HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-064-13 Clarbgton REPORT PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: November 12, 2013 Resolution#: g-/ By-law#: Report#: PSD-064-13 File#: GEA 2013-001 Subject: REQUEST FOR CONFIRMATION OF MUNICIPAL COUNCIL SUPPORT RESOLUTION UNDER GREEN ENERGY ACT: ROOF-TOP SOLAR FIT PROJECT AT 3520 HWY 35/115 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-064-13 be received for information. x� Submitted by: Reviewed bye-._ C i�°J. Crome, MCIP, RPP Franklin Wu, Director of Planning Services Chief Administrative Officer KK/CP/df 5 November 2013 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 REPORT NO.: PSD-064-13 PAGE 2 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 The Green Energy Act of 2009 was created to support and encourage the expansion of renewable energy sources, support energy conservation, and facilitate the expansion of the green energy job market. The FIT (feed-in tariff) and microFIT programs were created under this legislation, and are meant to support small and large scale clean energy generation projects which will feed such energy back into the Ontario electrical grid, with the electricity generated paid for by the Ontario Power Authority (OPA). Through these programs, OPA enters into contracts with property owners and businesses to purchase the energy produced. 1.2 FIT applications are now reviewed based on a point system. A Council resolution supporting a proposed FIT application has greater chance of being accepted by the OPA. A request has recently been received seeking confirmation of municipal council support resolution for a previously endorsed proposal. 2. APPLICATION 2.1 Background On December 17, 2012, Council approved a resolution in support of the construction of a rooftop solar project by Saturn Solar LP I on a farm storage building at 3520 Hwy 35/115, Newcastle under the FIT program (Attachment 1). This application did not receive a contract from the OPA during FIT 2.1. The applicant advised that the OPA deemed their application as incomplete. New regulations for FIT 3.0 require that all resubmissions for a FIT project receive an updated confirmation of municipal council support, and confirmation that all project details are the same as those contained in the previous submission. 2.2 Proposal Saturn Solar LP I has requested confirmation of municipal council support resolution for the rooftop solar project at 3520 Highway 35/115, Newcastle. REPORT NO.: PSD-064-13 PAGE 3 Property Location Map(Newcastle Village) N ke a - O m MOM I ! < ¢ rc _t I� o I Su bect LL Site T U � N R n - _OIJOfiSICN'Rpt���' I_ f c j U tip z GEA 2013-001 Saturn Solar LP I a IIf e Owner: 1596451 Ontario Ltd 3520 Hwy 351115,Newcastle Village �■ c /V 2.3 Comments The property owned by 1596451 Ontario Ltd. is on the west side of Highway 115/35 south of Concession Road 4. The property is zoned "Agricultural Exception (A-1)" and is currently being farmed. Rooftop solar panels are proposed to cover the entire roof of the existing building used for apple storage. The project would have a nameplate capacity of 150kW of electricity generated by (584) 250 Watt modules tilted 20 degrees on both east and west sides of the roof. All aspects of the project have been reviewed and remain the same as originally proposed. 2.4 The Director of Planning has provided comments that council's resolution and support for this project under the FIT 3.0 program remains in effect. REPORT NO.: PSD-064-13 PAGE 4 3. CONCURRENCE — Not Applicable 4. CONCLUSION 4.1 The Municipal Council Support Resolution Confirmation for Saturn Solar LP I has been confirmed by the Director of Planning Services, consistent with Council's previous resolution for this property. CONFORMITY WITH STRATEGIC PLAN The recommendations contained in this report conform to the general intent of the following priorities of the Strategic Plan: X Promoting economic development Maintaining financial stability Connecting Clarington X Promoting green initiatives Investing in infrastructure Showcasing our community Not in conformity with Strategic Plan Staff Contact: Kristy Kilbourne, Planner I, Special Projects Branch Attachments: Attachment 1 — Exhibit "A": Previous Municipal Council Support Resolution List of interested parties to be notified of Council's decision: Saturn Solar c/o Lauryn Ostermaier Lennox Solar c/o Chris Thompson 1596451 Ontario Ltd. c/o Stephen Lennox ATTACHMENT 1 TO REPORT PSD-064-13 01arnigt _ it Wc LeErding the ay December 18, 2012 Lauryn Ostermaier Saturn Power Inc, 100 Mill Street, unit F P,O, Box 6087 New Hamburg, ON N3A 2K6 Dear Ms, Ostermaier: RE; APPLICATIONS UNDER THE PIT AND MICRO-FIT PROGRAM OF 7NE GREEN ENERGY ACT 2009 FILE NO,; E06.GE At a meeting held on December 17, 2012, the Council of the Municipality of Clarington approved the following Resolution#GPA-598-12: THAT Report PSD-056-12 be received; THAT Council approve the resolution contained in Attachment 2 to Report PSD- 056-12 supporting the FIT application by Saturn Solar LP I on behalf of 1596461 Ontario Ltd,, 3520 Highway 35/115, Newcastle as follows: WHEREAS Saturn Solar LP 1(the applicant) proposes to construct and operate a rooftop sour array(the "Project") on a farm storage building at 3520 Highway 35/116, Newcastle (the "Lands") in the Municipality of Clarington under the Province's FIT Program;, AND WHEREAS the Applicant has requested that Council of the Municipality of Clarington indicate by resolution Council's support for the construction and operation of the Project on the Property; C-11 �MO\6 VIE 2-1 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARiNGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1.10 3A0 T 905-623-3379 I Lauryn Ostermaier . 2 - December 18, 2012 AND WHEREAS, pursuant to the rules governing the FIT Program (the "PIT Rules"), Applications whose Projects receive the formal support of Local Municipalities will be awarded Priority Points, which may result in the Applicant being offered a FIT Contract prior to other persons applying for FIT Contracts; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Municipality of Clarington supports without reservation the construction and operation of the Project on the Lands; and THAT This resolution's sole purpose is to enable the Applicant to receive Priority Points under the FIT Program and may not be used for the purpose of any other form of municipal approval in relation to the Application or Project or any other purpose. and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-066-12 be advised of Council's decision, Yours truly, C.Anne Greehtree, B.A., CMO Deputy Clerk CAGljeg c. Stephen Lennox, 1596451 Ontario Ltd. D. Crome, Director of Planning Services K, Kilbourne, Contract planner