Meeting: General Purpose and Administration committee File#
Date: Monday, October 7, 1991 Res. #
Report#:-----pD-24,)-cJj1e D04. 095.AF
It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and
Administration Committee recommend to Council the following:
1. THAT Report PD-232-91 be received.
2 . THAT Report PD-232-91 be adopted as the Town's comments
on the provincial consultation paper "A Housing
Framework for Ontario" .
3 . THAT a copy of this report and Council's decision be
forwarded to the Honourable Evelyn Gigantes, Minister
of Housing.
1. 1 one of the Ontario government's top priorities is to ensure
that all residents of the province have a decent affordable
place to live. To this end, the Provincial government is
trying to undertake various initiatives which will make its
housing policy more responsive.
1. 2 On July 15, 1991, Council received a letter dated June 19,
1991, from Dave Cooke, Minister of Housing, requesting
Council's help in developing a Comprehensive Housing Policy
for Ontario. Two reports were referred to the Planning and
Development for review and preparation of a report. one of
these reports was entitled: "A Housing Framework for Ontario
- Issues for Consultation" .
REPORT NO. : PD-232-91 PAGE 2
2 . 1 The provincial government released this consultation paper
to receive public input into a proposed "Housing Framework" .
This "Housing Framework" is intended to help manage the use
of housing programs to better achieve the government's
housing objectives. It reviews current housing programs and
expenditures and examines future alternatives for government
2 .2 Fundamental Principles
Four fundamental principles are established for housing:
- Access to safe, secure, and affordable housing,
suitable to people's needs, is a basic human right;
- Housing is fundamental to individual and family well-
being and the quality of life in Ontario communities;
- Housing contributes significantly to the prosperity and
stability of Ontario's economy; and
- Responsibility for the provision of housing is shared
among all levels of government and among all sectors of
Ontario's economy and society.
2 . 3 Housing Policy Priorities
The Ministry of Housing is moving forward with a number
of strategies to help it realize its four fundamental
principles. These include the introduction of:
a) a new system of rent control;
b) making better use of government lands for housing
(subject of Report PD-233-91) ;
REPORT NO. : PD-232-91 PAGE 3
C) enhancing the quality of life in public housing
(subject of another consultation paper) ;
d) increasing the supply of affordable housing.
The latter priority area is being dealt with by the 1989
Land Use for Housing Policy Statement, which requires
municipalities to set aside 25 percent of land for
affordable housing and to set in place ways in which greater
intensification can be achieved.
2 . 4 Housing and Overall Government Objectives
This section discusses how housing programs support the
government's broader objectives of:
- social policy and reduction of poverty;
- justice and empowerment;
- environmental stewardship; and
- economic growth and prosperity.
2 . 5 Understanding the Housing crisis: Affordability
Supply, Adequacy, and Access
This section outlines the factors that are causing the
housing crisis. Some of the factors include:
affordability problems (high housing costs and low
incomes) ; insufficient supply of rental housing,
inadequate housing; and physical and socio-economic
obstacles blocking equal access to housing.
These problems need to be addressed by a variety of
initiatives, not all of which fall under the
jurisdiction of the Ministry of Housing. The Ministry
of Housing has a responsibility in the area of housing
supply and the preservation of the existing housing
REPORT NO. : PD-232-91 PAGE 4
stock. Other public policy initiatives which will aid
in the housing crisis are pay equity, minimum wage,
employment equity, and the Social Assistance Review
2 . 6 Basis for Reform: Building on Strong Foundation
This section presents a number of detailed policy
objectives which contribute to the realization of the
four fundamental principles outlined in Section 2 .2 .
These objectives are considered to be the basis for
future government action and are consequently used as
"benchmarks" for evaluating solutions that are raised
for consultation.
2 . 7 Issues To Be Resolved Through Consultation
This section provides a detailed listing of issues
facing the Ministry of Housing in sponsoring the
development of housing. The issues are divided into
nine areas and include questions for consultation and
several possible solutions. No recommendations are
made in order to receive the views and suggestions of
the public which will be used to develop the final
policy initiatives.
The nine issue areas that are to be resolved through
consultation are:
1. Planning for Predictable Housing
The amount and type of housing to be supported by
the programs, who should be served and how housing
should be provided
2 . Building Quality Housing
Examines factors associated with building quality
housing such as: procurement techniques; cost
effective measures to control construction costs
REPORT NO. : PD-232-91 PAGE 5
financing resources; building design and standard;
and the role of residents in developing affordable
3 . Managing Quality Housing
A discussion of the need for high quality
management of assisted housing.
4 . Better Use of Existing Housing Stock
An examination of ways to make better use of all
existing housing stock including non-profit, co-
operative, and publicly and privately owned
housing. It also involves a variety of issues
ranging from standards for repair and
rehabilitation to intensification.
5. Access to Housing
An examination of issues related to accessibility
including eligibility, priority and special needs.
6. Strategies for Housing Provision Partnerships
A review of ways in which the provincial
government can share the responsibility of housing
provision with the private sector and the
municipal and federal levels of government.
7 . Strategies for Sector and Community Development
Explores a possible "infrastructure" through which
the government, social service agencies and the
volunteer sector can develop a co-operative
relationship to undertake housing initiatives.
8. Strategies for Land Supply, Retention and
A review of alternative ways to acquire land as
efficiently as possible to ensure that the
affordable housing objectives are met.
REPORT NO. : PD-232-91 PAGE 6
9. Strategies for Program Delivery and Administration
A review of current program practices and new ideas
for adminstration and program delivery.
Each of the nine housing issues presented in the document were
followed by questions for consultation. Due to the extensive
number of questions listed for each issue, it has been
necessary to limit the following discussion to the issues and
questions which are most directly related to the Town of
Newcastle. The response of the Town is listed directly after
the questions.
3 . 1 Planning for Predictable Housing
3 . 1. 1 What is the best planning cycle for housing expenditures?
A continuous planning cycle, as opposed to an annual,
short term (3 years) or longer term (5-10 years) cycle
is recommended to enable quick response to the housing
market which is constantly changing. Moreover, the
allocation of units should not be tied too closely to
budget years to ensure that municipal planning reviews
are not compromised by the need to commit funds by
prescribed deadlines.
3 . 1. 2 How should the mix of housing types and tenures be
determined for housing receiving assistance?
The Ministry of Housing should not just concern itself
with the provision of permanent housing, but should be
addressing any type of housing or shelter-related
problems. In this regard, it should form linkages with
other ministries and agencies to simplify the allocation
The mix of housing types and tenures to receive housing
assistance should be determined on a case-by-case
assessment which considers factors such as
V. ) i
REPORT NO. : PD-232-91 PAGE 7
community need, cost-effectiveness, market conditions,
compatibility with other goals, etc.
3 . 1. 3 How should the total number of units to be assisted
through direct government expenditures be determined?
The total number of units to be assisted through direct
government expenditures should be determined by a series
of community assessments and by recognizing the fiscal
capacity of the government, the not-for-profit sector,
and the planning process. It should not be considered
on the basis of an economic stimulus or waiting lists.
3 . 1. 4 What building forms and standards should be assisted?
The government should seek to utilize government assisted
housing as a model for the rest of the community. In
this sense, the Ministry should encourage higher quality
of life and environment protection techniques. It should
not, however, provide housing which is viewed as being
extravagant. For example, rooms should be of minimum
3 . 2 Better Use of Existing Housing Stock
3 .2 . 1 Should the government make expenditures to assist in the
rehabilitation of privately-held buildings to provide
affordable and adequate accommodation? If so, under what
Since the existing housing stock represents a valuable
resource which is aging, it is necessary for the
government to make expenditures to assist in the
rehabilitation of privately-held buildings. This can be
done through various programs, such as the Low-Rise
Rehabilitation Program, Ontario Home Renewal Program for
Disabled, and the Convert-to-Rent, which are already in
3 . 2 . 2 What can be done to better utilise the existing stock
for housing?
A shortage of affordable housing produces the need for
many alternative ways to produce housing including
utilizing the existing housing stock in better ways.
1 �J
REPORT NO. : PD-232-91 PAGE 8
The Town supports several of the possible solutions
outlined for this question and they include:
- promote the conversion of appropriate non-
residential buildings for residential purposes
- develop a technical demonstration program to
assist with the identification of structural
modification options
- encourage better use of existing housing without
physical modification (e.g. , home sharing, housing
unit exchanges)
- provide study grants to municipalities to
encourage intensification
The Town has concerns with widespread intensification
efforts which can lead to the targeting of older
historic neighbourhoods and ultimately to a process of
In order to facilitate intensification, the Provincial
Government should:
1. Amend the Landlord and Tenant Act to provide that
a landlord's refusal to comply with building and
property standards may result in the relocation of
the tenant and/or the municipality undertaking
needed repairs and maintenance, with all costs
being recovered as taxes.
2 . Amend the Landlord Tenant Act to provide the
ability for a homeowner to evict expeditiously an
incompatible tenant from a second unit.
3 . Provide zoning by-law, property standards and
building code inspectors with reasonable and
effective rights of entry to dwellings, for
purposes of inspection for compliance with the
Building Code and municipal by-laws.
REPORT NO. : PD-232-91 PAGE 9
3 .2 . 3 To what extent and under what circumstances should
intensification of Ontario Housing Corporation sites
occur to increase the supply of affordable housing?
Intensification initiatives on OHC sites should be
i evaluated on a case-by-case assessment, taking into
I' consideration the neighbourhood capacity to absorb
increased densities, municipal servicing concerns and
legitimate neighbourhood opposition.
3 . 2 .4 What are the best means of ensuring that the existing
stock is maintained at a level which ensures its
continued viability?
As we indicated in 3 .2 . 1, the existing housing stock
represents a valuable resource which must be
maintained. It would be helpful if the government made
expenditures to assist in the rehabilitation of
' privately-held buildings. In addition, the province
could require municipalities to set out building
performance standards and enforce them.
3 . 3 Strategies for Housing Provision Partnership
3 . 3 . 1 Should the government provide direct financial assistance
to the private sector as an incentive to create
affordable rental housing? If so, on what basis?
i The government could provide direct financial assistance
to the private sector when it is deemed more cost-
, effective than other alternatives, and when it best meets
government goals such as, intensification, urban
REPORT NO. : PD-232-91 PAGE 10
renewal, access for person with physical, developmental
and/or psychiatric disabilities.
3 . 3 . 2 What should the future role of municipalities be in
relation to the delivery of assisted housing programs?
Municipalities should "fast track" affordable housing
proposals or could be encouraged to establish municipal
not-profit housing agencies but the not-for-profit
housing providers and the private sector should remain
as the prominant means of developing affordable housing
in Ontario.
3 . 4 Strategies for Land Supply, Retention and Financing
3 . 4 . 1 What measures could be put into place to reduce the
program cost of land for assisted housing?
The Town advocates the following solutions:
- creating a land banking facility for housing
- encouraging not-for-profit housing providers to seek
philanthropic or charitable donations in order to
secure land
- using available government land
- The Town objects to the recommendation that
developers be requested to donate land for
affordable housing in lieu of Planning Act
requirements (ie. parkland dedication) .
The consultation paper entitled: "A Housing Framework for
Ontario" , raised many issues, some of which require
complicated solutions. Town Staff has attempted to comment
on issues that directly impact on the Town of Newcastle.
REPORT NO. : PD-232-91 PAGE 11
The second step of the consultation process will involve the
Ministry of Housing collecting comments made by various
municipalities in regards to this document. When the
consultation process is complete, the Government will
determine its policy and develop or refine programs for new
housing supply and rehabilitation of the existing housing
Respectfully Submitted, Recommended for presentation
to the Committee
Franklin Wu, M.C. I.P. Lawrence E Kotseff
Director of Planning Chief A i istrative Officer
and Development
16 September 1991
Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's
Housing Policy Branch
Ministry of Housing
Consultation Paper on Housing Program Framework
2nd Floor
777 Bay Street j
Toronto, Ontario.
M5G 2E5