HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-237-91 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE DN: LAIDLAW.GPA REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Date: Monday, October 7, 1991 Res. # By-Law# Report#: _P1)-2 7- file #: DEV 89-44; OPA 89-39/1) Subject: LAIDLAW INFILL PROPOSAL APPLICATION TO AMEND THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN 89-39/D REZONING APPLICATION DEV 89-44 PART LOTS 11 & 12, CONCESSION 3, FORMER TWP. OF CLARKE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-237-91 be received; 2 . THAT the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and the Consolidated Hearings Board be advised that the Council of the Town of Newcastle must be provided adequate time to prepare final comments on the Laidlaw Infill application prior to the Official Plan Amendment application being referred to the Ontario Municipal Board and a Consolidated Hearing being scheduled; 3 . THAT the interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. 1. PURPOSE 1. 1 The purpose of this report is to advise Committee and Council of the status of the Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning Applications with respect to the Laidlaw Infill Proposal. 2 . PROPOSED DIVERSION OF GRAHAM CREEK AND EXTENSION OF LEACHATE COLLECTOR SYSTEM 2 . 1 On July 29, 1991, the Town received a letter, together with a draft tender document, from Henderson Paddon & Associates Limited, a consultant for Laidlaw, advising of the company's proposal to relocate a portion of Graham Creek and to extend the low level leachate collector at the Laidlaw landfill site (Attachment No. 1) . The letter states that, in its existing location, the Creek is quite close to the existing landfill site and the proposed relocation would benefit the Creek by providing an additional 20+ REPORT NO. : PD-237-91 PAGE 2 (66 ft. ) buffer distance from the landfill. The proposed relocation of Graham Creek is indicated on Attachment No. 2 . 2 . 2 Laidlaw has advised the Town that the proposed works are abatement measures intended to deal with existing problems at the landfill site, and are not related to the Infill proposal. However, the Ministry of the Environment has not to date, formally advised the Town whether the proposed works will be reviewed in the context of the proposed Infill project. 2 . 3 Henderson Paddon has submitted applications to the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority in respect of the proposed works. Authority Staff issued a permit in respect of the extension of the leachate collector system on September 19, 1991. The Ministry of Natural Resources has requested Henderson Paddon to submit additional information regarding the proposed relocation of the creek. 3 . MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT COMMENTS 3 . 1 By letter dated September 3 , 1991 to Laidlaw, the Ministry of the Environment forwarded its most recent comments regarding the technical documents submitted in support of the Infill proposal. A copy of the letter was considered by Council at its meeting of September 16, 1991 and forwarded to the Planning Department as part of the review of the related Official Plan Amendment and rezoning applications. 3 . 2 The Ministry indicated in their letter that the basic unresolved issue remains to be the worst case flow and concentration of leachate which may end up in Graham Creek during low water flow conditions in the creek and the impact of this in terms of Provincial Water Quality Objectives. The Ministry had suggested to Laidlaw that additional information which would assist in the resolution of these issues could be obtained by drilling into the existing waste mounds. Laidlaw has apparently advised the Ministry 7 REPORT NO. : PD-237-91 PAGE 3 that they do not feel that the risks associated with drilling into the waste would be worth taking in order to obtain satisfactory answers. 4 . SCHEDULING OF CONSOLIDATED HEARING 4. 1 The Consolidated Hearings Act applies in respect of an undertaking for which more than one hearing or tribunal is required under the various provincial legislation to which the Consolidated Hearings Act applies. Laidlaw has formally requested the Environmental Assessment Board for a hearing pursuant to the Consolidated Hearings Act in respect of the following: the application pursuant to Part V of the Environmental Protection Act (EPA) the application for rezoning the application for Official Plan Amendment the application for consent pursuant to the Regional Municipality of Durham Act. 4 . 2 A Consolidated Board for the Laidlaw Infill Proposal would consist of representation from the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) and the Environmental Assessment Board (EAB) . A hearing before a Consolidated Board cannot be scheduled until such time as all of the pertinent applications have been referred to the OMB and the EAB. 4 . 3 To date, only the rezoning application regarding the Infill proposal has been referred to the OMB. Laidlaw appealed the application directly to the OMB in April 1990 on the basis of Council's failure to deal with the application within thirty days. 4.4 Ministry of the Environment Staff have advised Town Staff that Laidlaw and the Ministry have reached an impasse on the technical issues outlined in the Ministry's letter of September 3 , 1991. Laidlaw is apparently willing to proceed to a hearing before the Consolidated Hearings Board to have these issues resolved. On September 24 , 1991, the Ministry forwarded a letter to the I i REPORT NO. : PD-237-91 PAGE 4 Environmental Assessment Board to refer the Part V EPA application and to request that a consolidated hearing be convened in respect of the Infill proposal at the earliest opportunity (Attachment No. 3) . Staff received a copy of the Ministry's letter on September 30, 1991. 4. 5 The Ministry of Municipal Affairs has indicated that it would not refer the Official Plan Amendment application to the OMB until such time as the Ministry of the Environment has advised that the Part V application may proceed to the EAB and the comments of the Town and the Region have been received. However, Municipal Affairs Staff have verbally advised Town Staff that, once the Part V EPA application has been referred to the EAB, the Ministry would allow the Town and the Region thirty (30) days to submit their final comments. The Ministry would refer the Official Plan Amendment application to the OMB at the end of the thirty day period whether or not the comments of the Town and the Region have been received. 5. CONCLUSION 5. 1 The scheduling of a Consolidated Hearing in respect of Laidlaw's Infill proposal is likely to occur within the foreseeable future. The thirty day window the Ministry of Municipal Affairs proposes to provide the Town to submit final comments on the Infill application is arbitrary and would not permit sufficient time for the Ministry of the Environment's final comments to be evaluated and a report to be prepared by Staff. As well, due to the municipal election, there will not be any working meetings of Committee or Council between the middle of October and the first part of January 1992 . The Ministry and the Consolidated Hearings Board should be advised that the Town must be given adequate time to finalize our comments on the infill application prior to the Official Plan Amendment application being preferred to the Ontario Municipal Board and a Consolidated Hearing being scheduled. i i I REPORT NO. : PD-237-91 PAGE 5 Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee Franklin Wu, M.C. I.P. L renc E. Kotseff DIrector of Planning Chief inistrative and Development Officer JAS*DC*FW*df *Attach 25 September 1991 Attachment No. 1 Letter from Henderson Paddon to L. Kotseff, dated July 26, 1991 Attachment No. 2 Map indicating relocation of Graham Creek as proposed by Henderson Paddon Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Mr. Michael J. Pullen Laidlaw Waste Systems Ltd. 3410 South Service Road 1 �/ P.O. Box 5057, Station A 1 Burlington, Ontario - L7R 3Y8 'h ZA t� r Mr. David J. Scott ' Committee of Clarke Constiti P.O. Box 20028, Newcastle, Ontario L1B 1M3 Mr. Brian D. Riddell Assistant Deputy Minister Ministry of Municipal Affaii 777 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario M5G 2E5 REPORT NO. : PD-237-91 PAGE 6 Mr. James Curran Hearings Registrar Consolidated Hearings Board 2300 Yonge Street 12th Floor Toronto, Ontario M4P 1E4 Dr. Mofeed Michael, Commissioner Region of Durham Planning Department Lang Tower, West Bldg. 4th Floor 1615 Dundas Street East Whitby, Ontario. L1N 2L1 Attachment No. 1 Ccsiv' H EN D ERS0N, P A D D 0 N & AS. S0CIATES LI-M I T E D CIVIL ENGINE ERING CONSULTANTS & .PLANNERS ♦ OWEN SOUND ♦ F _ RT ELGIN ♦ GUEL.PH OIWEN SOUND=ROFESSIONAL CE`.TRE. ♦ 9-=THIRD AVENUE EAST,SUITE 212,OWEN SOUND,ONTARIO N4K 2K8 ♦ TEL (51� '-"c-7612 FAX '.'9)376.8008 8496D July 26 , 1991 RECEIVED Mr. Larry Aotseff - Chief; .ExeCiitive Officer' . JUL 2A i9g1.. Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance .St TnwN-OF. NEWGAST E B owmanv i l l e, Ontario -L)MINISTRA?OR'S OFFICE L1C 3A6 Re : . .Laidlaw Waste Systems (Durham) Ltd. Existing -Newcastle Landfill Site Contract Number 84961) for Easterly.-Extension -of Low Level Leachate Collector and Relocation of Graham Creek. Dear Sir: CWe enclose the following : Drawings , Contract Documents and Specifications -for the above work. The purpose of the relocation of -Graham ' Creek;' northerly, is to provide additional buffer distance between the ex.isfiing landfill site , and the Creek. In the existing location, the Creek is quite close to the existing landfill site . We observe that it would be beneficial to the Creed: to relocate the short section proposed , to obtain an additional 20 m + buffer distance from the landfill . The following design factors were considered in the proposal : 11 Movement of -the creek will provide considerable additional buffer from the existing landfill site , 2 . The proposed realignment mirrors the existing creek as much as possible. 3 . The existing creek bed cross-section has been prjvided in the relocated location, similar to the existing crops-section . 4 . Armouring of the creek side slopes will prevent _,eandering in this area, to prevent the creek running closer tc the landfill due to natural erosion processes in the future . RECYCLED PAPER r Mr . Aotseff , Town of Newcastle 2 Re : Laidlaw Systems ( Durham ) Ltd . July 26 , 1991 o . Construction width will be minimized to prevent loss of shade to the stream as much as possible . 6 . Gravel beds for spawning and aquatic habitat will be provided according to MNR recommendations if' desirable . 7 . Approximately similar quantity of excavation and fill will be provided ( approximately 2600 mi ) . 8. No additional fill will be provided in the floodplain.. The leachate collector design is similar to the westerly- leachate collector installed two years ago , and which is working successfully. This information is provided for your information . Mr. Mike Pullen, P. Eng , Regional Engineer, Laidlaw Waste Systems will be providing an executed copy of the Application Form for signature by the Municipality indicating that you are aware of the proposed work. We have made application for approval for the work to MOE, MNR and the Ganaraska Conservation Authority. We appreciate your processing the application form from Mr . Pullen. Very truly yours , HENDERSON, PADDON & ASSOCIATES LIMITED F. C. Ford , P. Eng . , Vice-President Senior Environmental Engineer Designated Consulting Engineer FCF: ,jp Enclosures cc D. Andri.jiw M. Pullen :.� .:� I ! a Cn. STAPLETON ROAD { i --------� , rn m N REID ROAD n Z I ' o I N o ° IF V A REGIONAL ROAD IS rn ° CONCESSION 2 CONCESSION 3 t/ I J / C 1 .......... 3f�) (r),A) D 'D zoo rn C- �n SEP-30-91 MON 8:50 NOE APPROVALS BR, FAX NO. 4164406973 AttachmeWNo. 3 Ministry Minist6re of the de Ontario BnvironmEnt Vr;nvironnement 250 UwA ville Avenue M.Avenue Davisvilie Toronto,Ontario Toronto(Ontario) September 24, 1991 Mrs. Laura Corbeil-Reilly Assistant Registrar Environmental Assessment Board 2300 Yonge Street P.O. Box 2382 Suite 1201 Toronto, Ontario � - M4P IE4 Dear Mrs. Corboil-Reilly: Re; Laidlaw waste Systems (Durham) Ltd. /Newcastle Landfill Provisional Certificate of Approval No. A390305 Application for Interim Expansion Hearing No. CH8906 I have received an application from Laidlaw Waste Systems Limited for amendment of its Provisional Certificate of Approval for the landfill located on Part of hots 11 and 12, Concession 3, Town of Newcastle (formerly Township of Clarke) , Regional Municipality of Durham. The proposed amendment would permit the use of the site, by Laidlaw Waste systems Limited, for disposal of 90, 000 tonnes of waste. This proposed amendment has not been designated under the Environmental Assessment Act and can proceed to a public hearing under the Environmental Protection Act. As provided under Section 30 (l)' of the Environmental Protection _Act.,, R.S.O. 1980, I hereby give formal notice to the Environmental Assessment Board of the requirement to hold a public hearing of the Board and request that a Consolidated Hearing be convened, as provided by Section 33 (1) of the above act, at the earliest opportunity. As required under Section 30 (2) of the Environmental Protection Act, R.S.O. 1980, would you please notify the owners or occupants of the adjoining properties and arrange to have a notice of a public hearing published in a newspaper having general circulation in the area once a week for three consecutive weeks. A summary of the proposal and application has been attached to this letter for the information of the Board. Also attached is a list of the adjacent property owners which, was provided by the applicant. S"EP-30-91 MON 8:51 NOE APPROVALS BR, FAX N0, 4164406973 P, O3 Z _ If you require further information please contact Mr. Paul Nieweglowski at (416) 440--3597. You S tr y, J.R. ay, .Eng D' actor c.c. J. Merritt S. weir D.J. Andrijiw i' l:� rJ9-