HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-073-13 Clarkwwn REPORT PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT PUBLIC MEETING Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: December 9, 2013 Resolution#: 6 PR-576 -1 By-law#: Report#: PSD-073-13 File#: COPA 2013-0002, ZBA 2013-0028 & S-C-2013-0002 Subject: APPLICATIONS TO AMEND THE CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW FOR A PROPOSED DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION TO ALLOW FOR DEVELOPMENT OF 253 RESIDENTIAL LOTS APPLICANT: PORT DARLINGTON LAND CORPORATION RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-073-13 be received; 2. THAT the applications to amend the Clarington Official Plan (COPA 2013-0002) and Zoning By-law (ZBA 2013-0028) and for a proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision (S-C-2013-002), submitted by Port Darlington Land Corporation, continue to be processed and that a subsequent report be prepared; and 3. THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-073-13 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by: Reviewed by: D'aviVil Crome, MCIP, RPP Franklin Wu Director, Planning Services Chief Administrative Officer ATS/CP/df 3 December 2013 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 REPORT NO.: PSD-073-13 PAGE 2 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Applicant: Port Darlington Land Corporation 1.2 Proposed Official Plan Amendment (Attachment 1): To amend the Clarington Official Plan and Port Darlington Neighbourhood Secondary Plan by: • Replacing the parkette block with a low density residential designation; • Adjusting the Type C arterial road alignment where it meets East Beach Road; • Reducing housing and population targets for the neighbourhood; and • Reducing the arterial road width and eliminating the required centre median. 1.3 Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment: To place lands in appropriate zones to implement the proposed draft plan of subdivision. 1.4 Proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision (Figure 2): To permit the development of 253 residential units comprised of the following: • 53 single detached lots with 10.0 metre frontages; • 41 single detached lots with 11.3 metre frontages; • 75 single detached lots with 13.7 metre frontages; • 42 semi-detached lots (84 units) with 13.7 metre frontages (6.85 metre frontage) for each unit); and • Parkland, open space, a stormwater management block; roads and related services. 1.5 Area: 18.49 hectares 1.6 Location: Part of Lots 7 and 8, Broken Front Concession, Former Township of Darlington 2. BACKGROUND 2.1 The subject applications were deemed complete November 15, 2013. The following studies and reports were submitted with the application and circulated for comments: • Planning Justification Report • Environmental Impact Study • Functional Servicing Report Update • Energy Conservation and • Shoreline Erosion Hazard Sustainability Plan Assessment • Traffic Impact Study REPORT NO.: PSD-073-13 PAGE 3 • Meander Belt Width • Noise Study Assessment • Archaeological Study • Financial Impact Statement 2.2 The subject lands are part of a larger land holding (approximately 45 hectares) owned by Port Darlington Land Corporation (PDLC) between Bennett Road and Port Darlington Road, south of the CN Railway. 2.3 The subject development application is located on 18.49 hectares of land, west of Lambs Road, and west of Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision S-C-2002-002 which was draft approved in February 2012. For ease of writing this report the draft approved lands (S-C-2002-002) will be referred to as the PDLC East lands, while the subject lands (S-C-2013-0002) will be referred to as the PDLC West lands. See Figure 1. 2.4 The original application (S-C-2002-002) proposed 699 residential units across the entire PDLC land holdings (approximately 45 ha). The development was determined to be premature on the basis that the development would accelerate growth beyond the Municipality's ability to service the subject lands. At the time, in November 2008, the following projects required significant investment beyond the 10 year capital works forecast in order to facilitate the proposal specifically: • grade separations at rail crossings along Port Darlington Road and Bennett Road; • improvements to the Lambs Road underpass at the CN Railway; • improvements to the surrounding road networks and specifically the intersections of: Baseline Road/Liberty Street, Highway 2/Bennett Road, and Liberty Street/Lake Road; and • erosion control and mitigation. 2.5 Following much discussion and negotiation, the PDLC East lands received draft approval, on consent by both parties, at the Ontario Municipal Board for 850 medium and high density residential units. The conditions of approval allow only the first phase (424 medium density units) closest to Bennett Road to be constructed prior to the construction of additional municipal infrastructure, including the full reconstruction of the Lambs Road grade separation at the railway to accommodate two-way traffic and emergency vehicles. Approving development at the furthest point east would encourage the use of Bennett Road, versus reliance on Port Darlington Road, Lake Road and Liberty Street where capacity to accommodate the traffic is considered to be limited. 2.6 Other key conditions of approval to allow Phase 1 of the PDLC East lands to proceed include: • Construction of a continuous waterfront parkway to connect Bennett Road to Port Darlington Road (prior to 1 01St unit) REPORT NO.: PSD-073-13 PAGE 4 Improvements to Bennett Road, including improvements at the level CN crossing o Improvements to the CN railway overpass at Lambs Road, including signalization/gating for the one-way operation • Preparation and implementation of a bluff access management plan Figure 1 Lands Owned by Port Darlington Land Corporation 4 N*MAY1, 't tgG IIAiryL1.Ayll IU,ifly4l'IDI bVA p$ H'Cl V1AY101 V 0 'N, CN Railway Overpass at Lambs Road PDLC West Lands (Subject Lands) '_' - i i H1W DEN5RY o APARTMES o:a uN IAEauM DQ>sm --_____- IUNIYIGU 'M I _ UPAPARMENTS a_ocs l24JITS Re-Aligned East Beach Road PDLC East Lands Lake Ontario N X m a O +V Z CL O - 0 y [ML.Nl,'C FT PLAN 0 .14T OF _OS 7 k e N WCNI ::OKCI"SK.44 W _ 'AL TY OF CLArINGT�N Q il uUNICICa I^l OF riUR— Q cr O T 1 1,101 °'' l,,:...,,.� •.•I.•n�,• _ :.a,.�,..�..e —— WAITER POLLgfJON ",a n o — _ CONTRC#PIANT .';° .,. s e a o . ,�. • '�1- �° .." ��Q ° "• • '• APPROVED PLAN - _ S-62602-002 • N O G °• • •:n. . �Y ' xaDJ TO.RI sFDFM.Mix WATER TREATMENT PLANT • D r "'"'"' w, T. •• .o• •• •• .• • J' \ x �� Q. --_-E All—cVOt Ea Brach RaeE —.—.—. .a r", �`- ,� j�' vR•ui of ^0 I I I - ^ T✓ I I �'..yr aim Raxoav im<e"� -- .., .: .:..I I_ i.-".a .. _ .- _ I - .._,.�- , .., r•r PORT DARLINGTON(West) ,.rte DP-1K D 0 m Ul REPORT NO.: PSD-073-13 PAGE 6 2.7 As a result of the commencement of the waterfront park construction and relocation of East Beach Road in 2013, the landowner requested a preconsultation meeting with staff in early 2013 with a preliminary concept for the PDLC West lands, with the intention of starting development on PDLC West lands, instead of Phase 1 of the PDLC East lands. 3. LAND CHARACTERISTICS AND SURROUNDING USES 3.1 The subject lands are currently under agricultural production and contain an existing residential dwelling, agricultural buildings and buildings accessory to the dwelling. A private forced road connects East Beach Road to Lambs Road and South Service Road. The forced road is maintained on a year round basis. Just to the east of the limits of the proposed draft plan of subdivision, Bennett Creek flows southerly into Lake Ontario. 3.2 The surrounding uses are as follows: North - Canadian National Railway and the hydro electric transmission corridor (Hydro One Networks Inc.) South - Existing residences fronting on East Beach Road East - Draft approved Plan of Subdivision S-C-2002-002 West - The Region of Durham Water Pollution Control Plant and the Water Treatment Plant 4. PROVINCIAL POLICY 4.1 Provincial Policy Statement Settlement areas shall be the focus of growth. Land use patterns shall be based on densities and a mix of land uses which efficiently use land, resources and infrastructure and other public services. A full range of housing types and densities are to be provided to meet the projected requirements of current and future residents of the regional market area. The PPS encourages a compact built form which supports the development of transportation systems that minimize the length and number of vehicle trips and also supports the development of viable choices and plans for public transit. 4.2 Provincial Growth Plan The Growth Plan requires municipalities to manage growth, and encourages the creation of complete communities that offer a mix of land uses, employment and housing options, high quality open space, and access to stores and services. Natural heritage features that complement, link or enhance natural systems shall be identified and protected. REPORT NO.: PSD-073-13 PAGE 7 The subject lands are within the defined built-up area of Bowmanville. By 2015, a minimum of 40 per cent of all residential development occurring annually will be within the built-up area, measured across the Region of Durham. 5. OFFICIAL PLANS 5.1 Durham Regional Official Plan The Durham Regional Official Plan designates the subject lands "Living Area" and "Major Open Space —Waterfront'. The predominant use of lands within the Living Area designation shall be for housing purposes. An Environmental Impact Study is required prior to development in the Major Open Space system to ensure that the environmentally sensitive areas are not negatively impacted. There is specific recognition of the Port Darlington area as a Waterfront Place. The predominant use of lands in the Waterfront designation may include marina, recreational, tourist, and cultural and community uses. Residential and employment opportunities may be permitted, which support and complement the predominant uses. The scale of such development can be detailed in the respective local official plans. 5.2 Clarington Official Plan Clarington Official Plan designates, the subject lands as Waterfront Greenway, Urban Residential with a District Park on the Lake Ontario shoreline at the mouth of the Bennett Creek and Environmental Protection Area. A Type C Arterial Road is designated through the subject lands. In addition to the existing grade separation at Lambs Road, future grade separations at Liberty Street and Bennett Road are identified. The construction of future grade separations is expensive and thus the Plan states that they shall be constructed on a priority basis considering need and financing. The Bennett Creek is an identified Natural Heritage Feature. There is a Regulatory Shoreline Area adjacent to Lake Ontario. The Clarington Official Plan also recognizes the Lake Ontario Waterfront as a unique and dynamic feature and a vital public resource. The continuation of the Waterfront Trail for such purposes as walking and cycling is required along the Lake Ontario Waterfront. The Official Plan also contains policies regarding the extension of public infrastructure and services to accommodate growth in an orderly and cost—efficient manner. The Port Darlington Neighbourhood Secondary Plan provides a more detailed land use plan for this area. The Waterfront Greenway with the Waterfront Trail and the District Park is designated along the Lake Ontario shoreline. A parkette is also shown on the subject lands adjacent to the designated Open Space areas adjacent to the CNR tracks. The majority of the lands are designated Low Density Residential, with several areas of Medium Density Residential and one High Density Residential Block. REPORT NO.: PSD-073-13 PAGE 8 The Port Darlington Neighbourhood has a housing target of 1,225 units, consisting of 275 low density, 500 medium density, 425 high density and 25 units for intensification. Any application for residential development must be assessed in accordance with the growth management principles identified in the Official Plan; and the provision of municipal services and facilities of the Port Darlington Neighbourhood Secondary Plan. An application to amend the Clarington Official Plan and the Port Darlington Neighbourhood Secondary Plan was submitted and is included as Attachment 1. 6. ZONING BY-LAW 6.1 Zoning By-law 84-63 zones the majority of the subject lands in an Agriculture (A) zone category. The lands adjacent to shoreline area are zoned Environmental Protection (EP). The proposed residential development does not conform to the current Zoning By-law provisions and as such a rezoning application to implement the proposed draft plan of subdivision was submitted concurrently with the draft plan of subdivision. 7. PUBLIC NOTICE AND SUBMISSIONS 7.1 Public notice was given by mail to each landowner within 120 metres of the subject site and three (3) public meeting notice signs were installed on the lands. 7.2 At the time of writing this report, one neighbouring property owner attended the Planning counter to obtain more information about the proposed development. 8. AGENCY COMMENTS 8.1 CN Railwav CN has provided a copy of the main line requirements to the applicant, and provisions, such as warning clauses, will be included in the subdivision agreement. CN accepts the findings of the servicing and noise reports, however, would like an opportunity to further review these issues at the detailed design stage. REPORT NO.: PSD-073-13 PAGE 9 8.2 Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board The public school board has no objections. Students generated by this development would attend Central Public School and/or Vincent Massey Public School, and Bowmanville High School. 8.3 Meridian Connections Veridian has indicated that expansion/upgrades to the service are required to accommodate this development. Technical comments have been provided to the applicant for their consideration during the detailed design stage. The applicant will be required to make an application to Veridian to service the site. 8.4 Other agencies Rogers has no objections to the proposal. Comments from other circulated agencies, including the Region of Durham and Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, have not yet been received and will be reviewed in a subsequent report. 9. DEPARTMENTAL COMMENTS 9.1 Engineering Services Engineering Services has provided the following preliminary comments and items to address prior to recommending approval of the development: Phasing The phasing of the entire PDLC holdings will require further review to ensure development in the neighbourhood occurs sequentially considering necessary improvements to the road network and financial impacts. Road network and Traffic The Traffic Impact Study is currently under review. The development must provide connectivity to Bennett Road and connectivity to Port Darlington Road. The applicant will be responsible for all costs to implement the recommendations of the traffic study. The applicant will also be responsible to implement identified improvements to the surrounding road network to accommodate this development, including upgrades to Bennett Road and the level railway crossing and the Lambs Road grade separation at the railway. The applicant will be required to provide continued access to existing residents in the area of the development. Proposed alignments and configuration require further review with the applicant. Servicing, Grading and Stormwater Management The submitted Conceptual Servicing and Stormwater Management Report have provided preliminary details on servicing, grading and stormwater management. The detailed design will require approval by Engineering Services and CLOCK REPORT NO.: PSD-073-13 PAGE 10 Shoreline The shoreline hazard limit must be approved by CLOCA. The applicant will be required to implement a bluff access management plan as a condition of approval. Other Other items, including on-street parking, noise attenuation, trails/parkland will be part of the detailed review of this development once the principle of development has been reviewed and accepted. 9.2 Emergency and Fire Services Clarington Emergency and Fire Services Department have noted the need for a secondary access point for emergency purposes. 9.3 Finance Department The Financial Impact Study is currently under review and comments will be detailed in a future staff report. 10. DISCUSSION 10.1 The Official Plan and Port Darlington Neighbourhood Secondary Plan designate the subject lands for urban development and highlight the importance of establishing a continuous waterfront greenway, including the provision of a park system that can provide a wide range of outdoor and recreational opportunities to the residents of Clarington. 10.2 Further discussion will be required with the proponent to address the details of the proposal and other matters such as: • The phasing and timing of development in the Port Darlington Neighbourhood; • Whether the transportation and infrastructure concerns identified in consideration of S-C-2002-002, can be mitigated and resolved to allow development to occur on the PDLC West lands in advance of the PDLC East lands; and • Whether the Port Darlington Neighbourhood can proceed in an efficient and cost effective manner without putting undue financial burden on the Municipality, and without risking public health and safety 10.3 At this time, comments from a number of key departments and agencies are outstanding. The purpose of the public meeting is to gather input from the public. A future report will be drafted to provide a recommendation on the applications. 11. CONCURRENCE — Not Applicable REPORT NO.: PSD-073-13 PAGE 11 12. CONCLUSION 12.1 The purpose of this report is to provide background information on the applications submitted by Port Darlington Land Corporation for the Public Meeting under the Planning Act. It is recommended that the applications to amend the Clarington Official Plan and implementing Zoning By-law and the proposed draft plan of subdivision continue to be processed, including the preparation of a subsequent report considering all agency comments and concerns raised at the Public Meeting. CONFORMITY WITH STRATEGIC PLAN — Not Applicable Staff Contact: Anne Taylor Scott, Planner II Attachments: Attachment 1 - Proposed Official Plan Amendment List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Port Darlington Land Corporation c/o Kelvin Whalen Kevin Taylor ATTACHMENT -- -TO REPORT PSD-073-13 AMENDMENT NO. TO THE CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN PURPOSE: The purpose of this Amendment is to adjust the road pattern, distribution of land uses and housing targets as they apply to the Port Darlington Neighbourhood Second Plan Area. BASIS: The basis of this amendment is as follows: This amendment is based on an application from the property owner of the subject lands for approval of a Draft Plan of Subdivision. Through the design process for the plan of subdivision, certain adjustments to the Secondary Plan became necessary. ACTUAL AMENDMENT: The Clarington Official Plan is hereby amended as follows: 1. By amending Table 9-2 Housing Targets by Neighbourhoods as shown on Exhibit"A"for Neighbourhood N15— Port Darlington and adjusting the totals accordingly. 2. By amending May H2— Neighbourhood Planning Units Bowmanville Urban Area by revising the population of the Port Darlington Neighbourhood from "2950" to "2650" as shown on Exhibit"B". 3. By amending Map A Land Use, Port Darlington Neighbourhood Secondary Plan as shown on Exhibit "C". 4. By amending Map B Natural Features and Constraints, Port Darlington Neighbourhood Secondary Plan as shown on Exhibit T". 5. By amending Section 4.2 of the Port Darlington Neighbourhood Secondary Plan by deleting "3200 persons" and replacing it with "2650 persons". 6. By deleting Section 11.3 of the Port Darlington Secondary Plan and replacing it with a new Section 11.3 to read as follows: "11.3 A New Type `C'arterial road parallel to the waterfront shall be designed and constructed to encourage slow traffic speeds with direct frontage and frequent intersections in low density residential areas. On street parking may also be permitted on the south side of the road adjacent to the Waterfront Greenway designation. In recognition of the intent set out above and the fact that the waterfront greenway is not designated as a Type `C'arterial road in the Durham Regional Official Plan, a right-of-way width for this road of less than 26 metres may be permitted." IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the Clarington Official Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan, shall apply in regard to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the Clarington Official Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the plan, shall apply in regard to this Amendment. This document is in draft form.The contents,including any opinions,conclusions or recommendations contained in, or which may be implied from, this draft document must not be relied upon. GHD reserves the right, at any time, without notice, to modify or retract any part or all of the draft document. To the maximum extent permitted by law, GHD disclaims any responsibility or liability arising from or in connection with this draft document GHD I Report for Port Darlington Land Corporation—Rationale for Proposed Official Plan Amendment,01081 K 113 EXHIBIT "A" TO AMENDMENT # Table 9-2 Housi q Targets by Neighbourhoods Urban Area Housing Units Neighbourhoods 11-ow IMedium l Hi h I Intensification ITotal Courtice N1 Town Centre 0 0 250 100 350 N2 West Shopping District 0 0 0 350 350 N3 Worden 1175 85 0 100 1360 N4 Highland 1225 100 0 75 1400 N5 Glenview 550 535 0 50 1135 N6 Hancock 850 100 0 25 975 N7 Avondale 825 200 0 275 1300 N8 Emily Stowe 1475 275 0 550 2300 N9 Penfound 1175 150 0 75 1400 N10 Darlington 450 25 175 375 1025 N11 Bayview 1150 300 125 50 1625 N12 Farewell Heights* - 0 TOTAL 8 75 1770 550 2025 13220 BowmanviIle N1 East Town Centre 0 700 225 275 1200 N2 West Town Centre 0 350 1500 0 1850 N3 Memorial 975 0 250 350 1575 N4 Central 425 125 75 75 700 N5 Vincent Massey 1125 250 0 175 1550 N6 Apple Blossom 1300 225 0 125 1650 N7 Elgin 1025 200 50 150 1425 N8 Fenwick 1325 525 0 100 1950 N9 Knox 1350 300 175 125 1950 N10 Northglen 1500 525 100 50 2175 N11 Brookhill 950 550 0 75 1575 N12 Darlington Green 675 375 125 125 1300 N13 Westvale 900 425 500 75 1900 N14 Waverly 1075 275 50 75 1475 N15 Port Darlington 250 H-8.425 8% 425 25 1125 TOTAL 129001 5325 3475 18001 23500 Newcastle Village N1 Village.Centre 0 100 50, 75 225 N2 Graham 1075 100 0 100 1275 N3 Foster 1575 300 0 125 2000 N4 Port of Newcastle 500 325 250 0 1075 N5 North Village 1050 250 0 50 1350 N6 Wilmot 960, 01 0 0 960 TOTAL 51601 10751 300, 350 l 6885 Potential housing units for Farewell Heights Neighbourhood subject to the provisions of Special Policy Area No. 5 (see Secion 17.6) Municipality of Clarington Official Plan-April 2012 Chapter 9-Page 5 EXHIBIT "' " TOAICIEICIDIllENT I 10 NOR G `6o) r 0 200 400 600 800 m 200 m I CONCESSION ROAD 3 I u�i ° 8 i (535 ) 55QOf ` I Q z w 1 � w m v, 11 7 J zQ W BROOKNIU w ELGIN V (3900) ^(3900) APPLE BLO SOM Q (4750 CONCESSION STREET Of CENTRAL 2 KING ST. (2000) m WEST 1 TOWN CENTRE CENTRE AN NT SEY 3 DARLINGTON) (4300) GREEN (3200) I 14 (sioa) WAVERLY 1 I 13 (4200) o WE ALE 3 a (47 0) MEN IORIAL W ( 00) W a= BASELINE ROAD I I HtGyIyAY 40 a°I ! a �I 15 z�ORT DARLINGTO I I „ MAP H2 i NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING UNITS BOWMANVILLE URBAN AREA OFFICIAL PLAN MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON --- URBAN BOUNDARY APRIL, 2012 NEIGH80URHOOD BOUNDARY REFER TO SECTIONS 5 AND 9 THIS CONSOiJDATION IS PROVIDED FOR COWENIENCE ONLY (I 000) POPULATION AND REPRESENTS REQUESTED MODIRCATIONS AND APPROVALS EXHIBIT Cf) TO AMENDMENT # LOT 11 LOT 10 LOT 9 LOT 8 LOT 7 LOT 6 LOT 5 w m � m _ 1AACOpMALD OCr; CARi4 �l I 'f ROgp I FR`. fEWAY QP Q m PARKETTE TO I U n s y;. lkr' k« • I LOW DENSITY �' o RESIDENTIAL I � p a.ca 's . i- i / LAKE OIlTARIO 0 200 400 600 m RE—ALIGN ROADS 100 m SECONDARY PLANNING AREA LOW DENSITY ?/ PRESTIGE RESIDENTIAL %//%/1ii( EMPLOYMENT AREA P PARKETfE MAP A MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL UTILITIES DP DISTRICT PARK LAND USE HIGH DENSITY -• ENVIRONMENTAL RESIDENTIAL " PROTECTION AREA ° ° ° @ $ WATERFRONT TRAIL PORT DARLINGTON NEIGHBOURHOOD VILLAGE r WATERFRONT r—- LOCAL TRAIL SECONDARY PLAN COMMERCIAL GREENWAY APRIL. 2012 MARINA GREEN SPACE THIS CONSOLIDATION IS PROVIDED FOR CONVENIENCE ONLY COMMERCIAL AND REPRESENTS REQUESTED 4,40DIFICATIONS AND APPROVALS LOT >> y LOT 4EO �/(7o j4 /�E� r-p� COT g d /'U 1 �( LOT g U(J LOT ;, o� LOT E of o LOT 5 e'er • I 9 M �5Y 4 i re,s i °a e, • U ;f a 1 ° o .4 l ao r 70 200 -_ _--- - ° •r 0 n 400 800 ALIGN ROADS - SEGONDARy PLANNING AR EA �- - *CTLAND REG{1LqTORy Sh} oeo aesi••«„ ORELINE AREA FLOODLINEAp FILL LINE A'ATURAL AND CONS rF'AjjV s r S PORT pgRCrN6TpN �T SECONDARY PLAN HOOD Lf APRIL. 2 �P"`Rp�20oR tEH 4NSVEA7 L�A'LY F1CAA CE ANO MPRQVALS