HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-11-14 Minutes AGRICULTURAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE of CLARINGTON MEETING th THURSDAY, Nov 14, 2013 MEMBERS PRESENT: Brenda Metcalf John Cartwright Tom Barrie Ted Watson Les Caswell Mary Ann Found Councillor Partner REGRETS: Don Rickard, Jenni Knox, Mark Bragg, Eric Bowman, Gary Jeffery STAFF: Faye Langmaid GUESTS: Chris Darling, CLOCA and Mark Peacock, GRCA Ted welcomed all to the meeting, everyone introduced themselves to the guests. Adoption of Agenda 013-25 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Brenda Metcalf “That the Agenda for November 14, 2013 be adopted” CARRIED Approval of Minutes 013-26 Moved by Les Caswell, seconded by John Cartwright th “That the minutes of the October 10, 2013 meeting be approved” CARRIED Presentations: Mark provided an overview of the CA regulations and the legislation definitions of development and interference. The overview was a basis for the discussion on the brochure that has been provided by Kawartha and will be adapted by both CLOCA and GRCA and tailored to their processes. Mark and Chris stressed the importance of consultation and that the true answer does not lie with the mapping but once the staff members meet with the applicant on site. While the maps are good and they have been developed through the methodology provided by the Province there is still room for interpretation with what is actually happening on site. Comments on the example of the “Guide to Permits” from Kawartha: The name of the document will be Rural/Agricultural Guide as it deals with all rural properties and often the issues are more with non-agricultural property owners. The decision-making flow chart will be changed to make it clearer and contain the items specific to CLOCA and GRCA. Kawartha has an Agricultural Advisory Panel as the municipalities in the area do not have Agricultural Advisory Committees and when Kawartha was updating their regulations and mapping (2006) there was some conflict with the agricultural th Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington November 14, 2013 community, the panel was formed to work through the process and provide greater clarity and understanding. GRCA and CLOCA use the municipal agricultural advisory committees to achieve the same goal. Appendix A is useful as it shows how valley systems, wetlands are addressed; all agreed that the photos could have been better examples. Both CLOCA and GRCA try to have permit reviews carried out within a 2 week window. Part of the issue used to be who could sign the permit, it had to be the Chair and getting them into the office in a timely manner was sometimes an issue. Also when there are many permits to review staff can get bogged down but the aim is for a 2 week review period. That is why pre-consultation is important as it allows for more timely review. More complex applications require longer time. The typical permit fees are a minimum of $125 for simple applications they increase as the complexity of the application increases. Mark and Chris will take the comments of the committee and work on drafts and then bring them back to the committee in a final draft form; they will need to consult with others as well before taking the finalized document to the Board for approval. Business Arising from Minutes Barn door Directory Reminder to all to submit to the barn door directory. Forms are on-line or e-mail Laura Wood at CBOT. The inventory is going well and the forms are relatively easy to fill out so get yours in today. Incubator Site for Food Production or similar Co-ops As a follow-up to the discussion on the Colborne site that is being constructed to allow for value- added processing of food products by local producers, the committee would like to see Durham Region Economic Development work on a similar concept in Clarington. A resolution will be prepared for committee to review and address at the next meeting. Correspondence and Council Referrals GRCA Strategic Plan- questions were reviewed with the group and will be submitted to the process. Premier presented the Leaders in Innovation awards for Geissberger Farmhouse Cider Inc., Hampton, Ontario for their mobile mill that brings the cider-making experience to Ontario orchards. The cider-mill maker has recently been on Dragon’s Den using Geissbergers equipment. The Geissbergers have been invited to the Feb 2014 meeting of the committee. Arrangements will be made for them to be recognized by Council. Press Release from the Ontario Farmer about the Ontario Land Owners Association remarks was reviewed. Liaison Reports DAAC– No report th Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington November 14, 2013 DRFA – DRFA –next meeting is Tuesday evening the guest speaker will be Matt Setzkorn the acting executive director of the Ontario Farmland Trust. th November 28, Farm Connections has a workshop in Scugog from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 regarding th media training, cost is $20 a separate session with Prof. Wes Jamieson will be on January 8 same, location, date and cost. April 1, 2, 3 will be Farm Connections, there are new co-chairs, Brenda is one of them. This year there will be media packages, volunteers will be sought in specific areas of expertise to be on call if the media would like to explore further aspects on a particular area of farming or in relation to a specific commodity group. October 2014 – Farm Connections is working on a gala as a celebration of agriculture. Three purposes to recognize outstanding farmers, educate and as a fundraiser. The goal is $25,000, Marilyn Pearce is involved in the planning of the gala. CBOT – No report. Future Agendas December- Charles Stevens on Bees January – Cindy Strike on the Westside Creek development. February- Gord and Garry Geissberger about their portable cider operation Martin Vroegh from St. Mary’s on the pond algae and low carbon fuels has been invited. Meg Morris from Covanta has been invited and also the suggestion of a tour once the building is closed in. Suggestion that when the federal boundaries change the MP for the Ward 4 area be invited. Other Business th Members were reminded about the Port Granby tour on November 20. John Cartwright moved for Adjournment. th Next Meeting December 12, 2013, 7:30pm. th Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington November 14, 2013