.00 (354,178.00) 1,758,673.42 1,568,603.28 ADMINISTRATION-EXPENDITURE 1,632,015.00 1,523,885.00 1,533,877.00 9,992.00 530,996.32 530,244.45 FIRE PREVENTION-EXPENDITURE 545,400.00 557,195.00 576,075.00 18,880.00 5,701,471.14 6,223,074.63 FIRE SUPPRESSION-EXPENDITURE 5,819,800.00 6,281,892.00 6,487,949.00 206,057.00 164,630.27 282,936.06 FIRE TRAINING TECH.SUPPORT-EXPENDITURE 224,183.00 295,340.00 305,331.00 9,991.00 440,843.51 473,233.38 FIRE COMMUNICATIONS-EXPENDITURE 411,966.00 551,000.00 535,000.00 (16,000.00) 108,359.43 94,049.33 FIRE MECHANICAL-EXPENDITURE 129,500.00 117,500.00 117,500.00 0.00 997,683.48 1,040,377.26 ALL STATIONS-PT ADMIN.-EXPENDITURE 795,895.00 878,553.00 878,948.00 395.00 35,307.53 28,105.17 MUN.OPERATIONS CENTRE-EXPENDITURE 37,100.00 35,100.00 37,100.00 2,000.00 121,510.88 123,977.97 FIRE MTNCE TECH SUPPORT-EXPENDITURE 117,950.00 124,214.00 128,936.00 4,722.00 10,496,360.04 10,367,112.46 Total EXPENDITURE 9,713,809.00 10,718,857.00 10,600,716.00 (118,141.00) 10,403,523.60 10.064,968.86 NET LEVY 9,675,009.00 10,669,857.00 10,.551,716.00 (118,141.00) w Municipalih ngton 02/03/14 BUDGET WO. v PAIPE,RS - Clarington:AD1N,dISTRZATImIY _ 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (65,098.44) (259,635.60) 100-28-130-30650-6400 EMS-FIRE DEPARTMENT-MISC R (25,000.00) (35,000.00) (35,000.00) 0.00 (12,300.00) (32,800.00) 100-28-130-30652-6400 EMS -FIRE-EMERGENCY CALLS R 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (77,398.44) (292,435.60) Total REVENUE (25,000.00) (35,000.00) (35,000.00) 0.00 EXPENDITURE: 555,947.44 568,485.18 100-28-130-00000-7001 EMS-ADMIN-SALARYF/T 529,811.00 542,170.00 553,014.00 10,844.00 0.00 10,999.85 100-28-130-00000-7007 EMS-ADMIN-SAL PERM P/T 0.00 25,983.00 27,563.00 1,580.00 10,516.85 10,732.12 100-28-130-00000-7050 EMS-ADMIN-EHT 10,329.00 11,057.00 11,298.00 241.00 61,228.46 67,570.27 100-28-130-00000-7051 EMS-ADMIN-OMERS 61,302.00 68,930.00 70,309.00 1,379.00 11,869.86 12,229.22 100-28-130-00000-7052 EMS-ADMIN-CPP 10,881.00 12,358.00 12,669.00 311.00 5,965.23 6,403.51 100-28-130-00000-7053 EMS-ADMIN-EI 5,572.00 6,575.00 61978.00 403.00 52,026.32 52,752.64 100-28-130-00000-7054 EMS-)8,DMIN-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 53,308.00 51,470.00 56,666.00 5,196.00 8,012.46 8,485.03 100-28-130-00000-7058 EMS-ADMIN-WSIB 7,962.00 8,572.00 9,017.00 445.00 9,312.39 11,170.89 100-28-130-00000-7101 EMS-ADMIN-OFF SUPPLIES 8,000.00 8,000.00 9,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 217.02 100-28-130-00000-7112 EMS-ADMIN-MISC OP EXP 0.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 24,306.17 26,758.40 100-28-130-00000-7125 EMS-ADMIN-HEAT 33,100.00 31,500.00 31,080.00 (420.00) 60,242.14 64,647.51 100-28-130-00000-7129 EMS-ADMIN-HYDRO 65,000.00 65,300.00 86,258.00 20,958.00 10,398.78 11,425.38 100-28-130-00000-7130 EMS-ADMIN-WATER/SEWER 10,500.00 10,700.00 14,075.00 3,375.00 68,929.08 39,521.79 100-28-130-00000-7132 EMS-ADMIN-PHONE/FAX 70,000.00 70,000.00 70,000.00 0.00 0.00 64,104.23 100-28-130-00000-7160 EMS-ADMIN-CONSULTING 75,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 256.47 0.00 100-28-130-00000-7174 EMS-ADMIN-R/M OFF EQUIP 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 1,102.87 66.92 100-28-130-00000-7181 EMS-ADMIN-BOOKS/PERIODICALS 1,000.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 0.00 21,609.36 44,725.17 100-28-130-00000-7183 EMS-ADMIN-CLTH/UNIFORMS 62,100.00 51,500.00 51,500.00 0.00 829.88 805.38 100-28-130-00000-7186 EMS-ADMIN-POST/COUR/FRT 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 585.64 29.67 100-28-130-00000-7192 EMS-ADMIN-SPECIAL EVENTS 2,200.00 2,200.00 2,200.00 0.00 3,857.80 5,660.90 100-28-130:00000-7200 EMS-ADMIN-MEMB/DUES 6,800.00 6,800.00 6,800.00 0.00 538.33 443.57 100-28-130-00000-7202 EMS-ADMIN-TRAVEL EXP 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 53,413.72 44,158.14 100-28-130-00000-7203 EMS-ADMIN-STAFF DEV 67,500.00 67,500.00 67,500.00 0.00 4,221.92 5,735.49 100-28-130-00000-7299 EMS-ADMIN-MISC EXPENSE 4,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 0.00 501,300.00 441,155.00 100-28-130-00000-7412 EMS-ADMIN-TRSF TO RES FUND 489,000.00 400,750.00 425,750.00 25,000.00 234,952.25 0.00 100-28-130-00000-7416 EMS-ADMIN-TRSF TO RES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 51,150.00 70,320.00 100-28-130-00000-7418 EMS-ADMIN-TRSF TO CAP 51,150.00 70,320.00 0.00 (70,320.00) 6,100.00 0.00 100-28-130-00000-7501 EMS- ADMIN-RENOV/CONSTR'N 5,000.00 0:00 10,000.00 10,000.00 1,758,673.42 1,568,603.28 Total EXPENDITURE 1,632,015.00 1,523,885.00 1,533,877.00 9,992.00 1,681,274.98 1,276,167.68 NETLEVY 1,607,015.00 1,488,885.00 1,498,877.00 9,992.00 ON ICJ Municipality 3rington 02/03/14 BUDGET WO, G PAPERS Clarington:FER -:KEVENTION 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (2,337.00) (3,432.00) 100-28-280-30655-6400 FIRE INSPECTION FEE-COMMERCIAL/ (2,000.00) (2,000.00) (2,000.00) 0.00 (780.00) (858.00) 100-28-280-30660-6400 FIRE INSPECTION FEE-DAYCARE CTR (300.00) (500.00) (500.00) 0.00 0.00 (75.00) 100-28-280-30665-6400 FIRE INSPECTION FEE-WOOD STOVE (200.00) (200.00) (200.00) 0.00 (543.00) (780.00) 100-28-280-30670-6400 FIRE INSPECTION FEE-REFRESH.VEH (800.00) (800.00) (800.00) 0.00 (1,872.00) (468.00) 100-28-280-30675-6400 FIRE INSURANCE REPORT FEE (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) 0.00 (9,906.00) (4,095.00) 100-28-280-35615-6502 BURNING PERMITS (10,000.00) (10,000.00) (10,000.00) 0.00 (15,438.00) (9,708.00) Total REVENUE (13,800.00) (14,000.00) (14,000.00) 0.00 EXPENDITURE: 369,623.19 376,047.52 100-28-280-00000-7001 EMS-PREVENTION-SALARY FIT 371,388.00 381,634.00 392,933.00 11,299.00 17,159.20 17,093.56 100-28-280-00000-7015 EMS-PREVENT-WAGES STUDENT 19,017.00 19,445.00 19,835.00 390.00 7,737.21 7,926.72 100-28-280-00000-7050 EMS-PREVENTION-EHT 7,599.00 7,807.00 8,034.00 227.00 42,183.35 45,730.43 100-28-280-00000-7051 EMS-PREVENTION-OMERS 42,234.00 46,658.00 48,191.00 1,533.00 9,908.46 10,248.75 100-28-280-00000-7052 EMS-PREVENTION-CPP 9,083.00 9,460.00 9,675.00 215.00 5,204.05 5,592.13 100-28-280-00000-7053 EMS-PREVENTION-El 4,861.00 5,183.00 5,493.00 310.00 40,600.79 39,799.74 100-28-280-00000-7054 EMS-PREVENTION-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 41,601.00 38,832.00 43,339.00 4,507.00 7,715.58 8,116.03 100-28-280-00000-7058 EMS-PREVENTION-WSIB 7,667.00 7,676.00 8,075.00 399.00 833.66 0.00 100-28-280-00000-7142 EMS-PREVENTION-EQUIP MTNCE 1,250.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 588.26 557.18 100-28-280-00000-7181 EMS-PREVENTION-BOOKS/PERIODI 2,000.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 25,766.42 19,074.69 100-28-280-00000-7206 EMS-PREVENTION-PROM0/0THER 33,000.00 33,000.00 33,000.00 0.00 373.68 0.00 ,1 0 0-28-28 0-0 00 0 0-729 9'EMS-PREVENTION-MISC EXPENSE 700.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,302.47 57.70 100-28-280-00000-7520 EMS 7 PREVENTION-OTHER CAP(NON 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 530,996.32 530,244.45 Total EXPENDITURE 545,400.00 557,195.00 576,075.00 18,880.00 515,558.32 520,536.45 NET LEVY 531,600.00 543,195.00 562,075.00 18,880.00 —. ON l,J Municipality ngton 02/03114 BUDGET 61/01 .i PAPERS CBarington:FIRE wPPRiESSION _ 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 4,252,995.31 4,679,347.44 100-28-281-00000-7001 EMS-SUPPRESSION-SALARY F!T 4,310,434.00 4,668,464.00 4,787,865.00 119,401.00 85,579.54 92,428.15 100-28-281-00000-7050 EMS-SUPPRESSION-EHT 84,051.00 91,032.00 93,361.00 2,329.00 485,013.55 550,135.12 100-28-281-00000-7051 EMS-SUPPRESSION-OMERS 485,607.00 561,294.00 576,853.00 15,559.00 116,118.76 129,949.25 100-28-281-00000-7052 EMS-SUPPRESSION-CPP 106,445.00 119,948.00 122,522.00 2,574.00 56,601.04 65,977.22 100-28-281-00000-7053 EMS-SUPPRESSION-EI 52,870.00 61,150.00 64,874.00 3,724.00 474,109.11 506,408.89 100-28-281-00000-7054 EMS-SUPPRESSION-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 485,726.00 494,096.00 549,754.00 55,658.00 86,209.96 96,119.29 100-28-281-00000-7058 EMS-SUPPRESSION-WSIB 85,667.00 90,908.00 95,220.00 4,312.00 4,884.48 4,130.44 100-28-281-00000-7103 EMS-SUPPRESSION-CHEM/FOAM 5,000.00 5,000.00 7,500.00 2,500.00 2,116.19 11,180.57 100-28-281-00000-7106 EMS-SUPPRESSION-SAFETY SUPPL 9,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 0.00 54,084.62 65,144.98 100-28-281-00000-7142 EMS-SUPPRESSION-EQUIP MTNCE 65,000.00 87,000.00 87,000.00 0.00 10,096.63 5,326.15 100-28-281-00000-7173 EMS-SUPPRESSION-R/M OTHER EQU 11,500.00 11,500.00 11,500.00 0.00 3,840.93 0.00 100-28-281-00000-7520 EMS- SUPPRESSION-OTHER CAP(N 4,500.00 8,500.00 8,500.00 0.00 26,247.15 11,276.25 100-28-281-00000-7530 EMS-SUPPRESSION-BUNKER MISC 34,000.00 34,000.00 34,000.00 0.00 43,573.87 5,650.88 100-28-281-00000-7531 EMS-SUPPRESSION-S.C.B.A. 80,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 0.00 5,701,471.14 6,223,074.63 Totaf EXPENDITURE 5,819,800.00 6,281,892.00 6,487,949.00 206,057.00 5,701 471.14 6,223 074.63 NET LEVY 5,819 800.00 6,281,892.00 6487 949.00 206,057.00 cr Municipality vington 02103/14 BUDGE7-W®i G PAPERS C1arington:F£R6 ,GAINING TE 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 112,064.23 204,545.78 100-28-282-00000-7001 EMS-TRAIN&TECH SUP-SALARY F/T 171,333.00 216,967.00 231,445.00 14,478.00 3,401.72 4,295.85 100-28-282-00000-7050 EMS-TRAIN&TECH SUP-EHT 3,341.00 4,231.00 4,513.00 282.00' 19,568.50 26,550.47 100-28-282-00000-7051 EMS-TRAIN&TECH SUP-OMERS 19,592.00 27,089.00 29,260.00 2,171.00 4,838.04 4,997.64 100-28-282-00000-7052 EMS-TRAIN&TECH SUP-CPP 4,435.00 4,613.00 4,712.00 99.00 2,358.47 2,537.64 100-28-282-00000-7053 EMS-TRAIN&TECH SUP-El 2,203.00 2,352.00 2,495.00 143.00 17,129.02 20,395.90 100-28-282-00000-7054 EMS-TRAIN&TECH SUP-LTD/LIFE/HL 17,551.00 19,900.00 22,326.00 2,426.00 3,248.44 3,899.44 100-28-282-00000-7058 EMS-TRAIN&TECH SUP-WSIB 3,228.00 3,688.00 3,880.00 192.00 2,021.85 15,713.34 100-28-282-00000-7181 EMS-TRAIN&TECH-BOOKS/PERIODI 2,500.00 16,500.00 6,700.00 (9,800.00) 164,630.27 282,936.06 Total EXPENDITURE 224,183.00 295,340.00 305,331.00 9.991.00 164,630.27 282,936.06 NET LEVY 224,183.00 295,340.00 305,331.00 9,991.00 to Municipality ington 02/03/14 BUDGET W©J S PAPERS Clarington:FIRE,:..AMUNICATI 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012'BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 240,719.35 0.00 100-28-283-00000-7001 EMS-COMMUNICATION-SALARY FIT 232,979.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,625.61 0.00 100-28-283-00000-7050 EMS- COMMUNICATION-EHT 4,543.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22,967.41 0.00 100-28-283-00000-7051 EMS- COMMUNICATION-OMERS 22,995.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9,676.12 0.00 100-28-283-00000-7052 EMS- COMMUNICATION-CPP 8,870.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,716.93 0.00 100-28-283-00000-7053 EMS- COMMUNICATION-El 4,406.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22,516.33 0.00 100-28-283-00000-7054 EMS-COMMUNICATION-LTD/LIFE/HL 23,071.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,134.35 0.00 100-28-283-00000-7058 EMS- COMMUNICATION-WSIB 5,102.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,443.08 0.00 100-28-283-00000-7142 EMS-COMMUNICATION-EQUIP MTNC 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 123,044.33 35,928.39 100-28-283-00000-7144 EMS- COMMUNICATION-RADIO EQU 105,000.00 151,000.00 110,000.00 (41,000.00) 0.00 437,304.99 100-28-283-00000-7163 EMS-COMMUNICATION-CONTRACT 0.00 400,000.00 425,000.00 25,000.00 440,843.51 473,233.38 Total EXPENDITURE 411,966.00 551,000.00 535,000.00 (16,000.00) 440,843.51 473,233.38 NET LEVY 411,966.00 551,000.00 535,000.00 (16,000.00) cs C+ Municipalit, "arington 02/03/14 BUDGET"WC ?G PAPERS — Clarington:PIRL riECHANICAL 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 9,461.78 0.00 100-28-284-00000-7142 EMS-FIRE MECH-EQUIP MTNCE/SER 12,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18,310.61 21,848.03 100-28-284-00000-7171 EMS-FIRE MECH-RIM VEHICLES 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 0.00 15,481.58 4,433.42 100-28-284-00000-7173 EMS-FIRE MECH-R/M OTHER EQUIP 22,500.00 22,500.00 22,500.00 0.00 65,105.46 67,767.88 100-28-284-00000-7194 EMS-FIRE MECH-FUEUOIL 75,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 0.00 108,359.43 94,049.33 Total EXPENDITURE 129,500.00 117,500.00 117,500.00 0.00 108,359.43 94,049.33 NET LEVY 129,500.00 117,500.00 117,500.00 0.00 ON Municipality ington 02103/14 BUDGET LVO, GPAPERS Clarington:ALL CATIONS-P 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 5,729.17 7,515.64 100-28-285-00000-7104 EMS-FIRE PIT-CLEAN SUPPLIES 9,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 0.00 22.90 13.84 100-28-285-00000-7105 EMS-FIRE P/T-LIGHT SUPPLIES 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 985.80 0.00 100-28-285-00000-7112 EMS-FIRE PIT-MISC OP EXP 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 6,502.57 7,878.83 100-28-285-00000-7132 EMS-FIRE P/T-PHONE/FAX 8,500.00 8,500.00 8,500.00 0.00 12,479.42 0.00 100-28-285-00000-7140 EMS-FIRE P/T-SNOW REMOVAL 15,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,100.00 2,100.00 100-28-285-00000-7164 EMS-FIRE P/T-JANITORIAL 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 25,489.47 26,247.35 100-28-285-00000-7172 EMS-FIRE PIT-R,/M-BUILDING 22,500.00 22,500.00 . 22,500.00 0.00 201,936.56 240,309.21 100-28-285-10588-7016 EMS-BOW F/STN#1-P/T F/F WAGES 154,759.00 180,000.00 180,000.00 0.00 3,072.89 3,563.84 100-28-285-10588-7050 EMS-BOW F/STN#1-EHT 3,018.00 3,510.00 3,510.00 0.00 2,282.14 3,619.57 100-28-285-10588-7052 EMS-BOW F/STN#1-CPP 2,092.00 3,341.00 3,341.00 0.00 3,410.48 4,167.97 100-28-285-10588-7058 EMS-BOW F/STN#1-WSIB 3,389.00 3,942.00 4,032.00 90.00 292,271.76 272,723.75 100-28-285-10590-7016 EMS-NEWC F/STN#2-PIT F/F WAGES 247,290.00 247,290.00 247,290.00 0.00 4,909.69 4,895.94 100-28-285-10590-7050 EMS-NEWC F/STN#2-EHT 4,822.00 4,822.00 4,822.00 0.00 7,278.34 7,228.31 100-28-285-10590-7052 EMS-NEWC F/STN#2-CPP 6,672.00 6,672.00 6,672.00 0.00 5,450.33 5,726.47 100-28-285-10590-7058 EMS-NEWC F/STN#2-WSIB 5,416.00 5,416.00 5,539.00 123.00 191,551.87 196,971.15 100-28-285-10592-7016 EMS- ORONO F/STN#3-P/T F/F WAGE 142,700.00 175,000.00 175,000.00 0.00 2,833.60 3,465.35 100-28-285-10592-7050 EMS-ORONO F/STN#3-EHT 2,783.00 3,413.00 3,413.00 0.00 1,630.83 .3,351.96 100-28-285-10592-7052 EMS-ORONO F/STN#3-CPP 1,495.00 3,094.00 3,094.00 0.00 3,144.80 4,051.67 100-28-285-10592-7058 EMS-ORONO F/STN#3-WSIB 3,125.00 3,832.00 3,920.00 88.00 106,611.22 127,033.52 100-28-285-10594-7016 EMS-COURT F/STN#4-P/T F/F WAGES 66,500.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 0.00 1,320.61 1,979.87 100-28-285-10594-7050 EMS-COURT F/STN#4-EHT 1,297.00 1,950.00 1,950.00 0.00 1,465.24 2,315.55 100-28-285-10594-7058 EMS-COURT F/STN#4-WSIB 1,456.00 2,190.00 2,240.00 50.00 111,598.64 111,502.01 100-28-285-10596-7016 EMS- ENNISK F/STN#5-PIT F/F WAGE 86,500.00 86,500.00 86,500.00 0.00 1,717.70 1,712.88 100-28-285-10596-7050 EMS-ENNISK F/STN#5-EHT 1,687.00 1,687.00 1,687.00 0.00 1,887.45 2,002.58 100-28-285-10596-7058 EMS-ENNISK F/STN#5-WSIB 1,894.00 1,894.00 1,938.00 44.00 997,683.48 1,040,377.26 Total EXPENDITURE 795,895.00 878,553.00 878,948.00 395.00 997,683.48 1,040,377.26 NET LEVY 795,895.00 878,553.00 878,948.00 395.00 CIO Municipality arington 02/03114 BUDGET WO. G PAPERS CIarington:MUN:OPERATIONS 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 0.00 35.15 100-28-286-00000-7101 EMS-MUN OP CENTRE-OFF SUPPLE 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 24,276.74 24,868.05 100-28-286-00000-7132 EMS-FIRE MUN OP CENTRE-PHONE 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 0.00 10,694.75 3,201.97 100-28-286-00000-7173 EMS-FIRE MUN.OP CENTRE-R/M OT 10,000.00 10,000.00 12,000.00 2,000.00 336.04 0.00 100-28-286-00000-7299 EMS-FIRE MUN OP CENTRE-MISC 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 35,307.53 28.105.17 Total EXPENDITURE 37,1&.00 _ 35 100.00 3 7,100.00 2,000.00 35 307.53 _ 28,105.17 NET LEVY 37,100.00 35.100.00 37,100.00 2,000.00 rn l9 Municipality rington 02/03114 BUDGET WO, G PAPERS Clarington:FIRE...nINTENANCE 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 93,798.90 94,813.12 100-28-287-00000-7001 EMS-MECH TECH-SALARY FIT 90,319.00 95,472.00 98,337.00 2,865.00 1,793.06 1,890.55 100-28-287-00000-7050 EMS-MECH TECH-EHT 1,761.00 1,862.00 1,918.00 56.00 10,368.54 11,636.96 100-28-287-00000-7051 EMS-MECH TECH-OMERS 10,381.00 11,873.00 12,263.00 390.00 2,419.56 2,499.37 100-28-287-00000-7052 EMS-MECH TECH-CPP 2,218.00 2,307.00 2,356.00 49.00 1,178.70 1,268.82 100-28-287-00000-7053 EMS-MECH TECH-El 1,101.00 1,176.00 1,248.00 72.00 10,133.21 9,977.59 100-28-287-00000-7054 EMS-MECHTECH-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 10,381.00 9,735.00 10,930.00 1,195.00 1,818.91 1,891.56 100-28-287-00000-7058 EMS-MECH TECH-WSIB 1,789.00 1,789.00 1,884.00 95.00 121,510.88 123.977.97 Total EXPENDITURE 117,950.00 124,214.00 128.936.00 4,722.00 121,510.88 123,977.97 NET LEVY 117,950.00 124,214.00 128,936.00 4,722.00 v O ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATION CHART 2014 (;i n Leading the Way DIRECTOR Tony Cannella ASSISTANT DIRECTOR (ACTING) Ron Albright CHIEF BUILDING CAPITAL WORKS CONSTRUCTION DEVELOPMENT PARK DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIAL ENGINEER MANAGER ENGINEERING MANAGE MANAGER ASSISTANT ..------ 9----- _.._.._..— —.. _..—.._ ----.. Rick Pi eon Sean Ba shaw Norm Clark Leslie Benson Peter Windolf J nny Bilenduke Karen Richardson Building Plumbing/Heating Construction Traffic Permit Inspectors Inspectors Coordinator Co-ordinator Clerk _.._.._.._. — —..—..—..—.. .._--------_.._.. .............. Dennis George Lloyd Cullen A.Coolen Slav Potrykus Dianne Graham Kim Laing John Tresise Jennifer O'Donnell David Abramczuk Adam Carter Engineering Engineering Adam Dunn _ Technician 111— — Co-ordinator_ Clerk 11 Brad Muma J.Maloney Ed Lisinski _ _ _ _ Brent Mavin Donna VanSchyndel Tony Ricciardi Brenda Copithom Nicole Lizotte RESPONSIBILITIES: Staff Complement Right Way Management Non-Affiliated Capital l Budgeting&Forecasting Union-Italicized 9 Design and Construction Part-time 0 Park Development Development Review/Municipal Servicing ITotal 28 Subdivision Construction Inspection Transportation and Traffic Department Head Backup- Pavement Management Assistant Director Bwldin Permit and Inspection Municipality vrington 02/03/14 BUDGET WO, G PAPERS Clarington.ENGI trERING SERV 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2D13 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013:BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (975.09) (946.70) UNASSIGNED-REVENUE (50.00) (50.00) (50.00) 0.00 (181,770.39) (887,225.26) ADMINISTRATION-REVENUE (40,500.00) (40,500.00) (40,500.00) 0.00 (1,939,163.38) (1,958,606.03) BUILDING INSPECTION-REVENUE (1,318,500.00) (11518,500.00) (1,318,500.00) 200,000.00 (2,121,908.86) (2,846,777.49) Total REVENUE (1,359,050.00) (1,559,050.00 (1,359,050.00) 200,000.00 EXPENDITURE: 8,780,814.59 0.00 PSAB-EXPENDITURE, 0.00 8,811,778.00 0.00 (8,811,778,00) 3,809,416.26 4,543,347.95 ADMINISTRATION-EXPENDITURE 4,026,126.00 3,948,627.00 2,837,129.00 (1,111,498.00) 1,324,281.58 1,381,689.41 BUILDING INSPECTION-EXPENDITURE 1,321,681.00 1,384,530.00 1,217,976.00 (166,554.00) 70,000.00 70,000.00 STREET LIGHTING-EXPENDITURE 70,000.00 70,000.00 0.00 (70,000.00) 168,861.78 5,712.11 PARK-EXPENDITURE 15,000.00 17,000.00 15,000.00 (2,000.00) 0.00 4,748.80 ROAD MAINTENANCE-EXPENDITURE 60,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 4,112.03 3,631.95 FLEET-EXPENDITURE 5,600.00 5,600.00 5,600.00 0.00 14,157,486.24 6,009,130.22 Total EXPENDITURE 5,498,407.00 _ 14,287,535.00 4,125,705.00 (10,161,830.00) 12,035,577.38 3,162,352.73 NET LEVY 4,139,357.00 12,728,485.00 2,766,655.00 (9,961,830.00) w N Municipalit irington 02/03/14 BUDGET WC G PAPERS - Clarington;U—SSIGNED 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (975.09) (946.20) 100-32-000-30645-6400 ENG.PHOTOCOPY CHARGES FEE (50.00) (50.00) (50.00) 0.00 (975.09) (946.20) Total REVENUE (50.00) (50.00) (50.00) 0.00 (975.09) (946.20) NET LEVY (50.00) (50.00) (50.00) 0.00 w Municipality 3rington 02/03/14 BUDGET WO, G PAPERS COarington.ADN -..1STRATIiON 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (730.28) (354.00) 100-32-130-00000-6565 ENG ADMIN-SALE OF PUBLICATIONS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (41,652.74) (335,265.42) 100-32-130-31030-6400 ENGINEERING-MISC REVENUE (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) 0.00 (99,387.37) (511,605.84) 100-32-130-31034-6400 ENG.&INSP.ADMIN.FEES REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (40,000.00) (40,000.00) 100-32-130-35605-6502 ENG.MUNICIPAL CONSENT PERMITS (40,000.00) (40,000.00) (40,000.00) 0.00 (181,770.39) (887,225.26) Total REVENUE (40,500.00) (40,500.00) (40,500.00) 0.00 EXPENDITURE: 1,291,550.58 1,320,647.27 100-32-130-00000-7001.ENG ADMIN-SALARY FIT 1,273,573.00 1,396,934.00 1,449,335.00 52,401.00 0.00 1,073.20 100-32-130-00000-7008 ENG ADMIN-WAGES TEMP PIT 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 8,643.84 9,470.91 100-32-130-00000-7015 ENG ADMIN-WAGES STUDENT 7,581.00 7,747.00 7,902.00 155.00 25,432.27 26,120.52 100-32-130-00000-7050 ENG ADMIN-EHT 24,978.00 27,385.00 28,485.00 1,100.00 119,472.51 144,512.74 100-32-130-00000-7051 ENG ADMIN-OMERS 119,616.00 157,062.00 163,817.00 6,755.00 36,491.02 37,656.14 100-32-130-00000-7052 ENG ADMIN-CPP 33,451.00 37,064.00 37,880.00 816.00 17,882.79 19,237.52 100-32-130-00000-7053 ENG ADMIN-El 16,704.00 19,006.00 20,262.00 1,256.00 142,955.34 147,758.62 100-32-130-00000-7054 ENG ADMIN-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 146,477.00 153,874.00 165,865.00 11,991.00 23,795.86 25,308.13 100-32-130-00000-7058 ENG ADMIN-WSIB 23,646.00 25,725.00 26,899.00 1,174.00 5,817.61 3,570.84 100-32-130-00000-7101 ENG ADMIN OFF SUPPLIES 5,400.00 5,400.00 5,400.00 0.00 2,802.75 7,075.40 100-32-130-00000-7132 ENG ADMIN-PHONE/FAX 4,800.00 7,284.00 7,284.00 0.00 4,301.42 2,905.47 100-32-130-00000-7159 ENG ADMIN-TRAFFIC WATCH CONSU 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 (4,000.00) 30,214.43 6,734.11 100-32-130-00000-7160 ENG ADMIN-CONSULTING 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 138,363.66 97,587.45 100-32-130-00000-7167 ENG ADMIN-DESIGN 150,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 0.00 959.60 775.58 100-32-130-00000-7181 ENG ADMIN-BOOKS/PERIODICALS 600.00 900.00 600.00 (300.00) 966.42 901.69 100-32-130-00000-7183 ENG ADMIN-CLTH/UNIFORMS 1,50100 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 1,085.25 1,161.25 100-32-130-00000-7186 ENG ADMIN-POST/COUR/FRT 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 850.02 147.55 100-32-130-00000-7188 ENG ADMIN-REPROD/PRINTING 300.00 300.00 300.00 0.00 877.82 2,679.51 100-32-130-00000-7192 ENG ADMIN-SPECIAL EVENTS EXP 1,000.00 2,000.00 7,000.00 5,000.00 5,952.66 6,245.64 100-32-130-00000-7200 ENG ADMIN-NIEMB/DUES 6,000.00 6,300.00 6,600.00 300.00 16,164.51 16,940.85 100-32-130-00000-7202 ENG ADMIN-TRAVEL EXP 17,500.00 17,500.00 17,500.00 0.00 2,084.00 8,363.62 100-32-130-00000-7203 ENG ADMIN-STAFF DEV 8,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 0.00 2,789.32 1,961.29 100-32-130-00000-7299 ENG ADMIN-MISC EXPENSE 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-32-130-00000-7304 ENG ADMIN-DEBT PYMT PRINCIPAL 100,000.00 0.00 430,000.00 430,000.00 0.00 0.00 100-32-130-00000-7305 ENG ADMIN-DEBT PYMT INTEREST 100,000.00 0.00 210,000.00 210,000.00 114,280.15 821,587.64 100-32-130-00000-7412 ENG ADMIN-TRSF TO RES FUND 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 75,537.50 0.00 100-32-130-00000-7416 ENG ADMIN-TRSF TO RES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,695,000.00 1,802,038.33 100-32-130-00000-7418 ENG ADMIN-TRSF TO CAP. 1,695,000.00 1,794,646.00 0.00 (1,794,646.00) -3,581.19 1,207.59 1100-32-130-00000-7506 ENG ADMIN-FURNITURE/FIXTURES 2,000.00 2,000.00 4,500.00 2,500.00 36,357.42 27,534.22 100-32-130-00000-7510 ENG ADMIN-STUDIES 200,000.00 40,000.00 0.00 (40,000.00) _l Municipalit, irington 02103114 BUDGET W Di G PAPERS Clarington:ADN,,ISTRATION _ 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE(continued): $0.00 $1,890.26 100-32-130-00000-7516 ENG ADM1N-DEVELOPMENT $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 5,206.32 254.61 100-32-130-00000-7520 ENG ADMIN-OTHER CAP(NON TCA) 6,500.00 6,500.00 6,500.00 0.00 3,809,416.26 4,543,347.95 Total EXPENDITURE 4,026,126.00 3,948,627.00 2,837,129.00 (1,111,498.00) 3,627,645.87 3,656,122.69 NETLEVY 3,985,626.00 3,908,127.00 2,796629.00 (1,111,498.00) Ui Municipality Arington 02/03/14 BUDGET 14fOj. i PAJOERS - Ciarington:BUILD NG INSPECT 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: 0.00 0.00 100-32-321-00000-6506 BUILDING CODE INFRACTIONS FINES (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-32-321-30501-6400 BUILDING INSPECTION-MISC REV (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) 0.00 (16,400.00) (16,900.OD) 100-32-321-35515-6500 PLUMBING LICENCES (14,000.00) (14,000.00) (14,000.00) 0.00 (1,901,800.88) (1,935,556.03) 100-32-321-35600-6502 BUILDING PERMITS (1,300,000.00) (1,500,000.00) (1,300,000.00) 200,000,00 (4,500.00) (6,150.00) 100-32-321-35603-6502 POOL ENCLOSURE PERMITS (3,500.00) (3,500.00) (3,500.00) 0.00 (16,462.50) 0.00 100-32-321-35606-6502 SITE ALTERATION PERMITS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1,939,163.38) (1,958,606.03) Total REVENUE (1,318,500.00) (1,518,500.00) (1,318 500.00) 200,000.00 EXPENDITURE:. 786,513.84 819,526.67 100-32-321-00000-7001 BLDG INSPECTION-SALARY F/T 781,058.00 814,723.00 838,529.00 23,806.00 15,507.98 16,130.69 100-32-321-00000-7050 BLDG INSPECTION-EHT 15,231.00 15,887.00 16,350.00 463.00 73,745.44 83,034.76 100-32-321-00000-7051 BLDG INSPECTION-OMERS 73,834.00 84,719.00 87,524.00 2,805.00 28,814.51 29,967.39 100-32-321-00000-7052 BLDG INSPECTION-CPP 26,414.00 27,661.00 28,255.00 594.00 14,135.78 15,226.03 100-32-321-00000-7053 BLDG INSPECTION-El 13,204.00 14,112.00 14,971.00 859.00 98,864.49 105,892.69 100-32-321-00000-7054 BLDG INSPECTION-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 101,300.00 103,318.00 107,876.00 4,558.00 16,141.66 17,670.02 100-32-321-00000-7058 BLDG INSPECTION-WSIB 16,040.00 16,712.00 17,621.00 909.00 2,468.00 4,971.13 100-32-321-00000-7101 BLDG INSPECTION-OFFICE SUPPLIE 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 2,435.49 5,648.85 100-32-321-00000-7132 BLDG INSPECTION-PHONE/FAX 3,800.00 8,198.00 6,600.00 (1,598.00) 1,240.45 0.00 100-32-321-00000-7160 BLDG INSPECTION-CONSULTING 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-32-321-00000-7174 BLDG INSPECTION-RIM OFFICE EQU 0.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 417.65 2,736.54 100-32-321-00000-7181 BLDG INSPECTION-BOOKS/PERIODi 2,300.00 2,500.00 1,300.00 (1,200.00) 1,503.74 1,833.65 100-32-321-00000-7183 BLDG INSPECTION-CLTH/UNIFORMS 2,800.00 5,000.00 3,100.00 (1,900.00) 5.40 9.57 100-32-321-00000-7186 BLDG INSPECTION-POSTAGE/COUR 400.00 400.00 400.00 0.00 300.57 503.21 100-32-321-00000-7188 BLDG INSPECTION-PRINTING 800.00 800.00 800.00 0.00 3,841.50 3,856.99 100-32-321-00000-7200 BLDG INSPECTION-MEMB/DUES 4,500.00 4;500.00 5,300.00 800.00 65,867.00 64,757.40 100-32-321-00000-7202 BLDG INSPECTION-TRAVEL EXP 59,500.00 60,000.00 63,000.00 3,000.00 11,075.63 8,803.58 100-32-321-00000-7203 BLDG INSPECTION-STAFF DEV 10,000.00 15,000.00 14,600.00 (400.00) 326.34 287.98 100-32-321-00000-7299 BLDG INSPECTION-MISC EXPENSE 500.00 500.00 1,250.00 750.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 100-32-321-00000-7412 BLDG INSPECTION-TRSF TO RES F 200,000.00 200,000.00 0.00 (200,000.00) 0.00 0.00 100-32-321-00000-7505 BLDG INSPECTION-OTHER EQUIP 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 1,076.11 832.26 100-32-321-00000-7506 BLDG INSPECTION-FURNITURE/FiX 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 1,324,281.58 1,381,689.41 Total EXPENDITURE 1,321,681.00 1,384,530.00 1,217,976.00 (166,554.00) (614,881.80) (576,916.62) NET LEVY 3,181.00 (133,970.0 , (100 524.00) 33,446.00 rn Municipali arington 02/03/14 BUDGET WC. lG PAPERS .Clarington:STkc.r LIGHTING 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE; 70,000.00 70,000.00 100-32-324-10417-7418 ENG-STREET LIGHTS-TRSF TO CAP 70,000.00 70,000.00 0.00 (70,000.00) 70,000.00 70,000.00 Total EXPENDITURE 70.000.00 70 000.00 0.00 (70,000.00) 70,000.00 70,000.00 NET LEVY 70,000.00 _ 70,000,00 0.00 (70 000.00) v Municipality "arington 02/03/14 BUDGET WO 'G PAPERS Claringto...rARK _ 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 15,811.52 3,712.11 100-32-325-10120-7160 PARK DEV-CONSULTING 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 151,844.86 0.00 100-32-325-10120-7299 ENG.SERVICES-PARK-DEV.-MISC.EX 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,205.40 0.00 100-32-325-10120-7412 PARK DEV-TRSF TO RES FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0..00 2,000.00 100-32-325-10120-7418 PARK DEV.-TRSF TO CAP 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 (2,000.00) 168.861.78 5,712.11 Total EXPENDITURE 15,000.00 17 000.00 15,000.00 (2,000.00 168,861.78 5,712.11 NET LEVY 15,000.00 17,000.00 15,000.00 (2,000.00) co Municipalit, arington 02103/14 BUDGET WO, G PAPERS Clarington:ROAL-.-.aINTENANCE 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 0.00 4,748.80 100-32-380-10240-7540 ENG-ROADSIDE IMPROVEMENTS 60,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 4,748.80 Total EXPENDITURE 60,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 4,748.80 NET LEVY 60,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 v Municipality aringtcn 02/03/14 AU®GET VVO G PAJI--RS Clarington.eLEET 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 1,168.50 1,334.37 100-32-388-40120-7171'01 CHEVVAN-504-R/M-VEHICLES 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 1,552.97 1,043.56 100-32-388-40120-7194'01 CHEV VAN-504-FUEL/OIL 800.00 800.00 800.00 0.00 417.27 0.00 100-32-388-40220-7171 '02 GMC SAFARI VAN-559-R/M-VEHIC 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 (2,000.00) 97329 0.00 100-32-388-40220-7194'02 GMC SAFARI VAN-559-FUEL/OIL 800.00 800.00 0.00 (800.00) 0.00 705.03 100-32-388-55913-7171 '13 CHEV EXPRESS VAN-559-R/M-VEH 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 548.99 100-32-388-55913-7194'13 CHEV EXPRESS VAN-559-FUEL/ 0.00 0.00 800.00 800.00 4,112.03 3,631.95 Tota(EXPENDITURE 5,600.00 _ 5,600.00 5,600.00 0.00 4.112.03 3,631.95 NET LEVY 5,600.00 5 600.00 5,600.00 0.00 Co O OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATION CHART 2014 lar.� n Leading the Way DIRECTOR Fred Horvath SUPERVISORS M. Devitt(Roads) R.Genosko(Parks) L. Postill(Roads) C. Peters(Roads) L. Longhurst(Fleet) F- I I - Leadhands Building Light Equipment Fleet Head Administrative _Supervisor ____Operators __ Mechanic __ Assistant_ T Cox R.Groen B. Jackson Moe Recoskie Kaye Rand G. Duncan I T Beauvais M. Bourke Building B.Allin Fleet Technicians G. Somogyi Leadhand__ K. Sherwood Tom Stout K. Mercer T Melsh B. Pascoe Mark Cowell Clerk 11 R. Stiles P. Schoonderbeek Vacant C. Verhoog B. Cyr D.Collins Bldg.Maintenance G. Evans FFIeet echnicia n Heavy Equipment Paul Neto R. McKay tice(P/T) Fleet Operators S. Cobbledick B. Goldsworthy cant ___ Clerk _ L.Alldread O. Fiorese K. Dillon J. Taylor C. Phillips L. Haynes J. Stephen Operations C. Harris R. Farquharson O. Bonekat _Technician J. Tennisco K. Baker L. McBride S. Flajnik T.Balson Vacant P. Raesten B. Lynch J. Brown D. McDougall L. McBride RESPONSIBILITIES: Staff Complement K. Smith Road Maintenance Non-Affiliated 8 .. Labourers J. Shaw Fleet Maintenance Union-Italicized 57 P. Fice D. Forsey Parks Maintenance Part-time 1 L. Muir D. Reid Winter Snow Clearing Program Students 18 B. Parker J. Campbell Parking Meter Maintenance Total 84 M. McKelvie V Rand Sidewalk Maintenance Contract 18 Students B. Maartense Municipal Bldgs/Physical Plant Streetlight Maintenance Department Head Backup- Cemetery Operation Director of Engineering Municipalit, 'arington 02/03/14 BUDGET WC. G PAPERS Clarington:O r�rcATIONS 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (181,666.20) (189,137.49) UNASSIGNED-REVENUE (192,700.00) (193,000.00) (193,000.00) 0.00 (42,486.84) (31,574.87) ADMINISTRATION-REVENUE (40,000.00) (40,000.00) (40,000.00) 0.00 0.00 (109,154.21) CEMETERY-REVENUE 0.00 (99,300.00) (101,30-0.00) (2,000.00) (22,650.00) (23,700.50) WASTE COLLECTION-REVENUE 0.00 (22,500.00) (22,500.00) 0.00 (712.00) (852.01) RECYCLING COLLECTION-REVENUE 0.00 (1,000.00) (1,000.00) 0.00 (451,812.32) (137,257.75) BUILDING&PROPERTY SERVICES-REVENUE (205,000.00) (172,865.00) (172,865.00) 0.00 (14,320.00) (14,840.00) ROAD MAINTENANCE-REVENUE 0.00 (15,000.00) (15,000.00) 0.00 0.00 (1,195,744.05) FLEET-REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (713,647.36) (1,702,260.88) Total REVENUE (437,700.00) (543,665.00) (545,665.00) (2,000.00) EXPENDITURE: 224,695.86 139,624.50 UNASSIGNED-EXPENDITURE 100,400.00 103,050.00 103,000.00 (50.00) 3,462,012.27 11,632.14 PSAB-EXPENDITURE 0.00 2,201,444.00 0.00 (2,201,444.00) 3,006,164.73 2,956,665.39 ADMINISTRATION-EXPENDITURE 2,747,602.00 2,772,018.00 2,112,694.00 .(659,324.00) 779,466.51 949,933.35 STREET LIGHTING-EXPENDITURE 740,000.00 725,000.00 825,000.00 100,000.00 1,755,046.75 1,833,298.25 PARK-EXPENDITURE 1,719,741.00 1,882,588.00 1,899,637.00 17,049.00 283,491.64 357,210.61 CEMETERY-EXPENDITURE 261,108.00 259,253.00 256,864.00 (2,389.00) 22,500.00 30,000.00 WASTE COLLECTION-EXPENDITURE 0.00 22,500.00 22,500.00 0.00 825.00 1,320.00 RECYCLING COLLECTION-EXPENDITURE 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 1,832,686.69 2,418,564.55 BUILDING&PROPERTY SERVICES-EXPENDITURE 1,781,493.00 1,895,602.00 1,803,294.00 (92,308.00) 1,812,298.20 1,754,364.62 ROAD MAINTENANCE-EXPENDITURE 1,752,300.00 1,974,696.00 2,042,821.00 68,125.00 955,969.96 834,280.52 HARDTOP MAINTENANCE-EXPENDITURE 801,000.00 816,409.00 864,447.00 48,038.00 388,346.21 414,924.27 LOOSETOP MAINTENANCE-EXPENDITURE 418,500.00 437,500.00 434,500.00 (3,000.00) 1,530,004.20 2,248,138.27 WINTER CONTROL-EXPENDITURE 1,787,014.00 1,842,569.00 1,842,569.00 0.00 552,187.50 453,674.44 SAFETY DEVICES-EXPENDITURE 447,900.00 438,900.00 451,900.00 13,000.00 125,238.65 68,472.59 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT-EXPENDITURE 115,000.00 115,000.00 125,000.00 10,000.00 17,709.05 43,801.01 REGIONAL ROADS-EXPENDITURE 20,950.00 18,750.00 29,050.00 10,300.00 1,001,034.04 1,690,406.26 FLEET-EXPENDITURE 729,890.00 831,320.00 851,644.00 20,324.00 125,265.54 130,018.67 LIBRARIES-EXPENDITURE 128,588.00 129,645.00 137,629.00 7,984.00 0.00 0.00 OTHER CULTURAL'-EXPENDITURE 10,000.00 7,000.00 0.00 (7,000.00) 17,874,942.80 16.336,329.44 Total EXPENDITURE 13,561.486.00 16,474,244.00 13,803,549.00 (2,670,695.00) 17,161,295.44 14,634,068.56 NET LEVY 13,123,786.00 15,930,579.00 13,257,884.00 (2,672,695.00) co Municipalitt arington 02/03/14 BUDGET WC 1G PAPERS Clarington:b-ASSIGN ED _ 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (93,723.27) (101,514.88) 100-36-000-31005-6400 SPORT FIELD RENTALS REVENUE (96,000.00) (100,000.00) (100,000.00) 0.00 (87,942.93) (87,622.61) 100-36-000-31025-6400 ROYALTIES/SITE RENTAL-TRSF STN (96,700.00) (93,000.00) (93,000.00) 0.00 (181,666.20) (189,137.49) Total REVENUE (192,700.00) (193,000.00) (193,000.00) 0.00 EXPENDITURE: 86,470.98 62,600.39 100-36-060-10402-7112 CON LINK/TRAFF.SIG.-MISC OP EXP 70,000.00 72,000.00 72,000.00 0.00 12,554.37 12,959.97 100-36-000-10402-7129 CON LINK/TRAFF SIG-HYDRO 12,400.00 13,050.00 13,000.00 (50.00) 2,369.34 1,434.30 100-36-000-10440-7005 WORK/OTHERS D#1-WAGES F/T 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 119,194.59 17,044.31 100-36-000-10440-7112 WORK/OTHERS D#1-MISC OP EXP 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 2,379.88 45,285.53 100-36-000-10440-7163 WORK/OTHERS D#1 CONTRACT 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 1,726.70 300.00 100-36-000-10440-7231 WORK/OTHERS D#1-FLEET ALLOCA 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 224,695.86 139,624.50 Total EXPENDITURE 100,400.00 103,050.00 103,000.00 (50.00) 43,029.66 (49,512.99) NET LEVY (92,300.00) (89,950.00) (90,000.00) (50.00) co W Municipality '3ringt6n 02/03/14 BUDGET WO, G PAPERS Ciarington:ADb...dSTRATIDN 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (42,486.84) (31,574.87) 100-36-130-31010-6400 ENTRANCE CULVERTS FEE (40,000.00) (40,000.00) (40,000.00) 0.00 (42,486.84) (31,574.87) Total REVENUE (40,000.00) (40,000.00) (40,000.00) 0.00 EXPENDITURE: 420,275.96 430,652.55 100-36-130-00000-7001 OPERATIONS-SALARY FIT 432,238.00 435,159.00 443,662.00 8,503.00 435,779.90 470,761.53 100-36-130-00000-7005 OPERATIONS-WAGES FIT 400,846.00 4Q9,884.00 408,417.00 (1,467.00) 52,514.99 53,740.74 100-36-130-00000-7050 OPERATIONS-EHT 51,577.00 52,929.00 53,688.00 759.00 229,925.85 253,765.69 100-36-130-00000-7051 OPERATIONS-OMERS 230,232.00 258,913.00 262,774.00 3,861.00 97,211.63 100,084.85 100-36-130-00000-7052 OPERATIONS-CPP 89,113.00 92,382.00 94,199.00 1,817.00 48,071.76 51,675.85 100-36-130-00000-7053 OPERATIONS-El 44,903.00 47,895.00 50,669.00 2,774.00 306,802.96 323,204.44 100-36-130-00000-7054 OPERATIONS-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 314,361.00 315,346.00, 329,628.00 14,282.00 55,380.78 59,511.53 100-36-130-00000-7058 OPERATIONS-WSIB 55,032.00 56,285.00 58,507.00 2,222.00 14,466.73 26,784.33 100-36-130-00000-7074 OPERATIONS-MEAL ALLOWANCE 16,500.00 16,500.00 17,000.00 500.00 14,544.89 14,677.04 100-36-130-00000-7101 OPERATIONS-OFF SUPPLIES 12,000.00 12,000.00 .12,500.00 500.00 7,472.95 15,370.92 100-36-130-00000-7112 OPERATIONS-MISC OPER 9,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 0.00 20,181.17 20,677.62 100-36-130-00000-7132 OPERATIONS-PHONE/FAX 29,000.00 21,000.00 22,000.00 1,000.00 1,526.40 0.00 100-36-130-00000-7161 OPERATIONS-'PROF FEES 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 913.54 1,111.51 100-36-130-00000-7181 OPERATIONS-BOOKS/PERIODICALS 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 19,708.08 23,648.37 100-36-130-00000-7183 OPERATIONS-CLTH/UNIFORMS 25,500.00 25,225.00 24,150.00 (1,075.00) 791.21 588.38 100-36-130-00000-7186 OPERATIONS-POST/COUR/FRT 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 0.00 2,576.84 2,768.43 100-36-130-00000-7200 OPERATIONS-MEMB/DUES 3,300.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 3,763.63 3,741.63 100-36-130-00000-7202 OPERATIONS-TRAVEL EXP 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 19,967.82 21,229.38 100-36-130-00000-7203 OPERATIONS-STAFF DEV 19,000.00 19,000.00 25,000.00 6,000.00 1,602.72 2,025.29 100-36-130-00000-7206 OPERATIONS-PROMO/OTHER 3,200.00 3,200.00 3,200.00 0.00 13,929.28 1,161.18 100-36-130-00000-7299 OPERATIONS-MISC EXPENSE 500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 100-36-130-00000-7412 OPERATIONS-TRSF TO R/F 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 509,213.19 305,352.79 100-36.-130-00000-7416 OPERATIONS-TRSF TO RES 270,000.00 280,000.00 280,000.00 0.00 728,000.00 751,900.00 100-36-130-00000-7418 OPERATIONS-TRSF TO CAP 728,000.00 699„000.00 0.00 (699,000.00) 1,542.45 2,231.34 100-36-130-00000-7505 OPERATIONS-OTHER EQUIP PURCH 5,100.00 51100.00 5,100.00 0.00 3,006,164.73 2,956,665.39 Total EXPENDITURE 2,747,602.00 2,772,018.00 2,112,694.00 (659,324.00) 2,963,677.89 2,925,090.52 NET LEVY 2,707,602:00 2,732,018.00 2,072,694.00 (659,324.00) Co Municipalit arington 02/03/14 BUDGET WO, G PAPERS Clarington:STRe LIGHTING 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 381,399.06 468,231.69 100-367324-10405-7136 ST LIGHTING-BOW/NEWC/ORONO 380,000.00 350,000.00 380,000.00 30,000.00 393,301.51 481,701.66 100-36-324-10410-7136 ST LIGHTING-RURAL NEWSTLE 360,000.00 375,000,00 445,000.00 70,000.00 4,765.94 0.00 100-36-324-10417-7416 STREET LIGHTS-TRSF TO RES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 779,466.51 949,933.35 Total EXPENDITURE 740,000.00 725,000.00 825,000.00 100,000.00 779,466.51 949,933.35 NET LEVY 740;000.00 725,000,00 825,000.00 100,000.00 C L� 02/03/14 Municipality arington gUDGEr W o,., G PAUmE'RS Claringtor.:tARK IiVCREASE 2014 DRAFT 201¢BUDGET 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2013 ACTUAL pescri tion 2012 ACTUAL . 590,296.00 (8,918.00) 587,585.00 599,214.00 (2,299.00) EXPENDITURE: 109,518.00 1.07,219.00 100-36-325-10115-7005 PARKS MTNCE-WAGES FIT 98 512.00 13,521.00 (216.00) 614,436.14 555,666.45 13,739.00 1 00-36-325-1 01 1 5-701 5 PARKS MTNCE-WAGES STUDENT 13,304.00 58,712.00 (643.00) 89,818.83 101,235.00 59,355.00 100-36-325-10115-7050 PARKS MTNCE-EHT 53,304.00 24,596.00 (616.00) 13,545.95 13,781.16 25,212.00 100-36-325-10115-7051 PARKS MTNCE-OMERS 24161.00 14,068.00 116.00 53,240.05 58,175.01 13,952.00 100-36-325-10115-7052 PARKS MTNCE-CPP 12,824,00 75,038.00 (32'00) 26,356.75 27,046.59 75,070.OQ 100-36-325-10115-7053 PARKS MINCE-El 74,809.00 99.00 13,836,04 14,819-28 14,953.00 15,052.00 76,940.77 100-36-325-10115-7054 PARKS MTNCE-LTD/LIFE/HLTFi 14,517.OD g5,00D.00 10,000.00 73,010.40 55,000.00 55,000.00 25,000.00 15,613.52 100-36-325-10115-7058 PARKS MTNCE-WSIB 100,000.00 14,609.00 51,000.00 75,000.00 0.00 82,677-91 100-36-325-10115-7112 PARKS MINCE-MISC OP E 1 7p0.00 1,700.00 77,640.79 100-36-325-10115-7130 PARKS MTNCE-WATERISEWER 1,700.00 0.00 53,731.77 57,468.74 75,000.00 75,000.00 1,811.21 100-36-325-10115-7132 PARKS MTNCE-PHONE/FAX 70,000.00 25,000.00 (10,000.00) 1,310.51 35,000.00 35,000.00 50,000.00 73,593.10 100-36-325-10115-7137 PARKS MTNCE-LIGHTS/PLAYING FIE 469,000.00 69,816.47 q,,_,,-325-,,,j5-7140 PARKS M I NCE-SNOW REMOVAL 395,000,00 1,000.00 31,375.18 7,000.00 8,000.00 11,479.18 100-36-325-10115-7163 PARKS MTNCE-CONTRACT 2 000.00 0.00 375,212.88 5,000.00 0,00000 376,389.92 100-36-325-10115-7165 PARKS MINCE-WASTE DISPOSAL 5,000.00 0.00 2190 55 3,936.27 20,000.00 20,000.00 5,294.02 100-36-325-10115-7172 PA KS MTNCE-R/M-BUILDING 20,000.00 6,535.00 (2,740.00) 5,454.18 8,325.00 9,275.00 300,00 25,849.03 100-36-325-10115-7178 PARKS MTNCE-RIM IRRIGATIONS 500,00 BO0.00 25,376.61 500.00 11,000.00 7,712.45 100-36-325-10115-7183 PARKS MTNCE-CLTH/UNIFORM 97,000.00 108,000.00 6,104.07 85,000.00 0.00 785.00 100-36-325-10115-7200 PARKS MTNCE-MEMB/DUES 22,000.00 730.84 22,800.00 22,000.00 (55,000.00) 130,403.70 100-36-325-10115-7231 PARKS MINCE-FLEET ALLOCATION 0,00 116,984.70 0.00 55,000.00 0.00 23,031.14 100-36-325-10115-7232 PARKS MTNCE-OTHER RENTAL 5,100.00 18,409.80 5,100.00 5,100.00 0.00 44,000.00 100-36-325-10115-7418 PARKS MINCE-TRSF TO CA 90,000.00 0.00 75,000.00 90,000,00 5,489.37 100-36-325 10115-7505 PARKS MINCE-OTHER EQUIP PUR 17 049.00 4,504.02 1,882,588-00 1 899 637.00 101,380.46 100-36-325-10115-7516 PARKS MTNCE-PARK 1MPROVEME 1,719,741.00 17,049-00 86,068.18 1 899 637.00 1 755 046.75 1,833,298-25 Total EXPENDITURE 1719,741-00 1 882 588.00 1755046.75 1 833 298.25 NET LEVY Co O� 02103114 Municipalit arington BUDGET WO. G PIPERS Clarirogton.,cMETERRY INCREASE 2014 DRAFT 2p14.BUDGET _ - 2012'BUDGET x013 BUDGET 2013 ACTUAL Descr+ tion 2012 ACTUAL (65,000.00) 0.00 0.00 (65,000.OU) 0.00 REVENUE: (5,000.00) 0 00 0.00 (5,000.00) (73,859.42) 100-36-326-10416-6400 BURIALS-BOV�IMANVILLE {6,500.00) (6,500.00) 0 0D 0.00 100-36-326-10416-6563 HEADSTONE MTNCE-BOW VLLE CE 0.00 (800.00) 0.00 (4,350.00) 0.00 (800.00) 0.00 (6,100.30) 100-36-326-10418-6400 BURIALS-BONDHEAD (1,500.00) 0.00 0,00 (1,500.00) 0.00 (650.00) 100-36-326-1041$-6563 HEADSTONE MTNCE-BO G (500.00) (500.00) 0.00 0.00 (1,500.00) (1,500.00) (2,214.36) 100-36-326-10426-6400 BURIALS-ST.GEORGE'S CEMETERY 0.00 (500.00) 0.00 100-36-326 10426-6563 HEADSTONE MTNCE-ST.GEORGE'S 0.00 (500.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-36-326-10427-6400 BURIALS-HAMPTON 0.00 (20,000.00) 0.00 (1,409.13) 0.00 (20,000.00) 0.00 100-36-326-10427-6563 HEADSTONE MTNCE-HAMPTON F 101 300.00 -(2,000.00 0.00 100-36-326-31100-6400 CEMETERIES-MISCELLANEOUS FEE 0.00 (99 300.00) --(10 0.00 (20,571.00) (109 154.21) Total REVENUE 0.00 2,524.00 122,059.00 124,583.00 (329.00) 117,277.00 10,858.00 EXPENDITURE: 10,946.00 11,187.00 43.00 158,491.50 100-36-326-10419-7005 CEMETERY MTNCE-WAGES F 2,633.00 92,129.47 2,492.00 2,590.0() 254.00 9,973.68 100-36-326-10419-7015 CEMETERY MTNCE-WAGES STUD 11,367.00 11'621.00 9,937.00 85.00 10,428.36 100-36-326-10419-7050 CEMETERY MTNCE-EH7 5,150.00 2,537.33 2'629.72 4,872.00 5,065.00 145.00 11,141.03 100-36-326-10419-7051 CEMETERY MTNCE-OMERS 2,675.00 2,820.00 9,925.08 2,509.00 549.00 5,467.34 100-36-326-10419-7052 CEMETERY MTNCE-CPP 13,866.00 14,415.00 100-36-326-10419-7053 CEMETERY MTNCE-El 13,541.00 115.00 5,314.78 3,024.00 2,686.05 2,886.17 _ 2,799.00 2,909.00 1,000.00 14,211.54 100-36-326-10419-7054 CEMETERY MTNCE-LTD/LIFE/HL 5,000.00 6,000.00 13,215.43 3,000.00 51000.00 3,075.77 100-36-326-10419-7058 CEMETERY MTNCE-WSIB 5,000.00 10,000.00 2,816.74 10,000.00 40.00 1 00-36-326-1 04 1 9'7111 CEMETERY MTNCE-FOUNDATION 850.00 890.00 6,593.62 11,132.02 900.00 0.00 100-36-326-10419-7112 CEMETERY MTNCE-MISC OP EX 1,500.00 15,083.20 1,500.00 1,500.00 (20,000.00) 9,223.88 100-36-326-10419-7129 CEMETERY MTNCE-HYDRO 0.00 819.21 781.80 20,000.00 20,000.00 435.00 1,716.26 100-36-326-10419-7132 CEMETERY MTNCE-PHONE 870.00 1,656.25 585.00 435'00 8,000.00 - 0.00 100-36-326-10419-7160 CEMETERY MTNCE-CONSULTING 82,000.00 40,000.00 10,913.76 28,000.00 0.00 (250.00) 383.18 100-36-326-10419-7183 CEMETERY MTNCE-CLTHIUNIFORM 250 0) 0.00 729'69 100-36-326-10419-7231 CEMETERY MTNCE-FLEET ALLOCAT 250.00 5,000.00 39,297.20 47,263.60 5,000.00 0,00 0.00 100-36-326-10419-7232 CEMETERY MTNCE-OTHER RENTAL 15,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 00-36-326-1 041 9-74 1 2 CEMETERY MINCE-TRSF TO RES p 00 0.00 10,000,00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 100-36-326-10419-7414 CEMETERY MTNCE-TRSF TO TRUST 7,500.00 35,925.87 45,843.81 7,500.00 0.00 100-36-326-10419-7416 CEMETERY MTNCE-TRSF TO RE 7,500.00 10,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 6,283.68 100-36-826-10420-7112 ABANDON CEM BD-MlSC OP EXP 10,000.00 (2 389.00) 7,995-24 7,110.00 259,253.00 256,864 10,000.00 100-36-326-10425-7112 ORONO CEM CO-MISC OP EXP 261 108-00 10,000.00 158 953.00 155 564.00 283 491.64 357 210 61 Total EXPENDITURE 261 108.00 283 491.64 248 56.40 0 NET LEVY cc Municipality 'Irington BODGErWL; �p.�lAER5 2012 ACTUAL Clarirtgton.WAS;-�-COLLECTION 2013 ACTUAL 2014 escri tiort DRAFT- 02/03/14 D ' 2012 BUDGET (22,650.00) REVENUE: 2013 BUDGET 2014.BUDGET (23,700.50) 100-36-350-10540-6400(22650 00) SALE OF GARBAGE INCREggE �-- _ TAGS 50� Total REVENUE 0.00 (22,500.00) 0.00 1'"�- (222.500.00) 22,500.00 EXPENDITURE_ 0500.00) 0.00 30,000.00 100-36-350-10540-7112 PURCHASE OF GARBAGE 22 500.00 225 00.00 0.00 30 000.00 Total EXPENDITURE TAGS 0.00 22,500.00 --'2 99.50 NET LEVY 22,500.00 QAO 22 500.00 0.00 0.00 22 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 co Municipality Arington 02/03/14 - BUDGET WO. G PAPERS Clarington:RECYcctNG COLL'N _ 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (712.00) (852.01) 100-36-351-10540-6400 SALE OF GOODS-RECYCLING 0.00 (1,000.00) (1,000.00) 0.00 (712.00) (852.01) Total REVENUE 0.00 (1,000.00) (1,000.00) 0.00 EXPENDITURE: 825.00 1,320.00 100-36-351-10540-7112 PURCHASE OF GOODS-RECYCLING 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 825.00 1,320.00 Total EXPENDITURE 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 113.00 467.99 NET LEVY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 co 2012 ACTUAL Municipality BUDGErWo, Arington n 2013 ACTUAL C[.arington:BUIC�Y,VG tie PA, p�S Descri ti on 2014 DRAFT (451,812.32) 02103114 (137,257,75) REVENUE. 2012 BUDGET 451 812.32 100-36-37'0-31020-6400 OPERATIONS- 2013 BUDGET 137 257.7 Total REVENUE 2014.BUDGET ENUE MISC REVENUE INCREASE '56,622-20 22.20 EXPENDITURE: 1,20o.00) (172,865 0Q 3,316.21 737,945.81 20 ) (172,865.00) 100-36-370-10115-7005 BLDG SERVICES- 172 865.00 7,969.4q 3,609.49 100-36-370_ 10115-7 WAGES F/7' 172 865.00 0•p0 5,543.86 19,222.10 050 BLDG LDG SERVICES-EHT 0100 2,735.30 5'717.00 7051 BLDG SERVICES- 167,007.00 110-36-3.7 0.1 0 1 1 5- OMERS 19,405.94 2,939,04 7052 BLDG SERVICES-CPP 3257.00 182,328.00 100-36-30.70115- 787,172,00 3,680.17 20812.04 7053 BLDG 7,979.00 3,555.00 3,980.83 7 00-36-3 70-1 01 15-71)54 SERVICES-El 19,612.00 3,650.00 41844.00 3,789.33 0 100-36-370-1(), BLDG SERVICES- 5,082.00 3,514.56 2,662.30 15-7058 BLDG LTD/LIF 5,277.00 20791.00 95.00 100- G SERVICES_ E/HLTN 2,555.00 1,725.75 36'3 70-1 0 1-10115-7112 BLDG WSIB 2,724.00 5,390.00 57900 5,897.45 100- SERVICES- 19,884.00 4,033.60 36-370-10115-7125 BLDG MISC OPER.EXP 20,306.00 2,885.00 113.00 273 94 100-36- SERV_ 3,657.00 259.94 370-10115-7129 BLDG EAT 3,765.00 21,690.00 761.00 0.00 700-36.370 G SERVICES_HYDRO 3,500.00 22,511.71 10115-71 3,500.00 3,933.00 1,384.00 8,268,21 100-36_370- 32 BLDG SERVICES 2,270.00 12,754.52 11,990.86 14715-7140 BLDG SERVICES -PHONE/F 2,170,00 3,500.00 168.00 700-36- RVlCES_SNOW REMOVAL 1040.00 10,486,76 723,952.22 370-70115-7142 BLDG 1,455.00 1,985.00 0.00 100-36-370- SERVICES- 600.00 64,328.03 74,576.58 10715-7170 BLDG EQUIP MTNCE 600.00 1292.00 (185.00) 100.36.3 70-1 01 15-7 1 7 SERVICES- 0.00 (163.00) 14,631.72 49'693.41 2 BLDG SER R/M-GROUNDS 8,000.00 75,000.00 600.00 16,779.58 100-36-370-10115-7173 ACES- 25,000.00 000 420.09 R/M-BUILDING 10 OD0.00 8.000.00 1 00-36-3 70-1 01 1 5 BLDG SERVICES-R/M 10 0 8,000.00 10,000.00 905.63 322.28 7176 BLDG EQUIPMENT 8,500.00 00.00 T00-3g_370-10116_ SERVICES-RIM FIRE E 70000.00 0.00 999.43 0.00 7183 BLDG QUIP 58,000.00 8,500.00 100-38.370_10115- SERVICES 32,500.00 0.00 285,000.00 556.98 7202 BLDG SERVICES_ CLTH/UNIFORMS 7,700,00 58,000.00 275,000.00 700-36-370-10115-7 TRAVEL EXP 58,000.00 X4000.00 29,690.44" 203 BLDG SERVICES- 455.00 7,700.00 100-36-370-10115-7412 BLDG STAFF DEV 8,100.00 0.00 SO,SOO pQ 0.00 SERVICES- 300.00 565.00 700-38_370-10115-7 TRSF Tp 435.00 1.000.00 53,626.85 47500.00 416 BLDG SERVICES- RES FUND 1,200.00 300.00 100-36-370-10115-7418 B TRSF TO RES 1,200.00 700,00 (130.00) 26,109.68 15,122.17 275,000.00 100-36-370-10115.7 LDG SERVICES_TRSF Tq CAP 7,200.00 (200.00) 79,326,87 7,280.96 501 BLDG SERVICE 0,00 7 00-36_370-107?5- S-RENOV/CgAP FUND 275,OQO.00 0.00 301,132.06 0,00 100_ 7520 BLDG NSTR'N 50,500.00 0.00 422,970.77 36-370-10115_ SERVICES- 0.00 7,187.36 7543 BLDG OTHER CAP(NON 63,000.00 47,500,00 0,00 100-36-370_1 015 1_ SERVICES_ 0.00 30,38252 8,047.55 7005 MAC_ R/M-ROOF 30,000,00 53,000.00 0.00 'Q0-36 3 70-1 01 5 1-7050 WAGES F/7 25,000.00 (47,500.00) 76,294.46 36'418.27 MAC_EHT 0,00 30,000.00 18,014.45 100-36-370-10151-7057 7,500,00 (28,000.00) 8'505.66 100.36- MAC-OMERS 362,024.00 0.00 9,897.16 370-10751-7052 406,471.00 0.00 {22,500.00} 57,467.26 100-36- MAC 7,QS9.Op 59,504.81 370-10151-7053 30,419.00 7.926.00 420210.00 0.00 7,979.25 700-36- MAC-El 73,739.00 9,412.30 370-10151-7054 MAC- 14,937.00 37,157.00 8,194.00 100.36-370-10151-705 LTD/LIFE/HLTH 16,628.00 38,514.00 268.00 8 MAC-W51B 7,945,00 52,729.00 9,173.00 17,202.00 1,357,00 58,058.00 9,756,00 574.00 7,929.00 �- 81902.0c 60,159.00 583.00 9,412.00 2,101.00 " - 510.00 Municipalib 'irington 02/03/14 BUDGET WO. S PAPERS CSarington:BUILL,xAG&PROPE 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2.013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE(continued): $16,708.11 $20,170.10 100-36-370-10151-7104 MAC-CLEAN SUPPLIES $17,000.00 $17,000.00 $17,000.00 $0.00 4,017.73 2,853.37 100-36-370-10151-7105 MAC-LIGHT SUPPLIES 3,600.00 3,600.00 3,600.00 0.00 1,841.38 1,175.06 100-36-370-10151-7112 MAC-MISC.OPER. 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 0.00 23,053.12 32,37106 100-36-370-10151-7125 MAC-HEAT/AIR. 32,600.00 27,350.00 24,105.00 (3,245.00) 165,757.86 182,988.85 100-36-370-10151-7129 MAC-HYDRO 180,800.00 187,470.00 194,970.00 7,500.00 15,342.47 16,564.55 100-36-370-10151-7130 MAC-WATER/SEWER 15,025.00 16,100.00 17,340.00 1,240.00 1,131.94 1,601.47 100-36-370-10151-7132 MAC-PHONEIFAX 1,000.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 0.00 10,616.19 6,502.74 100-36-370-10151-7142 MAC-EQUIP MTNCE 7,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 0.00 1,145.84 1,338.06 100-36-370-10151-7165 MAC-WASTE DISPOSAL 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 1,984.93 3,723.92 100-36-370-10151-7170 MAC-R/M-GROUNDS 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 54,948.96 43,808.66 100-36-370-10151-7172 MAC-R/M-BUILDING 25,000.00 55,000.00 25,000.00 (30,000.00) 27,051.60 35,284.38 100-36-370-10151-7173 MAC-RIM OTHER EQUIP 30,000.00 30,000.00 36,500.00 6,500.00 3,402.23 3,268.39 100-36-370-10151-7176 MAC-RIM FIRE EQUIP 8,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 0.00 21,798.42 23,615.15 100-36-370-10151-7177 MAC-RIM ELEVATOR 18,000.00 24,000.00 24,000.00 0.00 3,230.92 4,094.92 100-36-370-10151-7183 MAC-CLTH/UNIFORMS 3,045.00 4,045.00 3,740.00 (305.00) 152.64 0.00 100-36-370-10151-7416 MAC-TRSF TO RES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,142.09 3,583.23 100-36-370-10152-7125 HAMPTON HALL-HEAT 4,375.00 3,875.00 3,580.00 (295.00) 2,051.21 2,335.60 100-36-370-10152-7129 HAMPTON HALL-HYDRO 2,200.00 2,255.00 2,310.00 55.00 190.66 312.90 100-36-370-10152-7142 HAMPTON HALL-EQUIPMENT MTNCE 150.00 150.00 200.00 50.00 0.00 2,586.01 100-36-370-10152-7172 HAMPTON HALL-RIM BLDGS 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 1,443.86 2,030.40 100-36-370-10152-7173 HAMPTON HALL-RIM EQUIPMENT 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 207.96 132.55 100-36-370-10152-7176 HAMPTON HALL-RIM FIRE EQUIPME 100.00 100.00 150.00 50.00 99.22 297.66 100-36-370-10155-7142 TOURISM CENTRE-EQUIPMENT MT 200.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 867.19 118.12 100-36-370-10155-7173 TOURISM CENTRE-RIM EQUIPMENT 750.00 750.00 750.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-36-370-10155-7176 TOURISM CENTRE-RIM FIRE EQUIP 50.00 50.60 50.00 0.00 38,679.00 0.00 100-36-370-10156-7005 132 CHURCH ST BbW-WAGES FIT 38,679.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 767.72 0.00 100-36-370-10156-7050 132 CHURCH ST BOW-EHT 754.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,465.82 0.00 100-36-370-10156-7051 132 CHURCH ST BOW-OMERS 3,470.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,647.22 0.00 100-36-370-10156-7052 132 CHURCH ST BOW-CPP 1,510.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 813.65 0.00 100-36-370-10156-7053 132 CHURCH ST BOW-El 760.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,040.83 0.00 100-36-370-10156-7054 132 CHURCH ST BOW-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 5,165.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 852.38 0.00 100-36-370-10156-7058 132 CHURCH ST BOW-WSIB 847.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 416.07 100-36-370-10156-7104 182 CHURCH ST BOW-CLEANING SU 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 6,168.13 6,384.46 100-36-370-10156-7125 132 CHURCH ST BOW-HEAT/AIR 7,760.00 7,000.00 6,350.00 (650.00) 15,688.82 15,091.89 100-36-370-10156-7129 132 CHURCH ST BOW-HYDRO 15,500.00 16,900.00 18,959.00 2,059.00 10,824.54 9,249.52 100-36-370-10156-7130 132 CHURCH ST BOW-WATER/SEW 8,125.00 9,935.00 11,270.00 1,335.00 4,098.41 308.03 100-36-370-10156-7140 132 CHURCH ST BOW-SNOW REMO 4,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 1,036.39 1,091.36 100-36-370-10156-7142 132 CHURCH ST BOW-EQUIP MTNCE 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 1,764.68 1,820.98 100-36-370-10156-7165 132 CHURCH ST BOW-WASTE DISP 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 �D Municipality srington 02/03/14 . EUDGE&T WO G FAAERs Cl,arington:BUl L—AG&PROPE — 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE(continued): $1,236.16 $4,041.06 100-36-370-10156-7172 132 CHURCH ST BOW-R/M-BUILDING $2,200.00 $2,200.00 $2,200.00 $0.00 5,654.43 2,809.28 100-36-370-10156-7173 132-CHURCH ST BOW-RIM EQUIPM 8,500.00 8,500.00 8,500.00 0.00 2,109.00 816.07 100-36-370-10156-7176 132 CHURCH ST BOW-RIM FIRE EQ 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 1,050.73 631.67 100-36-370-10158-7142 KENDAL COM BLDG-EQUIPMENT M 400.00 400.00 400.00 0.00 5,063.08 5,085.06 100-36-370-10158-7173 KENDAL COM BLDG-RIM EQUIPMENT 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 0.00 429.85 4,878.68 100-36-370-10158-7176 KENDAL COM BLDG-RIM FIRE EQUI 600.00 23,100.00 600.00 (22,500.00) 1,159.31 1,764.03 100-36-370-10159-7142 CZAR.BEECH CTR-EQUIP MTNCE 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 11,718.44 8,969.07 100-36-370-10159-7173 CLAR.BEECH CTR-RIM EQUIP 9,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 0.00 2,422.52 501.23 100-36-370-10159-7176 CLAR.BEECH CTR-RIM FIRE EQUIP 1,400.00 1,900.00 1,900.00 0.00 0.00 1,017.60 100-36-370-10195-7204 BLDG HALL BOARDS-SPECIAL EQUI 0.00 35,250.00 28,350.00 (6,900.00) 2,776.01 0.00 100-36-370-10195-7416 BLDG HALL BOARDS-TRSF TO RES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,894.27 1,195.17 100-36-370-10195-7500 BLDG HALL BOARDS-ACCESSI BILI 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 68,405.57 15,395.21 100-36-370-10195-7501 BLDG HALL BOARDS-RENOVATIONS 75,000.00 50,000.00 40,000.00 (10,000.00) 1,832,686.69 2,418,564.55 Total EXPENDITURE 1,781,493.00 1,895,602.00 1,803,294.00 (92,308.00) 1,380,874.37 2,281,306.80 NET LEVY 1,576,493.00 1,722,737.00 1,630,429.00 (92,308.00) �Q Municipatit, 2012 ACTUAL BUDG,F-Wa -rington 2013 ACTUAL Clarington:ROAb.._, C°°AP-ERS �"`- Descri tion aINTENANCE 2014 DRAFT �- 02/03/14 {14,320.00) REVENUE. 2012 OUST - (14,840.pp) 100- 2013 SUI) , 14 320.00 36-380-10400- 14 840.00 6400'SR.SNOW CLEARING REVENUE 2014 BUDGES Tot-!REVENUE INCREASE 6,986.56 0.00 (15,000.00) 5,385.88 2564,60 EXPENDITURE: 100-36-380- 0100 �`�_ (15,000.00) 2,442.70 11,323.75 10200.7005 8 15 000.00) 100-36-380-1020 _ RIDGE MTNCE- 75 000.00 0.00 45,885.45 412.90 D 7112 BRIDGE WAGES FiT 100-36-380.10200 7 E MTNCE-M1 SC OPE 0.00 33,964.54 24,193.67 . 231 BRIDG R S,SOO,OQ 100-36-380.10 E MTNCE-FLEET 5,500.00 38,82620 15,979.88 205-7005 CULVERT ALLOCATION 15,000.00 15,846.30 100"36-380.1 0205-71 1 2 CULVERT MTNC 15,000.04 5,500.00 13,683,78 100- E'WAGES F/T 2,000,00 13,549.33 36-380-10205- MTNCE MISC 2,o0o.D0 15,000,00 0.00 15,847.34 100-36-,380-10225-7005 7231 CULV OPER 40,000.00 17,882.90 ENT ERTM7-NCE- 40,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 11,334.90 FLEET FLEETALLOCATI 42,000.00 100-36-380-10225 71 CULVERTS_ 44,000.00 40,000.00 0•P0 171,576.48 11,004'•60 12 EN WAGES F/�' 34,000.00 100-36_3&0.10 TRANCE CULVERTS- 34,000.00 44,000,00 0.00 14,584.74 188,688.83 225-7231 ENTRANCE MISC OP EXp 10,000.00 1 00-3 6-38 0-1 023 0-7005BRU CULVERTS- 23,000,0() 70,000.04 34,000.00 0.00 55,045.60 46,767.01 100- FLEET ALL O 65,911,70 36-380-10230-7163 B BRUSH/TREE REMOV 23,000,00 10,000.00 0.00 54,748.69 100-36-38o-1023o-7231 RUSN/TREE_ AL-WAGES F/T 10,000.00 117,405.08 CONTRACT 165,000.00 10,000.00 23,000.00 0.00 62,436.54 100-36- BRUSHn-RE 77,006.44 380-10231-7163 E REMOVAL_FLEET 15,000.00 165,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 39,629.20 1d0-36-380- URBAN/RURAL FREE ALL 165,000.00 45,359.70 10232-7405 EE-CONTRACT 55,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 196,020.86 100-36- WEED CONT RAC7 15,000.00 133,5 380-10232-7231 �OL`ROADSIDE_W 61,000.00 55,000.00 0-00 31,456.42 84.69 100- WEED.CONT AGES 77,882,64 36-380-10240- CON -ROAD 45,000.00 70,000.00 55,000.00 0.00 143,703.50 100-36-38 7005 DI SIDE-FLEET 86,142.80 0-10240-71 OULDERMTNCE- 45,000,00 100,040.00 0.00 3,197,78 12 DITCWSH WAGES F 28,000.00 30,000.00 100-36-380-10240.7231 DITC OULDER MTNCE 28,000.00 45,000.00 29,067.57 187.66 H/SHOULD MISC Op 205,000.00 100-36-380-10240-7540 ER MTNC 205,000.00 28,000.00 0.00 7,661.85 29,160.40 pITCH/S E-FLEETq 26,000.00 100-36-380-102 HOULDERMTNCE_ 142,000,00 205,000.00 0.00 224,679,56 2,716.29 45-7005 CATCH B 1MPRpV 145,000,00 100-36-380-10245_ BASIN/SEWER 145,000.00 152,000.00 0,00 7,454.50 79,114.85 7112 CATCH BASIN/SEWER MTNCE-WAGE 5,000.00 100-36-380_ 5,000.00 145,000.00 10000.00 12,932.79 10,631.90 10245-7163 CATCH BASIN/SEWER MTNCE_ 26,000.00 100-36_380- MISC 5,000.00 O.OD 31,048.55 0.00 10245-7231 CATC MTNCE-CON 10,000,00 26,000.00 100-36-380_1 0245-74 1 6 H BASIN/SEWER M7 1 o,000.00 26,000.00 0.00 79,317.61 29,925. 4 CATCH BASIN pnT NCE-FLEE 150,000.00 71,594.20 1 D0-36-380-10345_ NCE 160,OOO,p0 10,000.00 0.00 28,221.44 100 7005 BLDG TRSF TO RES 15,000.00 27,290.21 $6-380-10345-7 MTNCE_WAGESF/T 15,000.00 170,000.00 0.00 37,382.14 1oQ_ -- 112 BLDG MNTCE_ 0 00 10,000.00 40,233.46 3$380-10345-7125 B MISC Op EXp 14,000.00 0.00 15,0Qp.00 10,406.70 100-36- BLDG MNTC 10,121.40 380-10345-7129 BLDG -HEAT 75,000.00 14000.00 0.00 0.00 839,80 100-36- G MTNCE_ 14,000.00 0.()o 252.84 380-10345-7231 BLDG YDRO 19,100.00 75,000.00 4,098.07 100-36-380- G MNTC 75,000.00 5,635.95 10350-7005 E-FLEETALLOC 50,000.00 31,075.00 0.00 378.10 100-36-380-1 OTHER FENC ATION 29,255.00 0.00 16,145.71 31.60 0350-7112 OTHER FENCE WAGES F/T 5,004,00 44,620.00 100-36-380-10350- MISC Op EXp 5,000.40 52,325.00 (1,820.00) 26,297.04 7231 2,000.00 100-36-380-1035,5-7005 OTHERFENCE-FLEET 2,000.00 5,0Do.oO 7,705.00 PgTRO ALLOCATION 5,500.00 URADIO-WAGES FIT 300.00 5,500.00 2,000.00 0.00 13,000.00 300.00 7,500.00 c,00 20,141.00 300.00 2,000.00 20,141.Q0 0.00 0.00 Municipality 'irington 02/03/14 HUDGET WOW Z PAPERS Clairington:ROAD,.-.AINTENANCE 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET' 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE(continued): $18,123.12 $25,824.37 100-36-380-10355-7112 PATROL/RADIO-MISC OP EXP $29,800.00 $37,460.00 $34,900.00 ($2,560.00) 810.10 3,297.80 100-36-380-10355-7231 PATROL/RADIO-FLEET ALLOCATION 2,000.00- 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 877.76 245.88 100-36-380-10360-7005 OFF ST PARKING-WAGE FIT 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 695.72 687.86 100-36-380-10360-7112 OFF ST PARKING-MISC OP EXP 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 2,387.79 2,032.81 100-36-380-10360-7140 OFF ST PARKING-SNOW REMOVAL 500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 134.40 38.40 100-36-380-10360-7231 OFF ST PARKING-FLEET ALLOCATIO 600.00 600.00 600.00 0.00 16,682.84 20,651.23 100-36-380-10370-7163 UNSPEC CONST-CONTRACT 10,000.00 10,000.00 20,000.00 10,000.00 29,043.40 12,571.37 100-36-380-10370-7505 UNSPEC CONST-SMALL EQUIP PU 20,000.00 20,000.00 0.00 (20,000.00) 40,541.19 26,944.19 100-36-380-10385-7005 ROADSIDE CLEAN UP-WAGES F/T 27,000.00 27,000.00 27,000.00 0.00 9,516.67 8,121.52 100-36-380-10385-7112 ROADSIDE CLEAN UP-MISC OP EXP 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-36-380-10385-7163 ROADSIDE CLEAN UP-CONTRACT 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 9,606.10 7,901.30 100-36-380-10385-7231 ROADSIDE CLEANUP-FLEET ALLOC 8,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 0.00 44,512.69 55,944.59 100-36-380-10400-7163 SENIORS SNOW CLEAR-CONTRACT 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 51,831.75 43,738.26 100-36-380-10733-7005 SIDEWALK MTNCE-WAGES FIT 55,000.00 55,000.00 55,000.00 0.00 65,124.98 77,760.79 100-36-380-10733-7112 SIDEWALK MTNCE-MISC OP EXP 85,000.00 102,000.00 106,000.00 4,000.00 73,306.93 170,771.99 100-36-380-10733-7163 SIDEWALK MNTCE-CONTRACT 120,000.00 165,000.00 183,800.00 18,800.00 12,712.10 13,192.70 100-36-380-10733-7231 SIDEWALKMNTCE-FLEETALLOCAT 11,500.00 11,500.00 11,500.00 0.00 1,812,298.20 1,754,364.62 Total EXPENDITURE 1,752,300.00 1,974,696.00 2,042,821.00 68,125.00 1,797,978.20 1,739,524.62 NET LEVY 1,752,300.00 1,959;696.00 2,027,821.00 68,125.00 Municipalit 'vington 02103/14 BUDGET W& 5 PAPERS Clarington:HARD.- a MAINTENA _ 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 4,854.24 1,340.16 100-36-381-10250-7005 PAVEMENT RESURF-WAGES FIT 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 (5,000.00) 156,071.44 97,092.03 100-36-381-10250-7163 PAVEMENT RESURF-CONTRACT 132,500.00 . 132,500.00 132,500.00 0.00 1,322.10 518.70 100-36-381-10250-7231 PAVEMENT RESURF-FLEET ALLOCA 5,500.00 5,500.00 0.00 (5,500.00) 309,461.52 278,792.25 100-36-381-10255-7005 PAVEMENT PATCH-WAGES FIT 240,000.00 253,409.00 288,447.00 35,038.00 248,958.30 229,693.46 .1 00-36-381-10255-7112 PAVEMENT PATCH-MISC OP EXP 205,000.00 205,000.00 225,000.00 _ 20,000.00 85,986.10 69,403.40_ 100-36-381-10255-7231 PAVEMENT PATCH-FLEET ALLOCAT 60,000.00 62,000.00 67,500.00 5,500.00 44,473.52 39,033.47 100-36-381-10260-7005 SWEEPING-WAGES F/T 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 0:00 40,240.50 39,911.90 100-36-381-10260-7231 SWEEPING-FLEET ALLOCATION 39,000.00 39,000.00 39,000.00 0.00 3,736.56 2,772.98 100-36-381-10265-7005 PAVEMENT MARK'G-WAGES F/T 7,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 0.00 57,446.80 71,743.64 100-36-381-10265-7112 PAVEMENT MARK'G-MISC OP EXP 65,000.00 65,000.00 65,000.00 0.00 1,046.60 1,100.30 100-36-381-10265-7231 PAVEMENT MARK'G-FLEET ALLOCA 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 2,092.38 2,536.23 100-36-381-10270-7005 SURF TREATMENT-WAGES F/T 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-36-381-10270-7112 SURF TREATMENT-MISC OF EXP 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 (2,000.00) 279.90 342.00 100-36-381-10270-7231 SURF TREATMENT-FLEET ALLOCAT 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 955,969.96 834,280.52 Total EXPENDITURE 801,000.00 816,409.00 864,447.00 . 48,038.00 955,969.96 834,280.52 NET LEVY 801,000.00 816.409.00 864,447.00 48,038.00 L-i Municipality 'i.rington 02/03114 BUDGET WOi 3 PAPERS C1arington:LO0S,.-ilP MAIINTEN 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 9,521.64 7,915.32 100-36-382-10275-7005 DUST CONTROL-WAGES F/T 7,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 0.00 74,780.03 91,769.15 100-36-382-10275-7112 DUST CONTROL-MISC OP EXP 78,000.00 88,000.00 _ 98,000.00 10,000.00 6,248.90 3,997.05 100-36-382-10275-7231 DUST CONTROL-FLEET ALLOCATION 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 0.00 28,624.44 31,949.82 100-36-382-10280-7005 GR PATCH/RESURF-WAGES F/T 33,000.00 33,000.00 33,000.00 0.00 187,396.03 211,807.87 100-36-382-10280-7112 GR PATCH/RESURF-MISC OP EXP 219,000.00 228,000.00 215,000.00 (13,000.00) 15,219.50 19,791.90 100-36-382-10280-7231 GRPATCH/RESURF-FLEET ALLOCA 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 0.00 31,761.77 23,842.46 100-36-382-10285-7005 DRAGGING/GRADING-WAGES F/T 28,000.00 28,000.00 28,000.00 0.00 34,793.90 23,850.70 100-36-382-10285-7231 DRAGGING/GRADING-FLEETALLOC 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 0.00 388.346.21 414,924.27 Total EXPENDITURE 418,500.00 . 437,500.00 434,500.00 (3,000.00) 388,346.21 414,924.27 NET LEVY 418,500.00 437,500.00: 434,500.00 (3 000.00) Municipalit 'arington 02/03114 BUDGET WC !G PAPERS Clarington:WIIN,-cR CONTROL _ 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 83,933.43 0.00 100-36-383-10290-7005 SNOW PLOWING-.WAG,ES F/T 165,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 86,376.70 0.00 100-36-383-10290-7231 SNOW PLOWING-FLEET ALLOCATIO 174,600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 199,395.25 0.00 100-36-383-10295-7005 SANDING/SALTING-WAGES F/T 260,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 638,821.42 0.00 100-36-383-10295-7112 SANDING/SALTING-MISC OP EXP 655,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196,865.90 0.00 100-36-383-10295-7231 SANDING/SALTING-FLEET ALLOCAT 253,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 533,043.73 100-36-383-10300-7005 WINTER MTNCE-PLOW/SAND/SALT-W 0.00 425,000.00 425,000.00 0.00 0.00 913,342.52 100-36-383-10300-7112 WINTER MTNCE-PLOW/SAND/SALT-M 0.00 655,000.00 655,000.00 0.00 0.00 436,157.80 100-36-383-10300-7231 WINTER MTNCE-PLOW/SAND/SALT-F 0.00 445,100.00 445,100.00 0.00 213,350.87 245,957.05 100-36-383-10305-7005 WINTER MTNCE OTHER-WAGES F/T 184,414.00 212,969.00 212,969.00 0.00 25,457.13 15,211.97 . 100-36-383-10305-7112 WINTER MTNCE OTHER-MISC OP E 13,500.00 23,500.00 23,500.00 0.00 85,803.50 104,425.20 100-36-383-10305-7231 WINTER MTNCE OTHER-FLEET ALL 81,000.00 81,000.00 81,000.00 0.00 1,530,004.20 2,248,138.27 Total EXPENDITURE 1,787,014.00 1,842,569.00 1.842,569.00 0.00 1,530,004.20 2,248,138.27 NET LEVY 1,787,014.00 1,842,569.00 1,842,569.00 0.00 Municipality arington 02/03/14 BUDGET WO, GT PAPERS Clarington:SAe-,;Y DEVICES 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 4,857.66 3,917.67 100-36-384-10310-7005 GUIDE RAIL/POSTS-WAGES FIT 8,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 0.00 19,999.74 22,412.76 100-36-384-10310-7112 GUIDE RAIL/POSTS-MISC OP EXP 20,000.00 20,000.00 33,000.00 13,000.00 2,089.40 1,642.50 100-36-384-10310-7231 GUIDE RAIL/POSTS-FLEET ALLOCAT 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 150,617.68 - 146,308.94 100-36-384-10315-7005 TRAFFIC SIGNS-WAGES FIT 105,000.00 105,000.00 105,000.00 0.00 184,790.42 89,646.21 100-36-384-10315-7112 TRAFFIC SIGNS-MISC OP EXP 97,200.00 97,200.00 97,200.00 0.00 28,019.20 30,344.80 100-.36-384-10315-7231 TRAFFIC SIGNS-FLEET ALLOCATION 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 0.00 35,439.70 40,978.06 100-36-384-10320-7005 COMM.EVENTS-WAGES F/T 28,000.00 28,000.00 28,000.00 0.00 3,661.07 5,493.90 100-36-384-10320-7112 COMM.EVENTS-MISC OP EXP 5,500.00 5,500.00 5,500.00 0.00 6,988.90 7,955.20 100-36-384-10320-7231 COMM.EVENTS-FLEET ALLOCATION 6,200.00 6,200.00 6,200.00 0.00 429.74 707.97 100-36-384-10330-7129 TRAFFIC SIGNAL-HYDRO 2,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 94,541.06 98,443.21 100-36-384-10335-7112 RAILWAY CROSSING-MISC OP EXP 83,000.00 95,000.00 95,000.00 0.00 20,752.93 5,823.22 100-36-384-10335-7540 RAILWAY CROSSING-IMPROVEMEN 70,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 552,187.50 453,674.44 Total EXPENDITURE 447.900.00 438,900.00 451,900.00 13,000.00 552,187.50 453,674.44 NET LEVY 447,900.00 438,900.00 451,900.00 13,000.00 Gn Municipalitt wington 02/03/14 BUDGET Wr— G PAPERS Clarington:STORr-RATER MANA 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 4,569.28 6,850.66 100-36-386-10210-7005 S/WATER POND MTNCE-WAGES FIT 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 7,800.50 13,618.49 100-36-386-10210-7112 S/WATER POND MTNCE-MISC OPER 10,000.00 10,000.00 20,000.00 10,000.00 22,280.35 0.00 100-36-386-10210-7160 SMATER POND MTNCE-CONSULTIN 32,000.00 0.00 .0.00 0.00 18,033.08 46,205.84 100-36-386-10210-7163 S/WATER POND MTNCE-CONTRACT 60,000.00 92,000.00 92,000.00 0.00 2,951.70 1,797.60 100-36-386-10210-7231 S/WATER POND MTNCE-FLEET ALL 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 41,966.92 0.00 100-36-386-10210-7416 S/WATER POND MTNCE-TRSF TO R 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 27,636.82 0.00 100-36-386-10210-7505 S/WATER POND MTNCE-SMALL EQ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 125,238.65 68,472.59 Total EXPENDITURE 115.000.00 115,000.00 125,000.00 .10,000.00 125.238.65 68.472.59 NET LEVY 115,000.00 115,000.00 125,000.00 10,000.00 Municipality vington 02/03114 BUDGET W04 G PAPERS Clarington:REGi-NAL ROADS _ 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 906.08 707.52 100-36-387-10260-7005 REG RD 14/17-SWEEP-WAGES F/T 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 1,146.60 835.10 100-36-387-10260-7231 REG RD 14/17-SWEEP-FLEET ALLO 4,800.00 4,800.00 4,800.00 0.00 834.04 0.00 100-36-387-10290-7005 REG RD 14/17-SNOWPLOW-WAGES F 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,039.60 0.00 100-36-387-10290-7231 REG RD 14117-SNOWPLOW-FLEET 700.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,673.23 0.00 100-36-387-10295-7005 REG RD 14117-SANDING-WAGES F/T 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9,907.60 0.00 100-36-387-10295-7112 REG RD 14/17-SANDING-MISC OP EXP 8,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,201.90 0.00 100-36-387-10295-7231 REG RD 14117-SANDING-FLEET ALL 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,598.59 100-36-387-10300-7005 REG RD14/17-WINTERMTNCE-PLOW/ 750.00 3,750.00 3,750.00 0.00 0.00 29,850.30 100-36-387-10300-7112 REG RD14/17-WINTERMTNCE-PLOW! 0.00 8,000.00 15,000.00 7,000.00 0.00 5,809.50 100-36-387-10300-7231 REG RD14117-WINTERMTNCE-PLOW/ 1,200.00 1,200.00 4,500.00 3,300.00 17,709.05 43,801.01 Total EXPENDITURE 20.950.00 18,750.00 29,050.00 10,300.00 17,709.05 43,801.01 NET LEVY 20,950.00 18,750.00 29,050.00 10,300.00 CD Municipal[' '-rington BUDGE_7'Wc 9 N.4PERS Claringto,..-LEET 02103114 2012 ACTUAL 2014 DRAFT 2013 ACTUAL Descri tion EXPENDITURE: 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET " 2014 BUDGET INCREASE ._ . 434,002.00 257,259.10 100-36-388-40690-7005 FLEET OVHD-WAGES F/T 6,834.06 7,216.99 100-36-388-40690-7050 FLEET OVHD-EHT 434,002.00 30,790.03 509,906,00 523,772.00 35,263.72 100-36-388-40690-7051 FLEET OVHD-OMERS 6,712.00 13,866.00 10,932.78 8,169.00 8,404.06 11,278,00 100-36-388-40690-7052 FLEET OVHD-CPP 30,827.00 41,114.00 235.00 5,460.98 5,864,04 42,536.00 1,422.00 • 100-36-388-40690-7053 FLEET OVHD-El 10,022.00 12,717.00 35,544.38 37,438.28 12,992.00 275.00 1D0-36-388-40690-7054 FLEETOVHD-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 5,101.00 6,611.00 7,352.31 8,145.64 36,420.00 7,005.00 394.00 100-36-388-40690-7058 FLEET OVHD-WSIB 44,013.00 46,451.00 1,457.86 .2,575.50 100-36-388-40690-7074 FLEET OVHD-MEAL ALLOWANCE 7,306.00 2,433.00 0.00 8,895.00 9,379.00 126,745.41 100-36-388-40690-7112 FLEET OVHD-MISC OP EXP 0.00 484.00 0.00 0.00 6.48 0.00 100-36-388-40690-7171 FLEET OVHD-RIM-VEHICLES 0.00 0.00 89,474.34 0'00 0.00 76,691.98 100-36-388-40690-7173 FLEET OVHD-R/M EQUIP(FIRE) 0.00 0.00 5,110.71 0.00 0.00 4,438.86' 100-36-388-40690-7183.FLEET OVHD-CLTH/UNIFORMS 85,000.00 85,000.00 D.OD 1,912.86 11,382.47 85,DOD.DO 0.00 100-36-388-40690-7194 FLEET OVHD-FUEL/0IL 5,000.00 5,395.00 372,155.25 109,500.00 6,605.00 1,210.00 1 0 0-3 6-3 8 8-4 0690-74 1 2 FLEET OVHD-TRSF TO RES FUND D DO 0.00 109,500.00 0.00 0.00 1 001 034.04 1,690 406 26 Total EXPENDITURE 109,500.00 109,500.00 0.00 1 001 034.04 494 662.21 729 890.00 NET LEVY 831 320.00 851 644.OQ 20 324.00 729 890.00 831 320.00 851&44.00 20 324.00 r. O Municipality 'arington 02103/14 BUDGET Wc, 'G PAPERS Claringtom-oRARIES 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 0.00 859.91 100-36-440-10571-7129 SARAH JANE WMS-HYDRO 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 735.25 1,350.87 100-36-440-10571-7142 SARAH JANE WMS-EQUIPMENT MT 900.00 900.00 900.00 0.00 - 11.45 0.00 100-36-440-10571-7170 SARAH JANE WMS-RIM-GROUNDS 200.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 609.72 3,002.61 100-36-440-10571-7172 SARAH JANE WMS-R/M-BUILDING 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 4,529.71 151.70 100-36-440-10571-7173 SARAH JANE WNIS-R/M EQUIPMENT 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 843.07 74.79 100-36-440-10571-7176 SARAH JANE WMS-RIM FIRE EQUIP 300.00 400.00 400.00 0.00 6,075.46 6,311.48 100-36-440-10571-7177 SARAH JANE WMS-RIM ELEVATOR 4,000.00 9,000.00 6,300.00 (2,700.00) 3,054.29 3,297.68 100-36-440-10573-7140 NEWC LIBRARY-SNOW REMOVAL 7,200.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 833.16 1,133.35 100-36-440-10573-7142 NEWC LIBRARY-EQUIPMENT MTNCE 900.00 900.00 900.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-36-440-10573-7170 NEWC LIBRARY-R/M-GROUNDS 200.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 0.00 1,117.63 100-36-440-10573-7172 NEWC LIBRARY-R/M-BUILDING 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 2,262.21 1,089.44 100-36-440-10573-7173 NEWC LIBRARY-RIM EQUIPMENT 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 784.82 30.53 100-36-440-10573-7176 NEWC LIBRARY-RIM FIRE EQUIPME 300.00 300.00 300.00 0.00 58,000.00 61,000.00 100-36-440-'10573-7304 NEWC LIBRARY-DEBT PYMT PRINCI 58,000.00 61,000.00 63,000.00 2,000.00 44,958.08 42,735.31 100-36-440-10573-7305 NEWC LIBRARY-DEBT PYMT INTERE 45,078.00 42,735.00 40,219.00 (2,516.00) 1,758.54 2,996.91 100-36-440-10575-7140 ORONO LIBRARY-SNOW REMOVAL 2,800.00 1,300.00 2,500.00 1,200.00 152.50 198.40 100-36-440-10575-7142 ORONO LIBRARY-EQUIPMENT MTNC 150.00 150.00 150.00 0.00 529.49 4,190.17 100-36-440-10575-7172 ORONO LIBRARY-R/M-BUILDING 460.00 460.00 460.00 0.00 82.50 447.36 100-36-440-10575-7173 ORONO LIBRARY-RIM EQUIPMENT 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 45.29 30.53 100-36-440-10575-7176 ORONO LIBRARY-RIM FIRE EQUIPM 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 125,265.54 130,018.67 Total EXPENDITURE 128,588.00 129,645.00 137,629.00 7,984.00 125,265.54 130,018.67 NET LEVY 128,588.00 129,645.00 137,629:00 7,984.00 iJ Municipality 1ngton 02/03/14 BUDGET WO. PAPERS Clarington:OTt—,<CU LTURAL 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 0.00 0.00 100-36-460-10137-7501 VISUAL ARTS-RENOVATIONS 0.00 7,000.00 0.00 (7,000.00) 0.00 0.00 100-36-460-10582-7501 BOWMANVILLE MUSEUM-RENOVATI 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total EXPENDITURE 10,000.00 7,000.00 0.00 (7,00100) 0.00 0.00 NET LEVY 10,000.00 7,000.00 0.00 (7,000.00) F1 CD w COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATION CHART 2014 C�arin n Leading the Way DIRECTOR Joseph Caruana FACILITIES RECREATION SERVICES MAGER MANAGER GANeor�e Acorn Sharorr Meredith FACILITIES FOOD SERVICES AQUATIC FITNESS/CUSTOMER COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT RECREATION ADMINISTRATIVE _SUPERVISORS _ _COORDINATOR _COORDINATOR SE_R_VICECOORDINATOR ._—__COORDINATOR__—_ __COORDINATOR_ __—ASSISTANT—._ Ken Ferguson Evel n Ma hew Trace Leonard Amber Collins Erica Mitta Ste hen M ers Wend Gorniak Mark Sutherland Dan Welsh Len Hunter CONCESSION AQUATIC RECREATION RECREATION CLERK II STAFF PROGRAMMER PROGRAMMER SOFTWARE CLERK CLERK 11 25 Part-time Erin McFadden Annette Bate Katel n Aucoin Melissa Silva _ I Vacant Ch Stine Faulkner AQUATIC PROGRAM STAFF BARTENDERS — STAFF _ FITNESS _ _ 79 Part-time ____ STAFF __ 98 Part-time CLERK 1I �7 Part-time 18 Part-time �• Lgdra Welch CUSTOMER SERVICE Tara-Lee Sellick REPRESENTATIVES FACILITY 24 Part-time _LEADHANDS _ Steve Parker Steve Burns Department Head Backup- Allan 1,eraw Jim Cam bell Facilities Manager Recreation Services Ma::::] er FACILITY RESPONSIBILITIES: OP_ERA_TORS.•_ -Administration Staff Complement Dave Potter -Aquatic Facility Operations Non-Affiliated 15 Jack Rousseau -Arena Facility Operations y p Union-Italicized 29 Jeremy Czechowski -Municipal Programs Part Time Incl.Students 295 Fred Cosgrove -Community Development Andrea Laren -Municipal Construction ITotal E Sao Chris Welsh -Community Grants Justin Valckx -Older Adult Liaison Ian LaFlamme -Youth Liaison Corey Strand -Indoor Soccer Operations Jason Muir Wayne Kernohan Grant Jones Erin Currie Andrew Davey Erin Haass Cliff Budgen Mark Underwood Jamie Mercer Jesse Bamber PART TIME MAINTENANCE___ 45 Part-time Municipality 'ngton 02/03/14 BUDGET f/VD. ;PAPERS Clarington:COMi—r1ITY SERVIC 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (83,775.54) (70,481.40) ADMINISTRATION-REVENUE (34,500.00) (34,500.00) (34,500.00) 0.00 (5,918.00) (5,570.90) PROGRAMS ADMIN-REVENUE (4,000.00) (4,000.00) (4,000.00) 0.00 (2,356,458.60) (2,296,783.32) FACILITIES-REVENUE (2,350,815.00) (2,408,070.00) (2,295,687.00) 112,383.00 (8,877.45) (9,780.65) PROSHOP-REVENUE (9,600.00) (10,300.00) (9,800.00) 500.00 (356,592.59) (402,937.04) CONCESSIONS-REVENUE (417,700.00) (457,000.00) (462,700.00) (5,700.00) (779,883.56) (841,420.36) AQUATIC PROGRAMS-REVENUE (697,500.00) (717,500.00) (706,000.00) 11,500.00 (482,072.06) (541,583.15) FITNESS PROGRAMS-REVENUE (521,000.00) (520,500.00) (515,500.00) 5,000.00 (351,128.33) (406,688.49) RECREATION PROGRAMS-REVENUE (383,100.00) (380,800.00) (383,700.00) (2,900.00) (19,893.68) (18,202.62) CS-,COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT-REVENUE (22,650.00) (22,900.00) (22,900.00) 0.00 (4,444,599.81) (4,593,447.93) Total REVENUE (4,440,865.00) (4,555,570.00) (4,434,787.00) 120,783.00 EXPENDITURE: 1,858,572.82 0.00 PSAB-EXPENDITURE 0.00 1,152,356.00 0.00 (1,152,356.00) 1,724,988.30 1,231,729.36 ADMINISTRATION-EXPENDITURE 1,259,061.00 1,257,469.00 1,467,461.00 209,992.00 571,395.02 704,073.26 PROGRAMS ADMIN-EXPENDITURE 543,431.00 708,082.00 713,479.00 5,397.00 8,948,575.14 8,998,979.45 FACILITIES-EXPENDITURE 9,056,585.00 9,034,269.00 8,834,240.00 (200,029.00) 4,927.22 4,270.38 PROSHOP-EXPENDITURE 4,800.00 4,900.00 4,600.00 (300.00) 350,400.43• 343,095.10 CONCESSIONS-EXPENDITURE 319,463.00 336,823.00 348,802.00 11,979.00 648,022.57 •635,460.26 AQUATIC PROGRAMS-EXPENDITURE 719,959.00 694,843.00 646,285.00 (48,558.00) 304,459.45 280,541.93 FITNESS PROGRAMS-EXPENDITURE 297,751.00 291,806.00 302,753.00 10,947.00 392,899.86 362,129.89 RECREATION PROGRAMS-EXPENDITURE 422,518.00 376,538.00 393,883.00 17,345.00 31,499.23 33,553.00 CS-COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT-EXPENDITURE 34,826.00 35,428.00 39,412.00 3,984.00 60,000.00 57,352.00 COMMUNITY GRANT PROGRAM-EXPENDITURE 60,000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 0.00 14,895,740.04 12,651,184.63 Total EXPENDITURE 12,718,394.00 13,952,514.00 12,810,915.00 (1,141,599.00) 10,451,140.23 8,057,736.70 NET LEVY 8,277,529.00 9,396,944.00 8,376,128.00 (1,020,816.00) 0 Municipality •ington 02/03/14 BUDGET WC. PAPERS Clarington:ADm.,dISTRATIO N 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (49,275.54) (35,581.40) 100-42-130-00000-6400 COMM SERV- MISC REVENUE 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 (34,500.00) (34,900.00) 100-42-130-00000-6491 COMM SERV-ADVERTISING REVENU (34,500.00) (34,500.00) (34,500.00) 0.00 (83,775.54) (70,481.40) Total REVENUE (34,500.00) (34,500.00) (34,500.00) 0.00 EXPENDITURE: 594,052.81 582,114.51 100-42-130-10085-7001 COMM SERV ADMIN-SALARY FIT 597,987.00 605,385.00 621,164,00 15,779.00 168.40 147.26 100-42-130-10085-7008 COMM SERV ADMIN-WAGES TEMP P 9,117.00 9,318"00 9,504.00 186.00 11,937.21 12,163.72 100-42-130-10085-7050 COMM SERV ADMIN-EHT 11,724.00 1.1,980.00 12,291.00 311"00 60062.76 67,049.00 100-42-130-10085-7051 COMM SERV ADMIN-OMERS 60,235.00 68,409.00 70,265.00 1,856.00 17,218.43 17,689.45 100-42-130-10085-7052 COMM SERV ADMIN-CPP 15,784.00 16,328.00 16,733.00 405.00 8,488.57 9,128.91 100-42-130-10085-7053 COMM SERV ADMIN-El 7,929.00 8,461.00 8,973.00 512.00 67,241.53 68,773.16 100-42-130-10085-7054 COMM SERV ADMIN-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 68,898.00 67,101.00 72,485.00 5,384.00 10,452.83 11,088.18 100-42-130-10085-7058 COMM SERV ADMIN-WSIB 10,387.00 10,487.00 11,074.00 587.00 25,472.55 23,291.77 100-42-130-10085-7101 COMM SERV ADMIN-OFF SUPPLIES 28,000.00 28,000.00 30,000.00 2,000.00 244.20 244.20 100-42-130-10085-7132 COMM SERV ADMIN-PHONE/FAX 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-42-130-10085-7160 COMM SERV ADMIN-CONSULTING 0.00 0.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 274.60 185.42 100-42-130-10085-7181 COMM SERV ADMIN-BOOKS/PERIOD 300.00 300.00 300.00 0.00 3,624.96 3,096.78 100-42-130-10085-7186 COMM SERV ADMIN-POST/COUR/FR 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 100-42-130-10085-7192 COMM SERV ADMIN-SPECIAL EVEN 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 2,461.70 2,833.73 100-42-130-10085-7200 COMM SERV ADMIN-MEMB/DUES 3,000.00 3,000.00 4,500.00 1,500.00 4,359.59 3,981.69 100-42-130-10085-7202 COMM SERV ADMIN-TRAVEL EXP 8,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 0.00 9,415.54 9,049.14 100-42-130-10085-7203 COMM SERV ADMIN-STAFF DEV 15,000.00 17,000.00 17,000.00 0.00 9,861.97 0.00 100-42-130-10085-7204 COMM SERV ADMIN-SPECIAL EQUIP 21,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 438,235.91 6,717.94 100-42-130-10085-7299 COMM SERV ADMIN-MISC EXPENSE 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 421,672.86 403,725.00 100-42-130-10085-7412 COMM SERV ADMIN-TRSF TO RES 378,200.00 384,200.00 507,672.00 123,472.00 27,537.48 0.00 100-42-130-10085-7416 COMM SERV ADMIN-TRSF TO RES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 7,500.00 100-42-130-10085-7418 COMM SERV ADMIN-TRSF TO CAP 10,000.00 7,500.00 0.00 (7,500.00) .2,104.40 2,949.50 100-42-130-10085-7506 COMM SERV ADMIN-FURNITURE/Fl 2,500.00 2,500.00 3,000.00 500.00 1,724,988.30 1,231,729.36 Total EXPENDITURE 1,259,061.00 1,257,469.00 1,467,461.00 209,992.00 1,641,212.76 1,161,247.96 NET LEVY 1,224,561.00 1,222,969.00 1,432,961.00 209,992.00 0 Municipality 3rington 02103/14 BUDGET WO, G PAPERS Clarington:PROu.cAMS ADMIN 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE. (5,918.00) (5,570.90) 100-42-420-10085-6480 PRGMS ADMIN-DEPT ISSUECLOTHIN (4,000.00) (4,000.00) (4,000.00) 0.00 (5,918.00) (5,570.90) Total REVENUE (4,000.00) (4;000.00) (4,000.00) 0.00 EXPENDITURE: 422,853.94 464,113.64 100-42-420-10085-7001 PRGMS ADMIN-SALARIES F/T 399,113.00 471,840.00 471,379.00 (461.00) 0.00 . 58,971.69 100-42-420-10085-7010 PRGMS ADMIN-WAGES PT PGM 0.00 59,300.00 60,100.00 800.00 7,923.52 10,529.12 100-42-420-10085-7050 PRGMS ADMIN-EMT 7,782.00 10,357.00 10,364.00 7.00 40,170.75 51,020.11 100-42-420-10085-7051 PRGMSADMIN-OMERS 40,219.00 52,055.00 51,652.00 (403.00) 12,095.65 17,493.36 100-42-420-10085-7052 PRGMS ADMIN -CPP 11,088.00 16,147.00 16,493.00 346.00 5,895.60 8,907.38 100-42-420-10085-7053 PRGMS ADMIN -El 5,507.00 8,232.00 8,733.00 501.00 48,809.59 58,542.39 100-42-420-10085-7054 PRGMS ADMIN -LTD/LIFE/HLTH 50,012.00 57,119.00 61,514.00 4,395.00 8,563.94 11,887.61 100-42-420-10085-7058 PRGMS ADMIN -WSIB 8,510.00 11,232.00 11,644.00 412.00 1,747.17 1,511.28 100-42-420-10085-7132 PRGMS ADMIN-PHONE/FAX 1,600.00 1,600.00 1,600.00 0.00 6,190.61 5,061.29 100-42-420-10085-7184 PRGMS ADMIN-DEPT ISSUE CLTH 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 366.00 760.14 100-42-420-10085-7200 PRGMS ADMIN-MEMB/DUES 600.00 1,200.00 1,000.00 (2001D0) 16,778.25 15,275.25 100-42-420-10085-7202 PRGMS ADMIN-TRAVEL EXP 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 571,395.02 704,073.26 Total EXPENDITURE 543,431.00 708,082.00 713,479.00 5,397.00 565 477.02 698,502.36 NET LEVY 539 431.00 _ 704,082.00 709,479.00 5 397.00 �J Municipality ington 02/03/14 BUDGET WOW Y PAPERS Cfaringtonn--. ILITIES 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (1,194.99) (1,682.00) 100-42-421-10085-6480 FAC.ADMIN-DEPT.ISSUE CLOTHING (2,000.00) (2,000.00) (2,000.00). 0.00 (334.15) (290.17) 100-42-421-10128-6441 NDRC-LOCKER REV-POOL (300.00) (300.00) (300.00) 0.00 (16,818.79) (12,992.22) 100-42-421-10128-6516 NDRC-POOL RENTALS (20,000.00) (20,000.00) (22,000.00) (2,000.00) (25,456.45) (24,439.31) 100-42-421-10128-6519 NDRC-MULTI PURP.RM RENTALS (20,000.00) (21,000.00) (21,000.00) 0.00 (12,879.54) (10,814.01) 100-42-421-10128-6522 NDRC-GYM RENTALS (11,000.00) (11,000.00) (11,000.00) 0.00 (1,049.47) (1,087.33) 100-42-421-10129-6441 CCC-LOCKER REVENUE-POOL (1,100.00) (1,100.00) (1,200.00) (100.00) (18,799.93) (19,430.66) 100-42-421-10129-6509 CCC-THEATRE DANCE LEASE REV (18,800.00) (19,176.00) (19,488.00) (312.00) (18,099.42) (14,640.25) 100-42-421-10129-6516 CCC-POOL RENTALS (24,000.00) (20,0- 20,000.00) (23,000.00) (3,000.00) (30,979.47) (27,571.83) 100-42-421-10129-6519 CCC-MULTI PURP FACILITY RENTAL (35,000.00) (32,000.00) (25,000.00) 7,000.00 (89,192.20) (37,948.37) 100-42-421-10129-6520 CCC-DAYCARE CENTRE RENTAL (89,192.00) (90,943.00) 0.00 90,943.00 (7,307.77) (7,631.67) 100-42-421-10130-6412 SCA-PATCH SKATING REV., (9,000.00) (9,000.00) (9,000.00) 0.00 (21,328.70) (17,581.87) 100-42-421-10130-6414 SCA-SHINNY HOCKEY REV. (28,000.00) (28,000.00) (22,000.00) 6,000.00 (2,270.90) (2,268.00) 100-42-421-10130-6416 SCA-SKATE SHARPENING REVENUE (1,920.00) (2,064.00) (2,112.00) (48.00)' (771,300.73) (743,116.28) 100-42-421-10130-6514 SCA-ICE RENTALS (725,000.00) (745,000.00) (759,900.00) (14,900.00) (10,267.50) (14,295.75) 100-42-421-10130-6515 SCA-ARENA FLOOR RENTALS (12,000.00) (12,000.00) (14,000.00) (2,000.00) (9,466.95) (10,704.54) 100-42-421-10130-6519 SCA-MULTI PURPOSE ROOM RENTA (8,500.00) (8,500.00) (9,000.00) (500.00) (4,390.87) (5,262.47) 100-42-421-10130-6522 SCA-GYM RENTALS (2,000.00) (3,000.00) (4,000.00) (1,000.00) (200.00) 0.00 100-42-421-10131-6400 DSC-MISC:REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (239,887.00) (251,028.57) 100-42-421-10131-6514 DSC-ICE RENTALS (233,000.00) (255,000.00) (258,000.00) (3,000.00) (16,055.00) (13,795.75) 100-42-421-10131-6515 DSC-ARENA FLOOR RENTALS (15,000.00) (17,000.00) (17,000.00) 0.00 (374.98) 0.00 100-42-421-10132-6400 RRC-MISC.REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (78,523.08) (78,523.08) 100-42-421-10132-6408 RRC-LEASEHOLD RECOVERIES (78,523.00) (78,523.00) (78,523,00) 0.00 (1,463.22) (879.69) 100-42-421-10132-6412 RRC-PATCH SKATING REV. (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (2,000.00) (1,000.00) (4,966.48) (2,828.60) 100-42-421-10132-6414 RRC-SHINNEY HOCKEY REV. (6,500.00) (7,000.00 (6,000.00) 1,000.00 (1,830.24) (1,839.75) 100-42-421-10132-6416 RRC-SKATE SHARPENING REV. (1,680.00) (1,864.00;1 (1,864.00) 0.00 (620,040.49) (635,563.55) 100-42-421-10132-6514 RRC-ICE RENTALS (605,000.00) (625,000.00 (630,000.00) (5,000.00) (59,527.32) (68,113.90) 100-42-421-10132-6515 RRC-ARENA FLOOR RENTALS (61,000.00) (61,000.00) (64,000.00) (3,000.00) (42,939.94) (48,489.41) 100-42-421-10132-6519 RRC-MULTI PURP FACILITY RENTAL (62,000.00) (62,000.00) (55,000.00) 7,000.00 (443.80) (545.13) 100-42-421-10133-6441 CFC-LOCKER REVENUE (500.00) (600.00) (300.00) 300.00 (18,146.91) (11,547.82) 100-42-421-10133-6493 CFC-SQUASH ADMISSION REV. (21,000.00) (22,000.00) (7,500.00) 14,500.00 (44,257.09) (38,253.62) 100-42-421-10133-6516 CFC-POOL RENTALS (34,000.00) (37,500.00) (15,000.00) 22,500.00 (56.25) 0.00 100-42-421-10133-6517 CFC-ROOM RENTALS (300.00) OX 0.00 0.00 (182,082.97) (188,475.37) 100-42-421-10134-,6510 BIS-RENTALS REVENUE (219,000.00) (210,000.00) (210,000.00) 0.00 (1,010.50) (1,920.35) 100-42-421-10134-6517 BIS-ROOM RENTALS (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (2,000.00) (1,000.00) (3,515.50) (3,222.00) 100-42-421-10134-6523 BIS-LACROSSE BOWL RENTALS (3,500.00) (3,500.00) (3,500.00) 0.00 (2,356,458.60) (2,296,783.32) Total REVENUE (2,350,815.00) (2,408,070.00'i (2,295,687.00) 112,383.00 EXPENDITURE: a 00 Municipality vington 02/03/14 BUDGET WOe G PAPERS Clarington:t na1LITIES 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 20141 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE(continued): $426,105.34 $462,048.63 100-42-421-10085-7001 FAC.ADMIN-SALARIES F/T $435,373.00 $445,389.00 $505,001.00 $59,612.00 8,644.36 8,818.19 100-42-421-10085-7050 FAC ADMIN-EHT 8,490.00 8,685.00 9,847.00 1,162.00 44,806.19 49,985.11 100-42-421-10085-7051 FAC ADMIN-OMERS 44,860.00 50,999.00 56,583.00 5,584.00 12,095.62 12,495.73 100-42-421-10085-7052 FAC ADMIN -CPP 11,088.00 11,534.00 14,118.00 2,584.00 5,895.60 6,344.18 100-42-421-10085-7053 FAC ADMIN -Et 5,507.00 5,880.00 7,485.00 1,605.00 49,913.39 50,343.04 100-42-421-10085-7054 FAC ADMIN -LTD/LIFE/HLTH 51,143.00 49,119.00 62,172.00 13,053.00 8,657.52 9,131.06 100-42-421-10085-7058 FAC ADMIN -WSIB 8,603.00 8,636.00 10,214.00 1,578.00 1,659.27 1,707.25 100-42-421-10085-7132 FAC ADMIN -PHONE/FAX 2,600.00 2,600.00 2,600.00 0.00 10,985.31 11,353.84 100-42-421-10085-7183 FAC ADMIN -CLTH/UNIFORMS 10,400.00 10,400.00 10,400.00 0.00 2,996.22 2,873.94 100-42-421-10085-7184 FAC ADMIN-DEPT ISSUE CLTH 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 1,347.10 .1,527.32 100-42-421-10085-7200 FAC ADMIN-MEMB/DUES 1,300.00 1,925.00 1,925.00 0.00 10,885.93 10,595.51 100-42-421-10085-7202 FAC ADMIN -TRAVEL EXP 10,200.00 10,700.00 11,700.00 1,000.00 0.00 10,506.72 100-42-421-10085-7204 FAC ADMIN-SPECIAL EQUIP.TRAINI 1 0.00 12,650.00 12,650.00 1 0.00 18,133.92 24,140.60 100-42-421-10085-7520 FAC ADMIN -OTHER CAP(NON TCA) 23,000.00 26,000.00 30,000.00 4,000.00 219,446.44 234,657.64 100-42-421-10128-7005 NDRC-WAGES F/T 243,555.00 233,911.00 238,289.00 4,378.00 109,080.87 110,026.21 100-42-421-10128-7007 NDRC-WAGES PERM.P/T 98,500.00 100,667.00 103,070.00 2,403.00 15,273.62 19,689.33 100-42-421-10128-7008 NDRC-WAGES TEMP.P/T 14,257.00 19,599.00 20,791.00 1,192.00 40,103.93 37,561.43 100-42-421-10128-7009 NDRC-WAGES P/T MTNCE 41,615.00 42,073.00 43,073.00 1,000.00 7,814.57 7,753.14 100-42-421-10128-7050 NDRC-EHT 7,675.00 7,636.00 7,809.00 173.00 21,212.52 21,375.43 100-42-421-10128-7051 NDRC-OMERS 21,238.00 21,809.00 22,235.00 426.00 11,126.98 11,440.50 100-42-421-10128-7052 NDRC-CPP 10,200.00 10,560.00 10,856.00 296.00 8,719.77 9,405.12 100-42-421-10128-7053 NDRC-El 8,145.00 8,717.00 9,199.00 482.00 29,355.80 30,737.33 100-42-421-10128-7054 NDRC-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 30,079.00 29,990.00 31,035.00 1,045.00 8,674.66 9,067.62 100-42-421-10128-7058 NDRC-WSIB 8,620.00 8,576.00 8,970.00 394.00 11,729.62 14,175.86 100-42-421-10128-7104 NDRC-CLEAN SUPPLIES 16,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 12,991.82 19,693.35 100-42-421-10128-7112 NDRC-MISC OP EXP 18,000.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 0.00 66,544.32 62,972.13 100-42-421-10128-7125 NDRC-HEAT 76,800.00 71,500.00 63,500.00 (8,000.00) 174,775.61 192,898.25 100-42-421-10128-7129 NDRC-HYDRO 191,400.00 189,000.00 197,600.00 8,600.00 22,620.77 26,005.59 100-42-421-10128-7130 NDRC-WATER/SEWER 22,300.00 23,800.00 26,300.00 2,500.00 9,378.32 9,851.26 100-42-421-10128-7132 NDRC-PHONE/FAX 9,500.00 9,500.00 9,500.00 0.00 9,235.27 13,543.96 100-42-421-10128-7140 NDRC-SNOW REMOVAL 18,800.00 16,200.00 16,200.00 0.00 2,325.27 2,405.45 100-42-421-10128-7165 NDRC-WASTE DISPOSAL 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 1,303.75 1,858.59 100-42-421-10128-7171 NDRC-R/M VEHICLES 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 28,534.78 25,702.68 100-42-421-10128-7172 NDRC-R/M-BUILDING 19,000.00 22,000.00 28,000.00 6,000.00 33,723.51 27,452.19 100-42-421-10128-7173 NDRC-R/M OTHER EQUIP 23,000.00 25,000.00 30,000.00 5,000.00 2,891.83 2,842.22 100-42-421-10128-7176 NDRC-R/M FIRE EQUIP 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 1,151,000.00 1,205,000.00 100-42-421-10128-7304 NDRC-DEBT PYMT PRINCIPAL 1,151,000.00 1,205,000.00 1,261,000.00 56,000.00 607,797.65 557,565.32 100-42-421-10128-7305 NDRC-DEBT PYMT INTEREST 609,435.00 557,565.00 501,973.00 (55,592.00) 19,855.32 11,763.53 100-42-421-10128-7540 NDRC-IMPROVEMENTS 15,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 (10,000.00) C 2012 ACTU Municipality- - -Ington AL BUDGET wow EXPENDITURE 2013 ACT[1gL Clarin9tort:F 1LgpI PeRS (continued); Descri tion 2014 DRAFT $27,610.07 - $45,656,58 02/03/14 24?,111.61 100.1,42-42 2012 B _ 257,462.41 1-70129- UDGET 117,846.80 7007 CCC-SALARY F/T 2013 BUDGET 100 g2�21-10129-7005 CCC_ 7 7,310.25 107,122.07 2014 BUDG 100-42.427_10129-7007 CCC WAGES F/T ET 60,109.10 71,777.86 $40,676.00 INCRE�iSE 60,369.88 100-42-421-10129-7008 CCC WAGES PERM.pT $43,982.00 988.37 WAGES 248,123,00 7,510.67 100-42-421-10129-7009 TEMP.P/T 257,907.00 $48,728.00 9,164.68 CCC-WAGES P 106,000.00 100-42_421_10129- !T MTNCE 108,332.00 275222.00 $4.746.00 23,983,20 9,446.68 100-42-421-10129-705()7010 CCC- 11275.04 27,103.26 WAGESP/TPRGM 11,523.00 111,000.00 17.315.00 13,667.65 CCC-EHT 57,855,00 2,668.00 74,142.46 100-42-421-10129-7051 58,491.00 12,224.00 10,411.30 100- CCC-OMERS 2,761.04 11,120.67 42-421-10129- 1,500.00 60,491.00 701.Q0 37,102.97 7052 CCC-CPP 9,001.00 2,000.40 39 495 26 100-42-421-10129 7053 CC 9,304.00 1,000.00 7 0,173.06 C_El 24,012.00 11,047.98 100.42-421-10129- 27,653.0,0 9,827.00 (500.00) 23,675.58 100-4 7054 CCC-LTD/LIE 12,529.00 22,636.86 2-421-10129-7 E/HLTH 13,OS4.d4 30,119.00 523.00 1532.27 058 CCC-VVSIB 9,725.00 2,466.00 561.44 100-42.421-10129-77 10,307.00 13,854.00 13,173.25 100-42-421-10129-71 04 CC 38,017.00 17,730.44 08 C CLEAN SUPPLIES 38,639.00 10,975.00 800.00 16,593.24 100-4 CCC- 10.109.00 18,926.69 2-421-70129- BANQUETSUPPLIES 10,449.44 40,582.00 668.00 135,779.02 100-42-421-10129-71 12 CCC-MISC 26,000.00 96,451.79 421-10129- OP EXP 26,000,00 11288.00 1,943.00 27,635.11 100-4 7125 CCG-HEAT 1500.00 27,598.62 2427-10129-7129 1,000.00 26,000.00 839.00 7,966.64 CCC-HYDRO HYDRO 15,500.00 9,080.72 100-42-421-10129-7130 C 15,500.00 1,004,00 0.00 8,687.08 700-42� 6&000.00 12,459.90 21-10129-7132 CC-WATER/SEWER 161,100.00 30,800.00 16,000.00 0.00 4,054.00 100-42-421-10129-7140 CCC-PHONE/FAX 4,189,64 135,400.00 27,100.00 500.00 0.00 100,42_ CCC- 35,700.00 421-10129-7165 SNOW REMOVAL 34,50000 139,200.00 (3,700,00) 31,600.68 0.00 CCG-WASTE 9,700.00 33,541.74 100-42-421-10129-7171 DISPOSAL 9,700.00 34,800.00 3800.00 39,503.96 100.4 CGC- 13,400,00 38,876.81 2`421-10129- P/M-VEHICLES 14,100.00 9.700,00 300-00 2,899.92 7772 CCC-R/M-BUILDING 5,400.00 2,086.92 100-42.421_10129-7 LDING 5,40d.04 14,100.00 0.00 37,702.17 100-42-421- 173 CCC- 0.00 23,900.20 10129-7176 R/M OTHER EQUIP 36;000.00 0.00 5,400.00 0.00 53,062.84 100-42-427-107 CCC-R/M FIRE E 0.00 7,584.01 29-7508 QUIP 40,000.00 36,000.00 2,00().00 47 766.24 CCC-FITNESS 0,000.00 2,000.00 49,009.37 140-92'421`10129-7540 CCC_ ESS EQUIPMENT 40,000.00 300,045.34 100-42-421-10 4,500.00 4,000.00 317,661.50 130-7001 IMPROVEMENTS 4,500.00 43000.00 56,861,16 100-42-421-1()l SCA-SALARY F/7 41,700.00 3,000.00 58,529.77 30-7005 SCA- 37,500.00 4,500.00 25,176.95 WAGES F/7` 71,500.44 78,552.76 27,326.38 � 10p-4227-10130-7007 10,000.00 41,600.00 0.00 100-42- SCA-WAGES P 48,593.00 4,100.00 9,202.35 79,237.32 421-10130-7()08 PERM P/T 278,683.00 49,711.00 0.00 100-42-421.10130_ SCA-WAGES TEMP P/-j (?0,000.00) 27,178.37 9,671.71 7009 SCA- 54,222,00 300,336.00 O.Od 100-42-421-10130- VVAGESP/TMTNCE 305,920.00 (49,711.00) 18,775.73 31635.31 7050SCA-EHT 16,973.00 55,415.00 19,654.71 100-42421_10130- 17,285,00 62,700.00 5,584.00 3,963,. 6 100-42421 7051 SCA-OMRRS 67,802.00 11,205.91 -10130-7052 68,548.00 28,230.00 7,285.00 43,963.96 100-42-421-10130-7053 SCA-CPA 9.038.40 10,945,00 47,032.68 9,525.00 70,354.00 10,215.36 100-42-421-101 SCA-EI 27217.00 30- 32,277.00 9.042.00 1,806,04 12,388.80 11311.28 700-4221_ 7054 SCA-LTD1LlFE/HLTH 17�168.00 13,229.72 10130-7058 SCA- 18,142.00 28,348,0o (483.00) 100-42-421_ WSI$ 8,987.04 (3,929.00) 10130' 45,047.00 10,386.04 16,753.00 7104 SCA-CLEAN SUPPLIES 10,151.00 10,151.00 46,013.40 9,992.00 75,004,00 10,698:00 39,014.00 (394.00) _ 15,040.00 70387.04 (6,999.00) 15,000,00 (311.00) 0.00 Municipality arington 2012 ACTUAL AJIDG p 2013 ACTU at G,„APEfls^ EXPENDITURE L Claringt0n:`-c RE(continued): Descri Lion 2014 DRAFT $62,214.11 $67,309.85 02/03/14 237,471.45 100- 2012 BU 259 9 42-421-10130-71 OGET 29,078.34 26,75 100-42-421-10130-7129 SCA-HEAT 20x3 B 29,519.96 `421-10130-7129 SCA- UDGET 8,364.07 HYDRO 2014 BUDGET 9,261.47 100-42421-10130- 8,561.67 100- 7130 SCA-WATER/,SEWER $70,900,00 I�RE�yS� 13,823.01 42-421-10130-7132 226,700.00 $69,200.00 4,077.73 100-42,421-101 SCA 30_7140 PNONE/FgX 238,400.00 $65,300.00 10,429.61 SCA-SNOW REMOVAL 27,300.00 ($3,900.00) 17,823.90 700-42-421_10130-7165 SC 30500.00 243,000.00 50,461.88 100_42_421-10130-71 A`WAST 9,600.00 40,936.95 71 EDiSPOSAL 18,000.00 9.600,00 31,400,00 4600.00 64,487.79 100-4 SCA-R/IVT_V 48,002.27 2-421-10130-7 EHICLES 6,000.00 14,400.00 10,000.00 900.00 2,403.78 172 SCA-R/M"BUILDING 4,951.90 7002 421-10130- 9,000.00 6000.00 14,400.00 400.00 867,000.00 100-42-421-1 7173 SCA-R/M OT 321,750.94 985,000.00 0130-7176 HER EQUIP 35,000.00 10,000.00 5,500,00 0.00 100-42421- SCA-R/IV]FIRE EQUIP 11,000.00 (500.00) 32,169.18 86333.18 10130-7304 SCA 45,000.00 40,000.00 100-42-421.10130- DEBT PYMT PRINCIPAL 42,000.00 1000.00 77,838.17 77,442.85 7305 SCA_ 5,000.00 42000.00 100-42-421-10130- DEBTPYMT 46,000.00 2,000.00 29,135.06 80,753.77 7540 SCq- INTEREST 867 5,000.00 5,000.00 30,538.54 100-42..421-10131-7005 DSC IMPROVEMENTS 985,000.00 5000.00 4,000.00 23,800.68 100- 278,387.00 26,123.33 42-421-10131-7008 WAGES 86,333.00 1,003,000.00 0.00 2,214.55 100..4 DSC- 34,500.00 2,301.76 2-421-10131-7 WAGES TEMP P!1 77,000.,0 71,488.00 18,000.00 5,251.69 100-42-421-10131-7050 DSC_WAGES P 64,569.00 6076.74 42-421-10131-7050 DSC-ENT /TMTNCE 25,625.00 68,477.0, 0.00 (14,845.00) 3,838.23 100-42- (77,000,00) 3,945.68 421-10131_7051 22,330.00 26'189.00 69,914.00 2,526.55 100- DSC-OMERS 1437.00 2,690.85 42-421-10131-7052 DSC- 22,576.00 29,120.00 5,882.10 700-42-427- CPP 2,175.00 6,405.88 10131-7 2,267.00 24,576.00 2.931.00 2,457.47 100-42-421-10131-7054 053 DSC_EI 5,258.00 2,690,88 6,200.00 2,389.00 2,000.00 4,121.99 100-42-421-10131-7058 DSC..LTD/LIFE/ 3,507.00 4,179.40 DSC_ HLTH 3,642.00 6349.00 122.00 •15,879.33 100-42-421-10 WSIS 2,360,00 57,609.43 15,654.93 131-7104 2,494.00 3.934.00 149.00 100-42- DSC- 6,027.00 38,618.93 421-10131-7125 DSC- CLEAN SUPPLIES 6,267.00 2,731.00 292.00 1,439.01 HEAT 2,442.00 1,705.21 100 42-421 0131-7129 DSC_ 2,545.OG 6549.00 237.00 6,124.89 100-42-421- HYDRO 4,000.00 12,805.35 10131-7132 D 13,600.00 4,000.00 2,744.00 282.0o 1.957.44 100-4 SC-PHONE/F,gX 1,600.40 2-421-10131-7140 71,000.00 13,800.00 4,000.00 199.00 3,196,7g DSC-,SNOW 3,787.00 100-42-421-10131-7165 DSC_ REMOVAL 14800.00 0.00 13,540.92 -WASTE 2,000,00 61,500.00 16,739.67 100g2_42j_10,31-7 EDISPOSAL 2,000,00 77,700,00 1000.00 21,211.90 '0'-42-421-10131-7172 171 DSC-R,M_V 8,800.00 17,647.73 EHICLES 16,100.00 2,000.00 1 6,200.00 624,90 DSC-R/M_BUILDlNG, 2600.00 2,184.92 100-42-421-10131-7173 3,500.00 2,600.00 16,100.00 0.00 0.00 100-42,.421- DSC_ 50,290,13 9,445,30 10131-7176 DSC R/M OTHER EQUIP 14,000.00 3,500.00 2,100.00 0.00 100-42-421_10131-7540 R/M FIRE EQUIP 3,500.00 (500.00) 326,082.49 51'78706 DSC_ 13,100,00 14000.00 3417 100-42-421-10132- IMPROVEMENTS 16,000,00 0.00 19,488.42 � 34.23 7001 RRC- 1,500.,, 13,100-00 19,983.97 100-42421_10732-7 SALARYFj7 15,100.00 2,000,00 28,117.57 005 RRC-WAGES F/1 0.00 1,500.00 100-42-421-10132 7007 2,OOD.00 2,0o0,00 72,087.54 28,538.35 RRC- 48,389,00 11,000.00 100-42.421_10132- WAGES PERM P/7 500.00 3,687.10 79,433.66 7008 RRC- 325,799.00 43711.00 0-00 100-42-421-10132-7009 WAGES TEMP P/ T 334,737.00 50,705. (T1,000,00) 3,905.48 RRC_ 19,900.00 00 100-42-421 10132-7010 RRC_ WAGES P/T MTNCE 18,450,00 9,9 20338.00 340,917.00 994.00 WAGES P/7 pRGM 27,815.00 6180.00 65,0.87 00 78,856,00 5,105.00 70,200.00 21,726.00 7,477.00 • 4,000.00 72,500.00 2,870.00 3,500,00 2,300.00 (500.0,) Municipality ington 2012 ACTUAL 61IDGEj-y(/Q 2013 ACTUAL claringtoM;r-: y PAPA--RS EXPENDITURE (continued): Descri Lion 2014 DRAFTEES $9,562.80 02/03/14 32,304.20 $9827.45 100-42_421-10132- 2012 Blio(; 17,859,89 35,676.36 100-42-g2T-10132-7050RRC-EHT � 20----x3 gUpG�p` 18,533,47 7051 RRC- 20— BUD(; 9,941.32 10)-42-421-10132.7052 OMERS CRA�� 45,265.88 10,705.27 RRC-CPP $9,392.00 7053 RRC 32,343.00 $9s79.00 10,614.84 48,116.20 RC-Et $10,047.00 100-42-421_10132- 16,372 00 36,400.00 T4,715.5g 11,492.08 7054 RRC-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 37,111.00 $368.00 100-42-421-10132-7058 9,2 17,107.00 3,034.25 15,084.21 RRC-WSIB 86.00 17,985.00 711,00 100-42-421-10132-7104 46,381.00 9,92200 44,177,32 3,208.75 100-42-421-10132-7108 RRC-CLEAN SUPPLIES 10,739,00 878.00 LIES 10,548,00 47,073.00 188,967.56 44,662.58 RRC- 48,744.00 817.00 100-42-421-10132- BANQUET SUPPLIES 15,000.00 10,869,00 23,145.56 101,620.21 7125 RRC-yEAT 11,542.00 1,671.00 100-42-421-10132-7129 3,OOQ.00 15,000.00 5,811.55 23,090.33 RRC-HYDRO 15,000,00 673.00 100-42_421.70132-7130 R 54,400,00 3000.00 12,737,37 6,485.67 RC WATER/SEWER 48,10000 3,000.00 0.00 100-42-421-10132-7132 R EWER 8,024.00 22,476.63 197,900.00 41,900.00 0.00 100-42_421_10132-7140 RC PHONE/FgX 20,400.00 197,700.00 8,709.25 8.748.09 RRC SNOW '210,500.00 (5,20p,0o) 100-42-421-10132-7165 ft REMOVAL 7,000.00 22,300.Q0 39,203,21 T ,416.76 RC-WASTE 24,700,00 12,800.00 100-42-421-T0132-7171 DISPOSAL 25,000.00 7000.00 70,341.26 40,476.03 100-42 RRC-R/M VEHICLES 6,500.00 2,400.00 61,400.65 421-10132-7172 RRC- 9,000.00 25,800,00 3,733.78 100-42-421_10732- �BUILDING 8,200,00 25,800.00 (500.00} 65,410.92 3,928.20 7173 RRC- 8,500.00 8,200,00 0.00 100-42.421_10132-7176 �M EQUIPMENT 31,000.00 8500.00 40,089.34 68,802.83 RRC-R/M FIRE 31,000.oD 8,500.00 0.00 36,615.81 100-42_421-10132-7304 EQUIP 51,000.00 26;727.44 100-42-4211-10132-7305 RRC-DEBTP 57,000.00 36,000.00 0.00 64,313.95 YMTPRINCIPAL 4,500.00 5,000..00 99,865.91 100-42-421-10132-7540 RRC-DEBT PYMT INTEREST 4,500.00 55,000.00 106,744-82 RRC- 65,411.00 4,000.00 84,579.72 100-42 IMPROVEMENTS 68,803.00 4,500.00 82,233.60 421-10133-7005 CFC_WAGES F/T 40,098.00 45,571.30� 100-42 36,616.00 72,377.00 0.00 47,816.50 -421-10133-7007 CFC- 74;500.00 3,568.00 4,274.36 100-42_421-10133-7008 WAGES PER 70,500.00 32,962.00 4,673.61 CFC- M'P!r 95,508.00 (3,654.00) 7,665.80 100-42_427_ WAGES TEMP,pf- 113,649.00 0.00 70,314.78 70133-7050 CFC-EHT 81,000.00 (70,500,00) 7,411.43 100-42.421-10133-70b 1 82,782.00 114,653,00 5,526.24 7930.36 CFC_ 43,562.00 46,100.Op 1004.00 100-42-421-10133- OMERS 4,198.00 44,521.00 6,944.92 5,906.12 7052 CFC-CPP 20,000,00 (36,682.00) 100-42.421_10133-7053 7,675.00 4,603.00 4,744.88 15,228.27 CFC-EI 3,475.00 (24,521.00) 100-42-421-10133- 6,794,00 10,524.00 3,962.B4 5,466.38 7054 CFC-LTD/L(F 10,564.00 (1,128.00) 100-42-421-1013.3_7058 CF E'HLTH 5,162.00 7,320,00 7,535.56 4,603,73 C-WSIB 4,906.00 40.00 100-42-421-10133-7104 CF 7,116.00 5,474.00 37,131.14 9,370.04 100-42-421-10133- C'CLEAN SUPPLIES 14,858.00 4,138,00 (2,414.00) 44,502,12 37,326.69 7112 CFC-MISC OP EXP 4,715.00 15,322.00 (1336.00) 100-42-421-10133-7125 5,000,00 5,170.00 11,419.70 51789,36 CFC-HEAT 3,992,00 464-00 13,778.25 100-42-421-10133-7129 8,200.00 5,000,00 1994.39 100-42-421-10133-7130 CFC HYDRO 2,500.00 (1,178.00) 43,G00.00 8200.00 (2,500.00) 2,526,91 1683.05 100 42-427-10133-7132 CFC_ WATER&SEWER 40,200.00 4100.00 1,680,43 PHONE/FAX 43,300.00 25,000.00 (4,100.00) 7,&69.87 100-42-421-10733-7140 10,500.00 49,000.00 17,107.56 1,663.75 100-42-42 1- CFC-SNOW 36,000.00 (15,200,00) 30,548,35 10133-71 REMOVAL 5,000.00 17,600.00 (13,000.00) 100-42-421-10133-7172_ WASTE DISPOSAL 9,800.00 4,000,00 2,400.00 (1,800.00) R/M BUILDING 2,000.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 18,300.00 2,000.00 900.00 (600.00) 18,300.00 800.00 (900.00) 7500.00 (1200.00) (10,800.00) Municipality arington 02/03/14 BU®GBT11140i G PAPE=RS Clarington:-„;JLITIES 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2016 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE(continued): $19,047.71 $18,561.92 100-42-421-10133-7173 CFC-RIM OTHER EQUIP $16,000.00 $20,000.00 $7,500.00 ($12,500.00) 2,589.02 1,982.41 100-42-421-10133-7176 CFC-RIM FIRE EQUIP 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,200.00 (800.00) 10,562.69 0.00 100-42-421-10133-7540 CFC-IMPROVEMENTS 25,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 43,292.79 29,130.85 100-42-421-10134-7005 BIS-WAGES FT 34,381.00 28,656.00 50,431.00 21,775.00 48,665.01 50,098.23 100-42-421-10134-7008 BIS-WAGES TEMP PT 44,024.00 44,993.00 47,892.00 2,899.00 1,523.21 1,423.52 100-42-421-10134-7050 BIS-EHT 1,496.00 1,402.00 1,881.00 479.00 3,036.35 2,527.72 100-42-421-10134-7051 BIS-OMERS 3,040.00 2,579.00 4,539.00 1,960.00 2,836.31 2,781.04 100-42-421-10134-7052 BIS-CPP 2,600.00 2,567.00 3,704.00 1,137.00 1,766.45 1,873.05 100-42-421-10134-7053 BIS-El 1,650.00 1,736.00 2,430.00 694.00 3,943.85 3,954.73 100-42-421-10134-7054 BIS-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 4,041.00 3,869.00 7,386.00 3,517.00 1,690.64 1,665.28 100-42-421-10134-7058 BIS-WS]B 1,680.00 1,575.00 2,161.00 586.00 1,518.02 3,068.93 100-42-421-10134-7104 BIS-CLEANING SUPPLIES 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 13,111.53 15,434.65 100-42-421-10134-7125 BIS-HEAT 19,600.00 17,100.00 14,800.00 (2,300.00) 24,402.95 23,481.41 100-42-421-10134-7129 BIS-HYDRO 25,000.00 25,000.00 30,200.00 5,200.00 12,017.16 11,343.45 100-42-421-10134-7130 BIS-WATER/SEWER 11,900.00 11,500.00 10,900.00 (600.00) 1,897.20 2,475.14 100-42-421-10134-7132 BIS-PHONE/FAX 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,400.00 400.00 7,222.40 11,465.60 100-42-421-10134-7140 BIS-SNOW REMOVAL 12,800.00 10,900.00 10,900.00 0.00 2,216.00 2,258.60 100-42-421-10134-7165 BIS-WASTE DISPOSAL 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 10,108.12 10,025.80 100-42-421-10134-7172 BIS-RIM BLDG 12,200.00 12,200.00 14,000.00 1,800.00 7,322.93 6,072.92 100-42-421-10134-7173 BIS-RIM EQUIPMENT 10,000.00 10,000.00 12,000.00 2,000.00 1,615.12 1,052.30 100-42-421-10134-7176 BIS-RIM FIRE EQUIP. 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 220,000.00 232,000.00 100-42-421-10134-7304 BIS-DEBT-PRINCIPAL 220,000.00 232,000.00 167,000.00 (65,000.00) 109,641.40 97,693.19 100-42-421-10134-7305 BIS-DEBT-INTEREST 109,641.00 97,693.00 42,363.00 (55,330.00) 5,115.00 19,110.53 100-42-421-10134-7540 BIS-IMPROVEMENTS 4,500.00 21,000.00 0.00 (21,000.00) 8,948,575.14 8,998,979.45 Total EXPENDITURE 9,056,585.00 9,034,269.00 8,834,240.00 (200,029.00) 6,592,116.54 6,702,196.13 NET LEVY 6,705,770.00 6,626,199.00 6,538,553.00 (87,646.00) U..) Municipality rington 02/03/14 BUDGET WO{ .s PAPERS Claringtom-- iSHOP 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (4,247.25) (4,813.70) 100-42-422-10128-6575 NEW REC FAC-MERCHANDISE SALES (5,000.00) (5,200.00) (5,300.00) (100.00) (3,160.92) (2,689.74) 100-42-422-10129-6575 CCC-MERCHANDISE SALES (3,600.00) (3,700.00) (3,700.00) 0.00 (1,469.28) (2,277.21) 100-42-422-10133-6575 CFC-MERCHANDISE SALES (1,000.00) (1,400.00) (800.00) 600.00 (8,877.45) (9,780.65) Total REVENUE (9,600.00) (10,300.00) (9,800.00) 500.00 EXPENDITURE: 2,000.69 2,219.07 100-42-422-10128-7109 NDRC-PROSHOP SUPPLIES 2,500.00 2,600.00 2,600.00 0.00 1,721.06 1,535.81 100-42-422-10129-7109 CCC-PROSHOP SUPPLIES 1,800.00 1,600.00 1,600.00 0.00 1,205.47 515.50 100-42-422-10133-7109 CFC-PROSHOP SUPPLIES 500.00 700.00 400.00 (300.00) 4,927.22 4,270.38 Total EXPENDITURE 4.800.00 4,900.00 4,600.00 (300.00) (3,950.23) (5,510.27) NET LEVY (4,800.00) (5,400.00) (5,200.00) 200:00 r,, Municipality 'idngton 02/b3/14 BUDGET W01 S PAPERS Clarington:C0--ESSIONS _ 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (4,532.04) (9,121.41) 100-42-423-10128-6512 NDRC-VENDING COMMISSIONS (3,000.00) (8,000.00) (9,200.00) (1,200.00) (6,198.72) (13,112.37) 100-42-423-10129-6512 CCC-VENDING COMMISSIONS (4,500.00) (10,000.00) (13,500.00) (3,500.00) (12,416.02) (21,332.52) 100-42-423-10130-6512 SCA-VENDING COMMISSIONS (11,000.00) (25,000.00) (28,000.00) (3,000.00) (132,692.67) (142,257.53) 100-42-423-10130-6513 SCA-CANTEEN SALES (160,000.00) (160,000.00) (160,000.00) 0.00 (1,881.14) (5,303.22) 100-42-423-10131-6512 DSC-VENDING COMMISSIONS (1,500.00) (6,500.00) (5,000.00) 1,500.00 (19,190.69) (17,970.64) 100-42-423-10131-6513 DSC-CANTEEN SALES (25,000.00) (25,000.00) (25,000.00) 0.00 (10,274.83) (22,000.86) 100-42-423-10132-6512 RRC-VENDING COMMISSIONS (10,500.00) (25,000.00) (25,000.00) 0'00 (144,623.10) (142,117.11) 100-42-423-10132-6513 RRC-CANTEEN SALES (190,000.00) (170,000.00) (170,000.00) 0.00 (6,367.71) (11,634.88) 100-42-423-10133-6512 CFC-VENDING COMMISSIONS (1,100.00) (8,000.00) (5,000.00) 3,000.00 (2,560.16) (5,476.98) 100-42-423-10134-6512 BIS-VENDING COMMISSIONS (1,100.00) (3,500.00) (6,000.00) (2,500.00) (15,855.51) (12,609.52) 100-42-423-10142-6573 CATERING OPER-CATERING REV (10,000.00) (16,000.00) (16,000.00) 0.00 (356,592.59) (402,937.04) Total REVENUE (417,700.00) (457,000.00) (462,700.00) (5,700.00) EXPENDITURE: 0.00 3,124.29 100-42-423-10128-7196 NDRC CONC-FOOD/BEVERAGE 0.00 2,500.00 3,500.00 1,000.00 0.00 4,902.20 100-42-423-10129-7196 CCC CONC-FOOD/BEVERAGE 0.00 2,500.00 5,400.00 2,900.00 50,787.72 49,296.48 100-42-423-10130-7011 SCA CONC-WAGES PTT CONIC 45,800.00 46,304.00 50,230.00 3,926.00 909.23 916.87 100-42-423-10130-7050 SCA CONC-EHT 893.00 903.00 979.00 76.00 583.67 606.70 100-42-423-10130-7052 SCA CONC-CPP 535.00 560.00 754.00 194.00 1,221.50 1,279.63 100-42-423-10130-7053 SCA CONC-El 1,141.00 1,186.00 1,322.00 136:00 1,009.35 1,072.14 100-42-423-10130-7058 SCA CONC-WSIB 1,003.00 1,014.00 1,125.00 111:;00 86,681.61 89,504.67 100-42-423-10130-7196 SCA CONC-FOOD/BEVERAGE 84,000.00 91,000.00 90,000.00 (1,0000) 14,018.51 11,792.11 100-42-423-10131-7011 DSC CONC-WAGES P/T CONC 10,500.00 10,616.00 10,200.00 (416.00) 208.72 210.16 100-42-423-10131-7050 DSC CONC-EHT 205.00 207.00 199.00 (8.00) 280.49 293.48 100-42-423-10131-7053 DSC CONC-El 262.00 272.00 269.00 (3.00) 231.46 245.30 100-42-423-10131-7058 DSC CONC-WSIB 230.00- 232.00 229.00 (3.00) 16,743.49 9,878.43 100-42-423-10131-7196 DSC CONC-FOOD/BEVERAGE 13,500.00 16,000.00 14,500.00 (1,500.00) 58,952.51 56,053.90 100-42-423-10132-7011 RRC CONIC-WAGES PIT CONIC 48,000.00 48,528.00 52,000.00 3,472.00 953.01 960.51 100-42-423-10132-7050 RRC CONC-EHT 936.00 946.00 1,014.00 68.00 702.51 725.87 100-42-423-10132-7052 RRC CONC-CPP 644.00 670.00 842.00 172:00 1,280.41 1,341.11 100-42-423-10132-7053 RRC CONC-EI 1,196.00 1,243.00 1,369.00 126.00 1,057.67 1,123.94 100-42-423-10132-7058 RRC CONC-WSIB 1,051.00 1,063.00 1,165.00 102.00 103,838.88 95,778.53 100-42-423-10132-7196 RRC CONC-FOOD/BEVERAGE 103,000.00 102,000.00 100,000.00 (2,000.00) 0.00 4,979.19 100-42-423-10133-7196 CFC CONC-FOOD/BEVERAGE 0.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 500.00 0.00 1,625.53 100-42-423-10134-7196 BIS-FOOD&BEVERAGE 0.00 1,000.00 3,500.00 2,500.00 3,851.35 1,816.65 100-42-423-10142-7011 CATERING OPER-WAGES PIT CONC 1,000.00 1,011.00 3,000.00 1,989.00 20.36 20.28 100-42-423-10142-7050 CATERING OPER-EHT 20.00 20.00 59.00 39.00 u, Municipality rington 02/03/14 BUDGET WC S PAPERS Claringtonvtto�CESSIONS — 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE(continued): $26.76 $28.01 100-42-423-10142-7053 CATERING OPER-El $25.00 $26.00 $79.00 $53.00 22.13 23.27 100-42-423-10142-7058 CATERING OPER-WSIB 22.00 22.00 67.00 45.00 7,019.09 5,495.85 100-42-423-10142-7196 CATERING OPER-FOOD/BEVERAGE 5,500.00 5,500.00 5,000.00 (500.00) 350,400.43 343,095.10 Total EXPENDITURE 319,463.00 336,823.00 348,802.00 11,979.00 (6,192:16) (59,841.94) NET LEVY (98,237.00) (120,177.00) (113,898.00) 6,279.00 w G1 Municipality arington 02/03/14 BUDGET W6, G PAPiFRB Clarington:AQUAw,sC PROGRAMS 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (4,153.76) (3,877.41) 100-42-424-00000-6570 SALE OF PUBLICATIONS-AQUATIC (3,500.00) (3,800.00) (3,100.00) 700.00 (6,915.21) (5,338.79) 100-42-424-10127-6490 ORONO POOL-ADMISSION/MEMBERS (4,500.00) (5,000.00) (5,000.00) 0.00 (229;118.67) (270,287.43) 100-42-424-10128-6420 NDRC-YOUTH AQUA PGMS REV. (190,000.00) (215,000.00) (220,000.00) (5,000.00) (34,082.19) (35,024.01) 100-42-424-10128-6422 NDRC-ADULT AQUAPGMS'REV. (30,500.00) (30,500.00) (37,500.00y (7,000.00) (97,214.64) (96,028.06) 100-42-424-10128-6426 NDRC-SWIMMING REVENUE (100,000.00) (100,000.00) (107,400.00) (7,400.00) (214,219.22) (235,731.13) 1,00-42-424-10129-6420 CCC-YOUTH AQUATIC PRGMS REV. (188,000.00) (195,000.00) (198,000.00), (3,000.00) (37,536.70) (35,346.07) 100-42-424-10129-6422 CCC-ADULT AQUATIC PRGMS REV. (40,000.00) (35,000.00) (38,000.00) (3,000.00) (58,613.67) (60,274.79) 100-42-424-10129-6426 CCC-SWIMMING REV. (55,000.00) (50,000.00) (62,400.00) (12,400.00) (21,635.79) (19,470.94) 100-42-424-10133-6420 CFC-YOUTH AQUATIC PRGMS"REV. (20,000.00) (14,200.00) (10,800.00) 3,400.00 (47,488.81) (54,391.06) 100-42-424-10133-6422 CFC-ADULT AQUATIC PRGMS REV. (44,000.00) (47,000.00) (15,800.00) 31,200.00 (28,904.90) (25,650.67) 100-42-424-10133-6426 CFC-SWIMMING REVENUE (22,000.00) (22,000.00) (8,000.00) 14,000.00 (779,883.56) (841,420.36) Total REVENUE (697,500.00) (717,500.00) (706,000.00) 11,500.00 EXPENDITURE: 2,057.63 1,794.24 100-42-424-10127-7009 ORONO POOL-WAGES P/T MTNCE 2,284.00 2,309.00 2,400.00 91.00 18,802.90 20,174.67 100-42-424-10127-7018 ORONO POOL-WAGES PIT GUARDIN 20,000.00 20,600.00 21,000.00 400.00 441.91 453.87 100-42-424-10127-7050 ORONO POOL-EHT 434.00 447.00 456.00 9.00 594.17 633.33 100-42-424-10127-7053 ORONO POOL-El 555.00 587.00 616.00 29.00 491.11 530.77 100-42-424-10127-7058 ORONO POOL-WSIB 488.00 502.00 524.00 22.00 156.43 252.12 100-42-424-10127-7110 ORONO POOL-PRGM SUPP 250.00 250.00 250.00 0.00 852.70 1,432.88 100-42-424-10127-7112 ORONO POOL-MISC OP EXP 1,800.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 0.00 5,226.35 3,703.32 100-42-424-10127-7125 ORONO POOL-HEAT 5,500.00 5,500.00 5,000.00 (500.00) 1,821.07 2,056.69 100-42-424-10127-7129 ORONO POOL-HYDRO 1,800.00 2,100.00 2,300.00 200.00 1,942.76 1,892.66 100-42-424-10127-7130 ORONO POOL-WATER/SEWER 2,300.00 2,500.00 2,200.00 (300.00) 419.35 720.59 100-42-424-10127-7132 ORONO POOL-PHONE/FAX 450.00 450.00 450.00 0.00 1,297.02 3,501.63 100-42-424-10127-7172 ORONO POOL-R/M-BUILDING 1,500.00 2,500.00 1,500.00 (1,000.00) 1,622.30 1,538.71 100-42-424-10127-7173 ORONO POOL-R/M OTHER EQUIP 1,600.00 1,600.00 1,600.00 0.00 71,307.69 83,878.55 100-42-424-10128-7017 NDRC-WAGES P/T INSTRUCTIONAL 91,800.00 87,000.00 96,000.00 9,000.00 162,669.46 148,840.02 100-42-424-10128-7018 NDRC-WAGES P/T GUARDING 179,000.00 170,000.00 176,000.00 6,000.00 5,377.04 5,088.86 100-42-424-10128-7050 NDRC-EHT 5,281.00 5,012.00 5,304.00 292.00 7,224.21 7,104.80 100-42-424-10128-7053 NDRC-El 6,748.00 6,585.00 7,159.00 574.00 5,967.59 5,950.64 100-42-424-10128-7058 NDRC-WSIB 5;930.00 5,628.00 6,093.00 465.00 9,283.54 10,160.37 100-42-424-10128-7110 NDRC-PRGM SUPPLIES 11,600.00 10,400.00 12,300.00 1,900.00 2,851.51 3,194.68 100-42-424-10128-7507 NDRC-PRGM EQUIP 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 70,336.90 77,578.76 100-42-424-10129-7017 CCC-WAGES P/T INSTRUCTIONAL 86,000.00 84,400.00 82,300.00 (2,100.00) 135,090.13 128,916.53 100-42-424-10129-7018 CCC-WAGES P/T GUARDING 148,500.00 143,900.00 139,200.00 (4,700.00) 4,656.15 4,520.30 100-42-424-10129-7050 CCC -EHT 4,573.00 4,452.00 4,319.00 (133.00) V Municipality rington 02/03/14 BUDGET WO, S PAPERS Clarington:AQUA.-c PROGRAMS 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE(continued): $2,419.56 $2,499.37 100-42-424-10129-7052 CCC-CPP $2,218.00 $2,307.00 $2,356.00 $49.00 3,473.99 3,601.54 100-42-424-10129-7053 CCC-El 3,245.00 3,338.00 3,414.00 76.00 3,69628 3,846.54 100-42-424-10129-7058 CCC-WSIB 3,673.00 3,638.00 3,727,00 89.00 11,404.80 9,550.87 100-42-424-10129-7110 CCC-PRGM SUPP 12,300.00 11,100.00 11,100.00 0.00 2,750.34 2,685.46 100-42-424-10129-7507 CCC- AQUATIC PRGM EQUIP PURCH 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 12,081.24 21,650.20 100-42-424-10133-7017 CFC-WAGES P/T INSTRUCTIONAL 16,000.00 24,100.00 9,600.00 (14,500.00) 71,601.72 58,828.47 100-42-424-10133-7018 CFC-WAGES PIT GUARDING 70,400.00 64,500.00 31,700.00 (32,800.00) 1,715.64 1,754.51 100-42-424-10133-7050 CFC-EHT 1,685.00 1,728.00 605.00 (923.00) 2,304.94 2,449.17 100-42-424-10133-7053 CFC-El 2,153.00 2,270.00 1,087.00 (1,183.00) 1,904.00 2,05111 100-42-424-10133-7058 CFC-WSIB 1,892.00 1,940.00 925.00 (1,015.00) 22,225.94 11,689.90 100-42-424-10133-7110 CFC-PRGM SUPPLIES 20,000.00 13,700.00 3,800.00 (9,900.00) 1,954.20 934.03 100-42-424-10133-7507 CFC-AQUATIC PRGM EQUIP PURCH 2,000.00 1,700.00 3,000.00 1,300.00 648,022.57 635,460.26 Total EXPENDITURE 719,959.00 694,843.00 646,285.00 (48,558.00) (131,860.99) (205,960.10) NET LEVY 22,459.00 (22,657.00} (59,715.00) (37,058.00} Co Municipality arington 02/03/14 BUDGET W®, G PAPERS Clarington:FSTNk, i PROGRAMS 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (21,861.70) (27,829.19) 100-42-425-10128-6430 NDRC-FITNESS PGMS-PROGRAM R (27,000.00) (35,000.00) 0.00 35,000.00 (369,820.19) (410,009.99) 100-42-425-10129-6435 CCC-MEMBERSHIPS-FITNESS REV. (385,000.00) (375,000.00) (375,000.00) 0.00 (51,975.11) (69,557.25) 100-42-425-10129-6437 CCC-GROUP FITNESS REV. (68,000.00) (70,000.00) (100,000.00) (30,000.00) (797.84) (1,125.00) 100-42-425-10129-6440 CCC-.LOCKER REVENUE-FITNESS (2,500.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) 0.00 (10,296.11) (10,821.10) 100-42-425-10129-6447 CCC-PERSONAL TRAIN/ASSESS.RE (15,000.00) (15,000.00) {15,000.00) 0.00 (27,321.11) (22,240.62) 100-42-425-10129-6492 CCC-DAILY FITNESS ADMISSIONS (23,500.00) (24,500.00) (24,500.00) 0.00 (482,072.06) (541,583.15) Total REVENUE (521,000.00) (520,500.00) (515,500.00) 5,000.00 EXPENDITURE: 22,242.92 26,384.96 100-42-425-10128-7010 NDRC-FITNESS PGMS-WAGES P/T 23,000.00 26,500.00 0.00 (26,500.00) 457.19 524.92 100-42-425-10128-7050 NDRC-FITNESS PGMS-EHT 449.00 517.00 0.00 (517.00) 1,052.70 1,233.97 100-42-425-10128-7052 NDRC-FITNESS PGMS-CPP 965.00 1,139.00 0.00 (1,139.00) 613.45 732.60 100-42-425-10128-7053 NDRC-FITNESS PGMS-El 573.00 679.00 0.00 (679.00) 507.20 613.25 100-42-425-10128-7058 NDRC-FITNESS PGMS-WSIB 504.00 580.00 0.00 (580.00) 4,339.88 857.30 100-42-425-10128-7507 NDRC-FITNESS PGMS-EQUIP PURCH 4,250.00 2,200.00 0.00 (2,200.00) 75,637.51 79,747:96 100-42-425-10129-7012 CCC-WAGES P/T FIT INSTRUCT 74,600.00 82,900.00 114,400.00 31,500.00 143,746.66 122,804.78 100-42-425-10129-7013 CCC-WAGES P/T FIT TRAINERS 141,000.00 126,900.00 129,700.00 2,800.00 9,566.98 8,343.14 100-42-425-10129-7017 CCC-WAGES P/T INSTRUCTIONAL 9,400.00 9,400.00 10,300.00 900.00 4,467.83 4,339.58 100-42-425-10129-7050 CCC-FITNESS PRGMS-EHT 4,388.00 4,274.00 4,961.00 687.00 7,294.69 6,933.62 100-42-425-10129-7052 CCC-FITNESS PRGMS-CPP 6,687.00 6,400.00 8,098.00 1,698.00 6,002.70 6,059.35 100-42-425-10129-7053 CCC-FITNESS PRGMS-El 5,607.00 5,616.00 6,696.00 1,080.00 4,959.23 5,076.23 100-42-425-10129-7058 CCC-FITNESS PRGMS-WSIB 4,928.00 4,801.00 5,698.00 897.00 8,816.31 3,867.97 100-42-425-10129-7110 CCC-PRGM SUPP 8,500.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 0.00 10,230.10 9,383.10 100-42-425-10129-7175 CCC-R/M MOVEABLE EQUIP 8,500.00 11,000.00 11,800.00 800.00 4,524.10 3,639.20 100-42-425-10129-7507 CCC-EQUIP PURCH 4,400.00 4,400.00 6,600.00 2,200.00 304,459.45 280,541.93 Total EXPENDITURE 297,751.00 291,806.00 302,753.00 10,947.00 (177,612.61) (261,041.22) NET LEVY (223,249.00) (228,694.00) (212,747.00) 15,947.00 �o Municipality ington 02/03/14 BUDGET W04 9 PAPERS Clarington:RECkc=N PROGR 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (13,105.08) (15,370.99) 100-42-426-10130-6410 SCA-PUBLIC SKATING REV. (10,000.00) (10,000.00) (11,000.00) (1,000.00) (2,908.58) (3,482.34) 100-42-426-10131-6410 DSC-PUBLIC SKATING REVENUE (2,000.00) (2,000.00) (3,000.00) (1,000.00) (5,962.58) (10,022.60) 100-42-426-10132-6410 RRC-PUBLIC SKATING REV. (7,500.00) (7,500.00) (6,000.00) 1,500.00 (14,706.00) (14,697.00) 100-42-426-10452-6430 CCC PRE-TEEN DANCES REV-PRO (24,000.00) (21,000.00) (18,500.00) 2,500.00 (7,206.92) 0.00 100-42-426-10465-6430 INTRODUCTORY PROG REV-PROGR (54,600.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (20,677.00) (23,306.72) 100-42-426-10489-6430 SPORT BALL-PROGRAM REG REVEN (23,000.00) _ (23,000.00) (23,000.00) 0.00 (20,486.00) (30,738.00) 100-42-426-10491-6450 MARCH BREAK-CAMP REVENUE (22,500.00) (24,800.00) (25,000.00) (200.00) (205,130.67) (230,271.96) 100-42-426-10493-6450 SUMMER CAMP-CAMP REVENUE (170,900.00) (200,000.00) (210,000.00) (10,000.00) (42,100.95) (54,223.39) 100-42-426-10507-6430 CHILDREN'S PRGM-PRGM REV. (45,400.00) (62,700.00) (62,700.00) 0.00 (13,484.60) (16,915.23) 100-42-426-10508-6430 YOUTH PROGRAM-PRGM REV. (15,800.00) (19,900.00) (17,000.00) 2,900.00 (5,359.95) (7,660.26) 100-42-426-10509-6430 ADULT PRGM-PRGM REV. (7,400.00) (9,900.00) (7,500.00) 2,400.00 (351,128.33) (406,688.49) Total REVENUE (383,100.00) (380,800.00) (383,700.00) (2,900.00) EXPENDITURE: 63,400.51 16,486.90 100-42-426-10085-7010 REC PRGMS-WAGES P/T PRGM 66,433.00 17,500.00 20,400.00 2,900.00 1,318.55 346.22 100-42-426-10085-7050 REC PRGMS-EHT 1,295.00 341.00 398.00 57.00 1,018.87 0.00 100-42-426-10085-7052 REC PRGMS-CPP 934.00 0.00 .0.00 0.00 1,771.79 483.37 100-42-426-10085-7053 REC PRGMS-El 1,655.00 448.00 537.00 89.00 6,011.01 0.00 100-42-426-10085-7054 REC PRGMS-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 6,158.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,464.22 404.95 100-42-426-10085-7058 REC PRGMS-WSIB 1,455.00 383.00 457.00 74.00 49,248.73 43,898.46 100-42-426-10085-7110 REC PRGMS-PRGM SUPPLIES 50,200.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 0.00 1,560.20 1,487.46 100-42-426-10085-7132 REC PRGMS-PHONE/FAX 2,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 997.54 100-42-426-10085-7171 REC PRGMS-RIM VEHICLES 0.00 5,000.00 4,000.00 (1,000.00) 2,938.84 3,125.55 100-42-426-10452-7010 CCC PRE-TEEN DANCES-WAGES P!f 3,500.00 3,400.00 3,400.00 0.00 69.25 67.03 100-42-426-10452-7050 CCC PRE-TEEN DANCES-EHT 68.00 66.00 66.00 0.00 93.13 93.89 100-42-426-10452-7053 CCC PRE-TEEN DANCES-El 87.00 87.00 89.00 2.00 77.51 78.25 100-42-426-10452-7058 CCC PRE-TEEN DANCES-WSIB 77.00 74.00 76.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 100-42-426-10452-7163 PRE-TEEN DANCE- CONTRACTED S 0.00 0.00 3,260.00 3,260.00 1,541.17 2,191.44 100-42-426-10464-7010 COMMUNITY PRGMS-WAGES PIT P 2,800.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 56.02 49.77 100-42-426-10464-7050 COMMUNITY PRGMS-EHT 55.00 49.00 49.00 0.00 74.97 69.04 100-42-426-10464-7053 COMMUNITY PRGMS-El 70.00 64.00 66.00 2.00 61.39 58.15 100-42-426-10464-7058 COMMUNITY PRGMS-WSIB 61.00 55.00 56.00 1.00 6,660.32 0.00 100-42-426-10465-7010 INTRODUCTORY PRGM-WAGES Prr 27,600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 547.81 0.00 100-42-426-10465-7050 INTRODUCTORY PRGM-EHT 538.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 736.57 0.00 10042-426-10465-7053 INTRODUCTORY PRGM-El 688.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 608.84 0.00 100-42-426-10465-7058 INTRODUCTORY PRGM-WSIB 605.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,518.51 23,761.20 100-42-426-10465-7163 INTRODUCTORY PRGM-CONTRACT 20,100.00 18,300.00 0.00 (18,300.00) Cam) O Municipality, 'arington 02/03/14 BUJGETWD, GPAIPERS Clarington:RECQc-MON PROGR 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE(continued): $875.13 $362.12 100-42-426-10465-7230 INTRODUCTORY PRGM-BLDG RENT $750.00 $750.00 $0.00 ($750.00) 6,801.74 6,721.12 100-42-426-10476-7010 MOBILE PLAYGROUND-WAGES P/T 6,800.00 7,200.-00 7,400.00 200.00 135.43 142.13 100-42-426-10476-7050 MOBILE PLAYGROUND-EHT 133.00 140.00 144.00 4.00 181.99 198.50 100-42-426-10476-7053 MOBILE PLAYGROUND-El 170.00 184.00. 195.00 11.00 149.94 167.06 100-42-426-10476-7058 MOBILE PLAYGROUND-WSIB 149.00 158.00 166.00 8.00 569.55 0.00 100-42-426-10476-7194 MOBILE PLAYGROUND-FUEL/OIL 600.00 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 10,548.84 10,824.55 100-42-426-10489-7163 SPORT BALL-CONTRACT 17,600.00 17,600.00 17,600.00 0.00 13,173.96 18,375.84 100-42-426-10491-7010 MARCH BREAK-WAGES P/T PRGM 14,700.00 15,000.00 18,700.00 3,700.00 292.20 297.52 100-42-426=10491-7050 MARCH BREAK-EHT 287.00 293.00 365.00 72.00 604.35 616.45 100-42-426-10491-7052 MARCH BREAK-CPP 554.00 569.00 752.00 183.00 391.84 414.33 100-42-426-10491-7053 MARCH BREAK-El 366.00 384.00 492.00 108.00 324.04 346.80 100-42-426-10491-7058 MARCH BREAK-WSIB 322.00 328.00 419.00 91.00 157,990.24 164,550.78 100-42-426-10493-7010 SUMMER CAMP-WAGES P/T PRGRM 147,800.00 168,600.00 181,500.00 12,900.00 2,934.43 3,338.45 100-42-426-10493-7050 SUMMER CAMP-EHT 2,882.00 3,288.00 3,539.00 251.00 2,419.56 2,499.37 100-42-426-10493-7052 SUMMER CAMP-CPP 2,218.00 2,307.00 2,356.00 49.00 1,178.70 1,268.82 100-42-426-10493-7053 SUMMER CAMP-El 1,101.00 1,176.00 1,248.00 72.00 1,800.34 1,891.56 100-42-426-10493-7058 SUMMER CAMP-WSIB 1,789.00 1,789.00 1,884.00 95.00 21,749.19 32,267.36 100-42-426-10507-7010 CHILDREN'S PRGM-WAGES P/T PR 21,000.00 36,200.00 34,000.00 (2,200.00) 417.46 716.80 100-42-426-10507-7050 CHILDREN'S PRGM -EHT 410.00 706.00 663.00 (43.00) 944.69 1,754.00 100-42-426-10507-7052 CHILDREN'S PRGM -CPP 866.00 1,619.00 1,510.00 (109.00) 559.91 1,000.21 100-42-426-10507-7053 CHILDREN'S PRGM-El 523.00 927.00 895.00 (32.00) 462.91 838.46 100-42-426-10507-7058 CHILDREN'S PRGM-WSIB 460.00 793.00 762.00 (31.00) 0.00 0.00 100-42-426-10507-7163 CHILDREN'S PROGRAMS CONTRACT 0.00 0.00 14,640.00 14,640.00 0.00 0.00 100-42-426-10507-7230 CHILDREN'S PROGRAMS BUILDING 0.00 0.00 2,250.00 2,250.00 7,723.31 11,911.56 100-42-426-10508-7010 YOUTH PRGM-WAGES P1T PRGM 7,400.00 12,800.00 11,000.00 (1,800.00) 146.62 253.87 100-42-426-10508-7050 YOUTH PRGM-EHT 144.00 250.00 215.00 (35.00) 210.53 498.36 100-42-426-10508-7052 YOUTH PRGM-CPP 193.00 460.00 371.00 (89.00) 196.99 353.90 100-42-426-10508-7053 YOUTH PRGM-El 184.00 328.00 290.00 (38.00) 163.03 296.06 100-42-426-10508-7058 YOUTH PRGM-WSIB 162.00 280.00 246.00 (34.00) 4,676.68 5,943.26 100-42-426-10509-7010 ADULT PRGM-WAGES P/T PRGM 5,600.00 7,000.00 6,800.00 (200.60) 110.96 139.08 100-42-426-10509-7050 ADULT PRGM-EHT 109.00 137.00 133.00 (4.00) 113.43 187.42 100-42-426-10509-7052 ADULT PRGM-CPP 104.00 173.00 163.00 (10.00) 149.87 193.16 100-42-426-10509-7053 ADULT PRGM-El 140.00 179.00 179.00 0.00 123.79 161.77 100-42-426-10509-7058 ADULT PRGM-WSIB 123.00 153.60 152.00 (1.00) 392,899.86 362,129.89 Total EXPENDITURE 422,518.00 376,538.00 393,883.00 17,345.00 41,771.53 (44,558.60) NET LEVY 39,418.00 (4262.00) 10,183.00 14,445.00 is r, Municipality -ington 02/03/14 BUDGET WO, cv PAPERS COarington:COm..,dNITY DEV 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014.BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (17,971.12) (17,464.12) 100-42-427-10138-6400 SPORTS HALUFAME-MISC.REV. (20,250.00) (20,500.00) (20,500.00) 0.00 (1,922.56) (738.50) 100-42-427-10139-6430 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT--PRO (2,400.00) (2,400.00) (2,400.00) 0.00 (19,893.68) (18,202.62) Total REVENUE (22,650.00) (22,900.00) (22,900.00) 0.00 EXPENDITURE: 0.00 362.46 100-42-427-10138-7010 SPORTS HALUFAME-P/T WAGES 650.00 650.00 300.00 (350.00) 13.28 5.67 100-42-427-10138-7050 SPORTS HALUFAME-EHT 13.00 13.00 6.00 (7.00) 17.15 3.90 100-42-427-10138-7053 SPORTS HALUFAME-El 16.00 17.00 8.00 (9.00) 14.10 8.23 100-42-427-10138-7058 SPORTS HALL/FAME-WSIB 14.00 14.00 7.00 (7.00) 27,628.82 29,377.20 100-42-427-10138-7112 SPORTS HALL/FAME-MISC.OPER 30,000.00 30,000.00 32,757.00 2,757.00 233.34 493.54 100-42-427-10139-7010 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT-P/T WA 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 10.19 4.38 100-42-427-10139-7050 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT-EHT 10.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 12.85 2.98 100-42-427-10139-7053 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT-El, 12.00 13.00 13.00 0.00 11.08 6.47 100-42-427-10139-7058 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT-WSIB 11.00 11.00 11.00 0.00 3,558.42 3,288.17 100-42-427-10139-7112 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT-MISC 0 3,600.00 4,200.00 5,800.00 . 1,600.00 31.499.23 33.553.00 Total EXPENDITURE 34,826.00 35,428.00 39,412.00 3,984.00 11,605.55 15,350.38 NET LEVY 12,176.00 12,528.00 16,512.00 3,984.00 Municipality '-irington 02/03/14 BUDGET WO, G PAPERS Clarington:COMM.,4ITY GRANTS - 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 2,500.00 2,500.00 100-42-473-20018-7600 OPER GRANT-KENDAL COMMUNITY 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 (2,500.00) 0.00 0.00 100-42-473-20019-7600 OPER GRANT-COURTICE HORTICU 0.00 500.00 0.00 (500.00) 500.00 500.00 100-42-473-20020-7600 OPER GRANT-BOW HORTICULTURA 500.00 500.00 0.00 (500.00) 500.00 500.00 100-42-473-20022-7600 OPER GRANT-NEWC HORTICULTUR 500.00 500.00 0.00 (500.00) 500.00 500.00 100-42-473-20024-7600 OPER GRANT-ORONO HORTICULTUR 500.00 500.00 0.00 (500.00) 2,000.00 0.00 100-42-473-20027-7600 OPER GRANT-NEWC.SANTA CLAU 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 100-42-473-20038-7600 OPER GRANT-NEWC VILLAGE HIST S 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 (1,500.00) 500.00 500.00 100-42-473-20040-7600 OPER GRANT-ECOLOGY GARDENiB 500.00 500.00 0.00 (500.00) 2,500.00 2,500.00 100-42-473-20044-7600 OPER GRANT-NEWTONVILLE COMM 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 (2,500.00) 2,500.00 2,500.00 100-42-473-20046-7600 OPER GRANT-ORONO TOWN HALL 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 (2,500.00) 2,500.00 2,500.00 100-42-473-20048-7600 OPER GRANT-HAMPTON HALL BOAR, 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 (2,500.00) 2,500.00 2,500.00 100-42-473-20050-7600 OPER GRANT-SOLINA COMM HALL BD 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 (2,500.00) 2,500.00 2,500.00 100-42-473-20052-7600 OPER GRANT-TYRONE HALL BD 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 (2,500.00) 2,500.00 0.00 100-42-473-20053-7600 OPER GRANT-HAYDON COMMUNIT 2,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,500.00 100-42-473-20054-7600 OPER GRANT-BROWNSDALE COMM 0.00 2,500.00 0.00 (2,500.00) 2,500.00 0.00 100-42-473-20056-7600 OPER GRANT-NEWC MEM ARENA M 2,500.00, 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 0.00 100-42-473-20070-7600 OPER GRANT-ORONO FIGURE SKAT 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 0.00 100-42-473-20072-7600 OPER GRANT-BOWM FIGURE SKATIN 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 100-42-473-20074-7600 OPER GRANT-NEWC VILL FIGURE S 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 (1,500.00) 1,000.00 0.00 100-42-473-20076-7600 OPER GRANT-CLARINGTON SWIM CL 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 100-42-473-20080-7600 OPER GRANT-COURTICE PARKS BAS 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 (1,500.00) 1,000.00 0.00 100-42-473-20088-7600 OPER GRANT-NEWC FAMILY CONNE 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,500.00 0.00 100-42-473-20094-7600 OPER GRANT-ORONO AMATEUR ATH 2,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 100-42-473-20096-7600 OPER GRANT-BIG BROTHER&SISTER 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 (2,000.00) 2,500.00 2,500.00 100-42-473-20107-7600 OPER.GRANT-ARCHITECTURAL CO 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 (2,500.00) 1,000.00 0.00 100-42-473-26118-7600 OPER.GRANTS-DISTRESS CTR.D 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 750.00 0.00 100-42-473-20122-7600 OPER GRANT-ONT VOL EMERGE RE 750.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 100-42-473-20135-7600.OPER GRANT-CLARINGTON PROJECT 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 (2,000.00) 1,000.00 0.00 100-42-473-20192-7600 OPER GRANT-NEWCASTLE ART SHO 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 100-42-473-20203-7600 OPER GRANT-LEARNING DISABILIT 1,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 (2,000.00) 750.00 0.00 100-42-473-20205-7600 OPER GRANT-CLARINGTON CONCER 750.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 100-42-473-20211-7600 OPER GRANT-COURTICE KIDS OF ST 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 100-42-473-20213-7600 OPER GRANT-BOWMANVILLE NEW 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 (1,000.00) 750.00 750.00 100-42-473-20217-7600 OPER GRANT-MUSIC NIGHT IN THE 750.00 750.00 0.00 (750.00) 0.00 75b.00 100-42-473-20221-7600 OPER GRANT-NEWCASTLE VILLAGE 0.00 750.00 0.00 (750.00) 750.00 750.00 100-42-473-20224-7600 OPER GRANT-SORER VALLEY MODE 750.00 750.00 0.00 (750.00) 2,000.00 2,000.00 100-42-473-20225-7600 OPER GRANT-FEED THE NEED IN D 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 (2,000.00) iJ W Municipality -ington 02/03/14 BUDGET WDi S PAPERS Clarington:COMM-dTY GRANTS 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE(continued): $1,500.00 $0.00 100-42-473-20229-7600 OPER GRANT-VALLEYS 2000 $1,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2,500.00 0.00 100-42-473-20230-7600 OPER GRANT-ASSOC.HOSPITAL V 2,500.00 0.00 O.OD 0.00 750.00 750.00 100-42-473-20231-7600 OPER GRANT-PRIDE DURHAM INC. 750.00 750.00 0.00 (750.00) 750.00 750.00 100-42-473-20232-7600 OPER GRANT-LAKESHORE NEW HO 750.00 750.00 0.00 (750.00) 1,500.00 0.00 100-42-473-20233-7600 OPER GRANT-CLAR TOROS MINOR 1,500.00 100 0.00• 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 100-42-473-20234-7600 OPER GRANT-SPAY NEUTER DURHAM 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 500.00 100-42-473-20235-7600 OPER GRANT-BOWMANVILLE ALLO 500.00 500.00 0.00 (500.00) 0.00 5,000.00 100-42-473-20236-7600 OPER GRANT-ORONO PARK 90TH A 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 (5,000.00) 0.00 2,000.00 100-42-473-20237-7600 OPER GRANT-BEECH ST.THEATRE 0.00 2,000.00 .0.00 (2,000.00) 0.00 2,000.00 100-42-473-20238-7600 OPER GRANT-NEWC SCHOOL PLA 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 (2,000.00) 0.00 2,500.00 100-42-473-20239-7600 OPER GRANT-HOME BASE DURHAM 0.00 2,500.00 0.00 (2,500.00) 0.00 2,000.00 100-42-473-20240-7600 OPER GRANT-DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE/ 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 (2,000.00) 0.00 0.00 100-42-473-20241-7600 OPER GRANT-CENTRAL PUBLIC S 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 (2,000.00) 0.00 102.00 100-42-473-20242-7600 OPER GRANT-DOGS FOR DOGS 0.00 102.00 0.00 (102.00) 0.00 2,000.00 100-42-473-20243-7600 OPER GRANT-BOWM.CREEK ANGLE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 100-42-473-20244-7600 OPER GRANT-CENTRAL PS PLAYG 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-42-473-20999-7600 OPER GRANT-UNALLOCATED 0.00 4,148.00 60,000.00 55,852.00 60,000.00 57,352.00 Total EXPENDITURE 60.000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 0.00 60,000.00 57,352.00 NET LEVY 60,000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 0.00 r-+ PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATION CHART 2014 1�tng the Way DIRECTOR David Crome MANAGER COMMUNITY MANAGER MANAGER SPECIAL ADMINISTRATIVE PLANNING&DESIGN_ DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PROJECTS _ ASSISTANT Carlos Salazar _ Carlo Pellann- Faye Lan maid- Sharon Norris PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL Senior Planner- __ __ PLANNER _ _ PLANNER _ _Clerk 11_ Ruth Porras p Cindy Strike - Janice Szwarz Annette Van Dyk Lisa Backus p Amanda Hoffman p _ Seni=ee� - Planner 11 _ Planner H_- I Trac Isabel Little __Clerk I(P/T) -Paul Wirch I Julia Pingle Nicole Granzotto I Planner 11 GIS Technologist_ Bob Russell - Gerald Fradsham Clerk II/Crossing SUSTAINABLE p Ann Taylor Scott Guard Co-o_rd_inator DEVELOPMENT 0 __GIS_Technician I CO-ORDINATOR 0 -a __— Dianne Fernlund _ _ S Ivia Antunes 'Am Burke p Plannerl �— —__ Crossing Guards Mitch!Kr—Uetz- . 39 PIT Brandon Weiler RESPONSIBILITIES: Staff Complement -Planning Policy Non-Affiliated 8 -Urban Design JUnion-Italicized 95 -Development Approvals JPart Time J 40 -Heritage Preservation -Special Projects/Research Total 63 -Real Estate -Geomatics Department Head Backup- -Crossing Guards Manager of Special Projects "2 year contract funded by Provincial Grant Municipality -ington 02/03/14 BUDGET W01 i PAPERS Clarington:PLAN,-,_AG SERVICE 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (7,063.00) 0.00 UNASSIGNED-REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (461,071.90) (580,835.87) ADMINISTRATION-REVENUE (330,000.00) (384,000.00) (406,000.00) (22,000.00) (294,558.49) (164,233.85) ENVIRONMENTAL-REVENUE (102,000.00) (83,500.00) (83,500.00) 0.00 (762,693.39) (745,069.72) Total REVENUE (432,000.00) (467,500.00) (489,500.00) (22,000.00) EXPENDITURE: 1,164,673.61 1,171,783.14 UNASSIGNED-EXPENDITURE 1,128,929.00 1,167,076.00 558,567.00 (608,509.00) 4,557.43 0.00 PSAB-EXPENDITURE 0.00 2,157.00 0.00 (2,157.00) 2,690,917.35 2,620,194.23 ADMINISTRATION-EXPENDITURE 2,516,778.00 2,545,676.00 2,606,799.00 61,123.00 170,108.09 49,104.71 ENVIRONMENTAL-EXPENDITURE 102,000.00 83,500.00 83,500.00 0.00 0.00 1,338.64 SMALL BOARDS-EXPENDITURE 0.00 900.00 1,000.00 100.00 4,030,256.48 3,842,420.72 Total EXPENDITURE 3,747,707.00 3,799,309.00 3,249,866.00 (549,443.00) 3,267,563.09 3,097,351.00 NET LEVY 3,315,707.00 3,331,809.00 2,760,366.00 (571,443.00) v Municipalib, ington 02/03/14 BUDGET WC s'PAPERS Clari ngton an..SSIGN E D 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (7,063.00) 0.00 100-50-000-32011-6400 PEER REVIEW APP'N FEE REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (7,063.00) 0.00 Total REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 EXPENDITURE: 683,000.00 683,000.00 100-50-000-10090-7418 PLAN-LAND ACQUISITION-TRSF TO 683,000.00 683,000.00 0.00 (683,000.00) 332,106.25 338,942.47 100-50-000-10170-7006 CROSS/GUARD-WAGES TEMP F/T 316,369.00 341,141.00 347,964.00 6,823.00 6,039.86 6,161.05 100-50-000-10170-7050 CROSS/GUARD-EHT 5,932.00 6,397.00 6,524.00 127.00 9,433.94 9,743.92 100-50-000-10170-7052 CROSS/GUARD-CPP 8,648.00 9,480.00 9,805.00 325.00 8,116.00 8,602.41 100-50-000-10170-7053 CROSS/GUARD-El 7,581.00 8,404.00 8,806.00 402.00 6,704.23 7,205.67 100-50-000-10170-7058 CROSS/GUARD-WSIB 6,662.00 7,184.00 7,495.00 311.00 1,391.45 2,262.61 100-50-000-10170-7112 CROSS/GUARD-MISC OP EXP 3,500.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 0.00 2,555.96 0.00 100-50-000-10170-7140 CROSS/GUARD-SNOW REMOVAL • 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,971.82 2,796.30 100-50-000-10510-7041 COMM OF ADJUSTMENT-OTHER PAY 3,363.00 3,440.00 3,509.00 69.00 67.17 29.26 100-50-000-10510-7050 COMM OF ADJUSTMENT-EHT 66:00 67.00 68.00 1.00 89.91 20.19 100-50-000-10510-7053 COMM OF ADJUSTMENT-El 84.00 88.00 92.00 4.00 74.48 44.10 100-50-000-10510-7058 COMM OF ADJUSTMENT-WSIB 74.00 75.00 79.00 4.00 359.21 0.100 100-50-000-10510-7299 COMM OF ADJUSTMENT-MISC EXP 500.00 500.00 525.00 25.00 1,321.08 1,182.47 100-50-000-10520-7299 CLAR.HERITAGE COM.-MISC EXPEN 2,000.00 2,100.00 52,000.00 49,900.00 0.00 4,000.00 100-50-000-10524-7299 HERITAGE GRANT INCENTIVE-MIS 0.00 5,000.00 5,500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 100-50-000-10527-7299 GREEN COMMITTEE-MISC EXP 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9,719.12 6,436.13 100-50-000-10530-7209 COMM IMPROVE-ENVIRON STEWAR 7,000.00 7,000.00 8,000.00 1,000.00 32,189.71 10,000.00 100-50-000-10530-7546 COMM IMPROVE-BOWMANVILLE 50,000.00 55,000.00 65,000.00 10,000.00 920.36 19,333.41 100-50-000-10530-7547 COMM IMPROVE-NEWCASTLE 20,000.00 22,000:00 32,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 100-50-000-10530-7548 COMM IMPROVE-COURTICE 10,000.00 10,1.000.00 5,000.00 (5,000.00) 0.00 0.00 100-50-000-10535-7299 COMMITTEE-MISC EXPENSE 150.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 0.00 51,197.63 100-50-000-10542-7002 SHOWCASING WATER INNOVATION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,273.92 15,196.81 100-50-000-10542-7520 SHOWCASING WATER INNOVATION- 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 62,339.14 5,628.71 100-50-000-10543-7520 LAND AQUISITION MAINTENANCE-N 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,164,673.61 1,171,783.14 Total EXPENDITURE 1,128,929.00 1,167,076.©0 558,56-7.00 (608,509.00) 1,157,610.61 1,171,783.14 NET LEVY 1,128,929.00 1,167LD76.00 558.567.00 (.608,509.00) `.7 Municipality -Arington 02/03/14 6UDGE7'VV0, G PA PIERS Clarington:ADN.- STRATION 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (120.90) (95.00) 100-50-130-00000-6565 PLANNING ADMIN-SALE OF PUBLIC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (160.00) (439.00) 100-50-130-00000-6566 PLANNING ADMIN-SALE OF MAPS( 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (34,229.00) (33,662.00) 100-50-130-32010-6400 OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENTS FEE (15,000.00) (21,000.00) (21,000.00) 0.00 0.00 (1,041.00) 100-50-130-32011-6400 PEER REVIEW APP'N FEE REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (67,795.50) (80,056.00) 100-50-130-32015-6400 REZONING REVENUE (50,000.00) (62,000.00) (62,000.00) 0.00 (61,186.42) (134,288.92) 100-50-130-32020-6400 SITE PLANS REVENUE (75,000.00) (77,000.00) (88,000.00) (11,000.00) (17,980.00) (24,489.00) 100-50-130-32025-6400 SUBDIVISION CLEARANCE FEE (10,000.00) (11,000.00) (11,000.00) 0.00 (14,934.00) (16,260.00) 100-50-130-32030-6400 ZONING CLEARANCE FEE (11,000.00) (12,000.00) (12,000.00) 0.00 (172,029.00) (187,503.00) 100-50-130-32040-6400 SUBDIVISION APP'N FEE (95,000.00) (118,000.00) (125,000.00) (7,000.00) (16,396.00) (14,818.00) 100-50-130-32050-6400 PART LOT CONTROL FEE (15,000.00) (16,000.00) (16,000.00) 0.00 (2,108.00) 0.00 100-50-130-32055-6400 ST.NAME CHANGE APPLICATION FEE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (29,504.00) (25,069.00) 100-50-130-32060-6400 COMM.OF ADJ.APPLICATION FEE (20,000.00) (25,000.00) (25,000.00) 0.00 (13,233.00) (19,763.00) 100-50-130-32065-6400 CONDOMINIUM APPLICATION FEE (5,000.00) (6,000.00) (10,000.00) (4,000.00) (7,946.08) (19,874.95) 100-50-130-32070-6400 PLANNING-MISCELLANEOUS REVE (14,000.00) (15,000.00) (5,000.00) 10,000.00 (23,450.00) (23,477.00) 100-50-130-35610-6502 SIGN PERMITS (20,000.00) (21,000.00) (31,000.00) (10,000.00) (461,071.90) (580,835.87) Total REVENUE (330,000.00) (384,000.00) (406,000.00) (22,000.00) EXPENDITURE: 1,679,946.07 1,769,328.70 100-50-130-00000-7001 PLANNING ADMIN-SALARY FIT 1,753,319.00 1,817,819.00 1,853,230.00 35,411.00 30,703.49 21,037.06 100-50-130-00000-7007 PLANNING ADMIN-WAGES PERM P/T 23,399.00 25,495.00 26,005.00 510.00 0.00 9,641.22 100-50-130-00000-7015 PLANNING ADMIN-WAGES STUDENT 0.00 8,839.00 9,016.00 177.00 35,259.71 36,514.74 100-50-130-00000-7050 PLANNING ADMIN-EHT 34,630.00 36,091.00 36,795.00 704.00 174,687.26 194,234.21 100-50-130-00000-7051 PLANNING ADMIN-OMERS 174,897.00 198,174.00 202,112.00 3,938.00 54,253.79 56,063.89 100-50-130-00000-7052 PLANNING ADMIN-CPP 49,734.00 51,997.00 53,118.00 1,121.00 26,542.51 28,665.62 100-50-130-00000-7053 PLANNING ADMIN-EI 24,793.00 26,717.00 28,333.00 1,616.00 198,630.79 21.1,870.45 100-50-130-00000-7054 PLANNING ADMIN-LTD/LIFE/HLTH 203,524.00 206,719.00 218,269.00 11,550.00 34,700.39 37,188.32 100-50-130-00000-7058 PLANNING ADMIN-WSIB 34,482.00 35,325.00 36,821.00 1,496.00 12,266.47 15,386.91 100-50-130-00000-7101 PLANNING ADMIN-OFF SUPPLIES 23,000.00 23,000.00 23,000.00 0.00 1,350.65 1,357.15 100-50-130-00000-7132 PLANNING ADMIN-PHONE/FAX 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000:00 0.00 8,557.21 1,788.50 100-50-130-00000-7160 PLANNING ADMIN-CONSULTING 110,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 0.00 2,080.99 2,106.93 100-50-130-00000-7174 PLANNING ADMIN-R/M OFF EQUIP 3,500.00 3,600.00 3,600.00 0.00 2,607.32 2,718.65 100-50-130-00000-7181 PLANNING ADMIN-BOOKS/PERIODIC 4,500.00 4,600.00 4,700.00 100.00 5,985.37 4,921.57 100-50-130-00000-7186 PLANNING ADMIN-POST/COUR/FRT 6,500.00 6,700.00 6,700;00 0.00 226.40 154.33 100-50-130-00000-7188 PLANNING ADMIN-REPROD/PRINTIN 1,000.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 (500.00) 8,658.98 9,724.69 100-50-130-00000-7200 PLANNING ADMIN-MEMB/DUES 10,500.00 12,000.00 11,000.00 (1,000.00) 9,488.08 15,984.60 100-50-130-00000-7202 PLANNING ADMIN-TRAVEL EXP 9,000.00 9,000.00 13,000.00 4,000.00 4,086.18 6,150.79 100-50-130-00000-7203 PLANNING ADMIN-STAFF DEV 11,000.00 11,000.00 13,000.00 2,000.00 ' H ,U C;c Municipality -irington 02103/14 BUDGET WO. G PAPERS Clarington:ADM—iSTRATION 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE(continued): $2,269.00 $2,566.98 100-50-130-00000-7299 PLANNING ADMIN-MISC EXPENSE $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $8,000.00 $2,000.00 134,902.08 55,273.92 100-50-130-00000-7412 PLANNING ADMIN-TRSF TO RES FU 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 0.00 124,655.31 50,000.00 100-50-130-00000-7416 PLANNING ADMIN-TRSF TO RES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 883.92 0.00 100-50-130-00000-7418 PLANNING ADMIN-TRSF TO CAP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,229.78 0.00 1D0-50-130-00000-7505 PLANNING ADMIN-OTHER EQUIP P 2,000.00 5,000.00 3,000.00 (2,000.00) 1,342.21 2,552.14 100-50-130-00000-7506 PLANNING ADMIN-FURNITURE&Fl 3,000.00 3,100.00 3,10.0.00 0.00 122,945.17 56,233.90 100-50-130-10529-7160 OP REVIEW-CONSULTING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,658.22 28,728.96 100-50-130-10536-7112 BOW/WESTSIDE MARSHES-MISC O 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,690,917.35 2,620,194.23 Total EXPENDITURE 2,516,778.00 2,545,676.00 2,606,799.00 61,123.00 2,229,845.45 2,039,358.36 NET LEVY 2,186,778.00 2,161,676.00 2,200,799.00 39,123.00 y.� Municipality, "-irington 02/03/14 BUDGET M, -PAPERS — ClaringtomEN4.—JNMENTAL 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014'BUDGET INCREASE REVENUE: (294,558.49) (164,233.85) 100-50-385-10175-6400 RECOVERIES-PORT GRANBY FEE (102,000.00) (83,500.00) (83,500.00) 0.00 (294,558.49) (164,233.85) Total REVENUE (102 000.00) (83,500.00) (83,500.00) 0.00 EXPENDITURE: 104,729.00 0.00 100-50-385-10175-7156 PT GRANBY-LEGAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 63,186.66 47,456.33 100-50-385-10175-7160 PT GRANBY-CONSULTING 100,000.00 80,000.00 80,000.00 0.00 2,192.43 1,648.38 100-50-385-10175-7202 PT GRANBY-TRAVEL EXP 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100-50-385-10175-7299 PT GRANBY-MISC EXPENSE 500.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 170,108.09 49,104.71 Total EXPENDITURE 102,000.00 83,500:00 83,500.00 0.00 (124450.40) (115,129.14) NET LEVY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 W G Municipalit, dngton 02103/14 BUDGET WC :v PAPERS Clarington:St.—LL BOARDS 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 0.00 1,338.64 100-50-430-10520-7112 CLAR HERITAGE COM(BOARD ACCO 0.00 900.00 1,000.00 100.00 -0.00 1,338.64 Total EXPENDITURE 0.00 900.00 1,000.00 100.00 0.00 1,338.64 NET LEVY 0.00 900.00 1,000.00 '100.00 r- • J� H Municipal' 'arington 02/03/14 BUDGET WG. G PAPERS Clari ngton:U-SSIGN ED 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET '2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 67,727,897.18 70,766,574.44 100-58-000-10540-7801 REGION-TAX REQUISITION 67,727,900.00 70,766,572.00 0.00 (70,766,572.00) 1,361,622.14 1,041,183.41 100-58-000-10540-7802 REGION- SUPPS REQUISTION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,195,625.20 2,225,505.04 100-58-000-10540-7803 REGION-PIL REQUISITION 2,195,623.00 2,225,504.00 0.00 (2,225,504.00) 177,789.00 40,210.00 100-58-000-10540-7806 REGION-OTHER CHGS-CAPPING REQ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,110,329.65 1,104,308.75 100-58-000-10540-7808 REG-OTHER CHGS-RIGHT OF WAY R 1,115,416.00 1,110,317.00 1,104,309.00 (6,008.00) 4,567.54 4,542.77 100-58-000-10540-7809 REGION-OTHER CHGS-HEADS&BEDS 4,588.00 4,567.00 4,543.00 (24.00) 25,399.08 25,399.08 100-58-000-10540-7812 LOCAL IMP REQ-NEWCASTLE SEWER 25,399.00 26,269.00 2,498.00 (23,771.00) 21,344,918.00- 21,706,285.00 100-58-000-10545-7801 ENGLISH PUBLIC SCHOOL BD-TAX 21,344,918.00 21,706,285.00 0.00 (21,706,285.00) 449,287.38 365,185.90 100-58-000-10545-7802 ENGLISH PUBLIC.SCHOOL BD-SUP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 61,053.00 67,082.00 100-58-000-10545-7803 ENGLISH PUBLIC SCHOOL BD-PIL R 61,053.00 67,082.00 0.00 (67,082.00) 414,371.48 414,371.00 100-58-000-10545-7808 ENG PUB SCHOOL-RIGHT OF WAY R 416,298.00 414,371.00 410,114.00 (4,257.00) 5,094,899.00 5,259,720.00 100-58-000-10550-7801 ENGLISH SEPARATE SCHOOL BD-TA 5,094,899.00 5,259,720.00 0.00 (5,259,720.00) 53,289.53 46,696.49 100-58-000-10550-7802 ENGLISH SEPARATE SCHOOL BD-S 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21,224.00 23,424.00 100-58-000-10550-7803 ENGLISH SEPARATE SCHOOL BD-PIL 21,224.00 23,424.00 0.00 (23,424.00) 152,095.04 152,095.00 100-58-000-10550-7808 ENG SEP SCHOOL-RIGHT OF WAY R 150,328.00 152,095.00 155,452.00 3,357.00 27,580.00 25,164.00 100-58-000-10555-7801 FRENCH PUBLIC SCHOOL-TAX REQU 27,580.00 25,164.00 0.00 (25,164.00) 149,747.00 163,805.00 100-58-000-10560-7801 FRENCH SEPARATE SCHOOL-TAX 149,747.00 163,805.00 0.00 (163,805.00) 1.44 1,148.31 100-58-000-10560-7802 FRENCH SEPARATE SCHOOL-SUPP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 432.00 596.00 100-58-000-10560-7803 FRENCH SEPARATE SCHOOL-PIL R 432.00 596.00 0.00 (596.00) 3,476.66 3,477.00 100-58-000-10560-7808 FRENCH SEP SCHOOL-RIGHT OF WA 3,317.00 3,477.00 4,377.00 900.00 148,500.00 148,500.00 100-58-000-10565-7801 BIA-BOWMANVILLE-TAX REQUISITI 148,500.00 148,500.00 154,000.00 5,500.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 100-58-000-10566-7801 BIA-NEWCASTLE-TAX REQUISITION 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 0.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 100-58-000-10567-7801 BIA-ORONO-TAX REQUISITION 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 0.00 100.560,104.32 103,621,273.19 Total EXPENDITURE 98,523,222.00 102,133,748.00 1,871,293.00 (100,262,455.00) 100,560,104.32 1.03.621,273.19 NET LEVY 98.523,222.00 102,133,748.00 1,871,293.00 (100,262,455.00) r 4� I�> Municipality -ington 02/03/14 BUDGET M%01 .7 RA IER.S Clarington:CLA�:AGTON LIB 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 66,372.24 0.00 100-62-440-10570-7299 CLARINGTON LIBRARY-MISC EXP(F 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 100-62-440-10570-7412 CLARINGTON LIBRARY -TRSF TO RF 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 0.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 100-62-440-10570-7416 CLARINGTON LIBRARY -TRSF TOR 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 0.00 104,286.00 104,286.00 100-62-440-10570-7418 CLARINGTON LIBRARY-TRSF TO CAP 104,286.00 104,286.00 0.00 (104,286.00) 2,693,272.00 2,759,491.00 100-62-440-10570-7600 CLARINGTON LIBRARY-OPER GRANT 2,693,272.00 2,759,491.00 2,825,610.00 66,119.00 0.00 367,500.00 100-62-440-10570-7602 CLARINGTON LIBRARY-CAPITAL GR 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50,000.00 100-62-440-10570-7603 CLARINGTON LIBRARY-STUDIES G 0.00 50,000.00 0.00 (50,000.00) 2,933,930.24 3,351,277.00 Total EXPENDITURE 2,872,558.00 2,983,777.00 2,895,610.00 (88,167.00) 2,933,930.24 3,351,277.00 NET LEVY 2,872,558.00 2,983,777.00 2,895,610.00 (88,167.00) 134 i REVISED LETTER DATED FEBRUARY 3, 2 014 February 3, 2014 Mayor and Members of Council Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, ON L1C 3A6 Dear Mayor Foster and Members of Council: Please find attached the Clarington Public Library Board's 2014 current and capital funding requests, as well as the four-year forecasts (2015-2018). To maintain the existing level of library service to the community, the Library Board is requesting a funding increase of$66,119, or 2,40%from the Municipality for the year 2094, for an n / d .6 rhn Ono CAA a c this C ti a J overall municipal request vI .yA2,06a,0IL, Most of L increase Conies from negotiated salary/wage increases and the increased costs of existing benefits. In 2013, with funding through the Municipality, the Clarington Public Library Board retained Monteith Brown Planning Consultants to research and recommend on the needs for expanded library service in the Courtice community. The capital budget 2014 and the current and capital budget forecasts 2015- 2018 reflect the estimated costs of the Board-endorsed recommendations from this study. These include recommendations to reclaim and renovate in 2014 the currently available, 6,000 square feet of space at the Courtice Community Complex; to acquire land, and to relocate the library to a new site. The library's role in the community continues to evolve with the need to respond to increased technological applications and to the changes in demographics and customers' needs. The Library Board is able to meet these needs and changes with the financial support of Municipal Council. Thank you for your assistance in the delivery of public library service to the residents of Clarington. Sincerely, Gail Rickard, Chairperson Clarington Public Library Board Copied to: F.Wu, Municipal CAO N. Taylor, Director of Finance 1 135 A. Glarington Public Library 9.014 Current Budget The overall current budget request for 2014 is $3,012,332. The municipal tax levy funding request is $2,825,610, an increase of$66,119 or 2.40% over the year 2013 tax levy of$2,759,491. The major factors that make up this 2014 municipal increase of$66,119 include the following: 1. Personnel Costs of $44,645: The 2014 contractual wage increases are $35,268 or 2%. Benefit increases are estimated at$9,377. 2. All other increases add,up to a total of $17,630, including a contractual cost of $4,500 with Lakeridge Health, for the maintenance of the library's three (3) defibrillator units. 3. There is a modest loss of revenue ($3,844), from a decrease in fines and fees. 4. There are no requests for new staff or improvements in service levels for 2014. Strategic initiatives will be accommodated with no additional financing beyond year-on-year increases. CIarin ton Public Library +III Current Budget Request 2014 CATEGORY YEAR YR-ON-YR 2014 TOTAL 2014 CHANGE 2013 IMPACT REQUEST INCOME Subtotal Municipal Tax Levy $ 2,759,491 66,`119 $ 2,825,610 2.40% Subtotal Non-Municipal Revenue $ 190,566 $ (3,844) $ 136,722 -2.02% TOTAL INCOME $ 29650,057 $ 621275 $ 350129332 2.11% . EXPENSES Salaries $ 1,092,985 $ 21,860 $ 1,114,845 2.00% Wages $. 670,398 $ 13,408 $ 683,806 2.00% Benefits $ 468,850 $ 9,377 $ 478,227 2.00% Subtotal SalarieslWages/Benefits $ 2,232233 $ 44,645 $ 8710 "2.00% Library Materials $ 247,863 $ 4,597 $ 252,460 1.85% Facility Services, $ 127,645 $ 9,855 $ 137,500 7.72% Products & Supplies $ 36,709 $ 3,000 $ 39,709 8.17% Public Programs $ 8,936 $ - $ 8,936 0.00% Purchased Services $ 102,815 $ (1,976) $ 100,839 -1.92% Computer Expenses $ 147,247 $ 853 $ 148,100 0.58% Staff.Development $ 10,410 $ 1,300 $ 11,710 12.49% Transfer to Capital $ 36,200 $ - $ 36,200 0.00% Subto#aI Other Service Areas .$ 717;825 $ 17 630 1,' ­735454:; . 2.40% TOTAL EXPENSES $ '2,950,058' $ 62,274 $3;012;332 2;'11% 2 B. Claringten Public Library 2014 Capital Budget Request 136 The library's 2014 Capital Budget covers needs for additional, growth-related library materials (collection), technology, and renovation/construction projects. In 2013, the Clarington Public Library Board retained Monteith Brown Planning Consultants to research and recommend on the needs for expanded library service for the Courtice community. Part of their recommendations included renovation in 2014 of the currently available space at the Courtice Community Complex, (an additional 6,000 square feet.) The 2014 capital budget request includes the costs of these renovations. Please note that the renovation costs are preliminary ones. More accurate estimates will be provided by an architect, through design- development and detailed space specifications. Claringt®n Public Library {�{) Capital Budge CAPITAL 2014 Library Collections General $ 110,000 Subs®all.Collections ,$ 0,000 Library Technology Hardware $ 35,000 ILS/ RFID Replacement /Upgrade $ 45,000 Subtotal Library Techrooldgy $ 80,000 Library Facilities I Renovation/ Expansion of currently available Courtice space $ 1,100,000 (6,000 sf) Subtotal Library Facilities $ '1,100,000 : TOTAL $ ";1,230,000' 3 137 C. C9aringt®n Public Library 2015-201,00, 2019 Current Budget Precast This current budget forecast for the years 2015-2018, 2019 reflects the additional costs for the operation of the additional 6,000 sf of space of the former daycare at the Courtice Community Complex (2015) and the additional operating costs of newly constructed space in a new location, yet to be determined. While the formal forecast shows the four-year period 2015-2018, the library's 2019 current budget estimates have been included to show all of the increased operating costs of an expanded 20,000 square foot library in the Courtice community. 1 GIarington Public LibrM Current Uudgot Forecast 1111 2015-2918, 2019 , 2015 2016 2017 2018: 2019 CATEGORY BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET INCOME Municipal Tax Levy $2,997,241 $3,072,589 $3,149,736 $3,493,104 $3,573,223 Non-Municipal Revenue $ 186,722 $ 186,722 $ 186,722 $ 186,722 $ 186,722 TOTAL INCOME $ 3,183;963 $;3,259,311 $3,336,458 $ 3,6791826 $ 3,7595945 :EXPENSES Personnel $ 2,333,800 $ 2,392,145 $ 2,451,949 $ 2,513,247 $ 2,576,078 Library Materials $ 257,509 $ 262,659 $ 267,913 $ 273,271 $ 280,103 Facility Services $ 140,250 $ 143,055 $ 145,916 $ 148,834 $ - 151,811 Products/Supplies $ 40,503 $ 41,313 $ 42,139 $ 42,982 $ 43,841 Public Programs $ 9,115 $ 9,297 $ 9,483 $ 9,673 $ 9,866 Purchased Services $ 102,856 $ 104,913 $ 107,011 $ 109,151 $ 111,334 Computer Expenses $ 151,062 $ 154,083 $ 157,165 $ 160,308 $ 163,514 Staff Development $ 11,944 $ 12,183 $ 12,427 $ 12,676 $ 12,929 Transfer to Capital $ 36,924 $ 37,662 $ 38,416 $ 39,184 $ 39,968 Courtice Expansion $ 100,000 $ 102,000 $ 104,040 $ 370,500 $ 370,500 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 3,183,963 $3,2591311 $ 31336;458 $ 3;679,826, $ 3,759,945: %'Increase 5,70% 2.37% 2.37% 10.29% 12:69%0 MUNICIPAL',REQUEST $;2;997,241 $ 3'072,589 '$3,149,736 13,493 104 $`3,573,223 %Increase 6.07% 2.51% 2.51%0 10.90% 13.45% 4 1.38 D. Glarington Public Library 201-5-2M Capital Budget Forecast The library's 2015-2018 capital budget forecast includes the estimated costs for the acquisition of land and for the construction of a new library facility. It is requested that these costs form the basis for the library's position with respect to the 2015 update of the Development Charges Bylaw. It is understood that timing is dependent upon the availability of funding, and that timing may change as a result of this. Every effort will be made to explore cost-sharing/cost-saving opportunities with partnerships and joint development. y Clarington Public Library Capital Budget Forecast 2015-2018 CAPITAL PR-OMFCT Flu'iML;19 0 40 Library Collections Branch Collections $ 110,000 $ 110,000 $ 110,000 $ 110,000 Subtotal Collections $ 110,000 $ 110,000_ $ 110,000 $ 1x0;000 Library Technology Computer Hardware $ 35,000 $ 35,000 $ 35,000 $ 35,000 ILS/RFID/major systems $ 45,000 $ 45,000 $ 45,000 $ 45,000 Subtotal Library Technology 80,000 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 $ 80,000` Library-Studies Library Services Strategic Plan $ 50,000 $ - $ - $ - Information Technology Plan $ - $ 50,000 $ - $ Subtotal Library Studies '$ 50000; $ 50,909 $ - $ Library-Facilities Purchase of Land (2 acres/0.83 He) $ 1,200,000 Courtice Branch Design $ - $ - $ 000,000 $ - Courtice Branch Construction $ - $ - $ - $ 11,000,000 Subtotal Library Facilities $ 1,200;000 $ $ 900,000 $ : 111000,000 ;TOTAL CAPITAL PROJIECTS $ 1,,440;000 240,000 $ 1,090,000 $ X 1,'190,000` Report submitted by Edith Hopkins, CEO/Library Director February 3, 2014 5 Municipality 'rington 02/03114 BUDGET WO. G PAPERS CEarington:Ol-. .:U LTU RAIL 2014 DRAFT 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 185,482.00 193,441.65 100-64-460-10137-7600 VISUAL ARTS CENTRE-OPER GRANT 185,482.00 192,901.00 .198,688.00 5,787.00 246,383.00 258,701.00 100-64-460-10581-7600 CLARINGTON MUSEUMS&ARCHIVE 246,383.00 258,702.00 270,342.00' 11,640.00 4,660.00 1,097.48 100-64-460-10581-7601 CLARINGTON MUSEUMS&ARCHIVES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,200.00 0.00 100-64-460-10581-7602 CLARINGTON MUSEUMS&ARCHIVE 15,200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 100-64-460-10582-7412 BOW MUSEUM-TRSF TO RES FUND 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 100-64-460-10584-7412 CLARKE MUSEUM-TRSF TO RES FU 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 457,725.00 459,240.13 Total EXPENDITURE 453,065:00 457,603.00 475,030.00 17,427.00 457,725.00 459.240.13. NET LEVY 453,065.1)0 457,603.00 475,030.00 17,427.00 !I i r w _ 140 , -VE as as t Arr.iu Clarington Nfuseums and Archives, 62 Temperance Street, Bownlanville, ON. L 1 C 3AU February 3rd 201 Dear Nancy Regtaest The the use of funds from the Wluseurn Reserve fu*..nds This is a formal request for the use of$35,000 horn the Museum reserve fund for the.use by Clarington Museums in their budget for 2014. This will enable the museum to servo the people of Cladrigton more'effectivel* it will o towards supporting PPOrtir1g the museum in being,a great resource for the local . - population and a wonderful community museum telling the stories of Clorington. `rhank you to the Munioipelity of-larlrigton for its'continued support of Claringtori Museums and Archives and l look forward to myself and the:Board presenting to Council our vision for the future of Clarington Museums on 21St February Should'you have 6ny questions do, hesitate to contact me," - Your sincerely ;Julia Fieldin xecutive'Director fJ Clartngtt�n Museums and Archives 141 SUBMIT ORIGINAL TO: MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON FINANCE DEPARTMENT NANCY TAYLOR,DIRECTOR OF FINANCE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE,ONTARIO L1C 3A6 PL-EASE PRINT/TYPE SUBMISSION DEADLINE: November 15, 2013 P4.EASE COMPLETE ALL AREAS 1. Name of Organization/Association; - Clarington Museums and Archives 905 623 2734 NAME TELEPHONE 62.Temperance Street STREET ADDRESS/POST OFFICE BOX --Bowmanville Ontario L1 C 3A8 TOWN PROVINCE POSTAL CODE 2. Contact Person for this Application: Julia Fielding/Executive Director Home #: CELL 905 447 6495 NAME/POSITION Work #:905 623 2734 3. Is your Organization Incorporated as non-profit? YES _X_ NO—_ If YES, when?_21/10/1961_ (ddlmm/yy) 4. Is your Organization based within the Municipality of Clarington or the Region of Durham? YES_X_ NO 5. List the programs/services provided by your Organization, Management of the Collection and Archives as a history of Clarington Education programmes on the history of Clarington where people discover and create as they learn about Clarington Exhibitions of the Museum collection allowing the community of Claringtoin to explore, understand and connect with its ever changing history Family events and programmes to generate interest in the Museum in addition to raising funds for the organisation Operation of 3 historic buildings Revenue generation through admissions, gift shop,special events such as the Spirit Walks, Edwardian Teas and venue rentals. 1 i C:\Users\h101\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outloolc\W08XIQ94\2014 Grant Application completed Dec.doc 142 o. Describe how the programs/services provided by your Organization will benefit as a result of Municipal funding, In 2013 the funding from the Municipality supported the Museum to: ® Create Strategic, Operations and long term Exhibition Plans and policies Double admission numbers from previous year ® Increase earned revenue by 177% Develop Partnerships with 5 Clarington Businesses • De-accession and reorganise the collection at Clarke • Create partnerships with high schools, youth centre, older adults and community groups The funding in 2014 will allow the Museum to build on this success and implement its Strategic Plan-as attached It will also allow the Museum to meet the numerous challenges it faces in 2014 These challenges are: • Loss of$25,000 CMOG money(Community Museum Operation Grant) • Collection, health and safety, fundraising and governance policies and plans in need of putting into good order or even created. These are vital to regain CMOG funding • Better marketing needed to increase admissions • Collection and Archives at Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre in dire need of reorganisation and digitisation • Lack'of appropriate environmental conditions for above collection • Not meeting public need in Bowmanville Museum open hours • Time needs to be spent improving and then marketing the school programme numbers to increase numbers i 7. Category: (Circle One) Recreational Social Civic Hall Board/Community Centre 8. Amount Requested $270,342 9. Have you made a previous request for a Municipal Grant to the Municipality of Clarington? YES_x_NO If YES, please complete the following: YEAR REQUESTED AMOUNT REQUESTED AMOUNT RECEIVED 2013 $258,701 $258,701 2012 $246,463 $246,463 2011 $238,051 $238,051 2010 $231,117 $231,117 10. Has your Organization requested funding in the last 12 months from any other Municipal, Provincial or Federal Department or Agency? YES_x_ NO If YES, please complete the following: C:\Users\h101\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outloolc\W0 8XIQ94\2014 Grant Application completed Dec.doc 143 AGENCY YEAR REQUESTED RECEIVED Federal Museum Assistance . 2013 $15,000 $15,000 Program Federal Young Canada Works 2013 $15,000 $9,600 Ontario Ministry of Tourism, 2013 $25,161 $25;1.61 Culture and Sport 11. Total program or association membership in your organization._78 Annual Visitors to exhibits and programmes 7,500 C:\Users\hl01\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outloolc\W08XIQ94\2014 Grant Application completed Dec.doc - 1.44 12. Declaration of Organizations' Executive: We certify that, to the best of our knowledge,the information provided herein is accurate and complete and is endorsed by the Organization,which we represent. [`lame Title Date Signature This Application must be signed by two (2) Members of the Executive. 13. Budget Information: Please complete, in detail, the attached form. Also include a copy of the most recent statement of revenue and expenditures for the most recent fiscal year. 14. Please return application form to: Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 Telephone: (905) 623-3379 ext. 2602 Fax:..(905) 623-4169 Email: ntayloroclarington.net C:\Users\h101\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Tempotary Internet Files\Content.Outloolc\W08XIQ94\2014 Grant Application completed Dec.doc Budget Information Please see attached sheet 2012 2013 2014 REVENUE GRANTS - 46,194 51,105 24,000 FED/PROV MUNICIPAL 246,382 258,701 270,342 GRANT MEMBERSHIPS 203.53 3095.61 3,500 REGISTRATIONS 9385 24 598 21,800 FUNDRAISING 12,551.38 35,00- 14149.97 OTHER (SPECIFY) 3967 10,423 14,600 S op Misc LAST YEAR -69468 +1,389 SURPLUS/DEFICIT TOTAL REVENUE [ 250812 F 357,602 369,242 EXPENDITURES 2012 2013 2014 SALARIES - 233,849 178,810 187,303 FULL TIME SALARIES — 28,470 33,146 30,000 PART TIME FACILITY RENTAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 6256 5147 6000 TELEPHONE 5264 3180 4000 ADVERTISING 4828 5875 4000 MAINTENANCE 30,275 OTHER (SPECIFY) 26,464 27,000 Contract staff and contingency outlined in attached budget OTHER (SPECIFY) 4,153 TOTAL EXPENSES 339,559 356,213 . 403,853 SURPLUS (DEFICIT) 2012 2013 2014 Money from reserves as - 88747. +1389 -35,673 discussed with Mayor. C:\Users\h101\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.0utlook\W08XIQ94\2014 Grant Application completed Dec.doc -1-46 - November 19;2013 Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance, Municipality of Clarington3! ` 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville NOV 1 9 201 MlJN11CIPALI_IYOF CLARINGTON FINANCE Dear Nancy: Please find enclosed The Visual Arts Centre of Clarington's Municipal Operating Grant request for 2014. Included in this package is the required budget(with addendum sheet for budget clarification), and copies of appropriate portions of our 2012 audited statement from Sullivan and Co., Bowmanville. I have also enclosed balance sheet previous year comparison and profit& loss previous year comparison up to November 19,2013.The considerable increase in total assets shall be explained on the aforementioned addendum,to Midget. After much discussion at Board level and meeting with you,we are requesting a grant of$198,688.This represents a slight(3%) increase from last year's generous allotment of$192,901.As a former part-time position has now happily been made full-time,these additional funds will help cover the related expense increase. A portion of any added funds will be channeled into expanding educational programming; a fundamental part of our mandate to our community.We are cognizant of the budgetary constraints and challenging decisions faced by Mayor and Council during difficult economic times, and greatly appreciate your consideration. We shall soon enter our 38{"year as a dynamic visual arts centre providing diverse and unique programming for the people of Clarington.This simply would not occur without the considerable support of the MOC. We are also very grateful for the ongoing support of The Bowmanville Rotary Club, the Ontario arts Council and the Ontario Trillium Foundation.The Board of Directors,staff and membership of the VAC express sincere thanks for the ongoing support of the Municipality of Clarington. Sincerely: James Campbell, Executive Director/Curator The Visual Arts Centre of Clarington 143 Simpson Avenue P.O. Box 52 Bowmanville, Ontario, Canada UC 3K8 Ph: 905-623-5831 Fax: 905-623-0276 Email: visual @vac.ca www.vac.ca VISUAL ARTS CENTRE OF CLARINGTON i 2013 SLATE OF DIRECTORS EXECUTIVE President: Craig Ryan HR Consultant candlryan @sympatico.ca Vice President: Pete Smith Artist, Professor (painting), OCADU psmith @faculty.ocadu.ca Treasurer: Michael Patrick Local business owner, Bowmanville Foundry mpatrick @bowmanvillefoundry.com . Secretary: Fred Mandryk Retired Teacher/Principal, Past President, Rotary Club of Bowmanville fredmandryl<@gmail.com r DIRECTORS Liz Parkinson:Artist liz@lizparl<inson.com Allison Fellowes-Strike: Local business owner,Strike Insurance, Bowmanville astrike @rogers.com Koren Kassirer: Musician,visual artist, independent art educator aubreykoren @rogers.com Paul Sloggett:Artist, Professor (painting),OCADU psloggett @faculty.ocadu.ca Sean McQuay: Program Coordinator, Fundamentals of Art and Design, Durham College, Oshawa sean.mcquay @durhamcollege.ca Jeremy Desjardine:Art Teacher, Bowmanville High School afugitiveandluridgleam @yahoo.ca Member of Council:Willie Woo, Regional Councillor wwoo @clarington.net - 14-3 BUDGET/BALANCE SHEET COMPARISONS CLARIFICATION When viewing the enclosed balance sheet previous year comparison,you will note a very dramatic increase in total assets from last year's figure at this time; indeed,a 45.5% increase.This figure is misleading for the following reasons. In 2012 we were not the beneficiaries of a $12,500 windfall thanks to the Mayor's Gala for the Arts.Also,some considerable expenses budgeted for 2013 have yet to come out,for example: printing costs for three yet to be printed exhibition catalogues(approx.$10,000);and $2,000 in insurance policy renewal fees(Board member's liability, and Fire Arts policy).When these facts are taken into account, the percentage difference drops considerably. We shall still reach year end in a very good financial state. Specific Budget Lines: Revenue Fundraising: You will note that there is a huge leap of$15,574 from 2012 to 2013.This has already been partially explained above:the Mayor's Gala.Also,we did not hold our Wall to Wall fundraiser in 2012, but did this past October, raising$5,000. Expenditures Salaries,frail and part-tire: You will note a substantial increase in salary expenditures from 2012 to 2013: $15,383. This is due to the fact that our Programming and Operations Associate was made full- . time in May of this year, hence the increase. As you will note, all other budget entries remain relatively stable. i t49 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR/CURATOR'S HIGHLIGHTS,2013 Another positive and exciting year nears an end at the VAC. We do so in a stable financial state, and with the knowledge that we have fulfilled our mandate effectively with numerous and varied art related- programs having been successfully completed. This would not be possible without a dedicated Board of Directors and staff. My congratulations and sincere thanks to all. Dionne Powlenzuk was elevated to-full- tin, e status this year, and not a moment too soon!She has already contributed irnmensely to broadening and improving our educational programming, and our communications/media presence.She and I both work regularly with numerous other Clarington institutions for community events:the Library, the Museum, Orono Fair,the Fire Nall Youth Centre, Gift of Art, Clarington Older Adults,to name a few.Such interactions benefit all involved. This year started with a bang with the first ever Mayor's Gala for the Arts, and with great success.Thank you Mayor Foster and members of Council for supporting this initiative; deeply appreciated.We continue pursuing other grants/fundraising possibilities with success. I am pleased to announce that we have once again qualified for multi-year funding support from the Ontario Arts Council to assist in paying artist exhibition fees, and help with catalogue costs.We also continue to receive Federal and Provincial assistance which enables us to hire two exceptional Clarington post-secondary students to teach our summer art camps, providing them with invaluable experience.Our summer camps attracted 145 young future Clarington artists this year! Educational programming continues through the year as well.Thanks to Dionne, Linda, and our exceptional instructors (professional Clarington artists), education programme revenue is up some 15%from this time last year.The Rotary Club of Bowmanville continue their strong commitment to this place by covering half our grounds-keeping costs each year. They also provided a$1,000 bursary to enable five children from Big Bother's Big Sister's to attend our March Break program:fantastic. Our exhibitions offer varied and dynamic visual experiences for our public.Two prominent Clarington artists,Sally Thurlow and Tony Cooper,were given much deserved major retrospectives of their work. Sally's show boasted a record breaking opening and ongoing attendance.Our annual juried show and 100 small paintings show and sale provide a back to back showcase for countless regional a List's/VAC members.Our high school art show will return in January 2014;always a wonderful moment for our local secondary school artist's. Our programming offerings continue to expand and broaden with fairly regular poetry recitals, music events,Shakespeare in Soper Creek Park, and the runaway smash hit heading toward its third year: Picasso's Picnic Children's Art Festival. I anticipate more positive moments and growth in the year to come. James Campbell SUBMIT ORIGINAL TO: MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON FINANCE DEPARTMENT NANCY TAYLOR.,DIRECTOR.OF FINANCE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE,ONTARIO L1C 3A6 PLEASE PRINT/TYPE SUBMISSION DEADLINE: November 15,2013 PLEASE COMPLETE ALL AREAS 1, Name of Organization/Associatiori: k '. > Ua / r-+5 C y� e- er'. -1-0-LA_ NAME TELEPHONE STREET ADDRESS OST OFFICE BOX if TOWN PROVINCE POSTAL CODE 2. Contact Person for this Application: ME. L'AinPe,L Home #: 'I 6.E1F5 9 79 5 NAME/POSITION Word C-0 AT 6 3. Is your Organization Incorporated as non-profit? YES NO If YES, when? 01 %k (dd/mmlyy) 4. Is your Organization based within the Municipality of Clarington or the Region of Durham? YES V NO 5. List the programs/services provided by your Organization. n�2 F6�- 6cc, 1� f` �'��� �� , Gtnc� �(L C'i x Li r +; .cr,) be S Gi 6-F VA C(4 LS I> r 1) �� �i � Y'-, gzP6fl K4 \A 4 Fur -A fl 09Z 'S. . ��c Qvt_d� wo s UG1'`5 (;7 5 5' or r-5 A r-t n�cn ��r�, ✓>> I;.� xl���;�s o� �c« 1 a�fi �r c , �y ^�� if � Vtd U L') b ra u VA i �-o wL� ev\ -e 1"( V roc; 1 v j-G u s %V Z_' �I( C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Fi1es\Content.1E5\UA2BJAP3\2014 Grant Application.doe 6. Describe how the programs/services provided by your Organization will benefit as a result of Municipal funding. S V aL� 4- b 6 Fu n c b'ti t/\ �I. -} �/( c) u .4uP a r- -ry Th-(r,e -Fynog awi f/'\A A L 0 vl � i'�� � � � Ufa, �� T /k�c�C �—u in A,-, o k b y 4 O u r yl U C Ld v rC U el fz u q a t 7. Category; (Circle One) Recreational Social Civic Hall Board/Community Centre 8. Amount Requested 9. Have you made a previous request for a Municipal Grant to the Municipality of Clarington? YES V" NO If YES, please complete the following; YEAR REQUESTED AMOUNT REQUESTED AMOUNT RECEIVED 10. Has your Organization requested funding in the last 12 months.from any other Municipal, Provincial or Federal Department or Agency? YES V NO If YES, please complete the following; AGENCY YEAR REQUESTED RECEIVED [2) ors r b IIICoL, l ( 7 gr l T (0 9 11. Total program or association membership in your organization. C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Fi1es\Content.lE5\UA2BJAP3\2014 Grant Application.doc 1.52. 12. Declaration of Organizations' Executive: We certify that, to the best of our knowledge, the information provided herein is accurate and complete and is endorsed by the Organization, which we represent. Name Title Date Signature mad l y/2-0( 3 This Application must be signed by two(2)Members of the Executive. 13, Budget Information: Please complete, in detail, the attached form. Also include a copy of the most recent statement of revenue and expenditures for the most recent fiscal year. 14. Please return application form to: Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 Telephone: (905)623-3379 ext, 2602 Fax: (905) 623-4169 Email: ntaylor@clarington.net C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\A4icrosoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Fi1es\Content.1E5\UA2BJAP3\2014 Grant Application.doc 153 9udget Information 2012 2013 2014 REVENUE -�F GRANTS- 7, � � �� ` 6 15, 6 60 FED/PROV. �- ML GRANT MEMBERSHIPS REGISTRATIONS L/ , 17 7 ;b q 5- a � FUNDRAISING OTHER (SPECIFY) LAST R SURPLUS/DEFICIT j2 } `� 06 TOTAL REVENUE 2 1 -:73 5D a EXPENDITURES �— 2012 2013 2014 ALA I � � I / �10� t ea ( FULL L TIME SALARIES PART TIME FACILITY RENTAL OFFICE SUPPLIES pmv rcc ti S GKjd I I <I q G( 7 G ; t� TELE H NE ADVERTISING MAINTENANCE GJ OTHER (SPECIFY) 8 65 3 o 6 a OTHER (SPECIFY) TOTAL XP(NSES P t6 0,0) 6 SURPLUS (DEFICIT) 2012 2013 2014 b 1 TOTE: ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE THIS SECTION IN ORDER TO HAVE APPLICATION.CONSIDERED FOR FUNDING. PLEASE SUMMARIZE YOUR BUDGET INFORMATION USING CATEGORIES LISTED ABOVE. C:\Users\User\A.ppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary InternetFiles\Content.IE5\UA2BJAP3\2014 -1-oi cl\ Re ue V( o c -W c U C vj C'6 fCo/ g Grant Application.doc - - - '.54 1:58 PF41 The Visual Arts Centre of Clarington 11/19/13 Balance Sheet Prev Year Comparison Accrual Basis As of November 19,2013 Nov 19,13 Nov 19,12 $Change %Change ASSETS Current Assets Chequing/Savings 1000•Scotia Bank 88,610.03 56,260.39 32,349.64 57.5% 1005•Scotia Bank 2 15,811.67 15,967.07 -155.40 -1.0% 1010•Petty Cash 239.83 54.76 185.07 338.0% 1085•GIC Endowment 12,091.72 12,073.61 1.8.11 0.2% Total Chequing/Savings 116,753.25 84,355.83 32,397.42 38.4% Accounts Receivable 1200•Accounts Receivable 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 100.0% Total Accounts Receivable 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 100.0% Other Current Assets 1400•Prepaid Exp. 2,024.00 -85.00 2,109.00 2,481.2% 1499•Undeposited Funds 1,736.92 318.41 1,418.51 445.5% Total Other Current Assets 3,760.92 233.41 3,527.51 1,511.3% Total Current Assets 121,514.17 84,5894 36,924.93 43.7% Other Assets 1603 •Deferred OAC AIF Grant -2,048.00 0.00 -2,048.00 -100.0% 1600- Deferred Rev.Ont.Arts Council -15,650,00 -15,650.00 0.00 0.0% 1604• Deferred Rotary Revenue -3,500.00 0.00 -3,500.00 -100.0% Total Other Assets -21,198.00 -15,650.00 -5,548.00 -35.5% TOTAL ASSETS 100,316.17 68,939.24 31,375.93 45.5% LIABILITIES&EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities Accounts Payable 0001 -Prepaid Expense 0.00 -2,109.00 2,109.00 100.0% 2000•Accounts Payable 0.00 685.69 -685.69 -100.0% Total Accounts Payable 0.00 -1,423.31 1,423.31 100.0% Credit Cards 2201 •Scotia Classic Visa 0.00 127.54 -127.54 -100.0% 2202 •Staples Busin.Depot 67.67 213.32 -145.65 -68.3% Total Credit Cards 67.67 340.86 -273.19 -80.2% Other Current Liabilities 2200•GST Payable -6,050.31 -6,660.75 610.44 9.2% 2205 •Accruals 6,181.00 4,800.00 1,381.00 28.8% 2310• C.P.P.Deductions 886.96 784.38 102.58 13.1% 2315• E.I.Deductions 420.79 323.81 96.98 30.0%, 2320• Income tax deductions 1,502.60 1,301.18 201.42 15.5% 2325•WSIB Payable 70.61 65.17 5.44 8.4% Total Other Current Liabilities 3,011.65 613.79 2,397.86 390.7% Total Current Liabilities 3,079.32 -468.66 3,547.98 757.1% Total Liabilities 3,079.32 -468.66 3,547.98 -757.1% Equity 3540• Retained Earnings 44,384.68 37,169.26 7,215.42 19.4% Net Income 52,852.17 32,238.64 20,613.53 63.9% Total Equity 97,236.85 69,407.90 27,828.95 40.1% TOTAL LIABILITIES&EQUITY 100,316.17 68,939.24 31,376.93 45.5% I Pagel 1:57 PIYi '���� vua�i9 jI ,�°Qd Ia�oatra. ca �PDararua�n 11(19113 Profit & Lose) Prey Year Comparison Accrual Basis January 1 through Novembers'19, 20. 3 Jan 1 -Nov 19,'13 ..Ian 1.-Nov'19,12 $Change %Change Income 4000-General Donations 4001 General&Service Club Donation 1,665.10 7,234.95 -5,569.85 -77.0% 4003 •Receipted Donations 3,216.00 2,598.00 618.00 23.8% Total 4000 • General Donations 4,881.10 9,832.95 -4,951.85 -50.4% 4009•Art Material Income 845.00 945,00 -100.00 -10.6% 4011 Rental(rental studio etc) 200.00 0.00 200.00 100.0% 4015 Catalogue;ale 2,219.00 618.00 1,601.00 259.1% 4020 •Art Worlt Sales 955.00 190.00 765.00 402.6% 4030•Juried Art Show Fee 1,013.00 914.00 99.00 10.8% 4050•Special Events '19,612.50 357.50 19,255.00 5,386.0% 4086•GIC Interest Income 13.55 18.13 -4.58 -25.3% 4090 •Mernl�ership hues 4,612.23 4,995.00 -382.77 -7.7% 4091 •Adult Programs 24,077.78 24,854.62 -776.84 -3.1% 4092•Children's Programs 20,155.00 17,000.93 3,154.07 18.6% 4110 •Total Grants 41111 •Claring•ton Operation 182,901.00 175,482.00 7,419.00 4.2% 4113•"Ontario Arts Council 15,650.00 17,698.00 -2,048.00 -11.6% 4114•Govt of Cda-Summer Students 7,369.69 8,405.49 -1,035.80 -12.3% 41'18 •OAC All"Grant 2,144.00 1,539.00 605.00 39.3% Total 4110-Total Grants 208,064.69 203,124.49 4,940.20 2.4% Totaldncorne 236,648.85 262,850.62 23,798.23 9,1% Expense 5001 •Education Programming 5020•Arl:Instructor Expense 25,002.66 23,098.25 1,904.41 8.2% 5025•Ark Supply Expense 7,866.77 8,620.85 -754.08 -8.8% 5026•Model Fees 180.00 850.00 -670,00 -78.8% 5027•Art Equipment '196.52 0.00 196.52 100.0% Total 5001 •Education Programming 33,245.95 32,569.10 676.85 2.1% 5030 •Exhibition Fees 8,195.00 8,051.00 144.00 1.8% 5040 •Art Work Sold 1,285.00 385.00 900.00 233.8%. 5043•Sundry General. 1,859.54 1,184.93 674.61 56.9% 6010• Exhibition Programming 6011 •Catalogue Expense 7,431.16 8,994.00 -1,562.84• -17.4% 6014•Documentation 2,975.00 4,370.00 -1,395.00 -31.9% 6015•Shipping 1,783.24 1,071.33 711.91 66.5% 6017•ArHst Tallc 600,00 450.00 150.00 33.3% 6018 Installation 1,931.00 2,033.52 -102.52 -5.0% 6019 Jurar's,Fees 150.00 150.00 0.00 0.0% 6020 Sundry Exhibition 202.05 289.54 -87.49 -30.2% 6021 •Art on Public Lands 1,500.00 2,750.00 -1,250.00 -45.5% Total 6010• Exhibition Programming 16,572.45 20,108.39 -3,535.94 -17.6% in 1:57 PIS `the.Visual Arts Centre of Ma rington 11/19/13 Profit Loss Prey Year Comparison Accrual Basis January 1 through November 19, 210113 Jan 1 -Nov 19,13 ,Jan'I -Nov 19,112 $Change %Change 6035.Special Event Expenses 2,978.15 2,359.13 619.02 26.2% 6037•Picasso Exp. 2,221.99 0.00 2,221.99. 100.0% 604.0 Av�rards!Bursaries 2,600.00 2,650.00 50.00 -119% 6045•Advertising&Promotion 2,382.95 2,741.50 -358.55 -13.1% 6051 -Travel Expenses 487.38 385.50 101.88 26.4% 6199•Building 6200•Maintenance&Repairs 6,953.83 7,040.73 -86.90 -1.2% 6201 •Janitorial 5,117.72 4,732.94 384.78 8.1% 6204•Enbridge 2,377.88 2,291.14 86.74 3.8% 6206 -Security System 746.40 491.40 255.00 51.9% 6207•Pavers 0.00 65.00 -65.00 -100.0% Total 6190 •Building 15,195.83 14,621.21 574.62 3.9% 6410• Insurance 6426 •Flne Art Policy -108.00 -108.00 0.00 0.0% 6428 •Office Contents,Equipment 7,41.96 741.96 0.00 0.0% Total 6410 •lnsura3ince 633.96 633.96 0.00 0.0% 6500 •Wages 8,Salary 6501 •CPP•(Expense 5,386.19 5,204.99 181.20 3.5% 6502 E.I.Expense 3,010.78 3,024.04 -13.26 -0.4% 6503• Casual labour 1,343.15 545.89 797.26 146.1% 6504•'M y.I.E9. 442.51 438.01 4.50 1.0% 6505•Late Payment Charges 0.00 60.32 -60.32 -100.0% 6510•Paan•011-1/ac.hay Exp. 551.12 784.31 -233.19 -29.7% 6500•Wagc,,s&Salary-Other 121,920.54 118,875.08 3,045.46 2.6% Total 650(3 •Wages&salary 132,654.29 128,932.64 3,721.65 2.9% . 6550•(:Office SLIpl:)Hes 655.1 • Postage '177.04 2,513.30 -2,336.26 -93.0%. 6554•Qank service:Charges 646.80 337.77 309.03 91.5% 6556•Office S nndry's 4,014.67 4,300.15 -285.48 -6.6% 6557• Gredit Card Charges 443.18 615.90 -172.72 -28.0% 6558• Mail[Dox.Rental •140.00 140.00 0.00 0.0% Total 6550 •O fice:5uhplies 5,421.69 7,907.12 -2,485.43 -31.4% 6645•Pro•fessiona3il Fees 6650•Accounting 7,527.50 7,222.50 305.00 4.2% 6655•111lembership Fees 535.00 835.00 -300.00 -35.9% 6060 •Professional Development 0.00 25.00 -25.00 -100.0% Total 6645•hrrafe •sional Fees 8,062.50 8,082.50 -20.00 -0.3% TotallExpense _233,796.68 230,611.98 3,164.70 1.4% Net Income 52,852.17 32,238.64 20,61153 63.9% cry _.. _ ' THE VISUAL ARTS CENTRE OF CLA INGTON K STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL.POSITION t_ AS AT DECEMBER 31,2,012 2012 2011 2011 (Note: 8) January 1 ASSETS CURRENT Cash $ 55,338 $ 35,976 $ 41,992 Restricted cash(Note: 4) - - 50,000 Short-term investments(Note: 5) 12,078 12,055 12,032 Accounts receivable 7,090 11,417 363 Prepaid amounts 2,024 2,024 2,109 $ 76,530 $ 61,472 $ 106,496 I,IABII,ITIES CURRENT Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $ 8,892 $ 5,534 $ 10,811 Government remittances payable 2,055 3,119 2,641 Deferred revenue(Note: 7 and 8) 21,198 18,916 67,471 32,145 27,569 80,923 COMMITMENTS (Note: 12) NET ASSETS UNRESTRICTED 44,385 33,903 25,573 $ 76,530 $ 61472 $ 106,496 APPROVED ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD: /Q S / Director Director The accompanying Notes to Financial Statements are an integral part of these statements. 3. - I `s r .. 5 - - - 153 Y Fi. - THE VISUAL ARTS CENTRE OF CLARINGTON w A , STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS t FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER.3 20A2 _r..,, 201.2 20fl1 (Note: 8) RF,VENUE The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington(Note: 7) $ 185,482 $ 178,300 Program revenue 45,617 50,776 Government grants (Note: 7 and 8 27,321 78,027 Donations 7,685 9,436 Membership fees 5,310 5,726 Fundraising and special events 1,926 9,206 It and other revenue(Note: 9) 1,367 3,268 274,708 334,739 OPERATING EXPENSES Wages and benefits 143,017 140,651 Education programs 33,022 32,271 Exhibition programs 30,462 29 ,263 Office and sundry 14,564 18,248 Repairs and maintenance 12,290 5,518 Utilities 11,684 13,039 Professional fees 7,643 7,335 Capital expenditures (Note: 6) 3,244 70,675 Advertising and promotion 2,867 3,847 r Special events 2,789 2,833 Insurance 2,644 2,729 f 264,226 326,409 EXCESS OF REVENUE OVER EXPENSES 10,482 8,330 NET ASSETS,BEGINNING OF YEAR 33,903 25,573 NET ASSETS,END OF YEAR $ 44,385 $ 33,903 3y e, a The accompanying Notes to Financial Statements are an integral part of these statements. 4. 159 I u z VISUAL ARTS CEN'T'RE OF CLARINGTON STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS. FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,2012 -f - 2012 2011 (Lqote: 8 ?QED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES e ex over enses $ 10,482 $ 8,330 �r -r N NON-CASH WORKING CAPITAL: m cash(Note: 4) - 50,000 investments (23) (24) receivable 4,328 (11,054) °amounts - 85 s;pay able and accrued liabilities 3,357 (5,276) ent remittances payable (1,064) 478 revenue 2,282 (48,555 8 880 (14,346 sP^ p' S FROM OPERATING ACTIVI'T'IES 19,362 (6,016) �CRI+ASE(DECREASE)IN CASK 19,362 (6,016) :fi=BEGINNING OF YEAR 35 976 41 992 1m1D OF YEAR $. 55 338 $ 35 976 a r, .' The accompanying Notes to Financial Statements are an integral part of these statements. r. 5. r,- 16C VISUAL ARTS CENTRE ®F CLARINGTON � -` NOTES TO FINANCUL STATEMENTS AS AT DECEMBER 31,2012 euditures year,the organization acquired equipment in the amount of$3,244(2011 -$2,606). thb prior year, the organization completed construction of an accessibility renovation of the oor,of their leased facility. The total contract value of the construction, net of tax rebates, was X513;The total cost to the organization in the prior year was $68,069 with any additional costs paid y by the Municipality. During the prior year, the organization received funding for this proj ect the Trillium Foundation of Ontario in the amount of$50,000, the Bowmanville Rotary Club in -'amount of$5,000, and the balance of$13,069 funded by the organization. See also Note: 7. ed Revenue and Government Grants fered revenue,including government grants, is comprised of: 2012 2011 Ontario Arts Council-Arts Investment Fund(Note: 8) $ 2,048 $ 3,266 ` Mario Arts Council-Public Art Galleries 15,650 15,650 a'`ary Club of Bowmanville 3,500 - .,__ .`; $ 21,198 $ 18,916 n ;uovernment grants,recognized as revenue,are comprised of: 2012 2011 AW� =° The Trillium Foundation of Ontario $ - $ 50,000 ,Ontario Arts Council-Public Art Galleries 15,650 15,650 4 ' On (Note: 8) 3,266 3,642 tario Arts Council-Arts Investment Fund Government of Canada-Young Canada Works Program 3,975 4,355 Canadian Museums Association-summer student grant 4,430 4,380 27,321 78,027 The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 185,482 178,300 212,803 $ 256,327 The Municipality grant is for the purpose of funding operations. This grant is approved on an annual qh= basis. See also Note: 11. -`' The Trillium Foundation of Ontario grant of$50,000 was approved during 2010 for the purpose of renovating the first floor of the facility to make it completely accessible to people of all abilities. The renovation was completed in 2011. See also Note: 6. The Ontario Arts Council - Public Art Galleries grant is for three years, 2011 through 2013, for the Y purpose of funding operations. A similar grant was received for 2010. Receipt of the grant is ' contingent upon the organization providing various required documentation and reporting annually, of ;- which the organization is currently in compliance. - 8. clarington 161 Leading the Way THE IIPO ATION OF THE TyIUNICIPALITY OF CLA NGTON 2014 D AE T OPERATING BUDGET EXTERNAL AGENCIES John Howard Society(Firehouse Youth Centre) 163 Community Care Durham—Clarington 174 Newcastle Community Hall 196 Clarington Older Adult Association 201 Orono Cemetery Company(budget line included in Operations) 206 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 Municipality rington 02/03/14 BUDGET WCi G PAPERS Clarington:EA-AGENCIES 2014 DRAFT - 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL Description 2012 BUDGET 2013 BUDGET 2014 BUDGET INCREASE EXPENDITURE: 55,000.00 55,000.00 100-66-474-20010-7600 OPER GRANT-FIREHOUSE YOUTH 55,000.00 55,000.00 55,000.00 0.00 27,157.00 28,110.00 100-66-474-20016-7600 OPER GRANT-CLAR COMM CARE 27,157.00 28,110.00 .28,953.00 843.00 13,000.00 18,000.00 100-66-474-20042-7600 OPER GRANT-NEWC COMM HALL 13,000.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 100-66-474-20138-7412 CLAR OLDER ADULT CTR BD-TRSF R/ 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 180,225.00 204,000.00 100-66-474-20138-7600 OPER GRANT-CLAR OLDER ADULT C 180,225.00 204,000.00 255,000.00 51,000.00 16,843.94 0.00 100-66-474-20138-7601 GRANT-CLAR OLDER ADULT CTR BD- 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 0.00 100-66-474-20138-7602 CAP.GRANT-CLAR OLDER ADULT CT 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 305,225.94 308,110.00 Total EXPENDITURE 288,382.00 308,110.00 359,953.00 51,843.00 305,225.94 308,110.00 NET LEVY 288,382.00 308,110.00 359,953.00 51,843.00 s T63 SUBMIT ORIGINAL TO: MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON FINANCE DEPARTMENT NANCY TAYLOR.,DIRECTOR OF FINANCE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE,ONTARIO L1C 3A6 PLEA 3c PRINT/1 YYPE SUBMISSION DEADLINE: November 15,2013 I LEASE COMPLETE ALL AREAS 1, Name of Organization/Association: The Firehouse Youth Centre—John Howard Society of Durham Region 905-623-6814 NAME TELEPHONE 132 Church Street STREET ADDRESS/POST OFFICE BOX Bowmanvilie Ontario L1 C 1T5 TOWN PROVINCE POSTAL CODE 2 Contact Person for this Application: Chris Newman/Coordinator Home #: NAME/POSITION Work #: 905-623-6814 (ext..30) .3. is your Organization Incorporated as non-profit? YES bF NO if YES, when? 06/12/1999 (dd/mm/yy) 4. Is your Organization based within the Municipality of Clarington or the Region Of Durham? Y ES v INO 5. List the programs/services provided by your Organization. The Firehouse Youth Centre offers a wide range of services and programming tailored to.the.rieeds of the youth aged 12-19 within the Municipality of Clarington: Open four nights per week(Tuesday—Friday)froth,3p.m.— 8p.m. the centre provides youth with a fun and encouraging environment, to not only hang their hats but utilize some of the resources the centre has to offer,such as computers with full internet access and use of a fully operational kitchen linked to the rekindling of a structured cooking program, j .;i 1e V suclt e lj_CVi ! LfC°e re"tl!L eJ C l�n ~ p v' l . vGrea:ViC.al GEIU social V[.c.°.CU Vppi!!it'„'.nI;.Ie3, tiL� G space that allows for basketball tournaments, pool tournaments, floor hockey,video game tournaments and a host of life skills training opportunities as well; spanning from anti-bullying presentations to employment focused workshops. In addition to these structured programming opportunities, the Firehouse also encourages proactive yom ith involvement by allowing for the completion of community service hours, either by assisting in the daily operatigns and up keep of the centre or by participating in community based events as representatives of the Firehouse. Some:,of the most influential opportunities for youth involvement include events such as: Bowmanville's Ribfest, various Firehouse Fundraisers(ie. Battle of the Bands, Firehouse Fright Night and Great Balls of Fire Golf Tournament), opportunities offered in conjunction with Clarington's Safe Communities Committee, Family Safety Day and Rotary's Super Spring Clean Up to name a few. Not only do these opportunities provide the youth with their required community service S:\Firehouse\Grant A-ppli catioi-s\i14utl?cipalityL074\2014 C'rarLt Apptication.doc 1v4 hours, but they serve to enlighten the youth to understanding the value of community participation. Outside of the ongoing programming offered on a consistent basis, the Firehouse also offers more complex and interactive programming during the Summer Programming piece of the Program. This particular initiative offers several opportunities for the youth to experience and participate in a wide variety of trips and other activities they may not have the opportunity to participate in other wise. 2013 was one of the busiest-summers on record both in terms of programming and attendance,seeing approximately 100 participants. Beyond these factors it is the intention of John Howard Society and the vision of the Firehouse Youth Centre to gradually increase the structured programming and number of fundraising opportunities throughout the year in order to enhance the diversity of programming available to the youth who frequent and access the resources of the centre. 6. Describe how the programs/services provided by your Organization will benefit as a result of Municipal funding. The funding received by the Municipality of Clarington directly goes to the continuation of the after-school programs and services provided by The Firehouse Youth Centre. The Firehouse could not function without the support of the Municipality of Clarington.The core funding supports the wide variety of pro-social and recreational programming offered within the centre. This funding ensures a safe and supervised program in a place where youth feel they belo ig. Tile Firehouse provides the you' Clarington a venue to engage in pro-social r elations f ifp6 and activities.e , On a whole the funding provided by the Municipality plays an integral role in ensuring that the youth of Clarington have an additional avenue to explore social and recreational opportunities, geared towards enhancing their overall life skills 7. Category: (Circle One) Roe-reaiional Social Civic Hall Board/Community Centre a. Amount Requested $55 006 I 9. Have you made a previous request for Municipal Grant to the Municipality of Clarington? 'DES V NO If YES, please complete the following: YEAR REQUESTED AMOUNT REQUESTED AMOUNT RECEIVED 2013 $55 000 $55000 2012 $55000 $55000 2011 $47 500 $49 375 $A 5(tn $47,5010 Gf Ilr �7,ti lrV l I� 10, Has your Organization requested funding in the last 12 months from any other Municipal, Provincial or Federal Department or Agency? YES NO if YES, please complete the following: AGENCY YEAR REQUESTED RECEIVED u:\Firehouse\(j'ra.Dt A 'cat ons\Nu icipal_7ty\L0±4\20'4 Ghrant Ar_gp1ication?.doc 165 11. Total program or association membership in your organization. 13 SAFirehouse\G-rant Applicatiojis\Mjlinic ipality\2014\2014 grant Application.doc 12, Declaration of Organizations'Executive: L66 We certify that, to the best of our knowledge, the information provided herein is accurate and complete and is endorsed by the Organization,which we represent. Name Title Date Signature S % This Application must e signed by ht v-o(2) Mer{ib ers, of the Executive, 13. Budget Information: Please complete, in detail, the attached form. Also include a copy of the most recent statement of revenue and expenditures for the most recent fiscal year. 14. Please refur<i application form to: Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario, I L1 C 3A6 Telephone: (905) 623-3379 ext. 2602 Fax: (905) 623-4169 Email: ntaylotclarinatcn.nei "AM-rel-iouse\Grant _rpli-_catioiis\MU1Zcii:) _iitf\7-/C3_4\2014 Gra itAppEcatio Atop I 167 Budget Information: 2012 represent actual figures based on Fiscal Year end and Highlighted Iection indicates expected dollars '2012 2013 201 REVENUE GRANTS — N/A NIA N/A FED/PROV MUNICIPAL 55 000 55 000 0,5000 GRANT MEMBERSHIPS N/A N/A NEA REGISTRATIONS N/A N/A N/A FUNDRAISING 9 796 10 000 10 000 Other (Service Club 2 840 31 000 2 500 Donations) Other (Christmas Dinner 500 500 500 Donations) Other (United Way of 10 000 10 000 10 000 Durham LAST YEAR (1) NhA SURPLUS/DEFICIT -re n-r®l P= � E ;R 1 0 on a tae= a U�UN IS 0 ee s EXPENDITURES 2012 2013 2014 SALAR I ES - A10 070 40 070 40 07 0 FULL T IiVIE SALARIES- 9 137 9 000 9 000 PART TIME Other— CPP/EI 5 576 3 926 3 926 Other- JHSO 5 604 6 011 6 011 Other— Benefits N/A $00 0080 Administration FACILITY RENTAL i, 000 1 000 1 000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 106 500 500 TELEPHONE 300 300 300 n—" --- "N &.E I arc Bean ADV iViAIN T ENANCE 052 °1 000 1 000 OTHER (SPECIFY) 6 250 6 250 8250 Administration OTHER (SPECIFY) 570 700 700 Mileage Other— Christmas 460 500 600 Dinner ;;LFI P�lOUSC�v�8?t ADD!icatlons\I\4-L7 1cipalityLO14L014 Grant A.PwRoadon.doc 168 Other- Fundraising 1 335 1 Soo 2000 F - Other- Client 61 100 100 Assistance Other- Food 2AR 400 400 Other- Program 4569 2500 2600 Supplies Other-Additional N/A 29.0863 N/A Programming Funds F—TO TIAL EXP 78137 106500 78523 2013 2014 (1) NIA (23) SURPLUS (DEFIC11 2012 NOTE: ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE THIS SECTION IN ORDER TO HAVE APPLICATION CONSIDERED FOR FUNDING. PLEASE SUMMARIZE YOUR BUDGET INFORMATION USING CATEGORIES LISTED ABOVE. S:\F,1rc1"1ou-Qc\Gjrar,t A:oDifeatioris\1\4ut�ci.oal-iL),\?-014\2014 Cyrarit App1icaL1011.d1cic 169 The Following Charts represent a projected budget break down from 2015/018 representing both our capital and operating budget; as this is merely a projection the figures identified below may be QIICcCCU by faCilVi.9 such as inflation, an increase in programming costs, etc... 2015 2016 2017 REVENUE F I r GRANTS — N/A N/A E�6A FED/PROV MUNICIPAL 67 200 57200 5 500 GRANT 1/iEMRERSHIPSlA NIA N/A REGISTRATIONS NIA I YA N/A FUNDRAISING 10 000 10 000 10 000 OTHER (SPECIFY) 2 500 2 500 2 500 Service Club Donations Other— United Way of 10 000 10 000 10 000 Durharn Other— Christi as 500 500 500 Dinner Donations LAST YEAR SURPLUS/DEFICI T EXPENDITURES 2015 2616 2017 SALARIES — 40 872 40 872 41 600 FULL TIME SALARIES— 9 000 9000 9 250 PART TIME Other- CPP/EI 3 990 3 990 4 056 Other- JHSO 6 136 61380 6 254 Other— Benefits 800 660 800 Administration FACILITY RENTAL 1 000 0 000 1 100 OFFICE SUPPLIES 60� no 700 TELEPHONE tE 37 0 370 420 ADVERTISING, NEA KYA NIA MAINTENANCE ENANCE 1 300 1 300 1 300 OTHER (SPECIFY) 8 350 0 350 00500 Administration S. irehouse\Grant Applicatioris\l\�uY-ticipality\2014\2014 Grant A Vulicatior�.doc flu IF OTHER (SPECIFY) 300 800 800 Mileage Other— Christmas 600 600 700 Dinner Other— Fundraising ppp 009 Opp Other— Client 250 250 350 Assistance Other- Food 500 500 600 Other.— Program 3 550 3 550 3 800 Supplies/Staff Training SIJRPLl1S (®EFECC 9 i p 2015 2016 2017 0:\F1PEhoi.lse\Gra-cL App plicadons\N/fu tci aliby\2 14\20I4 GFtawfL Application,doe 171, 2010 RElf ENUE GRANTS — N/A FED/PROV MUNICIPAL 59 500 GRANT MEMBERSHIPS N/A REGISTRATIONS N/A FUNDRAISING i 0 0.00 OTHER (SPECIFY) 2 500 Service Club Donations Other— United Way of 10 000 Durham Other— Christmas 500 Dinner Donations Other— Food (Coffee House) LAST YEAR SURPLUS/DEFICIT TOTAL REVENUE 02 500 [� EXPENDITURES F 0 SALARIES— 41 690 FULL TIN,AE SALARIES— 9 250 PART TIME Other- CPP/EI 4 050 . Other- jHSO 0 2F,4 Other— Benefits 000 Administration FACILITY RENTAL 1 100 OFFICE SUPPLIES 700 TELEPHONE 420 ADVERTISING N/A MAINTENANCE 1 300 O THE R (SPECIFY) 0 50ED OTHER (SPECIFY) 000 Mileage Other— Christmas 700 Dinner Other— Fundraising 2000 Other— Client 350 0:\�iLehoiLlse\ ra-it F iuuiieeLioij-s\I\/,''u`iicipal%tj,\2Cl4�,Ql4 Grant A�ppllc�ciort.doe Other- F=ood 600 172 Other Program 3800 Supplies/Staff Training TOTAL EXPEN 82500 Note: As indicated previously it is the goal of the Firehouse Youth Centre to continue to support the youth within the Municipality of ClUington by offering a balance of Y structured as well as drop in butised programming. On a whole there- are specific plans to increase the programming offered to the youth accessing the resources of the centre. As such the previously provided budget summaries reflect the subsequent projected increases in programming costs as well as living expense adjustments factored at 4% on a bi-yearly basis. We have accomplished a number of the goals we set out last year in terms of enhancing opportunities and implementing specific programming initiatives. We have seen a great amount of success in the eXpansion of our life skills based programming and are excited to explore new partnerships and continue to further develop the specialized programming currently being offered in the guys & girls clubs. Similar to the success acknowledged above, 2013 thus far has represented major success in the fundraising depaftme-4 as luniell. I ast year... set out .-It the specific goal of enhancing our fundraising platfoorm. This year raising over$10, 000 to date, we are confident with the increased comm.Lonib! avLlareness and development of pivotal partnerships over the past year that we vurill be able to SWstmpn this level of success for several wears to come. On a whole mooving forward, thp.centre will continue to operate as a Pivotal support network for at risk youth within the I'VI'lunicipallity of CA'arington by offering a unique combination of recreational and social used programming. Furthermore, in combination with the previously mentioned aspirations The Firehouse Youth Centre as well as the john Howard Society of Durham Region not only has a X specific interest in increasing programming and lindividualized support. But also to increase community awareness which in turn will subsequently increase membership and correspondingly basic programming costs. 173 Firehouse Youth Centre Variance Report i® September 30, 2013 Revenue Expense 2012113 Budget 2013114 Budget Budget YTD YTD Variance YTD Ordinary Income/Expense T REVENUE United Way 10,000 10,000 5,000 10,000 -5,000 MOH 0 0 - 0 0 Municipality of Clar 55,000 55,000 27,500 55,000 -27,500 Fundraising 7,500 10,000 5,000 10,890 -5,890 Donations 3,500 26,000 13,000 0 13,000 Total REVENUE 76,000 101,000 50,500 75,890 -25,390 Expense SUPPORT SERVICES Wages 46,070 49,070 24,535 24,535 0 CPP&El 5,576 3,926 1,963 1,963 0 JHSO 5,604 6,011 3,006 . 3,014 -9 Staff Travel 700 700 350 408 -58 Staff Training 0 0 - 285 -285 880 440 440 0 Total SUPPORT SERVICES 57,950 60,587 30,294 30,645 -352 INFRASTRUCTURE Rent and Mortgage 1,000 1,000 500 500 0 Utilities and Taxes 0 0 - 0 0 Furnishings and Equipment 0 0 - 0 0 Repairs and maintenance 1,000 1,000 500 341 159 Capital Reserve 0 0 - 0 0 Renovation and Minor capital 0 0 - 0 0 i Food Costs 0 900 450 269 181 Personal Needs 100 100 50 0 50 Ad&Promotion 0 0 - 0 0 Client Assistance 0 100 50 0 50 Computer Maintenance 0 0 0 0 Office Equipment and Maintenance' 0 0 D 0 Misc 0 0 - 0 0 Other Program 0 26,000 13,000 4,752 8,248 Program Supplies 6,900 2,500 1,250 -10 1,260 Resource materials 0 0 - 0 0 Social Housing Retrofit 0 0 0 0 Training Support 0 0 - 0 0 Training Subsidies 0 _. 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total INFRASTRUCTURE 9,000 31,600 15,800 5,852 9,948 ADMINISTRATIVE Administrative Fees 0 0 - 0 0 Bank Charges 0 0 - 0 D Office Supplies and Postage 500 500 250 518 -268 Tt ,- .or.e 300 300 150 225 -75 Insurance 0 D 0 0 Professional Fees 0 0 - 0 0 Amortization 0 0 - 0 0 Dues and Subscriptions 0 0 - 0 0 Fundraising 0 1,500 750 2,604 -1,854 D 0 0 0 Total ADMINISTRATIVE 800 2,300 1,150 3,347 -2,197 Total Expense 67,750 94,487 47,244 39,844 7,400 Net Income 8,250 6,513 3,257 36,046 _ Cornmunit"y Care Durham 174 Clarington - Y Su Y ortino-b Peo ple, Sr-enc thenhig Conn ,7umit l c Mental Health 2440 Hwy.2, Unit 41'n' Bowmanville, ON L1C OK6 Individual Support COPE Mental Health Program Group Support Tel:905-623-41.23•Fax:905-623-2604 Specialized Geriatrics Home Support Program Education Tel:905-623-2261 •Fax:905-623-2604 Adult Day Program Home Support November 14th, 2013 Tei:905-697-7231 >Fax:905-623-2604 Program Respite Program Meals on Wheels Tel:1-888-255-6680•Fax:905-839-5513 Transportation/ wA r�Ai.communitycaredurham.on.ca Accessible Van Nancy Taylor, Director Finance/Treasurer Friendly Visiting Municipality of Clarington Foot Care Clinics 40 Temperance St. Luncheon out Bowmanville, ON L1C 3A6 Telephone Reassurance Home Maintenance Dear Nancy; Re: Municipality of Clarington- Grant Application Home Help We are pleased to provide you with our application for 2014 funding to the Municipality of Respite`Program Clarington for Community Care Durham-Clarington. Community Care Durham is very appreciative Ad Lilt Day Programs of the funding support it receives from the Municipality of Clarington as it is a vital component of In-Home Pespile Long-Teri Emergency the funding for the various services offered by Community Care Durham (CCD)to the residents of Avoidance Program Clarington. Your support enables us to deliver a full range of services to an aging population within Assisted Living Services Clarington. I at Last Regarding our funding application for the coming year,we respectfully submit our request for a t t gra�7i 2014 allocation that reflects a 3% inflationary adjustment. We once again ask for your full Client Settlement consideration of the request and I would be most willing to provide further details to members of from Hospital to Home council and municipal staff in the form of a presentation or responses to any questions or Gf fices: clarification. We look forward to continuing our partnership in meeting the health and social Ajax-Pickering service needs within the Clarington communitiy. Brock Enclosed please find: Clarington Oshawa Our 2014 application request e Scugog A copy of our audited 2012-013 Financial Statements Uxbridge Yours truly, lydhifby Q�vC.�- c�Li•�l:`t�LL Charitatle.Re-.n Sally Barr`i i 18FS 99 =PUP,p001 Adl,ltnlstrator Supported b fr t tariO Central E-1 Local Health Inf•�rgrahon 71eMork �ffl Volunteering enrilr;heq your A United Way }t �b M1;zmb=rAgency - .7� SUBMIT ORIGINAL TO: MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON FINANCE DEPARTMENT 1 NANCY TAYLOR,DIRECTOR OF FINANCE 40 TEMPERANCE STREE T BOWMANVILLE,ONTARIO L'i C 3A6 PLEASE PRINTITYPE SUBMISSION DEADLINE: November 15,2013 PLEASE COMPLETE ALL AREAS 'I. Name of Organization/Association: Community Care Durham—Clarington 905-623-2261 NAME TELEPHONE 2440 Highway 2, Unit 1 STREET ADDRESS/POST OFFICE BOX Bowmanville Ontario . L1C OK6 TOWN PROVINCE 'POSTAL CODE 2. Contact Person for this Application: Sally Barrie-Administrator Home #: 905-623-6330 NAME/POSITION Work : 905-623-2261 x223 3. Is your Organization Incorporated as non-profit? YES NO If YES, when? 24 Feb 1983 (dd/mm/yy) 4. Is your Organization based within the Municipality of Clarington or the Region of Durham? YES NO 5. List the programs/services provided by your Organization. Community Care Durham (CCD) is a multi-service registered charitable organization that provides Horne Support, Respite (Caregiver Relief) and COPE Mental Health services for adults and their caregivers with needs related to aging, physical and/or mental health. Our services are provided free of charge or for a minimal fee and are administered through seven service locations across Durham Region. The Home uppa.rt Pro_qram provides a basket of services to assist clients to remain as independent as possible in their own homes and communities. A nominal fee is charged for some services. Home '-' -port l J. .Services Include. FAAealz on lfiffieeis: Nutritious hot and/or frnzP.1 are Is delivered to G ienis in their homes. There are preSciL'1 y 12 routes thrGughlO ct 'the iB,�Liiicipa Ilty where hot meals ('nGlLdeS an 0 ntree, SCUP and Gesseii) are deliver 176 Luncheon Out: Group outings for clients to enjoy a meal and entertainment in a social setting. The luncheon out service is offered primarily ten months of the year in a variety of locations across the Municipality. There are presently two separate locations in Bowmanville, and one location each in Orono, Newcastle and Courtice. Home HeID and Home Maintenance: Brokered helpers provide assistance with light housekeeping, yard work, grass cutting, snow shovelling, etc. Friendly Visiting: Volunteers visit on a regular basis to share in activities and companionship. In March of 2014, the Friendly Visiting services from VON will be transferred to CCD, increasing our total number of clients served within this service. Telephone Reassurance: Volunteers provide regular contact to check on a client's well being. Foot Care Clinics: Foot Care Services provided by registered foot care nurses. Foot care clinics are located throughout the Municipality as follows: 2 locations in Newcastle (offering a total of 4 clinics each month); 1 location in Orono (offering 1 clinic each month); 3 locations in - Bowmanville (offering weekly and monthly clinics); 1 location in Courtice (offering 2 clinics each month) and 1 location at Wilmot Creek (offering 3 clinics a month). The COPE Mental Health Program of Community Care Durham is a unique community-based mental health program that uses trained volunteers and staff with the goal of supporting adults with mental health concerns to live and participate in their community, while maintaining an optimum quality of life. The COPE Mental Health Program includes the following components: Individual support and non intensive case management services for menial health clients living in the community in the form of one-to-one support provided by trained volunteers and supervised by our Program Managers; Suppo i and coping skills groups for mental health clients living in the commuirity, co-facilitated by trained volunteers and Program Managers. P Recruitment, comprehensive mandatory training (in individual and group support skills), ongoing support and supervision of volunteers to provide one-to-one support and co-facilitate group programs for mental health clients living in the community and their families. Community development activities that include education to the community on mental health issues; a Referral and mental I iea{th/social Service information to the community. Tie ,0syulboyeriaeric Corn ounity Suopord Pro"m LPCSEI is a collaborative program offered by CCD's COPE Menial Health Program and Ontario Shores for Mental Health Sciences, with support from CMHA Durham. This program offers screening, assessment and clinical consultation plus referral and supportive services for high risk older adults E5 years .r- with mental health concerns and living in the community. There are two components: (1) Outreach assessments conducted by a nurse clinician in consultation with a geriatric psychiatrist; (2) Supportive Service Assessments, referral and follow up conducted by COPE staff; supportive Services including: Individual short term Supportive counseling; psycho-educational and social recreational support groups; and one-to-one Support provided by stas!!and/{oar trained vnliinteerS. / J n'`^v 5��"EREA�t 6��t I �L) Prog ram, is a collaboration ii between 4omil unity hospitals-, the CE C IAC ant! Col i nniuiilty Care Dur hang i, which i assists clients with I fl ieir sett{e(1 IeI it home upon discharge from the hospital and provides short term personal Support to assist with this transition (i.e., transportation home, safety check of the home environment, linkage to community resources, grocery shopping, meal preparation etc.). It also ensures appropriate referral and linkage to Community Care Durham services. Access to Primnary Care Service (AP= enables high risk seniors access to their primary care appointments by utilizing the successful service delivery structure of the existing Home at Last program (above). This service delivery model will involve APCS Personal.Support Workers to accompany senior clients to critical primary care appointments, provide support, and settle the client home safely following their appointment. This ensures that clients have timely access to primary care support in a delivery method that is cost-effective and client focused. t Community Care Durham-Clarington 2014 Municipal Grant Application Page 2 17% The Respite Program (Caregiver Refie%Service,) provide a temporary break for caregivers from the stress and ongoing responsibility associated with caring for a loved one with needs related to aging and/or a disability. Two services are offered, In-Home Respite and the Adult Day Programs. There is a fee for Respite services. in-Home Respite: Care is delivered by qualified registered Personal Support Workers who maintain a safe environment and are trained to provide personal care, assistance with routine living activities, social interaction, meal preparation, client centered homemaking and more. Adult Day Program: Offers a safe and comfortable setting for clients to enjoy a wide array of social and recreational programs. Qualified staff and volunteers provide the programs and assist with routine living activities. The program operates Monday to Friday and clients from all areas in Clarington may utilize CCDIs accessible van for transportation to and from the program. Assisted Living Services (ALS) provides support for frail, elderly seniors and includes personal support, homemaking, security check and reassurance services. This is provided in their home on a scheduled and unscheduled basis, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This is a collaboration with the Central East Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) and community partners. Community Care Durham ALS locations exist in Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax and in January 2014 will include Wilmot Creek. In addition to current Community Care Durham services already provided for over 400 residents in the Wilmot Creek community, approval was received in October 2013 for an opportunity to locate more enhanced services close to home for the clients we serve in Wilmot Creek. Assisted Living Services delivered by trained Personal Support Workers will be available on a 24 hour basis with an on-site home at Wilmot Creek early in 2014. As part of Clarington, Wilmot Creek is envisioned to become the first site of excellence in integrated, seamless care, with one point of contact to open the door to whatever health service is required. This service will hold hands with existing Community Care Durham's presence in the community in providing care for tI rose residents with complex and long-term needs that place them at risk of avoidable hospital admissions or premature institutionalization. The Collaborative Health Intake Project(CU.P) is a collaboration between Community Care Durham (CCD) (and the Central East Community Care Access Centre (CE CCAC). The Supported Referral Coordinators work out of the CCAC office and perform a screening function and assist clients who call with accessing CCD services easily and seamlessly. Now in its 4th year, the service has resulted in significant increases in the number of referrals from CCAC to CCD services. 6. Describe how the programs/services provided by your Organization will benefit as a result of Municipal funding. In Clarington, Home Support services (Meals on Wheels, Transportation, Luncheon Out, Friendly Visiting, Foot Care, Home Help and Maintenance, Telephone Reassurance, Information and Referral) enhance the ability of adults with needs related to aging and/or physical disability, to remain in their own homes and communities-and to function as independently as possible. The cost of providing our various services increases each year, including the need to actively promote our services so that the community is aware of the supports available. Because we rely on approximately 2,000 volunteers to assist in the delivery of Home Support Services aclros'Y. the Region, Volunteer P'.'.--c uit Eeni continues to be a ig challenge,-egg' requiring,r a�yt we r,,vest}' ll i r" l,;�ii Ind th Cit J{%l� it I V 4J1, -each into vt e. t"! 'her r'� v at C �/ 1 .1- ' Yip `f new lilore -ac�h Yea into ad rti ing and ivt{i ,('[-. £in t0 < t act i1e�i. vCll:ni� rS. ,1 urLitme. �I volunteers then requires appropriate screening; interviewing, orientation and ongoing training to ensure i!tCl Jl_ir:%G!u!!seer 4 arcr vj cr!Y G-•r'F'�'! ed. ei! addition, 'tiac also {!cam iv adapt t to Vary it expectations from new VoEunteais. This requires the need to look at more flexibility, training and support so that vre ried t the needs or our volunteers and llUS retain them. The Clarington area has, and continues to experience significant population growth, particularly seniors. Statistics Canada reports an increase of 8.6% in overall population for the Clarington area as compared to the 2006 census data. However, those aged 55 and over in Clarington increased another 25%from the last census (with an additional 27% increase in this age group when comparing the 2006 i and 2001 census). Those over 75 increased 20% over that same period (with an additional 30% increase in this age group when comparing the 2006 to 2001 census). With future anticipated growth, along with the recognition that people are best supported within their own communities and in their own Community Care Durham-Clarington 2014 Municipal Grant.Application Page 3 homes, the demand for our services will continue to increase. 17 8 The Transportation service continues to be a necessary and important support to Clarington residents, ensuring that they can access medical appointments, attend our Adult Day Program, and go shopping for groceries or other necessary items. The Transportation service provided 15,972 units of service in 2012-2013. This includes ensuring that clients access the Day Program in Clarington, utilizing both our minivan and accessible van, as well as assisting clients with medical trips, grocery trips, attending Luncheon Out events and other trips for other necessities. The Meals on Wheels service continues to be in high demand. Since 2005, the average total number of meals delivered each year in the Clarington area has been around 15,000. Our meal delivery in 2011-2012 increased significantly to 18,000 meals. In 2012-2013 the demand continued to grow and we delivered 19,678 meals to clients in the Clarington area. 2013-2014 has continued to show this increase in demand, with referrals coming from the Central East Community Care Access Centre, health care professionals, family members and self-referrals. This includes delivery to clients who rely on the meal service all year, and clients who might use our service for a limited time when first discharged from hospital or when recovering from a fall or lengthy illness. The coordination and management of these services places ongoing demands on staff time to both ensure service delivery and recruit and support the volunteers required. Our hot meal provider continues to be the local hospital (Lakeridge Health Bowmanville). We continue to face the challenge of needing to find an alternative hot meal provider, as identified in past submissions. This would require both a provider who can manage the volume of meals required for the Clarington area as well as access to a proper staging area, to allow for the storage and heating of meals. Additional staff hours would also be needed to manage the staging area. With the potential of another increase in the cost of our meals, or the loss of the hospital as our meal provider, finding an alternative solution is an imminent concern. CCD continues to explore its various options regarding the provision of hot meals in Clarington. Our frozen meal service continues to be very popular, providing clients with additional choices and options to assist them during holidays when our hot meal service is not available. Frozen meal costs increase each year and this places additional demand on our financial resources. In addition, the increase in food safety issues has meant additional staff time to ensure that clients are kept safe and aware of what is happening. The Luncheon Out service is also extremely popular. Approximately 44 Luncheon Out events happen each year in Clarington. This service incurs costs for the meal provided, but also for entertainment and transportation for our clients so that they are able to attend. With some Luncheon Out sites our meals costs now exceed what we charge for the event, as we have tried to minirnize increases in costs for our clients. Approximately 300 clients benefit from our Luncheon Out each nnonih with an additional 50 people waiting for a spot to open up as we are at capacity at most of our locations. Foot care services also continue to be in high demand for the Clarington area, with more than 14 clinics being offered in diffQrent locations in Clarington. Out-foot care nurses provide an invaluable service for clients who need this assistance due to mobility issues, illness or because they have diabetes and require special care and attention_ The cost of nursing, foot care supplies (sterilization materials, foot care instruments etc.) increase each year, We gratefully receive funding g s pp O`t iroi 'the 1 v i:tt^d Way each year Our funding hCJ ever was aS reduced by 9`/o several years ago, and has continued to remain at that level. Our funding support from the United Way is dependant on the success of their campaign.�paign. i I ie continued support from the Municipality would be of great assistance to us and would allow us to continue providing our services in light of revenue shortfalls and increases in operating costs. The CGD�F.Mental Health Program in Clarington is a community program that offers support to adults 16 years and older with emotional and/or mental health concerns living in the community. Clarington COPE supports clients through one-to-one matches and offers 8 local psycho-educational support groups, with 3 additional groups planned to commence this fall. In 2012/13, COPE Clarington provided 199 staff and volunteer led support group sessions. COPE is an active partner in Making Connections Community Care Durham-Clarington 2014 municipal Grant Application Page 4 17 9. Clarington, which offers social recreation support for isolated persons with mental health concerns, and operates 2 days per week out of Bowmanville. The COPE Mental Health Program is unique in Durham Region particularly with respect to the significant role volunteers have in service delivery. Additionally, COPE supports high risk older adults with mental health concerns to remain at home with support through the Psychogeriatric Community Support Program described above. The COPE Program has the ability to respond to local community needs. We are able to provide group programs, for example, based on needs identified by our clients and community stakeholders which are unique to the local community we serve. We are able to engage clients in a non-institutional, friendly and safe environment that is mutually agreed upon by the client, staff and volunteer. Recruitment of volunteers, their training, monitoring and supervision is ongoing. Volunteers receive at minimum a mandatory 8 week (24 hours) Fundamentals of Mental Health training program with an optional advanced training in group facilitation for an additional 6 weeks (18 hours). Training focuses on the development of active listening skills, group dynamics, respecting boundaries, and the importance of client confidentiality; training is offered several times per year. Volunteerism enhances and enriches Clarington as a caring community. Educational opportunities such as COPE's Distinguished Speaker Series are also offered, as is community awareness events. Programs are determined by local need and organized by the local Program Manager with the support of volunteers. COPE is accessible with satellite locations throughout Durham Region and referral criteria that is inclusive and is non-diagnostic. In 2012/13, COPE Clarington provided clients with 2,633 hours of direct service. Although more titan half of referrals are generated by self-referrals or from family and friends, COPE is well established within Durham's health care services with one-third of referrals from health care service providers such as acute care hospitals, family physicians, and psychiatrists. MOHLTC guidelines prevent community mental health programs from charging fees for services for which the Ministry provides funding. A significant gap remains between MOHL i C funding for COPE and the actual cost of the program. With the existing gap plus increased operating costs that are not adequately supported by MOHLTC, additional funding sources have become increasingly important to 1, sustain COPE program services. The tea-Home Respite Program in Clarington is parr of a region wide service providing caregiver relief to informal/family caregivers caring for frail elderly, adults with dementia or physical limitations. Service is provided in clients' homes by Personal Support Workers for a minimum of three hours providing personal care, homemaking and a safe environment to the receiver of care. At the same time, this service provides caregiver relief lowering the risk of illness and caregiver burnout. The Aduia May r-F-0grairn in Clarington is housed under the same roof as the Home Support and COPE Mental Health programs. Community Care Durham offers an integrated program in Clarington geared to our target population. Community Care has offered an Adult Day Program in the municipality of Clarington since 1998. The Day Program clients participate in social and recreational group activities while receiving assistance with daily living activities in a safe and comfortable home like setting. This program assists in maintaining the participants' maximum level. of independence to prevent premature or inappropriate ii iStitutionaiizatron and at the same le tit i e provides caregiver relief to the ii if or i tai/tardily The demand for Community Care's In-Home Respite and Adult Day Program services is increasing as adult children, spouses, and other informal caregivers take on the responsibility of caring for a loved one full time. Care needs in the community continue to increase as people are being supposed to age at home�with the help of community based services. Many of our caregivers also work outside the home, in addition to caring for young children. These informal/family caregivers are essential to the health care continuum and need to be guaranteed of affordable respite options to continue in their caregiving role. The In-Home Respite and the .^adult Day Program services are partially funded through the Central Easti Local Health Integration fretwork and the remainder of the cost is made up by a nominal user fee. Many clients use both services. The Clarington Municipal Grant assists us in offering a further subsidy when the service cost is a barrier to service. Community Care Durham-Clarington 20114 Municipal Grant Application Page 5 Ho Please node: As noted in last year's submission, the budget now reflects all of our Clarington programs, including the Adult Day Program. Previous submissions had excluded the Adult Day Program costs. Category: (Circle One) Recreational Social Civic Hall Board/Community Centre 8. Amount Requested * $28,953 9, Have you made a previous request for a Municipal Grant to the Municipality of Clarington. YES NO If YES, please complete the following: YEAR REQUESTED AMOUNT REQUESTED AMOUNT RECEIVED 2013-2014 $28,110 $28,110 2012-2013 $27,157 $27,157 2011-2012 $26,265 $26,265 2010-2011 $26,265 $26,265 10. Has your Organization requested 6YE'S g in the last 12 months from any other Municipal, Provincial or Federal Department or Agency? NO If YES, please complete the following: AGENCY YEAR REQUESTED RECEIVED CE LHIN I 2013-2014 $622,949 $622,949 11. Total program or association membership in your organization, as of March 31,2013 Home Support®-Clarington area COPE—Clarington area Total Clients Served in 2,461 Total Registered Clients Served 122 all HS services Discrete Clients Served 1,965 Total Non-Registered clients 1 872 Servedyy Registered Volunteers 44 5 P CO !otal Sei"vire`J01!nCeerS 29 F Ire-Horne Respite -C-laringt€�n I E Adult �Ea�° Progr�r€a Clarington Clients Served 26 Clients Served 72 Registered Volunteers 15 x In-Home Respite service is a staffed program and does not utilize volunteers. ** Non-registered clients are those individuals attending the Making Connections Clarington Drop-In Program Community Care Durham-Clarington 2014 Municipal Grant Application page 6 12. Declaration of Organizations Executive: We certify that, to the best of our knowledge, the information provided herein is accurate and complete and is endorsed by the Organization,which we represent. l Name Title Date Signature Brent Farr Executive Director Nov 14th, 2013 �--- Annamaria Maccarone Director, Home Support Nov 14th, 2013 a e This Application must be signed by two (2) Members of the Executive. 13, Budget Information: Please complete, in detail, the attached form. Also include a copy of the most recent statement of revenue and expenditures for the most recent fiscal year. 14. Please return application form to: Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance Municipality of Clarinciton 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1 C 3A6 Telephone: (905) 623-3379 ext. 2602 Fax: (905) 623-4169 Email: ntaylorO_clarington.net i Community Care Durham-Clarington 2014 Municipal Grant Application Page 3 182 [L�Aarington (Combined Home Support [HS], Day C E) Budgets Please note:The decrease in salaries is due to restructuring of management and is not a reduction in services provided. The decrease in Program costs from 2012/13 to 2013114 was achieved because or a change in meal provider for the Adult Day Program (Service levels were not affected). 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 Final Revised Revenues Budget Budget Budget Grants-Federal/ Provincial 668,858 622,949 633,975 Municipal Grant 27,395 28,110 28,953 Memberships 0 Registrations 0 Fundraising 10,453 8,872 7,000 Other: Donations- 57,962 39,335 36,000 Other: United Way, Summer Student Grant 21,008 21,818 21,818 Other: ilierit Fees 8, Reint b. Subsidies 303,628 313,225 288,750 Last Year Surplus/Deficit { [� Total RBVeb�dle 1,009,304 1,v.54,;E19 1,016,446 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 Final Revised Expenditures Budget Budget Budget Salaries 604,680 584,416 560,100 Benefits 104,542 96,815 95,217 Facility Rental 95,182 95,619 95,404 Office Supplies 15,304 14,672 16,160 Telephone 12,810 13,826 13,500 Advertising (& Vol. Recruitment« Recognition) 14,591 10,278 12,375 Maintenance a Van Expenses & Ins. 33,443 30,087 31,800 Other: Stan i raining, Reimbursed Subsidies 13,1117 9,869, 12,OD0 Other: Program Costs 195,635 178,726 179,940 Total Expenditures 1,039,304 1,034,309 1,016,496 Surplus (Deficit) 0 0 0 !GTE: ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE THIS SECTION IN ORDER TO HAVE APPLICATION CONSIDERED FOR FUNDING. PLEASE SUMMARIZE YOUR BUDGET INFORMATION USING CATEGORIES LISTED ABOVE. Co i munity Care Durhaaiii-Clar ington 2014 Municipal Grant Application Page& 183. COMMUNITY CARE DURHAM REPORT ON CLARINGTON HOME SUPPORT SERVICES Period:April 1, 2012 to march 31, 2013 # of clients served (discrete): 1,572 # of volunteers on file: 440 Service 3erifi e Numbers individuals Served Meals On Wheels 19,678 meals 256 (Hot & Frozen) Transportation 15,972 one way trips 645 2,370 meals (including Luncheon Out entertainment in a social 507 setting) ,Visiting Services (Friendly Visiting& Telephone 10,977 visits 216 Reassurance) Service Arrangements (Home 9,200 hours 330 Help &Home Maintenance) Foot Care 2,858 appointments 507 Community Care Durham-Ciarington 2014 Municipal Grant Application f age 9 84 COMMUNITY CARE DURHAM � i+�`ff AN CIAL S g AA EIV NTS RC-93152013 I ti H. Howard Smith., FCA 185 Richard A. Chappell, BA, CA U'happell Deborah L• Marsh, Math, CA Vesa K. Vilander, BA, CA �rsh 11ander LLP Chartered Accountants INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REP6RT To the MP-mbers of Community.Care Durhar We have audited the accompanying statement of financial position of Community Care Durham as at March 31, 2013 and the statements of operations, changes in net assets and cash flows for the year then ended, and a summary of. significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. -Irian age-wen t's ReS�C1ti3X�tfJ�Cdty foF[i�eBGV2fEniiltE Sdaiemlciti5 Management is responsible for the preparation— a-Rd fair presentation of these statements in accordance with &a�adipn AccoAUnbng Standards for Plot-for-Frofat Orgy-aiza io ns, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparano of financial statcaicnis that are free from mateeeal w6QUe ee�tb€n`e,e�r�zetuea di e ei trcezd or p a:iii. Auditor's Respon ibilio Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We eao—n.ad-e-n- -d -- audit in accordance with Canadian genral y accepted auditing standards.. Those e nn s.tandards require that we comply with ethical requirements and playa and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assuronee about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves• perform ng procedures .to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgement, including the assessment of the risk of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether dare to fraud or error. In making `those risk assessments, the audAtoA considers Anternat control relejant to the entity's preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to desir audit procedures that are appropriate in the carcumstan�es; but nog for tie purpose og nn ry dj -� FF' to r ^iF o-- ° c'ri=E=fi - _ E .6s i=E_ 5^tA'a=n�• �iaH RUR On @fie 4'✓-S le e _._ _•._._!! ✓ - --- - G4--- -- E'-`'t'' E g a- E es." of v -E„mati g o P ESE and EF 6<_ so iblenes @ a €Asa:cE BF ���.�����a ��€ appro �'� �,�..� � � c;� e fir, �= ��-€'.� u�� �- � �.-� =�w=u�-a_ €--��� of estimates atcu d ?- atlagt?t Brit, es well as evaluating the over all presen at=on of a-he I3n-ancial We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our € ualfed audit opinion, 21 Gladstone Avenue, Suite 306, Oshawa, Ontario LJJ 4E3 Tel. 905-720-0265 Toll free 1-377-326-3422 Fax 905-720-0301 i✓ ite:1tiAv,scP1v.ca pail:ACrQLriiPP a s ! cYJ 186 ,basis for Qua led Opinion In common with many charitable organizations, the organization derives revenue from donations and fundraising, the completeness of which is not susceptible of satisfactory -audit verification. Accordingly, our verification of these revenues was limited to accounting for the amounts recorded in the records of the orgauization and we were not able to determine whether any adjustments might be necessary to revenue, excess of revenue over expenses, assets and net assets. Quailed OpInIon In our opi jon; except for the effect of the matter described in the Basis for Quafified. Opinion paragraph; the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the' Ifinoncial Vosition of Community- Care Durham as at March 31, 2013, and the results of its operations. changes -in net assets and cash flows for th'e year then ended in accordance with Canadian Accounting Standards for Not-for-.profit orgam—i-alions. Without modifying our opinion, we draw attention to Note 3 to the financial stateffle�lts which lose-rihes that Conuormuity Care Durham adopted Canadian Accounting Standards for Not-for- Profit Orga3aizations on April 1, 2012 with a transition date of April 1, 2011. These standards were R0,0fi ed retrospectively by management to the comparative information in these floancial statements, including the-statements of financial position as at March 31, 2012 and April 1, 2011, and the statements of operations, changes in net assets and cash slows for the year ended March 31, 2012 and related disclosures, Chartered Accountants,Licensed Public Accountants May 27, 2013 Oshawa, Ontario 187 COMM MTY CARE DUNU AM (INCORPORATED WITHOUT 811,4RE CAPITAL UNDER TM LAWS OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO) STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL,POST-1!ON AS AT MARCH 31, 2013 2012 Association Operationg! ASSETS TS Current Caub 315,683 7800,962 00 1,114,645 $ 1,099,467 Accounts receivable - 379,294 373,294 360,797 Prepaid expenses - X7,065 27,065 45,114 315,683 1,195,321 1,511,004 1,505,378 Investments(Note2) 544,526 56,370 600,896 462,557 Capital.-net book'VAYAe(mote 2 and 4) 479 540 1.9,695 6 5,235 598,557 1,339,749 $ 1,441,30-6 $ 2,7©1,135 $ 2,5663492 LIABILITIES Current Accounts payable 761,39€7 $ '76A,39'7. $ 551,96}}7 Due to Cemtr al Fact i,iN N , 406,125 4061.25 20-5,8006 Deferred reVenue(Note 2) - 27,199 27,799 25,972 - 1,195,321 1,195,321 863,745 . Deferred Contributions Related to Capital Assets(Note 5) _ 189,695 189,695 105,597 NET ASSETS Invested in Capital Assets(Note 6) 479,540 - : 479,540 4-92,960 Intern aH1y Res:rieted Fu (Note 7) 544,526 544,526 406,187 Restricted Trust Funds(Note 8) - 56,370 56,370 56,370 Urst=lcted suds 315,683 0- 83 641,633 v ✓r 0 x,���sE F9 J5 -7__155- T y v A • � �-,�J�,I��9 � B.,'s�i,.iUt`t :7' /�,I s-y3.-., � ,SvC F g i Appro ved Director f Director .'COMMUNITY CARE' DUR,I.-DIUVI 85TATIEM1E -N.T OF OF EIEUT1O3NS I (DR THE YE AR EdI_M l•i_i Uj_.w._�. _Cn_H®3.1as.s_o._cd afi®n -Operational 2013 2012 Central East LHIN Community Siipport Services S 6,929,742 S 6,929,742 $ 5,704,703 Central East LHXN Paynaaster/Flowthrough Funding - (1,2371,159) (E,23,1,7159) (1,052,707) Central East LHIN Community Mental Health 406,697 4406,697 425,597 Ministry of Health, Personal Suppo7-t Worker Training 16,454 16,454 16,900 United Way - 203,799 203,799 203,836 Local municipal grants 27,395 27,395 33,488 Trillium grants - 19,644 Fundraising and other income 21,654 915,238 1.16,892 117,851 Donations -• 219,937 219,937 383,958 Meals on wheels -• 521,619 521,689 528,325 Respite program fees 622,408 622,408 .623,410 Reimbursed subsidies 164,682 164,652 125,582 Other program fees 63,646 212,445 276}4151 280,336 Interest - 140,925 141,925 9,354 Amortization of deferred contributions (Note 5) 72,9411 - 72,940 59,763 Summer employment giants _ 39,997, ;9,992 40,082 1582:®0 1,24k 244 8,398,444 7,520,122 Expenditures Salaries and benefits 50,265 6,2+03,7190 6,253,455 4,992,228 Staff training 3404 18,1400 18,404 32,889 '1olunteer training,recruitment and.recognition 41,131 411,7131 37,554 Travel 40 314,337 314,377 294,433 Occupancy 489,271 489,271 465,665 Office 1,?615 270,802 272,117 295,754 Purchased services - 104,119 _1041,119 84,240 Contracted by client - 91,338 911,338 99,285 Food costs - 578,167 578,167 591,226 Service supplies and expenses 174,364 171,364 166,790 Other operating costs 14,7271 68,818 33,539 65,437 Publicity and promotion 264 38,029 38,293 42,871 Amortization 91,291 - . 91,291 94,487 Equipment, minor capital and maintenance(Note 2) 49,609 49,609 118,924 71584D4D 8,441,275 8,599.,475 7:381,783 Excess (Deficiency) of Rlevenbie Gh7e;r EHpendituures $t�m�o � � 2(➢1 031) $ 2 ) $_138=,339 c�� COMMITS ITY CARE DURHAM STATEMENT OF CAGES IN NET ASSE'T'S FOR THE YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 201, 2012 Invested in Capital Assets Opening balance 492,960 $ 452,985 Tr arisiers to/from operations Amortization (91,291) (94,487) Capital asset acquisitions 161,969 151,097 Funding provided by deferred contributions,net(Note 5) __(L4,098) ((16,635) 13 420) 39,975 Closing balance 479,540 $ 492,960 Restricted Funds Internally Restricted Funds Opening balance $ 406,1110-7 $ 248,622 Transfer to/fxom Unrestricted Funds 138.339 157,565 Opening and closing balance 544,526 $ 406,187 estricted 'TFList Funds " Opening and closing balance 56<370 $ 56,370 Unrestricted Funds Opening balance $ 641,633 $ 700,834 Excess(Deficiency)of Revenue over Expenditures (2011031? 138,339 440,602 039,173 Transfers to/from Restricted Funds (138,339) (157,565) Transfers to/from hvested in Capital Assets-net 13,420 (39,215) Closing balance 31 <6 3 6 X1,632<6�3 190 COMMUNITY CARP,I URHAM STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2013 20X2 Operating Activities Excess(deficiency)of revenue over expenditures $ (201,031) $ 138,339 Charges (credits)to income not involving cash Amortization 93,293 94,487 Provided fom working capital (Note 9) 415,220' 1,670 305,486 234,496 Investing Activities Additions to capital assets (1637969) (151,097) Purchase of investrpents 138,339 (57,56S) 3QQ 3W (208.662) fac ease 3ra Cash 5,378 25,834 Cash,beginning of year 1,099,467 -1 073,633 $ 7 Cash,end of year, $ 1S1Q�<645 1.099.46 191 CONM"ITY CARE DUMI .M DOTES TO FIN CLAI STATEMENTS M( RCIR 31y 2013 I. Status and Nature of Activities Community Care Durham is a registered charity whose mission is to provide community based home support and respite soi vices to adults with needs related to aging, physical and/or mental health.. The organization was incorporated without share capital on Fcbruary 24, 1983. 2. Sign-lac-a7#Acco-u nteng Policies The financial statements were prepared in accordance with Canadian Accounting Standards for Not-for-Profit Organizations and include the following significant accounting policies: Revenue Recognition . Community Care Durham follows the deferral method of accounting for contributions. Restricted contributions are recognized as revenue in the year in which the related expenses are incurred, Unrestricted contributions are recognized as revenue when received or receivable if the amount to be received can be reasonably estimated and collection is reasonably assured. Rexvenue from fundors is _recognized in accordance with %he contracts. Funding now received from the Central East Local Health Integration Network(LITNII was previously received from the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care. Fees for services are recognized when the service is provided. Fundraisingrevenue,is recorded when the event is held. Deferred Revenge Certain revenues are received during the year for events to be held or programs to be completed a t fe next cTfiscal year. `These revenues are deferred to the next year's operations, ArA r e-traents T r I stments Consist of a Guaranteed Investment Certificate with an interest rate of 1.2% and maturing April 24, 2013. All interest has been accrued to the year end. These investments represent the majority of the externally and internally restricted funds, Capi$a1_Assets The policy of the organization is to capitalize purchases of major capital assets at their cost and to amortize that cost by charges to operations over the useful lifetimes of the assets as described below. Minor capital assets are expensed in accordance with board policy. Fully amortized assets that are no longer in use are removed from the asset class, Aluorfizapion .�Tnortization is recorded on tie straight-line basis over the following periods, Computer'equipment J years Office equip'en._and l_. selrold i7aprovelxet_ts 5 years Furniture and fixtures years Vehicles years Amortization is recorded on a S%declining balance for the building: Donated Services The organization does not record the value of donated services iii revenues or expenses. Total volunteer service hours during the year were approximately 140,000 which translates to a value of$2,300,000 rising an hourly rate of$17 (an accepted guideline by Trillium), The value of these hours has been calculated by management anal are not audited nor reflected in the financial statements. COMMUNITY CARE IDURU" NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS MARCH 31,2013 I Significant Accounting Policies (continued) Use of Estimates The preparation of financial statements in accordance with Canadian Accounting Standards for Not- for-Profit Organizations requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amount of assets and liabilities and the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the .financial statements and the reported amounts of revenue and expenditures during the reporting period. Actual results may differ from those estimates. Financial Tristrumeots Measurernent of financial instruments The organization initially reasures its financial assets at fair value. The organization subsequently measures all its financial assets and financial liabilities at amortized cost, except for investments in equity insti-ments that are quoted in an active market,which are measured at fair value. Changes in fair value are recognized in net income. Financial assets measured at amortized cost include cash, accounts receivable and invest?nents. Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost include accounts payable. The organization has no financial assets measured at fair value. Impairment Financial assetsmCaSuyed at cost are tested for impairment when there are indicators of impairment. he amount of the write-down is recognized in net income. The previously recognized impairment loss may be reversed to the extent of the improvement, directly or by adjusting the allowance account, provided it is no greater than the amount that would have been reported at the date of the reversal had the i_rnpairnnent not been recognized_previously. The amount of the reversal is recognized in net income. Transaction costs The organization recognizes its transaction. costs in net income in the period incurred. However, financial instruments that will not be subsequently measured at fair value are adjusted by the transaction costs that are directly attributable to their origination,issuance or assumption. 193 COMMUNITY CARE DU AM NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS MARCH 31, 2013 3. Impact of the Change in the Basis of Accounting The organization has elected to apply the Canadian Accounting Standards for Not-for-Profit Organizations of Part III of the CICA Accounting Handbook. These financial statements are the first financial statements for which the organization has applied Canadian .Accounting Standards for Not-for-Profit Organizations. The financial_ statements for the year ended March 31, 2013 were prepared in accordance with Canadian Accounting Standards for Not-for-Profit Organizations and provisions set out in First-Time Adoption, Section 1501,for first-time adopters in this basis of accounting. There ivas no impact or changes to the statements of financial position,operations,changes in net assets or cash flows as a result of adopting these standards at the date of transition, April 1, 2011 to financial statements previously issued by the organization for the period ending March 31, 2012 or the statement of financial position as at April 1,2011. 4. Capiial Assets Acr_�mplatedt Net Book;Value Cost Amortization 2013 2012 Land 250,000 $ - $ 250,000 $ 250,000 P ilding 3319,260 45,849 293,411 212,923 Vehicles 475,784 413,760 62,016 105,751 Furnishings and equipment 42,964 36,517 6,347 12,104 Leasehold improvements 319,460 261,999 57,461 17.779 $__1,427,468 758;:233 $--R 9 $ 598.557 v. Defer red CoL%tribuiions Related to Cm)ftaJ.Asssets Contributions have been received for the purpose of acquiring certain capital assets. These funds are being recognized as revenue in amounts equal to the amortization of the acquired asset. The amounts recognized in the current year are included in the operating statement as Amortization of deferred contributions. 2013 2012 opemirig F ajanL- _ ,,a 10 55, -1 ', 00 90 Add: Contributions received during the year 157,038 74,398 -262,635 165,350 ess:Amount am ortized to revenue (72,9401 59 763 P )1.09,69-5 $-- 105,597 6. Invested in.Capital Assets This fund represents the not book value of capital assets (cost less accumulated amortization) less deferred contributions related to capital assets. i COMMUNITY CARE D1IFJWVI NOTES TO FINANCIAL STA T'ENIENTS NLARCH 319 2013 7. Internally Restricted Funds The organization has established internally restricted funds. The purpose of these funds is to temporarily restrict monies fundraised and donated in excess of local projections to benefit designated local areas. Ultimately,the funds may be used to benefit all clients of the organization. S. Restricted Trust Funds The funds are held under trust arrangements with Community Care Durham. Under terms of the trusts, the organization may use the interest income derived from the monies invested for operating activities. % Cash Provided From(Used For) Working Capital Cash otherwise available from operating activities is influenced by increases or decreases in the following items: 2013 2.012 Accounts receivable (J-81497) $ (66,232). Prepaid expenses 10,049 22,8010 Accounts payable 209,430 (41,562) i Due to Central East LHHi T I100,7 73 100,959 Deferred revenue 807,471 14 335) 0 10-Pension Flan The organization maintains a defined contribution pension plan that covers all full-time employees and some part-time employees. The plan provides pensions based on the accumulated value of both the organization's and the employees'contributions, The organization coriirioutes lour percent cf employees'gross earnings while the employees'contribution is optional_. The organization's contributions are vested after two years of employment. 11, Commitment The organization is committed to annual amounts under lease agreements with respect to several premises, Each location is under a separate lease. These leases expire at various times with varying terms for renewal. Fu-tyre miniinum lease pay cats will total $1,356,443 Pius a Iicable taXes and common area costs and include 1 ,.rr11 t _ _1J y-ig Yam °i• s over the neat years: 2014 4' 272,72" - 2015 $ 155,403 2016 $ 175;745 2017 $ 175,745 2015 $ 175,745 35 NOTES TO FINANCIAL ST.A.'>[EWNTS r MACH 315 203 12. Financial Instruments Risks and concentrations The organization is exposed to various risk tl?i'ough its financial instruments. The following analysis provides a ineasure of the organization's risk exposure and concentration's risk exposure and concentrations at March 31, 2011 Liquidity risk- Liquidity risk is defined as the risk that the organization may not be able to meet or settle its obligations as they become due. The organization has taken steps to ensure that it will have sufficient working capital to meet its obligations, LredlL risk Credit risk arises from the potential that courrteipardes including clients will fail to perfo_m their obligations. The organization is subject to credit risk through its_receivables. Recount monitoring procedures are utilized to rainii-nize risk of loss, interest rate risk kiterest rate risk arises because of the Bhic- cation iit interest rates. Tl?e organization is subbJect to interest rate risk through their invesEmonts. The organization has for i_al policies and procedures that establish target asset Mix. 13. Economic Dependence In common with similar publicly funded agencies, the organization derives the majority of its revenue from the Central East LFM—q. C"u Newcastle Village Community Hall Board 20 King Avenue West Newcastle ON LIB 11-17 905 987 3856 communityhall newcastle.on.ca. January 15, 2014 Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance St Bowmanvilie, ON L1C 3A6 Dear Mr. Mayor and Council: On behalf of Newcastle Village Community Hall Board I would respectfully ask that council consider our request for our 2014 budget in the amount of$1o,000.00. Again 2014 is shaping up to be a very busy year for Newca'stle Village Community Hall. We presently. have 43 weddings booked for year. There are only 3 remaining Saturdays left for the whole year. We are once again fundraising for hall improvements not covered in our operating budget. Hotel California will once again be performing on Saturday March 29 2014. Tickets went on sale today and are again in high demand. If you should have any questions regarding our budget please let us know. Sincerely, Cathy Abraham Newcastle Village Community Hall Board Chair 2014 Income Budget 197 Draft 2010 20111 2012 2013 to date 201311 2014 Contracts Lions 2,808 1,793 1793 1,829 Masons 2891 2920 2920 2978 YMCA 10611 8344 8344 8510 Historical Society 886 913 913 931 Bowling Alley 1527 1573 1573 1604 0 0 Model Trains 1130 1000 1000 1500 Sub Total 20025 25549 23154 16,543 16543 17,352 BIA(Chamber 3004 2548 2548 3000 Auctions 4145 1917 1917 2500 Lions 3260 3669 3669 3700 Weddings 89672 54850 59378 61500 Auditoriu;n 15243 15243 16000 Mtg Rooms 1803 3643 3158 . 2288 2288 2200 NVMHA 2998 2998 3000 Glassware 37 37 50 Sub Total 87956 71591 63460 83550 88078 91950 Totals 109784 100783 86614 100,093 104621 109,302 Grant 13000 -13000 13000 18000 18000 18000 i Total '122,784 113,783 99614 118,093 122621 127,302 LESS Darnage Deposit 14431 11902 13340 10533 13933 14000 HST 4755 91 2779 4418 4500 TOTALS 108,353 97,126 99614 104,781 104270 108,802 GIC 5400 Bank Balance 8500 122,702 Increase Wedding Fee to $750.00 increase Hrly rate to $50.00 for auditorium ? Increase auditorium rental rate by 7% rounding up or down. i 2014 Expenses Budget 1�?g Draft 2010 20111 2012 2013 Budget to date 2013 est 2014 WAGES Custodian 37398 37398 41600 20.00/hr Coordinator 22062 22713 24000 20.00/hr Vacation 43047 44070 2210 675 180015.00/hr WSIB 1273 1271 1371 Benefits 16492 19291 4245 4345 4200 DenUMed 4830 5090 4042 3953 3900 Sub Total 64369 68451 67956 71230 70355 76871 UTLITIES Gas 7147 8683 6661 8500 6684 7500 8500 Hydro 9260 7852 7684 7500 6320 8000 8000 Water 1057 1276 2239 . 2000 1638 2075 2200 Bell/Cell 1291 1859 2179 2184 1023 2186 2200 Sub Total 18755 19670 18763 20184 19761 20900 Snow Removal 735 2204 1639 2500 23391 2339 2500 Carpets 438 1056 1151 750 548 684 750 Closings 5069 5091 8173 7000 5223 7000 7500 Office Supplies 624 1203 1270 1000 569 1050 1000 Hall Supplies 7054 7030 6787 7000 5364 7800 7500 Bank Charges 442 473 375 400 256 332 400 Advertising 1971 2126 2089 2000 1630 1700 2000 Misc 409 796 617 500 56 56 500 . Sub Total 16742 19979 22101 21150 20961 22150 TOTALS 108820 112564 119921 Capital 4755 3400 3000 2692 2692 3000 TOTAL 99866 112855 112220 115564 113769 122921 S. Fogg -3 weeks paid vacation G. Bell - 3 weeks paid vacation 5 year Projection 2014 -2019 Budget Income 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 CONTRACTS Lions Masons YMCA Historical Society Bowling Alley Model Train Assoc SUB TOTAL 17352 17699 18052 18413 18781 AUDITORIUM BIA Auctions Lions Weddings/Dances Chair Rental Kitchen Fee Meeting Rooms SUB TOTAL 73450 74919 76417 77945 79503 TOTAL 90802 92618 94469 96358 98284 BANK BALANCE 8500 5000 5000 5000 5000 GIC 5400 5400 5000 5000 5000 MUNICIPALITY .18000 20000 22000 23000 24000 TOTAL 122702 123018 126469 129358 132284 Weddings Fees increased 2014 to $750.00 Increased Contracts by 2% each year Increased Auditorium Fees 2%yearly Meeting Rooms Increased to$45.00 in 2012 200 5 year Projection Operating Budget 2014 -2019 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 WAGES Custodial 41600 Coodinator 24000 Vacation 1800 Benefits 4200 WS I B 1371 Dental/Medical 3900 SUB TO 1AL 76871 78403 79971 81570 83201 UTILITIES Gas 8500 Hydro 8000 Water 2200 Phone/Cell 2200 SUB TOTAL 20900 21736 22605 23509 24449 MISCELLANEOUS Snow Removal 2500 2500 2500 Carpets 750 1000 1000 Closings 7500 6750 6750 Office Supplies 1000 1200 1200 Hall Repairs/Supplies 7500 8000 8500 Bank Charges 400 650 700 Advertising 2000 2431 2552 Miscellaneous 500 600 600 SUB TOTAL 22150 23131 23802 24278 24763 TOTAL 119921 123270 126378 129357 132413 CAP EAP 3000 5000 5000 5000 5000 20i - ' Friday November 15th, 2014 LA '. Il�� �,� � Mrs. Nancy Taylor Director of Finance OLDEN. Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance St. ADULT Bowmanville, ON -- - _ L1 C 3A6 '' Operated by[lie Dear Nancy; Clarington Older Adult Centre Board Please find enclosed the Clarington Older Adult Centre Board's 2014 Municipal. GrGht request. The COAA would like fo formally request $255,000 to support our or( ani?cTi-)n fir the`2014 Calendar year. As with every year ourBodrd"bf Directors took a great deal,oi 'lime preparing our annual submission so please-If you hdve questions or require clarificarion.w wo`uld.welcome your call. Yours in service,*",,,.*,.,..— Ang oarlison &ecutive Director 26 Beecf i Avenue, Bownanville, ON Ll C 3A2 905.69:7.2856 Fax: 905.6 9 197.073 COC(Cl @i�iellnei.Cu V✓�hN✓•rirrin�inn�irie1z�rf(il S_rG 202 WIT PA APPLICA T ION FOR MUNICIPAL GRANT FILE# r r I SUBMIT ORIGINAL TO: MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON MUNICIPA ITYOFCLARINCTOaN FINANCE DEPARTMENT FINANCE NANCY TAYLOR,DIRECTOR OF FINANCE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOVi1MANVILLE,ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 PLEASE PRINTITYPE SUBMISSION DEADLINE: November 15, 2013 PLEASE COMPLETE ALL ARFA:� 1. Name of Organization/Association: Clarington Older Adult Centre Beard 905-697.2056 NAME TELEPHONE 26 Beech Avenue STREETADDRESS(POST OFFICE BOX Bo`PililanVille Ontario LlC 3A2 TOWN PROVINCE POSTAL CODE 2. Contact Person for this Application: %ng:e Darlison--Enecutive djirectcr HOME : 905-499n'15`12 WORK #: 905-697-.2656 3. Is your Organization Incorporated as non-profit? Formerly a non-profit If yes,When?January 11996 Became a Board of Council in 2005 4. Is your Organization based Within the Municipality of Clarington or the Region of Durham? YES 5. List the programs/services provided by;,our Organization, The Clarington Older Adult Asso(1atiC7!! offers social, physical, educational and inforiiiational programs for t►ie active older adults living within the Muni6ipal y of Clarington. ®ur!,fission is to prorndte the health and happiness of older adults by providing opportunities to enhance their quality of life. . ._ .rr ::�f•i%s„°:, p!i::.9'^:!!V :!?.. wUC r.^°. � i'! EL!:.'�,: Js!!, "s aJt!!ii f ......nE! !eve!s eJ! f�.ap.GL_ !!!.!! �, : ! E! !!rEa�f • J !°_ilpe„e J i ^� ar ring re._.,. <re b^ id ncing ' h d...•.clrE 0"! _ t.ive /. •,t'-en Vk0:_}af chl a!i �00a! i E_E?F.r_� 7; tisFll_ iJ_v!!tl• c_-i._iiCii.E1. EF`s lCi la Cii l !!'?!!! , C€i E' Y.G!lLLIL�= v!.! -_.c FS.6lvY L'�i� buT C:)MS;@° P.:- 7s7VMUH.^ n-ainM"" ldf`_liGP ^rfInilr rifaintinn r1mufinci i!"'!!ElflCli" 'hGifli•�7 L=C[3!f"1PE'i ^JYy u�^�,i50Ch IoCCCinC l]5f'Vll- Vile also viler numerous computer and digitai photography courses and workshops. ill addit to our re-gistered courses, -we offer various Choi.)°iii social siG ivities sE~ii.:ii as dancing, weer ly 1c.iii:;eidLlLi5, t YrdS, �G along with health and wellness workshops and special fundraising events. ac, Fall q� �� tai c;¢en OIA - Ate! !a A C f a v `� �� '��s s-ec, I In the Fa!_ .s0!_ season, the `jar in_t_ �1e1 _ `:9.1!5�ESso iGSio o f tared over 6_ pr�E r ant+ acl;vIeic , events and workshops for the older adults of Clarington. I DN:C.S./H:VR/P51 DA T A/GPANTS/APPLIC 203 6.. Describe how the programs/services provided by your Organization will benefit as a result'of Municipal funding. Municipal funding will help offset the operating costs associated with the Clarington Older Adult Association. These include: The cost of staff required to manage the Beech Centre facility, and organize and run all of the COAA activities; development and implementation of programs and events including satellite programming to match our growing membership within the Municipality of Clarington; hiring qualified instructors; maintenance of the facility including Waste Removal, Snow Clearing and Janitorial Services. By receiving this funding our Association is able to promote active lix,,ving through the provision of excellent top quality programs, and services to the older adults within our Municipality. Participation by our membership is forever increasing ensuring positive results towards achieving our mission. 7. CATEGORY: Recreational/Social 8. Amount Requested $255,000 9. Have you made a previous request for a Municipal Grant to the Municipality of Clarington (formerly the Town of Newcastle)? YES If YES, please complete the following: YEAR REQUESTED AMOUNT REQUESTED AMOUNT RECEIVED 2013 $204,000* $204,000* 2012 $180,225* $1801'225* 20911 $170,500` S-1 7 0,500* go i r, $132 00 0 1132 0010 c�,ee�,vve � ,��� 2009 $125,000 $125,000 *Starting in 2011 the COAA received funding from the Municipality of Clarington to bring the facility utilities bills in house, prior to this date the 100%of the utilities amounts where covered directly through the finance department. '10. Has your Organization requested funding in the last 12 months from any other Municipal, Provincial or Federal Department or Agency? YES IT YES, pleasI complete the following: AGENCY j YEAR j REQUESTED ! RECEIVED � ?a, �rt i EVr�6iiii5t`Iryy elf f�-ieaiE I by 16 .�--'--"rb,.d (Elderly Person Centre Grant Application) MG.SA MP5-i DA T AIGPANTS/APPLIc %.04 11. Total programs or association membership in your organization. Peak Membership of 2224 12. Declaration of Organizations' Executive: We certify that, to the best of our knowledge, the information provided herein is accurate and complete and is endorsed by the Organization, which we represent. E'JAME TITLE DATE SIGNATI,I Steve Coles President.—Board of Directors Nov 15, 2013 Anaie Darlison Executive Director Nov 15,2013 This Appiication must be slo'ned by-two (2) Mernbers of the Executive. 13, Budget Information: Please complete, in detail, the attached form. Also include a copy of the most recent statement of revenue and expenditures for the most recent fiscal year. 14. Please return application form to: Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1 C 3AS DN:C.S.1W:V4P59 DATA/GRANTS/APPLIC 205 BUDGET PROJECTION INFORMATION REVENUE SOURCE 2031 2013====jj 2013 -1 2014 GRANTS- FED/PROV $32,000 $42,000 $42,750 $42,750 MUNICIPAL GRANT $148,544 $153,745 $204,000 $255,000 MEMBERSHIPS $31,500 $34,000 $45,000 $45,000 REGISTRATIONS $136,102 - $152,435 $132,500 $1146,500 FUNDRAISING- $32,000 $33,000 $47,500 $47,500 OTHER (SPECIFY) $64,500 $59,500 $.95,500 $03,650 TOTAL REVENUE 1 $444,646 JF-$474,680 -11 $567,250 $630,400 EXPENDITURES 2011 2012 2013 2014 SALARIES- $219,000 $229,950 $290,000 $3125,000 FULL TIME FACILITY RENTAL $10,300 $10,600 $5,500 $6,500 OFFICE SUPPLIES s10,500 $11,000 $12,000 $,15,000 UTILITIES $5,305 $5,465 $7,500 $110,000 ADVERTISING $'11,50-a $32,000 $2)2,000 A15000 MAINTENANCE $69,500 $72,900 $45,000 $50,000 - 614 or- �)XA d! f%3,o ah 54'4 , Gcj I tj 0, v 2 OTHER (See Attached Notes) TOT AL EXPENSES $44A aAr, $474)680 . ,25 DN:C..S./H:VVP51DATAIGRANTS/APPLIC 206 SUBMIT ORIGINAL TO: J " MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Nov I � 7n 1� FINANCE DEPARTMENT 6� u NANCY4QTEMPERANCEOTREETINANCE VUtVIC tP,�,t,ITyOFeLFit,1tUGT0A BOWMANVILLE,ONTARIO L1C 3A6 FftVnNCE PLEASE PRINTITYPE SUBMISSION DEADLINE: November 15,2013 PLEASE COMPLETE ALL AREAS 1. Name of Organization/Association: fU p r NAME TELEPHONE STREET ADDRESS/POST OFFICE BOX 7 � TOWN PROVINCE POSTAL CODE 2. Gontact Person:for this Application: Home #: J ..' - 13 Z' f NAME/POSITION phi /. I%L µ rZ J -_ } �',J S W911 ft: 3, Is your Organization Incorporated as non-profit? YES NO r � If YES, when? (ddlmmlyy) 4, Is your Organization based within the Municipality of Clarington or the Region of Durham? YES NO 5. List the programs/services provided by your Organization. C:\Users\h101\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Contezzt.0uttook\ORD7R5GP\2014 Grant Application.doc Z 7 6. Describe how the programs/services provided by your Organization will benefit as a result of Municipal funding. 7. Category: (Circle One) Recreational Social Civic Hall Board/Community Centre 8, Amount Requested* 4, a 0 9. Have you made a previous request for a Municipal Grant to the Municipality of Clarington? YES ` NO If YES, please complete the following: i YEAR REQUESTED AMOUNT REQUESTED AMOUNT RECEIVED � ,c✓ I :�4•} f%r f�'; E.1G}��, 'or( rr ,J 3 10. Has your Organization requested funding in the last 12 months from any other Municipal, Provincial or Federal Department or Agency? YES NO E j If YES, please complete the following: AGENCY YEAR REQUESTED RECEIVED j 11. Total program or association membership in your organization, a' .A'ey 'h' C:\Users\11101\AppData\Local\1\4icrosoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outloolc\ORD7R5GP\2014 Grant Application.doe 1`?. Declaration of Organizations' Executive; 108 We certify that, to the best of our knowledge, the information provided herein is accurate and complete and is endorsed by the Organization,which we represent. Name Title Date Signature ��'%'�`�-^' /���/��%r�(,1��/4�f S�'C�. /,0'CFISCN��/' /f�//�G�j.>�//� �-'• ����'�!,..�--�-�1r� f�!v 7-7-Y / /`�% ���� �Z:l�,JJ//L�r`%.� tier'�r� �L G�f J,c�1,'//� _ '.� rZL.1/ ���L';"I�� • \• . This Application must be signed by two (2) Members of the Executive, 13. Budget Information; Please complete, in detail, the attached form. Also include a copy of the most recent statement of revenue and expenditures for the most recent fiscal year, 14. Please return application form to: Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1 C 3A6 Telephone: (905) 623-3379 ext. 2602 Fax: (905) 623-4169 Email: ntaylor@claringtton.net C:\Users\h10I\AppData\Local\1\4icrosoft\Windows\Temporaiy Internet Files\Content.Outlook\ORD7R5GF\2014 Grant Application.doe 209 ORONO CEMETERY BUDGET INFORMATION 2013 REVENUE SOURCE 2012 2013 2014 GRANTS - FED/PRO MUNICIPAL GRANT 10,000 10,000 I 10,000 MEMBERSHIPS REGISTRATIONS FUNDRAISING OTHER (PERPETUAL CARE) INTEREST 6000 6230 6200 LAST YEAR - ------ SURPLUS/DEFICIT TOTAL REVENUE 16,000 16,230 16,200 i EXPENDITURES 2012 j 2013 2014 � SALARIES - 40000 30000 35000 FULL TIME ! SALARIES - 4800 4800 4800 PART TIME FACILITY RENTAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 200 200 200 ADVERTISING 300 I 300 300 MAINTENANCE 0,000 10750 11000 jO T HE R(SPECIF►`) I I !RIDING LAWN MOWER I 1noc,,o IC)T HERS PECIFY) ! 200 200 ! 200 I Sl TOTAL. E ePENSE29 53500 56250 51500 ! SURPLUS (DEFICIT) 2012 2013 2014 210 Clarington Leading the Way THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGT®N 2014 DRAFT CAPITAL BUDGET 2014 Summaries 211 Corporate Services 221 Clerks Department 225 Emergency Services 228 Engineering Department 234 Operations Department 299 Community Services 312 Planning Services 343 Clarington Public Library 345 COP,PORATION OF THE NgW,111CIPAILITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L'iC 3A6 T 905-623-3379 21,1_ i MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY 2014 16 CORP SERVICES 379,000 19 CLERKS 55,000 28 EMERG.SERVICES - FIRE 1,517,800 32 ENG. SERVICES 9,275,745 36 OPERATIONS 2,378,500 42 COM. SERVICES 815,200 50 PLAN. SERVICES 810,000 62 LIBRARIES 1,290,000 TOTAL 16,521,245 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON CAPITAL FUNDING SUMMARY BY SOURCE 2014 EXPENDITURES 16,521,245 EXTERNAL FINANCING (436,000) INTERNAL FINANCING (4,375,886) RESERVES (509,000) RESERVE FUNDS (6,870,008) DEVELOPMENT CHARGES (3,340,351) DEBENTURES (990,000) TOTAL - Municipality of Clarington 2014 Capital Budget Revenue Summary by Type Total Total Corporate Clerks Emergency Engineering Operations Community Planning Library 2013 2014 Services Services-Fire Services Services Services External Financing Other ($339,000) ($198,000) ($198,000) Developer Recovery ($108,000) ($108,000) Grants-Federal ($130,000) ($130,000) ($339,000) ($436,000) $0 $0 $0 ($436,000) $0 $0 $0 $0 Internal Financing Municipal Tax Levy ($3,657,952) ($4,375,886) ($172,100) ($30,000) ($77,800) ($2,002,000) ($962,500) ($280,200) ($747,000) ($104,286) ($3,657,952) ($4,375,886) ($172,100) ($30,000) ($77,800) ($2,002,000 (S962soo) ($zso,zoo) (5747,000) ($104,286) Reserves Municipal Acquisitions ($89,900) ($63,000) ($63,000) Pits&Quarries ($415,000) ($440,000) ($140,000) ($300,000) Election Expense ($6,000) ($6,000) ($504,900) ($509,000) ($6,000) $0 $0 ($140,000) ($300,000) $0 ($63,000) $0 Reserve Funds Parking Lot ($50,000) ($20,000) ($20,000) Rate Stabilization ($188,000) Building Division Reserve Fund ($11,000) ($11,000) Municipal Capital Works Program ($1,084,299) ($118,613) ($102,842) ($7,200) ($8,571) General Municipal Purposes ($45,000) ($350,000) ($350,000) Road Contributions ($350,000) ($350,000) ($350,000) Facilities/Parks Maintenance ($239,000) ($416,500) ($416,500) Engineering Parks Capital ($409,500) ($168,250) ($168,250) C/S Capital ($340,000) ($325,000) ($325,000) Cemeteries Capital ($5,000) ($5,000) Computer Equipment ($215,900) ($189,900) ($189,900) Fire Equipment ($1,148,000) ($1,090,000) ($1,090,000) Operations Equipment ($980,900) ($422,500) ($422,500) Impact/Escrow ($3,050,000) Federal Gas Tax Receipts ($2,464,866) ($2,518,245) ($2,108,245) ($200,000) ($210,000) W Municipality of Clarington 2014 Capital Budget Revenue Summary by Tgfpe Total Total Corporate Clerks Emergency Engineering Operations Community Planning Library 2013 2014 Services Services-Fire Services Services Services Strategic Capital ($770,000) ($770,000) Clerks Fleet ($5,000) ($5,000) Library Capital ($110,000) ($110,000) ($10,565,465) ($6,870,008) ($200,900) ($25,000) ($1,440,000) ($3,499,337) ($1,051,200) ($535,000) $0 ($118,571) Development Charges Public Library ($77,143) ($77,143) ($77,143) Emergency Services ($54,525) Eng.-Park Dev.&Facilities ($861,000) ($520,250) ($520,250) Operations Department ($600,300) ($64,800) ($64,800) Roads&Related ($2,817,972) ($2,678,158) ($2,678,158) ($4,410,940) ($3,340,351) $0 $0 $0 ($3,198,408) ($64,800) $0 $0 ($77,143) DC Debt ($8,000,000) ($990,000) ($990,000) TOTAL FINANCING ($27,478,257) ($16,521,245) ($379,000) ($55,000) ($1,517,800) ($9,275,745) ($2,378,500) ($815,200) ($810,000) ($1,290,000) 2013 TOTAL FINANCING ($27,478,257) ($390,600) ($35,000) ($1,322,845) ($20,887,012) ($3,317,300) ($550,500) ($78,500) ($190,000) 2013 TAX LEVY FINANCING ($3,657,952) ($124,700) ($70,320) ($1,866,646) ($801,500) ($7,500) ($683,000) ($104,286) 2012 Tax Levy Financing $3,555,836 2011 Tax Levy Financing $3,228,626 Note: In 2011,projects ere transferred from the capital budget to 2010 Tax Levy Financing $4,070,448 the current budget to comply with PSAB capital reporting 2009 Tax Levy Financing $3,710,305 requirements. 2008 Tax Levy Financing $3,169,471 2007 Tax Levy Financing $2,854,874 2006 Tax Levy Financing $2,825,874 2005 Tax Levy Financing $2,806,001 2004 Tax Levy Financing $2,788,318 Municipality of Clarington Capital Budget Summary by Department 2014 Department/Project Gross Cost Revenue External Reserves Reserve Development DC Debt Debentures Fund Financing Funds Charges 16 CORP.SERVICES 1621T 16-162-07100 Computer Hardware 187,400 (40,500) (6,000) (140,900) 16-162-07200 Computer Software 163,600 (103,600) (60,000) 16-162-07301 GIS Software 28,000 (28,000) Total 1621T 379,000 (172,100) (6,000) (200,900) Total 16 CORP.SERVICES 379,000 (172,100) (6,000) (200,900) 19 CLERK'S 191 MUN.LAW ENF, 19-191-14001 Municipal Law replacement vehicle 35,000 (30,000) (5,000) Total 191 MUN.LAW ENF. 35,000 (30,000) (5,000) 192 PARKING ENF. 19-192-14002 Central Meter Replacement Division&Church Lots 20,000 (20,000) Total 192 PARKING ENF. 20,000 (20,000) Total 19 CLERK'S 55,000 (30,000) (25,000) 28 EMERG.SERVICES-FIRE 281 FIRE SUP. 28-281-10017 Bunker Gear 77,800 (77,800) 28-281-13020 NEXTGEN Communications Radio Platform 700,000 (700,000) 28-281-14006 SCBA Bottle Replacement/Upgrade 100,000 (100,000) Total 281 FIRE SUP. 877,800 (77,800) (800,000) 388 FLEET 28-388-14001 Car 12 40,000 (40,000) 28-388-14003 Pumper 10 600,000 (600,000) Total 388 FLEET 640,000 (640,000) Total 28 EMERG.SERVICES-FIRE 1,517,800 (77,800) (1,440,000) 32 ENG.SERVICES Run Date:4-Feb-2014 r-M �n Municipality of Clarington Capital Budget Summary by Department 2014 Department/Project Gross Cost Revenue External Reserves Reserve Development DC Debt Debentures Fund Financing Funds Charges 324 ST.LIGHTG 32-324-05102 Street Light Installation-Various 60,000 (60,000) 32-324-13101 Liberty Street Lighting 110,000 (110,000) Total 324 ST.LIGHTG 170,000 (60,000) (110,000) 325 PARK 32-325-13102 Westvale Parkette 211,500 (21,500) (190,000) 32-325-13105 Knox Neighbourhood Park 367,000 (36,750) (330,250) 32-325-13108 Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Trail Improvement 110,000 (110,000) Total 325 PARK 688,500 (168,250) (520,250) 329 BRIDGES 32-329-13101 Structures Rehabilitation 960,000 (960,000) Total 329 BRIDGES 960,000 (960,000) 330 RDS&STRUCT. 32-330-05118 Pavement Rehabilitation Program 1,949,245 (61,000) (140,000) (1,748,245) 32-330-08107 Osbourne Road Reconstruction 115,000 (4,519) (110,481) 32-330-09113 Horsey Street 42,000 (42,ODO) 32-330-10101 Roadside Protection Program 150,000 (150,000) 32-330-10105 Carlisle Avenue 38,000 (38,000) 32-330-10113 Lover's Lane Reconstruction 22,000 (22,000) 32-330-12115 Pebblestone Road(West Townline to Tooley) 200,000 (200,000) 32-330-12116 Pebblestone Road Rehab(Trulls to Courtice)) 160,000 (160,000) 32-330-14107 Energy Drive Surface Asphalt(Osborne Rd to East Limit) 120,000 (120,000) 32-330-14109 Jackman Rd Reconstruction(Bridge to Scugog St) 52,000 (52,000) 32-330-14110 Fourth St Reconstruction(Scugog St to Elgin St) 380,000 (30,000) (350,000) 32-330-14111 Brookhill Blvd Oversizing 310,000 (310,000) 32-330-14112 Baseline Rd/CPR Level Crossing Improvements(West of Hol 130,000 (26,000) (104,000) 32-330-14113 Prospect St and Lambs Lane Area Design 250,000 (250,000) Run Date:4-Feb-2014 Municipality of Clarington Capital Budget 2014 Summary by Department Department/Project Gross Cost Revenue External Reserves Reserve Development DC Debt Debentures Fund Financing Funds Charges 32-330-14114 Lake Rd Extension(450 m West of South Service Rd to Soutl 2,070,000 (770,000) (1,300,000y 32-330-15102 Grady Drive(at Foster Creek) 40,000 (40,000) 32-330-15103 Holt Rd/CPR Level Crossing Improvements(North of Baselii 130,000 (26,000) (104,000) Total 330 RDS&STRUCT. 6,158,245 (697,000) (328,000) (140,000) (3,232,764) (1,760,481) 331 S/WALKS&WALKWAYS 32-331-05102 Sidewalk Replacement-Unspecified 200,000 (200,000) 32-331-13223 Main Street Orono Sidewalk 5,000 (5,000) 32-331-14101 Highway#2 Sidewalk(Trulls Rd to Courtice Rd)South Side 219,000 (219,000) 32-331-14102 Prestonvale Rd Sidewalk(Meadowglade Rd to Oke Rd)East 107,000 (98,000) (9,000) 32-331-14106 RR 17 Sidewalk-East side(Mill St N to CPR) 201,000 (201,000) 32-331-14107 Regional Road 57 Multi-Use Trail(Nash Rd to Longworth AVE 5,000 (5,000) 32-331-14108 Scugog St Sidewalk(Rehder Ave to Jackman Rd)West side 82,000 (82,000) Total 331 S/WALKS&WALKWAYS 819,000 (205,000) (98,000) (516,000) 332 TRAFFIC SGLS 32-332-14101 Longworth Ave IPS at Clayton Cr 95,000 (95,000) Total 332 TRAFFIC SGLS 95,000 (95,000) 340 EROSION PROTECT 32-340-11101 Brookhill Tributary Nick Point Remedial Works 10,000 (10,000) 32-340-13101 Bowmanville Creek Erosion Protection North of Longworth A'V 200,000 (66,660) (133,340) 32-340-14101 Foster Ck Remediation 60 m South of King Ave 95,000 (31,663) (63,337) 32-340-14102 Orono Arena Storm Outfall Erosion Remediation 80,000 (80,000) Total 340 EROSION PROTECT 385,000 (80,000) (10,000) (98,323) (196,677) Total 32 ENG.SERVICES 9,275,745 (2,002,000) (436,000) (140,000) (3,499,337) (3,198,408) 36 OPERATIONS , 325 PARK 36-325-10100 Various Park Upgrades 130,000 (20,000) (110,000) 36-325-10110 Park Furniture/Equipment 90,000 (90,000) Run Date:4-Feb-2014 Municipality of Clarington Capital Budget 2014 Summary by Department ' Department/Project Gross Cost Revenue External Reserves Reserve Development DC Debt Debentures Fund Financing Funds Charges Total 325 PARK 220,000 (20,000) (200,000) 326 CEMETERY 36-326-14100 Cemetery Improvements 5,000 (5,000) Total 326 CEMETERY 5,000 (5,000) 370 BLDG&PROP.SERV. 36-370-10340 Various Community Buildings 138,000 (26,500) (111,500) 36-370-11106 MAC Upgrades 147,000 (42,000) (105,000) Total 370 BLDG&PROP.SERV. 285,000 (68,500) (216,500) 380 RD MNTCE 36-330-10100 Rural Road Resurfacing 1,300,000 (800,000) (300,000) (200,000) Total 380 RD MNTCE 7300,000 (800,000) (300,000) (200,000) 388 FLEET 36-388-10100 Fleet Replacement-Roads 320,000 (320,000) 36-388-10150 Fleet New-Roads 137,000 (72,200) (64,800) 36-388-11250 Fleet New-Parks 5,000 (5,000) 36-388-11300 Fleet Replacement-Cemetery 30,000 (30,000) 36-388-14350 New Equipment Cemetery 2,500 (2,500) Total 388 FLEET 494,500 (429,700) (64,500) 460 MUS/VAC 36-460-14400 Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 74,000 (74,000) Total 460 MUSNAC 74,000 (74,000) Total 36 OPERATIONS 2,378,500 (962,500) (300,000) (1,051,200) (64,800) 42 COM.SERVECES 421 FAC. 42-421-14201 NDRC-Exterior Concrete Storage Unit 3,900 (3,900) 42-421-14202 NDRC-Accessible Pool/Spa Lift 9,000 (9,000) 42-421-14203 NDRC-Gymnsium Window Coverings 50,000 (50,000) Run Date:4-Feb-2014 (d Municipality of Clarington Capital Budget 2014 Summary by Department Department/Project Gross Cost Revenue External Reserves Reserve Development DC Debt Debentures Fund Financing Funds Charges 42-421-14301 OPP-Perimeter Concrete Replacement 20,000 (20,000) 42-421-14302 OPP-Perimeter Fence Repairs 5,000 (5,000) 42-421-14401 RRC-Brine Expansion Tanks Replacement 4,000 (4,000) 42-421-14402 RRC-Customer Service Window Coverings 4,000 (4,000) 42-421-14404 RRC-Banquet Tables/Chairs Partial Replacement 10,000 (10,000) 42-421-14407 RRC-Fire Alarm System-Horn/Strobe Units 15,000 (15,000) 42-421-14408 RRC-Pad A West Stand Railings-Vertical Rungs 20,000 (20,000) 42-421-14409 RRC-Hall of Fame Renovation 35,000 (35,000) 42-421-14410 RRC-Pad B Dasherboard Replacement 32,000 (32,000) 42-421-14411 RRC-Pad B Rink O/H Door Replacement 40,000 (40,000) 42-421-14412 RRC-Van Replacement 42,000 (42,000) 42-421-14501 CCC-Automatic Pool Vacuum 5,000 (5,000) 42-421-14502 CCC-Accessible Pool/Spa Lift 9,000 (9,000) 42-421-14503 CCC-Makeup Air Unit#1 60,000 (60,000) 42-421-14505 CCC-Fire Alarm System-Horn/Strobe Units 10,000 (10,000) 42-421-14506 CCC-Pool Family Change Room Accessible Door Operator., 15,000 (15,000) 42-421-14600 DSC-Ice Resurfacer Replacement 97,000 (97,000) 42-421-14601 DSC-Olympia/Mechanical Room Expansion 250,000 (250,000) 42-421-14702 FAC ADMIN-Annual Building Studies 7,000 (7,000) 42-421-14802 SCA-Lobby Floor Tile Repairs 10,000 (10,000) 42-421-14803 SCA-Accessible Parking Bollards 4,500 (4,500) 42-421-14805 SCA-Refrigeration Plant Relief Valve Replacement 12,000 (12,000) 42-421-14806 SCA-Main Water Supply Backflow 20,000 (20,000) 42-421-14901 BIS-Accessible Parking Bollards 1,800 (1,800) 42-421-14902 BIS-Exterior Concrete Storage Unit 9,000 (9,000) 42-421-14903 BIS-Field Area Interior Painting-Phase 2 15,000 (15,000) Total 421 FAC. 815,200 (280,200) (535,000) Run Date:4-Feb-2014 �D Municipality of Clarington Capital Budget 2014 Summary by Department Department/Project Gross Cost Revenue External Reserves Reserve Development DC Debt Debentures Fund Financing Funds Charges Total 42 COM.SERVICES 815,200 (280,200) (535,000) 50 PLAN.SERVICES 130 ADMIN 50-130-10001 Land Acquisition 810,000 (747,000) (63,000) Total 130 ADMIN 810,000 (747,000) (63,000) Total 50 PLAN.SERVICES 810,000 (747,000) (63,000) 62 LIBRARIES 440 LIBRARIES 62-440-05020 Library Technology 80,000 (80,000) 62-440-06100 Library Collection 110,000 (24,286) (8,571) (77,143) 62-440-14001 Renovation and Expansion to Courtice Library 1,100,000 (110,000) (990,000) Total 440 LIBRARIES 1,290,000 (104,286) (118,571) (77,143) (990,000) Total 62 LIBRARIES 1,290,000 (104,286) (118,571) (77,143) (990,000) Total 16,521,245 (4,375,886) (436,000) (509,000) (6,870,008) (3,340,351) (990,000) Run Date:4-Feb-2014 Municipality of Clarington Capital Budget Summary by Department 2014 DC Debt Debentures External Reserves Reserve Development Revenue Funds Charges Department/Project Gross Cost Fund Financing 16 CORP.SERVICES (6,000) (140,900) 1621T 187,400 (40,500) (60,000) 16-162-07100 Computer Hardware 163,600 (103,600) , 16-162-07200 Computer Software 28,000 (28,000) (6,000) (200,900) 16-162-07301 G{S Software 379,000 (172,100) (6,000) (200,900) Total 1621T 379,000 (172,100) (6,000) (200,900) Total 16 CORP.SERVICE5 379,000 (172,100) Total CORP.SERVICES r� Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 16-162-07100 Computer Hardware Version lCapital Plan Year 12014 iepartment ICORP.SERVICES Sub-Department IT - - De,- cri tion;_ p Project Description: Corporate$147,00: ($15,000) Disaster recovery plan for business continuity,($20,000)server upgrades, ($10,000) replacement printers,($30,000) w orkstation replacements, ($40,000) Upgrades sw itches VOIP,($20,000)additional storage,($10,000) phone system upgrades, ($2,000)ceiling mounted projector 1 C. Corporate Services$2,000: ($1,000)Screens for Communications&Tourism,($1,000)Workstation Tourism Office. Emergency Services$1,200: ($1,000)workstation for dormitory,($200)24"screen for maintenance computer. Engineering$8,500:($7,500) HP Rotter,($1,000) LDO inspections hardw are. Community Services$14,200:($1,000) Projector SCA, ($2,000)Class card for printer SCA,($5,000)3 tablets&printers, ($5,000) Link to Darlington w/workstation/printer, ($1,200) monitors for multiple facilities. Clerks $7,000:($1,000)workstation R&E Coordinator, ($3,000) Link to election HQ, ($3,000)equipment for election HQ.Operations$2,600:($1,600)8 monitors,($1,000)workstation.Finance$3,900: ($1,000)workstation, ($400)2-monitors, ($2,500)monitor linked to info desk. Planning$1,000:workstation Location: Various Budget Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019, 2020 Expenditures Computer Hardware 1,147,400 187,400 240,000 240,000 240,000 240,000 1,147,400 187,400 240,000 240,000 240,000 240,000 Expenditures Total 1,147,400 187,400 240,000., 240,000 240,000 240,000:.. -unding .unicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 630,500 40,500 50,000 150,000 150,000 240,000 630,500 40,500 50,000 150,000 150,000 240,000 Reserves Election Expense 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 Reserve Funds Building Division Reserve Fund 1,000 1,000 Computer Equipment 509,900 139,900 190,000 90,000 90,000 510,900 140,900 190,000 90,000 90,000 Funding Total 1 147;400 187;400 240000 .240,0001 .240;000 240;000 Attributes, - - Attribute Value - _ - Cornment' m Departent `CORP.SERVICES ; Department _ Sub-Department ;IT Project Approval 'Not Approved Location 'All ;Project Classification Program/Activity ;IT-2004 COMPUTER HARDWARE DC Reference No Road Segment No. 'Expected Useful Life .,Project Manager i Municipality of Claringtoln 22.3 Capital Projects Project 16-162-07200 Computer Software Version ICapital Plan Year 12014 Department 1CORP.SERVICES Sub-Department IT '_Description Project Description: Corporate:$85,000 - ($15,000) Software for remote DRP site, ($30,000) Ongoing software upgrades, ($30,000) Ongoing MS- software upgrades, ($10,000) Phone system upgrades. Emergency Services: $4,000 POS workstation. Engineering: $14,000 - ($4,000)Auto Turn software, ($10,000) LDO inspections module build. Clerks: $29,000 - ($18,000) 30 LaserFiche licenses, ($6,500) LaserFiche Quickfields/OCR validations, ($4,500) LDO - LaserFiche integration. Operations: $600 Adobe Acrobat Pro software. Finance: $20,000 - ($5,000) Great Plains scripts, ($15,000) Great Plains Upgrade. Planning: $11,000 - ($1,000)Adobe Design, ($10,000)ARC Editor License. Location: Budget Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Computer Software 523,600 163,600 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 523,600 163,600 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 Expenditures Total 523;600 163,600 9010001 90,000 90;000 90,000 'unding Iunicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 313,600 103,600 40,000 40,000 40,000 90,000 313,600 103,600 40,000 40,000 40,000 90,000 Reserve Funds Building Division Reserve Fund 10,000 10,000 Computer Equipment 200,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 210,000 60,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Funding Total 523,600 163,600 901000 90,000, 90,000-: 90;000 AttriE)UteS :. Attribute Value - Comment; Department CORP.SERVICES Sub-Department !IT Project Approval ;Not Approved Location 'Project Classification Program/Activity IT-2004 COMPUTER SOFTWARE DC Reference No. Road Segment No. ;Expected Useful Life i_ `Project Manager i Municipality of Clarington 224 Capital Projects Project 16-162-07301 GIS Software Version lCapital Plan Year 12014 epartment ` ICORP.SERVICES Sub-Department JIT Description Project Description: GIS Durham Parcel agreement ($8,000) and LDO modifications and enhancements ($20,000) Location: _ __-- Bddget Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019: 2020 Expenditures Computer Software 128,000 28,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 128,000 28,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 Expenditures Total 128,000 . 28,000 25;000 25;000 25;000. 25;000 -ending unicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 128,000 28,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 128,000 28,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 Funding Total 128,000 28,060 25,000 25;000 25,0001-: 25,000.: Attributes Attribute Valae; Comment Department `CORP.SERVICES Sub-Department JT Project Approval ;Not Approved Location Project Classification Program/Activity CORP.SERV,-GIS SOFTWARE DC Reference No. Road Segment No. ; Expected Useful Life Project Manager _ Municipality of Clarington Capital Budget 2014 Summary by Department Department/Project Gross Cost Revenue External Reserves Reserve Development DC Debt Debentures Fund Financing Funds Charges 19 CLERK'S 191 MUN.LAW ENF, 19-191-14001 Municipal Law replacement vehicle 35,000 (30,000) (5,000) Total 191 MUN.LAW ENF. 35,000 (30,000) (5,000) 192 PARKING ENF. 19-192-14002 Central Meter Replacement Division&Church Lots 20,000 (20,000) Total 192 PARKING ENF. 20,000 (2b,000) Total 19 CLERK'S 55,000 _ (30,000) (25,000) Total CLERK'S 55,000 (30,000) (25,000) ;0 u, Municipality of Clarington 226 Capital Projects Project 19-191-14001 Municipal Law replacement vehicle Ifersion ICapital Plan j Year 12014 .epartment CLERK'S Sub-Department MUN, LAW ENF. =:_Description:: _ Project Description: To replace the 2005 Pontiac Pursuit with a 4-wheel drive pick up with crew cab. This vehicle is used by Parking Enforcement Officers during snow storm and plowing enforcement, thereby necessitating a larger more durable vehicle than the Pontiac Pursuit Which is being replaced. Location: _ - Budget Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 20.19 2020 Expenditures Fleet Replacement 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 Expenditures Total 35,000 - 35,000 -un ding ,unicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 Reserve Funds Clerks Fleet 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Funding Total 35,000 35;000 _ ' .Attributes . - Attribute Value Comment De artment ;CLERK'S ;Sub-Department 'MUN.LAW ENF. Project Approval Location .Project Classification ":Replacement Prog ram/Activity DC Reference No. E 'Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life Project Manager I Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 19-192-14002 Central Meter Replacement Division & Church Lots Version lCapital Plan Year 2014 .jepartment CLERK'S Sub-Department PARKING ENF. Des.criptlon:: - Project Description: 2 Units Division & Church Lots Location: Bud - get- Total _. 2014 .2015 :'` _ 2016: _ 2017 2018 2019 - 2020: Expenditures Equipment 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Expenditures Total 20000 20,000 � nding .eserve Funds Parking Lot 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Funding Total 20,000. : 20,000 Attributes Attribute Value Comment Department ;CLERK'S Sub-Department ;PARKING ENF. Project Approval Location ;Ward 2 Project Classification `Replacement Prog ram/Activity DC Reference No. Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life Project Manager Municipality of Clarington Capital Budget Summary by Deparkment 2014 External Reserve Development DC Debt Debentures - l Reserves Revenue Funds Charges DepartmentlProject Gross Cost Fund Financing 28 EMERG.SERVICES-FIRE 281 FIRE SUP- 77,800 (77,800) (700,000) 28-281-10017 Bunker Gear 700,000 (100,000) 28-281-13020 NEXTGEN Communications Radio Platform 100,000 (800,000) 28-281-14006 SCBA Bottle Replacement/Upgrade 77,800) 877,800 ( Total 281 FIRE SUP. (40,000) 388 FLEET 40,000 (600,000) 28-388-14001 Car 12 600,000 (640,000) 28-388-14003 Pumper 10 640,000 (1,440,000) Total 388 FLEET 1,517,800 (77,800) (1,440,000) Total 28 EMERG.SERVICES-FIRE 1,517,800 (77,800) Total EMERG.SERVICES-FIRE �a Municipality of Clarington 229 Capital Projects Project 28-281-10017 Bunker Gear Version lCapital Plan Year 12014 epartment JEMERG.SERVICES - FIRE Sub-Department. IFIRE SUP, - Description-Project Description: _ Replace 25 sets of worn (over 10 years old) FT and PT bunker gear @ $1,905 = $47,625 Supply 15 new recruits with new bunker gear @ $1,905 = $28,575 Replace 8 helmets (over 10 years old) @ $200 = $1,600 Location::All Stations Bu(dget Total 2014 2015 -2016 2017' 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Equipment 277,800 77,800 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 277,800 77,800 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Expenditures Total 277,800 77,800 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 wding unicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 277,800 77,800 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 277,800 77,800 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Funding Total 277,800, 77,800 "50,000 50,000 50,000 .50,000 : Attributes Attribute Value :: Comment Department ;EMERG.SERVICES-FIRE Sub-Department FIRE SUP. Project Approval Not Approved Location 'All Project Classification New Program/Activity DC Reference No. Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life `1-5 Project Manager I Municipality of Clarington 130 Capital Projects Project 28-281-13020 NEXTGEN Communications Radio Platform Version ICapital Plan Year 2014 J epartment JEMERG.SERVICES - FIRE Sub-Department IFIRE SUP. Description: ` Project Description: In 2011, Council received report ESD-013-11, Next Generation Common Communications Platform. The report identified that staff continue to support the project and authorized the Clerk and Mayor to sign an agreement committing to the project. The Region wide radio system will be replaced in early 2014. Clarington's share is estimated to be in the range of$750,000. The contract has been awarded to the Harris Corporation Radio group and they have started to build the system. Equipment required in 2013 is 3 repeaters and 1 base station and are required to start the initial build up of the system. $50,000 in capital costs is required to order this equipment and begin. All parties in the project are subject to the funding this initial equipment as the system design is started. Location: - Budget _ - Total 2014 2015 2016 2017` 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Equipment 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 Expenditures Total 700,000 700;000 - ending .eserve Funds General Municipal Purposes 350,000 350,000 Fire Equipment 350,000 350,000 700,000 700,000 Funding Total 700,000 700,000 - Attributes. Attribute - _Value Comment Department 'EMERG.SERVICES-FIRE ;Sub-Department .'FIRE SUP. Project Approval Not Approved Location :Project Classification ;Replacement ,Program/Activity t DC Reference No. Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life 'Project Manager Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 28-281-14006 SCBA Bottle Replacement/Upgrade Version lCapital Plan Year 12014 apartment JEMERG.SERVICES - FIRE Sub-Department IFIRE SUP. Description Project Description: SCBA Bottle Replacement/Upgrade - Station 2, 3, 5 38 SCBA Pack Upgrades - $40,000 100 new SCBA bottles/cylinders @ $1,200/bottle - $i 20,000 ($60,000 -2014 & $60,000 - 2015) upgrade to newer standard pack and larger capacity bottle (1 hour) Location: Station 2, 3, 5 Budget Total 2014 2015 20.16. 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Equipment 160,000 100,000 60,000 160,000 100,000 60,000 Expenditures Total 160,000 . 100,00.0 80,000 ending :serve Funds Fire Equipment 160,000 100,000 60,000 160,000 100,000 60,000 Funding Total 160,000 100,000 60,000 Attributes Attribute Value Comment, Department �EMERG.SERVICES-FIRE E Sub-Department `FIRE SUP. Project Approval f _.- Location 'Project Classification ;Replacement Program/Activity 'DC Reference No. Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life ;6-10 Project Manager Municipality of Clarington 232 Capital Projects Project 28-388-14001 Car 12 Version lCapital Plan Year 2014 Department JEMERG.SERVICES - FIRE Sub-Department FLEET Description, _. Project Description: Replace Car 12 as per fleet replacement schedule. Trade in 2007 Impala. Location: Station 1 Budget, Total 2014 2015 2016 -2017 2018 `2019" 2020 Expenditures Fleet Replacement 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 Expenditures Total 40;000 40,000. "ending eserve Funds Fire Equipment 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 Funding Total 40;000 40,000 Attributes Attribute Value Comment Department 'EMERG.SERVICES-FIRE Sub-Department ;FLEET Project Approval Location ;Project Classification 'Replacement _. .... . _ r. _ P rog ram/Activity DC Reference No. .Road Segment No. .Expected Useful Life ;1-5 Project Manager 1 Municipality of Clarington 23 3 Capital Projects Project 28-388-14003 Pumper 10 Version ICapital Plan Year 2014 apartment JEMERG.SERVICES - FIRE Sub-Department IFLEET Deacr:.iption:: Project Description: Replace Pumper 10 - Spartan Location: - Headquarters, Station.1 - Bowmanville Budget Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Fleet Replacement 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 Expenditures Total 606,000 60.0,000 — ^un ding :serve Funds Fire Equipment 600,000 600,000 600,000 60Q,000 Funding Total 600,000 600,000 `Attributes.. Attribute Value Comment Department ;EMERG.SERVICES-FIRE Sub-Department FLEET Project Approval Location Project Classification ;Replacement ,Program/Activity ,DC Reference No. i ;Road Segment No. :Expected Useful Life 11-15 Project Manager l Municipality of Clarington Capital Budget 2014 Summary by Department Department/Project Gross Cost Revenue External Reserves Reserve Development DC Debt Debentures Fund Financing Funds Charges 32 ENG.SERVICES 324 ST.LIGHTG 32-324-05102 Street Light Installation-Various 60,000 (60,000) 32-324-13101 Liberty Street Lighting 110,000 (110,000) Total 324 ST.LIGHTG 170,000 (60,000) (110,000) 325 PARK 32-325-13102 Westvale Parkette 211,500 (21,500) (190,000) 32-325-13105 Knox Neighbourhood Park 367,000 (36,750) (330,250) 32-325-13108 Samual Wilmot Nature Area Trail Improvement 110,000 (110,000) Total 325 PARK 688,500 (168,250) (520,250) 329 BRIDGES 32-329-13101 Structures Rehabilitation 960,000 (960,000) Total 329 BRIDGES 960,000 (960,000) 330 RDS&STRUCT. 32-330-05118 Pavement Rehabilitation Program 1,949,245 (61,000) (140,000) (1,748,245) 32-330-08107 Osbourne Road Reconstruction 115,000 (4,5 19) (110,481) 32-330-09113 Horsey Street 42,000 (42,000) 32-330-10101 Roadside Protection Program 150,000 (150,000) 32-330-10105 Carlisle Avenue 38,000 (38,000) 32-330-10113 Lover's Lane Reconstruction 22,000 (22,000) 32-330-12115 Pebblestone Road(West Townline to Tooley) 200,000 (200,000) 32-330-12116 Pebblestone Road Rehab(Trulls to Courtice)) 160,000 (160,000) 32-330-14107 Energy Drive Surface Asphalt(Osborne Rd to East Limit) 120,000 (120,000) 32-330-14109 Jackman Rd Reconstruction(Bridge to Scugog St) 52,000 (52,000) 32-330-14110 Fourth St Reconstruction(Scugog St to Elgin St) 380,000 (30,000) (350,000) 32-330-14111 Brookhill Blvd Oversizing 310,000 (310,000) 32-330-14112 Baseline Rd/CPR Level Crossing Improvements(West of Hol 130,000 (26,000) (104,000) la Municipality of Clarington Capital Budget Summary by Department 2014 External Reserves Reserve Development DC Debt Debentures Department/project Gross Cost Revenue Funds Charges Fund Financing 250,000 (250,000) (770,000) (1,300,000) 32-330-14113 Prospect St and Lambs Lane Area Design 2,070,000 (40,OD0) 32-330-14114 Lake Rd Extension(450 m West of South Service Rd to Soutl 40,000 Drive(at Foster Creek) 26,000) (104,000) 32-330-15102 Grady (3,232,764) (1,760,481) 328,000) (140,000) 32-330-15103 Holt Rd/CPR Level Crossing Improvements(Nort h of Baselii 130,000 61158,245 (697,000) Total 330 RDS&STRUCT. 331 S/WALKS&WALKWAYS 200,000 (200,000) 32-331-05102 Sidewalk Replacement-Unspecified 5,000 (5,000) (219,000) 32-331-13223 Main Street Orono Sidewalk 219,000 (9,000) 32-331-14101 Highway#2 Sidewalk(Trulls Rd to Courtice R South Side 107,000 (98,000) (201,000) 32-331-14102 Prestonvale Rd Sidewalk(Meadowglade Rd to Oke Rd)East 201,000 (5,000) 32-331-14106 RR 17 Sidewalk-East side(Mill St N to CPR) 5,000 (82,000). 32-331-14107 Regional Road 57 Multi-use Trail(Nash Rd to Longwort side 82,000 (516,000) 32-331-1410E Scugog St Sidewalk(Rehder Ave to Jackman Rd) 519,000 (205,000) (98,000) Total 331 S/WALKS&WALKWAYS (95,000) 332 TRAFFIC SGLS 95,000 (95,000) 32-332-14101 Longworth Ave lPS at Clayton Cr 95,000 Total 332 TRAFFIC SGLS 340 EROSION PROTECT 10,000 (10,000) (66,660) (133,340) 32-340-11101 Brookhill Tributary Nick Point Remedial Works worth Av 200,000 (31,663) (63,337) 32-340-13101 Bowmanville Creek Erosion Protection North of Long 95,000 32-340-14101 Foster Ck Remediation 60 m South of King Ave 80,000 (80,000) (98,323) (196,677) 385,000 (80,000) (10,000) 37) (3,198,408) 32-340-14102 Orono Arena Storm Outfall Erosion Remediation 140,000) (3,499, Total 340 EROSION PROTECT 9,275,745 (2,002,000) (436,000) (140,000) (3,499,,c-:37) (3,198,408) Total 32 ENG.SERVICES 9,275,745 (2,OD2,000) (436,000) Total ENG.SERVICES v v� �-s Municipality of Clarington 3, . Capital Projects Project 32-324-05102 Street Light Installation -Various Version lCapital Plan Year 12014 apartment ENG. SERVICES Sub-Department IST. LIGHTG Description Project Description: The purpose of this project is to provide illumination in accordance with By-law#84-21, "Criteria and Warrants for Street Lighting." Location: _ Various. Budget Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2.020 Expenditures Contract Admin. 10,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Design 40,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 Construction 250,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 300,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 Expenditures Total 300,00.0 60;000 60,000 60,000 - 60;000 60,000 Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 300,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 300,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 Funding Total 300,000 . 60,000 60,000 60,000 - 60,000 60,000 Attributes Attribute Value t Comment Department 'ENG.SERVICES Sub-Department ;ST. LIGHTG Project Approval Not Approved Location Combination `Project Classification :New Program/Activity 'ST.LIGHTS IMPROVEMENT-VARIOUS DC Reference No. Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life :16-20 Project•Manager Municipality of Clarington 237 Capital Projects Project 32-324-13101 Liberty Street Lighting Version Ca ital Plan Year 2014 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department ST. LIGHTG Description . Project Description: Construction of new street lights from Concession Rd 3 to Sydel Court, using existing hydro poles, where possible. This will provide some added safety for all road users from vehicles to cyclists to pedestrians. As development of lands moth of Concession Rd 3 progress the addition of pedestrian facilities will be considered. Location: _ Concession Road 3 to Sydel Court, Bowmanville. Budget.- Total 2014 20.15 2018 2097 2018 2019 2020 i Expenditures Contract Admin. 7,000 7,000 Design 15,000 15,000 Construction 88,000 88,000 110,000 110,000 . Expenditures Total 110,000 110,000 Funding Development Charges Roads&Related 110,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 Funding Total 110;000 110,000 - Attributes Attribute Value Comment Department 'ENG. SERVICES Sub-Department ST.LIGHTG Project Approval Location Combination Project Classification New Program/Activity DC Reference No. Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life 16-20 Project Manager i Municipality of Clarington 23° Capital Projects Project 32-324-13101 Liberty Street Lighting Version lCapital Plan Year 12014 apartment JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department ST, LIGHTG Gallery O'DepadmentlCapital Works1201412014 Capital BudgeA2014 Budget MapsU2-324-13101.jpg Ar �eh 9Z s aP , _ - _ _ °�. € �" • � { 0 1= r I x Conic. Rd" WE d I - \ - ` i I ' LIBERTY'ST. ILLUMINATION Municipality of Clarington '.39 Capital Projects Project 32-325-13102 Westvale Parkette Version lCapital Plan Year 2014 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department IPARK Description Project Description: Construction of a .3 ha parkette in the Westvale subdivision in Courtice. The park will include a walkway connecting Bathgate Crescent and Dewell Crescent, a seating area and open lawn areas for unstructured play. This small parkette will provide a green space central to the neigbourhood. Rosswell Park which contains a very good variety of recreational amenities is located approximateIV 400m south of this parkette. Location: _ South of Bloor Street and west of Prestonvale Road, Courtice. Budget .: Total 2014 2015 2016. 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Design 14,500 14,500 Construction 197,000 197,000 211,500 211,500 Expenditures Total 211,500 211,500 unding Reserve Funds Engineering Parks Capital 21,500 21,500 21,500 21,500 Development Charges Eng.-Park Dev.&Facilities 190,000 190,000 190,000 190,000 Funding Total 211,500 211;500 -. -Attributes Attribute Value Comment Department ENG. SERVICES =Sub-Department `PARK `Project Approval Location ;Ward 1 Project Classification New Prog ram7Activity DC Reference No. 4.1.10 ,Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life Project Manager I Municipality of Ciarington 240 Capital Projects Project 32-325-13102 Westvale Parkette Version Capital Plan Year 12014 apartment JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department PARK Gallery ; IaADepartmentlCapital Works1201412014 Capital Budget12014 Budget Maps132-325-13102.Jpg SLOOR STREET BLOOR S C?E�1rELL CRESCENT _.. ---.- -- —.__..__—...._...------ Ij � � -_ LANK ELERAVENUE DE WELL CRESCEfIT _ 1 I� N MONTAGUE AVEIJUF.1 BATHGATE CRESCENT R .� lll_I_l.j� ESY.'ORTH AVENUE BAThIGATE CRESCENT .]r' 40 J y �l AVENUE SOUTHFIELD AVENUE KERSEY CRESCENT o _ 0 1_ KERSEY CRESCENT 1 O UR TICE WESTVALE PARKETTE l i Municipality of Clarington 41 Capital Projects Project 32-325-13105 Knox Nei hbot,irhood Park Version ICapital Plan Year 2014 Jepartment JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department PARK Description Project Description: Construction of a play area, walkways, seating area, un-lit soccer field and shade structure at this new park next to Charles Bowman School. 1.5 ha of parkland was acquired through the development of the Valiant Phase 5 subdivision in Bowmanville. The subdivision developer has graded and seeded the new parkland and the Municipality will now finish the park construction. Location: South/East corner of Bons Avenue and Scugog Street Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Design 17,000 17,000 Construction 350,000 350,000 367,000 367,000 Expenditures Total 367,000 367,000 ,-unding Reserve Funds Engineering Parks Capital 36,750 36,750 36,750 36,750 Development Charges Eng.-Park Dev.&Facilities 330,250 330,250 330,250 330,250 Funding Total 367,000 367,000 Attributes Attribute Value Comment `Department :ENG. SERVICES Sub-Department PARK Project Approval Location ;Ward 2 Project Classification New Program/Activity DC Reference No. ;4.1.5 Road Segment No. ;Expected Useful Life Project Manager i Municipality of Clarington 2 i2- Capital Projects Project 32-325-13105 Knox Neighbourhood Park Version lCapital Plan, I Year 12014 apartment JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department IPARK Gallery 1:1^DepartmentlCapital Wdrks1201412014 Capital Budge82014 Budget Maps132-325-13105.jpg cw w I a � cO�.� - N CHILDS COURT v~j — - COLVILLE AVEPIUk_ C7 w f I1l.1 S C:E&Ir EN\ s BQrs P k \I Q j ° Charles v Bow N / man _— --" ww Public School }— o — I. ... y Al _ 0 1 w 0 CIO - -- P >- w Ndy 1 , VILLE , ._.�-_'�r DALEY `i KNOX NEIGHBOURHOOD PARK EAST r ' Municipality of Clarington 243 Capita! Projects Project 32-325-13108 Samual Wilmot Nature Area Trail Improvement Version lCapital Plan Year 12014 Jepartment JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department IPARK D.escri tion p Project Description: Re-construction of a steep section of Waterfront Trail at the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area. This project will eliminate a very steep portion of trail that is problematic for users and for maintenance of the trail. This project has been recommended by the Bike Friendly Committee as a safety improvement for our Waterfront Trail. Location: Waterfront Trail east of Wilmot Creek, Newcastle. Budget. Total 2014 2015 . 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Contract Admin. 10,000 10,000 Design 5,000 5,000 Construction 95,000 95,000 110,000 1102 OOo Expenditures Total 110,000 _ 110;000 Funding _ Reserve Funds Engineering Parks Capital 110,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 Funding Total - 110,000 110,000- Attributes Attribute Value Comment Department ENG.SERVICES Sub-Department PARK Project Approval Not Approved Location 'Ward 4 Project Classification ',Replacement Program/Activity DC Reference No. Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life Project Manager 1 Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 32-325-13108 Samual Wilmot Nature Area Trail Improvement Version lCapital Plan Year 2014 epartment JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department PARK Galle l.•1^DepartmentlCapital Works1201412014 Capital Budget12014 Budget Maps132-325-13108.jpg I ��I[T11I7 CI ' 1D Wwd> _11D . �. �n Lcike Ontcu to SAMUEL 1.� �"�" CAST E NWATERFRONT T/RAIL OIMPROVEME S --���� Municipality of Clarington 2 6.5 Capital Projects Project 32-329-13101 Structures Rehabilitation Version lCapital Plan Year 20 14 _j epartment JENG. SERVICES -Sub-Department IBRIDGES Description Project Description: Replacement, rehabilitation and maintenance of structures throughout the Municipality resulting from the legislated inspections that occur every two years on all bridges. Improvements are at various locations. In accordance with the Highway Traffic Act and Bridges Act, Clarington is responsible for ensuring bridges are kept safe and in good repair. Evaluations and priorities"are assigned to bridges. Due to -variables, results are fluid from one years inspection to another. Location: Various Bud et - _ g Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2.018, 2019 2020 Expenditures Contract Admin. 750,000 80,000 90,000 95,000 105,000 115,000 125,000 140,000 Design 563,000 60,000 65,000 73,000 80,000 85,000 95,000 105,000 Construction 8,082,000 820,000 945,000 1,042,000 1,145,000 1,250,000 1,380,000 1,500,000 9,395,000 960,000 1,100,000 1,210,000 1,330,000 1,450,000 1,600,000 1,745,000 Expenditures Total 9,395,000 960,000 .1,100,000 1,210,000 1,330,000 1,450,000 1,600,000 1,745,00; Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 9,395,000 960,000 1,100,000 1,210,000 1,330,000 1,450,000 1,600,000 1,745,000 9,395,000 960,000 1,100,000 1,210,000 1,330,000 1,450,000 1,600,000 1,745,000 Funding Total 9,395,000 950,000 1,100,0.00 1,210,000 1 330,000 1,450,000 1,600,000 1;745,000 Attributes. Attribute Value Comment Department ENG.SERVICES Sub-Department ;BRIDGES Project Approval Not Approved Location All `Project Classification ;Betterment Program/Activity DC Reference No. Road Segment No. 'Expected Useful Life Project Manager I ' Municipality of Clarington 246 Capital Projects Project 32-330-05118 Pavement Rehabilitation Program Wersion lCapital Plan Year 2014 apartment JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department IRDS & STRUCT. Description' Project Description: The purpose of this project is to extend the life cycle of road pavement structures with asphalt overlays in conjunction with asphalt base repairs such as cold milling,joint sealing and full depth crack repair. A cost/benefit analysis is always undertaken on the roads network:to determine the road and treatment type that is most cost effective. This project is funded in part by the Federal Gas Tax Reserve Fund. Location. Unspecified Locations. Budget Total 2014 2095 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Contract Admin. 929,000 80,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 135,000 135,000 279,000 Design 473,000 40,000 49,000 54,000 50,000 70,000 70,000 140,000 Construction 16,988,245 1,829,245 2,131,000 2,346,000 2,080,000 3,010,000 2,796,000 2,796,000 18,390,245 1,949,245 2,280,000 2,500,000 2,230,000 3,215,000 3,001,000 3,215,000 Expenditures Total 18,390,245 1,949,245 2,280,000 2,5001000 2,230,000 __ 3,215,000 3,001,000 3,215,000 Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 4,099,800 61,000 146,300 366,300 496,300 1,081,300 867,300 1,081,300 4,099,800 61,000 146,300 366,300 496,300 1,081,300 867,300 1,081,300 Reserves Pits&Quarries 980,000 140,000 140,000 140,000 140,000 140,000 140,000 140,000 980,000 140,000 140,000 140,000 140,000 140,000 140,000 140,000 Reserve Funds Federal Gas Tax Receipts 13,310,445 1,748,245 1,993,700 1,993,700 1,593,700 1,993,700 1,993,700 1,993,700 13,310,445 1,748,245 1,993,700 1,993,700 1,593,700 1,993,700 1,993,700 1,993,700 Funding Total 18,390,245 1,949,245 2,280;000 2,500,000 2,230,000. 3,215,000 ,3,001;000 -3,215,000 -Attributes - _ Attribute Value Comment Department ;ENG.SERVICES Sub-Department ;RDS&STRUCT. Project Approval ;Not Approved Location 'All Project Classification Betterment Program/Activity PAVEMENT REHAB.PROGRAM DC Reference No. Road Segment No Expected Useful Life 16-20 Project Manager .i unicipality of Clarington 247 Capital Projects Project 32-330-08107 Osbourne Road Reconstruction Version lCapital Plan Year 2014 department JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department RDS & STRUCT. Descriptior►- - Project Description: The road was reconstructed to an urban standard including underground services in 2011. Clarington will be placing surface asphalt. Location: From Energy Drive to the south limit if Osborne Road., Courtice Budget Total 2014 2015 .2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Contract Admin. 2,500 2,500 Construction 1-12,500 112,500 115,000 115,000 Expenditures Total 115;000 115,000 - unding _ _ Reserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program 4,519 4,519 4,519 4,519 Development Charges Roads&Related 110,481 110,481 110,481 110,481 Funding Total 115,000 115;000 Attributes - Attribute - Value Comment Department ',ENG.SERVICES Sub-Department ;RDS&STRUCT. Project Approval Not Approved Location Ward 1 Project Classification 'Replacement Program/Activity OSBOURNE RD COURTICE DC Reference No. 99 ,Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life 16-20 Project Manager I Municipality of Clarincgton .4 8 Capital Projects Project 32-330-08107 Osbourne Road Reconstruction Version ICapital Plan I Year 12014 apartment ENG. SERVICES Sub-Department [RDS & STRUCT. Gallery l:l^DepartmentlCapital WbrksM1412014 Capital Budget12014 Budget Maps132-330-08107.jpg FT I bmeloji- n l -J �- \ Coi�rticeI Ct = P --_ _ u —----- "(1/111vil 4 Ol -----_ _- \ P nerg i IV V,0 ,s -C 0 U-R TI(' Lake Ontario \ - �- C.I'V.R \��_ OSBORNE RD. SURFACE ASPHALT -- - —� Municipality of Clarington 49. Capital Projects Project 32-330-09113 Horsey Street Version lCapital Plan I Year 12014 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department IRDS & STRUCT. Description . Proiect Description: The road was reconstructed to an urban standard including underground services in 2011. Clarington will be placing surface asphalt. Location: From Concession Street to Lowe Street, Bowmanville. Budget Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Contract Admin. 1,500 1,500 Construction 40,500 40,500 42,000 42,000 Expenditures Total 42,000 42,000 unding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 Funding Total 421000 42,000. Attributes Attribute Value _ Comment Department :ENG. SERVICES Sub-Department RDS&STRUCT. Project Approval `Not Approved Location 'Ward 2 Project Classification 'Replacement Program/Activity HORSEY STREET, BOWMANVILLE DC Reference No. Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life 16-20 Project Manager i I Municipality of Clarington 250 Capital Projects Project 32-330-09113 Horsey Street Version lCapital Plan Year 12014 partment ENG. SERVICES Sub-Department RIDS & STRUCT. Gallery J:\JennyB\2010 Budget\Horsey St.jpg 11 r I I1'St-fit �( ,c' 1ilI1C El's P N1 9� L I _.__. i— - - . — - r� - I e i.' f % I L---_r.-- J �_ i- i... �� i .�y �� �✓�� �T I_ Y Stuiii ocI° Rd__ Edell std /JII --- �' '�D�i�I�11T1C1 1� _;.--.-] FIE Concession st _ :� 1 J __ s ---- - ---- / — _ ....._ j x`♦ v --- --- - Ci/ L \\ /use! - _ Lowe St — Lolvel s Ln - r ) 7 - ib ,1 IN �..._...... l \RO�� �1 �'��� <�� HORSEY ST. RECONSTRUCTION Municipality of Clarington 2sz Capita( Projects Project 32-330-10101 Roadside Protection Program Version lCapital Plan Year 12014 department JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department IRDS & STRUCT. Description: - Project Description: The work includes construction of roadside safety improvements such as the installation of new guide rail, upgrading of deficient roadside protection measures or removal of hazards from the clear zone adjacent to the road. Location: Various Budget: Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Contract Admin. 65,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 Design 45,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 Construction 640,000 128,000 128,000 128,000 128,000 128,000 750,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 Expenditures Total 750,000 . 150,000 150,000 150,000 :150,000 150,000 Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 750,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 750,000 '150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 Funding Total 750,000 150,000 150,000` 150,000 150,000 150,000 Attributes A ivalu e Comment Department ENG,SERVICES Sub-Department RDS&STRUCT. Project Approval Not Approved Location :Combination 'Project Classification ;New Program/Activity DC Reference No. Road Segment No. ,Expected Useful Life 21-25 Project Manager i i Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 32-330-10105 Carlisle Avenue Version lCapital Plan Year 12014 apartment JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department IRDS & STRUCT. Description Project Description: - The road was reconstructed to an urban standard including underground services in 2011. Clarington will be placing surface asphalt. Location: From Centre Street to Liberty Street, Bowmanville. ;Dtadget; Total '2014 2015 2016 2017 -2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Contract Admin. 1,500 1,500 Construction 36,500 36,500 38,000 38,000 Expenditures Total 38;000 38,000 -_ /nding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 38,000 38,000 38,000 38,000 Funding Total 38,000 38,000. - Attributes Attribute -` Value Comment Department 'ENG.SERVICES Sub-Department ;RDS&STRUCT. Project Approval Not Approved Location `'.Ward 2 Project Classification 'Replacement Program/Activity, DC Reference No. Road Segment No. .Expected Useful Life 16-20 _ . Project Manager Municipality of Clarington 253 Capital Projects Project 32-330-10105 Carlisle Avenue Version lCapital Plan Year 2014 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department IRDS &STRUCT. Gallery, J:EngineeringlRon Albrighfl209 9 BudgeACarlisle Ave.jpg Odell �t V o ' .11' Ct` – - 'I'III \\ 1 F \ � - _ ] 1 r o n e,,S I01 St A.. .\_ I ft— R::�--�--I� glz ........... �\ --- - - j� —! Lo}�ez s�ILI1T -- �.�ROT!- _Lowe St _ 1JJ-.1� I �r I r, FilIL �[I I III ZI I1LC t. \ Ci l sled S QJ 1 ANVYL CARLISLE AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION 7'-'' i Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 32-330-10113 Lover's Lane Reconstruction \/ersion lCapital Plan Year 12014 epartment JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department RDS & STRUCT. Description Project Description: The road was reconstructed to an urban standard including underground services in 2012. Clarington will be placing surface asphalt. Location: Lovers Lane from Centre St to Liberty St Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Contract Admin. 2,000 2,000 Construction 20,000 20,000 22,000 22,000 Expenditures Total 22,000 22;000 an ding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 Funding Total 22,000 22,000 Attributes Attribute Value Comment Department ENG.SERVICES ;Sub-Department `RDS&STRUCT. Project Approval Not Approved ; :Location Project Classification 'Betterment Program/Activity DC Reference No. `Road Segment No. ,Expected Useful Life Project Manager Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 32-330-10113 Lover's Lane Reconstruction Version lCapital Plan Year 2014 1 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department RDS & STRUCT. Gallery J:IEngineednglRon Albright12011 BudgeMovers Ln.jpg - 1 Bo ]an t 74,7-- f(C)clell Si � - - Ilea rniant jj- ]-- f P� %Y 1_. tw IC rrmm � §1v rch�vood Cr _. Lam- ---� 1 Losers Lo ii e st X,14 Trudeazt`�'r ��. 11.1isfe IV Y LOVERS LANE RECONSTRUCTION Municipality of Clarington so Capital Projects Project 32-330-12115 Pebblestone Road West Townline to Toole Version. Ca ital Plan I Year 12014 apartment JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department RDS & STRUCT. Description ' Project Description: The Municipality plans to defer more expensive long term improvements, pending the review of impacts of future development south of Pebblestone and potential timing of Regional Road improvements west of Clarington's urban boundary: The proposed construction work\ includes ditching, pulverizing the existing surface, adding to the granular road base, and placing surface treatment. Location: West Townline Road to Tooley Road, Courtice. 'Budget _ . Total 2014 2015 2018 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Contract Admin. 10,000 10,000 Construction 190,000 190,000 200,000 200,000 Expenditures Total 200,000 200,000 - -` ,,nding Reserve Funds Federal Gas Tax Receipts 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 Funding Total -200,000 -- 200,000 =,Attributes Attribute value : Comment Department ENG.SERVICES Sub-Department RDS&STRUCT. Project Approval ,Location :Ward 1 Project Classification Betterment Program/Activity DC Reference No. Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life 6-10 Project Manager MUnicipality of Clarington 251 Capital Projects Project 32-330-12115 Pebblestone Road West Townline to Toole Version lCapital Plan Year 12014 department JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department IRDS & STRUCT. Gallery J:UennyBQ013 Budget132-330-12115Jp9 S 1 O \ \' ( I r G s 4 D ROA O LE NE PEBBST _ _ .� S — x TL .r KR SIA t j ANE }.,.y • PEBBLESTONE ROAD REHABILITATION ,; . i Municipality of Clarington 25cc) Capital Projects Project 32-330-12116 Pebblestone Road Rehab Trulls to Courtice Version lCapital Plan Year 12014 apartment JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department IRDS & STRUCT. Description Project Description: The Municipality plans to defer more expensive long term improvements, pending the review of impacts Of future development south of Pebblestone and potential timing of Regional Road improvements west of Clarington's urban boundary. The proposed construction work includes ditching, pulverizing the existing surface, adding to the granular road base, and placing surface treatment. Location: Trulls Road to Courtice Road, Courtice. Budget : Total 2014 2015 2016 2017. . 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Contract Admin. 8,000 8,000 Construction 152,000 152,000 160,000 160,000 Expenditures Total 160,000 160,000 nding Reserve Funds Federal Gas Tax Receipts 160,000 160,000 160,000 160,000 Funding Total 160,000 160000 Attributes. Attribute Value - : Comment Department ;ENG.SERVICES Sub-Department ;RDS&STRUCT. Project Approval Location `Ward 1 Project Classification 'Betterment Program/Activity DC Reference No Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life '6-10 Project Manager Municipality of Clarington 259 Capital Projects Project 32-330-12116 Pebblestone Road Rehab Trulls to Courtice Version lCapital Plan Year 2014 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department RDS & STRUCT. `Gallery N'DepartmentlCapital Works12014W M Capital Budget12014 Budget Maps132-330-12116.jpg ; IV 0 1 1 f l !`1 PEBBL"ESTONE ROAD y� 1 L BBLES ON P,OA -. --...__ — .. ~ Ul -- m I KRVS1A T-I NEl 7� � PEBBLESTONE ROAD REHABILITATION — Municipality of Clarington 266. Capital Projects Project 32-330-14107 Energy Drive Surface Asphalt Osborne Rd to East Limit Version lCapital Plan Year 12014 1partment JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department IRDS & STRUCT. Descri ti p ` = Project Description: The road was constructed to an urban standard including underground services in 2011. Clarington will be placing surface asphalt. The projectwill be funded by OPG. Location; Osborne Road to 400 m east, Courtice. :Bud et. .; Total 2014 `: 2015 2016 - 2017 2018. 2019_ 2020 Expenditures Contract Admin. 2,500 2,500 Construction 117,500 117,500 120,000 120,000 Expenditures Total 120,000. 120,000 - -: nding External Financing Other 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 Funding Total 120,000 120,000 Attributes Attribute Value Comment Department ENG.SERVICES Sub-Department 'RDS&STRUCT. .Project Approval Location ;Ward 1 Project Classification New -Program/Activity DC Reference No. Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life 16-20 Project Manager 1 - _ � Municipality of Clarington 261 Capital Projects Project 32-330-14107 Energy Drive Surface Asphalt Osborne Rd to East Limit Version ICapital Plan Year 12014 Jepartment JENG. SERVICES t Sub-Departmetit IRDS & STRUCT. Gallery l:l^DepartmentlCapital Works1201412014 Capital Budget12014 Budget Maps132-330-14107.jpg --77 Baselhne Rd t t - -- .._...�------- - _.......-- ---- - i �� _ Cotlrtice[ct I O 11 t [ lz=�eryice PC'/'II.y , E Izz � Energy N ---- - _ - 0 s l� -C 0 U- CE \ C., Lake Ontario �•.., \� ENERGY DR. SURFACE ASPHALT Municipality of Clarington 262 Capital Projects Project 32-330-14109 Jackman Rd Reconstruction (Bridge to Scugog St Version Ca ital Plan Year 12014 apartment ENG, SERVICES Sub-Department RDS & STRUCT. Description Project Description: 2014 - Design 2015 - Construction -The road reconstruction work includes, contract administration, utilities relocation, instaillation of services and street lights, and road construction to base Coarse as.p,`lalt including new sidewalk. This project would be done in coordination with the Region of Durham as they have some watermain and sanitary sewer needs on the street. 2018 -The installation of the surface Location: Bowmavnville Creek to Scugog Street, Bowmanville. Bu+ager - Total 2014 2015- 2016 2017 . 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Contract Admin. 42,000 40,000 2,000 Design 52,000 52,000 Construction 523,000 463,000 60,000 617,000 52,000 503,000 62,000 Expenditures Total 617,000° 52,000 503;000 62,000 Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 617,000 52,000 503,000 62,000 617,000 52,000 503,000 62,000 Funding Total 617;000 52,000 50300 :62,000 -Attributes Attribute JValue comment. - Department 'ENG.SERVICES Sub-Department ;RDS&STRU CT. Project Approval ;Location ;Ward 2 _.-.. - Project Classification Betterment Program/Activity .DC Reference No. Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life Project Manager Municipality of Clarington 9..63 Capital Projects Project 32-330-14109 Jackman Rd Reconstruction (Bridge to Scu o St Version lCapital Plan Year 12014 jepartment JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department RIDS & STRUCT. Gallery l:l^DepartmentlCapital WorW201412014 Capital Budge82014 Budget MapsW-330-14109.jpg _- -- __ I _ � i -- - - TII�TD� -- - -�-.. Sufi nst I Ct oile Ct vmil Foul'th St a _ - � lllljCl 0 �--- - -FF_VL- h < — - "' 1 I I Edsall AY-- _l T! - - BOWMAN AI S lid y _ JACKMAN ROAD RECONSTRUCTION --- C--- / Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 32-330-14110 Fourth St Reconstruction (Scugog St to Elgin St Version lCapital Plan Year 2014 apartment JENG, SERVICES Sub-Department IRDS & STRUCT. Description; Project Description: The road reconstruction work includes design, contract administration, utilities relocation, installation of services and street lights, and road construction to base coarse asphalt including new sidewalk. This project would be done in coordination with the Region of Durham as they have some watermain and sanitary sewer needs on the street. Location: Scugog Street to Elgin Street, Bowmanville. Budget _ Total 2014 20.15 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Contract Admin. 7,500 7,500 Design 7,000 7,000 Construction 365,500 365,500 380,000 380,000 Expenditures Total 380,000 : 380,000 Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 Reserve Funds Road Contributions 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 Funding Total :380,000 380,000 .. 'Attr.ibutes Attribute Value Comment Department .ENG.SERVICES Sub-Department ;RIDS &STRUCT. Project Approval Location €ward 2 Project ClassificationReplacement Program/Activity DC Reference No. Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life 36-40 Project Manager i Municipality or Clarington ".55 Capital Projects Project 32-330-14110 Fourth St Reconstruction (Scuqoq St to EI in St Version lCapital Plan I Year 12014 Jepartment JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department IRDS & STRUCT. Gallery l:l^DepartmenACapital Works1201412014 Capital Budget12014 Budget Maps132-330-141 10Jpg - f %�. Jdo� Et C - / - Sun 1 ans one Ct F I Oltl'tll ,St h1 ' mill Ct I--- - _ o 1:<i Sp JEdgall rev- -rL - _.... .. FOURTH STREET RECONSTRUCTION - 1 IV Unicipality of Clariington 256 Capital Projects Project 32-330-14111 Brookhill Blvd Oversizin Version . Ca ital Plan Year 2014 apartment JENG, SERVICES Sub-Department RDS & STRUCT. 'Description' Project Description: This project is for the additional cost to increase the width of Brookhill Blvd from a local road to a collector road. The larger width road,benefits users beyond the subdivision, so it is considered to be a Development Charges project. Also included in the Municipality's share is the cost of a 3 m wide multi use pathway, and the additional costto upgrade to decorative streetlights. Location: Green Road to Clarington Boulevard, Bowmanville, Budget Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Construction 310,000 310,000 310,000 310,000 Expenditures Total 310,000 310,000 -.tnding ;velopment Charges Roads&Related 310,000 310,000 310,000 310,000 Funding Total 310,000 31.0 000 Attributes ,_ Attribute lValue :. Comment Department ENG.SERVICES Sub-Department 'RDS&STRUCT. Project Approval Location ;ward 2 Project Classification New Program/Activity DC Reference No. Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life 36-40 Project Manager Municipality of Clarington 967 Capital Projects Project 32-330-14111 Brookhill Blvd Oversizin Version ICapital Plan Year 12014 department JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department IRDS & STRUCT. Gallery l:l^Departmentl Capital.Works120MM14 Capital Budgeh2014 Budget MapsW-330-1411 1.jpg y r - i --- ((( 4 /��1\.Il1C_Jl -- B1'O CJ( �11�1 0 w z \ ,-.�_�---'"� STEVENS ROAD - _.._.____.._.._. .-.. ��-1----- �... STEVENS STEVENS ROAD_._ _.._�. __--__..-_....— � -. _.. ..........._.....—_ \ y/cy �7 UPTOWN AVE DURHAM HIGHWAY 2 80- At AG -T - - - // - rl I PRINCE WILLIAM B ULEVAR •� /// Z m VILL BROOKHILL BOULEVARD OVERSIZING _ - Municipality of Clarington 3 Capital Projects Project 32-330-14112 Baseline Rd/CPR Level Crossing Improvements West of Holt Rd lersion JCapital Plan Year 2014 epartment JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department IRDS & STRUCT. Description- Project Description: The level crossing improvements include the addition of gate barriers at the Baseline Rd and CPR level crossing between Rundle Rd and Holt Rd. This location has been identified as a high priority by Transport Canada, and an application has been submitted for subsidy from Transport Canada. it is expected that 80% of the project cost will be recovered. Note: Transport Canada 50% funding under the Grade Crossing Improvement Program would not be reimbursed until March of 2015. 30% contribution from CPR will be provided upon completion of the work in 2014. Location: Level Crossing west of HOlt Road. budget Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 -- 2020 Expenditures Construction 130,000 130,000 130,000 130,000 Expenditures Total 130;000 130,000 'riding eternal Financing Other 39,000 39,000 Grants-Federal 65,000 65,000 104,000 104,000 Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 26,000 26,000 26,000 26,000 Funding Total 130,000 130,000 Attributes Attribute -- _ Value.` Comment Department ;ENG.SERVICES Sub-Department ;RDS&STRUCT. Project Approval Location 'Ward 1 Project Classification ',Betterment Program/Activity 'DC Reference No. Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life ;21-25 Project Manager 69 Municipality of Ciarington Capital Projects Project 32-330-14112 Baseline Rd/CPR Level Crossing Improvements West of Holt Rd !ersion lCapital Plan I Year 12014 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department IRDS & STRUCT. Gallery°. , Itl^DepartmentlCapital Works1201412014 Capital Budget12014 Budget Maps132-330-14112Jpg —....._. ------ -- - Baseline Rd. I DARLINGTON LEVEL CROSSING IMPROVEMENTS Municipality of Clarington 27C? Capital Projects Project 32-330-14113 Prospect St and Lambs Lane Area Design Alersion Ca ital Plan I Year 12014 apartment ENG, SERVICES Sub-Department RDS &.STRUCT. Description ProJect Description: Design work for the reconstruction of Prospect St, Lambs Lane, First St, Second St, Veterans Ave, and Third St to 90% completion, including utility relocation as required. Construction to be completed in phases over the next 3-4 years. It is important to complete design for the entire area to ensure a smooth transition when work is completed in phases. These projects will be done in coordination with the Region of Durham as they have watermain and sanitary sewer needs on these streets. Location: North of CPR, east of Scugog Street, south of Fourth Street and west of Elgin Street. Budget _. Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Design 190,000 190,000 Construction 60,000 60,000 250,000 250,000 Expenditures Total 250,000 250000 ending Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 Funding Total 250,000 250,000 Attributes Attribute Value Comment ,Department ;ENG.SERVICES Sub-Department RIDS&STRUCT. Project Approval Location Ward 1 .Project Classification ;Replacement' Program/Activity DC Reference No. ,Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life .Project Manager J Municipality of Clarington 271 Capital Projects Project 32-330-14113 Prospect St and Lambs Lane Area Design Version lCapital Plan Year 12014 .department ENG. SERVICES Sub-Department IRDS & STRUCT. Gallery l:1"DepartmentlCapital Wbrks1201412014 Capital Budget12014 Budget Maps132-330-14113.jpg I i- ----r �trtl� St �_LU. , --- - �� yymill C - - I T"f VC`A�IlTj�fi - �� IS1t73Set 4 4 -rt" rA I it tTCl S1t ,. l e rederick Fdp1l I _L�� �1 -- — i -� eC llC St T M'rc Wendel - -�, __ st St L—I— Saunders 1� T Concession St W '' PROSPECT STREET & LAMBS LANE AREA DESIGN �—– Municipality of Clarington .7L Capital Projects Project 32-330-14114 Lake Rd Extension 450 m West of South Service Rd to South Service Rd `'rsion JCapital Plan Year 12014 apartment ENG, SERVICES Sub-Department RDS & STRUCT. Description Project Description: Extension of Lake Rd from existing east terminus to Lambs Road, Roadworks through development lands to be front ended by the Municipality of Clarington using Strategic Capital Reserve Fund in order to meet the request of Council to use the money to foster economic development on employment lands in Clarington. The cost of the roadwork will be recovered as the adjacent land is developed and will be included in a.development agreement with the adjacent landowner. Bennett Creek crossing to be funded by Development Charges. Council apprbVed this through Report EGD-039-13 (Resolution #GPA-531-13) Location: East terminus to Lambs Road. Budget - Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Contract Admin. 110,000 110,000 Design 120,000 120,000 Construction 1,840,000 1,840,000 2,070,000 2,070,000 Expenditures Total 2;070,000 2,070,000 Funding _.. . Reserve Funds Strategic Capital 770,000 770,000 770,000 770,000 Development Charges Roads&Related 1,300,000 1,300,000 1,300,000 1,300,000 Funding Total 2,070,000 2,070,000 Attribute Value Comment Department ENG. SERVICES Sub-Department `RDS&STRUCT. Project Approval Location :Ward 3 Project Classification :New Program/Activity DC Reference No. Road Segment No. `Expected Useful Life `Project Manager Page No. : 1 Municipality of Clarincgton Capital Projects Project 32-330-14114 Lake Rd Extension 450 m West of South Service Rd to South Service Rd '!pr sion lCapital Plan Year 2014 iepartment JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department RDS & STRUCT. Galle ry l:l^DepartmentlCapital Works12014MI4 Capital Budget12014 Budget Maps132-330-14114.jpg 10, 401 s - otrth Se� _---- _ vice y J e O Al r ►" ILLE LAKE ROAD EXT SIGN \� i Municipality of Clarington 274, Capital Projects Project 32-330-15102 Grady Drive at Foster Creek Version Ca ital Plan Year 12014 apartment JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department IFDS & STRUCT. . Description-, - - Proiect Description: Completion of EA and Design of Grady Dr crossing of Foster Creek. Timing for construction to be determined by Foster Creek North subdivision. Foster Creek crossing to be funded by Development Charges. Location: Grady Drive over Foster Creek, east of Remi Court, Newcastle. Budget Total ,2014 2015 2016 2017 - 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Design 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 Expenditures Total .40,000 40,000 `(ding ,velopment Charges Roads&Related 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 Funding Total 40,000 40;000 Attributes` Attribute Value Comment Department ENG,SERVICES Sub-Department 'RDS&STRUCT. Project Approval Not Approved 'Location Ward 4 Project Classification 'New Program/Activity DC Reference No. "119 2008 .Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life Project Manager f I Municipality of Clarington 27 Capital Projects Project 32-330-15102 Grady Drive at Foster Creek Version lCapital Plan Year 12014 iepartment JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department RDS & STRUCT. - Gallery l:l^DepartmentlCapital Wbrks1201412014 Capital Budget12014 Budget Maps132-330-15102.jpg qt Is, / s �� pct << l it cl M0111.0 o t -- i Wilmot Sty-- very - - F F -- 't6 rev. GRADD BRIDGE AT FOSTE R Municipality of Clarington '176 Capital Projects Project 32-330-15103 Holt Rd/CPR Level Crossing Improvements North of Baseline Rd Version lCapital Plan Year 2014 apartment JENG, SERVICES Sub-Department IRDS & STRUCT. Descrtpfion . . Project Description: The level crossing improvements include the addition of gate barriers at the Holt Rd and CPR level crossing between Baseline Rd and Bloor St. This location has been identified as a high priority by Transport Canada, and an application has been Submitted for subsidy from Transport Canada. It is expected that 80% of the project cost will be recovered. Note: Transport Canada 50% funding under the Grade Crossing Improvement Program would not be reimbursed until March of 2015. 30% contribution from CPR will be provided upon completion of the work in 2014. Location: Holt Rd, north of Baseline Rd Budget Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2 01 9 2020 Expenditures Construction 130,000 130,000 130,000 130,000 Expenditures Total 130,000 1301000 runding ternal Financing Other 39,000 39,000 Grants-Federal 65,000 65,000 104,000 104,000 Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 26,000 26,000 26,000 26,000 Funding Total 130,000 1130;000 Attributes. Attribute Value Comment Department 'ENG. SERVICES Sub-Department RDS&STRUCT. Project Approval Location Project Classification Betterment Prog ram/Atctivity DC Reference No. Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life Project Manager Municipality of Clarington �77 Capital Projects Project 32-331-05102 Sidewalk Replacement- Unspecified '�rsion lCapital Plan Year 2014 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department ISMALKS & WALKWAYS Description' Project Description: The purpose of this project is to provide funds for the replacement of deficient sidewalk throLlghoLlt the Municipality. Deficiencies include cracking, trip hazards, excessive slopes, etc. Also included are missing links in pedestrian.facilities. Annual inspections are completed to assess priorities based on deficiencies, pedestrian usage and location. Location:' Various locations 'Budget° Total 20.14- 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Contract Admin. 45,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 Design 45,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 Construction 910,000 182,000 182,000 182,000 182,000 182,000 i 1,000,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 Expenditures Total 11000,000 200;000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 1,000,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,000,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 Funding Total 11000,000 200,000 20.0,000 - 200,000 200,000 ,: 200,000 Attributes -. Attribute Value Comment Department `ENG.SERVICES .Sub-Department SNVALKS&WALKWAYS Project Approval ;Not Approved Location All Project Classification Replacement Program/Activity SNVALK REPLACEMENT-UNSPECIFIED DC Reference No. Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life 36-40 Project Manager 1 I Municipality of Clarincdton l78 Capital Projects Project 32-331-13223 Main Street Orono Sidewalk `version lCapital Plan Year 2014 apartment JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department ISMALKS &WALKWAYS Description - Project Description: : - Additional design (legal, survey, soils) for future construction of sidewalk to connect existing sidewalk on west side of Main St at Mill St to existing sidewalk 360 m north of Mill St. Region of Durham to replace the culvert through this section in 2014 and construct the sidewalk at the Culvert. Location: Mill St to 360 m north of Mill St ;Budget Total 2014 2015 2016 2017, 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Design 5,000 5,000 Construction 185,000 185,000 190,000 5,000 185,000 Expenditures Total 190,000 5;000 185,0.00 .nding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 190,000 5,000 185,000 190,000 5,000 185,000 Funding Total 190;000 5,000 185,000 - Attributes Attribute Value Comment Department ENG.SERVICES Sub-Department SMALKS&WALKWAYS Project Approval Location Project Classification New Program/Activity ; DC Reference No. Road Segment No. .Expected Useful Life Project Manager Municipality of Clarington ,79 Capital Projects Project 32-331-14101 Highway#2 Sidewalk Trulls Rd to COUrtice Rd South Side `(ersion Capital Plan Year 2014 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department FS/WALKS & WALKWAYS Description Project Description: The work includes the construction of sidewalk on the south side of Highway 2 to service the increased development in the area and to improve safety. This will also go towards improving active transportation in Clarington. This link will provide a safe connection to signalized intersections at either Trulls Road or Courtice Road for pedestrians wishing to cross Hwy. 2. Location: South Side of Hwy. 2 from Trulls Road to Courtice Road, Courtice. Budget Total 2014 2015. 2016 , 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Contract Admin. 4,000 4,000 Design 7,000 7,000 Construction 208,000 208,000 219,000 219,000 Expenditures Total 219,000 219,000 j Funding Development Charges Roads&Related 219,000 219,000 219,000 219,000 Funding Total 219,000 -21.9,000 Attrib0teS_ Attribute _ Value. 777 Comment Department 'ENG.SERVICES Sub-Department S/WALKS&WALKWAYS Project Approval Location '.Ward 1 Project Classification '.New Program/Activity DC Reference No. ' Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life 36-40 .Project Manager i Municipality of Clarincgton =Uo Capital Projects Project 32-331-14101 Highway#2 Sidewalk Trulls Rd to Courtice Rd .South Side Version Capital Plan Year 12014 apartment ENG. SERVICES Sub-Department ISMALKS & WALKWAYS GaNe l:lADepartmenACapital Works1201412014 Capital Budget12014 Budget Maps132-33 1-14 10 1.jpg — :r bJD ME , S 4I 1Vo ....._ - UIR ffL�,_ _ ��E_ 2 SIDEWALK I Municipality of Clarington 281 Capital Projects Project 32-331-14102 Prestonvale Rd Sidewalk(Meadowglade Rd to Oke Rd East Side Version lCapital Plan Year 2014 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department ISMALKS &WALKWAYS : .Description Project Description. The work includes the construction of sidewalk on the east side of Prestonvale Road to service the new residential development and improve the safety of children walking to the school on Meadowglade Road and to further promote active transportation in the neighbourhood. Location: East side of Prestonvale Road from Meadowglade Road to Oke Road, Courtice Budget Total 2014 2015 - 2016 °_ .2017 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Contract Admin. 2,500 2,500 Design 3,500 3,500 Construction 101,000 101,000 107,000 107,000 Expenditures Total 107,000 107,000 Funding External Financing Developer Recovery 98,000 98,000 98,000 98,000 Development Charges Roads&Related 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 Funding Total ,107,000 107,000 ;Attributes Attribute Value Comment Department !ENG.SERVICES Sub-Department S/WALKS&WALKWAYS Project Approval Not Approved Location ;Ward 1 Project Classification ;New . Program/Activity DC Reference No. 103-2010 Road Segment No. 92299, 92300 Expected Useful Life 36 740 Project Manager I Municipality of Clarington 282 Capital Projects Project 32-331-14102 Prestonvale Rd Sidewalk Meadow lade Rd to Oke Rd East Side Version ICapital Plan I Year 12014 apartment JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department ISMALKS &WALKWAYS Gallery., .. . l:lADepartmenACapital WorksM14T014 Capital Budgeh2014 Budget Maps132-331-14102.Jpg :GO\ � NVN33H5 ��•`.'� / �1. - t 1_ IA t r jADDlE8R001C \ '`. O�� • L DRNE _ r. SAGEWOOO AIrF \ `1 ��u ROAD R zt DEGOE GT pRESTONVALE ROAD A - D .,,. 7 -._�..' m f RES T. o WORDEN DR. ....,.,i O m rT - ��[l m r� o R TOOL EY'LANE - T GRES m ' tiit IT I�1I L D -_ _ 6EE - —. U---- - -- LYN GNNU -- E ROAD _- �-. / �� OK _ SAN! Po WIA ILI A,= _GLEN ABBE Y D a �o 8� Z�- }} COURTICIE .. i PRESTONVALE ROAD SIDEWALK _ _� �� 1J Municipality of Clarington 283 Capital Projects Project 32-331-14106 RR 17 Sidewalk- East side Mill St N to CPR ,ersion Ca ital Plan Year 2014 Oepartment JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department ISMALKS & WALKWAYS -Description_ Project Description: The work includes the construction of sidewalk on the east side of Regional Rd 17 (Manvers Rd)to service existing and future development and improve safety. This sidewalk will also serve as a connection to future development it i north Newcastle. Location: Mill Street North to 50 m north of Monroe Street, Newcastle. Budget Total 2014 2015 2016 2017. 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Contract Admin. 2,500 2,500 Design 9,000 9,000 Construction 189,500 189,500 201,000 201,000 Expenditures Total 201,000 201,000 Funding Development Charges Roads&Related 201,000 201,000 201,000 201,000 Funding Total 201,000 201,000 Attributes Attribute JValue Comment Department �'ENG. SERVICES Sub-Department ;SMIALKS&WALKWAYS Project Approval Location zWard 4 .Project Classification `New Program/Activity DC Reference No. .Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life 36-40 Project Manager 1 Municipality of Clarington 2 81�I. Capital Projects Project 32-331-14106 RR 17 Sidewalk- East side Mill St N to CPR 'Sersion [Capital Plan Year 12014 epartment JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department S/WALKS & WALKWAYS Gallery l.•1^DepartmentlCapital WorksM1412014 Capital BudgeA2014 Budget MapsW-331-14106.jpg H-E ION ROE STREET W O MONROE STREET_E S RADY D I I W - ANDREW STREET z P4 q/yO � p - _ C� - � _ � - u ~ _ LU AL E w GEORGE ST zGEOR E ST E GEORGE ST E U O > RAH AM Cl< Jw _...._ _ I WILMOT_STREET U) - L YATLEY GTI - ---- KING - -- - - - AVENUE Efil ST KING AVENUE WEST KING AVENUE WEST KING AVENUE EAST REGIONAL ROAD 17 SIDEWALK E _ Y _ r Municipality of Clarington 285 Capital Projects Project 32-331-14107 Regional Road 57 Multi-Use Trail Nash Rd to Longworth Ave West Side (rsion ICapital Plan Year 2014 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department FS/WALKS & WALKWAYS Description Project Description: The work includes the design, legal, survey and potential property purchased for future construction of a rnulti- use pathway on the west side of Regional Rd 57 from Nash Rd to Longworth Ave. This is an important safety link for cyclists travelling between Courtice and Bowmanville and is included in the Regional Cycling Plan. Upon Completion of detailed design the Region will be approached for a contribution towards the cost of the project should property or road works be required to accommodate a platform for the trail as per the Region's Current approved Regional Cycling Plan funding criteria. Location: - West side of Regional Road 57 from Nash Road to Longworth Avenue. Budget Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Construction 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Expenditures Total 5,000 5,000. ending Development Charges Roads&Related 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Funding Total 5,000 51000 Attributes Attribute Value _ Comment Department '.ENG.SERVICES Sub-Department `S/WALKS&WALKWAYS Project Approval .Location :Ward 2 Project Classification New Program/Activity DC Reference No. 57 Road Segment No. 'Expected Useful Life 36-40 Project Manager I Municipality of Clarington ""S6 Capital Projects Project 32-331-14107 Regional Road 57 Multi-Use Trail Nash Rd to Lon worth Ave West Side (ersion Ca ital Plan Year 12014 apartment JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department S/WALKS &WALKWAYS - Galle. ry l:l^DepartmentlCapital Works1201412014 Capital BudgeA2014 Budget Maps02-331-14107.fpg HE -_ ----- -------- I it �� N ry l� --- -.....— ...._ Lon gwo rthAve _..=,...��" ......_ _ -- 1 . bA S2" 17i11t t� ......._... - REGIONAL ROAD 57 SIDEWALKS � " Municipality of Clarington 3 7 Capital Projects Project 32-331-14108 Scugog St Sidewalk Rehder Ave to Jackman Rd West side `Sersion lCapital Plan Year 12014 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department ISMALKS &WALKWAYS Description Project Description: The work includes the construction of sidewalk on the west side of Scugog St to service existing and future development to the north and improve safety. There have been some requests for this extension to eliminate having to cross Scugog Street twice in order to get to schools to the north. This will also further promote active transportation in the neighbourhood. Location: _ West side of Scugog Street from Rehder Avenue to Jackman Road, Bowmanville. Budget Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Contract Admin. 5,000 5,000 Construction 77,000 77,000 82,000 82,000 Expenditures Total 82,000 82,000 Funding Development Charges Roads&Related 82,000 82,000 82,000 82,000 Funding Total 82,000,: 82,000 Attributes;. Attribute Value Comment' Department ENG.SERVICES Sub-Department SMALKS&WALKWAYS Project Approval Location 'Ward 2 Project Classification New Program/Activity DC Reference No. `62 Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life 36-40 'Project Manager Municipality of Clarington 28 8 Capital Projects Project 32-331-14108 Scugog St Sidewalk Renter Ave to Jackman Rd West side `torsion lCapital Plan Year 12014 apartment JENG. SERVICES . Sub-Department ISMALKS &WALKWAYS - -. `Gallo _. . l:l^DepartmeOCapital Works1201412014 Capital Budge82014 Budget Mapsl32-331-14108.jpg lV "i _J .. -TT nStolle — _ Stlltl F ✓+ N .T. Oui-tll St _...JJ-1_. �y t - --- -- - \ — - ---- FF � l -- j` ---- AS"I Av F b _. Second S t-- i�.eliclei Av- - r i Lj t- - „� _ TT / ]�] Sturrock.Rd a- Ode11LSt { 0W-MA1 �' �� \�� SCUGOG STREET SIDEWALK I vi) ✓ Municipziliay of Clarington 28�' Capital Projects Project 32-332-14101 Lon worth Ave IPS at Clayton Cr '(ersion lCapital Plan Year 12014 Oepartment JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department ITRAFFIC SGLS Description Project Description: The installation of the intersection pedestrian signal (IPS) crossing Longworth Ave will improve safety of pedestrians accessing the elementary school and park on the north side of Longworth Ave. Location: Crossing Longworth Avenue at Clayton Crescent, Bowmanville. Budget Total _ 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Construction 95,000 95,000 95,000 95,000 Expenditures Total 95,000 95,000 ;unding - Development Charges Roads&Related 95,000 95,000 95,000 95,000 Funding Total 95,000 95,000 Attributes Attribute Value Comment Department ENG. SERVICES Sub-Department TRAFFIC SGLS Project Approval Location Ward 2 Project Classification New Program/Activity DC Reference No. :Road Segment No. 'Expected Useful Life `;21-25 Project Manager Municipality of Clarington 290 Capital Projects Project 32-332-1.4101 Lon worth Ave IPS at Clayton Cr 'version lCapital Plan Year 2014 apartment JENG, SERVICES Sub-Department TRAFFIC SGLS Galle l:l^DepartmentlCapital WorW201412014 Capital Budget12014 Budget Maps132-332-14101.jpg -T _ l- ___ 1 4 � J`?w Municipality of Clarincdton 291 Capital Projects Project 32-340-11101 Brookhill Tributary Nick Point Remedial Works Version Ca ital Plan Year 12014 apartment JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department JEROSION PROTECT Description: Project Description: Annual monitoring program including minor remedial works as required to ensure the safety and integrity of existing valley slopes. Location: On Brookhill Tributary between Regional Road 57 and Bowmanville Creek. Bud et g Total 2014 2015 2016 > 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Contract Admin. 25,000 25,000 Design 25,000 25,000 Construction 240,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 200,000 290,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 250,000 Expenditures Total 290,000 1.0,0 00 10,000 10,000 10,000., 250,000 i Funding External Financing Developer Recovery 290,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 250,000 290,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 250,000 Funding Total 290,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000_ 250,000 Attributes Attribute Value Comment Department 'ENG.SERVICES 'Sub-Department ;EROSION PROTECT Project Approval `Not Approved Location 'Ward 2 'Project Classification 'New Prog ram/Activity DC Reference No. Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life Project Manager r Municipality of Clarington 292 Capital Projects Project 32-340-11101 Brookhill Tributary Nick Point Remedial Works Version lCapital Plan Year 12014 apartment ENG. SERVICES Sub-Department JEROSION PROTECT _ Gallery:. N'DepadmentlCapital Wbrks12014k2014 Capital BudgeA2014 Budget Maps132-340-11101.jpg w o {L{ I :F ��Y �.r� -�• II ST ; c �, t � 'kr _ ...� .�, :�7 `��.... u! ,� - � ROAD 7 Y Tl i'�A VIL �( ,�'�.....�.. w c, - �CT Q- v `' K _; I D' ;II tI�ICtiT.._._. I'{ACG;%r •Y 7 y N _ fr B\ 0�` 9 1'r<drricl;•1] SVET ,ANS 7 J LVVERLtE CT " �% - f h FREDERICK AVI AV N]�NI I} I'i + - rt I:Gi,;?1 SEC r�D IJ I.ICT �W 'e N FIRS ST ,Tti�l niiili•i s°.f-_r- °� c w 1?TUCKER RD S 131.00lC +`'�.T AVENUE O g p a 'LANV LLE STURROCK a COURT U a. but-u�• $ -i� ENUE DEL- ar,.i ..•'.• U r V q ¢ Itcrruuv tit. ¢ ji1 r CT T, o -HERRII.IAN CONCESSION Y < _ ___-.-._ S7 W L J J I FY w ¢ t T RUDEAU- l ORR L J1�-.-I DVN AVE. YG�. ST E LOVERS LA ....--- :_:-.� 1pA1`=:1 BP�, L ALE;CANDE.6V _ RCHWOOD C�(... C J rc��- T '-.��* _�?L HIGHWAY2 - .r _ -__ ,I N/ IA DRIVE 0 S M \ p _ _ — P �� oQ\Yin w l'' ??"- ,`r\- / ° N;111 U LBERTV�I t, �YW II OL PN P VY\ w �1`'` /f/N\C�y Q {/CARLISLE AV C � � J Sl� �� \ i G c o z V1jSLE, PJENU i' r O o ---.._.._.. - w > m Sr(�Kr E OfiFP � `'� PRINCE WILLIAM BOULEVARD :.RCH m� N�� ° rSr ° r a TREWIN v. � / � FT o BJR R\N� LANE r V )(I 1+L R O O oT Off,` �2L �..J _KING.STREET SPINN Gg RPR o LAWRENCE ,�.,, i oN Ow m MEADOWS < HART t L J y hOCo'y R fiE T ter' PV �Pr�5� / �O.y� I UEEN I- 2 _______� O STREET .\ N w I DOREEN w N `.p�F rr 5 - LL n �CANO -T f_-1 ? i'� VJ� �{ �PN� / ��CRINCE STREET_.. w\1 R C NT __.... z Q 5 BROOKHILL TRIBUTARY NICK POINT REMEDIAL WORKS % ° 5<� JANE STREET /\ Municipality of Clarington 293 Capital Projects Project 32-340-13101 Bowmanville Creek Erosion Protection North of Longworth Avenue Itersion Ca ital Plan Year 2014 Department JENG, SERVICES Sub-Department JEROSION PROTECT :,_Description:,. _ Project Description: 2013 - Design 2014 - ConstructionThe work involves erosion control north of the Longworth Ave bridge over Bowmanville Creek. The crib wall that was constructed as part of the creek realignment has failed and the erosion is nearing the toe of the road embankment and needs to be addressed before it advances much further. Location: North of Longworth Avenue Budget- Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Contract Admin. 16,000 16,000 Construction 184,000 184,000 200,000 200,000 Expenditures Total 200,000 200,000 funding Reserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program 66,660 66,660 66,660 66,660 Development Charges Roads&Related 133,340 133,340 133,340 133,340 Funding Total 200,000 200,000 Attributes Attribute Value Comment Department 'ENG. SERVICES Sub-Department EROSION PROTECT Project Approval ,Not Approved Location Ward 2 Project Classification :Betterment Program/Activity DC Reference No. 'Appendix C,Table 4 1.6 Erosion Control Works Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life 'Project Manager i � Municipality of Clarington 294 Capital Projects Project 32-340-13101 Bowmanville Creek Erosion Protection North of Lon worth Avenue `version Ca ital Plan Year 2014 apartment JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department JEROSION PROTECT Gallery J:UennyB12013 Budget132-340-13101.jpg 11I. 1 l �' T1 i f 4�o >l ..Daley I)l ry �1 r 1 rA ) " 11U1,r «l�t7i Gr - 11 - r Mea dolvvi ew -- r.._ B1vc1. _ .. . ,.i J ANVIL-L,\E-j'- 1� I �� (J �� �, - - .., �'O U 1"1.11 St ;_.,1_ ...._L_,_u_�_......�._. BOWMANVILLE CREEK EROSION WORKS .__..._.-_..._ Municipality of Claringfon 295 Capital Projects Project 32-340-14101 Foster Ck Remediation 60 m South of King Ave Version lCapital Plan Year 2014 Department JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department JEROSION PROTECT Description; Proiect Description: The work involves re-alignment of Foster Creek approximately 60 m south of Highway 2 where erosion has washed out a section of the the Lions Trail. Location: 60 m south of Highway 2, Newcastle. Bud et - g - Total .2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Design 10,000 10,000 Legal 10,000 10,000 Construction 75,000 75,000 95,000 95,000 Expenditures Total 95,000 95,000 Funding Reserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program 31,663 31,663 31,663 31,663 Development Charges Roads&Related 63,337 63,337 63,337 63,337 Funding Total 95,000 95,000 Attributes;. Attribute Value - Comment Department ENG.SERVICES :Sub-Department ,EROSION PROTECT Project Approval Location 'Ward 4 :Project Classification ;Betterment Program/Activity DC Reference No. App.C,Table 4, 1.6 .Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life Project Manager i I Municipality of Clarington 2.9 C- Capital Projects Project 32-340-14101 Foster Ck Remediation 60 m South of King Ave Version lCapital Plan Year 2014 apartment ENG. SERVICES Sub-Department JEROSION PROTECT Gallery I:IADepartmentlCapital Wo`rks1201412014 Capital Budget12014 Budget Maps132-340-14101.jpg No STREET VY � t'Ot1ROE S rM E T1' , d E H I -- _ -'- w RIVE GRADY DR r( Sr .'i .—J_i_L� EN:STREET rvl_ — - r E DRIVE { J t. ... .. THOMAS — `N '> A E.S LA lE r. GEORGE STE GEORGE ST _-- f--'-- — EORGE STW ;�' _1.. l VIII III+� - GRA CT __ i f� -- -- �zi_. �1 __�� /EhIUE "- — ......__....._.._...y_...__—___�__.—. - O w s �� �— T _ —' I ��• `-' � WILh10T STREET w - f� � LE I�. y -DATE -- G w I W � CHA KING AVENU E EAST _._ mp - �1I:1:1, a :�LIZ�I�ILITILTII _ i _�1..� —„ LILLIAN CRESCENT T W( � k_ 1� I � 1 SCI . }— _ _ - w -j.••...—_ FOSTEP,CREEK DRIVE _ Ci ..._........_.. ..._.. I Dr _. `... Wit— o wl .I.L .L J _ u- O STANFORD CAI OLINE ST IN CARTLINESTE LAKING DRIVE m J� W CRESCENT RAVEY 1' EDWARD STREET W +1 EDWARD ST EDWARD STREET FAST .1 H - _ —LLI�_CI FIT.?KASTERL4�1 CRESCENT ! 1 w FOSTER CREEK REMEDIATION . :. Municipality of Clarington 2r7 Capital Projects Project 32-340-14102 Orono Arena Storm Outfall Erosion Remediation Version lCapital Plan I Year 12013 .jepartment JENG. SERVICES Sub-Department JEROSION PROTECT Description Project Description: The work involves erosion control at the outlet of the storm sewer west of the Orono!arena parking lot within lands owned by Clarington. If not addressed, the parking lot is in jeopardy. Location: Tributary to Wilmot Creek west of Orono Arena parking lot. Budget Total 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Attributes .1ribute JVa1LAe Comment Department ENG.SERVICES Sub-Department EROSION PROTECT Project Approval Location Ward 4 Project Classification Betterment Program/Activity DC Reference No. :App.C,Table 4, 1.6 Road Segment No. .Expected Useful Life Project Manager I I Municipality of Clarington ?9 Capital Projects Project 32-340-14102 Orono Arena Storm Outfall Erosion Remediation Version lCapital Plan Year 12014 apartment ENG. SERVICES Sub-Department JEROSIO N PROTECT Gallery la^DepartmentlCapital Works1201412014 Capital Budget12014 Budget Maps132-340-14102.jpg __..._.._._ ...._.__ C OITFEYIE`0 STREET u% e � At I �' ORONO _ % _-- J21�CE5.5 SIRE.T i 9 ip ' — eon JUT, r` =`a ONCESSIONROADS _ ? --ORONO ARENA STORM OUTFACE �'T� N (EROSION REMEDIATION !! Municipality of Clarington Capital Budget 2014 Summary by Department Department/Project Gross Cost Revenue External Reserves Reserve Development DC Debt Debentures Fund Financing Funds ' Charges 36 OPERATIONS 325 PARK 36-325-10100 Various Park Upgrades 130,000 (20,000) (110,000) 36-325-10110 Park Furniture/Equipment 90,000 (90,000) Total 325 PARK 220,000 (20,000) _ (200,000) 326 CEMETERY 36-326-14100 Cemetery Improvements 5,000 (5,000) Total 326 CEMETERY 5,000 (5,000) 370 BLDG&PROP.SERV. 36-370-10340 Various Community Buildings 138,000 (26,500) (111,500) 36-370-11106 MAC Upgrades 147,000 (42,000) (105,000) Total 370 BLDG&PROP.SERV. 285,000 . (68,500) (216,500) 380 RD MNTCE 36-330-10100 Rural Road Resurfacing 1,300,000 (800,000) (300,000) (200,000) Total 380 RD MNTCE 1,300,000 (800,000) (300,000) (200,000) 388 FLEET 36-388-10100 Fleet Replacement-Roads 320,000 (320,000) 36-388-10150 Fleet New-Roads 137,000 (72,200) (64,800) 36-388-11250 Fleet New-Parks 5,000 (5,000) 36-388-11300 Fleet Replacement-Cemetery 30,000 (30,000) 36-388-14350 New Equipment Cemetery 2,500 (2,500) Total 388 FLEET 494,500 (429,700) (64,800) 460 MUS/VAC 36-460-14400 Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 74,000 (74,000) Total 460 MUS/VAC 74,000 (74,000) Total 36 OPERATIONS 2,378,500 (962,500) (300,000) (1,051,200) (64,800) Total OPERATIONS 2,378,500 (962,500) (300,000) (1,051,200) (64,800) Municipality of Clarington 300 Capital Projects Project 36-325-10100 Various Park Upgrades `version Capital Plan Year 12014 _)epartment JOPERATIONS Sub-Department IPARK Description Project Description: Remove and replace splash pad at Orono Park, 61 Princess Street, Orono $75,000 Install molok container at Orono Park $5,000 Annual program to resurface tennis courts $50,000 Location: As Specified Budget Total 2014 2015 2016 . 2017 . 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Renovation 270,000 125,000 55,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 Equipment 5,000 5,000 275,000 130,000 55,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 Expenditures Total 275,000 130,000 55,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 unding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 45,000 20,000 25,000 45,000 20,000 25,000 Reserve Funds Facilities!Parks Maintenance 230,000 110,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 230,000 110,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 Funding Total 275,000 130,000 55,000 . 30,000 30,000 -30,000 Attributes._ „ Attribute lValue "Comment Department OPERATIONS Sub-Department PARK Project Approval Not Approved Location All Project Classification 'Betterment Program/Activity DC Reference No. Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life .Project Manager Winicipality of Clarington 301. Capital Projects Project 36-325-10110 Park Furniture/Equipment Version lCapital Plan Year 12014 -lepartment JOPERATIONS Sub-Department PARK Description.: Project Description: To replace playground structures in accordance with CSA Playspace Guidelines -To be determined. Location: Budget Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Equipment 450,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 450,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 Expenditures Total 450,000 90,000 90,000, 90,000 90;000 90,000 . runding .eserve Funds Facilities/Parks Maintenance 450,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 450,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 ,Funding Total 450,000 90,000 96,000 90,000 `90,000 90,000 Attributes Attribute Value Comment Department OPERATIONS Sub-Department PARK Project Approval Not Approved Location _ Project Classification Replacement Program/Activity DC Reference No. Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life Project Manager 1 MUnicipality of Clarincdton 302 Capital Projects Project 36-326-14100 Cemetery Improvements Version Ca ital Plan Year 2014 apartment JOPERATIONS Sub-Department CEMETERY Description _ Project Description: 2014 - Lowering device for Hampton Cemetery$5,000 2015 -Water connection at Bond Cemetery, Newcastle $30,000 Location: As Specified Budge{ Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 ,2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Contract 30,000 30,000 Equipment 5,000 5,000 35,000 5,000 30,000 Expenditures Total 35,000 5,000 30,000 nding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 Reserve Funds Cemeteries Capital 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Funding Total -- 35,000 5,000 30,000 'Attributes Attribute Value Comment Department ;OPERATIONS Sub-Department !CEMETERY Project Approval Location Project Classification 'Betterment Program/Activity DC Reference No. Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life Project Manager 4 Municipality of Clarington 303 Capital Projects Project 36-330-10100 Rural Road Resurfacing Version Ca ital Plan Year 2014 Department OPERATIONS Sub-Department IRD MNTCE _ Description Project Description: Surface treatment on rural roads within the Municipality Location: To Be Determined Buadget Total. 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Consulting 150,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 Contract 9,990,000 1,270,000 1,930,000 2,130,000 2,330,000 2,330,000 10,140,000 1,300,000 1,960,000 2,160,000 2,360,000 2,360,000 Expenditures Total 10,140,000 1,300;000 1,960,000 2,160,000 . :,2,360,060 2;360,000 Funding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 7,840,000 800,000 1,585,000 1,685,000 1,885,000 1,885,000 7,840,000 800,000 1,585,000 1,685,000 1,885,000 1,885,000 Reserves Pits&Quarries 1,000,000 300,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 1,000,000 300,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 Reserve Funds Federal Gas Tax Receipts 1,300,000 200,000 200,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 1,300,000 200,000 200,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 Funding Total 10,140,000 1,300,000 1,960 000 21160,000 2,360,000. 2;360,000 Attributes Attribute I.Value. Comment Department 'OPERATIONS 'Sub-Department ;RD MNTCE Project Approval Not Approved Location �AII Project Classification ;Betterment Program/Activity DC Reference No. Road Segment No. { Expected Useful Life Project Manager ; I �. Municipality of Clarington 304 Capital Projects Project 36-370-10340 Various Community Buildings 'ersion lCapital Plan Year 12014 Department JOPERATIONS Sub-Department IBLDG & PROP. SERV. Description=. _ Project Description: Various roof replacements as detailed in the 2010 Roof Assessment Audit$113,000 HVAC installation at 132 Church Street, Bowmanville $25,000 Location: various locations Budget Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 .2020 Expenditures Construction 931,000 138,000 245,000 260,000 152,000 136,000 931,000 138,000 245,000 260,000 152,000 136,000 Expenditures Total 0311000. 138,000 2415,000 1260,000 1.5.2,000 136,000 nding .,unicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 819,500, 26,500 245,000 260,000 152,000 136,000 819,500 26,500 245,000 260,000 152,000 136,000 Reserve Funds Facilities/Parks Maintenance 111,500 111,500 111,500 111,500 Funding Total 93,11,000, :138,000 245,000: 260,000 152,000 136,000 Attributes.,: Attribute Value Comment Department `OPERATIONS Sub-Department BLDG&PROP.SERV. Project Approval 'Not Approved Location Project Classification Betterment Program/Activity 'DC Reference No. Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life Project Manager i Municipality of Clarington 305 Capital Projects Project 36-370-11106 MAC Upgrades Version lCapital Plan Year 2014 iepartment JOPERATIONS Sub-Department BLDG & PROP. SERV, Description Project.Description: - Phase 1 of Carpet replacement MAC / Library$42,000 Flat roof replacement Of the 1 987 section of MAC $105,000 Location: 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville Budget:, Total 2014 201$ ,. 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Renovation 147,000 147,000 Equipment 357,000 167,000 190,000 504,000 147,000 167,000 190,000 Expenditures Total 504,000 147,000 167,000 190,000 tundiny i Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 399,000 42,000 167,000 190,000 399,000 42,000 167,000 190,000 Reserve Funds Facilities/Parks Maintenance 105,000 105,000 - 105,000 105,000 Funding Total 504,000 147,000 167,000 - . 190,000 Attributes: Attribute Value Comment Department OPERATIONS Sub-Department ;BLDG&PROP.SERV. Project Approval `.Not Approved Location Project Classification 'Betterment Program/Activity DC Reference No. Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life Project Manager Municipality of Clarington 305 Capital Projects Project 36-388-10100 Fleet Replacement- Roads r `fersion Ca ital Plan Year 12014 _,epartment JOPERATIONS Sub-Department FLEET Descri tion _ _ p Project Description: 1 To replace equipment in accordance with Resolution#GPS-475-93 "Criteria used to determine when to replace Vehicles and Heavy Equipment One 2000 Volvo Tandem Truck #00506; One 2007 GMC 3/4 ton 4X4 c/w plow and sander,#07562; Water T ank #00545; All equipment to be replaced with same. Location: _ 8udget- Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 - 2020 Expenditures Fleet Replacement 4,665,000 320,000 1,095,000 930,000 1,240,000 1,080,000 4,665,000 320,000 1"1095,000 930,000 1,240,000 1,080,000 Expenditures Total 4,665,000 320,000 1,095;000 930,000 1,240,000: 1,080,000 ending .aserve Funds Operations Equipment 4,665,000 320,000 1,095,000 930,000 1,240,000 1,080,000 4,665,000 320,000 1,095,000 930,000 1,240,000 1,080,000 Funding Total 4,665,000 320,000 1,095,000 930,000 1,240,000 1',080,000 Attributes Attribute Ivalue . Comment Department 'OPERATIONS Sub-Department FLEET Project Approval Not Approved Location All 'Project Classification '.Replacement Program/Activity DC Reference No. .Road Segment No. ' ;Expected Useful Life Project Manager Municipality of Clarington 307 Capital Projects Project 36-388-10150 Fleet New- Roads Version lCapital Plan Year 12014 Jepartmenf JOPERATIONS Sub-Department FLEET Description Project Description: As per DC Study: 5.1.20 Truck Mounted Tanks for Salt Brine X4 trucks with GPS $52,000; 5.1.35 Small Equipment upgrades $20,000 New Equipment purchase (not included in DCA) Base Radios $26,000; High Pressure Wash system for sweeper$20,000; Tandem dump trailer$7,000; Asphalt roller$12,000 Location: Budget-,-.- . Total 2014 2015 2016 - 2017 2018 2019 2020: Expenditures Fleet Replacement 1,738,000 137,000 620,000 432,000 529,000 20,000 1,738,000 137,000 620,000 432,000 529,000 20,000 Expenditures Total 1,738,000 137,000 620,000 - 432,000 529;000 20;000 - Funding ,eserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program 167,300 7,200 62,000 43,200 52,900 2,000 Operations Equipment 65,000 65,000 232,300 72,200 62,000 43,200 52,900 2,000 Development Charges Operations Department 1,505,700 64,800 558,000 388,800 476,100 18,000 1,505,700 64,800 558,000 388,800 476,100 18,000 Funding Total 11738,000 137,000 620,000 432,000 529,000 20,000 Attributes Attribute Value -' Comment Department OPERATIONS Sub-Department FLEET Project Approval Not Approved Location :Project Classification 'New Program/Activity ' DC Reference No. :5.1.44 and 5.1.38 Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life Project Manager _ i Municipality of Clarington 3 0US Capital Projects Project 36-388-11250 Fleet New- Parks 'ersion ICapital Plan Year 12014 ,epartment JOPERATIONS Sub-Department IFLEET Description Project Description: Power Tailgate for 09557 - 2009 3/4 ton pick up Location: Budget. Total. ' 2014 2015 2016-- ;2017 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Fleet Replacement 373,500 5,000 198,500 90,000 80,000 373,500 5,000 198,500 90,000 80,000 Expenditures Total 373,500 51000 198,500 90,000 80,000 nding .aserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program 36,850 19,850 9,000 8,000 Operations Equipment 5,000 5,000 41,850 5,000 19,850 9,000 8,000 Development Charges Operations Department 331,650 178,650 81,000 72,000 331,650 178,650 81,000 72,000 Funding Total 373,500 5,000 198,500- 90;000 80,000 Attributes Attribute ` Value corriment :Department ;OPERATIONS Sub Department FLEET Project Approval Location ' Project Classification New Program/Activity DC Reference No. Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life Project Manager Municipality of Clarington 309 Capital Projects Project 36-388-11300 Fleet Replacement- Cemetery Version lCapital Plan Year 12014 Jepartment JOPERATIONS Sub-Department IFLEET Description. Project Description: To replace equipment in accordance with Resolution#GPS-475-93 "Criteria used to determine when to replace Vehicles and Heavy Equipment". Two Woods mowers #06166 and #06167 Location: Bu.d.get Total 2014 2015, 2016 2017 2018 2019. 2020 Expenditures Fleet Replacement 260,000 30,000 130,000 60,000 40,000 260,000 30,000 130,000 60,000 40,000 Expenditures Total 260,000 30,000 130,000 60,000. 40,000 - runding deserve Funds 1, Operations Equipment 260,000 30,000 130,000 60,000 40,000 260,000 30,000 130,000 60,000 40,000 Funding Total 260,000 30,000 130,000 60,000 40,000' Attributes Attribute Ivalue Comment Department 'OPERATIONS ;Sub-Department FLEET Project Approval Location Project Classification Replacement P rog ram/Activity ,DC Reference No. Road Segment No. ,Expected Useful Life ' Project Manager r Municipality of Clarington 310 Capital Projects Project 36-388-14350 New E t.li ment Cemetery 'ersion ICapital Plan Year 2014 ,)epartment JOPERATIONS Sub-Department FLEET Description'.,.. _. Project DescrlNtion; Grave Bucket Location: Bowmanville Cemetery Budget Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019_ 2020 Expenditures Fleet Replacement 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 Expenditures Total 2,500 `2,500 - r nding .aserve Funds Operations Equipment 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 Funding Total 2,500 2,500 Attributes_- AttriWte I value Comment Department ;OPERATIONS Sub-Department `FLEET Project Approval Location Project Classification New Program/Activity DC Reference No. .Road Segment No. ' Expected Useful Life Project Manager Municipality of Clarington , 3_ _ Capital Projects Project 36-460-14400 Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre Version lCapital Plan Year 12014 f iepartment JOPERATIONS Sub-Department MUSNAC Description Project Description: Replace Boiler - Location: 62 Temperance Street, Bowmanville Budget - Total. - 2014 2015 2016 2017 - 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Equipment 90,000 74,000 16,000 90,000 74,000 16,000 Expenditures Total 90,000 74,000 = 16,000 Funding lunicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 90,000 74,000 16,000 90,000 74,000 16,000 Funding Total 90,000 .74,000 16,000 Attributes- Attribute -]Value Comment Department .OPERATIONS ,Sub-Department MUSNAC '. Project Approval Location :Project Classification 'Replacement ; Program/Activity DC Reference No. 'Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life Project Manager ; Municipality of Clarington Capital Budget Summary by Department 2014 Department/Project Gross Cost Revenue External Reserves Reserve Development DC Debt Debentures Fund Financing Funds Charges 42 COM.SERVICES 421 FAC, 42-421-14201 NDRC-Exterior Concrete Storage Unit 3,900 (3,900) 42-421-14202 NDRC-Accessible Pool/Spa Lift 9,000 (9,000) 42-421-14203 NDRC-Gymnsium Window Coverings 50,000 (50,000) 42-421-14301 OPP-Perimeter Concrete Replacement 20,000 (20,000) 42-421-14302 OPP-Perimeter Fence Repairs 5,000 (5,000) 42-421-14401 RRC-Brine Expansion Tanks Replacement 4,000 (4,000) 42-421-14402 RRC-Customer Service Window Coverings 4,000 (4,000) 42-421-14404 RRC-Banquet Tables/Chairs Partial Replacement 10,000 (10,000) 42-421-14407 RRC-Fire Alarm System-Horn/Strobe Units 15,000 (15,000) 42-421-14408 RRC-Pad A West Stand Railings-Vertical Rungs 20,000 (20,000) 42-421-14409 RRC-Hall of Fame Renovation 35,000 (35,000) 42-421-14410 RRC-Pad B Dasherboard Replacement 32,000 (32,000) 42-421-14411 RRC-Pad B Rink O/H Door Replacement 40,000 (40,000) 42-421-14412 RRC-Van Replacement 42,000 (42,000) 42-421-14501 CCC-Automatic Pool Vacuum 5,000 (5,000) 42-421-14502 CCC-Accessible Pool/Spa Lift -9,000 (9,000) 42-421-14503 CCC-Makeup Air Unit#1 60,000 (60,000) 42-421-14505 CCC-Fire Alarm System-Horn/Strobe Units 10,000 (10,000) 42-421-14506 CCC.-Pool Family Change Room Accessible Door Operator., 15,000 (15,000) 42-421-14600 DSC-Ice Resurfacer Replacement 97,000 (97,000) 42-421-14601 DSC-Olympia/Mechanical Room Expansion 250,000 (250,000) 42-421-14702 FAC ADMIN-Annual Building Studies 7,000 (7,000) 42-421-14802 SCA-Lobby Floor Tile Repairs 10,000 (10,000) 42-421-14803 SCA-Accessible Parking Bollards 4,500 (4,500) 42-421-14805 SCA-Refrigeration Plant Relief Valve Replacement 12,000 (12,000) r—' jJ Municipality of Clarington Capital Budget 2014 Summary by Department Department/Project Gross Cost Revenue External Reserves Reserve Development DC Debt Debentures Fund Financing Funds Charges 42-421-14806 SCA-Main Water Supply Backflow 20,000 (20,000) 42-421-14901 BIS-Accessible Parking Bollards 1,800 (1,800) 42-421-14902 BfS-Exterior Concrete Storage Unit 9,000 (9,000) 42-421-14903 BIS-Field Area Interior Painting-Phase 2 15,000 (15,000) Total 421 FAC. 815,200 (280,200) (535,000) Total 42 COM.SERVICES 815,200 (280,200) (535,000) Total COM.SERVICES 815,200 (280,200) (535,000) C.J Municipality of Clarington 3?r+ Capital Projects Project 42-421-14201 NDRC- Exterior Concrete Storage Unit Version lCapital Plan Year 12014 apartment ICOM. SERVICES Sub-Department FAC. -. Description Project Description: - Single door storage/utility unit for storage of gas powered equipment not allowed for storage inside facility. Size 8'4" x 5'6" x 67" Including footing pads. Location: 1780 Rudell Road, Newcastle, ON 1_113 1E2 Total - 2014 20T5 , 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020- Expenditures Miscellaneous 3,900 3,900 3,900 3,900 Expenditures Total 3,900 3,900 nding unicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 3,900 3,900 3,900 3,900 Funding Total 3,900 31900 Attributes Attribute Value Comment Department ;COM.SERVICES Sub-Department .FAC. 'Project Approval ;Location ;Ward 4 Project Classification ;New Program/Activity DC Reference No. Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life Project Manager `George Acorn Municipality of Clarington 315 Capital Projects Project 42-421-14202 NDRC -Accessible Pool/Spa Lift Version lCapital Plan Year 2014 �'epartment COM. SERVICES Sub-Department FAC. Descript'ion:: Project Description: New portable pool/spa lift that will provide increased access to pools and whirlpool for patrons with mobility Challenges. Location: 1780 Rudell Road, Newcastle, ON LIB 1E2 Budget Total 2014 2015`' 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Equipment 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 Expenditures Total 9;000 9,000 mounding lunicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 Funding Total 9,000 9,000 _ : Attributes Attribute Value Comment Department 'COM.SERVICES Sub-Department FAC. Project Approva l Location ;Ward 4 ; Project Classification ;New Program/Activity _ DC Reference No. 'Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life Project Manager `.George Acorn I Municipality of Clarington 31�- Capital Projects Project 42-421-14203 NDRC -G mnsium Window Coverings `version lCapital Plan Year 2014 apartment ICOM. SERVICES Sub-Department FAC. Descrip tion _ - _ °roject Description: - Due to the amount of sunlight that enters the gymnasium from the west late in the day issues with glare and reflection off the gym floor are arising. Motorized curtains on the gym westwall (at the north wall) and lower lobby west windows will reduce this problem. In addition to the reduced glare, window coverings will reduce heat load on the A/C unit for the area. Location: 1780 Rudell Road, Newcastle, ON 1_113 1 E2 Budget - Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Miscellaneous 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Expenditures Total 50,000 ': 50,000 nding ;serve Funds Federal Gas Tax Receipts 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Funding Total 50,000 50,000 -_ Attributes =- , Attribute lvaiue Comment Department ,COM.SERVICES Sub-Department FAC. Project Approval Location 'Ward 4 Project Classification ;New ;Program/Activity DC Reference No. Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life Project Manager `George Acorn I Municipality of Clarington 31.7 Capital Projects Project 42-421-14301 OPP - Perimeter Concrete Replacement Version Ca ital Plan Year 12014 Jepartment ICOM. SERVICES Sub-Department FAC. Description Project Description: Removal and re-pouring of concrete deck around pool. This is the completion of a partial replacement completed prior. Concrete lifting presents a patron safety hazard. Location: 61 Princess Street, Orono, ON LOB 1 MO Budget Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018, 2019 2020 Expenditures Renovation 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Expenditures Total 20,000 - 20,00-0 Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Funding Total 20,000` 20,000 Attributes,: Attribute Value Comment Department ;COM.SERVICES Sub-Department FAC. Project Approval Location 'Ward 4 Project Classification :Replacement Program/Activity DC Reference No. `Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life Project Manager 'George Acorn I Municipality of Clarington 3.1 Capital Projects Project 42-421-14302 OPP - Perimeter Fence Repairs version lCapital Plan Year 12014 ,epartment ICOM. SERVICES Sub-Department FAC. Description. Project Description: Replace parts of the fence surrounding the pool. Vandalism during the spring and summer months requires ongoing repairs. Location: 61 Princess Street, Orono, ON LOB 1 MO Budget Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 201 8_1 2019 2020 Expenditures Renovation 10,000 5,000 5,000 10,000 .5,000 5,000 Expenditures Total 10,000 5,000 51000 nding unicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 10,000 5,000 5,000 10;000 5,000 . 5,000 Funding Total 10,000 5,000 5,000 Attributes Attribute lValbe, Comment Department ;COM.SERVICES Sub-Department ;FAC. `Project Approval Location ;Ward 4 Project Classification ;Betterment Program/Activity _._ ._. _ DC Reference No. Road Segment No. :Expected Useful Life .Project Manager `:George Acorn Municipality of Clarincgton 319 Capital Projects Project 42-421-14401 RRC - Brine Expansion Tanks Replacement Version lCapital Plan Year 2014 Jepartment ICOM. SERVICES Sub-Department FAC. Description . Project Description: Replacement of three poly tanks that store-refrigeration brine mixture. Location: 2440 Highway 2 West, Bowmanville, ON L1 C OK6 Budget Total 201.4 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Equipment 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 Expenditures Total 41000 4;000 Fun ding >eserve Funds ? C/S Capital 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 Funding Total 4,000 4,000 ::-- Attributes Attribute Value = . Comment Department ;COM.SERVICES .Sub-Department FAC. Project Approval Location Ward 2 _ . .. Project Classification Replacement Program/Activity DC Reference No. .Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life Project Manager :George Acorn I � Municipality of Clarincgton 320 Capital Projects Project 42-421-14402 RRC - Customer Service Window Coverings ''ersion lCapital Plan Year 12014 -epartment ICOM, SERVICES Sub-Department FAC. Descri p tion Project Description: The installation of window coverings for the rounded glass block wall behind the Customer service desk. Glare from sunlight is causing issues with staff working on computers. Location: 2440 Highway 2 West, Bowmanville, ON L1 C OK6 Budget . Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018` 2019 2020 Expenditures Miscellaneous 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 Expenditures Total 4,000 4,000 nding .,anicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 Funding Total 4,000- 4,000 Attributes Attribute. Value Comment Department ;COM.SERVICES Sub-Department FAC. Project Approval Location 'Ward 2 _. ., .. - _ Project Classification ;New Program/Activity DC Reference No. Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life Project Manager ;George Acorn Municipality of Clarington 32.1. Capital Projects Project 42-421-14404 RRC - Banquet Tables/Chairs Partial Replacement Version lCapital Plan Year 12014 Department ICOM. SERVICES Sub-Department FAC. Description Project Description:' Replacement inventory for banquet tables and chairs for the facility. Flex One Folding Chairs - 2 sets of 28 Chairs with cart $3,200 8' Banquet Tables - 12 tables $2,400 5' Round Tables - 12 tables $3,600 plus carts $800 Location: 2440 Highway 2 West, Bowmanville, ON L1 C OK6 Budget Total 2014, 2015 2016 2017 2018 :2619 2020 Expenditures Equipment 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Expenditures Total 101000, 10;000 _ — - _ 'unding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Funding Total 10,000 10,000 _ -Attributes Attribute Value. Comment. Department ICOM.SERVICES 'Sub-Department `FAC. Project Approval 'Location 'Ward 2 Project Classification iReplacement Program/Activity DC Reference No. `Road Segment No. `Expected Useful Life `Project Manager George Acorn 1 I Municipality of Clarington 322 Capital Projects Project 42-421-14407 RRC -Fire Alarm System - Horn/Strobe Units I I Igrsion lCapital Plan Year 12014 ,epartment ICOM. SERVICES Sub-Department FAC, Description Project Description: This project was previously identified in the Accessibility AUd it for the facility. The work will enhance the audio fire alarm notification by installing horn/strobe units that will provide audio/visual notification in the . event of a fire alarm. Location: .: 2440 Highway 2 West, Bowmanville, ON L1 C OK6 Budget - Total 2014 2015. 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Equipment 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Expenditures Total 15,000 15,000 nding .unicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Funding Total 15,000 15,000 `- ' Attribute Value Comment `Department ;COM.SERVICES Sub-Department �FAC, ; Project Approval Location ;Ward 2 Project Classification Betterment Program/Activity 'DC Reference No. :Road Segment No. i 'Expected Useful Life Project Manager George Acorn Municipality of Clarington 323 Capital Projects Project 42-421-14408 RRC - Pad A West Stand Railings-Vertical Rungs Version lCapital Plan Year 12014 Jepartment ICOM. SERVICES Sub-Department FAC. Description Project Description: Installation of vertical rungs on railings surrounding entrances to arena from dressing room corridor. The current design requires this upgrade to meet current building code legislation. Location: 2440 Highway 2 West, Bowmanville, ON L1 C OK6 Budget. . Total 2014 2015 -.2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Renovation 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Expenditures Total 20,000' 4000 - - aunding ,lunicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Funding Total 20,000. 20,000 Attributes Attribute Value Comment Department COM.SERVICES Sub-Department 'FAC. Project.Approval Location {Ward 2 'Project Classification ;Betterment Program/Activity DC Reference No. .Road Segment No. , 'Expected Useful Life Project Manager 'George Acorn I � Municipality of Clarincgton 324 Capital Projects Project 42-421-14409 RRC - Hall of Fame Renovation version lCapital Plan Year 12014 Department ICOM. SERVICES Sub-Department FAC. Description' Project.Description: The renovation will include replacement of floor, lighting, entrance ways and improved mounting system for inductee drawings. Realignment will allow increased roorn for future inductees. Current layout has less than five years of wall space. Location: 2440 Highway 2 West, Bowmanville, ON L1 C OK6 Budget Total 2014 20.15, 2016 2012 2018 2019'' 2020 Expenditures Renovation 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 Expenditures Total 35;000 35;000 •nding ,,unicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 Funding Total 35;000 35,000 Attributes Attribute Value Comment Department °.COM.SERVICES ;Sub-Department ;FAC. Project Approval Location ;Ward 2 Project Classification `,Betterment Program/Activity DC Reference No...,, Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life Project Manager `George Acorn Municipality of Clarington �z5 Capital Projects Project 42-421-14410 RRC - Pad B Dasherboard Replacement Version lCapital Plan Year 12014 Department COM, SERVICES Sub-Department FAC. Description Project Description: Supply and installation of white dasher board and yellow pLlck board for entire rink surface. Location: 2440 Highway West, Bowmanville, ON L1C OK6 : Budget Total. 2014 2015 2016 2017 -2018 2019 2020: Expenditures Renovation 32,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 Expenditures Total 82,000 32,000 run ding �eserve Funds C/S Capital 32,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 Funding Total :32,000: - -_ Attributes.-.... Attribute` Value Comment Department COM.SERVICES Sub-Department 'FAC. Project Approval Location Ward 2 'Project Classification ;Replacement Program/Activity DC Reference No. Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life Project Manager :George Acorn Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 42-421-14411 RRC - Pad B Rink O/H Door Replacement `version lCapital Plan Year 2014 apartment ICOM. SERVICES Sub-Department FAC, Description' Project Description: Replacement of overhead door onto ice surface, originally installed in 1998. The new door would include an enhanced door failure system which increases workplace safety. Ongoing repairs during ice season results in disruption to user groups and lost revenues. Location: 2440 Highway 2 West, Bowmanville, ON L1 C OK6 - - w.ge Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 .. _. _ Expenditures Equipment 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 Expenditures Total 40,000, i ending Anicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 Funding Total 140,000 40,000 'Attributes-:: Attribute Value Comment _- Department ;COM.SERVICES Sub-Department ;FAC. ; Project Approval Location ;Ward 2 Project Classification 'Replacement Program/Activity DC Reference No. 'Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life ; :Project Manager 'George Acorn Municipality of Clarington 327 Capital Projects Project 42-421-14412 RRC-Van Replacement Version lCapital Plan Year 2014 _)epartment ICOM. SERVICES Sub-Department FAC. Description Project Description: Replacement of existing van that Community Services previously shared with the Clerk's Department. Vehicle is fast approaching the end of its useful life. Location: 2440 Highway West, Bowmanville, ON L1C OK6 Budget Total 2014 2015 2016- 2017 2018 2019, 2020 Expenditures Fleet Replacement 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 Expenditures Total 42000 42,000 ending (eserve Funds C/S Capital 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 Funding Total 42,000 42;000 Attributes Attribute Value Comment Department 'COM.SERVICES 'Sub-Department ;FAC. Project Approval Location ;Ward 2 i :Project Classification 'Replacement Program/Activity DC Reference No. 'Road Segment No. .. ...3 .. _ ... - ... .,. ... .._ Expected Useful Life Project Manager 'George Acorn I i Municipality of Clarington 328 Capital Projects Project 42-421-14501 CCC -Automatic Pool Vacuum `version [Capital Plan Year 12014 c epartment ICOM. SERVICES- Sub-Department FAC, Description; Project Description: Replacement of the Automatic Pool Vacuum. Location: 2950 Courtice Road North, Courtice, ON L1 E 2H8 Budget -_ Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Equipment 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Expenditures Total 5,000 5,000 ending inicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Funding Total 5;000 5;000 Attributes_ - _ Attribute _ Value' - Comment.. 'Department ;COM.SERVICES Sub-Department FAC. Project Approval ,Location Ward 1 Project Classification ;Replacement Program/Activity DC Reference No Road Segment No. 'Expected Useful Life ; ,Project Manager ;George Acorn I Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 42-421-14502 CCC-Accessible Pool/Spa Lift Version lCapital Plan Year 2014 Department ICOM. SERVICES Sub-Department FAC. _ . Description Project Descriition: New portable pool/spa lift that will provide increased access to pool and whirlpool for patrons with mobility challenges. Was identified in Accessibility AUdit for the facility. Location: 2950 Courtice Road North, Courtice, ON L1 E 2H8 Budget Total 2014 — 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019: 2020: Expenditures Equipment 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 Expenditures Total 9,000 - : 9,000 -: cunding ,lunicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 Funding Total 9,000 9,000 Attributes Attribute lValue - Comment Department `COM.SERVICES Sub-Department 'FAC. Project Approval Location :Ward 1 Project Classification New ;Program/Activity `DC Reference No. Road Segment No. "Expected Useful Life ,Project Manager ;George Acorn I ' Municipality of Clarington 330 Capital Projects Project 42-421-14503.CCC -Makeup Air Unit#1 qrsion Ca ital Plan Year 2014 .epartment ICOM. SERVICES Sub-Department FAC. Description= Project Description: This project includes the replacement of the existing unit. The work includes added ductwork and diffusers to improve heating and air movement in pool change rooms and pool deck corridor. Location: 2950 Courtice Road North, Courtice, ON L1 E 2H8 Budget` Total 2014 2015- 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Renovation 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 Expenditures Total 60,000` 601 000 nding .-serve Funds Federal Gas Tax Receipts 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 Funding Total 60,000 60,000 Attributes. _. Attribute Vaiue Comment Department ,COM.SERVICES Sub-Department :FAC. Project Approval Location Ward 1 Project Classification ;Replacement Program/Activity 'DC Reference No. Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life Project Manager George Acorn i .Municipality of Claringion 331 Capita! Projects Project 42-421-14505 CCC - Fire Alarm System- Horn/Strobe Units Version lCapital Plan Year 2014 3epartment ICOM. SERVICES Sub-Department FAC. Description Project Description: This project was previously identified in the Accessibility Audit for the facility. This work will enhance the audio fire alarm notification by installing horn/strobe units that will provide audio/visual notification in the event of a fire alarm. Location:: 2950 Courtice Road North, Courtice, ON L1 E 2H8 Budget Total `2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Equipment 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Expenditures Total 10,000 10,000 }un ding Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Funding Total 10,000 10;000 - - Atfritiutes:- Attribute Value`; Comment Department `.COM.SERVICES :Sub Department FAC. Project Approval Location 'Ward 1 Project Classification ;Betterment Program/Activity '.DC Reference No. ; Road Segment No. `Expected Useful Life Project Manager 'George Acorn I Municipality of Clarington 332 Capital Projects Project 42-421-14506 CCC - Pool Family Change Room Accessible Door Operators irsion Ca ital Plan Year 12014 ,epartment ICOM. SERVICES Sub-Department IFAC. F77777 7 Descriptt'on Project Description: This project includes the installation of automatic cloor operators on family change room doors from the lobby and into the pool deck corridor. The work includes removal of existing doors/frames, enlarge door openings, install new doors/frames and automatic door operators. Location:: : - 2950 Courtice Road North, Courtice, ON L1 E 2H8 Budget Total 2044 2015 2016 :2017 2018 2019 2020: Expenditures Equipment 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Expenditures Total 15,000_ 15,000 - nding .unicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Funding Total 15,000 1000 --- _ Attributes Attribute Value Comment - Department 'COM.SERVICES Sub-Department FAC. Project Approval ; Location Ward 1 'Project Classification ;Betterment "Program/Activity DC Reference No ; :Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life ' Project Manager 16eorge Acorn i Municipality of Clarington 333 Capital Projects Project 42-421-14600 DSC - Ice Resurfacer Replacement Version lCapital Plan Year 12014 Jepartment ICOM. SERVICES Sub-Department FAC. Descri tion,; p , Project Description: This ice resurfacer was originally purchased in 2003. In order to maintain equipment in excellent operating condition a 10 year replacement is recommended. Current operating hours on the machine are 5,800. A small trade-in amount can be expected. Currently staff consider replacement at 10 years and/or 5,000 hours of operation. Location: 2276 Taunton Road, Hampton, ON LOB 1 JO Budget : Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Equipment 97,000 97,000 97,000 97,000 Expenditures Total 97,000 97;000 cunding reserve Funds C/S Capital 97,000 97,000 97,000 97,000 Funding Total 97,000 97;000 _ Attributes Attribute Value Comment- ;Department ;COM.SERVICES Sub-Department FAC. Project Approval Location Ward 2 :Project Classification Replacement .Program/Activity 'DC Reference No. ;Road Segment No. ; `Expected Useful Life Project Manager George Acorn Municipality of Clarincgton 334 Capital Projects Project 42-421-14601 DSC-Olympia/Mechanical Room Expansion Iirsion lCapital Plan Year 12014 ✓epartment ICOM. SERVICES Sub-Department IFAC. Description' Project Description: - Originally included in the 2010 renovation to the facility, this expansion was deleted clue to project cost challenges. The current space is extremely small and is not functional. It also presents a workplace safety concern. Location: - 2276 Taunton Road, Hampton, ON LOB 1 JO 'Budget Total 2014 2015:_ 2016 20171 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Renovation 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 Expenditures Total 250,000 250,000 nding ,eserve Funds C/S Capital 150,000 150,000 Federal Gas Tax Receipts 100,000 100,000 250,000 250,000 Funding Total 250,000 250,000 Attributes Attribute Value Comment Department :COM.SERVICES Sub-Department ;FAC. :Project Approval 'Location ;Ward 2 ;Project Classification ;Betterment Program/Activity 'DC Reference No. .Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life Project Manager ;George Acorn Municipality of Clarington 335 Capital Projects Project 42-421-14702 FAC ADMIN -Annual Building Studies Version lCapital Plan Year 12014 t Jopartment ICOM, SERVICES Sub-Department FAC. Description; Project Description:` 201^ - OPP Building Audit Designated Substances Surveys 2015 - SCA/DSC Building Audit Designated Substances Surveys 2016 - CCC/NDRC Building Audit Designated Substances Surveys 2017 - RRC Building Audit Designated Substances Surveys 2018 - Designated Substance Surveys Location: Various Recreation Facilities Total 2014 2015 2016 12017 2018 2019 -2020 Expenditures Consulting 116,500 7,000 34,500 35,500 19,500 20,000 116,500 7,000 34,500 35,500 19,500 20,000 Expenditures Total 116,500 7,000 34,500__.. 35,500 19,500 20,000 ,unding Junicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 116,500 7,000 34,500 35,500 19,500 20,000 116,500 7,000 34,500 35,500 19,500 20,000 Funding Total 116;500 7,000 34,500 35,500 1.91500 20,000 Attributes - _ . _ Attribute Value Comment Department ;COM.SERVICES Sub-Department FAC. Project Approval Location Project Classification New P rog ram/Activity DC Reference No. `Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life Project Manager `George Acorn Municipality of Ciarincg.ton Capital Projects Project 42-421-14802 SCA- Lobby Floor Tile Repairs Nlersion lCapital Plan Year 12014 apartment ICOM. SERVICES Sub-Department FAC, Description Project Description: Repairs to localized cracked floor tiles in main lobby and arena viewing area. Location: _ 1595 Prestonvale Road, Courtice, ON L1 E 2P2 5J dget Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018- 2019 2020 Expenditures Renovation 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Expenditures Total 10,000` 10,000 ,nding inicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Funding Total 10,000: 10,000 Attributes - _. Attribute Value Comment Department ;COM. SERVICES Sub-Department FAC. `Project Approval ;Location ;Ward 1 Project Classification Betterment Program/Activity DC Reference No. Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life ,Project Manager ;George Acorn i Municipality of Clarington 337 Capital Projects Project 42-421-14803 SCA-Accessible Parking Bollards Version lCapital Plan Year 12014 Department ICOM. SERVICES Sub-Department FAC. Description Project Description: Replacement of existing accessible parking posts and signs, New style is cushioned and spring loaded to prevent vehicle or sign post damage. Location: 1595 Prestonvale Road, Courtice, ON L1 E 2P2 - - : Budget Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018. 2019 2020 Expenditures Miscellaneous 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 Expenditures Total 4,500 4,500 _ mounding Aunicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 Funding Total 4,500 4,500 - -. Attributes Attribute Value Comment Department ;COM. SERVICES Sub-Department ;FAC. Project Approval Location ;Ward 1 .Project Classification ;Replacement Program/Activity DC Reference No. ,Road Segment No. ; ;Expected Useful Life ' ,Project Manager ;George Acorn Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 42-421-14805 SCA- Refrigeration Plant Relief Valve Replacement Version Ca ital Plan Year 12014 epartment ICOM. SERVICES Sub-Department FAC. - 'Descrlption.... Project Description: Replacement of pressure relief valves on refrigeration system. TSSA requires replacement of these valves every five years. Location: 1595 Prestonvale Road, Courtice, ON L1 E 2P2 Budget Total 2014 2015. -_ 2016 2017 201II `2019 2020.. Expenditures Miscellaneous 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 Expenditures Total 121000 12,000 ,nding inicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 Funding Total 12,000 . 1'2,000 Attributes- Attribute Ivalue. Comment ;Department ;COM.SERVICES `Sub-Department ;FAC. Project Approval - `:Location 'Ward 1 Project Classification ;Replacement ,Program/Activity DC Reference No. Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life C Project Manager ;George Acorn i ' Municipality of Clarington 339 Capital Projects Project 42-421-14806 SCA-Main Water Supply Backflow Version lCapital Plan Year 2014 I Jepartment ICOM. SERVICES Sub-Department FAC. Description Project Description,,- Replacement of existing 6" main backflow preventor by installing five 2" backflows. This retrofit will stabilize pressure drops within the building. Location: 1595 Prestonvale Road, Courtice, ON L1 E 2P2 Bud et - Total 2014 2015 2016 201.7 2018 2019 2020 — - Expenditures Equipment 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Expenditures Total 20,0.00 20000' -funding -- .lunicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Funding Total 20,000 20;000 -: ttributes Attrilbute Ivalue Comment Department .COM,SERVICES Sub-Department ;FAC. Project Approval Location ;Ward 1 Project Classification Replacement Program/Activity f _ _ DC Reference No. .Road Segment No. 'Expected Useful Life Project Manager ;George Acorn t Municipality of Clarington Capital Projects Project 42-421-14901 BIS -Accessible Parking Bollards Iersion [Capital Plan Year 12014 .epartment ICOM. SERVICES Sub-Department FAC. Description° Project Description: Replacement of existing accessible parking posts and signs. New style is cushioned and spring loaded to prevent vehicle or sign post damage. Location:' 2375 Baseline Road, Bowmanville, ON L1C 3K3 Budget _ Total 2014 2015 =2016 2017 2018 2019` 2020 Expenditures Miscellaneous 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 Expenditures Total 1,800 _ , 1,800 - nding _ .unicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 Funding Total = _ 1,800 1;80Q Attributes Attribute Value Comment Department COM.SERVICES .Sub-Department `FAC. Project Approval Location `Ward 2 Project Classification ;Replacement Program/Activity ''DC Reference No. Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life Project Manager `George Acorn 1 Municipality of Clarington 3/41 Capital Projects Project 42-421-14902 BIS - Exterior Concrete Storage Unit Version lCapital Plan Year 12014 Jepartment JCOM. SERVICES Sub-Department FAC. Description:;: Project Description: Double door storage/utility unit for storage of gas powered equipment not allowed for storage inside facility. . Size 12'8" x 5'6" x 67" Including footing pads. Location: 2375 Baseline Road, Bowmanville, ON L1C 3K3 Dud et _9. - Total 2014 -201:5 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Miscellaneous 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 Expenditures Total 9,000 9,000 - 0 ^unding Junicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 Funding Total 9;000 9,000 Attributes Attribute Value Comment Department 'COM.SERVICES Sub-Department Project Approval Location `Ward 2 Project Classification ;New Program/Activity DC Reference No. Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life .Project Manager ;George Acorn Municipality of Clarington 342 Capital Projects Project 42-421-14903 BIS - Field Area Interior Painting - Phase 2 "ersion lCapital Plan Year 12014 epartment ICOM. SERVICES Sub-Department FAC. Description;,. - Project Description: Complete the interior field painting. Includes painting of east wall and south wall. Location: 2375 Baseline Road, Bowmanville, ON L1C 3K3 Budget. Total. 2014 2015 2016 '2017 2018 2019 2020. Expenditures Renovation 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Expenditures Total 15,000 1.5,0,00 nding .Anicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Funding Total - 15,000 15,000 Attributes Attribute= Value:: :. Comment Department ;COM. SERVICES Sub-Department FAC, Project Approval 'Location ;Ward 2 Project Classification 'Betterment ;Program/Activity DC Reference No. Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life ; Project Manager `George Acorn Municipality of Clarington Capital Budget Summary by department 2014 DC Debt Debentures Revenue External Reserves Reserve Development Department/Project Gross Cost Funds Charges Fund Financing 50 PLAN.SERVICES (63,000) 130 ADMN 810,000 (747,000) �- 50-130-10001 Land Acquisition 810,000 (747,000) (63,000) 810,000 (747,000) (63,000) „_,.__.-.-�-• Total 130 ADMIN (63,000) Total 50 PLAN.SERVICES 8.10,000 (747,000) Total PLAN.SERVICES w iJJ Municipality of Clarington 344 Capital Projects Project 50-130-10001 Land Acquisition 'ersion lCapital Plan Year 12014 ,epartment IPLAN.SERVICES Sub-Department ADMIN Descri P tion Project Description: - - i Land Acquisition financial analysis as approved by Council on March 2, 2007 Location: Budget. Total 2014 2015 2016 .2017 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Land 4,300,000 810,000 835,000 860,000 885,000 910,000 4,300,000 810,000 835,000 860,000 885,000 910,000 Expenditures Total 4,300,000 : : 810,000 835,000 860,000 -885,000 9.10,000 - nding _ _ .unicipalTax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 3,985,000 747,000 772,000 797,000 822,000 847,000 3,985,000 747,000 772,000 797,000 822,000 847,000 Reserves Municipal Acquisitions 315,000 63,000 63,000 63,000 63,000 63,000 315,000 63,000 63,000 63,000 63,000 63,000 Funding Total 4,300,000 810,000 835,000 860,000 885,000 . 910,000 Attributes_- Attribute. Value Comment Department ;PLAN.SERVICES 'Sub-Department ADMIN Project Approval Not Approved Location Project Classification `New .Program/Activity DC Reference No. Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life Project Manager ; Municipality of Clarington Capital (Budget 2014 Summary by Department Department/Project Gross Cost Revenue External Reserves Reserve Development DC Debt Debentures Fund Financing Funds Charges 62 LIBRARIES 440 LIBRARIES 62-440-05020 Library Technology 80,000 (80,000) 62-440-06100 Library Collection 110,000 (24,286) (8,571) (77,143) 62-440-14001 Renovation and Expansion to Courtice Library 1,100,000 (110,000) (990,000) Total 440 LIBRARIES _ 1,290,000 (104,286) (118,571) (77,143) (990,000) Total 62 LIBRARIES _ 1,290,000 (104,286) (118,571) (77,143) (990,000) Total LIBRARIES 1,290,000 (104,286) (118,571) (77,143) (990,000) W (_n i'lunicipality of Clarington 346 Capital Projects Project 62-440-05020 Library Technology *-�rsion lCapital Plan I Year 12014 -jepartment ILIBRARIES Sup-Department ILIBRARIES Descri p tion` Project Description: Replacement/purchase of material theft detection systems for Bowmanville, Cour'tice and Newcastle libraries, using radio frequency identification. Ongoing replacement and upgrading of library automation system, public and staff workstations (computers, printers, other peripherals); wireless technology. Location: Bowmanville, Clarke, Courtice and Newcastle Branches. Budget Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 :2018. 2019. 2020 Expenditures Computer Hardware 175,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 Equipment 225,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 400,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 Expenditures Total 400,000 : 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 unding _ Municipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 400,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 400,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 Funding Total 400,000 80,000 80,000 80,0,00-,- 80;000 80,000 Attributes _ Attribute Value . Comment Department `LIBRARIES Sub-Department ;LIBRARIES ; _. Project Approval Not Approved Location 'Project Classification 'Program/Activity MAIN BRANCH-LIBRARY AUTOMATION DC Reference No. 'Road Segment No. Expected Useful Life 1-5 `Project Manager i Municipality of Clarington N 7 Capita! Projects Project 62-440-06100 Library Collection Version lCapital Plan Year 2014 _jepartment LIBRARIES Sub-Department ILIBRARIES Description ; Project Description: Purchase of additional resources in all formats, to provide for growth, mainly in Bowmanville, COUrtice and Newcastle. Location: Various Library locations Budget Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expenditures Miscellaneous 550,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 550,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 Expenditures Total 550,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 110,000: 110,000 - r:unding. iunicipal Tax Levy Municipal Tax Levy 121,430 24,286 24,286 24,286 24,286 24,286 121,430 24,286 24,286 24,286 24,286 24,286 Reserve Funds Municipal Capital Works Program 42,855 8,571 8,571 8,571 8,571 8,571 42,855 8,571 8,571 8,571 8,571 8,571 Development Charges Public Library 385,715 77,143 77,143 77,143 77,143 77,143 385,715 77,143 77,143 77,143 77,143 77,143 Funding Total 550,000 110,000 110;000 110;000 110,000 110 000 Attributes Attribute lValue Comment Department ;LIBRARIES Sub-Department :LIBRARIES Project Approval :Not Approved Location 'All Project Classification 'New, Program/Activity :MAIN BRANCH LIBRARY-COLLECTION DC Reference No. 1.4.1 Road Segment No. `Expected Useful Life ;6-10 Project Manager i Municipality of Ciarington 343 Capital Projects Project 62-440-14001 Renovation and Expansion to Courtice Library .irsion lCapital Plan Year 12014 Department ILIBRARIES Sub-Department ILIBRARIES Description Project Description: To renovate the currently available 6,000 square feet of space at the Courtice Community Centre to expand library services. This is a preliminary estimate. A more accurate estimate will be provided by an architect, through design development and detailed space specifications. Location: - Courtice Budget Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020; Expenditures Contract 1,100,000 1,100,000 1,100,000 1,100,000 Expenditures Total 1,1.0 0,000 1,100;000 - 7ding ..:serve Funds Library Capital 110,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 Debentures Debentures 990,000 990,000 990,000 990,000 Funding Total 1;100,000 1,100,000 Attributes Attribute. Valtae Comment Department LIBRARIES Sub-Department LIBRARIES Project Approval _ r Location `Project Classification ;Betterment Prog ram/Activity DC Reference No. Road Segment No. .Expected Useful Life Project Manager l • �! n MEMO Leading the Way 40 CLERK'S DEPARTMENT To: Mayor Foster and Members of Council From: Anne Greentree, Deputy Clerk Date: February 20, 2014 Subject: SPECIAL GENERAL PURPOSE & ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA— FEBRUARY 21, 2014— UPDATE File: C05.GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION Please be advised of the following amendments to the Special GPA agenda for the meeting to be held on Friday, February 21, 2014: 6. DELEGATIONS See attached Final List. (Attachment#1) nne Greentree, Deputy Clerk AG/jeg cc: F. Wu, Chief Administrative Officer Department Heads CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-6506 Attachment #1 of Update Memo FINAL LIST OF DELEGATIONS Special Budget GPA Meeting: February 21, 2014 (a) Gail Rickard, Chair, and Edie Hopkins, Library Director, Clarington Public Library, Regarding 2014 Budget (b) Chris Newman, Coordinator, Firehouse Youth, Regarding 2014 Budget (c) Craig Ryan, Board President, and James Campbell, Executive Director/Curator, Visual Arts Centre of Clarington, Regarding 2014 Budget (d) Bonnie Seto, Vice Chair, and Julia Fielding, Executive Director, Clarington Museums & Archives, Regarding 2014 Budget (e) Sally Barrie, Administrator— Home Support, Community Care Durham, Regarding 2014 Budget (f) Angie Darlison, Executive Director, Clarington Older Adult Centre, Regarding 2014 Budget r li Clarington Pub• . Experience Community 2014 Budget Presentation Gail Rickard, Board Chair Clarington Public Library Board BUDGET REQUEST 2014 Personnel Expenses $2,232,233 2.00% $2,276,878 Other Expenses $717,824 2.46% $735,454 2.11% $3,012,332 -2.02% ($186,722) 2.40% $2,825,610 Total Expenses $2,950,057 Non - Municipal Revenue ($190,566) Municipal Request $2,759,491 LIBRARY COSTS PER CAPITA 2012 Pickering $57.83 Oshawa $56.46 Halton Hills $54.05 Caledon $48.45 Cambridge $45.63 Whitby $40.21 Belleville $40.00 Milton $37.50 Ajax $32.89 Clarington $32,w66 (Municipal Performance Measurement Program, 2012) COURTICE COMMUNITY LIBRARY NEEDS 1. Expansion: 2014 -15 Expansion at the Courtice Community Complex (6,000 s.f.) • Renovation Costs, 2014: $1,100,000 • Add Operating Costs, 2015: $100,000 2. Securing Land: 2015 Securing of New Site " Courtice Main Street" Area • Land Costs, 2015: 3. New Library: 2017 -18 Building of New Library (20,000 s.f.) • Construction, 2017/18: $1,200,000 $12,000,000 f. Courtice Main Street 1 fifth Which Are Incorporated The BowmnnviEie Newso The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News BOWMAKVILLF. ANT., THURSDAY, AUGUST 14th~ 1939 blanders Pipe Band WHI Lead The Calithmpiau Puade At The Rotaq Cabal Nvd Webeeday Evening Council Bans Bathers Must - Indecent-Expe r _ COLLISIONS COIF 'WHEN JAM IS OVER I NU ENE INJURED T1wo Aoeidthka TU"dm' Morning Wreck Tvm Gars and 1nvoWe High School Teachers and Toronto Contractor Three Toronto men som -ehow eat ped deakh or serious injury et Sly ' iea$a. morninv when the D iiza to git on Digitized local newspapers I� f Amanda New eMagazine collection introduced Charley One of CPUs newest members r , -top � l a ,Sol, .0 / Ak • • 46 qm. Jacob Five hours a week Robert Avid borrower OUR PARTNERS Clarington Museums and Archives 62 T—p-- S,—.. 0-6. L]� 3A8 905 623 27,34 m Ontario Early Years ABACD Launch and Accelerate Your Business 64 CDCD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL DURHAM / b—u r h �qm e 'an Tra..n rt =:V� D is,, C Q) Cn C-) 0 0. TOURNK'7 CLNRIN T Clarington Older 1 i. N Illl Sri IDURHAM TORIC DOWNTOWNii L �10N PO �E WMANVILL Community Care Durham I') COMMI A auk--- Tho Clorington Artist & Artisan's N11,t ki _ Al, Y� ii• � � i� z /""�7 i 9 0 THE FIREHOUSE YOUTH CENTRE Presented to Council on February 21St, 2014 Developed by: Chris Newman Successes of 2013 2013 represented a very successful year for the Firehouse; 2013 saw: an increase in youth attendance, programming opportunities, community partnerships, success with our girls' club, the introduction of a new logo, a revitalized approach to programming and the undertaking of several new adventures. i Community Involvement /Partnerships Municipal Focused Visual Arts Centre " . rte- '� I Rotary Club of Bowma nvi I le y � MIL f Durham Regional Police Annual Events /Fundraisers A major marker of success for the Firehouse has historically been the success of our Annual Events and Fundraisers. 2013 Fundraisers /Events: ' Firehouse Christmas Dinner Firehouse Battle of the Bands Great Balls of Fire Charity Golf Tournament Firehouse Fright Night • Boston Pizza Celebrity Server Night • Charity BBQ's hosted by RBC and Abe's Auto Wreckers 1 y - ell r Defining Success ip Another major marker of success for the Firehouse resides within the youth who are attending on a regular basis: Jan 1St, 2011— Dec 31St, 2011 (2050 visits) IV Jan 1St, 2012 — Dec 31St, 2012 (2237 visits) Jan 1St, 2013 — Dec 31St, 2013 (3128 visits) Total visits by age Under the age of 16 = 1689 (54 %) Ages 16 -24 = 1423 (45%) Total Clients Served = 214 Defining Success Continued... 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Yearly Visits 2010 2011 2012 2013 -+--Yearly Visits What youth in the Durham Region Want ? ?? '* Results from Youth Survey • Increased employment assistance: job search strategies, interview skills, resume development... • More art based opportunities • Space for local bands to perform and practice ' Barrier to accessing service was not knowing about local opportunities Focuses for 2014 4W Youth Engagement: Increase and reinforce strong programming presence to keep youth actively engaged ' Active Community Outreach: Enhance the presence of the Firehouse in the community Community Partnerships: Continue to maintain and foster new community partnerships Clarington Youth Opportunities Scholarship Fund "Anything is possible on your road to success, as long as you believe" Clarington Youth Opportunities Scholarship Fund Eligibility Criteria • Resident of the Clarington area, aged 24 and under. • Applicants must be accepted into 1st year of studies in a post- secondary full time program at a recognized University, College, or in an Apprenticeship Program. This must be the applicant's first degree, diploma, certificate or apprenticeship program. ' The Applicant must be able to provide proof of enrollment in their specified program. Selection Criteria • Complete and submit the applicant information sheet and accompanying letter by no later than June 1st, 2014. • Provide a minimum of two reference letters, which speak to your commitment and dedication to your schooling and the community. Letters will only be accepted from recognized sources (i.e. Services clubs, churches, schools, community agencies, the Municipality etc...) on formal letter head, accompanied by up to date contact information. Those who demonstrate financial need will be given preference in the selection process. Applicants should be prepared to demonstrate their leadership and involvement in school and the community during a panel interview as part of the selection process prior to commencing their first semester of studies. 2014 Budget Submission 10 When comparing the 2013 -2014 budget projections only minor alterations have been made: • Not requesting a Municipal increase • Increase to Fundraising capacity • Expenditure increases are offset by increased revenue accumulation capacity Sustainability Model Funding Model 2010 -2011 3% 1% 4% 13% 13% r �4 /o i Municipality of Clarington Fundraising United Way Christmas Donations Service Club Donations Ministry of Health Funding Model 2013 - 2014 1% 3/0 ■ Municipality of Clarington 12% Fundraising United Way 20% 64% Christmas Donations Service Club Donatations ruwti GENERATID �frevoHands On. Music company L 61erty - tal Bowmanville Id, Long & McQuad MUSICAL INSfAUMENTS TECHNGW TECHNICAL Cid � er Co use Goff Course E R11 E) It s The p- to make y ©ur community batter.. L INC& RBC Royal Bank L ongworth & 5 cugog G R E E L E Y Branch 2014 Budget Presentation Vision: To be a vibrant community heritage hub where people come to discover, explore and create. Museum Mission: To illuminate Clarington and its heritage through lasting and meaningful experiences with artifacts, exhibitions and programmes that inspire future generations and enliven our community. 2013: A year of milestones New Mission: To illuminate Clarington and its heritage through lasting and meaningful experiences with artifacts, exhibitions and programmes that inspire future generations and enliven our community. New Vision: To be a vibrant community heritage hub where people come to discover, explore and create. New Strategic Plan Other Achievements for 2013 Break even budget  Double admission numbers  Earned revenue up 177%  Partnerships with Clarington  Businesses Reorganisation of collection at Clarke  Museum New Community Partnerships  Membership programme  reinvigorated Living Wall project at Clarke  The Challenges Changing roles for Museums Museums everywhere are looking at their roles • and how they can best serve their communities into 21Century st At Clarington Museums we too are challenging • ourselves to be the best resource we can be for the people of Clarington Going forward we will: Ensure we serve residents to the best of our ability • Increase access to the Museum and its collection • particularly through partnerships Build links with new Clarington residents • illustrating the breadth of heritage and culture in Clarington Priorities for 2014 Get CMOG funding back • Health and Safety • Raise awareness • Increase revenue • Staff Management • Synchronise book keeping • with Municipality What to look forward to in 2014 Ontario Arts Council Making Your Mark • education project with Firehouse Youth Centre, COAA, and the VAC Two in-house exhibitions telling fascinating and • important Clarington stories: Rediscovering Identity: the Power of Photography and War- the Clarington stories More exciting OPG family days-including a • tractor event and garden party New marketing and fundraising • strategies Improved collection management • Improved school programmes • Membership Comparison owls 1 Willjj�pllllll 1 w w WIV4 SSW 8000 00 4000 2000 1 Visit Summaries Financial Income m � Revenue Budget 2014 Grants (Fed /Prov) 42,750 Municipal Grant 255,000 Membership 45,000 Registrations 146,500 Fundraising 47,500 Other (Rentals, Advertising, Catering, Don.) $0,000 Service Canada 3,650 Capital Request 10,000 TOTAL 630,400 Financial Expenses Expense Budget Salaries / Benefits Facility Rentals Office Supplies Advertising Maintenance Other (Program, Catering, Fund, HST) Building Utilities Telephone Capital Requests 2014 325,000 6,500 15,000 15,000 50,000 158,060 10,000 10,000 TOTAL 630,400 It UvAriomb 2014 BUDGET OVERVIEW FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2014 ST IMPORTANT HIGH LEVEL FACTS 1% TAX LEVY = $427,000 • 1% ON AN AVERAGE HOUSEHOLD = $11.67 • PROVINCE RECENTLY DENIED FUNDING • APPLICATION ON BASIS THAT OTHER APPLICANTS HAD MORE CHALLENGING ECONOMIC CONDITIONS AS MEASURED BY PROPERTY ASSESSMENTS AND INCOMES FINANCIAL INDICATORS - BMA STATISTICS NET MUNICIPAL LEVY PER CAPITA SELECTED MUNICIPALITIES Municipality2013Levy2013 Levy Per Capita Upper & LowerPer CapitaLower Only Milton$ 941$ 396 Ajax$1,234$ 425 Clarington$1,268$ 477 Whitby$1,420$ 529 Pickering$1,632$ 551 Newmarket$1,182$ 568 Caledon$1,386$ 710 NiagaraFalls$1,538$ 716 Oshawa$1,454$ 712 GTA Average$1,322 Survey Average$1,348 NET MUNICIPAL LEVY PER CAPITA CLARINGTON TRENDS YearLower OnlyCombinedGTAAverageStudy Average 2004799955 20058361,003 20069301,0251,025 20073841,0671,1431,121 20084011,0941,2021,163 20094041,1341,1851,167 20104201,1451,2081,228 20114421,2201,2481,283 20124771,3041,3381,367 20134771,2681,3221,348 PROPERTY TAXES AS A PERCENTAGE OF INCOME Municipality2013 Average %of Household RelativeRanking Residential TaxesIncome Milton$ 3,4282.8%Low Caledon$ 4,5223.4%Low Clarington$ 3,7333.5%Mid Niagara Falls$ 2,6853.6%Mid Newmarket$ 4,4563.8%Mid Whitby$ 4,6563.9%Mid Ajax$ 4,5484.2%High Pickering$ 4,8364.4%High Oshawa$ 3,8844.5%High PROPERTY TAX COMPARISONS DETACHED BUNGALOW -2013 Municipality2013 Property TaxesRelative Tax Burden Milton$ 2,863Mid Niagara Falls$ 3,017Mid Clarington$ 3,113Mid Caledon$ 3,290High Newmarket$ 3,400High Whitby$ 3,776High Ajax$ 3,934High Oshawa$ 3,991High Pickering$ 4,288High Average –overall$ 3,013Mid Average –population $ 3,087 50,000-99,999 GTA Average$ 3,574 DETACHED BUNGALOW RELATIVE TAXES CLARINGTON 5 YEAR TRENDS YearRelativeTaxesPopulation GTA AverageStudy Average Group Avg 2008$2,891$2,854$3,255$2,819 2009$2,902$2,898$3,326$2,880 2010$2,930$2,972$3,380$2,915 2011$3,000$3,045$3,442$2,942 2012$3,056$3,045$3,513$2,995 2013$3,113$3,087$3,574$3,013 Cumulative 7%7%7%5% Increase AverageAnnual 1.5%1.3%1.5%0.9% Increase PROPERTY TAX COMPARISONS SENIOR EXECUTIVE HOME -2013 Municipality2013 Property TaxesRelative Tax Burden Milton$4,263Low Caledon$4,682Low Clarington$5,025Low NiagaraFalls$5,368Low Newmarket$5,531Mid Whitby$5,848Mid Ajax$5,932High Oshawa$6,030High Pickering$6,248High Average –overall$5,745 Average –population $5,491 50,000-99,999 GTA Average$6,012 SENIOR EXECUTIVE RELATIVE TAXES CLARINGTON 5 YEAR TRENDS YearRelativeTaxesPopulation GTA AverageStudy Average Group Avg 2008$4,552$4,805$5,426$5,184 2009$4,649$4,929$5,600$5,343 2010$4,697$5,026$5,675$5,438 2011$4,799$5,118$5,758$5,558 2012$4,897$5,141$5,863$5,659 2013$5,025$5,491$6,012$5,745 Cumulative 8%11%7%8% Increase AverageAnnual 1.6%2.3%1.5%1.5% Increase 2013 BMA STUDY –CONCLUSIONS ON TAXATION AVERAGE HOUSEHOLD INCOME HIGH IN CLARINGTON  CLARINGTON’S TAX BURDEN IS IN LOW TO MID RANGE OVERALL AND  LOW IN COMPARISON TO GTA GROUP AND STUDY AVERAGE PROPERTY TAXES AS A PERCENTAGE OF INCOME RATED MID IN  CLARINGTON CLARINGTON RANKS 40 IN THE NET LEVY PER CAPITA OUT OF THE 98  PARTICIPANTS (OTHER DURHAM LAKESHORES ARE HIGH 60’S) CHALLENGES -LAND AREA IS HIGH WITH LOW DENSITY AND  ASSESSMENT PER CAPITA IS MID (SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER THAN GTA AND SURVEY AVERAGES ) HISTORICAL TRENDS ASSESSMENT GROWTH HISTORY YearAssessment Growth 20032.09% 20042.94% 20053.06% 20063.64% 20072.12% 20082.80% 20093.00% 20101.92% 20112.20% 20122.63% 20132.20% 20142.48% CLARINGTON’S BUDGET INCREASE HISTORY YearLocal Budget Increase 20048.3% 20054.7% 20064.08% 20078.25% 20084.44% 20092.35% 20102.97% 20113.80% 20123.75% 20133.75% 10-year average4.64% 2014 BUDGET OVERVIEW CURRENTLY AT 2.37% AFTER GROWTH HAS BEEN APPLIED • AT 2.48%, INCLUDING EXTERNAL AGENCIES, WITHOUT OPTIONS 1% IS APPROXIMATELY $427,000 • INCREASE ON AVERAGE HOUSE (VALUED AT $278,000) • APPROXIMATELY $11.67 PER EACH 1% $28 FOR AN AVERAGE HOUSE FOR CLARINGTON • PORTION OF TAX BILL, PLUS ANY OPTIONS SELECTED BUDGET IMPACT SUMMARY REVIEW OF SCHEDULE “A” TO REPORT FND-002-14 • REVIEW OF SCHEDULE “B” TO REPORT FND-002-14 • REVIEW OF SCHEDULE “C” TO REPORT FND-002-14 • SCHEDULE “B” ITEMS REQUIRE SPECIFIC RESOLUTIONS • TO CONSIDER EACH ITEM INDIVIDUALLY OR SPECIFIC ITEMS COMMITTEE WISHES TO MOVE ON SCHEDULE “C” -EXTERNAL AGENCIES REQUIRE SPECIFIC • RESOLUTIONS LOOKING FORWARD TO 2015 FIRE MASTER PLAN IMPLICATIONS  INCREASED TAX SUPPORT TO CAPITAL –INFRASTRUCTURE  DEFICIT WAGE SETTLEMENTS AND BENEFITS  ADDRESS CONTRIBUTIONS TO RESERVE FUNDS  STAFFING PRESSURES  AGING FACILITIES-INCREASED MAINTENANCE COSTS OF  ROADS AND FACILITIES IMPLICATIONS ON TAX LEVY OF COURTICE LIBRARY EXPANSION  CONTINUED MONITORING OF CASH FLOW ON INDOOR  RECREATION DC DEBT