HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-01-28 Minutes Draft minutes – Not yet approved by Committee NOTES OF MEETING OF SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE HELD TUESDAY JANUARY 28, 2014 7:00PM Present: (Voting) Michael Goleski Brian Reid (Chair) Karin Murphy Leo Blindenbach Kate Potter Geoff James Regrets: Suzanne Land Melanie McArthur Councillor Corinna Traill Absent: Bonnie Seto Jim Cleland 1. Agenda Acceptance of Agenda MOVEDSECONDED : by Karin Murphy by Geoff James THAT : the agenda for January 28, 2014 be accepted CARRIED 2. Minutes of December 10, 2013 Approval of Minutes MOVED:SECONDED by Leo Blindenbach by Mike Goleski THAT: the minutes of December 10th be approved. CARRIED SWNA January 2014 Minutes 2 3. Items/Updates SWNA Photo Contest Categories The committee discussed potential categories for the 2014 Photo Contest and agreed that the categories will be; 1)Winter Scenes 2)Colours of Samuel Wilmot Nature Area 3)Aquatic Scenes 4)SWNA in Motion (action photos) The committee also agreed that there should continue to be a Youth category for the best photo taken by a person 14 years of age or younger within the boundaries of the SWNA. The contest flyers should be ready for distribution and posting on the municipal web site and social media within the next couple of weeks. The flyer will be sent via e-mail to all committee members who may distribute it as they wish. Kate and Karin will be contacted once laminated flyers are available for installation at the SWNA. Councillor Traill is attempting to find a sponsor for this year’s contest since last year’s sponsor Hunters Foto Source has moved out of Clarington. CN Ecoconnextions grant application CN Rail has a grant program to provide funding for the “greening” of municipal properties across Canada. The program is geared towards volunteer/community based projects that address concerns related to water conservation, naturalization, stewardship or environmentally friendly transportation. Since the deadline for applications is January 30, P. Windolf prepared a draft application for the committee’s consideration. The committee, in conjunction with the municipality, agreed to apply for funding for a project to create a natural buffer along the CN rail line at the N/E corner of the SWNA. The project would use native trees and shrubs to create a visual and acoustic buffer between the SWNA and rail line. The naturalization project would also enhance wildlife habitat. The program requires a minimum of 50% matching funding that could include “in-kind” contributions. The labour, soil and mulch for the project will make up the matching portion of funding. If approved the project would include planting 80 trees and 40 shrubs split between spring and fall planting dates. Grant recipients will be notified in April. SWNA January 2014 Minutes 3 Newcastle Leash Free Park P. Windolf explained to the committee that Council has directed the Engineering Department to seek input from Newcastle residents about a possible future Leash Free Park in Newcastle. A public Open House is scheduled for February 19 at the Newcastle Library. The public will be encouraged to provide input on locations and features for a Newcastle Leash Free park should funding be approved in the future. One of the potential locations Engineering staff will be presenting at the Open House is in the N/E corner of the SWNA, just north of the hydro corridor on Toronto Street. The leash free park could be located within a 13 acre former farm field that has been left to naturalize. Some trees have been planted by the SWNA committee parallel to Toronto Street to buffer this area from the street. This area is separated from the remainder of the SWNA by the Hydro corridor and is seldom used by the public. P. Windolf explained the reasons why this location could be a good site for a future Leash Free Park.  There are no surrounding residential uses.  It’s a large site that could easily accommodate a 2.5 to 3 acre fenced leash free zone with a gravel parking lot and access road.  Since it was formerly an agricultural field it will have good soil for the establishment of turf.  The location is easy to access by car for residents both north and south of the 401.  It is close to the Waterfront Trail. The park would be roughly the same size as the existing Leash Free Park in Port Darlington. Other locations being considered include the undeveloped parkland behind the Newcastle Recreation Complex on Rudell Road and the municipal land on the east side of Cobbledick road just north of the 401. After considerable discussion it was clear that only one of the committee members supported the SWNA location on Toronto Street as a possible site. The majority of the committee were concerned that a fenced leash free park could negatively affect wildlife habitat and that the project is not compatible with the management plan goals for the SWNA. The committee suggested seeking the opinion of the GRCA on the potential impacts the leash free park could have on the SWNA. Ken Towel, GRCA biologist, will be asked to provide his opinion. Trout and Salmon Presentation at GRCA The GRCA will host a presentation on the trout and salmon of the GRCA watersheds. The presentation is open to the public and will be held on Wednesday February 12 at 7:00PM at the GRCA Millennium Building in Port Hope. SWNA January 2014 Minutes 4 5. Motion to Adjourn MOVED: SECONDEDTHAT: by Leo Blindenbach by Geoff James the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED Adjournment: 8:15 P.M. Next Meeting: Tuesday April 8, 7:00PM Room 1A There will be no meeting in February or March Notes prepared by: P. Windolf