HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport #1 12/16/2013 clarington Leading the Way REPORT #1 REPORT TO COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 16, 2013 SUBJECT: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2013 RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. RECEIVE FOR INFORMATION (a) ESD-007-13 Third Quarter Activity Report— 2013 (b) FND-018-13 Timing Of South Bowmanville Multi-Use Facility (c) CAO-011-13 Sustainability Clarington Community Advisory Committee Recommendation #1 Follow-Up 2. DELEGATION OF SHEILA HALL, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, AND RON ROBINSON, PRESIDENT, CLARINGTON BOARD OF TRADE, REGARDING AN ECONOMIC UPDATE THAT the delegation of Sheila Hall and Ron Robinson, regarding an Economic Update, be received with thanks. 3. APPLICATIONS TO AMEND THE CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW FOR A DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION TO ALLOW FOR DEVELOPMENT OF 253 RESIDENTIAL LOTS APPLICANT: PORT DARLINGTON LAND CORPORATION THAT Report PSD-073-13 be received; THAT the applications to amend the Clarington Official Plan (COPA 2013-0002) and Zoning By-law (ZBA 2013-0028) and for a proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision (S-C-2013-002), submitted by Port Darlington Land Corporation, continue to be processed and that a subsequent report be prepared; and CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 Report#1 - 2 - December 16, 2013 THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-073-13 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 4. AN APPLICATION FOR A CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONING TO ALLOW CAMPING,ON LANDS ADJACENT TO CANADIAN TIRE MOTORSPORT PARK APPLICANT: REPUBLIC LIVE INC. THAT Report PSD-074-13 be received; THAT the applications to amend the Clarington Official Plan and Zoning By-law submitted by Republic Live Inc., to allow camping and ancillary uses, continue to be processed and that a subsequent report be prepared; THAT Report PSD-074-13 be forwarded to both the Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington and the Sustainable Clarington Community Advisory Committee for comment; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-074-13 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 5. APPLICATIONS FOR AN OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONING TO PERMIT A DRIVE-THROUGH RESTAURANT, A RESTAURANT, A BANK WITH A DRIVE-THROUGH AND TWO OFFICE BUILDINGS, ONE WITH GROUND FLOOR RETAIL AND RESTAURANT USES APPLICANT: 668390 ONTARIO LTD. (KAITLIN CORPORATION) THAT Report PSD-075-13 be received; THAT the applications to amend the Clarington Official Plan and Zoning By-law 84-63, submitted by 668390 Ontario Ltd. (Kaitlin Corporation) to permit a drive-through restaurant, a restaurant, a bank with a drive-through and two office buildings, one with ground floor retail and restaurant uses continue to be processed; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-075-13 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 6. PROPOSAL TO CLOSE AND CONVEY TWO ADJOINING RIGHT-OF-WAYS SITUATED IN LOT 17 CONCESSION 5, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON (HAMPTON) THAT Report EGD-040-13 be received; THAT the applicant pay all advertising, legal, appraisal and $31,421 in land costs associated with this transaction; Report#1 - 3 - December 16, 2013 THAT Council pass the by-law attached to Report EGD-040-13 to close and convey two adjoining unopen right-of-ways being two lanes created by Plan H50066 and Plan H50067 situated in Lot 17, Concession 5, former Darlington Township (Hampton) to 562503 Ontario Limited; and THAT 562503 Ontario Limited and Honey Harbour Estates Ltd. and any interested party be notified of Council's decision. 7. APPOINTMENT TO CLARINGTON MUSEUMS AND ARCHIVES BOARD AND CLARINGTON ACCESSIBILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE THAT Report CLD-030-13 be received; THAT Michelle Speelman-Viney be thanked for her contribution to the Clarington Museums and Archives Board; THAT Staff be directed to re-advertise for the vacancy on the Clarington Museums and Archives Board; THAT Jennifer Forde be thanked for her contribution to the Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee; THAT Julie Michalejko-Earl be appointed to the Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee for a term concurrent with the term of Council; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report CLD-030-13 be advised of Council's decision. 8. DEVELOPMENT CHARGES ACTCONSULTATIONS THAT Report FND-019-13 be received; THAT Attachment "C" of Report FND-019-13 be endorsed as the Municipality of Clarington's comments with respect to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing consultations on the Development Charges Act, 1997, parkland dedication and Section 37 of the Planning Act density bonusing; THAT the Province of Ontario be requested to remove Section 5(1), paragraph 8 of the Development Charges Act, the step in "Determination of development charges" that requires municipalities to reduce their capital costs by 10%; THAT the Province of Ontario be requested to update Section 5(1), paragraph 4, which provides that the service levels development charges are based on is an average service level for the previous ten years, with more permissive language whereby municipalities may apply development charges in ways that best suit their local growth-related needs and priorities; Report #1 - 4 - December 16, 2013 THAT the Province of Ontario be requested to eliminate Section 2(4), "Ineligible services," so that all services are eligible for development charges; THAT the legislation be clearly structured to permit the gross population to be used in determining the allowable funding envelopes for development charges calculations; THAT the Development Charges Act be structured to promote the implementation of the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, specifically to facilitate improved transit infrastructure across the entire Greater Golden Horseshoe, to encourage intensification and to minimize future expansions of the urban boundary; THAT no changes be made to the cash-in-lieu of parkland provisions of the Planning Act; and THAT a copy of Report FND-019-13, including Attachment "C" of Report FND-019-13 be copied to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, Municipal Finance Officers Association, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, John O'Toole, M.P.P. Member for Durham, and the Region of Durham. 9. ASSET MANAGEMENT PLAN — ROADS AND BRIDGES THAT Report FND-020-13 be received; THAT the Asset Management Plan for the Municipality of Clarington, Attachment "A" of Report FND-020-13, be adopted as Clarington's Asset Management Plan for Roads and Bridges to comply with the requirements of the Small Rural and Northern Municipal Infrastructure Fund — Capital Program; and THAT a copy of Report FND-020-13, including Attachment "A" of Report FND-020-13, be forwarded to the Ministry of Rural Affairs, to comply with the grant application guidelines and to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Municipal Finance Branch. 10. FORCED ROAD - 4826 CONCESSION ROAD 6, NEWTONVILLE THAT Jo-Ann and Peter Mian be instructed to remove the stop sign located at the end of their driveway; and THAT Staff advise Jo-Ann and Peter Mian that no action will be taken in response to any of the options that they have presented to Council. Report#1 - 5 - December 16, 2013 11. CLARINGTON FITNESS CENTRE — PROPOSED RENOVATION i THAT Report CSD-010-13 be received; THAT Council approve the Basic Amenities Option at a preliminary construction budget of$2,850,000; THAT Staff be instructed to request that the consultant provide costing for construction of an additional squash court; THAT the growth related portion be financed from the Municipal Capital Works Reserve Fund in the amount of$508,000; THAT the balance of financing of $2,342,000 is recommended to be financed from the following sources: Community Services Capital Reserve Fund $48,000 (unspent 2013 design budget) Community Services Capital Reserve Fund $400,000 Community Services Building Refurbishment Reserve Fund $200,000 Impact/Escrow Reserve Fund $600,000 Municipal Government Enterprise Reserve Fund $500,000, and General Municipal Purposes Reserve Fund $594,000; i THAT to the extent possible in the future, the financing of$508,000 from the Municipal Capital Works Reserve Fund be repaid from future collections of the Indoor Recreation component of the Development Charges; and THAT all interested parties listed in the report be advised of Council's decision. 12. NOISE FENCE FOR LOTS ON WEST SIDE OF VIVIAN DRIVE THAT Report PSD-072-13 and Addendum to Report PSD-072-13 be received; and THAT all interested parties listed in Addendum to Report PSD-072-13 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 13. PROCLAIMING LIMBA, THE ELEPHANT, AS AN HONOURARY CITIZEN OF THE MUNICIIPALITY OF CLARINGTON AND NAMING A STREET `LIMBA WAY" WHEREAS the Bowmanville Zoo has been unanimously recognized by the Municipality of Clarington for their animal care and promotion and education of the animal kingdom and as a animal rescue facility; AND WHEREAS in 1989 the Bowmanville Zoo came into the possession of a rescued Asian elephant named Limba; Report#1 - 6 - December 16, 2013 AND WHEREAS Limba flourished through the loving care provided by Michael Hackenberger, Bowmanville Zoo Manager & Curator; Dr. Wendy Korver, Veterinarian and girlfriend to Limba; Robert Crawford, trainer, sidekick and trusted & loving friend; and Anne "Annie" Wilson, grandmother figure; AND WHEREAS Limba was a surrogate babysitter to Dirk and Kurt Hackenberger; AND WHEREAS Limba was a fixture in and around Bowmanville and it was not uncommon to see Limba strolling through downtown Bowmanville; AND WHEREAS Limba was a great supporter and was present at such events as the Terry Fox Run, MS Walk, on the bridge during the Highway of Heroes honouring our fallen, Bowmanville Santa Claus Parade, and Valleys 2000 fundraiser; AND WHEREAS The Municipality of Clarington and people around the globe have embraced an elephant known as Limba; AND WHEREAS Limba made her home at the Bowmanville Zoological Park in the Municipality of Clarington for almost a quarter century; AND WHEREAS Limba was a shining example for all to see that the interaction between the animal kingdom and humans can be one of love and harmony and inclusiveness and acceptance; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Limba be proclaimed as an Honourary Citizen of the Municipality of Clarington; THAT the Street Naming Policy of the Municipality of Clarington be waived to have an appropriate street within the Schickendanz Development be named Limba Way; and THAT the Hackenberger Family, Robert Crawford, Annie Wilson and the Bowmanville Zoological Family be informed of this proclamation. 14. HYDRO ONE TRANSFORMER SITE OFF OF TOWNLINE ROAD NORTH OF THE 7TH CONCESSION WHEREAS in November 2012 Hydro One Networks Inc. submitted a Draft Environmental Study Report for the Clarington Transformer Station Project on the north west quadrant of Concession 7 and Townline Road; AND WHEREAS the Municipality and other commenting agencies found the ESR document to be lacking in rigour compared to other ESR's and supporting background information was not included in the documentation or available to the public; Report#1 - 7 - December 16, 2013 AND WHEREAS additional work by Hydro One has been required by the Ministry of Environment to address information gaps; AND WHEREAS the recently released Long-Term Energy Plan "Achieving Balance" identifies that the Ontario Power Authority will give greater consideration to local priorities and acknowledges that the Clarington Transformer Station project is pending a decision from the Minister of Environment on whether an individual Environmental Assessment is required; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Municipality of Clarington request Hydro One Networks Inc. to provide funding to the Municipality to carry out a peer review as it is typical for development and site alteration on the Oak Ridges Moraine and a requirement of the Clarington Official Plan (policy 4.4.39); THAT the Minister of Environment be requested to "bump-up" the Clarington Transformer Station project to an individual Environmental Assessment, and THAT this resolution be circulated to John O'Toole, MPP, Durham Region, CLOCA, the CRC Source Water Protection Committee for support. 15. PROCESS TO FILL VACANCY ON SUSTAINABLE CLARINGTON COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE WHEREAS Neil Allin has regrettably resigned as a member of the Sustainable Clarington Community Advisory Committee; AND WHEREAS Mr. Allin's resignation leaves the Committee without the advantage of a key component of our community represented —the agricultural community— as the Committee embarks on its next stage of work that will see it develop goals and actions in each of the four spheres of sustainability (economic, environmental, social and cultural) to foster a community-wide culture of sustainability; AND WHEREAS the Committee will begin this goal setting work with a special facilitated meeting on January 23, 2014; AND WHEREAS Council does not have the advantage of other community members with an agricultural background having submitted interest in serving on this Committee when Council set up the Committee earlier this year; AND WHEREAS the Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington has served the Municipality and the community well and have deep knowledge of the agricultural community and its members; Report #1 - 8 - December 16, 2013 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council request the Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington to recommend to Council the names of persons who could serve on the Sustainable Clarington Community Advisory Committee to enable Council to select from these names a person to fill the vacancy on this Committee and for the Committee to have the advantage of the agricultural voice in time for its goal setting work starting later in January; and THAT a letter of thanks be sent to Neil Allin. 16. OMB APPEAL OF FRONT ENDING AGREEMENT WITH GREEN-MARTIN HOLDINGS LTD., ASPEN SPRINGS WEST LTD., AND WEST DIAMOND PROPERTIES INC. DATED JUNE 18, 2013 THAT the recommendations contained in the Confidential Report LGL-011-13 be approved.