HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOD-026-13 Staff Report #1 C]aF*MII REPORT CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: COUNCIL Date: November 4, 2013, Resolution#: 0-375- 13 By-law#: Report#: COD-026-13 File#: CL2013-26 Subject: TENDER CL2013-26, GREEN ROAD & CPR GRADE SEPARATION RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended to Council the following: 1. THAT Report COD-026-13 be received; 2. THAT Toronto Zenith Contracting Ltd., Concord, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of $4,708,747.60 (net of H.S.T. Rebate), being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender CL2013-26 be awarded the contract for Green Road and CPR Grade Separation, as required by the Municipality of Clarington, Engineering Department; 3. THAT the funds required in the amount of $7,352,400.00 (which includes $4,708,747.60 for tendering, design, contract administration, material testing, contingencies and net HST) be drawn from the following Engineering Department Capital Accounts: Accounts: 110-32-330-83421-7401(Debenture Proceeds) ...............................$6,388,600.00 CPR Contribution ............................................................................... $963,800.00 Total funds required .........................................................................$7,352,400.00 4. THAT Council express its intent to fund this project, including debenture repayments and financing to the maximum extent allowable from future development charges; 5. THAT the Director of Finance/Treasurer be authorized to make application to the Region of Durham for a debenture in the approximate amount of$6,400,000.00 plus debenture costs to finance Clarington's share of the total cost of the Green Road and CPR Grade Separation project, such terms at the discretion of the Director of Finance. 6. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary agreement. 7. THAT the attached By-law marked Schedule "A" be approved to authorize the debenturing required. REPORT NO,: COD-017-12 PAGE 2 Submitted Y: rc. (_'.� I� Reviewed by. -Marie Marano, H.B.Sc., Franklin Wu, Direct pr of Coror to Se ices Chief Administrative Officer ancy T ylor, B A., .P.A. C.A., Director of Finance/Treasurer MM1J DBlbr CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 REPORT NO.: COD-026-13 PAGE 3 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 Tender specifications were provided by AECOM Canada Ltd. for the Green Road and CPR Grade Separation project. 1.2 Tender CL2013-26, Green Road and CPR Grade Separation was advertised in the Daily Commercial News as well as electronically on the Municipality's website and the Ontario Public Buyer's Association website. Subsequently, tenders were received and tabulated as per "Attachment 1". 2. ANALYSIS 2.1 A total of fourteen (14) submissions were received in response to the tender call. All submissions met the mandatory submission requirements; i.e. completed pricing, executed bid forms, bid bonds, performance surety and acknowledgement of addenda as required by the Purchasing By-law. 2.2 This project is a complex project involving the temporary diversion of a section of CPR track, construction of a rail bridge, reconstruction of track bed, walkways and street repair all while maintaining rail traffic on a busy rail line. Although there is an element of conventional road construction involved in the project, the rail related work equates to approximately 75% of the project. Due to the unique nature of the work, the contractor must bring the experience of railroad work to the project in order to complete the work properly and on schedule. 2.3 Due to the complexity of the project and requirement for on-going operation of the CP rail line, the tender included a requirement that the bidder have a minimum of five (5) years experience successfully completing this type of work. 2.4 After review and analysis of the bids by AECOM, the Engineering Department and Purchasing, it was determined that the low bidder, Harvie Construction, did not meet the minimum requirement of five years experience in successfully completing the type of work under this contract. The references provided with the bid raised questions about the Company's experience and their actual involvement in the projects used as references. The company itself is a relatively new company formed within the last 3 years. 2.5 In order to clarify the numerous questions which included level of experience, company background, and also some questionable and irregular pricing within their bid, a meeting was arranged with representatives of Harvie Construction to clarify several points. 2.6 During the discussions with representative of the firm it became clear that the firm did not have the required experience to satisfy our requirements. In fact, the company had only recently been formed and the experience they offered related to projects originally bid by a now dissolved company. Moreover, these projects REPORT NO.: COD-026-13 PAGE 4 dealt with commercial site construction dating back to 2010; nothing related to railroad related projects. 2.7 In addition to the experience issue, as noted above, there were line items within the bid that raised questions due to what appeared to be irregular prices. The irregularities were noted during comparison of the prices to determine if the unit prices bid were reasonable. For example: • the price provided by Harvie for a pedestrian path with lighting was 81% lower than the average price; • the price to remove and dispose of an existing structure including excavation for new bridge, remove and deliver steel structure was 77% lower than the average price; • the price quoted for bridge deck waterproofing was 70% lower than the average price; • the price of bonds, insurance and maintenance security was 78% higher than the average; and • the price quoted for the pre-condition survey was 8 times higher than the average price. In addition to the absence of any of the required railway experience, the foregoing pricing issues raised questions about the firm's understanding of the specifications and whether the bid was balanced. Their explanation of the irregularities did not alleviate the concerns; in fact some items increased the concern that the true costs are not reflected in the bid, leaving staff with an expectation that this will result in attempts to recover costs by claims for extra work. 2.8 For the foregoing reasons, the low bid from Harvie Construction has been rejected and the second bidder, Toronto Zenith Contracting Ltd., Concord, Ontario is recommended for this project. 2.9 Toronto Zenith Contracting Ltd. meets all of the requirements of the tender including the requirement for relevant experience and is therefore recommended for the contract to complete the Green Road and CPR Grade Separation project. A copy of the recommendation memo from the Engineering Department with the recommendation letter from AECOM attached is appended as "Attachment 2". 2.10 Toronto Zenith Contracting Ltd., Concord has not provided similar services to the Municipality of Clarington in the past. However, a review of the references provided with the submission together with additional inquiries indicates that Toronto Zenith Contracting Ltd., Concord, has satisfactorily completed similar work for other agencies, including rail companies. 2.11 Queries with respect to the department needs, specifications, etc. should be referred to the Director of Engineering. REPORT NO.: COD-026-13 PAGE 5 3. FINANCIAL 3.1 The total project cost of$7,352,400.00 represents the CPR portion with Clarington's portion amounting to $6,388,600.00 (net of H.S.T. Rebate). The total project cost includes $4,708,747.60 for tendering (net of HST), design, contract administration and contingencies. The funding and costs for this project are outlined in the memo from Engineering Services ("Attachment 1 3.2 Funding for this project will be drawn from the following Engineering 2013 Capital account: Roads and Structures: 110-32-330-83421-7401 (Debenture Proceeds) ..............................$6,388,600.00 CPR Contribution ................................................................................$963,800.00 Total funds required .........................................................................$7,352,400.00 3.3 This project is a 100% growth related project to be funded from Roads and Related Development Charges collection as identified in the Development Charges Background study. It has always been the intent (reflected in the 2013 approved Capital Budget) that this project would be funded from a debenture to be repaid by development charges collections. There are sufficient development charges collections occurring to fund the annual repayment (principal and interest) over the 15 year life of the debenture. 3.4 It is recommended that the Director of Finance/Treasurer be authorized to apply to the Region of Durham for a debenture for this project, with terms at the discretion of the Director of Finance in order to negotiate the best possible terms on behalf of the Municipality. 4. CONCURRENCE 4.1 This report has been reviewed by Tony Cannella, Director of Engineering Services who concurs with the recommendations. 5. CONCLUSION 5.1 To award the contract to Toronto Zenith Contracting Ltd., Concord, Ontario for the Green Road and CPR Grade Separation. REPORT NO,: COD-026-13 PAGE 6 CONFORMITY WITH STRATEGIC PLAN — The recommendations contained in this report conform to the general intent of the following priorities of the Strategic Plan: Promoting economic development Maintaining financial stability Connecting Clarington Promoting green initiatives x Investing in infrastructure Showcasing our community Not in conformity with Strategic Plan Staff Contact: Marie Marano, Director of Corporate Services Attachments: Schedule "A" -- Debenture By-law Attachment I — Bid Tabulation Attachment 2 — Recommendation Memo from Engineering Services with AECOM Letter List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: NONE Schedule"A" THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 2013-xxx Being a By-Law to authorize the debenturing of approximately$6,400,000 Plus debenture costs to assist in the construction of the Green Road and CPR Grade Separation in the Municipality of Clarington. WHEREAS Section 403 of the Municipal Act,2001,S.0,2001,provides that By-Laws may be passed to allow for borrowing for the purpose of the Corporation and the issuance of debentures thereof; WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington wishes construction to proceed on the Green Road and CPR Grade Separation; WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington has approved Report COD-026-13 at its meeting of November 4,2013,for the Green Road and CPR Grade Separation; WHEREAS the Director of Finance/Treasurer has updated the Municipality's annual debenture limit and this limit has not been exceeded,therefore,the Ontario Municipal Board approval is not required; NOW THEREFORE,Be It Enacted and It is Enacted as a By-law of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington as follows: 1. THAT the Municipality proceed with the construction of the Green Road and CPR Grade Separation,in the Municipality of Clarington; 2. THAT the sum of approximately$6,400,000,plus debenture costs,be debentured over a period not to exceed fifteen(15)years;and 3. THAT the hinds to repay the principal and interest of the debenture be raised through future development charges. BY-LAW passed in open session this 0 day of November 2013: Adrian Foster,Mayor Patti L.Barrie,Municipal Clerk Attachment 1 ciffiff I Leading the Way Municipality of Clarington SUMMARY OF BID RESULTS TENDER CL2013-26 GREEN ROAD AND CPR GRADE SEPARATION BIDDER TOTAL'BID ToaL Bid HST [hell.) Net of HST Toronto Zenith Concord, ON $5228,856.91 $4,708,747.60 Elirpa Construction & Materials Ltd. $5,388,943.42 $4,852,910.47 Pickering, ON Aecon Construction and Materials $5,457,462.42 $4,914,613.94 Toronto, ON Dagmar Construction Inc. $5,609,492.71 $5,051,521.93 Markham, ON PCL Constructors Canada $5,882,148.04 $5,300,168.37 Mississauga, ON Esposito Bros. Construction Ltd. $5,926,494.30 $5,338,485.92 Nobleton, ON Soncin Construction $6,034,813.59 $5,434,536.56 Concord, ON Cruickshank Construction $6,057,973.50 $5,453,161.33 Kingston, ON Kapp Contracting Inc. $6,615,441.15 $5,957,409.66 Vaughan, ON Hard-Co Construction $6,919,681.11 $6,231,387.16 Whitby, ON Dufferin Construction Company $7`060,763.87 $6,358,436.56 Oakville, ON Pacca Incorporated $7,360,803.05 $6,628,020.58 Ruscom, ON Clearwater Structures $7,545,947.33 $6,795,359.30 Ajax, ON Harvie Construction Inc. Rejected Rejected Woodbridge, ON 4 Attachment 2 Leading flte i'Vay MEMO TO: Jerry Barber, Purchasing Manager FROM: Ron Albright, Manager, Infrastructure and Capital Works DATE: October 30, 2013 RE: Green Road and CPR Grade Separation, Bowmanville CL2013-25 The Engineering Services Department has reviewed the submissions for CL2013-26 and offers the following comments: The limits of the project are Green Road from Aspen Springs Drive to Boswell Drive including the replacement of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company (CPR) rail bridge over Green Road. The extent of the rail works extends 260 m east of Green Road and 265 m west of Green Road due to the temporary diversion of the railway during construction of the new bridge. The completion of Green Road and the rail bridge over the road have long been identified as a key improvement to the West Bowmanville transportation network and will significantly improve both vehicular and pedestrian access at this location as well as relieving some of the traffic from Regional Road 57. The public was consulted during the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process that was undertaken in 2004 for Green Road and the CPR bridge. Work was originally scheduled for construction in 2007 but was delayed with the Metrolinx (GO) announcement that they were undertaking an Environmental Assessment for the extension of rail service to Bowmanville. The rail extension EA has been completed and Metrolinx has the extension project identified in their "Next Wave" but no definitive date has been established or monies committed to the extension of GO rail service to Bowmanville. As the Green Road link is a vital part of the road network in the area and considering the amount of growth that has happened and that is planned for the near future the Municipality of Clarington needs to move forward with the project and as such the work was included in the 2013 Capital Budget approved by Council and has been tendered. The proposed design is a full urban section consisting of two lanes for vehicular traffic (1 in each direction) and a bicycle lane on each side of the road. The CPR rail bridge is designed to accommodate four lanes of vehicular traffic in the future as well as being able to accommodate future rail expansion along the corridor. Considering the importance of this link to pedestrians, the contract also includes for the provision of a temporary pedestrian path that will connect Green Road to Clarington Boulevard via an existing bridge east of Green Road. Additionally a parking lot is proposed for park users as a result of the informal parking area on Green Road just south of Boswell Drive no longer being available once the road is constructed. Green Road and CPR Grade Separation, Bowmanvilie CL2013-26 Page 12 October 31, 2013 Based on references checked, review of past relevant experience, interview with the low bidder on October 25, 2013 and supplemental information provided by the low bidder, the Engineering Services Department feels that Harvie Construction Inc. (Harvie), which did submit the low bid, does not meet the minimum experience requirements set fourth in the tender documentation ,requiring a minimum of five years of relevant experience. 70% to 80% of the project relates directly to rail items and Harvie has failed to provide any documentation that supports it having the necessary rail related experience to effectively undertake this project. Additionally Harvie has only been in operation for just over two years. In addition to the lack of documentation supporting any rail experience there were several items in the bid submitted that staff feel further substantiates that Harvie did not fully understand the scope of the work. A few examples of this are as follows; Item B1 -- Remove and Dispose of Existing Structure —This item includes the removal of the existing structure, transportation of the existing steel bridge in one piece to Toronto and excavation of existing soil as necessary to construct the new bridge. Harvie's bid for this item is 77% lower than the average price bid. Considering the excavation alone for this item of 4,500 m3, we feel that their bid does not adequately account for the full extent of the work required under this item. They have subsequently stated that their interpretation was that the excavation expected under Item B1 was covered under item B2 — Earth Excavation for Structure Foundations which is a Plan Quantity Item (fixed volume) of only 250 m3. The specifications clearly state that Item B2 is not for the excavation in Item B1. Item 1311 — Bride Deck Water roofin — Harvie's bid for this item is 70% lower than the average bid for the item. Item H2 — Bonds. Insurance and Maintenance Security — Harvie has bid an amount that is 78% higher than the average price bid for this item and this number appears to be skewed unreasonably high, Item H4— Precondition Survey— Harvie's bid for this item was roughly eight times higher than the average price bid, For the above noted reasons Engineering Services Staff recommend that the bid submitted by Harvie Construction Inc. be rejected and the contract be awarded to the next lowest bidder submitted by Toronto Zenith Contracting Limited (Zenith) be awarded the contract. Upon reviewing the tender and references provided by Zenith and some additional direct follow up with Canadian National Railway and Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Engineering Services staff feel that Zenith has met the experience requirement to undertake this project and therefore recommend that they be awarded the contract in the amount of $4,627,307.00 excluding HST ($4,708,787.60 net of HST rebate). Green Road and CPR Grade Separation, Bowmanville CL2013-26 Page 13 October 31, 2013 As this project was initiated by the Municipality of Clarington in order to construct Green Road a cost sharing arrangement of 85115 Road Authority/Railway as set out in the "Apportionment of Costs of Grade Separations" from the Canadian Transportation Agency has been agreed to with the Canadian Pacific Railway Company for the railway related items in the contract. The road construction items are 100% the responsibility of the Municipality. Due to past experiences on similar projects involving rail works, a contingency amount of 15% is carried forward. Therefore based on the above and the railway cost sharing arrangement, including design and tender fees, contract administration fees, utility relocation, track works by Canadian Pacific Railway Company, rail flagging, net HST costs, and contingencies, the Engineering Services Department advises of the following total project cost breakdown: ',` . ''� v ^„"��" ?,�. -t^"',:.,^.a. i*h,7„`�°;a7r ,.: ",.., ,:; �t, � �.r•-e, ,Q� -: -::: �r 110-32-330- xxx-xx-xxx- Account No. 83421-7401 xxxxxx-xxxx Budget Amount $ 8,000,000.00 $ 963,800.00 $ 8,963,800.00 Construction (excluding HST) Based on Low Bid $ 4,048,842.80 $ 578,464.20 $ 4,627,307.00 Design, Tendering and Contract Administration, Utility Relocation, Rail Works by CP, Rail Flagging, net HST, and Contingencies $ 2,339,757.20 $ 385,335.80 $ 2,725,093.00 Total Project Value,(Clarington Share) $ 6,388,600.00 $ 963,800.00 $ 7,352,400.00 Estimated Unexpended Bud et $ 1,611,400.00 $ - $ 1,611,400.00 Additional Funding Required $ - $ - $ We recommend the report to Council move forward based on the above apportionments. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me. Rog/Albright, P. En . M nager, Infrastr cture and Cagi al Works Wb �/ Pc. Will McCrae, P. Eng., Manager, Cobourg Office, AECOM Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance A.S. Cannella, Director of Engineering Services Green Road and CPR Grade Separation, Bowmanville CL2013-26 Page 14 October 31, 2013 Prince William Dr: eff d A �U IBannyca tle-Dr. a B®W1VIAIVT�ILLrL�'� GREEN GRA E SEPARATION CONSTRUCTION AND I VlDeparinient\Capital 1Nerks12013 1CSR.GreenRd,1tTenderlMemo to Purchasing re Tender Award CL2013-26 - Green Road and CPR Bridge.doc � __COM 513 D1 9063722121 tel ��p�J 693rlivisionStreet 8063723821 fax Cobourg,Oflterlo X0A 606 WWW.000M.00m October 30,2013 Mr. A. S.Cannella, C.E.T. Director, Engineering Services The Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street SOWMANVILLE,Ontario LiC 3A6 Dear Sir: Project No: 60281486 Regarding: Green Road 1 CPR Grade Separation and Green Road Construction,Bowmanville Contract No.CL2013-26(the"Contract"), Municipality of Cfarington Tenders for the above project were opened at the Municipal Offices on Tuesday,October 22,2013 at 2:15 p.m. A list of the bids received Is provided In the table below: y.}y�yy rL,[rt , St�'.1. c, �1 F ,.,r ar,xyfL a 7r'g pCi i-7 _Tl A66�;5; �i?i. POEM l� �' F(Ii�..S.i3 L x I �p �€' UL 3 r € Q r U- F_.,,. S`iL 1 c`:= i�= ;"0.9, /, iC;�; ` a:tf,1 •":-:n..:-..� t--.... —. .� �....._......,FY...r-. �f-,er._4 . � P �� -_.. Harvie Construction Inc. $5,021,969.55' $4,522,439.13* WOODBRIDGE,Ontario Toronto Zenith Contracting Ltd. CONCORD,Ontario $5,228,856.91 $4,70$,747.60 Ellrpa Construction&Materials Ltd. PICKERING,Ontario $5,388,943.42 $4,852,910.47 Aecon Construction and Materials Ltd, TORONTO, Ontario $5,457,462.42 $4,914,613.94 Dagmar Construction Inc. $5,609,49211 $5,051,521.93 MARKHAM,Ontario PCL Constructors Canada[no. $5,885,603.63* $5,300,168.37* MISSISSAUGA, Ontario Esposito Bros. Construction Ltd. NOBLETON,Ontario $5,928,153.58' $5,338,485.92* Soncin Construction Corporatlon $6,034,813.55 $5,434,536.56 CONCORD,Ontario Crulkshank Construction MORRISBt1RG,Ontario $6,055,495.58* $5,453,161,33* Kapp Contracting Inc. VAUGHAN, Ontario $6,615,441.15 $5,557,409.66 Hard-Co Construction Lid. WHITBY,Ontario $6,919,681.11 $8,231,387.16 CL20f 3-28 Tendar Arsmd Lette•Taont+i ZOrtldYFiiiN--OOH I`/XO rl Page 2 October W,2= �,�c•h��o•:=:ice,a r:.:;--_=-�tr� �.�� t�: i` r t; € 1.' ��i+'• i t i a 1 i- t�1ii1 h''1�H!� r,�: �,�ti:� �2 -,•tt �`:.i!._,a '���D.���.?,ib{. .�.'•� +5�:?jr•!L iirl't3::ia I, .. lf 1. F I�I.,u3 s 4uuix`i!`"°ilw, ::fi-.".:YF�C. `: 4ee.!? 7 = i ' t �};t,l'l�%'• I ' >3 ,r , t�.€I�-i�[ Dufferin Construction Company OAKVILLE,Ontario $7,060,763.87 $6,358,436.56 Facca Inc. RUSCOM,Ontario $7,380,125.05* $6,623,424.58` Clearwater Structures Inc. AJAX,Ontario $7,545,947.34" $6,795,359.90 'Calculation Error The'Municipality of Clarington's Purchasing Department(the"Purchasing Department') reviewed all bids to confirm compliance with the Clarington Purchasing By-Law. All bids were deemed compliant by the Purchasing Department. Calculation errors were noted by Clarington on the bids received from Harvie Construction Inc., PCL Constructors Canada Inc., Esposito Bros. Construction Ltd., Cruikshank Construction, Facca Inc. and Clearwater Structures Inc. The calculation errors did not affect the order of the bids as listed above,The values noted above represent the corrected amounts, Harvie Construction Inc. (Harvie)is the lowest bidder. AECOM Canada Ltd. ("AECOM")has reviewed the three lowest bids and confirmed the bid values noted above. As requested by the Purchasing Department, references were checked for the low bidder and second low bidder.The references provided by Harvie were contacted and Indicated that Harvie had not completed projects of similar scope. Specifically,none of the projects referenced Involved"Rail Related Works".On Friday October 25,2013, Clarington and AECOM staff met with Harvie staff to review anomalies in their bid and request additional information demonstrating experience with"Rail Related Works". Harvie provided additional information that did not address all the bid anomalies or the Contract requirement for demonstrating experience on projects with"Rail Related Works". Bid anomalies of particular concern related to prices bid for Items A24, 131, 611, H2 and H4 that when compared to the average price bid for these Items by the other 13 bidders,seemed irregular. References were contacted for Toronto Zenith Contracting Ltd.,the second low bidder, and references stated that Toronto Zenith Contracting Ltd. has satisfactorily completed projects with"Rail Related Works"of similar scope and value to this project, Should funding be available for this project, and the Municipality not elect to proceed with awarding the Contract to Harvie Construction Inc.,we are not aware of any reason why the Municipality would not be entitled, in Its sole discretion,to award the Contract to Toronto Zenith Contracting Inc. in the amount of$4,708,747.60(Inclusive of Net HST)subject to all provisions of the Clarington Purchasing Bylaw being met. 04013-20TSrder A�"Wfw-rwor&o[ea 1trR{ALOW COM Page 3 datobsr 30.20E 3 Bid Cheques or Bid Bonds shall be retained for Harvie Construction Inc.,Toronto Zenith Contracting Ltd.and Elirpa Construction& Materials Ltd. until the Contract has been executed. Should you Have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the undersigned. Sincerely, AECOM Canada Ltd. r / Will McCrae, P.Eng. Manager,Cobourg Office will,mccrae@aecorn.com W M:cs encl. cc: Mr.Ron Albright,P.Eng.,Manager of Infrastructure and Capital Works,Municipality of Clarington(via e-mail) CUM-26 TO ANarJl8nef-TCN-DZerd4i ONlLD Municlpa(Ity of Clarington Green Road f CPR Grade Separation and Green (toad Construction,Bowmanville Cost Apportionment based on Second Low Did-Toronto Zenith Contracting October 30,2013 Contract No.CL2013-26 AECOM Project#60281486 Municipality of Claringlon CPR Description Total Green Road Grade 85115 Contribution Comments Separation ProjeciIDfAccount Number 110.32-330-83421.7401 xxx-xxx-xxx Construction Costs Contract CL2013-26 Total Pari'A:Track Diversion $ 529.553.00 $ W W 438,517.55 $ 91,035.45 Total Pari'B':Structure -W $ 2,587,251,00 S^— 2,191,663.35 $ 395,587.65 - Total Part'G'.'Crack Reinslatement S 183,774.00 $ 541,417.90 $ 42,3543 10 Total Part'D'-Green Road Civil Works T $ 823,084.00 S 829,084.00 $ - Total Pan'E'-Eiectrical $ 20,820.00 S 20,820.00 $ - — TotalPart'P-GreenPerk-Parking Lot W .S 1$7,895.00 $ 137,895.00 $ _. Total Part'G'-Landscaping $ 9,030.00 $ 9,030.00 $ Sub-Total Construction(Excl,General Items) $ 4,207,407.00 $ 3,768,427.80 $ 528,878.20 W PARTW3 General Items w._ $ 329,900.00 $ 280,415.00 S 49,485.00 — Total Construction $ 4,627,307.00 $ 4,048,842.80 $ 578,464,20 AECOM Design Project Number:50281486 Design,Tendering and Approvals ^Commencement to October 25,2013 __.. $ 212,020.65 $ _F-180,217.55 $ 31,803.10 Total Design,Tendering and Approvals $ 212,020.65 5 180,217.65 $ 31,803.10 Construction Administration,Inspection and Materials Testing Construction Administration,Inspection and Materials Testing S 370,184.56 S 314,656.88 $ 55,5277.88 Estimate Total Construction Administration,Inspection and Materials Testing $ 370,184,56 $ 314,666.88 $ 55,527.68 W Other Costs Rogers Fibreoptic Relocation(Estimated) S 10,000.00 $ 8,500.00 $ 1,500.00 Estimate Hydra Relocation $ 23,125.03 $ 23,125.03 $ - Hydro one Estimate Temporary Track Diversion and Reinstatement of Mainline S 797,59106 $ 677,954.05 $ 119,638,% P.O.No.07898 Environmental Sail Investigation-Go!der Associates $ 3,400.00 $ T 3,400.00 $ - P.O.Pending Flagging for Soils tnvestigatbn for Track Diversion $ 4,250.00 $ 3.612.50 $ 637.50 P.O.No 07800 Soil Investigation for Track Diversion $ 26,500.00 $ 22,525.00 $ 3,975.00 P.O.No.07833 CPR Perm1 Fee and Review of Design $ 88,390.00 $ 75,981.50 S 13,408.50 P.O.No.07576 Confirmation of Property Boundary at CPR/Green Road $ 5,380.00 $ 4,556.00 S 804.00 P.O.No.07654 Flagging for Duration of Project(11 months) S_374,000.00 $ 317,500.00 $ 56,100.00 P.O.No.07957 Total Other Costs $ 1,333,618.03 $ 1,137,654.08 $ 106,063.95 Addition at Project Costs 1,76%Unrecoverable HST(excl contingencies) $ 115,159.09 $ 99,390,37 $ 15.168.72 15%ContlNenciesJIncl.1,76%unrecoverab'aHST) S 694,110.67 $ 607,33832 S 86,772.35 +f-for Rounding Total Estimated Project Cost $ 7,352,400.00 $ 6,388,600.00 $ 963,800.00 Budget Amount $ 81963,800.00 $ 01000,000.00 $ 663,800.00 CPR Contribution as per Grade Separation Agreement Unded(Overi Budget Amount vW 1Y4 $ 1,611,400.00 1$ 1,611,400.00 0.00 All costs exdrido H 9-T except where indicated