HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-01-21 Minutes Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes of Meeting January 21,2014 Members present: David ReesorKim Vaneyk (ex-officio)Angela Tibbles Councillor HooperKarin MurphyVictor Suppan Bonnie Seto(7:30) Regrets: Ruth Goff (Ex-officio),Tracey Ali,Allan Kirby,Tenzin Gyaltsan,Joseph Earle Staff: Faye Langmaid, Kristy Kilbourne Guests: EugeneBerlenbach, Darrell Cook (St. George’s Church); Emily Kszan(Baker Property); Peter Thorne (210 King Ave) Angela Tibbles welcomedall to the meeting.Everyone introduced themselves. Declaration Of Pecuniary Interest- None declared. Adoption of Agenda 14.01 Moved by Karin Murphy, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the agenda be adopted. “CARRIED” Adoption of Minutes 14.02 Moved byDavid Reesor,seconded byKarin Murphy THAT the minutes ofNovember19,2013be accepted. “CARRIED” Presentations St. George’s Church, 250 Mill Street S, Newcastle–EugeneBerlenbachand Darrell Cook provided an overview of their proposed works for an application for a heritage alteration permit. Theproposal is to build a ramp for accessibility purposes adjacent but off-set from the east wall of the church hall which is listed in the designating by-law. There are several reasons they would like to undertake this project including: meeting obligations under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act(AODA) and 1|Page accommodating an aging congregation. A drawing of the proposed ramp was circulated in advance of the meeting (Attachment1) and photographs of the proposed location for the ramp addition was shown at the meeting. The ramp will lead to the existing door on the east wall. The opening will have to be widened and a new door with automatic opener installed. This will also offerthe opportunity for restoration of arched brick work over the doorway as the current doorway appears to have been constructedin the place of an original window. Eugene and Darrell indicated that ensuring alterations were complimentary and in keeping with the character of the building was a priority. Eugene and Darrell were thanked for their presentation. Afterdiscussion, the following motion was made: 14.03 Moved by Bonnie Seto, seconded by Karin Murphy THAT based on the presentation by the representatives of St. George’s Anglican st Church at the January 21Clarington Heritage Committee Meeting, the Committee supports the concept of the installation of the accessibility ramp, provided the ramp and other new features are in keeping with the character of the building. “CARRIED” th Restoration at Baker Farm Property, 4Concession, Emily Kszan Emily Kszan, former student of Willowbank, a school in Queenston specializing in heritage restoration provided a presentationon a restoration project in Clarington that she is working onin Salem(Concession 4 and Bethesda Road), just north of Bowmanville. Photographs were shown of the two mid 1800 houses and barnslocated on two properties that will be restored as well as the works, techniques, materials, and contractorswherediscussed. One of the homes experienced a fire awhile back. This structure has been stabilized and many features that wouldn’t otherwise have been uncovered are exposed which will assist in the return of the home to a more original state than it was prior to the fire.Emily and her client will be retrieving a large number of items for the restoration from the 407 Salvage project. Emily answered questions from the Committee on the project. Emily was thanked for her presentation. 14.04 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by David Reesor THAT Emily Kszanbe thankedfor her presentation and that the Clarington Heritage Committee looksforward to future additional information and presentations on the restoration of the Baker Farm Property. “CARRIED” 2|Page BUSINESS ARISING 210King Avenue West–Peter Thornewas in attendance to speak with the Committee regarding therequest forremoval of the heritage designation. The Staff Report, PSD- 006-14 had beencirculated to membersprior to the GPA meeting. th At the January 20General Purpose and Administration Meeting, the following resolution was passed: “THAT Report PSD-006-14 be referred to Staff, with input from the Clarington Heritage Committee, for a report on removing certain features from By-law 95-30” Mr. Thorneexplained the frustrations held byhim and his wifewhich were mainly the lack of monetary benefit that was offered by the province at the time of designation. In addition,the layersof approval necessary to makechanges, and length of theprocess have beendeterrents.Mr. Thorneanswered questions from Committee members. Mr. Thorne would possibly be amenable to keeping the exterior features listed on the designation. However,they would like to be able to undertake work inside his home without having to seek the approval ofthe Committee in each instance. Mr. Thorne suggested that some of the committee members may wish to visit the home before making any recommendations and that this would be possible after the end of January. After discussion with theCommittee, heindicated a willingness to work with the Committee between now and the end of February to determine whether aresolution may be reachedwithout the repeal of the designation. Mr. Thorne was thanked for his attendance. 14.05 Moved by Victor Suppan, seconded by Karin Murphy st At the January 21, 2014 meeting of the Clarington Heritage Committee, Mr. Thorne attended as a delegation and based on the discussion is willing to continue discussions th in anticipation of having staff report backto GPA for the Feb 24meeting. “CARRIED” This recommendation will be communicated to Clerk’s and Council. 407 Salvage Update–MTO has secured a salvage contractor and salvage of materials rd for designated heritage property owners will commence on Thursday, January 23and is expected to take approximately 2 weeksuntil completion of removal for all 6 properties.Materials will be delivered where feasible. Otherwise pick-upby owner will 3|Page be arranged. Two property owners requesting large amounts of items have their own contractors and will have access to the buildings for removal of items following the removal of items by the MTO contractor. MTO and owners seem fairly happy with the process and the items they will be receiving. WinstonWong from MTOadvised that theitem requested (a transom) from 7500 Highway 35/115 hasalready been removed from the home and therefore is not availableto the requestor. Walbridge House Work is progressing, check the blog. The house is enclosed and protected from the elements. The contractor will be doing salvage from the 407 homes. Camp 30 The Pre-FoundationCommittee will contain one representative from each of the following: the Municipality, Clarington Museums and Archives, the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario, and the Owner, along with 3 additional members. The Camp 30 Selection Committeehas chosen the 3 additional representatives a press release will be issued shortly announcing this information. Marilyn Morawetz is the interim Chair for this group, they have met and have additional meetings planned. REPORTSfrom OTHER COMMITTEES(community improvement plans, etc) th Bowmanville CIP–Meeting was held January 15.Most of the meeting was devoted to discussing how prioritization of grant applicationscould work and the pros/cons of changing the process to allow for prioritisation. All funding has been allocated very early on in the last two years in both Bowmanville and Newcastle. There was some discussion about limiting grant applications orrotating acceptance of commercial and residential applications. The CIP group felt it was best to leave the programas status quo at this time, with the hope that Council would increase funding. Newcastle CIP–The next meeting will take place January 23. It was suggested that staff bring up the possibility of Newcastle Village CIP boundary expansion to include lands west of the existing boundary. Orono CIP–Most of the meetingin early Januarywas spent discussing film incentives with Economic Development staff from Durham Region. The Region is trying to develop a specialty in offering sites for filming together with municipal representatives. Filming would generate revenue for facilities to assist with operations and upkeep costs. The possibility of having Canada Postinstall a new railing outside the post office was also discussed. 4|Page ACO, Clarington Branch–Plans are well underway for Doors Open 2014 and ACO to present “Hilter’sCanadians” and a display of Camp 30 for the Heritage Week. Newcastle Village and District Historical Society (NVDHS)–No update, Angela has been in contact with NVDHS and they will be having a matinee of local historical films th for Heritage Week and the local history room will be open on Sunday Feb 16. Clarington Museums and Archives –The Museum will be hosting an event OPG Family Days: Family Trees during Heritage Week on Family Day, February 17, from 12-4pm. Attendees will have the opportunity tocreate their own family tree, discover how local archives can be used to research ancestry or create a coat of arms that represents their unique family. Cost for members is $4/person or $14/family. Non-members rate is $5/person or $18/family. Heritage Week Working Group–OPG has provided funding to support the Heritage Week activities. Angela provided an update on the last meeting (Attachment2). Promotional materials were distributed to members for dispersion throughout the community. Members who had already distributed posters indicated that there were many positive comments from members of the public on the Heritage Week posters. As was done last year, letters will be sent out to all designated property owners thanking them and informing them of Heritage Week activities and the Heritage Incentive Grant Program. Heritage Conservation District–No activity to report. CORRESPONDENCE and COUNCIL REFERRAL Ontario Heritage Trust Awards-All nominations were accepted. Frank Stapleton, Karin th Murphy and David Reesor, and Garfield Shaw will be recognized at the February 10 Council Meeting just prior to Heritage Week. The Ontario Heritage Trust will be confirming shortly whether one of their Board Directors will be in attendance to give out the awards. Pins and certificates have arrived. Frank will be invited to an event in TO. PROJECT REPORTS – Barn ProjectKim provided a tour and explanation of the photos in the Heritage Week Barn Project Art Display in the Library Mezzanine prior to the start of the meeting. A handout was distributed listing next steps and promotion for the project and potential sections of the book that will need writers/researchers. It was confirmed that the Heritage Committee has a book reserve account containing book salerevenues. 5|Page NEW BUSINESS Heritage Incentive Grant–Annual report went to Council at the beginning of January. Members were provided with a copy in advance of the GPA meeting. There was positive feedback on the programfrom Council members. David Reesor moved the meeting beadjourned. Next meeting:February 18, 2014, 7:00 p.m., at Clarington Municipal Offices, CHC Film Night in Council Chambers Attachments Attachment 1 –Drawing of the proposed ramp addition, St. George’s Anglican Church Attachment2–Heritage Week Working Group Report (October) 6|Page 7|Page Heritage Week2014 Working Group Report to C.H.C. January 21, 2014 The group has met twice since last reporting to C.H.C, with the participation of A Gift of Art, Abandoned Cemeteries Committee, Architectural Conservancy of Ontario (Clarington Branch), BowmanvilleBusiness Improvement Association, Bowmanville Museums and Archives, Clarington Heritage Committee, Clarington Older Adults Association, Newcastle Village and District Historical Society, Visual Arts Centre, Planning Services staffand Communications staff. Ontario Power Generation OPG has made a generous donation of $2,500 in support of Heritage Week. These funds will be used to assist the preparation of materials for the Municipal Art Display and to defray some of the costs involved in various promotional activities. The OPG logo has been included on the Heritage Week poster. Posters One hundred and thirty posters hadbeen produced,and a number of these were th handed out to agency representatives presentat theJanuary 9meeting. The posters will also be circulated to library branches and municipal recreation complexes, and efforts will be made to involve B.I.A members in downtown distribution. A social media friendly format has also been created. Promotion The Banner will be installed across Highway 2 at the beginning of February. Heritage Week will be advertised on the municipality’s website, on the Homepage rotating banner, the Heritage Website and through the Municipality’s social media. Twenty-four tweets havebeendesigned to be used during the weeks of February thth 10and 17. These have been sent out to member agencies, and are also available to anyone who has a Twitter account and would like to help promote Heritage Week. Communications staff will post them on theMunicipal Twitter Account. An initial general media release has been prepared for area newspapers and radio. Handbills and additional press releases will go outfocusing on the Film Night events. 8|Page Letters have been circulated to area schools and SchoolBoards, advising them of Heritage Week activities,and highlighting the educational value of the Week and its events. Events Ontario Heritage Trust Awards will be made to our designated recipients at the th February 10Council Meeting. Letters will again be sent to the owners of designated properties, thanking them for their continued good stewardship of these valuable resources. CHC publications will be offered for sale at Film Night events and at the COAA. A photo installationof heritage barns in Clarington, together with several works by local artist and farmer, Eric Bowman, are currently on display in the Bowmanville branch of Clarington Public Library and the first floor of the th Municipal Administrative Centre. This will remain in place until February 28. The COAA and Bowmanville Rotary Club are hosting a dinner and auction night on Saturday February 15, featuring special guest, race-rider Sandy Hawley. NVDHS presents an afternoon of short films and slides, showcasing Newcastle’s agricultural heritage in the Main Hall of the Newcastle Village Community Hall on Sunday February 16 starting at 1PM. The Society’s museum room will also be open to the public.The Abandoned Cemeteries Committee will mount a display of family farm plots at the same location. Clarington Public Libraries are hosting Winter Wonderlearn on Monday February 17. This year’s theme is nature, and a highlight will be a visit from Maple the Cow and Mayor Foster. Clarington Museum and Archives are offering Family Tree activities at the Sarah Jane Williams Centre on Monday February 17, between 1 and 4 PM. A Gift of Art, Newcastle, will host a “Discover your heritage” event on Monday th February 17. The COAA will host an agricultural luncheon (food prepared and presented by th local framers) on Tuesday February 18from 11:30 AM. This will be followed by an afternoon Square Dance. 9|Page The CHC will host the first of three Heritage Week film nights in Council Chambers on Tuesday, February 18thfrom 7PM“Childhood Lost”. This documentary examines the fate of 100,000 British children shipped to Canada to work as farm labourers between 1869 and 1939.Sandra Joyce,Executive Director of the British Home Children Research and Advocacy Association will make a short presentation, and be available to answer questions. Kettle corn available for a donation. Free door prizes. A Gift of Art will hold a creative writing class with an agricultural theme on th from 2PM. Wednesday February 19 Clarington ACO will show the documentary “Hitler’s Canadians”, on Wednesday February 19thfrom 7 PM. This chronicles the experiences of some of the 40,000 German POW’s held in Canada during the Second World War. Information and displays on Camp 30 will follow. Kettle corn availablefor a donation. Free door prize. The CHC and Durham East 4-H willhost “Orono, the Way We Were” and information on 4-H on Thursday, February 20th.Kettle corn and free door prizes. st Heritage Week will end with a bang on Friday February 21, with an old fashioned Barn Dance featuring the live music of Larry Adams and the Good Tyme Band. Starting at 8 PMat the Clarington Older Adult Association. Wrap-Up Meeting th The wrap-up meeting will be on Thursday, March 20. 10|Page