HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-224-91 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE DN: DEV88136 REPORT P U B L I C M E E T I N G Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # 12142_DLV99- 13� Date: Monday, October 7, 1991 Res. # Report#: PD-224-91 File #: DEV 88-136 (X-REF 18CDM-89031) fly-Law## Subject: REZONING AND PROPOSED PLAN OF CONDOMINIUM APPLICATION 542985 ONTARIO LIMITED PART LOT 14, CONCESSION 2, FORMER TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE FILE: DEV 88-136 (X-REF 18CDM-89031) Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-225-91 be received; 2 . THAT application to amend the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63 , as amended, submitted by G. M. Sernas and Associates Ltd. on behalf of 542985 Ontario Ltd. be referred back to Staff for further processing; and 3 . THAT the interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1. 1 Applicant: 542985 Ontario Ltd. 1. 2 Agent: G. M. Sernas & Associates Ltd. 1. 3 Rezoning Application: from "Urban Residential Type One (R1) 11 to an appropriate zone to permit the development of twenty-two (22) townhouse condominium units. 1. 4 Land Area: 0.597 ha (1.47 acres) 2. LOCATION 2 . 1 The subject property is located in Part Lot 14 , Concession 1, former Town of Bowmanville. The land is a triangular shaped parcel bounded by Martin Road to the west, Regional Road No. 57 to the east and an existing townhouse development north of Alonna Street, to the south. r . . . . . .2 REPORT NO. : PD-224-91 PAGE 2 3. BACKGROUND 3 . 1 The subject rezoning application was originally received by the Town of Newcastle Planning and Development Department in December of 1988. The related application for proposed plan of condominium (18CDM-89036) was not filed until December of 1989. 3 . 2 A public meeting in consideration of the application was held in April of 1989 . Since that time the applicant has continued to work with planning staff as well as other commenting agencies to resolve all concerns related to the application. As a result of the time elapsed since the April, 1989 public meeting, Staff has determined that a second public meeting is warranted. 3 . 3 As a result of the comments submitted by the circulated agencies, the applicant has submitted a noise impact study and stormwater management report in support of the application. As well the applicant was proposed to develop a townhouse unit design which would minimize the difference in elevation of the site from north to south, thereby reducing the visual impact from the south. 4 EXISTING AND SURROUNDING USES 4 . 1 The existing site is currently vacant. 4. 2 Surrounding land uses are as follows: South: an existing townhouse development and further south additional residential dwellings fronting on Alonna Street. . East: Regional Road No. 57 and existing residential dwellings fronting on Rosalynne Ave. North: vacant lands subject to residential development applications on the west side of Regional Road No. 57 and existing residential fronting on Regional Road No. 57 . West: an existing residential dwelling fronting on Martin Road and vacant lands. . . . . . . 3 i REPORT NO. : PD-224-91 PAGE 3 5 PUBLIC MEETING AND RESPONSE 5. 1 Pursuant to Council's resolution of July 26, 1982 and the requirements of the Planning Act, the appropriate signage acknowledging the application was installed on the subject lands. In addition the appropriate notice was mailed to each landowner and tenant within the 120 metre prescribed distance for the subject public meeting. Similar notice to all landowners had been mailed prior to the April 1989 meeting. 5. 2 As of the writing of this report, Staff has received only one letter of concern related to the application, which dates back to the first public meeting, in 1989. 6 OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES 6. 1 Within the Durham Regional Official Plan the subject property is designated "Residential" . Within the Durham Official Plan as adopted by Regional Council earlier this year, the land is designated as "Living Area" . Both designations encourage a variety of housing styles, type and tenure. 6. 2 Within the Town of Newcastle Official Plan, Bowmanville Major Urban Area, the subject property is designated "Low Density Residential" with indications of "Hazard Lands" . The lands are further described by the "Medium Density" symbol as located in neighbourhood 113B11 . Neighbourhood 113B" has a population target of 5800 people. 6. 3 The medium density symbol represents the location of the existing and proposed medium density developments. All developments are to be in compliance with the population target and a density of 30 to 55 units per net hectare. 6.4 The application proposes a density of approximately 36. 8 units per net ha, which is in compliance with the medium density guidelines. Staff further note the twenty-two (22) units proposed represent an insignificant fraction of the 5800 person (1934 unit) neighbourhood target and may be accommodated. . . . . . .4 REPORT NO. : PD-224-91 PAGE 4 6. 5 The hazard land designation in this case represents the steep grade of the land as it abuts Regional Road No. 57. The Town's Official Plan states that hazard lands shall be primarily for the preservation and conservation of the natural land and/or environment. Development or redevelopment of hazard lands shall ensure that appropriate measures are taken to deal with the characteristics of the land. The applicant has satisfied the Town of Newcastle Public Works Department and the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority that the site can be developed in consideration of the grades. 7 ZONING 7 . 1 The current zoning on the subject property is "Urban Residential Type One (R1) " . Said zoning limits the permitted uses to single family dwelling units, semi-detached/link dwelling units and/or a duplex dwelling. The proposed townhouse units would not be permitted, hence the rezoning application. 8 AGENCY COMMENTS 8. 1 In accordance with departmental procedure the subject application was circulated to a number of agencies and departments for comment. The following agencies have provided no comment or objection to the proposal; the Town of Newcastle Fire Department, the Newcastle Hydro Electric Commission, the Separate School Board and the Ministry of the Environment. 8.2 The Town of Newcastle Public Works Department Staff have reviewed the proposal and supporting documentation and have advised they have no technical difficulties with the proposal. The Storm Water Management Plan for the site is satisfactory. The applicant will be required to receive approval from the Region of Durham for the proposed entrance on Martin Road and the intersection of Regional Road 57 and Martin Road must be closed, I the appropriate stop signs be erected and minor road improvements undertaken. The Public Works Department also identified road . . . . . .5 REPORT NO. : PD-224-91 PAGE 5 contributions and sidewalk work to be completed by the applicant. These items will be reviewed further in light of the potential Development Charge By-law. 8 . 3 The Town of Newcastle Community Services Department has advised they have no objection to the proposal. Future residents from the site will be accommodated in the existing park at Baseline Road and the park and parkette proposed through abutting developments. The applicant will be required to provide cash- in-lieu of parkland at rate equivalent to 1 ha per 300 dwelling units. 8 . 4 The Public School Board has advised that the Board's review of the application has identified some concerns, as a result the applicant will be required to provide sidewalks from the site to match existing sidewalks on Martin Road. 8 . 5 Regional Planning Staff have commented that the subject property is designated "Residential" in the Durham Regional Official Plan and is designated "Residential" with indications of "hazard Land" . They also noted the medium density symbol in the vicinity of the property which indicates the location of existing and proposed development. With respect to the indication of the Hazard Lands, Regional Staff highlighted the section with regard to preservation and conservation of the natural land and environment and that consultation with the Conservation Authority should take place. 8 . 6 Regional Public Works has advised that services are available to the site from Martin Road. Regional Works has no objection subject to the developer entering into a servicing agreement with Region prior to Site Plan Approval. 8 .7 The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Staff have advised that their concerns with regard to drainage problems have . . . . . . 6 REPORT NO. : PD-224-91 PAGE 6 now been satisfactorily addressed. Therefore, Authority Staff have no objection to the proposal subject to conditions to be contained in the Site Plan Agreement. 9 STAFF COMMENTS 9. 1 The applicant has been successful in addressing the concerns of Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority and the Town of Newcastle Public Works Department with regards to storm water management. In addition, the applicant has submitted a Noise Impact Study which identified measures to mitigate noise impacts on the development from Regional Road 57 . The proponent has attempted to address Planning Staff's concern relative to the grades of the site and impact on abutting properties both to the south and to the west through the design of the proposed units. 9. 2 Staff have discussed other matters which need further attention such as landscape details and waste disposal container enclosure with the applicant. These matters will be addressed in the site plan approval process. 9. 3 In previous similar type of multiple housing rezoning and site plan applications, Council has required the application to provide for on-site, common use play area space. The applicant has not provided such space to date and maybe require further revisions to the site plan to accommodate this use. 10 CONCLUSION 10. 1 The purpose of this report is to facilitate a second Public meeting due to the time elapsed during processing the application, to provide Committee and Council with an update on the application submitted and for Staff to indicate issues or area of concern regarding the subject application. It is recommend the application be referred back to Staff for further processing and subsequent report upon completion of landscape and further site plan approval details. . . . . . . 7 REPORT NO. : PD-224-91 PAGE 7 Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee Franklin Wu, M.C. I.P. Lawren—K Kotseff DIrector of Planning Chief Fd 4nistrative and Development Officer CP*FW*cc *Attach 30 September 1991 Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Mr. & Mr. Baker 542985 Ontario Limited R. R. #6 Martin Road South P.O. Box 1643 BOWMANVILLE, Ont L1C 3K7 PORT PERRY, Ont. LOB 1NO G. M. Sernas & Associates Ltd. 110 Scotia Court Unit 41 WHITBY, Ontario L1N 8Y7 i SUBJECT SITE LOT 15 LOT 14 LOT 13 (H) R I al <11 zl� 0 - R I A ALYNNE Rl to W R-3 z 0 R2 s-y AVE. —nT t Rs Rl 11L R2 (H) (H) EP M1-4 C 7 Rl ?E 'K 31:T P BASELINE ROAD 0 50 $00 200 300M KEY mmANAP Dev. 88- 136 '� 0CC � C� I I CP \ I \ \ \ I rt ''` 1 I I I •dad : f \ 0 � '\ x \\ pp •o I h i to ' \ \: - \ III II 4� �. ♦� �'� I \\ C l "ff I I OA N �, T \,.• r�rr r r .�. 04 a II I v f-- - ly I I ......................f r 1-- r J......_...r------1...J ------.f-. -- L- i I �C t - I I . 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