HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-200-91 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE DN: MHS.GPA REPORT P �_ P, Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File# —L)-C)—4' 96-C:T Date: Monday, September 9, 1991 Res. # By-La Report#: PD-200-91 File #: Pln 11 . 10 w# Subject: TOWN OF NEWCASTLE MUNICIPAL HOUSING STATEMENT Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . THAT Report PD-200-91 be received for information; 2 . THAT the Town of Newcastle Draft Municipal Housing Statement prepared by J.L. Cox Planning Consultants be endorsed in principle; 3 . THAT a copy of the Draft Municipal Housing Statement be circulated for review and comment to the Ministry of Housing, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, the Region of Durham, and the Durham Region Access to Permanent Housing Committee. 1 . BACKGROUND 1. 1 The Town of Newcastle Planning and Development Department in conjunction with J.L. Cox Planning Consultants Ltd. , have been working to complete the Town's Municipal Housing Statement (MHS) . The MHS is a study whose purpose is to undertake an analysis of the local housing market and to develop a housing strategy to meet local needs. Much of the work completed thus far on the MHS has been presented to Council . The results of the assisted housing survey were presented to the General Purpose and Administration Committee through Report PD-40-91 dated February 4, 1991 . Later on April 8, 1991, the GPA received an interim report on the MHS Study. Mr. John Cox of J.L. REPORT NO. : PD-200-91 PAGE 2 Cox Planning, made a presentation to Committee at that time. The interim MHS document was presented at a Public Forum for agencies and the general public on April 15, 1991. Comments generated by the public and various agencies attending the Forum were summarized in Report PD-109-91 and presented for the Committee's information on May 6, 1991. At this time the consultant has produced a draft MHS which was forwarded to Council under separate cover. The draft Town of Newcastle Housing Statement incorporates a recommended housing strategy and minor changes/updates to the background analysis. 2. PROPOSED HOUSING STRATEGY 2.1 The proposed housing strategy is contained in Section 6 .5 of the Report. The MHS identified eleven housing issues facing the Town of Newcastle. Objectives arising from the identified issues, as well as, policies which can be employed to achieve the objectives in the Town of Newcastle are discussed in detail in the report. However, to briefly reiterate, the issues facing the Town are as follows: changing housing requirements in the Town availability of affordable housing limited supply of apartment rental units need for more assisted housing units growing need for seniors housing requirement for special needs housing existing housing stock is a valuable resource roles of local and upper tier governments integration of housing intensification within existing neighbourhoods local housing market is constantly changing necessity for public education on housing issues 2 .2 In preparing a strategy for housing in the Town of Newcastle, the following objectives are recommended: I J / `r REPORT NO. : PD-200-91 PAGE 3 1. To encourage an adequate variety of housing across the Town which will accommodate the growing diversity of housing needs . 2 . To ensure a wide selection of housing types of different affordability levels are made available throughout the Town of Newcastle. 3 . Encourage the creation of additional rental housing units and provide greater housing options to more of the residents in Newcastle. 4 . To encourage the provision of additional assisted housing to those groups requiring financial assistance. 5. To provide a greater range of housing options and support services for seniors . 6 . To provide a greater range of housing options and services within the Town for those residents with special needs . 7 . To maintain the present housing stock of Newcastle. 8 . To ensure a co-operative and efficient effort between various levels of government. 9 . To maintain the stability and character of established residential neighbourhoods through clear direction regarding the introduction of new development/intensification. 10. To ensure an on-going and current understanding of the changes and trends occurring in the housing market through monitoring. 11. To encourage a greater understanding by the public of housing issues . 2 . 3 Under each objective, there are a number of recommended policies - 55 in total. Once adopted, this would become the Town's housing strategy. (See Section 6 .5 of the Draft Town of Newcastle MHS. ) The policies vary in complexity and detail. The most significant includes recommended housing production targets. These will become the basis for REPORT NO. : PD-200-91 PAGE 4 evaluating the type of residential development to be considered in the review of plans of subdivision and other applications . Other policies deal with the question of intensifying existing residential areas, monitoring housing activity and public education. 3. APPROVAL PROCEDURE FOR THE TOWN'S MUNICIPAL HOUSING STATEMENT 3 . 1 Draft Municipal Housing Statement The MHS guidelines require that the draft MHS document be forwarded to Council for its endorsement. A copy of Council's resolution and eight copies of the draft document are then forwarded to the Provincial Housing Analyst. The Housing Analyst then reviews and circulates the document to ensure compliance with MHS program guidelines and Provincial Policy Statement requirements. Correspondence outlining comments and concerns are forwarded to the municipality, as well as the second payment. 3 .2 Final Municipal Housing Statement After the concerns are addressed and the revisions made, the Final Municipal Housing Statement is forwarded to Council for its adoption. At this time it is also necessary to receive concurrence from the Region of Durham. Once again, a copy of the appropriate Council resolution and eight copies of the final document are then forwarded to the Provincial Housing Analyst. Upon receipt of the final document, the Ministry of Housing issues a letter of final approval and final payment. 3 . 3 Public Presentation of Municipal Housing Statement After the MHS is approved by the Ministry of Housing, the Town of Newcastle is required to arrange a public r, ,J REPORT NO. : PD-200-91 PAGE 5 presentation of the report. All interested parties, particularly those that contributed to the preparation of the report, should be invited. Representative of the Ministry of Housing, Ministry of Municipal Affairs, Ontario Housing Corporation and Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation should be invited to explain programs available for implementing housing policies . 4. PROVINCIAL HOUSING POLICY REQUIREMENTS 4 . 1 Council is aware of the requirements of th Provincial Policy Statement on Land Use Planning for Housing. Town staff is currently engaged in a three phase work program to carry out the necessary work to fulfil the requirements of the Policy Statement. The first phase of this program involved completing a Municipal Housing Statement, the subject of this report. 4 .2 After the Town receives final approval for the Town's MHS, the Town will use this background information to carry out Phases 2 and 3 of the Work Program. Phase 2 of the Town's work program involves carrying out more detailed work to satisfy the main policy areas of the Provincial Policy Statement on Land Use Planning for Housing. The required work was discussed in report PD-178-91 and presented to the GPA on July 22, 1991 . To briefly reiterate, the work to be completed in Phase 2 is : investigating ways to streamline the planning process and developing a procedural guideline which outlines time frames and procedures at each stage of the approval process detailed work on the guidelines and areas to be identified for residential intensification developing procedures for monitoring housing activities REPORT NO. : PD-200-91 PAGE 6 4 . 3 The final phase of the Town's work program will culminate with the preparation of housing policies to be incorporated into the Town of Newcastle Official Plan and the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law. The policies and amendments to be developed will address the main policy areas of the Provincial Land Use for Planning Policy Statement. 5. SUMMARY The Town of Newcastle Municipal Housing Statement identified eleven housing issues facing the Town. From these issues, a number of objectives and polices have been developed to formulate a housing strategy for the Town. It is recommended that the Draft Town of Newcastle Municipal Housing be endorsed in principle and that it be circulated for review and comment to the appropriate agencies . Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee = ,m x1 1 o, 4 U anklin Wu, M.C. I .P. Lawrenc Kotseff Director of Planning Chief nistrative and Development Officer TH*DC*FW*df *Attach 30 August 1991 Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Ms . Joan Skelton Durham Regional Access to Permanent Housing Committee 132A Commercial Avenue lAjax, Ontario. L1S 2H5 REPORT NO. : PD-200-91 PAGE 7 Ms . Darlene Mayhr-Richardson Housing Analyst Central Regional Housing Programs Office Madison Centre, 4950 Yonge Street Willowdale, Ontario. M2N 6K1 Mr. John Koopmans Senior Planner Durham Region Planning Department Lang Tower, West Bldg. 4th Floor 1615 Dundas Street East Whitby, Ontario. L1N 2L1 I I i I