HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-11-19 Minutes CLARINGTON HERITAGE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting November 19, 2013 MEMBERS PRESENT: Tracey Ali Kim Vaneyk (ex-officio) Angela Tibbles Councillor Hooper Karin Murphy Joseph Earle David Reesor Tenzin Gyaltsan Allan Kirby Victor Suppan REGRETS: Bonnie Seto, Ruth Goff (Ex-officio) STAFF: Faye Langmaid, Kristy Kilbourne Angela Tibbles welcomed all to the meeting. Everyone introduced themselves. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST- None declared. ADOPTION OF AGENDA 13.28 Moved by Karin Murphy, seconded by Joseph Earle THAT the agenda be adopted. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 13.29 Moved by David Reesor, seconded by Tenzin Gyaltsan THAT the minutes of October 15, 2013 be accepted. BUSINESS ARISING Amendment to the Term of Appointments for Members - The possibility of changing the staggering appointments was revisited from the October Meeting. Other Committees such as the Agricultural Advisory Committee have moved towards staggered appointments in order to avoid larger turnovers and to provide continuity for the committee. Currently all members of the Heritage Committee are appointed for a 4-year de to after the next election. After some discussion, the following motion was made: 13.30 Moved by David Reesor, seconded by Joseph Earle THAT Whereas the Clarington Heritage Committee replaced the former Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee which has been in existence since 1977 and has provided valuable advice to Council and staff on numerous issues; and Whereas the terms of reference which were updated in 2006 call for the committee membership to include a municipal Council liaison, a Representative from the Newcastle Village and District Historical Society, a Representative from the Clarington Museum and Archives, an architectural historian, a building and design specialist, area residents from each of the municipal wards experienced in heritage conservation matters; and members that possess the expertise, experience, and willingness to devote the necessary time to the committee; and Whereas the Clarington Heritage Committee has benefitted greatly from members that have been on the committee for a number of years such that the knowledge is transferred from one committee to the next; however, it is also recognized that there is the need for continual renewal within the membership and the fostering of younger members; and Whereas the Terms of Reference for the Clarington Heritage Committee and Council Protocol for Advisory Committees set out the term of committee members to be the same as that of Council; and Whereas other Advisory Committees such as the Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington have requested staggered term appointments and Council has approved this change to their terms of reference; and Whereas the timing of the election in October combined with Council taking office in December effectively meant Committee appointments were delayed until March; Now therefore be it resolved that: The Clarington Heritage Committee recommend Council stagger the terms of CHC members, by appointing half of the membership every two years, for four year terms and that the work of the committee continue until the new members are 407 Salvage Update The MTO has completed a work order for a salvage contractor which is currently being processed. They will then work with the salvage contractor to discuss the salvage process for each of the 6 properties and also finalize an approved list of salvageable items with each of the property owners that submitted their requests. They will be contacting property owners individually to arrange logistics once they are ready. They are also looking into fulfilling a request for the disassembly and relocation of an entire barn to a farm property in Clarington that is undergoing a large heritage restoration. The Museum confirmed that they are not interested in the item requested by the resident (non-designated property owner) from one of the heritage properties. Winston was advised that the salvage of that item can proceed by the resident so long as there is some assurance as to its preservation for the long term. Walbridge House The owners are anxiously awaiting approval from the MTO to proceed with retrieving the requested items from the 407 Salvage. Improvements to the building envelope are nearly complete. The owners would like to replace the upper windows with thermal pane windows for energy efficiency purposes. The main floor windows will be the same as the ones on the north wall and will be made as double hung windows with the mullions as seen in the original house and the plans submitted. The windows will be in keeping with the plans that the Committee reviewed back in the Spring with regard to the appearance. The Committee had no objections to the proposed change. Camp 30 The Camp 30 Selection Committee has met once to determine the criteria for selecting members to form the Committee that will proceed with the formation of the Foundation. This Committee will contain one representative from each of the following: the Municipality, Clarington Museums and Archives, the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario, and the Owner, along with 3 additional members. Letters have gone out to various agencies, individuals and community groups to solicit nominations. It is the hope that the selection process will be complete and that this inaugural meeting of the pre- Foundation will begin in January to commence work on forming the Foundation. The formation is estimated to take approximately one year. REPORTS from OTHER COMMITTEES (Community Improvement Plans, etc) Bowmanville CIP Next meeting will take place January 15, Councillor Hooper. Newcastle CIP An overview was provided of what was discussed at the November meeting. The major topic was the Newcastle Urban Design Guidelines; they have now received approval from Council. Next meeting will take place January 23, Tenzin Gyaltsan. th Orono CIP Next meeting will take place January 8. The Committee appointed Karin Murphy as the CHC representative for the Orono CIP Implementation Group. ACO, Clarington Branch ACO had a booth at Applefest to promote their initiatives such as Doors Open and Camp 30. They recruited a couple of volunteers for Doors Open. They are also in the process of deciding on how they will participate in Heritage Week 2014 and trying to determine a person who would be the best fit to serve as the ACO representative on the Camp 30 Foundation Committee. This representative is not restricted to the Clarington ACO Branch. Newcastle Village and District Historical Society (NVDHS) NVDHS had a float in the ng to Heritage Week. Clarington Museums and Archives Bonnie was not present to provide a report, however, Tracey announced that the Edwardian Tree Lighting Ceremony will take place th in the evening on December 6. Heritage Week Working Group Angela provided an update on the last meeting (Attachment 1). It was suggested that the good news stories about the 407 Salvage and the uptake of the new Heritage Incentive Grant be somehow promoted through Heritage st Week. The next meeting of the working group will be held November 21. Heritage Conservation District An application for alteration will be coming forward for 40 Beech Ave. Proposed changes include upgrading windows in the rear of the house and possible relocation of the driveway. The Heritage Conservation District Committee will likely meet on this soon. CORRESPONDENCE and COUNCIL REFERRAL Appointment of New Heritage Committee Member Angela welcomed newly appointed member, Victor Suppan, to the Committee. Some of the Committee members are familiar with Victor as he was a former member and past Chair of the Heritage Committee. Victor briefly introduced himself and spoke to his background, expertise, and past accomplishments on the Committee. 210 King Avenue West A letter from the property owner requesting removal of the heritage designation on the property was circulated to members in advance of the meeting. The Committee reviewed the process and timelines mandated by the Ontario Heritage Act for dealing with this request. Kristy and Faye reviewed their discussions with the owners of 210 King Avenue West, indicating that some of the architectural features as listed in the designation are not original to the house and that alteration to the by-la schedules of the designation would be justified. There was discussion around the reasons provided by the owners for requesting the delisting of their property. Committee members felt that the purpose of the Heritage Designation was to ensure the protection of the heritage resource for both its cultural heritage and architectural features in perpetuity and that sound reasoning to support the removal of the heritage designation is lacking. However, there may be good reason to alter the heritage designation to remove some of the listed features that have since been determined to not be original to the house. The Committee passed the following resolution: 13.31 Moved by Victor Suppan, seconded by Allan Kirby does not feel there is good reason to remove the heritage designation on 210 King Avenue West. They would be willing to work with the owner to determine which features should be kept as listed features in the by-law schedule should the owners decide to seek changes to their designating by-law. PROJECT REPORTS Barn ProjectKim and Jane are waiting on the corn harvest to be cleared prior to the last few visits for photographing purposes. They will then proceed with sorting through the surveys and photos, ensuring no properties have been missed, and cross- chapters can then be drafted for the publication. Tracey will be working on photo-shopping of specific photos for the display for Heritage Week that will go in the mezzanine of the Library to promote the barn project. For the actual publication it was suggested that an application be submitted for a Trillium Grant in order to gain access to more resources for this project. Staff will approach community groups (such as the ACO) to see if they would be willing to work with the Committee to submit an application. NEW BUSINESS 2014 Meeting Dates A listing of the 2014 meeting dates was distributed. Heritage Incentive Grant An annual report has been prepared which will go to Council at the beginning of January. Allan Kirby moved the meeting be adjourned. Next meeting: January 21, 2014, 7:00 p.m., at Clarington Municipal Offices, th Room 1C. Emily Kszan, Presentation on Restoration at Baker Farm Property (4 Conc.) Attachments Attachment 1 Heritage Week Working Group Report (October) Heritage Week 2014 Working Group Report to C.H.C. November 19, 2013 The group met on Thursday, October 17 with representatives from the Abandoned Cemeteries Committee, Architectural Conservancy of Ontario (Clarington), Bowmanville Business Improvement Association, Clarington Heritage Committee, Clarington Older Adults Association, Newcastle Village & District Historical Society, Planning Services Staff and the Visual Arts Centre in attendance. Theme There was general agreement that having an overall theme for the Week would be useful. Groups would find it easier to plan activities, and promotion will be more generally cohesive. After some discussion, it was decided that the theme of Heritage Barn Book Project Kim Vaneyk and her team of volunteers have completed ninety percent of survey and photography site visits to approximately 100 barn locations. The next steps will be collating information, and pursuing various funding opportunities. The Barn Project is s Heritage website. Activities approved the installation of the banner across Highway 2 from February 1 to 23, 2014. Veridian replaced the banner, which was damaged in 2013 by faulty installation. Ontario Heritage Trust Awards will be presented to several local residents at the Council meeting closest to Heritage Week. There will be a series of four Film Nights held in Council Chambers during Heritage week. Different member agencies will attend and be featured each night. Bowmanville th 150 Anniversary, Newcastle Centennial Video, Box Factory and Oral Histories, Orono have been suggested. The Abandoned Cemeteries Committee will focus on family plots in the countryside, and will have a photo display H will also be able to participate in some manner. The Library has invited any interested group to partner with them in their Nature themed Winter Wonderlearn event. It was decided to follow up with 4H, to see if Maple the Cow could attend and provide a good tie in w Clarington Older Adults Association is planning to mark Heritage Week with a Rural Genealogy Session and a Barn Dance. The Bowmanville Museum and Archives will feature a Make Your Own Family Tree project and hopes to liaise with Central Public School in a Barn Painting Contest. During the month of February, the Visual Arts Centre will exhibit a selection of works by local artist/ farmer Eric Bowman, together with a collection of photographs from the Barn project. These will be on public display at the Municipal Administrative Centre and in the Bowmanville Library mezzanine. Interest has been expressed in finding some way to highlight the oldest corner in Promotion Save the Date cards had been produced and were handed out at AppleFest. Posters will be produced and distributed, but it was decided not to utilize postcards for 2014. All the various municipal and media outlets used in 2013 will be utilized again, plus efforts will be made to involve local schools, Durham Tourism and possibly Ontario Power Generation. The Municipal some discussion regarding the value of Twitter, given the demographic that is most likely engaged in following Heritage Week events. st The next meeting will be held on Thursday November 21.