HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport #1 11/04/2013 clarington Leading the Way REPORT #1 REPORT TO COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 4, 2013 SUBJECT: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2013 RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. RECEIVE FOR INFORMATION (a) PSD-061-13 Priority Green Clarington — Update (b) EGD-034-13 Monthly Report on Building Permit Activity for September, 2013 (c) FND-016-13 Financial Update as at September 30, 2013 (d) COD-023-13 Labour Relations — Mediation Decision 2. APPLICATIONS TO AMEND A DRAFT APPROVED PLAN OF SUBDIVISION AND TO AMEND THE ZONING BY-LAW APPLICANT: CLARET INVESTMENTS LTD. & 1361189 ONTARIO LIMITED THAT Report PSD-054-13 be received; THAT the application for an Amendment to a Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision 18T-94027 submitted by WDM Consultants, on behalf of Claret Investments Limited and 1361189 Ontario Limited, be supported subject to conditions as contained in Attachment 1 of Report PSD-054-13; THAT the Zoning By-law Amendment application submitted by WDM Consultants, on behalf of Claret Investments Limited and 1361189 Ontario Limited, be approved as contained in Attachment 2 of Report PSD-054-13; CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 Report #1 - 2 - November 4, 2013 THAT a By-law authorizing the removal of the (H) Holding symbol be approved for lots within a future registration once all provisions, contained within the Official Plan with respect to the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol, are satisfied; THAT the Durham Regional Planning Department and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report PSD-054-13 and Council's decision; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-054-13 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 3. AN APPLICATION TO CREATE ONE (1) RESIDENTAL LOT ON THE NORTH SIDE OF ORMISTON STREET, EAST OF OLD SCUGOG ROAD, IN HAMPTON APPLICANT: 562503 ONTARIO LIMITED THAT Report PSD-060-13 be received; THAT the application to amend the Zoning By-law, be approved, and that the draft Zoning By-law Amendment, as contained in Attachment 1 to Report PSD-060-13, be passed; THAT the Durham Regional Planning Department and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report PSD-060-13 and Council's decision; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-060-13 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 4. TENDER AWARD APPROVAL FOR GREEN ROAD AND CPR GRADE SEPARATION, BOWMANVILLE, CONTRACT NO. CL2013-26 THAT Report EGD-036-13 be received; THAT the established General Purpose and Administration Committee tender award approval process be waived for the tender award of the Green Road and CPR Grade Separation, Bowmanville, Contract No. CL2013-26; THAT award of the tender for Contract No. CL2013-26 go directly to Council for approval consideration at the regular meeting of Council on November 4, 2013 and; THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement between the Canadian Pacific Railway Company and the Municipality of Clarington for the rail bridge over Green Road. Report #1 - 3 - November 4, 2013 5. SMALL, RURAL AND NORTHERN MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE FUND THAT Report EGD-037-13 be received; THAT the Municipality submit one (1) Expression of Interest for consideration of funding from the Small, Rural and Northern Municipal Infrastructure Fund program; THAT the following works be endorsed as the Municipality of Clarington's highest priority project for the Small, Rural and Northern Municipal.Infrastructure Fund: i) Concession Road 7 Road Rehabilitation from Leskard Road to Highway 35/115 - $1,030,000.00; THAT the information in the Expression of Interest is factually accurate; THAT the Municipality of Clarington is completing a comprehensive asset management plan that includes all of the information and analysis described in Building Together: Guide for Municipal Asset Management Plans, with the intent to have it in place by December 31, 2013; THAT the comprehensive asset management plan will be publicly available, including online on the Municipality of Clarington's website, by May 30, 2014; THAT the project put forward in the application will be completed by December 31, 2015; THAT Report EGD-037-13 be forwarded to the Small, Rural and Northern Municipal Infrastructure Fund-Capital Program c/o Rural Programs Branch as part of the Expression of Interest; THAT the applicable department proceed with the preparation and submission of the Expression of Interest including all supporting documentation; THAT, should the Expression of Interest pass the screening process, the applicable department proceed with the preparation of the application for funding including all supporting documentation required under the program; THAT, should the Small, Rural and Northern Municipal Infrastructure Fund application be approved, staff report back to Council detailing the funding arrangements for the project as Clarington's share will not be known until the funding is approved. The Finance Department has confirmed funding is available for Clarington's share of the project; and Report#1 - 4 - November 4, 2013 THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the Small, Rural and Northern Municipal Infrastructure Fund Contribution Agreement and any other documents required to take advantage of this funding opportunity as required by the Ministry of Rural Affairs. 6. APPOINTMENTS TO SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE, THE CLARINGTON HERITAGE COMMITTEE, AND THE GANARASKA FOREST RECREATIONAL USERS COMMITTEE THAT Report CLD-029-13 be received; THAT the resignation of Pat Mulcahy be received, with regret, and that she be thanked for her contribution to the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee; THAT the resignation of Colin Maitland be received, with regret, and that he be thanked for his contribution to the Clarington Heritage Committee; THAT Leo Pinto be re-appointed to the Ganaraska Forest Recreational Users Committee for a term concurrent with Council; THAT Victor Suppan be appointed to the Clarington Heritage Committee for a term concurrent with the term of Council; THAT Leo Blindenbach be appointed to the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee for a term concurrent with Council; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report CLD-029-13 be advised of Council's decision. 7. RFP2013-5 JANITORIAL SERVICES AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS THAT Report COD-022-13 be received; THAT the proposal received from Country Town Cleaning, Bowmanville, Ontario being the most responsive bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Request for Proposal RFP2013-5 be awarded the contract for the Janitorial Services with a bid amount of $68,913.66 (net of H.S.T. Rebate); THAT, pending acceptable pricing and satisfactory service, the Purchasing Manager be authorized to extend the contract for an additional three years; and THAT funding be provided from the current year's respective departments Operating Budgets. Report#1 - 5 - November 4, 2013 8. CODE OF CONDUCT THAT Report LGL-010-13 be received; and THAT the Clarington Council Code of Conduct, (Schedule A to By-law 2009-163), be amended to incorporate Section 9 (Gifts and Benefits) and Section 13 (No Improper Use of Influence), from the Model Code of Conduct (Attachment 2 to Report LGL-010-13), which are two areas where there are currently no comparable policy or by-law. 9. ENVIRONMENTAL LAWYER'S OPINION ON THE REGION OF DURHAM'S FINAL MONITORING PLAN AND THE HOST COMMUNITY AGREEMENT— FORWARDING THE EUROPEAN UNION DOCUMENT THAT the European Union documentation, as referred in the delegation of Ms. Bracken at Regional Council on October 9, 2013, be forwarded to the environmental lawyer, at McMillan Binch, to supplement the source materials for preparing the opinion regarding the Region's final monitoring plan and compliance with the Host Community Agreement. 10. NOMINATION PROCESS —VERIDIAN CORPORATION AND VERIDIAN CONNECTIONS INC. THAT Addendum to Report CLD-027-13 be received; THAT Report CLD-027-13 be received; THAT the procedure for nominations to and the replacement of directors on the Veridian Corporation and the Veridian Connections Inc. Boards, as outlined in Attachment No. 2 to Addendum to Report CLD-027-13, be approved with the following amendments: • Section 2.1 c) — Replace the words "Inaugural Meeting of Council" with the words "first General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting". • Section 2.1 d) — Replace the words "Inaugural Meeting of Council" with the words "first General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting". Report #1 - 6 - November 4, 2013 • Section 2.1 d) i) c) —Add the following wording at the end of this section: "The name of the representative may be chosen from the submitted candidates list for the Corporation Board position, or a member of the public who has submitted their name to the Municipality for consideration on or before the publication of the Agenda for the first General Purpose and Administration Committee." • Section 2.1 d) ii) a) — Replace'this section with the following wording: "Either (i) the Mayor provided that the Mayor is sitting on the Veridian Corporation Board; or (ii) the Mayor's Designate if the Mayor does not sit on the Veridian Corporation Board; or (iii) the Member of Council who is nominated to the Veridian Corporation Board of Directors; and" • Section 2.2 — Change the title from "Replacement of Directors" to "Replacement or Resignation of Directors". • Section b) — Replace this section with the following wording: "In the event of a replacement or if a director resigns, the Municipal Clerk shall request Veridian to undertake their process as outlined in subsection 2.1 a) to seek applications to fill the vacancy and make recommendations to Council for Clarington's nominee to the Veridian Corporation Board of Directors, and it shall be advertised on the Municipality's web site." • Section c) — In the first sentence, replace the word "Council" with "General Purpose and Administration Committee". • Section 2.2.2. — Delete the following sentence: "While, as noted earlier, the Veridian Corporation Board is not obliged to appoint the nominees put forward by the Municipality to the Board of Directors of Veridian Connections Inc., every attempt will be made to work with Veridian to implement the following process:". Report#1 - 7 - November 4, 2013 • Section 2.2.2. b) — Replace this section with the following wording: "The Municipal Clerk will advise Veridiah Corporation of Council's decision. If the director requested to be removed is the non-elected director, or if there is a resignation, the Municipal Clerk will also request Veridian to commence their process as outlined in subsection 2.1 a), and it shall be advertised on the Municipality's web site to seek applications to fill the vacancy and allow Clarington Council the opportunity to nominate the candidate for the director position." • Section a) — Replace this section with the following wording: "Upon notification that the director has been removed or resigned, and receipt of the report from the Veridian Nominating Committee containing the list of all applicants and the Nominating Committee's recommended Director, as well as any applicants who have submitted their applications directly to the Municipality on or before the publication of the General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting Agenda during which the nominations will be made, the Municipal Clerk's Department will include it on the next regularly scheduled General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting agenda, reproducing the report for distribution, confidentially, to the Members of Council together with the agenda. The agenda will be published in accordance with the Municipality's Procedural By-law." and THAT all interested parties listed in Addendum to Report CLD-027-13 be advised of Council's decision. 11. DELEGATION OF DALE GIBBONS, CHAIR, COURTICE SANTA CLAUS PARADE, REGARDING THE 1ST ANNUAL COURTICE SANTA CLAUS PARADE THAT the delegation of Dale Gibbons, Chair, Courtice Santa Claus Parade, regarding an update on the planning of the 1ST Annual Courtice Santa Claus Parade, be received with thanks; and THAT the organizing committee be thanked for their participation and efforts. Report #1 - 8 - November 4, 2013 12. REQUEST FOR BY-LAW EXEMPTION TO ALLOW A DOUBLE DEPTH BURIAL AT BOWMANVILLE CEMETERY THAT the request from Stephanie Beatrice Annis, for an exemption from the Cemetery By-law 2012-061, to allow double depth burial in grave R-353-6-3 of the Bowmanville Cemetery, be approved. 13. TYRONE CEMETERY THAT Resolution #CGPA-18-13, passed in Closed Session regarding Tyrone Cemetery, be ratified.