HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-3-86 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ' t REPORT File #35 , ,ms s 1 Res. # By-Law # MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: January 6, 1986 REPORT #: PD-3-86 FILE #: SUBJECT: WATERMAIN EXTENSION REGIONAL ROAD NO. 17 NORTH FROM NEWCASTLE VILLAGE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-3-86 be received; and 2. THAT the Regional Municipality of Durham be requested to amend the Durham Regional Official Plan ,to permit the extension of an existing watermain located on Regional Road No. 17, Town of Newcastle, as requested by a petition of the residents; and 3. THAT the attached proposed Official Plan Amendment be forwarded to the Region of Durham for their consideration. BACKGROUND AND COMMENTS: At the General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting of November 18, 1985, the * Committee considered a petition submitted by Ms. Arlene Bonsma, copy attached, which requested the northerly extension of an existing watermain on Regional Road No. 17, north of the Village of Newcastle. Supporting their petition, the residents submitted correspondence dated July 10, 1984 from the Regional Municipality of Durham which outlined the various considerations and costs related to such an extension. Amongst these considerations is the need for an amendment to the Durham Regional Official Plan inasmuch r REPORT NO. : PD-3-86 Page 2 as municipal services are only to be provided to designated Urban Areas. Notwithstanding this, a prior amendment to permit the extension of water services to the existing residential cluster of Bondhead was approved in order to facilitate certain infilling and rectify water contamination problems. In this instance, the prime reason for extending the water service would be to resolve a long standing problem with sodium contamination of wells. In such an instance, Staff strongly support and recommend extension of the water system, however, we would not encourage further residential development in this area as a consequence of such an extension. This is based primarily upon the proximity of established agricultural uses and the potential for conflict should further non-farm related residential development be permitted in this area. Similarly, extensive development of the area would severly restrict the development potential of the Newcastle Village Small Urban Area as presently designated by the Durham Regional Official Plan. Accordingly, any amendment to the Durham Plan should be based upon the premise that extension is intended to serve existing residents and other uses currently permitted by the provisions of the Durham Regional Official Plan. In order to achieve this objective, we would suggest that it be recommended to the Region that an appropriate amendment to Section 14 "Utilities and Services" be considered to facilitate extension of municipal water services to areas of existing residential development outside of urban limits in circumstances where it has been demonstrated that existing private water supplies are inadequate due to contamination and where it is unlikely that such problem can be overcome by the . . .3 REPOPT NO. : PD-3-86 Page 3 installation of new wells. This would then facilitate consideration of individual applications on their own merit while, at the same time, preserving the intent of the Official Plan relative to limitations upon non-farm related residential development outside of designated settlement areas . espectfull ubmitted, T.T. Edwards, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning TTE*j i p *Attach. December 4, 1985 cc: Ms. Arlene Bonsma R.R. #2 NEWCASTLE, Ontario LOA 1HO .......... ATTACHMENT NO. 1 TO REPORT NO. : PD-3-86 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN PURPOSE: The purpose of Amendment NO. to the Official Plan of the Regional Municipality of Durham is to provide for situations where, for health reasons, it is deemed appropriate to extend municipal services beyond the limits of designated Urban Areas. BASIS: On November 18, 1985 the Town of Newcastle was petitioned with respect to the extension of water services on Regional Road No. 17, north of Newcastle Village Small Urban Area. The subject area is outside of the urban limits, however, owing to unacceptably high levels of sodium contamination of wells in this area, the Town deems it appropriate to consider the requested extension without unduly expanding designated settlement areas consistent with the intent of the Regional Official Plan to discourage rural non-farm related development. ACTUAL AMENDMENT: The Official Plan for the Regional Municipality of Durham is hereby further amended as follows: 1. Section 14.2.15 is amended by adding thereto the following words: "In addition, Council of the Region of Durham may consider applications for the extension of municipal services beyond those areas indicated on Map "A" where, due to well contamination and site restrictions, it is deemed appropriate and in the best interests of public health to provide such services to existing residential properties." 19 We, the under; i,,-ned, ,re petitioniric; to have the existing watermain { 'tened from the southeast corner of the �'tubin; ton farts to the Talisman Flea Market. NAME ADDRESS PHONE Jr ,V.: I� 3z CX -kr 7 mss, s_ _ 1, c> Q (A2:1\ The above signatures were obtained on Saturday, November 21 1985 and Tuesday, November 5, 1985. They are the signatures of all the affected homes. The available water from our wells is not suitable to drink, the sodium content is fax above the acceptable level. The Ministry of the Environment is currently doing, a study on our wells and the results �.. ,rill be available shortly. REPORT Ministry of the Environment Municipality...........T...o...w.n.......o.f......N...es-c,...a..s...t_l..e...... ................Date of Inspection.....,.....,.. Re:.........................Well Water...Q�4A�.ity.,PqTp ........................... lg.int.s......Tqn...qf...Newcastle............................,...,.......,.. .. .. Field Inspection by............ ?.....Hock ins.............................................Report by............ 1.11.......Ho.d.gins . ..... .. ............. ................. During the pre-construction survey of private wells along the Hwy. 35-115 corridor, staff of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MTC) sampled 5 private wells along Regional Road 17 on two occasions. All 5 properties involved, front on Regional Road 17, but each property backs onto the provincial highway. Other homes also back onto the highway, but the MTC survey was confined to those houses closest to the roadway at the north end of the strip. Four of the 5 properties sampled are served by wells terminating at or into the limestone bedrock, while the other well in this group, serving the Flea Market property, derives its water from a shallow aquifer within the overburden. This area has a history of both quantity and quality water problems. The latter were again demonstrated by results of the MTC survey of these various wells . Severe quality problems were apparent with both the overburden and bedrock and aquifer. In the latter, the test results indicated a salt contamination problem while the results from the shallow zone, demonstrated nitrate levels exceeding the provincial guidelines. As a result of the elevated salt levels in the deeper wells and a possible connection with road salting activities, the Claims Section of MTC requested that the Ground Water Unit of MOE, Central Region, conduct an investigation to determine the source. The initial investigation was carried out on September 19, 1984, with two additional samplings conducted on May 6 and October 24, 1985. The MOE investigation was concentrated on the Nadeau, Ripley, Bonsma and Bugelli properties located on the west side of Regional Road 17 in the north part of Lot 29, Concession 2, Town of Newcastle (Drawing 1) . Cross-section Drawing 2 was based on the available Water Well Records in this area and on data collected prior to and after the Newcastle Municipal Well was operated in the mid-70 ' s in this vicinity. The bedrock contact in this area generally lies in the 290-3001 elevation, ASL range. The Newcastle area is covered mostly with 'glacial and glacio-lacustrine sediments from 40-70' thick. The underlying bedrock is a greyish limestone of the Lindsay formation, of Upper Ordovican Age. 2 - Available information indicates that the bedrock does not constitute a productive aquifer because of the low yields and poor quality of water. Although records are not available for all wells listed on the profile, any wells greater than 50 feet. in depth conceivably derive their supply from the deep zone just above or within the underlying limestone bedrock. The bedrock aquifer appears to be the principal source of water supply in this area, but there is a secondary water-bearing formation within the overburden material which may or may not be continuous through the entire strip. Tests conducted at the time the municipal well was placed into service in 1975 indicate that there may be some leakage from the shallow zone to the bedrock aquifer in the immediate vicinity of the production well, but as you proceed to the north, the overburden thickness increases appreciably, thereby reducing the possibility of any connection between the two zones . The distinct difference in water quality data from these two formations at the north end of the strip appears to support this conclusion. The water quality data for the various wells sampled by both the MOE and MTC labs are listed in Table 1. A brief summary of the test results for each well sampled is contained in Appendix A. With brief description of the majority of the tests conducted, together with tables of the MOE Drinking Water Objectives contained in the attached booklet. The principal area of concern with those wells terminating in the limestone bedrock were the sodium and chloride values . Due to the hydroscopic and dis-association properties of sodium chloride or. "common salt", it is commonly used as a de-icing agent in winter and as a regenerant compound for water softeners . Salt is also a component of septic waste. All three sources of salt can cause a significant impact on the natural groundwater quality. In this situation, the overburden material reportedly consists predominantly of clay to a depth generally in excess of 50 feet. Under these conditions, it is ; unlikely salt from any of the three aforementioned surface or subsurface sources of input could readily penetrate the clay to reach the bedrock aquifer. The rather severe salt contamination observed with the r 1 I. 3 various wells penetrating the bedrock in this area would therefore appear to be a natural "connate water" found in fractures within the rock itself. Excessive hardness, high sulphates and even methane gas are also indicative of waters of this type. This type of water generally occurs in pockets but the quality generally deteriorates further with depth. All wells appear to terminate about the same elevation according to the profile but the Bugelli well reflects the worst quality of the wells sampled and may be closest to the actual source. This appears to be a fairly widespread problem throughout the area. Other drilled wells penetrating the limestone bedrock sampled in recent months have reflected similar poor water quality. In one such supply, methane gas was encountered at a fairly significant concentration. This merely compounds the existing water quality problems . Although no evidence of methane gas was reported with any of the drilled wells sampled as part of this study, it is possible that other wells in this vicinity did actually encounter pockets of the gas within the rock. Based on the available information for this area, it would appear that at least 7 of the 11 properties beyond the existing water-serviced area are served by wells terminating on or into the limestone bedrock with the remaining 4 serviced by shallow dug wells terminating in the overburden material . ! The water quality of the shallow dug wells in this vicinity differs appreciably from that of the drilled wells. Although this zone is comparatively free of the severe salt contamination common to the bedrock aquifer, the test results for both the Buchanan and Elea Market (Coghill) wells indicate that the quality of this shallow zone is essentially not much of an improvement. These two particular wells reflect nitrate levels well in excess of the maximum acceptable concentration of 10 mg/L. The agricultural practices to the east of Regional Road 17 would appear to be the most likely cause of this problem. Existing technology in the water treatment field is probably incapable of effectively treating the worst of these well supplies and deeper penetration of the bedrock would likely only result in a further deterioration from the present poor quality. Considering the historical water quantity problems in this area, the only reasonable solution to resolve both the quality and quantity problems would appear to be the 4 - extension of the municipal service to include these homes . The municipal service would provide a reliable potable supply and, the benefits derived would definitely outweigh the installation charge. ,OIA Ground Water Technologist Technical Support Section ms :RH/CaD17F i • (t i f r t , APPENDIX A 1. Buchanan The Buchanan property, located on the east side of the roadway, is served by a shallow dug well, 8 feet. in depth. The supply was sampled on one occasion (October 16, 1984) from an outside tap. The test results for this particular supply reflect a severe nitrate contamination of the supply. The probable source of the contamination would appear to be runoff from the adjacent agricultural lands. 2 . Talisman Flea Market (Coghill) The Flea Market property is served by a shallow dug well, 17 feet. in depth. As with the Buchanan supply, this dug well also indicates nitrate levels far in excess of the objective of 10 mg/L. Although the chloride levels on each of the three occasions this well has been sampled have been within the criteria of 250 mg/L, the test results do reflect levels �. considered to be above background valves. The most likely source would appear to be seasonal road salting operations along Regional Road 17, since this supply lies downgradient of the roadway. The well is however adjacent to the Flea Market parking lot and the chloride level may reflect the past use of calcium chloride for dust control on the parking lot. 3 . Bugelli The Bugelli well consists of a drilled well, terminating in the limestone at a depth of 90 feet. The limestone contact, according to the records, was at 82 feet. The original log (1903169) reports "Fresh" water was obtained but there was probably some impact from the salt water in the bedrock at that time with a gradual deterioration since the well has been ;. in use. The Bugelli' s purchased the property in December, 1984 and shortly thereafter installed a water softener. With the exception of the May 6, 1985 sample, the hardness for the supply has consistently been in the 600 mg/L range. The chloride levels have been consistently in the 900 mg/L range and the sodium level in the 325 mg/L range. The hardness and sodium levels reported for the May 6, 1985 sample have been altered by the softener unit. f r, t: I:' 2 - i 4. Bonsma The Bonsma drilled well was constructed in January, 1967. It terminates in the limestone bedrock at 88 feet. Although the hardness, chloride and sodium i levels are all lower than the corresponding levels in the Bugelli well, the test results for the supply are again indicative of connate water from the bedrock itself. E i The original log (19-722) indicates this well also encountered water in the overburden at 22 feet but this zone would now be sealed off by the steel casing which extends to the rock contact at 72 feet. Again "Fresh" water was reportedly found in the bedrock but this is questionable in view of the present quality. i 5. Ripley Although there is no log available for the Ripley supply, the depth was measured at 82 feet. and from the available bedrock contact information from the 4 neighbouring Bonsma well, this well conceivably also penetrates the limestone. The test results from the two samples collected are also indicative of the water quality from that source. The latest sample on October 24, 1985 was affected to a degree by the water softener in use on the system, but the quality is again comparable to the Bonsma and Bugelli supplies. 6 . A. Nadeau i The two attached logs (1903144 and 1903146) for the Nadeau supply indicate a 36" bored well to a total depth of 72 feet. Although the log does not indicate the bedrock contact, based on the bottom elevation of the neighbouring supplies, conceivably this well likely terminates on or very close to the bedrock contact. The similarity in the water quality with the neighbouring wells to the north appear to substantiate this assumption that this well is indeed hydraulically connected with the latter supplies. The hardness, sodium and chloride values are an improvement over the other supplies but the results still indicate a significant salt contamination of the supply. The slight improvement in the water quality in this supply may be due to the fact that the well does not actually penetrate the bedrock. It is also possible that with a larger diameter well, as in this case, the intake line could be set at a higher elevation in the well where the quality would be little better than that at the bottom of the well . i 3 7 . S. Lawson The S . Lawson well to the south was sampled on one occasion by MTC. Although the log for this supply indicates the well terminates in a sand and gravel material at a depth of 80 feet. , conceivably this formation lies atop the bedrock contact and this well again forms a hydraulic connection with the deep wells to the north. The elevated sodium and chloride levels reported for this supply are also indicative of a connection with the deep well supplies . There are two other known deep wells in this immediate vicinity beyond the water serviced area which were not sampled. Conceivably these two wells would also reflect a degree of salt contamination since they either terminate on or into the underlying limestone i bedrock. ms:RH/ApDl7F s 4 f t i MINISTR'i JF THE ENVIRONMENT Summary of Water Analyses Prepared by-- Chemieot Constituents In mg /L Location Dot Total Alkalinity Specific PH 800 Nitrogen, as N Phosphorus as P So-Died Hardness os Conduct Chloride Sulphate lron 'Calcium Wgnes' Sod um Potosium as COCO once Free Total NiTritl Nitrate Tot- Sol. CcCO3 3 ,mhos (Cl l (S0,) (Pe) (Co) (mol (Nol (K) Ammonia Kjildahl - top-) - (Pp-) of 25°C A lot 29 Cot+ 2- Dte 7,IJ5 7.6 536 766 Boo <Z N Tc t4 Hoy/� 8.3 548 255-0 7q2 Tn c,- bo 312 4-2 ra Te �4 5,+4/10 7.0, S'JO 83 2600 Sob 3 .90 I1Z 6"6 36Z 2.4 .so pio <.00S <•1-0 r1of La; t4o,14- 7.99 Soy 83 26c-0 764 3 1.21• 113' •53 290 4-?.!� <.e�' .90. 4-w <40 m 0E L- oaf Z 757 53-1 62 21100 $d3 3 / 8 5$ 305 4-Sr •$0 o�2 9 Cast 2 -b—7A 7.7 6 C4 880 /4 340 G 2 --- _ M i c La P-Y41w 8.0 592 L6sb 848 T-- -30 328 L 2 MT c La Sep}t9 7-6b S83 03 2910 rflo 2 -79 128 64 338 Z-40 <•la Ha E Le Nglt 8.08 .7.3 81� 30110 929 3 < 02 2J .25 620 1.00 /•O! 1.20 <: <• 17 h(DC Lo_ib &a-i4 7-b8 635 83 3130 937 1d t 39 70 3 6' 5.65 /.00 .q5 /y a 6 L o.b J 1 I i I I MINISTR. OF THE ENVIRONMENT 1 Summary of Water Analyses Prepared by: Chemical Constituents In mg /L Location Dote pN Boo Total Alkalinity Specific Nitrogen, as N Phosphorus as P So-pled Hardness as Conduct Chloride Sulphote Iron 'Calcium Wgnesiwr Sodium Polosium an Free Total as 3 Coco Nitrite Nitrote Tot• Sol. Cocoa ,mhos (CI) (SO,) (Fe) (Co) (Mg) (No) lK AmmoniaKlildahl (ppm) - App-) of 25aC 29 Cowl DC.O 7.6 ¢Sb ¢00 /•o 196 < 2 Mrs. Lo s de4J It+2-4 Co-t Z Q.5 11/7 7-16 557 Z15- Zo°o 48o 48 os' /s5 42 /83 73 0-/ 0.3 -04 2.4 Mae LA {7cc7/13 7.4 $o4 288 • 10 (16 .4 N;c La 14!!J 44,4 7.8 380 /380 33¢ Z4 -/0 /q 2 3-4 Mtc t.A. Sp+19 7•6Z 4)o /61 /!80 547- 12 •11;' 53 43 ZZg 3.3 6o ,60 4•ov5- 4•05 Moe Lo- I'AlbCAK 7.43 43a, 311 /45b 245' 49 <•03 154 26 /06 3-Z <-4 <•lt <o(0 3-20 M.E c.. pc}24 7-5y gob !47 zoto 546 5 933 42- 235 36, 7S H o E Lai tley SefV)I 7.61 410 /o? al 60 432 S b3 q1 46 ZSS 3.6 .70 Sb <-O Z-01 14oELi, oo!il 752 73 ►(o t510 '711, 4 4 j 2 505 "t 4 (.IV G 4-01 tOS' r*o E LSE :�L7Y]i y�i'.•i,... ��i. � "�. :;.a...'- y v��,fi" ..t ...5� .. .Y�41L��'',':':. .._�_._ � _ E� ", { 'r MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT able Summary of Water Analyses Prepared by= Chemical Constitueala in mg /L Ice -- - location Date Drt 800 Total Alkalinity Specific Nitrogen. as N Phosphorus as P _ Sampled Nmanees as Conduct Chloride Sulphate Iron -Calcian. Magn Sodium Patosium 'bet as Coco once Free Total Nitrite Nitrate Tot- Sol. C00O3 3 mmhos (Cl) (SO4) (Fe) (Co) (Mg) (No) (K) Ammonio Kleldahl (Dam) .(DDm) of 250C ;t..an lot-Z9 G,wL Dec- 1•3 468 146 .10 53 /o¢ ( 1 b 400 980 9g &4 •10 4-6 154 oc}*A 7.09 460 310 /018 94 '78 ob 1t7 22•6' 40 374 G•oS 1•2o 2b5- 13.7 :I^anan I0tZ8 con 2- oc�lt� 742 423 212 Via 20 51 .06 /44 14.1 6 /•/2 <.os' <.Zl <-oo! 36 .� �t�el, lei- 28 C.onZ 7.0 318 263 Sob 111 38 /•SS /04 /4.4 62 3.1 1.10 1.30 G-oaf L-Os May 7�S' S$? /6l0 174 2- 216 11-S' 121 /6 S <.oS' tab 100 <-/o �i-D�te.Lt lot-2.9 e-o^2, oc-}1 8-o$ 442 775- 26 /S2 6 I . I - ,r MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT Central Awgioa -fechnical Support A r Date: sec•185` scale: " tl wing Mo: spore l bq,G 6 IN a 215�t 1 U ' - 1.E�ENO Duq wolf iA overkturde-n Dril" 144 "n Wrack � Or+11ed well in ouu�►►urdlcxr ■ �CMAU�N fLE(t �ONSMA Rl a.�y • NAOE^� ■ ; ■ G•AI 1,iN ROD KIN LNWSoN • � Stu86iNGTON • X 1 F ! 1 i r , MINISTRY Of THE ENVIRONMENT _ COntral AwgUm - Technical Support I I Ff 1 II II lock 0.Stpl Auo..�ablG DOW 1) 8s Scale: O"Wiag No: N..,s.��o.l 1 I•.Z,� Prepared by: �Jev4 qo^�:r ''•3s' 2 a 3 ! ` J r d n � AV .0 ` t} Lf00 m a v n 2 v t N ^ o N 400 L U7 4 u to or x m y 3 = u7 J J d N N J _ 'QPO.ey S 350 A�1t+ITC a5b 300 IN, �n Q.ss16 �-^��eC �C �.c�end 7TRt lazi lC CO'Jo.0� -7 Wo,Gov Ro�..e� 712 We 11 toaj tea. Wa1P• nro»up.m•n1.n On•orl.kYNlhl ONLY It' SPA(IS PROVIDED l G1(CK rCORRICT 1 01 Wl AC APPI IC Ae1C 1 I � 9 u`,J I 36 I l � _. . ..._.._ .._1OL�I ,1 IT )1 1. COUNTY OR 041"M7 lowks Hl1 40AOU:H•-CITY, •OWL.-�.W.N+- r-- CON, MOCK;YhAVT,-TUw '"C.-••` l01 IS•l/ .i oWNEr1 1sul1,.A Ijljir '�'.—_ AD�REis�— b-Alf COW? D �1 Fj'/E�'11JS I• _��Ii` ,►//�_ -Y '��J�c :�c.h�• ,r- �,�1�• •• r'—.j DAY _wo._°`—�ra.�� �J1� 4 1\I 1%t11\I. \••N I»I�a. Ai 1111.1„14 •f PAT,4 J01 11 (!) 1E C? .! 1:7 'G'1.I .�.�; a .�G F .o! i�? f1..., _.. 1__u�..L.l .1✓�_i���,�� LOG OF OVERBURDEN AND BEDROCK MATERIALS (SEE INSIP'' DNS) [ WITHAL COLOUR COVOIf 4C OST DEPTH - CECf VN PAIENI AL OTHER MATERIALS •� GENERAL DESCH)PT)ON -�:-.nom— FROM TO G off„ i •x= 1 �3 t. .. . � .-. _ - s .J•..:1.. I ."�'-!=! .��S=!i�_. I>!.mot it•: (-�.:������, 'l:.i���I.��!..:.LLJ 1_'!_L11_l..l._L_L 1.1 1_.� i 32 i41 ' WATER RECORD r5i CASING & OPEN HOLE RECORD THUTlofor(N144 Il.0 DIANnEA A.•,. LIAGIN w.o C _---- "------- - --- Z Istor Au) ..It.uI•I4;I 1yl(11 1 e.11 DEPTH FEET W _ I1,GN s ft[t rlll I •IhV Of wAIIR _ D,•µ� wAILRIAl I tnlC.Nt St 4AlIR1A1.AND IvVE 1—apt 10101 it.i Yu ..•hc�n—�_ 14an _ FROM _-10 U 0,sca([A SULPHUR•+ _�:_r El _ r ,->1- In rl r /// f V' _ GAI.•hIl1.D �l ,• !' ;fH(SN tDIPHDa • �� CONCRIIE -' C.! Z• 61i PLUGGING & SEALING RECORD ' ••i SAL 11 1 `wihC NAL , Ii!1 Op[h HOLE I — 1 SIE[L ` 77 TOCYIN SET Af o— irAfCafAI.AND TYPL ICLaf NI GYOVf, 11r• faESH— .I_:SDIYNDa � f1 ��•/l1 jHOw 10 LEAD/ACAIA•TIC., 1 ' J GALVAhiI[D r i';V1hI aAL Y- I`� :SAffT CONCRETE I �= � tJ. 1011 1 1fR(SH 7Sul IHUN _,—.�f_'.1 `• SA111 A"YINIRAI I�.SiCCI 7"- 1 .(I if 11 1 � 'fRESH - ;SULPHUR CONCa[ 1 I 1 !Y!n to III Yn I , lE SAIT, A A•I\EN" , It"�OPEN HOLE 1 I IyY(•h4 II SI HI rnJG ITV ♦LNG••1/ I ' I �f DV.A11W of 1VVI144 ' LOCATION OF WELL PUMP L[R I1./'.��nS 11 �Ir 1• —�"--. 3 4rH Vu T_.. a145 � IN DIAGRAM 0E1OW SHOW DISTANCES Of WELL FROM ROAD AND SIA"c •f1Y if•ll `;/_j'UVPING //� LO I Llh[ 11(OICAI[ NORTH IT AHaOW Lf LL i•- h 1\n w Walfa ICLI.s Ouarrl: 0..\VIII 10'�14Vi1T 'rr�4;_ _—Ir'�� rlr� v•r,ll,^4.•V (/',i,C1-7� ;1;•� l'^.\�� -.•_•_• -• '--.� C�J v II f4 n..,IV U1 14,.•1 Sft , �n♦II•Ar 140 W 'Is ,� l(ON aI♦010 vNV •vl --_ —•+1.0Y U14:A 0� -•..-.,I/•' 11 D_.. ___•�`. � I tN AIi DA �II It(11,4' 1,(:I/AIL � � 1 FINAL X1A1(a 5UYYl1 ♦Y ANUON(U IhSVrrlG11 NI SUPIIt 1 f7 ' / .. .9s A••I.L)% hall Ap ANOOh(U. POOH Ov A.li1 ~ t STATUS IESI HWI U'I.S'S»lU . OF V/Ell, a/(c».aGl Ala _ _.-CVPCTAI --- - - ..._WATER)�[C n USE •/ hDVS IYIAI COOL rho OH A,. 4lih Orl)OhIN4'01 USID NOR--- c METHOD 1!pnAN, .cuhTl4nwul w.�uhD / r,/e�s�7, � �/ r OF NVIAN, IY[\1NSl� /lli,hf. /� .6 ., ' • N(11 YI r DNIY•h4 DRIVING AN1 Ill � AIN PI NI'JSS•4h DNI(IIRS aI VAP.S INAY�(J�!(��..{/{l-l'n•NIMA(1(111 !, ,11C 14C( 4V YLY/1 •, \.• t.•!•: 11 •II I..I+. ) ♦1 DIE I.P a(0 �5 � -�_ �✓�-/.�•...Kl��i��l��.t -_ �Sl_/ Fu>lo, I 7 /X dY , UTI" 1�1 � 11�Lf�J� ,• r �, �,,;I•.. .. 7 r ` 1 Jbvtk (O IN i/ tie Ontario Water Resources Commission Act t ' >=ltv. �► �ATER WELL RECORV Basin LZA � .t 'y t� lt1�l (:aunt)• or I)istl ict j--JL -% '� '<.t.cf�►r./. .. .. .. ........:1'ownship,Village,T wit or City' .... t ... ,,,,. ; . ... . .. ..... ....... Date completed... fi3� ', (�•.7.................. f (day /month rt•r). ¢` Owner... . (� L� . -C'�-f . . ......Address/ 4, . ....• 1. •+Cr'�c�.�' 4!� lL!..�.....................' } 'J (o 1111 (I�rint in htwk lettcrr) � � Casing and Screen Record Pumping Yost Inside dianu trr of resin;; Static ,�, i. .............3a..'.... ........G . a :. 'Total loll th of Casio- �.� . . ............. . 1't at-pumpin); rat e .6 QQ��`�.����N.It1, �r Type of screcu I'utniting level... .� .......... . . .. ..... Lcu,tlt of scrertl Duration of test pumping... ........I........ . . Water clear or clout) at end of test DD -- .'. Depth w uql nl arre,,tl .-" )• .. .iti�t..�i✓�.............•... Teter(if finishr'd hale l�CCQitl►11CI1dCd puttlping rate .14,. ................ ............. ...•.G.1'.AI. with punlp selling of. (?9, feet below ground surface ; Well log Water Record .__..—_----_----• ----- --•-- — 1)eplh(s) at Kind of wulut• From To I,• Overinu•dwtand Itt•drock ltect.r'I lt ft. ft. which :Uet•(s) (fresh, salt', }- found sull)hur) •r' l-hat porpose(s( is the water ill he usedi location of Well ;ti,, l' . In diagram below shots distances of well from road :u►d lot line, indicate tlortit b Is well un upland,in valio�•,to nn Iti!Isidr? Drilling or Itoring Finn Livellct. Somber i \aloe of I)t iticr ur iio cr `/�t..L J /',�' •<' �` �� ' I 1 ���" / �� Uldt•t•ss Date . (4iknntuie tie UrersiA Allinq or Morin(; Contractor) Form i 15M.60-4138 f OWRC COPY � �~ $ ~ � •� ► o t . t r COUNT/ ON AF ET i0WN5mlp, —� CON., �v__- c's- _ -�--- s�T�-iaavLrTt-a .. , OWNtR ISUNNANL liR 11 ,...! � ADCI 1(� p . NO YN . U ltr4l 11)7144 ' 4•rr11«144 � RC IlIY,tIUh ' AC P4)IN C rill � YI LY • �(j—�1 �11,.1-y 16_,y_���3iy.i�.: t/4��G�ty!,_3�5.1 lyl lo.:����s'_J (,51 Iz,`11_u_L�._.1J..�—�-•i—�—��-�-4,1, LOG OF OVERBURDEN AND BEDROCK MATERIALS I'SEE INSTRUCTIONS) DCI�TH – FEET GCIICRAL COLOUR MOST v COMMON MATERIAL OTHER MATERIALS GENERAL DESCRIPTION FROM TO •A r 1 _ , i 3 /U'���1�1C .1_L.l L���:.�1 i:yr. _,J L.�LI_l�1 1,J LLI-L LL W Li—Li 1� -j J 11�L1 W U 3 2 i 1 ( __�) L� .u•1„1„�._i_1..i_1 LJ;.,_].1.11�1�J I,_,1�� LLL I Li i 11J��1.1�-J :u11 A� L41 OPEN_ . slt Is l«alhlNy: n•„ JOIAN111 LtncrH •.o WATER RECORD 5 J]CA S I N G & H O L E RE C O R D Z , nal WAitR FOUND INSID( / WAIL DEPTH-FEET W _ _ A,-rFft HIND OF WA1ER D14u MATERIAL vm,rIm fS 111 InCr[f fRT MAIERIAt,ANO TYPE, Of ITN 10 for 11•.. W `- •-IYCNtS r4CN[s FROM TO u W$CR((N Io•n ,[j FR[SN )[]SULPHUR 11 l0 Ir ,L7 STEEL 1, TI4In LA ItfT 2 C /SALTY 4(i MINI 4AL r _ 7❑GALVANIZED •i 1 I)•1+ I C.1 FRESH )C SULPHUR It 1 T]CONCOCT[ 1 . i61� PLUGGING & SEALING RECORD ,I ITY 4 C MINERAL 14 - -• —�— I 1[CL It lmti UEPIH SET AT-FEET ICIY(nT"OUT, )l 1)4 N C MATERIAL AND TYPE LCAO PACAI A,(TC.) r r' S:tSN A',I SULPHUR FROM f0 ' D I'll CJ GALYANM[D SAtiT 4�]MINE PAL CONCRETE 10'11 unr t 7+ I(-11 RESH )C]SULPHUR 1V Cj OVEN NOII ! ' I 2 r,�1 SALTY 4 L]MINERAL 11 7, 1 C]STEEL 14 t,•,D 4.11 11.14 )r r 7 C GALVANIZED JO 33 n I FRESH ) SULPHUR 7�;! )o•)) /0 Li C )C]CONCRETE I I I 2(]SALTY 4❑MINERAL 4 1.1 OPEN HOLE 1, I 1 IUYIIN4 II YlIN00 10 hVYI1N4 RAI( 11.1. DURATION Of 1114IIN4 LOCATION OF WELL 1 1 C PUMP 2 `AILC11 1 Gru -HOURS 41rt IN DIAGRAM BELOW SNOW DISTANCES Of WELL FROM ROIO AN STATIC WA,1•Li vtl 'S 1 0 PUMPING LOT LINE, INDICATE AIN BY ARRC, 1 F thD q WAt(R LLVEIS DURING N LEVEL -_UUr144 _ 2l]RECOVC RY N4 :1 11 I!YltUin fo YI,UI(S i!YlhVl(4 W YINV111 I ur f(It fT(1 Lin fln rtu rltl <. _ H f1Ov.IN6, 1+1r rUW 1,1.41 Stl At WHIR AI LNO d lift •: (IY( H r1 / l __-- 4 4rM r[n 11)CLEAR Z j]CLOUDY x' AIC0Yrt11D(U IV4 III( 4ICOY4INDLD It IS Ri(OYY t4D(D _�— 14 1r ••a C -.r te/� /� I . ., IUYI IVYIIN4 N••� Q. C]SHALLOW L''UCEI 101146 t`Ift 8111 _-_ _ _.-.._ OPU/1T SP(CII IC CAPACITY / � ••I p0d S� FINAL I 0 WmA Su►PtY !C;AVANDUN(D, INSUUICIthf SUPPLY STATUS 00 ORSENVAtION WELL 4 ii 1YANDONCO.►OL/A OUALIJY ,\�l •` fS / )D TEST NOLt z UNFINISHED OF WELL 4 i]RCCIIA►GC WELL 144 sA f •—•�sL 51,7 CODUf RGIAL 11 \ y 0 WATER T C I4111G4uDN rl: PUBLIC !u►vtY �. ,gyp 7 1� .USE 4(']H,DUSTNIAL n.:COOLING OR AIII CONDITIONING (.7 Of"LP V:1 NOi USfo _ '1 METHOD I;IIAOIAYYICONVENIIONAtI _ ^ 4',''`OIA11ONO _ } OF 1'•1 OUNr IIF P$1, N: it 1TING DRILLING 4(i ROtARY IAIM1 +L: DRIVING AIR PERCUlSIDN UR'll[RS R[uARAS TrxOf WI CONIRACTOR -� , 11 K/ h44+1R 041. 1AI(O„I..I TOR it 12 DA,I � � _� ��7 z[5!/- / /'''� O 01.1 '. •,S1I••IU, Li If Walu monn17.nGn1 In Col.- I PRINT UNIV IN SPACtS PROVIDED 1 J I J U d ( t L !.i/L(,/,� ��,��� L1(, •/ `'. « 1 CHECK CORRECT 80E COUNTY/OSly_ L'IaICJ IF/iI!f'jI� OwwNNS C»ANtrf;AIpP rRIOICETAG fl M I,["TRSY/r:�/i`OJK)i.12 fIl�LArOl!• - LL C`I/O C K•T�•7u�A.�,,'.!}r 11--_,A .•tJ.r,�1-1 t,i_Jf i-l�l t-_1"_-i'.L LIO�•u'f"J/ 11111.1111 7. CON., ghAME A DOALSS c) l T � DArJ..2.�40 _YR r V JM//L���i( 1 � h,•, ... .I AL A tN cr f U 1-7 - ••p1 iz 1./ UI l/. !1 f IA It LOG OF OVERBURDEN AND BEDROCK MATERIALS (SEE INSTRUCTIONS) L t GENERAL COLOUR - (O-LION 4At(N JAL-��_- OTHER MATERIALS _ GENERAL DESCRIPTION [--F FROM 10 ;1 ( 32� i I 1_ LJ L�Ll i l.l-lyj LJ 1;1�.1_l.L:���J La_:1.� /�•j- In �+.'S- -� �- yu[lyl tN OI LNIAG 11.11 DIAM[ilR )A•JI 11N41N 1.-401 0 (-411 WATER RECORD 15TCAS,ING & OPEN HOLE RECORD z Ifi0T K01 — LU wAl(K louNO IAflpl MAIL DEPTH-fCCt .d) 'm KIND Of WATER .,._.p 119 ' MATERIAL 1»ICINESS W )NCI. /([i HATE RI AL AND TYPO D[PIN 10 I01 AI•AI 10 INCYL) IACYIf -'•--wtl tE 1 FROM TO � p fCA/IN RCSH [�SUIPHUR '/�J•"'/,�•, ,J — �S U TV A[,41N(RAL C. / ' STEEL �O�j� VI Ettt $ ✓V 1 / � _ -�!)GAIVANI7C0 C,� / i • 'nfR[SH JJSULPHUR19 T J/j�L/• 1LlcohcRtfE �c/r� ' PLUGGING & SEALING RECORD ` 7L7SAl1Y JnMIHfRAI A•�,OPENHOLE Q L!•• !6I'_ -- '•�" I'3 STEEL 1A To 7> DEPTH SET AT-f[[i MATERIAL AND TV?( IC(N(NI 4KOUJ, -3 11 'CIR(SH )❑SULPHUR 70 GALVANIZED 9004 10 LEAD P.C.LR,11C 1 1 7n SAllf A[]41N(NAL 1J(OhCRCTE 1011 .,4•� IOCSN y n SUIPNUR J~OPEN NOTE SAIiY t MINE RAI 1 i.)SlfCl so j,'I,GALVANIZED 1[,IRESH )[]SULPHUR I C C04CRCIC A•tY III)I ' \ I 7n SAL11 +[,uINf RAI 4 t-1 OPEN HOLE Pu»IN4 I(sl MnYOO .wlt.c I �� • A [ c•Y ws Pl.4/• LOCATION OF WELL 10VA.t'Oh of PUMP 12 Y IN DIAGRAM $CLOW SNOW DISTAhCCS Of WELL FROM ROAD AND STATIC I M 1.0 w.11 (AAT[R LEVELS DURIAG PUUPlNG -LOT LINE INDICATE NOr11H B/ARROW. N L[VEL ^PU„r, G i q RICOVERV / LU 'A I� If YIN�VIIl•. 10 Yi NVlly As..NuttS IErI 111t Illl fl(L,.� fl/fti f(f1 �j•, L 11 I0M146. I.1•IVYP 141111 $0 . •.TIM II If IA0 Of SI 47 a ' 'RrLOY.Lb Dip IVY.—na^ :u OY YE.DED •�1•.1Ae(duYENaO 1• . ' :/ 1 `1 . I 1 d C So ALLOW __ L_t'__ - Gv4 1rt fPLCU1C Cay.un Q A`. 7 -__�• I 1 „ :`It„IlR surrlr L; ABAhpOb(0, INSU)IICI(NI SLIPPLIF FINAL I ' / STATUS ON AYANf$.[O PooA owlnr / l li, i(Sr »011 ' UNf1415HE0 OF WELL Ar AEC»AN4t WILL I 1 W SI,C CUD. CIAI / j WATER OCA •• 4UNICIIAI -1� I J 1 �+ IA AIGAIION „PUBLIC SUPPLV ^AZ) 1 LL- USA: 1 ;Ih DUSf R1Al ,COOLING OR AIR CON01110NI11G _ _ _ 1001 YOHtN( METHOD :c d )ART ICONVf AlI0A411 LIaMOhO /// L(/ OF ROTARY IRIV[RSE1 ^.: )I TANG DRILLING I POIAA1 IAIR, 9 : DNIYIhG /1/)/7�N AIR P[NCVSSIUN �J ' ONlll[AS R(4.NaS NAM( Of W[LL COAIAACt011 locl.ti ...610 +•A•r ,"(Ir+.t..+ - is.11 0.11 ALL/I.ID AI AA o £ fllr01L__ 1�iL.CL.���1,�� 1 ..t _ I I-r00N(SS O I:'1J t N\✓I . .rr1.I,.K ) / t e gP UTM �-zJ / / �. :(rIL•I, „�.,ourl��• .,725 ' �1R � � !4 t� N � .�'• �!�„':.J)1`l�ILI„ 'fay�,f t I I I __T e Ontario Willer Resources Commission Act •'�;�': '�',��1:'•-��;� WATER WELL RECORD Basin I I Cotut ty 41r hs t rict 1)Uti; .............................1'oa• ship Village, or City.. .C1�^k @., ' ,1,,�"•,..�(;.,,.�.y; ✓ + Con.. .... ....... ..... ... .. .. .... ............... ....•. . .... ......... ;?. Lot Date completed 30th•.•• .00tobel ..I 7. (day munth ri�r) Owner.... T110IT?a C. I-,)1-AA-1 .. ....................Address.....130X A r9......2.r � N'VGc811.0. ...Ont.r............. Irrinl fn Llu'.Irle r.l i �•;r y Casing and Screen Record Pumping Test ; /✓l t-t r ':.'":i{� � fill r.' fI Inside diameter of rasing ..;t............ . .................. Static level.•.. ... •..•... ........ .........•...•.....•. ..................... �.' 1; Total length-.t casing 70 t 'Test-puloping t:'ae, 8........ Type of screen T,t0T1° Pumping level.... ..• . .. .•...7J!...... .•...••................•.,.......... .. ' .. Latf;th of screen — .. ... ...... Doration of test pumping../t....h.Q.lht'.,9............................................... C, `epth to toil of screen — . . .. . Water clear or cloudy at end of test.. .. ,Ci�.�cJ t' �. •••.......,...•.•....• y .•� Oiameter of finisliml hole 6' Ir I.ecoinmcilded pumping rate ..... with pump setting of. . ... .83. ,.feet beloly ground surface' Well Log y Water Record front 10 D opt h(s) at Kind of eater -� Overburden and Bedrock Recurll It. It. whichwater(s) (ftvyh. sally,,,.. . found sulphur) .! :. r,,•,�',,,T iw! rocks 1 ??. ---T !,,e&t;on, - 1'llI 7 h. 1'ot•what purposes) is the water to he used?Ti)A'. C.-FriC .. .... location of Well In diagram below slow distances of well front road and lot line. Indicate north b arruw. Is tvrll 4111 upland,ill valley,or on hillside? ...... I ) Drilling or liorint; Nino Addrt•sa ...�.� .•.�..�.'!.� .1'. . .!f.. :!�)••�.'l�C.%•� .� .1!.T?.�.. .... -wi / CO W Y ! ,.h 4 o-/. Licence \unthvr. 1;41re•r, ..,11.:0;: '�"h�:• .Sallie of Driller 41r Address Date J i (Signutur�' -lri tso �riH+r.g ut• lSorin6 Contractor) i �.� �ysi hot•ut i 15.Nl.G0A 1 K -� n OWRC COPY 611 11m : i yak' ,� ceintl,R R:SOURCES U'r . 19 N FIN Wp —` he Ontario Water Resources Commission Act J Y ' 01 I`J`! n ` ONTARIO Y Ck "; WATER WELL RECORD 1,_ ��rourcFS �srtil Oslo ' 'K• Isasin L�� Clarke '' (a+uttt)• or I h..trirt�?iam . .... ...,:I'otcnsbip,Village,Town Dr City............. . , ..,,..., .. •.......•..•.•.,. :.::•'"t Con.. . . . I)att contl>letcd . 19.6.7........... ..... 4 ; (day month ': ' year) , Owner. Thomas I -r tin 94 � 4n .Address.. (print in LAM:tvl tcr.l •i�.,�•, . t• Casing and S:reen Record Pumping Test a�• Vii• Inside dianu•u•r of va.ilig .. ... .. ... Sta t i c Iet ci . ...... 0 t..... r '•' h Total Icttgllt of ea.inq —021 I'cst•punytitt}; t^tc ft G.P.�l, ; ' t. Type of srrr`'n none ('untlting level t... ...•.;,.....•...... ........•.,.•.••..•....;.i a 1.1•tt•tit of p•trro Ihu:uiun of test nuu tin U••otlt to to+of wlectl Water clear or cloudy at cut!of test ► - clear................••...,.•. •... .atett•r of finished Bole iucununcndctl tutu ntt,• r:Ut ��u with ltuntp satin of 1 9 t feet Ixlow}round surl'acc' Well log Water Record I)cplh(•t) at Kind of tyuter 0rrrbuttih•nand liv,lr„c.l' Iter„r'l ,(tttt tt Which W. (fro:h, soli)',. round milphur) Brown clay, __--- ---Sand; ?.2 ------ ----- - - _- --- .�_.�_— — - -- unt estod. • - 1r i What lean Ix+v(s) is thr watrr to he ttcctl? I10T?1e St iC location of Well In diagram below show tlisuutces of well from Is well on ultl:nttl,in valley,or ou 1106id,•? Up and road and lot litu•. Indicate tlorth by arrow, I)tillint:or Bmint; Fine Faulkner '.Ie11. Dr-01-in- Co.Ltd . Address 637 "Y'ater 'pt. Fleterborou„It, (,nt. Licen(t• \untlx•r 2595 ' 11 Px. )•<lnI Nw / Name of I A filler of ttot er }' To All WC,4 ' Addivis r. R. ho. 81 Peter:orou; h n (yjycyhtfii'T ,f fcTVtr,d Itrillint;ur Itw'itig Contravtor) Nw t Form 7 101.60-4138 O W R C COPY gill 'L J i CON I P011"t ONLY IN SPACES PA0vIUtU I 0 3 a J;1 2 CHIC. cokfirci Tim *m mr APPCIEAULE Ii H 1, COUNTY OR-6-*Ttvm1 IOAN$.IP' 111:314OUG H, cliv. I')Ah' ---c', (ON ILDf 1177- L Cci —d*hEN s RNA41 likst iD111111in NAIT-c 4ap- ICU r//)?-]DAY—) -_MO._J�0_YA_7,j 1• j41,.%0,14 U .4 :51 Ti LOG OF OVERBURDEN AND BEDROCK MATERIALS IS[( INSTRUCTIONS) Gth tI.At COLOUR OTHER MATERIALS GENERAL DESCRII-ION WIN - My COMMON MAJIMIAL rAOM 10 IE70-11 L sa /5'1 Ak 3 1 D-J'? 0.0 7,5 2 JJ 1-1-1-LLLI A- U 3z .1. J LJ vit.$, 1 1 ,G TI-111 10I.MITILA A If LEN IN ..V WATER RECORD '!'CASING & OPEN HOLE RECORD z I 14of h.01 I I —ttk sovko DEPT LET ILL v I II(I .,No Of AAIIR oil. MATERIAL 670-7 1 ZUTERIAL NO TYPE 10 COP 11 L1� 14 Z- %C.ts 140" of 'chk 4 .Ut u P.011 —----- .;NI W&L '61' PLUGGING IS, SEALING RECORD $VIP. PC N LE kAR AI MATERIAL AND TYPE vict-141 QArm sUtP-VR GAL t A Sill D ---F740, T-IEE TAT) C 91 SAl I I%#VAL Svl INURE GALVANIZED '+11 -I is. Sol r.Uu C"' 'IT -I%(k4t L If w IV-14 LOC4T13N OF WELL PUMP IS DIAG4AM VjtOw SHOA DiSIANCIS Of WELL rROM ROAD AND A-IIR I'll(IS D.R.44 LOT LINE IhQK.4ik N0111. 61 AAROW N 41—vt!$ Z I Ctf•4 It IV U1 %•.'.O. Of I P 40 FINAL $Vppk1 ALIAL.00S(O INSVIfiCj(%j SUPPLI . 00%IL,'Ii0h ALL. LiAhtONtD. POOR CJALII, STATUS OF WELL ftt•WATER PUHL•C Svpvkl 04 1 USE 1%OV11P.&A CO004', 00 A.A (70�0010NINI, "I D ME1HOD Li ICC1%1t1I'O-..I. OF -4 ROf.R, JILI(k�i IT ILIA(. DRILLING iq PER uss.0% DkiLtIps h(MAN.% �Il NAME Lm Alit coklf'kclop —0j. r z 0 !%h- 011 171 � .441 !•Fl Y. 7 )(6, RECEI )rlev. IN j InI > JUN 4'1553 �0 l�' ONTARIO ;�h.•�; Basin L I I _ GEOLOGICAL BRANCH t ► 'rho Well Drillers Act DEPARTM!'11T of MINES 1 Dc;artment of mines, Province of • + *� Cj FU d 6!�1 C 11 r}„d J Water Well Record Y. Water County or Territorial District...nurbom............Township, Y.IlisggcTonxncMx:Mry....Ci18.rke................... Con....2......Lot.29......Street and Number (if in Village,Town or City)........ . ...............................! C..T.Jlllin Newcnatl� ' "¢ J • Owner..... . ..5.5.. . .. ....Tan.....IcJ53........Address.............. .................:...................;,-,,,�, Date Completed. ..................... ........Cost of Well (excluding PUMP).......................................,.',-,kr. (day) (month) (1'er.r) t.':;4: Pipe and Casing Record J)w,yc?X�j/cG�,��� % Pumping'feat 4 Casing diamcter(s). . . . ...6 Date...M t..I5.... . .........,..•... ... t. Length(s) of casing(s).. .... .65 f�.... .. ... ..... ... Static level. ......%'0ft.... ........... . Type of tcrcen.... ..... .... .......... .......... ... Pumping level.. ....46.ft.-f r.021.,t I .ength of screen. . . . ......... ........ ............ . Pumping rate....... P 4. .r=XA t...................., • Distance from top of screen to ground level............ Duration of test.... 2hr B . ,..,. `� ' i ........................ ...,+ Is well a gravel-wall type?.... . . ... ........ ......... Distance from cylinder or bowls to ground level.....,........... . Water Record { Kind (flesh or mineral). . . . .. ....x.88)1.......... ... ..................... .. Depth(i) Kind of No.of Fat Hard to Water Water Water Rica' Qual.cy (hard, soft, contains iron, sulphur, etc.)ST """"""""" Horizon($) Appearance (clear, cloady, coloured)....... . ......... ................... ...•. 60ft. FYeah a5 ft. ' , For what purpose(s) is the water to be used?.... ......F=44.................. ....... •.. .... .. .... .... ............ ........ ...........I .... ..... i How far is wvil from possible source of contamination?. ... . . •T CCfG1 •• •••• ••• • \That is the source of cont:anination?. ...... . 9.n.X4X.4......... .... ... ... .. i::nclose a copy of any mineral analysis that has been made of water.. . ...... . .... Well L — oQ — Location of Well Overburdca and Bedrock Record From To r Till ° ft. 6 C,it. In diagram below show distances of — Gray ej 60 65 well from rod and lot line, In. dicate north by arrow. i f - � ► �r• a :,rte j Sitration: Is „•cll on Ilev or on hillside?. . . .�P1rn.d. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. ... • ... . . . . . . . ... ....� . i.�a.uj .r.'e r