HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-06-16 Minutes Not vet approved by Committee Members Minutes-Final Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee Thursday, June 16, 2005 7:00 p.m. Location: Committee Room I Enter via Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance St. Bowmanville, thru the north door on Church St. Present Glenn Wallis, Andrew Kozak, Clayton Morgan (Voting Dirk Zinner, Don MacArthur, Shane Morris, Members) Present Leslie Benson, Keith Richards, Ron Baker, Tony Cannella, (Non-Voting Members) Regrets: Stuart McAllister, Ron Radcliffe, Dave Rickard Absent: Dave Duffle, Gord Lee Secretary: Donna Van Schyndel The meeting was brought to order by Andrew Kozak. 1) Minutes of Previous Meeting: May 19, 2005 MOVED by Dirk Zinner; SECONDED by Clayton Morgan. "THAT: the minutes of the May 19, 2005 meeting be approved." CARRIED CTMAC Minutes 2 May 24, 2005 2) Items for information a) Road Watch-(Ron Radcliffe) There were 54 report forms submitted by Traffic Watch over the past month. SUB DATE VIOLATIONS TIME MOST LOCATION # 2005 REPORTED PERIOD AGGRESSIVE (KM/HR) 1 Jun. 7 38 8a.m. to 1p.m. 98 Darl., Conc. Rd. 7 east of Langmaid, posted 60 1 Jun. 9 16 9a.m. to 12p.m. 99 Courtice, Nash east of Fourth(school zone) posted 50 Traffic Watch Update-(Ron Baker) Dennis Rudman started working For Traffic Watch again this year. The radar gun (hand held) is out on loan in Bowmanville to monitor Freeland Avenue. b) Highway 407 Update-(Leslie Benson) On June 7th the Advisory Committee meeting was held and environmental assessment issues were discussed. There will be a letter from the committee to TSH and MTO requesting the study schedule. A letter from the Committee to the Region of Durham will be sent regarding heritage conservation. The concern was that some heritage homes could be lost. The next meeting has not been set yet. C) Bowmanville Community Improvement Plan Update-(Leslie Benson) The last meeting dealt with a number of road related issues. Through funding the committee will be more involved with such things as the streetscape. King Street Parking Lot Facade The Planning Department is looking at creating a heritage look for the parking lot building facade. There have been discussions about having the fagade set back approximately 10 feet so that the public can use the area in front of the structure for various functions. The interior portion could be used for an entertainment area. Security for the facade has been addressed CTMAC Minutes 3 May 24, 2005 and should not be a concern due to the fact that it will be an open-concept design with plenty of windows available to view the inside. Potential design options will be considered as part of a public process that is expected to commence this summer. The Engineering Department will look at all avenues to ensure it is built to best suit the area. The set back has recently been introduced to the Planning Department and there are numerous steps to take before we see its completion. The CTMAC would like to invite the Planning Department to one of their regular meetings to discuss these plans. Go Bus Stop The stop located downtown, out front of the parking lot where the fagade is to be located, will be part of the new fagade with hopes of including an area for transit related information for the public. Bump Outs Overall the response has been well received by the public stating that some merchants have put them to good use allowing a pleasant visual appearance. 3) Agenda Items for Discussion a) 40 KM/HR Speed Zones Survey of Roads without Sidewalks Bowmanville roads without sidewalks were part of a review to determine whether they would warrant a 40 KM/HR sign. It was concluded that most streets have average operating speeds of 40 KM/HR or less now and that speeding is not an issue. On these short local streets Ron Baker will continue research in order to help confirm what recommendation should be made. 40 KM/HR School Zones Signage has been posted in all Oshawa school areas at a cost of approx. $40,000. Ron Baker conducted a survey on Nash Road by S.T. Worden School recently and found that before crossing guards or children were in the area the average speed was 50.2 KM/HR. When the guards and children were present in the area the speed dropped to an average of 43 KM/HR. Later when the guards and children had left the area again the average speed rose to 49.6 KM/HR. This study was consistent with data collected in other school areas where it has been shown that traffic slows at peak times due to congestion and pedestrian activity. Speeding is not an CTMAC Minutes 4 May 24, 2005 issue during peak periods. Police have done previous monitoring in school areas and have not found that there are problems. Courtice Secondary School has had incidents involving speed because the school is situated so close to the road and allows for students to become an audience for speeding vehicles. The opposite is true for all other High Schools in the area because they are all set back on the properties. Police thought that if signs are installed at schools they should be included in all school areas. Staff felt the 40 KM/HR zone should be used as a traffic management tool and only used in areas which had a problem and where police will enforce the 40 km speed limit. 40 IC"R with Flashing Lights The Region of Durham previously ran an extensive test with flashing lights and found that they were ineffective and costly to use. 40 KM/HR Zone Monitoring Constable Keith Richards commented that officers use their discretion as to areas that should be monitored on a 24-7 basis. Clarington and 40KM/HR Zones If Clarington decided to bring in these zones, each road would have to be handled on an individual basis. The members should bring their feedback to the next meeting on this topic. It was suggested that each school should be visited to see if these signs are warranted. Ron Baker will continue to monitor these areas and keep records to use when a resident enquires about the speed in these zones. Committee members should review the draft reports and bring any comments to the next meeting. All members were extremely pleased with the draft and believe that a test run should begin. b) All-Way Stop Draft Warrants Ron Baker will continue his research and bring statistics to future meetings CTMAC Minutes May 24, 2005 4) New Business at Direction of Chair a) Items of Interest to the Committee Speed Bump Request There has been a request from Beau Richards, a resident of Wilkins Crescent in Courtice, who would like speed bumps installed on this crescent. The committee should be dealing with these types of traffic calming issues. Ron Baker will bring statistics from his findings of this street to the next meeting. The Committee's Future Tony Cannella gave a presentation to the Committee suggesting opportunities that members might look at in terms of expanding their role within the community. Tony talked about the possibility of the Committee having its own website, linked directly to the Municipality of Clarington's website. A CTMAC website would be an excellent public education tool and might encourage residents to get involved in finding solutions to traffic issues by offering various links to educational sites. The site might also provide an opportunity for residents to send an email to Engineering Staff to advise them of their concerns and to allow them to share their suggestions. A sample web page was provided to the members as one of the items in the binders they were given. The next step will be to draft a CTMAC specific web page and present it to the Committee members for comment. A link on the Municipality's website should be input as soon as possible even if it shows that the site is under construction. The group would also like to access the second page of the Canadian Statesman as an educational tool. Elective Meeting Month-CTMAC MOVED by Clayton Morgan; seconded by Glen Wallis. "THAT: the Committee will not meet in the month of August; however, regrets should still be forwarded to the recording secretary if members cannot attend the July meeting." CARRIED CTMAC Minutes 6 May 24, 2005 5) Next meeting date: July 21, 2005—7:00 pm Committee Room 1B-Enter via Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance St. Bowmanville, through the north door on Church St. 6) Adjournment: MOVED by Clayton Morgan. "THAT: the meeting be adjourned at 9:05 p.m." CARRIED