HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOD-028-13 Clarbgton REPORT CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: November 12, 2013 Resolution#: 1d -f By-law#: Report#: COD-028-13 File#: Subject: Media Relations Policy RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended to Council: 1. THAT Report COD- 028-13 be received; 2. THAT Council review and endorse Revised Policy F2 (Media Relations); and 3. THAT the policy be made available to all municipal employees through the Municipal intranet and departmental staff meetings. Submitted by: ��'� Reviewed by: h� �=�� arie Marano, H.B.Sc Franklin Wu, Director of Corporate Chief Administrative Services/Human Officer Resources M M/J C/gj CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 REPORT NO.: COD-028-13 PAGE 2 1. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT 1.1 At the regular meeting of Council held October 21, 2013, Council approved the following resolution (#GPA-492-13): THAT the communications strategy as set pout in Report CAO-010-13 be approved; THAT Staff be directed to report back on the proposed policy on what Staff communicates to the media, in particular "who can say what" and under what circumstances; and, THAT this report be due back by the November 11, 2013 General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting. 2. EXISTING AND REVISED POLICY 2.1 The existing policy, dealing with the media (attachment #1) was in place from September 2000. The proposed (revised) Media Relations Policy (attachment #2) has been updated to reflect the content of the Communications Strategy approved through report CAO-010-13, and is presented for Council approval. 3. CONCURRENCE - Not applicable 4. CONFORMITY WITH STRATEGIC PLAN —The recommendations contained in this report conform to the general intent of the following priorities of the Strategic Plan: Promoting economic development Maintaining financial stability X Connecting Clarington Promoting green initiatives Investing in infrastructure Showcasing our community Not in conformity with Strategic Plan Staff Contact: Jennifer Cooke, Manager of Communications & Tourism Attachment: Attachment 1 — Media Relations Policy (existing) Attachment 2 — Revised Media Relations Policy ATTACHMENT#1 Corporate Policy Leading the lVay POLICY TYPE: Operational SUBSECTION: Communication/Customer Service POLICY TITLE: Dealing with the Media POLICY#: F2 POLICY APPROVED BY: Chief Administrative Officer EFFECTIVE DATE: September 12,2000 REVISED: July 12, 2006 APPLICABLE TO: All Employees 1. Purpose: To inform employees how to deal with the media appropriately. 2. Policies: a) The official spokesperson for the Municipality shall be the Mayor or the Chief Administrative Officer. b) Press releases shall be handled through the designated communication officer and must be approved by either the Mayor or the Chief Administrative Officer prior to its release. c) Department Heads may communicate with the media on matters pertaining to their respective department business. d) No other staff person shall communicate with the media pertaining to municipal business unless permission is granted by the Department Head. 3. Procedures: Any requests for interviews or to make a statement on behalf of the Municipality should be directed to the Department Head,the Chief Administrative Officer or to the Mayor's Office. 4. Appendix: Interview Protocol Page 1 of 1 ATTACHMENT#2 Corporate Policy 'Leading the Way POLICY TYPE: Operational SUBSECTION: Communications/Customer Service POLICY TITLE: Media Relations POLICY#: F2 POLICY APPROVED BY: Chief Administrative Officer/Council (Report COD-028-13) EFFECTIVE DATE: REVISED: November,2013 APPLICABLE TO: All Employees and Council PURPOSE/SCOPE: Calls from the media are important. Every call is an opportunity to communicate information to Clarington residents and other stakeholders about the actions, programs and services of the Municipality. Public trust and confidence is influenced by what they read, see and/or hear about elected officials and the municipal corporation. This policy is to guide municipal employees and Council to ensure that the Municipality of Clarington: • Provides timely and accurate responses to media inquiries; • Makes available the most appropriate spokesperson based on accountability and responsibility; • ' Conducts media relations in a manner that is objective, understandable, open and transparent within the law. The Municipality of Clarington is an open, professional and responsive organization. Effective relations with the media are critical to the Municipality's ability to successfully communicate with and engage the community. The social media is now a communication medium to get the information to the public that otherwise was achieved through external media, therefore it is noted here. Rules governing social media use are reflected in a separate policy. ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES: SPOKESPERSONS: 1. Mayor or Deputy-Mayor (in the Mayor's absence) - is the Chief Spokesperson at all times for the Municipality of Clarington: representing the municipal Council, Corporate matters; and the Municipality's Emergency Control Group in the event of a municipal emergency. 2. Local & Regional Councillors—can be spokespersons on events or issues of constituent interest. Comments and communications from a Councillor should reflect the formal position of the Municipality of Clarington. 3. Chief Administrative Officer— is the chief staff spokesperson and speaks on behalf of the Municipality regarding all administrative functions of the municipal corporation. 4. Department Heads may speak on behalf of his/her area of accountability and responsibility as the chief spokesperson for the Department. Page 1 of 3 Corporate Policy , Leading the Way 5. Managers may be spokespersons relative to programs, operations and activities that fall within their area of responsibility, where authorized by their Department Head. 6. Communications & Tourism Division: • Provides background information to the media when a departmental representative is unavailable or requests assistance; • Manages communication through the website and social media platforms; • Ensures that information is shared effectively internally and with Council • Media advisories are to be forwarded to the Communications &Tourism Division for formatting (according to Clarington Brand Standards) prior to their public release. Communications & Tourism will be responsible to issue the advisory to the appropriate media outlets. Non-spokespersons: Municipal staff who are not designated spokespersons, and who are contacted by a news media representative are to: • Treat the journalist as a customer; be courteous and professional; • Explain that they are not a spokesperson for the Municipality and respectfully decline the request for an interview or information; • Ask: • The journalist's name and the name of their employer • Their contact number and/or email address • Their deadline • The topic of the interview • Advise that the request will be forwarded to the appropriate spokesperson; • Provide details of all media calls/contacts to their supervisor and the Manager of Communications in a timely manner so the most appropriate spokesperson may respond to the request. • The Manager of Communications and/or the Communications Coordinators will forward media inquiries received to the most senior-level staff person or subject expert available. HELPFUL TIPS • No employee is required to talk to the media. • The best approach with the media is to be prompt, helpful and honest. Common sense is important too. All contacts from the media should be returned as soon as possible, in deference to journalists' deadlines. • Make sure you understand each question from the media before answering. If you cannot answer the question, or are uncomfortable providing a response, take the journalist's number and advise him/her that someone who can provide the information will contact him/her as soon as possible. Then follow-up by contacting the appropriate Page 2 of 3 tyt , � L '� A �2 e",n S T P y k ' Colrp,�orate Policy Leading the Way Department and/or individual. • Do not offer conjecture or gossip. Do not answer a journalist's question with "no comment." • Remember that in responding to the media, you can be seen as representing and speaking for the Municipality. Personal opinions are not to be offered. • Issues that are not discussed with journalists are 1) legal issues; 2) confidential report content; and, 3) financial questions. These inquiries should be referred to the Municipal Clerk's Department and the Freedom of Information access procedures. • Any media inquiries regarding municipal employees or personnel issues are to be directed to the Human Resources Division (Corporate Services Department). For general information only public information (verification of employment, name of job title/position, full or part-time status, name of department, department address and phone number) may be provided without the employee's written approval. s Page 3 of 3