HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-10-08 MinutesNewcastle Memorial Arena Management Board Municipality of Clarin ton Minutes o Meeting - Tuesday October 8th. 2013 (Not yet approved by committee) In Attendance — Gord Lee, Chair Larry Burke, Vice- Chair Carol little, Gary Oliver, Gord Blaker, Shea -Lea Latchford, Bryan Wiltshire, Regional Councillor, Willie Woo • Regrets — Councillor Wendy Partner 1. Call to Order — 7.o8 p.M. 2. Adoption of Minutes — Motion * 13-135 was proposed: THAT: The minutes of September 10, 2013 are accepted, as presented, with no changes or, corrections noted. Moved by: Shea -Lea Latchford Seconded by: Carol Little CARRIED 3. Arena Manager's Report — Bryan advised that our web -site is no longer being managed, as the current web -site creator had dissolved her involvement. We are now in need of a new arrangement. Inquiries will be made by board member and possible suggestions brought forward at our next meeting. A residential complaint from a neighbor on Edward Street regarding the noise of our roof -top compressor was brought forward. The chair offered to take it up with Mr. Horvath of Operations and report back. It appears that after a period of time the baffles on the compressor bend or warp from usage and clatter during operation. Initial investigation by Cimco Refrigeration, suggest a $2,000.00 cost to replace or repair. Bryan has moved forward with the clearing out of the storage room beside his office. This room will become a female change room, which is needed in our building. Currently being used by Newcastle Minor Hockey, they will be moved to the downstairs portion of the music room. The upstairs area of the music room will be cleaned out and left vacant for the time - being. It was suggested that we consider charging NVMHA for storage space; similar to what we do with the Newcastle Family Connection. The chair will make inquiries with the municipality to see how they handle storage rooms for their user groups. Gord will report back at next meeting. Bryan also brought forward the roof -top snow problem that occurred last winter on the west side of the building. The municipality had advised they would install snow stops for this winter. Ice droppings had created a dangerous situation for people walking close to the building on our sidewalk to the entrance way. (2) Bryan also advised: Effective immediately he can only be reached by Cel. Phone, when away from the arena. He no longer had a home land line. He distributed his Cel. Number to all the members - 905-432-8857 Lighting improvements for energy savings, signage requirements were referred to a later time in the meeting; under new business. 4. Financial Report - Accounts receivables were presented and discussed. Current totals were at $28,153.82 of which $13,526.48 was over go days. $9,720.86 of this was the debt of the NSC. Income statement YTD — Sept 30, 2013 showed a deficit of ($5,246.75), from sales of $168,050.19 — 51.5% of 2013 forecast. Expenses were running at 62.75% of budget forecast for 2013. 5. New Business — A review of arena needs were discussed and listed. The chair was meeting with Mr. Horvath later in the week regarding a number of these needs and the recently completed energy audit. The board members suggested outside energy efficient lighting, signage, the noisy roof -top condenser, the snow stops for the west side of the building and motion timer switches for the change rooms all be taken up with Mr. Horvath. Gord advised: All was noted and he would report back at our November meeting. 6. Next Meeting —Tuesday November 12, 2013 — 7.00 P.M. 7. Adjournment - Motion * 13 -136 was proposed: THAT: The meeting is adjourned. Moved by: Larry Burke Seconded by: Gary Oliver CARRIED