HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-024 . .~ ,-... ) THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 2002- 024 Being a By-law to assume certain streets within the Municipality of Clarington as pubfic highways in the Municipality of Clarington. NOW lHEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT the street and blocks shown on Plan 10M-832 and listed below and listed in this section, all being in the Municipality of Clarington, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, are hereby accepted by the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington as public highways, and assumed by the said Corporation for public use: Robert Adams Drive Sagewood Avenue Auburn Lane Auburn Court Worthington Drive Thornbury Street Blocks 87 to 92 inclusive BY-LAW read a first and second time this 25h day of February 2002. BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 2Sh day of February 2002. ~ John M tton,_lSA?yor - ~__ - - -_ . r '. ~ .j'. \prOVi_~ce !Qaf ~ Ontario DvE & DURHAM co. INC.-Form No. 985 Amended NOV. 1992 Document General Form 4 - Land Registration Reform Act o >- ...J Z o w UJ :::::l w () u: u. o a: o u. rJ o - o ~ ,,:~ C) (1) Registry 0 (3) Property Identifier( s) Land Titles [Xl (2) Page 1 of 3 pages Block Property 210593 01 y-\ Additional: See kTl Schedu Ie IlLJ i - (4) Nature of Document '':)-- By-law \/1 (5) Consideration ~ NIL Dollars $ (6) Description Ii: u; U w_ Gl:: .... - o. woC !Ci:2 u= u:c =: w u II - - New Property Identifiers Rebert Adams Drive, Sagewood Avenue, Auburn Lane, Auburn Court, Worthington Drive, Thornbury Street and Blocks 87, 88, 89, 90, 91 and 92, all on Plan 10M-832 Municipality of Clarington Regional Municipality of Durham Additional: See Schedule o Executions Additional: See Schedule o (7) This Document Contains: (a) Redescription New Easement Plan/Sketch i, (b) Schedule for: Additional o i Description Kl Parties D Other [] (8) This Document provides as follows: A certified copy of Municipality of Clarin~ton By-la~ 2002-024 is attached hereto. 1\ L:f~ [' ~evJL()~C7+ l-e (} ()( p<<G_~1 CV\ O.f. CorpCn,tti D,,, Gi 0i~. I 'I I) I ~ q 3 " RuSLUU~ + -+0 ~e f<L51 O:-v--- i ~tiA-l\.--i ~clt ~j I CliL' L 1:5 -b_)(" ) o~ II J;) tic i{~,e IUvJ f'l 0 {- fJt\\v1 (fA. ~t {~ I f"(" rft U-rt ( [~~ L~~t~J of of DLt..rI\[~f"\ II\v'h,L((lll_'~f~ I (\[lJ\1\, e c)+ t-hc. . c.j\.k..4~ ee:Af-v TC\ -c: .-\ tlOJ\J/\aj-tJ n C l\, ~) Continued on Schedule 0 (9) This Document relates to instrument number(s) (10) party(ies) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Signature(s) M.W'{:J;C;;J,I'.l\lt:rT;t. .O.~ . <;;q\.R.I.f'!GTP.N. ,..."..,..." . )'.~E;. C;;P.r~pqB{\f.I.O.l'{ ,9f. J.fiE;, , . . . . . , . , . , , , , , . , , .cMqI]. i ~,i.nC! + i J:. y} . , . . . . _ . . . . . , . . . , . . . , . , . , . . , (11) Address for Service ,10 Temperance St ree t, Bm';manvi 11 e, On ta r i 0 (12) Party(ies) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Signature(s) L1C 3A6 Date of Signature y M 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . .. . . . . .. .. .. . . .. .. . .. .. . . . . .. .............................................. (13) Address for Service (14) Municipal Address of Property Not assigned. (15) Document Prepared by: 905-723-2175 Rhonda M, Bishop 499 Browning Street Oshawa, Ontario L 1 H 6S8 >- ..J Z Registration Fee o w UJ :::::l w () u: u. o a: ~ Total I Fees and Tax .1 t Page 2 of 3 Pages SCHEDULE TO ACCOMPANY BY-LAW 2002-024 Street Name or Block Number Item Property Identifier Number Robert Adams Drive 1. 2 <0513 014-1 CPart- ) Sagewood Avenue 2. 21AS B C; 0lD8 ~d. 'Z. <05'13 Olal Auburn Lane 3. 2 G:,S& D33 ;;Z Auburn Court 4. 2C-?~~';:; 0\ D5 Worthington Drive 5. Z056S D\Ob lPw+) Thornbury Street 6. 2(.,,5~,~ O( 02- ( rtLC t ) Block 87 Block 88 Block 89 Block 90 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. J (05 B 5 Dlob Ul.r~) cJ.105B5 OlOIo CPaK+) 2(oC;~S Dlo1 ~(p5q"3 0 \4 I CP(lf~1 ZloS~ ~ 0223> .:l\;6'5~':- C I g L (r~...~ ~ 2105'11"3 023,5 (far4- ) 0? All on Plan 10M-832 in the Municipality of Clarington in the Regional Municipality of Durham. Block 91 Block 92 ;- 1 r~ ~ f I J \-" ~ ~ f~e 3 of 3 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 2002- 024 Being a By-law to assume certain streets within the Municipality of Clarington as pubic highways in the Municipality of Clarington. NOW TIIEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington hereby enacts as follows: 1 . THAT the street and blocks shown on Plan 10M-832 and listed below and listed in this section, all being in the Municipality of Clarington, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, are hereby accepted by the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington as public highways, and assumed by the said Corporation for public use: Robert Adams Drive Sagewood Avenue Auburn Lane Auburn Court Worthington Drive Thornbury Street Blocks 87 to 92 inclusive BY-LAW read a first and second time this 2ft day of February 2002. BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 2ft day of February 2002. ~q}~ John M tton, Mayor . . . GERT}~flfJ)~~-_!~l1E- COpy DYE & DURHAM CO. INc.-Form No. 985 Amended NOY. 1992 ~' prOVin.ce , of J ~ Ontano > Document General Form 4 - Land Registration Reform Act o Di~ (oOIOL 11\C\.r-Ch t 1)2002 15":4\ (1) Registry 0 (3) Property Identifier( s) Land Titles !Xl I (2) Page 1 of 3 pages Block Property 1 Additional: See Schedule KJJ (4) Nature of Document By-law >- ...J Z o w (/) ::J w () u:: u. o a: o u. (5) Consideration NIL Dollars $ New Property Identifiers (6) Description Rebert Adams Drive, Sagewood Avenue, A~burn Lane, Auburn Court, Worthington Drive, Thornbury Street and Blecks 87, 88, 89, 90, 91 and 92, all on Plan 10M-832 Municipality of Clarington Regional Municipality of Durham Additional: See Schedule o Executions Additional: See Schedule o (7) This Document Contains: (a) Redescription New Easement Plan/Sketch i: (b) Schedule for: Additional o i Description [] Parties 0 Other [] (8) This Document provides as fo/lows: A certified copy of Municipality of Clarington By-la~ 2002-024 is attached hereto. AcA lof ~ 2tL(SUW", -I- +0 +h e RejIO'\"- ( NliAf'- I c~.JA ~ o.f IA.M-J~ tvtt,UL 1 C--tfI'(.A [~eVV ({16+ If I e (w-lr1il.+u<') 61/1 0/ H~f /\tUV\C' of -Hit &pcrcL-hLi'r-l ,J of JJevv(C{5+1-e Cj~-e(~ +0 The {orpl)r~_h <Yh cf.- ff\e oF- ~.ta.r w~~ 0 nL 1'-1 I I (Cr13 ~) / T Ol/\) t\ fW\I.A...I\. ,: 0fc"'--'~l~ Continued on Schedule 0 ( (9) This Document relates to Instrument number(s) (10) Party(ies) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) M.(nn<;;;.F)\~+TY. .O.~ . ~P\.R.I.r'iGT9N". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Signatur. e(s) /7 Date of Signature /2k ~y MD . . .. , /. .: !: . 7. //. /' .;, ., 0 0 ~ , 0 ';, : l' / /;1' /1' " , i. I L: ." . .~.. >-~ ... . ............! Mar f'ejKn . t~S nley // i :! ~~ I /' I I . .8ef)u.t.y: .~~'\~............ -/ ... i.....;.. .i... I have~~~ritY to ~idrl i i i , '. . the. C.oq)o.r.ation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . : . . .i. . . : :: : :: : : I . )'J~E;. <;;PJ~)~q~(\f.I.O.N . Of. :r.fiE;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .cMqr).t~.i.nC!+ttyJ....................... . . . . . (11) Address for Service ,10 Temperance Street, Bm.;manville, Ontario LIe 3A6 (12) Party(ies) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Signature(s) Date of Signature Y M 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..... .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..... .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..... .. ... (13) Address for Service (14) Municipal Address of Property Not assi~ined. (15) Document Prepared by: 90":-723-2175 Rhonda M. Bishop 499 Browning Street Oshawa. Ontario L 1 H 688 ~ ...J Z Registration Fee o w (/) ::J w () u. u. o a: o u. LII Fees and Tax Total '" "" Page 2 of 3 Pages SCHEDULE TO ACCOMPANY BY-LAW 2002-024 Street Name or Block Number Item Property Identifier Number J (O5~5 DIOb ;lto5B5 () l 010 20-SBS DIOI ;;J<.o.5 q ~ 0' 4 \ C Pc.U'f/ Z lo59 ~ 022 3 etb- ';;>1/15&5 ~ f~+-) dlo5cf?:> D23:5 CPo..('+)0) All on Plan 10M-832 in the Municipality of Clarington in the Regional Municipality of Durham. Robert Adams Drive Sagewood Avenue Auburn Lane Auburn Court Worthington Drive Thornbury Street 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Block 87 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Block 88 Block 89 Block 90 Block 91 Block 92 2 <05') 3 0 \ 4- I ((b/~"I 2<oSSC) 01 DB tLl\.o. z<o593 0101 Z<OSt''::>b D332. r- 2~Sp,5 01 D::> Z056S 'D\Ob l Pw+) 2~5<1 ,?,O( 02 CPa..r+) LPa.,r + ) CPM+) l~ ~ ~ \~ e;;.~ ~ 4- f~ /' ;J E G- 2 V) ~ oJ PQ~e 3" f3 to' f' THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 2002- 024 Being a By-law to assume certain streets within the Municipality of Clarington as pubic highways in the Municipality of Clarington. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT the street and blocks shown on Plan 10M-832 and listed below and listed in this section, all being in the Municipality of Clarington, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, are hereby accepted by the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington as public highways, and assumed by the said Corporation for public use: Robert Adams Drive Sagewood Avenue Aubum Lane Auburn Court Worthington Drive Thornbury Street Blocks 87 to 92 inclusive BY-LAW read a first and second time this 2~ day of February 2002. BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 2~ day of February 2002. ~d)~ John M tton, Mayor ' " ;CERTIFIED A TRUE COpy ,- -.-' -- ._~,?...... - '.