HomeMy WebLinkAboutBowmanville By-law Index (908-1992) 1916 to 1966 BY-Law 900. 1000 9084 An Act respecting Statute Labour. 909. To provide for levying upon the lands abutting on the main sewers which have beer, constructed in the Town of Boi,.manville, a rate of five cents per running foot. 910. 104 911. To authorize the construction of a sewer on Ontario Street From King Street to Queen Street in the Town as Local Improvement under the Act. 912. REspecting By-Law No. 912, To borrow upon an issue of debentures the sum of $(9000, 913., To amend BY- •aw No. , 439 to provide for the collection of Statute Labour in the Town. 915. To provide for the reorganization and regulation of the Fire Brigade of the Town, Passed the 11th day of September 1916. /// /&, 9184 To provide for borrowing $2280.08, upon debentures to pay for the construction of a sewer on Scugog Street. 7111114920. To provide for borrowing $463.8 •. upon Debentures for Construction. ,//-060/21. To consolidate the sums authorized to be borrowed by certain local improvement by- •aws into one sum of $4420, and to borrow the same by the issue of debentures, ;11117 923. To regua.-;'-ate and restrain the running at large of Dogs and to impose a Tax upon the owners, possessors or harborer of dogs in the Town. /x//,7930. For the appointment of an Inspector of 'Milk for human consumption within the limits of the Town. 'V-7117 932. k by-Law relating to dogs. ,//,////-7 938,, Prohibft, dogs from running at large within the limits of the Town,, ,11111,e 946, To provide for the reorganization and regulation of the Fire Brigade of the said Town. C/J//t949. To construct a sewer on Odell Street easterly to prospect street as Local improvement under the Local Improvement Acto ',jAIIIF955,, To authorize the construction of a sewer from Odell Street southerly to prospect Street. Unde.- the Local Improvement. Relating to a certain proposed contract bearing the date 13th of sept. 1918 between the Corporation of the To-wn, of Bowmanbille , of the one part, and Wilfred Servington Dinnick of the other Part. !J/;�-//' /1970. To provide an investment and fund to meet the debentures accruing due under D7-Law 694, passed to loan the Durham Rubber Co. , Ltd. , $15., 110001 , ­972. In the matter of application of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville under Section 295 of the "The Municipal Act."- for the validation of its By-Law now No. , 972, and the debentures thereunder- Aid to the Tanada Scale & Slicer Go., Ltd. 974. To authorize the construction of Sidewalk on King Street, 977. To authorize the Construction of Sidewalk King and Lambert Ss x/71 X,1.1 78. To amend By-Law 946. / /?` -979. To construct Sewer Water Main on Arghle Street. � f 981a To further By-Law No. 862 for the regulatin and governing the Town Cemetery. To authorize the construction of a pavement on North Side of Concession Street, to Liberty Street Etc. , passed the 18th day of August 1919" -?/O f �98— Amending Schedule "B" of the Public Health Act. Chap. 218 R, S. 0, '986. Conveyance of Land to C.P. R. Oct. 6th 1919, y iz �,' 987. To authorize a certain agreement made between the Hydro- Electric Power Commission of Ontario and the Municipal Corporation of the Town. f�f 990..Relating to the perpetual care of Plots in the Town Cemetery. g 011 f 988. To provide for taking Vote on Hydro By-.Law.. 989. For Construction of Sidewalks passed Nov,., 3, 19190 7/j/,4, ' 997. For taking votes of Electors. 998.E To amend By-Law number 9600 X,;/7 •'W, 999. Licensing Regulatin and Governing Billiard Pool and Bagatelle Tables.. Authorizing Mayor & Treasurer to Issue Debentures Hydro. By-Law 1001-10994 To amend By-Law No. , 946 governing and regulatin the Fire Brigade of the Said Town of Bowmanville, . 1002. Construction of Water Main on Duke & Nelson St. -� � CC3�To provide for issue of x'1$00,00 Debentures. Construction By-Law . Cement Sidewalks. X1008. To purchase a Fire Motor Trucks passed July 5th 1920. 1010. For Licensing Regulatin Junk and Dealers in second hand goods. ©�,� "'-1011.Co4structicn of Sewer Water Main on Prospect Street passed Oct. , 4th 1920. /,,,/„;ze-`,,1012.Construction of Sewer Water Main on Argyle Street. //,/,4; '­ 1013. To Borrow money on Debentures for Sidewalks. 1014, To borrow money on Debentures for sidewalks 1015. To borrow money on Debentures Passed Nov. ,8th 1920, 1016. To consolidate the sums authorized to be borrowed by certain local improvement by-laws in to one som of money and to borrow the same by the issue of debentures therefor, 1017. To consolidate By-La w passed Nov... 8th 1920,, -`101$4 Construction By-Law passed Nov. ,8th 1920. ;711 ' 1019. To amend By-Law No, 10032 1011, and 1017. 1. 11 . 110204 For Street Divisions. 1028. By-Law to extend the time for the sale of lands for taxes. le_ l. 10294 Agreement with The Bowmanville Foundry Company Limited, and The Town of Bow-nanville. 10294 Schedule By-Law 1029. d � 1030. To provide for taking votes of Electors. �/�- 1031. To provide for the issue of $4109.58, Debentures. (Local Improvement) 1032... To provide for the issue of Debentures. (Local Improvement) . � j✓?6 10364 Traffic Bya;�T.,aw. 1037. Construction By-Law on King St. from Scugog to George St.. 103$4 Construction By-Law on King Street from George St. , to Ontario St. 1039.Construction By-Law on King St. , From Ontario St. to St George .Street. 1040. To amend By-Law No. , 877 ;r� 21046,E To authorize the issue of Debentures �`�6508.75. ,rPdj 1047.Authorizing the issue of x$6500.00 Debentures. $��.�,2 104$8 To convey lands to H.H. Dilling passed 19th June 1922. 01_1:1�1 1051. Construction_ By-Law for Cement Walk on certain Streets passed Sept. 5th 1922. Im 1051. Copy of By-Law to amend By-Law 10510 1052. Authorizing the Mayor and Treasurer to Borrow Money passed 7th Nov,, 1922, 10530 To authorized the construction of `hater Mains on Duke Street,, J�//I&2 10549 Extensions of ,rater on Elgin Street/. /(11060. To amend By-Law No. 1060 passed the year 1923. /�_.31060a,To amend By Law No. 1060 For the appointment of Town Officers, l - Z3 1061. Authorizing the issue of Debentures X14,2000000, 1061. For issue of 4149000.00 Debentures. 1062.A By-Law to amend By-Law 1051,. ���.�'� _ 1063. Construction of Storms & drains on Church Street. /�2 1065. To repeal By-Law 1061. 10660 Striking off Cemetery Accts /�,71066. To repeal By-Law No. 1.062 passed the 21st day of March1923 Respecting the construction of Cement sidewalks. f � 1067,, To amend By-Law No. , 1051. Sa 1068. To confirm Storm Sewer Church Street,, gj 1069, Authorizing Debentures for ��14,2000.00 Local Improvement. 113 1073. To extend the Fire Limits,, /;u 1073.. Defining Fire Limits x Buildings 1074. To amend By-Laws No. 983. *0_3 1075. Construction of Sidewalks passed 10th of September 1923. �I10-2 1076. Authorizing the sale of lands to J. , Morden 0 J 1078,, Authorizing Construction of Water Mains. V,71��_1 10860 Regulating Fire Brigade, ; -- may= �%i�� % -X� 10870 To provide for debentures to borrow $2860.279 for const-ruction, 1089. For the appointment of Town Engineer for the Town. 1091. To provide for the regulation of the Fire Brigade. 61°6 `11095. For construction of Water Main and Cement Sidewalks. 1096. For regulating the sale of Milk in the Town. /_�;/*��1097. For borrowing 0441,65. upon Debentures, By-Law 1100-1149 1100. Appointment of High School Trustee. 1102, 1103. 5" 11C4. Appointment of Police Magistrate. 1105, Authorizing payment of Certain Local Improvement and work. 1106, 1107. 11081, 1100. Authorizing Mayor & Treasurer on Local Improvement 'Work. Town of Bowmanville., relating to Exemption of the Property of the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. , of Canada, Limited from Taxation. Providing for submission to vote of electors, of a By-Law relating to exemption of the property of the Goodyear -Tire & Rubber So. , of Canada Limited from Taxation. 1112, _1113.Construction of cement sidewalk on Durham Street etc. , 1114. 1115. Construction By-Law of a permanent pavement 'with curband gutter, under the Local Improvement Act. Queen's venue 6 1116.To provide for borrowing X66,399.00 for Debentures. 1116. To repeal By Law 1116. 1117. 1,118. 11190 1120.To repeal By-Law 1116,, .1 1121. To provide for the payment by the Corporation of part of the cost of certain works constructed as Local Improvements otherwise chargeable upon the lands abutting diredtly upon the works. 6 1121. ''Bll To provide for the payment by the Corporation of part of the cost of certain works constructed as Local Improvements otherwise chargeable upon the lands abutting directly upon the works. 1122. A By-Law to authorize Sale of Debentures. 1123, 1124,,To amend By-Law 1086. C' 1125. For controlling the location and erecting of Advertising sign Boards within the Municipality. By-Law. 6 1126. Construction By_T q,$` _ze1126. To provide for borrowing 065,219.48. upon Debenture. 1127. �112$,For Licensing and regulating Billiard Pool Tables and Bowling Alleys. 11294 1130,For the Appointment of Clerk & Treasurer and Assistant Clerk & Treasurer C 1131.Authorizing the issues of $22,000.00 on Debentures for School Purposes. � C 1132.For Levying Rates 1926. ��/_-�r 1133. To extend terms for the SUe of Lands for Taxes, r0l' 1134. To borrow $25,000.00 for extensions on Schools. '/ dY,<6 1135,, To provide for the purchase of a fire Truck. C 1136.. To regulate the perpetual care of plots in the Town Cemetery. 1137. For establishing and regulating a salary for the services of the Medical Health Officer for the Town of Bowmanville. 1138, 113 9 �. v�P✓° ,`1140..To amend Waterworks By-Law No. , 877, 141 1142. 1143, 1144. /5 . 71145. To repeal By-Law 1139- � Authorizing the sale of Ross Can Premises. �,/�1147. Authorizing Vote on Fixed Assessment for Hollingshead Co. , let pass Krch 1927. 114$. To grant fixed Assessment to Hollingshead Co. 6� 71149.To amend By-Law 1080, By-Law 1150- 1199 1150. Authorizing the Treasurer or Collector to receive in any year payments on account of taxes for that year in advance of the day Fixed by By-Law for the payment of taxes,. 11510 11520 r � 1153. For the appointment of an Officer for the enforcement of the Act for the control of the sale of Liquor, in the Province of Ontario 1154, 11550 To authorize the Mayor & Treasurer to borrow X15,000000 for current expenditures, 1156. To amend Waterworks By-Law 877, 933, and 104.0 respecting the management and regulation of the waterworks System. 11 77 11570 Watermains on Liberty Street Sewer and Maintenance on Ontario Street,, 11580 1159, Z-21��� 71160. Authorizing the Mayor to borrow for Locel Improvement. �''�� 11610 11620 1163 1164, 1165. For the appointment of cheif Constable. 1167, 1168. Appointment of an Officer for the enforcement of the Control of the sale of Liquor in the Province of Ontario. 11694 With the respect to the levy of a Statute Labor Tax under and by Virtue of "An Act Respecting Statute Labor"' passed by the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario.. 1170.. To regulate Traffic on Public Streets. ,04,rl 1171. To authorize the Mayor and Treasurer to borrow X60.000.00 by way of a temporary loan to meet the expenditure on Local Improvement work of the Town for the year 1928, 1172. To authorize the construction of certain works as local Improvements under the Local Improvement Act. ,01,f ' 1173, To authorize the construction of certain works, as Local Improvements under the Local Improvement Act.. 1174., 11750 11764 To amend By-T-aw 1086 (Fire Brigade) . l 1177, 11780 ',/r "�/�V' 1179.Construction of Pavement on Lambert Street. �/� � 1180, Construction of 'Pavement on George & Centre Streets, //,�Xgj 1181. To Authorize the construction of certain works as Local Improvements under the Local Improvement Act. Duke Street, Elgin Street® .A.J V llal,ij' 1182. To authorize the construction of a pavement on Lambert St. , From Xing to queen Streets. 1183, 1184. 1185. 1186. 1187® 11880 1189, 11900 '1191.10 amend By-Laws Numbers 1172 and 1173 of the Town of Bo-",manv4lle. 110/Z Confirming Agreement with Counties Councils. 1193, provide for borrowing upon debentures to pay for the construction of certain local Improvements.. 01181118,29. wf 1195.Authorizing Mayor & Treasurer to borrow for High School Building. 1196, ?J/-O, ?]_197.F_xemption on Farm Lands. To raise by taxation certain sums of money for Town, County and School purposes in the Town of Boimianville for the year 1929. 1198. For the appointment of a Police Constable for the said Town of Bowmanville. By-Laws 1200- 1249. 1200. 1201. To issue Debentures for the sum of 100,000.00. for the purpose of building and addition to the present High School for the equipment as plans submitted and approved by the Department of Education. 1202, 1203. 1204, 1205, 4�Vl/3e 1206. To authorize the borrowing of the sum of $100,000.00 upon debentures for High School purposes. 1207. 1208..To authorize the construction of certain works as Local Improvements under the local Improvement Act* r0lse 1209. To consolidate the sums authorized to be borrowed by certain local improvement By-Laws, into one sum of $1930.00 and to borrow the same by the issue of Debentures therefor. 6 3,:� 1210. To provide for borrowing $19,300.00 upon debentures to pay for the construction of certain Local Improvements, 1211. 1212. To sell and convey a portion of land to George Weekes of the said Town of Bowmanville. 1213. 1211 . 12150 1216. 1217. 1,676. 1218. To authorize the construction of a sewer and water-main on Brown street from queen Street to Victoria Street, to connect with main on Liberty Street, as a local Improvement under the provisions of the Local Improvement Act. �/0.) 1219. To authorize the construction of a ��Tatermain on Second Street and °f Lambs Lane as a Local Improvement under the provisions of the Local Improvement Act, Gl/Jc' 1220. For the appointment of Municipal Janitor of the Town Mall, Fire Hall and pump House for the Town of Boamanville. WVIX1221. To authorize the construction of a Watermain on King Street East as Local Improvement under the provisions of the Local Improvement Act. ?Y,�e_:a 1222. To authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute an agreement with Lieutenant Governor in Council of the Province of Ontario represented by the Minister of Public Works and Labor, and the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville. ,V////�7 X1223. To authorize the purchase of certiin Lands, situate, lying and being in the said Town of Bovvnanville, from Geroge S. Raynes of the city ofest:nount, Quebec, for the sum of $250.00, jC 1224.. To authorize the construction of an addition to the present eo_ualizing Reservoir (Under the provision of the Locale Improvement Acts . 1225. To prohibit the burning of leaves and other rubbish on all the paved streets and cement walks of the town. 1226, 1227, 122$0 1229. 1230, 1231. Authorizing the issue of Debentures for the sum of Seventy Five- Hundred Dollars for the purpose of Heati.-L-,System and permament Improvements in the Bowmanville Public School. 1232, 1233, To amend By-Law No. 766, a By-Law for the regulation and management of the Bowmanville Cemetery, passed June 6th, 1910. 1234, 1235. iJf�/�l236. To provide for taking the votes of the Municipal Electors of the Town of Bowmanville upon a By-Law to authorize the granting of a franchise for the supply of Gas in the Town of Bowmanville. 1237. -//s;/1/123$. Amending Schedule "*B" of the public Health Act, Chap.262 R.S.O. 1927. 1239, 'l11-111240. Authorizing the Council of the Corporation to sell and convey a portion of land to Janes E. Flett & Sons of the Town of Bowmanville. 1241. 1242. 1243. 1244. 1245. 1246. 1247. 1248. 71.,11,1249.To authorize the construction of certain works as Local Improvements unde Local Improvement Act. By-Laws 1250- 1299 1250© //.�/1251. To provide for the establishing of a Hydro Electric Commission in the Town of Bowmanville, . / //5_21252. To provide for the establishment of a Public Utilities Commission in the Town of Bowmanville. �//_O/1253. To provide for borrowing $8200.00 upon debentures to pay for the construction of certain Local Improvements* ,i/, j 1254. Authorizing the issue of Debentures for the sum of $6,500.00 for the purpose of a Reservoir and Gasoline Pumping Engine for the Waterworks System, 1255 12560 1257. 1258. 1259. W11 1260. To provide for the amendment of section three of by-Law No. , 1251 to create a Hydro Electric Commission in the Town and for the ammend. ment of section three of by-law number 1252• -7/, /;1? 1261. With respect to the closing of Barber Shops in the Town of Bowmanville. 1262. 1263. �4f' 1264. To provide for the adopting of the assessment roll as returned by the assessor for the year 1932 as the roll upon which shall be the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1933 shall be fixed and levied. 1265. 1266. 1267. 1268. 1269. 1270. �_,o/.OZ 1271. Confirming the appointment of a Police Magistrate for the Town of Bo�mnanville. 12720 1273. ;//_7/3 1274.To regulate the planting of trees on the streets and boulevards within the limits of the Town of Bowmanville. 12750 � 'Y1276.To eradicate and forbid the planting of the Common Barberry within limits of the Town of Bowmanville. &Offs 1277. To raise by taxation certain sums of money for Town, Couhty, Debenture and School purposes in the Town of Bowmanville year, 1933. 1278. 1279. Licensing and governing peddlers, hawkers and other persons carrying on petty trades within the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville. 12$04 `f�Q/ffY1281. To declare what part or parts of Lands held and used as Farm lands only, in the Town of Bowmanville shall be exempt or partially exempt from Taxation under authority of section 43 of the Assessment Act, Chapter 23 , R.S.O. 1927. �/," & 1282. To regulate the use of Weigh Scales belonging to the Corporation and the rates charged for the weighing of coal and coke when sold within Corporation. 12$3 /,/,-.71284. For the appointment of Town Auditors for the year 19334 �41 �1? 12$,5. To provide for the holding of the Election for the Members of the '.Municipal Council, for IL tubers of the Public School Board and for a member of the Public Utilities Co-,zimission for the Town of Bowmanville for the year 1934. V� ;s/12860 Municipal By-Law for Current Exp enditureu. 1287o To provide for the allowance of a rebate upon penalties levied upon O amounts of arrears of taxes. j�15 4288. For the appointment of a Superintendant of the Roads and Streets and Sewerage System in the Town_ of Bowmanville. �1,,��,1y,'1289. For the appointment of a High School Trustee. For the appointment of Town Officials for the said Town for the year 1934 ��` 1291oFor the appointment of certain members of the Board of Health. 1292¢ 05_X1293. Licensing and governing transient traders and other persons who offer goods, wares or merchandise for sale by auction or in any other manner. //,03A294. For the appointment of Town Auditors for the year 1934. %�f`3�/,1295• To provide for the holding of the Election for Members of the Municipal Council, Members of the Public School Board and one Member of the Public Utilities Commission for the Town of Bowmanville for the year, 1935. Vlzl�Zi296Q To declare what part or parts of lands held and used as Farm Lands only, in the Towr. of Bowmanville shall be exempt or partially ecempt from Taxation under authority of Section 43 of the Assessment Act0, Chapter 23, R.S.O. 192( . �//Y_7x.297. To amend Paragraph 2 of By-Law No. 1295. il�IyA298. Municipal By-Law for Current Expenditures. /✓//,5-1299. For the appointment of Town Officials for the said Town for the year 19350 By-Law 1300- 1349 1� 5J- 1300¢ For the appointment of a High School Trustee. f 1301. For the appointment of certain members of the Board of Health. 1302. For the appointment of a Superintendant of the Roads and Streets Sewerage System in the Town of Bovrmanville., f� f1303... To raise by taxation certain sums of money for Town, County, Debenture and School purposes in the Town of Bowmanville year,1935. 710.5 1304, To amend Fay-Law No. , 12790 ��1-7;`1305- Municipal By-Law for Current Expenditures. //-7$ 1306. With respect to the closing of Barber Shops in the Town.. * 3:�' 1307. To provide for the holding of the election for Members of the Municipal Council, Members of the Public School Board and one Member of the Public Utilities Commission for the Town of Bo-=anville, year 1936. �'15,JI1308. For the appointment of Auditors for the year 19350 '� ,/- 1309. Municipal By-Law for current Expenditures. 3�11310a To declare what part or parts of lands held and used as Farm lands only, in the Town of Bowmanville shall be .exempt or partially exempt <^ � from Taxation under authority of Section 43 of the Assessment Act, Chapter 23, R.S.O. 1927 Ws� 1311,. For the appointment of a Superintendant of the Roads and Streets and Sewerage System in the Town of Boi manville. /j. 1312. For the appointment of certain members of the Board of Health, 13 13,, For the appointment of a High School Trustee„ Z/3% 1314. For the appointment of Town. Officials for the said Town year 1936„ /�/�I,�,1315. To raise by Taxation certain sums of money for Town, County, Debenture, Unemployment Relief and School purposes in the Town if Boimanuille, year 1936. 1316, For the appointment of a Caretaker of the Town Hall and Fire Hall ` in the Town of Bowmanville.. 1317. To License all places of amusement. //��,� 1318.. For the appointment of Auditors for the year 1936. 7,f.3C1319. For the holding of the election for Members of the Municipal Council, Members of the Public School Board and One member of the Public Utilities Commission for the Town. of Bowmanville, 1937. '/'/0,-- 1320. To provide for the Corporation's consent to the Bell Telephone Co, , of Canada constructing its lines upon the highways, Streets, bridges and other public places of the Corporation, and to authorize The Road Superintendant to supervise and approve the construction. '12,-1321. To amend Paragraph 2 ob By-Law No. 1319. ///-771322. Municipal By-Law for current expenditures. �hl_�,1 1323• To declare what part of parts of lands held and used as Farm lands only, in the Tovm of Bo-,Nmanville shall be exempt or partially exempt from taxation under authority of Section 43 of the Assessment act, Chapter 23, R.S.O. 1927. /V/d-7771324.. For the appointment of certain members of the Board of Health. ��IY71325. For the appointment of a High School Trustee. f�/_17 1326. For the appointment of Town Officials for the said Town for year, 1937. -1137 1327. For the appointment of a Superintendant of the Roads and Streets and Sewerage System in the Town of Bowmanville. 0 x, 1328. To amend Paragraph four of By-Law No. 1317. *771329. To raise by taxation certain sums of money for Town, County Debenture, Unemployment Relief and School purposes in the Town of Bowmanville for the year 1937. 11_771330. For the appointment of Auditors year, 1938. X,, ,71331. To provide for the holding of the election for Members of the Municipal Council, Members of the Public School Board and one member of the Public Utilities Commission for the Townyear, 1938, s 0,-,1332. For the establishment and maintenance of fund for the support and aid of a band or bands of music. ,,///„?,m'l333 To provide for the holding of a vote of the electors of the �� Municipality qualified to vote upon money by-Laws for the establishment and maintenance of a fund to be known as the Band Fund._ ` 13344 Municipal By-Law for Current Expenditures. ; x/,'1335. For the appointment of certain members of the Board of Health. ';,Z/?/1336. For the appointment of a High School Turstee. *,337. For the appointment of a superintendant of the Roads and Streets and Sewerage System in the Town of Bowmanville. ,1�0,Pi338. For the appointment of Town Officials for the said Ton for years 1938. 613 J'1340. To appoint a Solicitor. ?2/0- A341. For the appointment of certain members of the Board of Health. �1- �A,P'1342. To provide for the sale of unwrapped neat from vehicles within the limits of the said Corporation, V/�/I '1343. To provide for the submission of the question '`Are you in favour of the formation of a Municipal Board of Education?n to the vote of the electors of the municipality. 1344. ,jlll13 345. To provide by means of taxation for the establishment and maintenance of < a fund for the support and aid of a Band to be known as 'FBowmanvi.11e Town Band". ',5//-?A346. To provide for the submission of the followi ng question to electors qualified to vote upon money by-Laws "In favour of the establichment of a fund of 41,OOC, to be raised annually by levy in the general tax rate, for the support and aid of a band to be known as The Bo�,,manville Town Band as set out in By-Law No. 1345 'J////,-A_347. To provide for the submission of the Question, ' Are you in favout of the employment of a full time nurse for the Town of Bowmanville. `s/, % 1348, To provide for the submission f6 of the question 11kre you* in favour of t; the Council passing a by-Law to provide for annual payments not to exceed the sum. of 0250. to the Mayor and $75. to Members of Council as Remuneration for their services?n. - j/�JA349. To provide for the submission of the question 'Fare you in favour of the building of an extension to the present High School cost estimated of 202000100". > 1_?A350. For the appointment of Auditors. By-Law 1350- 1399* �, ,'/1351. To provide for the holding of the election for Members of the Municipal Council, Members of the Public School Board and One Member of the Public Utilities Commission for the Town of Bowmanville, for the year 1939• 1352. Municipal By-Law for Current Expenditures. W_ 55 1353. For the appointment of certain_ members of the Board of Health. ?/,6, 1354. For the appointment of a High School Trustee. -a 115; 1355. For the appointment of Town. Officials for the said Town for the year 1939. -7151511356. For the appointment of a Superintendant of the Roads and Streets and Sewerage System in the Town of Bowmanville. . -357• To raise by taxation certain sums of money for Town, County, Debenture Unemployment :Relief and School purposes in the Town_ f or the year 1939. r � 1358. To raise by taxation certain sums of money for Town, County, Debenture Unemployment Relief and school purposes in the Town of Bowmanville for the year 1939. �//,`7�13590 To repeal that part of By-Law Numbered 1196 of the said Council passed the 28th day of June 1929, which said part provides that the Corp. oration of the Town of Bowmanville is to forego the usual annual construction grants or regates for thirteen years from the First day of January 1929. 'Y;/ x°1360. To provide for the holding of the election for Members of the Municipal Council, Members of the Board of Education and One member of the Public Utilities Commission for the Town year 1940. 1361¢ Vl.l_?y1362. To form and organize IrThe Board of Education for the Towntr. 0/j�1363. To Authorize the issue of debentures to retire certain Debentures which are redeemable before maturity. � ?j1364. Municipal By-Law for Current Expenditures. � �,'1365- Municipal By-Law for Current Expenditures. W.,, 1366. For the appointment of certain members of the Board of Health. ��r°1367. For the appointment of Town Officials for th-e said Town year 1940. x,1368. For the appointment of a Superintendant of the Roads and Streets and Sewerage System in the Town of Bowmanville. V,�1369. To raise by Taxation_ certain sums of money for Town, County, Debenture Unemployment Relief and Achool purposes in the Town of BoTArmanville year 1940. 1370. To regulate the height of hedges bordering on the streets of Town. z�/� ` 371a To provide for the holding of the election for members of the Municipal Council, Members of the Board of Education and One member of the Public Utilities Commission for the Town of Bowmanville, year 1941- �/,/r 1372. Municipal By-Law for Current Expenditures. 9� f�1373. For the appointment of certain members of the Board of Health. / f IV31 1374. For the appointment of Town Officials for the said Town year 194.1. � � /1375. For the appointment of a superintendant of the Roads and atreets and Sewerage System in the Town of Bowmanville. /��/,f1376. To raise by Taxation certain sums of money for the Town, County, debenture, Unemployment Relief and School purposes in the Town of Bowmanville for the year, 1941• V1�--1 1377, To amend Section 38 of By-Law No. 1170. 'oar 1378. To provide for the holding of the election for members of the Municipal Council, Members of the Board of Education and one Member of the Public Utilities Commission for the Town for the year 1942. z � 1379. For the appointment of Auditors. <j2141 1380. By-Law for Current Expenditures. ,_/,,4 13$2. For the appointment of certain members of the Board of Health. ;,/;2/,,/Z383. For the appointment of Town Officials for the said Town for the year 1942 z//�4d1384. For the appointment of a superintendar_t of the Roads and Streets and Sewerage system in the Token of Botim.anville. ✓,1 71,Q1385. To raise by taxation certain sums of money for tree Town, County, Debenture unemployment Relief and School purposes in the Town, year 1942. 13 60 To amend Paragraph three of By-Law No. 1128. Ord/5_213$ . To license amusement machines. 1389. For the appointment of a catetyaker of the Town Hall and Fire Hall. �//i.21390. To provide for the holding of the electioh for members of the Municipal Council, Members of the Board of Education, and one Member of the Public Utilities Commission of the Town year,1943. '1101'-21391. With respect to the closing of Barber Shops in the Town. '5/*''Q1392. For the regulation and Management of the Bowmanville Cemetery. ///f�/21393. Municipal By-Law for Current Expenditures. f�/-'/21394. For the appointment of certain members of the Board of health. r./_/'-/_?1395. For the appointment of a Superintendant of the Roads and Streets sewerage system in the Town of Bowmanville. pf�i✓?1396. For the appointment of Town Officials for the said Town for the year 1943. /1/1/��1397. To raise by Taxation certain sums o money for the Town, County, Debenture unemployment Relief and School purposes in the Town year,1943. �11 V31398. To provide for the holding of the election for members of the Municipal Council, Members of the Board of education and Member one of the Public Utilities Commission for the Town of BoAmanville year,1944. / °31399. To provide for the closing of grocery stores and butcher shops situate within the said municipality at certain fixed hours on Saturday of each week. �l B=y Law 1400-1449 'I"_41400. Municipal By-Law for Current Expenditures. 1401. For the appointment of certain members of the Board of Health,,. 1402. For the appointment of Town Officials for the said Town of the year 1944. 1403. To raise by Taxation certain sums of money for Town, County, debenture and School purposes in the Town of Bo-vimanville year 1944, 1405. A B=y-Law to license amusement machines. 1406. To provide for the licensing of Taxi Cabs operat ing in the Town,, x'1407, Municipal By-Law for current Expenditures. 1408, �-'14094 For the appointment of certain members of the Board of Health.. 1410 For the purpose of numbering the lots and buildings thereon and for affixing numbers to the buildings. lU2, 1413.To provide for the holding of a vote of the ratepayers entitled to vote on a money By-Law and being By4L-aw 1412 which has received its first and second readings and provides for a grant if $lCO,000,,00 from the corporation to the Bowmanville Hospital for the erection of a new Hospital to be called Memorial Hospital. /,-/7/�/W1414,, To provide for the holding of the election for members of the Town Council, Members of the Board of Education, and member of the Public utilities Commission for the Town. Year 1946. ///9``1415. For the submission to a vote of a question under the Liquor Control Act,, For the appointment of Town Officials for the said "Town for the year 1945. For the appointment of a Superintendant of the Roads and Streets and sewerage System in the Town. 1418. Municipal By-Law for current Expenditures. /V-/ 1419. To authorize the construction of a relief sewer on Liberty Street according to the terms of a contract between Toronto Construction Company Sept. , 22/454 1,7/��,,(1420. To raise by Taxation certain sums of money for the Town, County, debenture and School purposes in the Town. 1946,, For the appointment of Town Officials for the said Town Year 1946,, �f4, '1422. For the appointment of a Superintendant of the Roads and Streets and ge sewerage System in the Town, ,&/Vt,��'1423. To authorize the construction of Sewerage disposal plant in the Town of Bowmanville according to the terms of contract between Toronto Construction Corporation Limited and the Municipal Corporation, ���'-/� 11424. For the purpose of setting up defined areas in the Town where the construction of buildings is to be restricted as to cost, type of construction and location in such areas. 1425. /�W/ 426. For the purpose of setting up defined areas in the Town where the ftk!�Ig t construction of buildings is to be restricted as to cost, type of construction and location in such areas, �� y�1427a To provide for the holding of elections for members of the Municipal Council,, Members of the Board of Education, and member of the Public Utilities Commission for the Town of Bowmanville for the year, 1947. �//��11428. For the appointment of a Constable., �/��1428. To provide for the licensing and regulation of Public Halls. ,�Ilwo�429. Municipal By-Law for Current Expenditures. � oz,11430. Municipal By-Law for Temporary Advances under Local Improvement Act,. To provide for calrying on a community programme of training in physical fitness and recreation. 14324 Municipal Bt-Law for current Expenditures. /7j�-433* To provide for borrowing the sum of $190,000.00 upon debenture to defray the cost of an extension to the sewage treatment plant and trunk sewers leading thereto. ��2 fir"c C Al 7'1 CAI 1434. To Authorize the Entering Into and the Execution of an Agreement with T10'7 the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario. ,�/, 435. For the appointment of Town Officials for the said Town for the year 1947. For the appointment of a Superintendant of the Roads and Streets and Sewerage System in the Town of Bowmanville. 71437. To raise by taxation certain slims of money for Town, County, debenture and School purposes in the Town of Bowmanville for year 1947. //71438.A 3y-Law to amend By-Law number 14330 Vy 71439. To authorize the sale to certain Veterans of houses built by the corporation and to authorize the makin of certain grants by the Corporation_ to the said Veterans. /s 1440$ To provide for the 1947 Expenditure on Roads or Streets in the Town County of Durham. f 417 1441. To authorize the construction of certain works as local Improvements under the Local Improvement Act. / 1442, To amend and vary the agreement with Ontario Shore Gas Company, Limited, attached and forming part of By-Law Number 1241. /��71443. For the appointment of a caretaker for the sewage disposal plant in the Town of Bowmanville. 7/,/71444. To amend By-Law No. 1435 for the appointment of Town Officials for the said Town for the year 1947, �///�"�1445. For the appointment of Superintendant of the Roads and Streets and sewerage System in the Town of Bowmanville. {To amen By-Law No. 1436. 7/, ',/71446. To provide for the holding of elections for members of the Municipal Council, Members of the Board of Education and Members of the Public Utilities Commission for the Town, year ,1948. zs/��%1447o To authorize the construction of various small waterworks extensions within the limits of the Town of Bowmanville according to the terms of contracts herein referred to by certain contractors and the said municipal Corporation, f1 �1448. To authorize the sale of and to dertain Veterans of houses built by the Corporation and to authorize the making of certain grants by the Corporation to the said Veterans, ���y! 1449,, Municipal By-Law for Current Expenditures.. Rv4Law 1450 1499 '00"d450. To Provide for the 1948 Expenditures on Roads or Streets in the Town of Bowmanville, in the County of Durham. f/--?/� 4A452. For the appointment�of Town Officials of the said Town for the year, 1948 453, For the appointment of a Superintendant of the Roads and Streets and Sewerage System in the Town of Bovimanvilleo __,----z---= -- ' � 1454. For the Ppointment of a caretaker for the sewage disposal plant in toe Town of Bowmanville year 1948. m 1,71455,. To raise by taxation certain sums of money for Town, County, debenture and School purposes in the Town of Bowmanville for the year, 1948. .W,1,,,e1456o To authorize the payment of remuneration to the Mayor, the Reeve, the Deputy Reeve and members of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of -dotitimanville. r �;�/_ 457o To provide for the erection of an Arena in the Town of Bowmanville In memory of the armed forces.. For the borrowing of money to build this arena. /y4F145$4 A Ely-Law to amend Ry-Law 923. �Xe,/f1459. To provide for the exemption from Municipal taxation, forthe Canadian Legion except for local improvements. j1,144-411460. To repeal By-Law No. 1238 and to further amend Section 124 and Schedule ''B7 therof of The Public Health Act, R.S.O. 1937 Chapter 2990 , 1461. To amend By-Law No. 1452 for the appointment of Town Officials, for the said Town for the year 1948. ,,-/y44/ .462. To amend ay-Law No. 1453 for the appointment of a Superintendant of the Roads and Streets and Sewerage System in the Town of Bowmanville. /4/A463. To Authorizing the borrowing of $82p000.00 upon debentures for Local Im- provement purposes. 00;01464. To provide for borrowing the sum of 149.0Q0.00 upon debenture to defray the cost of the building and furnishing of a Public School to be erected in the South Wards �,/n/, /1465. With the respect to the closing of Barber Shops in the Town of Bov�manvillc ° /, // .466. To provide for the holding of elections for members of the Municipal Council, Members of the Board of Education and Member of the Public Utilities Commission for the Town of Bowmanville year 1949. �ldp/yj.467. To fprtvide for the building of an athletic field and including a skating rink for the Town of Bowmanville. 0//,/,r1468. To Authorize the construction of certain works as Local Improvements under the Local Improvement Act, v/k/2 1469. To submitted to electors if in favor of full time recreational director, ;4, %,, .470. To Authorize the construction of certain works as Local Improvements under the Local Improvement Actq YW/44.71. To provide for a temporary loan for the purpose of erecting a schools �j// . L472. To provide for borrowing the sum of *1$,000400 upon debentures to complete �! ''`` the cost of building a Memorial Arena in the Town of Bovamanvi lle. ///; 8473. Municipal By-Law for current Expenditures, f/�i,�1474. To Authorized the construction of certain works as Local Improvements under the Local Improvement Act4 s ,� X1475, For the appointment of a Superintendant of the Roads and Streets and sewerage system in the Town of Bowmanville, for the year 1949, 5/.zf�f 1476° For the appointment of a caretaker for the sewage disposal plant in the Town of Bowmanville. 0�.��1477.For the appointment of Town Officials for the said Town for the year 1949, YAO/r478. To provide for the 1949 expenditure on Roads or Streets in the Town. :5/,/� 1479. Municipal By-Law for Temporary Advances under Local Improvement Acto ,1"VVy14.$O, To raise by taxation certain sums of money for Town, County, Debenture and School purposes in the Town. of Bowmanville. year 1949. To prohibit the discharge of guns or other firearms within the limits of the Corporation except in certain seasons. To provide for the payment of a t4Poll Tax" under the provisions of the Statute Labour Act* �/�/��14$3. to Prohibit the idling and racing of engines of motor vehicles and the shouting and making of unusual noises by persons on the streets of Bowmanville in a manner to disturb the inhabitants, To authorize the execution o an agreement with the Canadian National railway Company passed on the 26th day of February 1949. To establish a Community Centre at the Town. of Bowmanville. �/`c� 1436a To provide for the exemption_ from Municipal Taxation except for Local improvements and School purposes, of the property of the Canadian Legions 1487. To authorize the construction of certain works as Local Improvements unde r/ the Local improvement Act. 1�' X14$$. To provide for borrowing the sum of $75,000.00 upon debentures for the purpose of constructing an elevated tank as an extension to the waterworks system of the Town of Bowmanvillea ,5 AEI, ,IA4$9. To provide .pensions for Employees of the Municipality ,jr/c/,,-/A49O. To provide for the holding of elections for members of the Council, Members of the board of education and Member of the Public Utilities commission for the Town of Bowmanville for the year 1950. 1491. To provide for placing the management of the sewerage system under the Public Utilities Commission, Y/`/f 1492, To provide for the submission of proposed By-Law No. 1491 to the electors for assent at the next ensuing Municipal Elections. f � 1493. Municipal By-Law for Current Expenditures. 11494. Municipal By-Law for Current Expenditures. C 1495. Authorizing the borrowing of $100,000.00 upon debentures for the purpose of making a grant to the Bowmanville Memorial Hospital* .,I�o 1496.. To establish a street in the Town of Boivmanville to be Known as Meadowview Boulevard. F/-t0M497- s To provide for the 1950 Expenditure on Roads or Streets in the Town. 149$. To raise by Taxation certain sums of money for the Town, County, Debenture and School purposes for the year 1950. -#3 -t1499. For the appointment of Town Officials for the said Town for the year 1950 _Rv- Law No. 1500-.1550 E�A500. Authorizing the borrowing of $52,000.00 upon debentures for Local improvement purposes, 1<11.�° 1501. To provide for the exemption from Municipal Taxation except for Local improvements and School purposes, of the property of the Canadian legion* ' /,fYA502. A by-Law to amend By-Taw No, 1464. �/V.441503. A By-Law to amend By-L aw No, 14$$. � 01504. A Bay=Law to amend By-Law No. 1500 ult X1505, To amend and vary the agreement with Ontario Shore Gas Company, Limited, attached and forming part of By-Law Number 1241. 1506,E For the appointment of Town Officials for the said Town for the year, 195( n ;,f 1507¢ For the appointment of Town Officials for the said Town for the year I950 yj'r150$9 Municipal By-Law for Temporary Advances under Local Improvement .Act. ,141 ,1509. For the appointment of a Town Official for the said Town for the year X95C t�� v1510.. To provide for the holding of elections for members of the Municipal Council, and member of the Public Utilities Commission for the gown of Bowagnville for the year 1951* OY/i'01511. To provide for the closing of a lane 6.02 feet in width and lying between lots 14add 15 on Plan 58 and situate on the south side of Carlisle Avenue* /j7 1512.,, To provide for the borrowing of the sum of ,$60.000.00 upon debentures to defray the cost of the building and furnishing a four room addition to the Ontario Street Public School. 1,.ZIYT,1513* A By-Law to establish The Bowmanville Public School Board.* /Vi11514. Municipal Hy-Law for Current Expenditures. xt/zV5A515. To provide for the 1951 expenditure on roads or streets. vl5-11516. For the appointment of Town Officials for the Said Town for the year 195: z c/_?/"/`1517. To provide for the parking of automobiles and other vehicles for a limited time upon certain streets in the Town of Bowmanville* � j'5 1151$, To provide for the establishment and- regulation of a bolunteer fire Department* �-z .?/,- :/'°�'_/ 15194 To provide for the monthly payment of fifty dollars as a retiring allow- ance to Walter Hall employed by the Corporation as a constable. 3�/s15204To Raise by taxation certain suns of money for the Town$ Countyy, Debent- ure and School purposes for the year 1951 fz/ff--/1521* For the appointment of a town official for the said Town for the year 1951* 0/-/-/1522. To carry on a community programme of recreation within the meaning of the regulations under the Department of Educations Act*. �_. 523� �% �/3/-/15240 To provide for a temporary loan for the purpose of erecting an addition a school* 1525. To provide for licensing, regulatin and governing tourist camps and Trailer camps. /W/J'/ 1526. To Authorize the construction of certain works as Local Improvements under the Act, �rict__the--em1ssIon-of---smok.e._--f ro,rn_f11 e, 1527, To provide for the holding of elections for members of the Council, members of the Public School Board and member of the Public Utilities Commission for the Town of Bowmanville, year 1952, 1528. Municipal Ry-Law for Temporary advances under Local Improvement Act. 1529. To Ratify and confirm proposed conveyances between the Town of Bvwman- ville, the Bowmanville Hospital and H.C. Dovmham Nursery Co. , Ltd. , and to approve of the plan hereto attached subdividing the area therein set out. �Xlzl ' 1530. To repeal by-law No. 1399 providing for the closing of grocery stores an( butcher shops at certain fixed hours on Saturday of each week, � /j-,Z 1531. Municipal ByLaw for Current Expenditures. ,�/,i/5—_A532. To Provide for the 1952 Expenditure on Roads or Streets in the Town. o//,� - 1532. For the Appointment of Town Officials for the Town for the year 1952. //, �1533. To provide for the exemption from Municipal Taxation except for Local Improvements and School purposes, of the property of the Canadian Legion. �-�2 1534jo raise by taxation certain sums of money for Town, County, Debenture and School purposes for the year 1952. ,�I,,4 ��1535. For the appointment of a Town official for the said Town for the year 1952. 1536. Authorizing the borrowing of $26,000.00 upon debentures for Local improvement purposes. 4/5= .537. For the submission to a vote of questions under the Liquor License Act. -71&,,1538. To provide for the establishment of Planning Board for the Town. / 'j/�1539. Authorizing the borrowing of $25,00.00 upon debentures for the cost of installing artificial ice in the Arena, in the Town. iglflj� 1540,. To provide for the holding of a vote of the ratepayers entitled to vote on a money By-Law and provides for the borrowing of $25,000.00 to complete the cost of the installation of artificial ice in the Memorial Arena. 1541. Authorizing an application to the Department of Municipal Affairs to extend the time for the return of the assessment Roll, cf 1542. To regulate the traffic of motor vehicles upon the pub is streets of the Town of Boiv anville. ,�//f X1543. To provide for the holding of elections for members of the Council Members of the Public School Board, member of the Public Utilities Commission, and vote in favor .of the appointment of a Town Manager. 1544a �//5 154.5. To authorize the carrying on of a community programme of recreation witt i the meaning of the reglations under the Department of Education Act. ,� x':1546. A By-Law to amend By-Law No. 15420• -7i`':Y� 547. To provide for the parking of automobiles and other vehicles for a limited time upon certain streets in the Town of Bowmanvilleo J///�1548. Municipal By -Law for Current Expenditures. V11 5-s 1549. To provide for the 1953 Expenditures on Roads or streets in the Town of Bowmanville, in the County of Durham. To provide for the licensing, regulating and controlling places where f&*j food stuffs intended for human consumption are made for sale. B-Y-LA S1551- 1600 7j6.t1/o'-y 15511.$ A by� law to provide for permitting, and regulating the size of . construction of culverts on the public highway. 1552. A by-law to provide for the licensing, regulating and controlling of junk Zards and Auto Wrecking Yards, 2151,j'.3 15530 a By-law of the Municipal Council for the Town of Eowmanvi.11e for the appointment of Town Officials for the said Town year 19530 1554, A by-law of the municipal Council of Bowmanville to raise by Taxation certain sums of money for the Town., County, Debenture and School purposesy for the year 19530 1555. A by=law of the Corporation of the Town of B=owmanville to authorize the construction of Sanitary Sewer and Watermair_* t5l�&Y 1556. A by-law authorizing the borrowing of $31.500,00 upon debentures for Local Improvement purposes* 1557.. A bylaw to restrict the emission of smoke from flue, etc. r �4�1558* A bylaw to provide for borrowing the sum of $320,000.00 upon debentures to defray the cost of installing an intake in Lake Ontario. 1559. 1560* A bylaw to provide for the conveyances of certain streets and parts of streets shown on a plan of the Town of Bowmanville made by C.G.. Hanni dated June 30th. x 869. � �a�1 1561. A by-law to provide for the exemption from Municipal Taxation except for Local-Improvements and school purposes of the property of the Canadian Legion* /,r '-5r 1562. A by-law to close part of Smart Street for the purpose of construction a pumping station and settling basin thereono 1563* A bylaw to license, regulate and govern electrical contractors and electricians* 1564. A by-.law of the corporation of the Town of Bowmanville to authorize the construction of certain_ works as Local Improvements under the Local Improvement Act* :�,//,-/x'315650 A by=law authorizing the obtaining of temporary to meet the cost of certain works undertaken as a local improvement pending the completion. 1566. A by-law to provide for the holding of elections for members of the Municipal Council, Members of the Public School B=oard, and members of the Public Utilities Commission* To provide for the borrowing of the sum of $150.000.00 upon debentures to defray the cost of the building and furnishing of a six room Public School on Church Street.. ///s 1568. Municipal By-Law for Current Expenditures.. �t -.5_x/1569. To provide for the 1954 Expenditure on Radds or streets in the Town of Bowmanville. / � o-��1570. To provide for the payment of a fee for the inspection of plumbing and sewers* � ./�-x`1571* Whereas the Municipal Council has been requested by the Public School Board of the Town of Bowmanville to acquire the necessary lands to afford access to the grounds of the said Board situate on the west side of Church Street and formerly owned by Kingsway Nurseries Limited. 11315;41572. To raise by taxation certain sums of money for Town, County, Debenture and School purposes for the year 1954 //-/5-- 1573* For the Appointment of Town Officials for the said Town for the year 19540 15740 vTo Provide for the exemption from Municipal Taxation except for Local Improvements and School purposes of the Property of the Canadian Legion, 1575. For the appointment of a Building Inspector for the said Town. �f. - 1576. A By--Law to amend R-y—Law No. 15420 1577. To Provide for a temporary loan for the purpose of erecting and equiping a six room Public School on Church Street, 7/- -1,5-X1578. To regulate the traffic of motor vehicles upon the Public Streets, 1579. 1580. For the Appointment of a Town Official for the said Town for the year 1954* 1581* For the Temporary Advances under Local Improvement Act, ,715 X15$2. To prohibit the breaking up of any raadway within the limits of the Corporation without the written consent of the Municipal Clerk,, and upon the payment of a fee of Twenty-five Dollars. To provide for the holding of elections for members of the Municipal Cos Council, members of the Public School Board, and member of the Public School Board, and the Public Utilities Commissions �i/� 15$4o To provide for a special rate to be levied in order to defray the Town of Bowmanvillets share on the cost of constructiong and equipping a New High School at Port Hope and the addition to the high School at Bowmanville for the Durham County HighSChool district. ffllOr,4-5`1585. By--Law for Current Expenditureso 3///5 ;-15$6, To Authorize the construction of certain works as Local Improvements under the Loci-, Improvement Act, � � �/1S$7• To regulate and restrict the use and location of building and premises, the height and bulk of buildings and the occupancy of lots within the Town of Bowmanville and for the division of the said town into use Zones for such ur oses P P � `71,,'1 X588. To provide for the 1955 expenditure on roads or streets in the Town of Bowmanville, County of Durham* -71.7 -,�3'1589s For the appointment of Town Officials of the said Town for the year 1955* To Provide for the 1955 expenditure on Roads or Streets. ����615910 To provide for the exemption from Municipal Taxation except for Local Improvements and School purposes of the property of the Canadian Legion. For the appointment of a working foreman for the na.ds and streets and works department of the Town of Bowmanville for the year 1955* To provide for a special rate to be levied in order to defray the Town of Bowmanvillets share in the cost in constructing and equipping an addition to the New High School at Port Hope and an addition to the existing High Schoo; at Bowmanville for the Durham County High School District* ,/,":5/1594. To Prohibit the driving of trucks, motor cars or other vehicles over the sidewalks within the limits of the Corporation. /,/-4jf595. For the appointment of a Town Official of the said Town for the year 19550 /�/4 1596 With respect to the closing of Berber Shops in the Town of Bowmanville. 1597. f� 'i59$. For the submissiong to a vote of questions under the Liquor Licence Act. 1599a 1600.To provide for the holding of elections for members of the Municipal Council �`�` members of the Public School Board, and members of the Public Utilities. 3Y-LA S 1601 1699. 1601. Temporary Borrowing Capital 35,000-00 (15792 1597 & 1599) L.Ils. 1602. To clo5e part of Coleman 6treet. 1+03.3. he sulations concerning Laster Ilectricians journeyman. 004. Temporary borrowing 1000000.00 current expenditures. 1955. 1605. Debenture 3y-Law 110,000.00. Vincent kassey i4b. 3chool. Tanporary borrowing for 1605. Vincent Zassey Pub. 3chool. 1607. Fire Limit 3y-law. 160S. Appointment of working foreman for Hoads and Streets. 1609. Appointment of Various Officials. 3/15 1610. Budget By-Law for 1956. 1611. i"T/M side,--:allks. �1_4 AuthorizinZ various local i. Is. 1612. Building Hegulations By-Laws. X1613- To Fix Conditions for proposed plans of Sub-Divisions. 1614. ?o designate an area of Ob-Division Control. 113151� 1615. Hoads and Streets expenditure 5Y-Law 1956. ,Q15-6 1616. Closing of 3cugoE 3treet By-Law. j/f;j§ 1617. To exempt Legion from certain Taxes. 1618. bupDlementary n3ads h Streets expenditure Ey-law. 1619. 1620. 1621. _//0�16'1622. To Licence L aaEulate Trailer Damps. 1623. 1624. To amend Sy-Law lo. 879 (house 3ewer connections. ) tot/31 1625. To auend By-Law No. 877 (Regulationa of water works system. ) C- 1626. Tollec• ion of Garbage A Hefuse & Dis7osal,. etac',- --7; 1627. 1628. To annex part of jarlinEton Township, 1629. 1630. 0141631. To amend By-Law Mo. 1626 (Garbage Q-Law. ) 1632. 111,71_,>--,',l633- kuthorize construction of certain sidewalks as L.11 s. To annex part of Darlington Township. 1634. k/on 1635. -/51636. 6 1 CS 7 3- To anend iy-Law So. 1614 (Sub-division control. jjj M? i 6 7 4. To appoint B. Kitney as Mief Constable. Vlslv.�,'� 1675. Temporary 3orrowing 103,030.00 Current. !676. 0/0' 1677. Temporary 3orrovinZ 100, 000.00 Surrent. IS01/31"1670. To provide exenptions on certain farm lands. 1679. To licence and re elate Tool rooms, bowling alleys, etc. Roads ana Areets exyenlituras 45 . f 16 Sl. iudget of the year 190. 7/;j/111602. Temporary barry inE o 50,060.00 current. 168 3. To appoint "unicipal Officials for 1958. 1684. To appoint an inaustrial Ammiss mod.oncr. �­7-- '625. To aypoint A larker an jons table. j;fKAY 1606. Roads L ntrset5 expenditure 1950. on/stooP 1687. To appoint L.G. ..essells, Clerk of Police Dept. AM. ididwAnd 1689. To naana ly-Law No. 1439 (Pension. ) 1AW To appoint certain Town Officials 0olice 2 Oemetem 1950. 16'�,-!. To subAit vote of nGsti3ns under liquor -icence ict. !602. lo provile payacnt of penzion to those not covered. 1°�0- To Vrovide for holdin; elections A sutnin5ioa of 4uestions. 161,-,4. To appoint H. 3. Heynolds as Deputy-Clerk. :040AT 1605. To appoint H. B. Heynolds as Town Clerk. lespectin, . UrAnz ioneso— -Z 16 9 7- autnorize conveyance of jenezery lands no Actor Tookey., 16 5 3. noaas ann Qr6ets expeLditure 1958. Temporary horroninys 100,000.00 current, 1699. 1700 1749 6�1-5-f 1700- -To Z-oninl� 3Y-Law No. 1587 as a�,,-,,ended by 1612. 1701. To ruatniorize construction o-f various storm sewers. ( Liberty S't. � Base Line. ) 1702. Temporary borrowin- current - 3COs000,00. 1703. 'to an maintain an I-n,--Iustri-Zl Commissd;.On. 17014. To authorize advance patent of Taxes an� allow dJ s,count 1705. To appoint certain representatives for 1959. 1706. To Prov--I.-de riavment for Gouncil 1707. Aul-.horize 5-ignin-; officers. 1708. To appoint 2,!uditors for Town. 1-1 0 S. --iuthorize ---4ebenture issue 46,640.01, side,,,,,alk&, W/M S �,elvqerso y�r 1710. -o provide for Bic-annial --lections. '10 - - �a!8 fro-m .1abies. 171-L Io protect Jnhabitants and ani7a 171,2. Io confirm purchase of a parkins,- lot. 17" 1714. Bail,,ing 3y-Law and fees. 1715s xe:,,cption of certa-;T3 f d ar:a ins. 195 9 17 16 To ar-.en,6 by-laiir 169,6 Licens:�-n,-- Ki -13-,,—Law. 1717. _:cad and Streets - xrenditure. 1059. KLunicippal Budget. 1959. 1719. Traffic - Load T ,7it --eStriCtion . 5. parking. 1720. To amend 1665 (Licensing. 1721 - l,uthor--'Lze C -rewmen -vith 13e:,11 1722. 3upplementary 1--uoad I'�`x-penc.iLiture D,,—Lai-,-. 1955. 17 2 3. 'I"o F.-ohi-6it road cuts pernit. 17724- . o p-"'apeal By v, di y12,,. 3u1pl-na-nta xperi ture 3 -I av,. TiqUoj- licence ote. 1726 1727. 172:,,, To prov--. ae pen-j ion for 2'o-,I.n 17w t. u*,`-orize e'i-)en-11-ure,:3. 45,,QC0.00. ena. aL"3 o e u;.a ,70- 1730. to ;-Icor-e /!Y11731. Authorize Debentures res 200t5-50 Public School (Not actel. ) /wo? 1732. nuthorize construction of Watermain on 3cugog L nilj Lane. L.I. 1733. 1734. 101.5-f 1735. To appoint Deputy-Clerk, J411736. To prohibit use of fire arms an6 air guns 1737. Authorize debentures, 200,235-00 (Public School. ) 1738. Polling Places established and other purposes,* 1735. Authorize construction of Atersain on High Street.-, L.I. ,WI 1740. Temporary borrowing capital 46o o93.00 Qy-Law 1?01) . 1741. nut nor: Uebentures 200, 235.00 (Public 3chool. ) ,QyvY-1- 1742. Temporary borrowing 175,000-00 current exPeaditure. 1743. 1744. 1745. 1746. nuthorize debentureo 17, 950.00 (Fire Enginge. ) 1747. Authorize construction of "atermain on Parlc,�-ay crescent. 1748. Authorize construction of 6anitary 3ewer (Liberty-Farkmay. ) 1749 Authorize Temporary 3orrowing re: By-Law 1745. 1750 1750 Te-,,ir.orary Borrowing - Capital- - .Fire Truck. 1751. Te,,aporatry Borrowing - Curre,1 - f. 1752. -kppointing,-, '_.7Lepre8entatiyes to various bodies - 196 T, 1753. authorize construction of waternain on 3'econd St. - 1,._ 1754. Debentu-e BY-Law Eospital - 't;l~_0.,OT,_ 0 175 15- To aniend By, -Law 21o. 1626 Garbage Fees,' 1756. Ye v 1757• Bud-et By-Law - 1960. 1758. Farm Land _'-`xeyn-ptions for 1960. 1-759. --up-olementary `oad :J,xpenditure BY�Law 1760. 2 761. 1_2o -'stablish Bo-,,vT,.i,-,,nvil1e Ge:.ietery Eoard, etc. 1762. l rp o repeal 1746. C) 1763. To authorize debentures for Fire Truck - 1-3;100.00. 9/V:Oe/ v3/_ 11C 1764. To authorize debentures for LAorf.,-i 3e-,,%Ters 41,,959-004, Lele j/,/o 1765. Hoad .�_-xcpenditure By-Law - 10610. s 17660 1767a Appoint a Cor.-,mittee of Aldjustraent. 1768. "To amend By-Law 1711. (�0;�-'S 3 y-Taw. 1769. 10 amend By-Law 1622 ( -:Lraiier Licences. 00, U 177 . Authorize Construction of pavelaent, curb L-� tter Liberty 6t. 17710 Application to to disperse- vDte on By-Law 1770. 1772. Wt/-61 1773• To amend 3Y-Law 1752 (App6intm6ntB to variou3 3oards. ) 1774. c 1775. Te-,­1porary Borrowing -,'180$079.00 - Capital s*_'em. Hosp. (1754. ) C glue 1776. Capita-'_ 2orroi-,ring 111-iEh School �._�_illbrook. _isaw ilospital. ) 1Y;i,1Y,1,, 1777- To repeal 1754 (Lebenture By 17 r8. -Debenture Issue ",180,079.00 2--emorial Hospital. 1 1779. Cazital_ Ejorro-Vui-ng H'i57ja 3chool (vourtilice. ) 1780. J/Z 1781. le r ,-aporary 3orowing 66, 00-0.00 (Liberty 6t. 1770). l/t/, C:I 7 7- 17832. :-�utlllorize Construction of 3'an. 6ewer. Liberty Sc, Third Sts. tors 1783. To amea�, 3y Law 170`� of _,Lud' -I.-/_��C F140 6 1784. Traffic By-Law (General. 0 1785. I r1n, raf fie By-Law (Heavy '_rucks. ) 31«�wI ' 17-6,6- " thorize persons to siF u n or, behalf of Corporation. 1787. Anti iorize agreement --'-TithL L izabe-'Gh _'�.-Llcos, ',-ourth 1788. Te,-aporary borroming current funds - 549-805-00. 17-��. I.ppointingl representat--itve to various Boards for 19610- x.7`1°0. lippointing members to Cemetery 3card. 1791. "Lo a,,-tend by-law 1773. (ap-oointments to bouies. 17Q12. To -prohibit discharge of roof viater into san. sewers, l7 3. To repeal _3,7-Law 1;o. 1773. 17§3-A 10 xDpoiat a Clerk-Trea' surer - Jack L. I'leid. 17,31 4- To Provide for 'Fees and irisr-ections. 1795. To provide for Fees and -Inspections of Septic Tanks. 0 47* - CL 1796. i'xeiaption - certain Farm lane for 1961. 1707. To author-_', ze pulliriq do;%Tn of Holgate Building. 17 E% Budget for 1961 C%reration. x.79;. 1961 '_.�:xpenditures on and "streets. tf- tie ;5e"4e tIt%t;'Z:'.L-'ACL±n un 9ra"-tsilav �7-tzs'et; 1800 - 1.830 inn, To amend By-Law No. 1551 (Size of Culverts . ) TD amend By-Law No. 1789 (Appointment to Bodies. liV2 , ane=07 on Bradshaw Street Construction 11 . 1 . aw - o Provide for the Borrowing of $110, 000.00 a - n Deternures for Public School Purposes 2100 . z --Law to amend By-Law No. 1696, being a By-Law ._ Licences for Nursing Hamm 105 . , no Provide for the 1961 expenditures on Hoads ets. 1961 6,1 -1806'. j Sy-14w to confirm an agreement with the Township of &.00- . -lir,tan to Provide for the Maintenance of the Bound- -y HoUs between the Town of Bowmanville and the Town- of Darlington. -i vat nrize the Mayor and Clerk to. Execute and Affix n Corporate Seal to a certain agreement between the o rat ivn of the -van of Bownanville and the Xxxxx a Bo .n�o dpi ?le Po 7m Association. 1"i Vnyc7av! §orrowinq $55, 000.00 !Out, -ry Borrowing 00 nurary Borrowing $450, 000-00 I./A I S11 . o Khorize the Aayur and Clerk to execute and af f ix the -orpyraale Seal to a certain Agreement between the Corr orwlion of the Town of BownanvVie and Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation. appoint a Weed inapector 1 V 1 n oTpoini a member to the Bowmanville Arena Board Gvlhrie. 4 ✓ !-Isolidate the Sums Exrendod under Certain By-Laws 7 0 one SUM, of 462, 00*00 and to Born ow the same oy _S' - a of Debentures Therefore.-- __-_,- Zl-,- /SA� 7 - for the Sorrowing of $450, 000.00 upon Debent- -0 ior an AddiLion to the Sewage Treatment Plant,- VIV ✓ Q-Law to Repeal By-Law No. 1814. V 1;�17. ✓ - ithorize the Leasing of That Part of Centre Street nytnn Northerly from Wellington Street to Carlisle Ave 1 learge Street to Thomas Turner. 4 , Provide for the Levy and Cnlle -n ­ of a Special Rate �rler to Defray tha Corporktio & s snare of the Cost- of' "' Construction of a Hign jc.00] in thn Towisl-lip of Clarke , i '..rnishing and equippinj ' hereof. and Establish t.ea t Part of Frank jt7eet Running orly from Kin- 7- r ­n 'V7 a UF' 1 Of :0 - feet . � OX . ` 3yQLaw to Amend By-Laws No. 1739 ; 1745 ; and 1753. 1121 CO Consolidate the Sups Wpandeo under Certain By-Laws :ntv one Sum of $60,660.00 and to Borrow the Same by ssue of Debent"ras Therefor. 0 Temporary Borrowing - J110, 000.00 §555 W 1823 . ✓ katnorizing the Mayor and Clerk to Execute and affix the CDrporate Sear to a Certain Agreement between the Town of bow mane; lle and the Central Mortgage Housing Corporation. Amy /A 1?24, . utharizin4 the Mayor and Clerk to Execute and affix the Cormorate SeAl to a Gertan Agreement between the Corp- orazion of the Town of Bo;qmanville and the Corporation of the Village of Newcastle. 1125 . � To Amend inning By-Law No. 1587. 1; 2n z /�-n" k7"-nd Zonin, By-law No. 1587. 18_2` m / To AFpoint Places for Holding the Next Municipal h1ections:7W.,ly- 182F . --To Amend By-Law No . 11 e-- 1829. -'Authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to Execute and Affix the Corporate Seal to 4 certain Lease between Town of Bowman- ville and The Memorial Park Association, M 1 AO To Establish a Park and Museum. ,.,. yc 1831 J . 1831 Temporary Borrowing $606., 516.00 1832 Appointing certain representatives of the Town of Bowmanville on various Boards and Commissions. 1833 0,V 1834 By-Law to Repeal By-Law No. 182�4, elll, ',,� 1835 By-Law to Amend Zoning By-Law 1587 1836 To Amend Official Plan of The Corporation of the Town of Boivmanville Al 1837 To appoint a Weed Inspector- M. Moore - 4 1838 r To provide for Certain Exemptions for Lands Assessed in Parcels of not less than Five Acres, as provided in Section 37 of The Assessment Act, Chapter 23, R.S.O. 37, 1960. 1839 To Compel Persons to Remove Snow, and Ice from the Sidewalks in the Town of Bowmanville. 1840 By-Law to provide for a vote of the Municipal Electors on' the question of passing a by-law to make legal the pre- ­ C, �__ I sentation of motion pictures, etc. and Sports on SundaysiD---- 1841 By-Law to govern and regulate the finances of the To-m of Bo-wmanville for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1962.1 1842 t By-Law to provide for the 1962 expenditures on roads or streets. 77 1844 z' To authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute and affix the Corporate Seal to a certain AGRIEE24ENT between the Corpor- ation of the Town of Bowmanville and NATIONAL UNION OF PUBLIC SERVICE EMPLOYEES I OYEES AND ITS LOCAL #74. 1845 ✓ By-Law to permit Sunday movies and sports etc., in the Town of Bowmanville. By-Law to provide for the 1962 expenditures on roads or stree is in the Town of Boiqmanville. 1847 To authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute and affix the Corporate Seal to a certain AGREE`1V1E-NT between the Corpor- ation of the Town of Bowmanville and THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLAND. 1848 To authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute and affix the Corporate Seal to a certain AGGREEIV1ENT between the Corpor- ation of the Town of Bowmanville and THE BOWMANVILLE POLICE ASSOCIATION. 1849 A By-Law to authorize the pulling down., repairing or '- renewing of any structure vvhich is in an-,unsafe condition. 1850 A By-Law to amend by-law No. 1784., being a By-Law for the regulation of traffic. -7/0-Z 1851 To authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute and affix the Corporate Seal to a certain Agreement between the Corp-_,,�.,- oration of the Town of Bowmanville and The Corporation of the Township of Darlington. 1852 A By-Law to repeal By-law No. 1684 being a By-Law of the,-- Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville for the appointment of a Town Official for the year 1959. J81 1855. 185 1858 A By-Law to accept and establish Barbara Street.- _41110 X 1859 A By-Law to repeal By-law No. 1854, 1860 To authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute and affix the Corporate Seal to a certain AGREEMENT between the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville and DONALD W. HARVEY. 1861 A By-law to provide for the appointment of certain representative on certain Boards & Commissions in the Town of Bowmanville. _7 1862,. A By-law to provide for the Appointment of Certain representation of the Town of Bowmanville on Various Boards and Commissions. 3 1863 Temporary Borrowing $652,000.00 1864. Authorize community programme of recreation-within 'the ,,, 1865 ✓ meaning of Department of education Act. Authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute and affix the Corporate Seal to a certain AGREEMENT between the Corp- oration of the Town of Bowmanville and PLANET ENTERPRISES LIMITED. -7 1866 same as above- to a certain AGREEMENT between the `Corpor- ation of the Town of BoTAmanville and N.E.SWEET CO. LTD. 1867 same as above- to a certain AGREEMENT between the Corp-�-/'- oration of the Town of Bo-vimanville and RIZNEK CONS. LTB."'- 1868 same as above- to a certain AGREEMENT between the Corp- " ✓ oration and Donald W. Harvey- amending terms of agree- ment in By-Law 1860. 3 1869 Temporary Borrowing $1212000.00 -51 1870 %­ A By-la d w to in provide for certain exemptions for lands✓6 f five acres, as assesse parcels o L not less than provided in Section 37 of The Assessment Act) Chapter 23, R. S. Oe, 37s 1960/ Being a By-law to authorize a conveyance of the closed part Of Melville Street to Karl Waversveld. 1873 1874 ! Authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute and affix the / Corporate Seal to a certain AGREEMENT between the OOrp- oration of the Town of Bowmanville and GEORGE AND LOIS HUBER. �� ���: � ;- '� .;�3 �� V`• � I, ,, ��. • `�� `� 1 ,� �. `;� �, �' � 1 . � �' y �� � ,} �� �`� `l ( ���� \.� ��_.} ���� gg ' I t p `! 9 '. h: �� �, �4e � \ i r: � �� , `�� ip f ' �� �'>� f'' x tl . \ ,l �} t.7 `i � � , �� ,� � � `�; �, ,,.� � �,. ��� ,�� �. �i �� �� i �.� �.� �� �� �� By-Lai!s - 1875 - 19355 1875 , /To provide for the Ap-ocintment of a Representative on the yLl Arean Board of Management in the Town of Boi-manville. _?/', /,�'31876 ,/' To stop up and close part of Simpson Avenue and to provide for the sale therof to William Lewis Lycett. / 1877v/ To accept and establish public high-,mys in lieu of that part w, of Simpson Avenue closed by by-law 113c. 1876. 1878 To annoint a Weed Inspector to enforce the provisions of the Weed Ccntrol Act with 4 n the boundaries of the Town of Boi-zaanville. 7 -5 1879 'I To Amend Zoning By-Law 1587 1880 , To amen) By-law No. 1843 being a By-law to authorize the issuance cf debtentures .in the amount of 48,670.50 for the construction of Sanitary Sewers on Liberty and Third 188-1 Strets. 711 '-/ Suo�olementary Road Expenditure. ' -.7 j-7 4- 7- use e ��M vi I' regMte Boi -Le Munici pa' e Bump. -1,99�1�To repeal By-law No. 1673 . authorize the issue of Debgntures in the '6 n 8' C--54 f`6`r\the Oi6_n's-ril q_e�re­ r t atn- 6' t plan t f 1V5 V To repeal By-law No. 1815 . 1886 -/To amend By-law No. 17184. 1887 repeal By-law No. 1879. a�,?`/` Zjr 1888 -/T/o amend Zoning By--law 15157. 3; 18-90 s 1891 V-,To appoint places for holdi.�,g the next Municipal Ellecti,o:­L and for other purpose. 3 1992, -//To License, Regulate and Govern Auctioneers in the Toi,,rn of Boi,onanville. 1893 To amend By-law No. 1784. / Y 1894 To repeal By---'Law 1886, 1895 //Temporary Borrowino,C-D 5 1896 -'To -eneal. Byelaw No. 188q. 1897 -,/To* provide for the appointment of centain representatives z ` of the town of Bowmanville to various Boards and Commissions. 1808 / 1,191:,l 1809 /To amend Debenture By-law No. 1764 so as to Drcvide for J:/ *payment of the tatal remaining unpaid debentures out of the general rate. 1900 -/To appoint a Weed Inspector to enforce the provisions of the L WeedControl Act irithin the boundaries of the Town of Boli,imanville. J 1901 To allow encroachments of the Boimlanville Hotel on � ✓ Bing and Division Streets. 1901-A To stop up and close the Easterly 4 feet of Division Street running Northerly from King Street fcr a distance of 168 feet 312 inches and to provide for the sale therof to the abutting owners. n/- 1902 To establish an extension of Durhaw, Street subject to certain Reservations. 10,03 Road Expenditure 1964. 1904 To provide for certain exemptions for lands assessed in _ parcels of not less than five acres, as provided in Section 37 of the Assessment Act, Chapter 23 , R.S.O. 1960. f F/ y!1905,`To govern and regulate the Finances of the Town of Bot-rmanville for the Fiscal year ending December 31st, 196L. 1906 To aathorize the l'byor and Clerk to execute and affix the / Corporate Seal to a certain Agreement between the Corporation-' of the Town of Bowmanville and Donald W. Harvey. Wilfred Carruthers, 19C8 -To establish a park and museum. /-/'1909 -°r'o license, regulate and govern Hawkers and Pedlars. 1910 /To appoint a member to the Bowmanville Areaa Board. 1911 ✓ To authorize the purchase of 7.2 acres of land in Township lot 10, in a broken front concession. yl ' ` %Tc provi�!e for the borroi�ri_ng of ' 145 ,000.00 upon Debentures for Public School purposes. 1912=A Supplementary Road ?�x_�aenditare. amend By-laws No. 1673 being a By-law of the Municipal Cornoration of the Town of Bowmanville to extend the Fire Limits and to prevent the erection of i.rooden Buildings or any additions thereto and for regulating the repairing of roofs or e:--tended walls of existing buildings within the undermentioned limits in the Toi n of Bowmanville. 1914E To authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute and affix the Corporate Seal to a certain Agrmement between the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville and The Members of the Bowmanville Police Association.. 1915• Accenting land from D.H.O. corner of Base Line and Liberty St. 1916 To amend Zoning By-1aw 1587. ol,l`/1917 10f the Municipal Ccuncil of the Corporation of the ToT,,-n of Bownanville for the ap_ n_ ointment of a Town Official for the sid Town. 0/.W 1918 To authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute and affi.-� the Corporate Seal to a certain Agreement between the Corporation of the Town of Bowmianville and the Corroration of the Town- ship of Darlington. 1919?/To appoint a Building Inspector, Trench Inspector, Weed Inspector and Construction Safbty Inspector and to rescind By-law No. 18?8. 1920 Connecting link By-latif and. Inf. Bus. j-�1j,� 1921 Of the corporation of the Town of Bowmanville to authorize /' the construction of certain works as Local Improvements under the Local Improvement Act. 1922 To authorize the sale of part of Township Lot 10 in the broken front concession ;n the Town of Bowmanville and option thereof the Harry Locke and Jack Con. Locke. �, �� V�, k. I 1922-A Of the Corporation of the Town of Botama.rvi 11e to authorize the construction of certain works as Local Improvements under - , the Local Improvement Act. 1924 Temporary Borrowing 1925 To pro�Tlde for the appointment of certain representatives 1 / to various Town of Bowmanville Boards and Commissions. 1925 To authorize the sale of part of Township Lot 10 J.n the ;i brolren front concession in the Town of BoTAnanvi lle and option thereof to Harry Locke and Jack Con Locke. 1927 To provide for the borrowing of 4148,824.00 upon debentures for the purpose of construction anc. equipment of a iublic Library. /0/ ' 1927-A To appoint one member to the Bcwmanville Library Board and two members to the Botirmanville Museum Board. ' 192?-B To appcint a member to the Bo�,.Tmanville Library Board. -j` 192$_ For licensing and regulating Transient `�'ra-ders in the Town of Bovrranvi.le. X1929 �To provide for certain exemptions for lands assessed in parcels of not less than five acres, as provided in Section 37 of the Assessment Act , Chapter 03 , R.S.O. , 1960. 1930 ZEx^erditures on Roads and Struts. Ale�'1931 Respecting licences for Nursing Homes. 1932 `_To govern and regulate the Finances of the Tob,Tn of Bowmranville for the Fiscal year ending Decec�ber 31st, 1665, .:�rj 1933- To am-end mooning By-law 1587. -5-' 1934 To authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute and affix the Corporate Neal to a certain Deed between the Corporation of the Toren of Bciraanville and Mr. P. M. Franklin & Mrs. N. T. Franklin. 1935 To amend By-law Ito. 1784, being a By-law for the Regulation of Traffic. i\ - r 1938 To authorize thp cscstrvctiDn of a Works Departoent TuildinS an,�I to yrnvide for the borrowinS of 053 , 727-OC up"n Cebentarcs there07n , (repealed by by-low To . 1944 ) 1939 To provide for th 1965 Expenditures on anals and Streets in the T-�.,-��in of Bo-t,,r,ia-nv' lie in theCoynty of Durham Kuppi , 1-939-A 7or the submission to a vote of questions udder the liquor Licence Act. !FLO Authorizinj the obtaining of tvNjarary advqnces to veet the co�lc of cortainivorkE undertaken as a loci! ivjrovPqent yendirS th-e completion ther ,of. 1341 To authorize certain empenditureq for the "If Bowmanville Public Library as a Centennial Troject. 1942 To autnorize participation in the Mario Municipal Smployee:-- actirement 5-stam. ?Repealed by by-law Mo. 1954,' 1943 To authorize the construction of certain works as local improvement3 under tie Local improvement to 1944 To repeal By-law A . 1931, being a by-law to authorize tae coqs0ruc- tiQn of a Works Departnent TuiTAinZ and tQ yrovida fur the bcrrowina of §53, 727100 upon debentures therefor. 1945 To appoint cue menber to the howmanville Library Board. I JAW '­-) authorize the coostructi )n of a Arks Derartrie,fit an6 to jrcvide for the borrawinZ of 153 , 727.00 urDn debentures tAerefo7. 1 7 7,.) r eveal By-law A. 1016, being A by-!an to provide for the 7eoTgan0ption ind regulatiQinf theFire BriZade . 1941 To repeal By-lan No . 1518, heinS a by-law to provide for the establishment and regqlatinn of a 7alunteer Tfre Apartment. 1909 Tn appoint 'tea aceg for hol6ing the ne7t q� nlvijal viection anc__- for cther yur;Dsos . 7n5D To jrn7fde for the 12vy a& collectinh of a special rate in order to defray toe carporatior ' s Snare oT the cost of the Constructina of an addition to the HIZh ScAool in Courtice, in the Connty of DurhaA, tHp'urnishln� and stniplinZ therenr, and the Fxyense cannPctej thorewith. To authorize the sale of lands and premises to the Ban 15/3-1/65 of Montreal. 1952 To appoint a Clerk-Controller-Trea.s er for the own of 29/'11/65 Bow anville . (Robert L. Byron) 1953 To authorize temporary borrowing for current expenditures. 3ji/6 1954 To repeal By-law No. 194.2, being a by-law to authorize 17/1/66 participation in the Ontario Municipal Employees Retire- ment System. 1955 To authorize participation in the Ontario Municipal 17/1/66 Employees Retiremeirt Retirement System. 1956 1°o'authorize the purchase of land required by the Public 11/1/66 Utilities Commission of the Town of Bowmanville . ,t 1957 To authorize the purchase of land required, for the establish 21/3/66 ent of industry in the Town of Bowmanville and to provide for the borrowing of $30,000.90 upon de entures therefore. 1958 To require the closing of gasoline Service Stations during 7/2/66 .�. . certain hours. (repealed. by B/L 1960) '1959 To provide for the payment of an annual allowance to the 7/2/66, ' Mayor and mber°s of Council. ; 1960 To rep ea; By-law o. 1958, being a by-law to require the 21/2/66 closing of gasoline service stations during certain hours. li 1961 To provide for exemption offarm lands from taxation for 21/2/661 certain expenditures. " 1962 To authorize the sale of ' of Lot 14 in the Broken Front 7/3/66 Concession in the Town of Bowmanville for the purpose ofz a site for-the establishment and carrying on of an industry r to Harry Locke and Jack Coax Locke. 1963 To authorize an application to the Minister of Municipal 7/3/66 Affairs for approval of Amendmnt No. 3 to the Official Plan of the Town of Bowmanville. 1964 To provide for. the 1966 'Expenditures on Roads or Streets in 21/3/66 the 'down of Bowmanville in the County of Durham. \a 1965 To adopt the estimates of all su required during the year 29/3/66 and to strike the rates of taxation for the year 1966. 1966 To establish and maintain a system for the collection, re- 29/3/661 ti oval and disposal of ashes , garbage and other refuse. .1967 To increase the interest rate on tax arrears. 4/4/66 1968 To authorize the entering into of an agreement with the 18/4/66 � Village of Newcastle to provide animal control aervice. 1969 To authorize the obtaining of temporary advances to meet 18/4/66 the cost of land purchase for industrial development . 1971 To provide for the 1966 Expenditures on Roads or Streets in 16/5/66 the Town of Bowmanville in the County of Durham. (Supple . ) 1970 To authorize the Franchise Agreement with the Consumers ' s1 Ixas Company. { 1972 To consolidate the sums authorized to be borrowed by B�­Iaws Nos � 10^`3 , 192 f s 1' 921 and 191.6 into one sum of $276',000.00 and to borrow sw e by the issue of debentures ther°elfcre m .y �z '};rt;j s�trr k, c�111t{ r}g p s'�171"y'34 `S1J(1 f4 f, .l Yi`iilx�FZW { y 6';� `� }z C't�i{ � 4rr,iC{ t s t is}llta r Zt .�2{•3lt?ti,� of t5 :a �,,�., t {Et}t WR �t tE'{id e�t1 s' r�1f?y'ztir'{t 1��l��ti�i}t���{r `t7{ t Ott ? :•.2 F�`' • :, ` J�.. r ` Yi J To providz for the borrowing of $28A0.00Ay the issue of debentures therefore authorized by -la . 1957; 1974 To emend Zoning By-law ® 1587. 31/5 f 1975 To authorize the Borrowing of $72,103 .64 upon debentures 31 15J 6 34F}' to pay pert of the cost of the construction and equip r,r ment of an addition to the Lard Elgin public School con- y sisting of four classrooms and a playroom. �,t r 1976 To authorize the borrowing cif 1,6j7.48 wean debentures 31/5/661" fix.. to pay part of the cast of the construction and equip- ment of a public library. N, 1977 To authorize the issue of debentures in b. cunt of 61'6/$66 $209,870.54 for the construction of a sewage age treatme f plant in the Town of mauill .` t W rr 1978 o u Sri b o� € ru��io� �f r�� �rrr�� 3®� �?x66,;; t improvements der the Local Improvement Act. � a k 1979 Ao authorize the issues of a Drebenture in the. principal 4/7/66 amount of $4S;,0DCW>D for public school purposes. oil E` 1.9 0 o ut on he entering Into an agreement to prov1d w'g 2 f / for :b; p chase of prior service benefits. �� 1981 To authorize the sale of lands to Kurt Sloos and Bias / 6/9/6 Sloss, 1982 Respecting noises . 6/9/66, 7; 983 To a' `?,^w a discount on taxes paid in .' .dvanc 19/9/6 - 190n 7, amend By-law No. 1966, being a by-law to establish a,/ 19/9/66, system for the collectinn ind removal of garbage. i??5 o xn+ten € l "4w 7a. 5 being a by-10 to provide for 19/q/6E. the payment ent of an annaal remuneration to nom ers nc i l m d ilr �96 7o amend Zoning By s 1987 To nuthorize the W r owan of $1021800.0C pon debentures 17/10/66 ' t o pay the cost w •,.`�` constructing _ > ,". uw fig" sewer, ,:s water- UP, °r' " e 'r T .^n & By-law Un . 1927 being by-law aw to p rti vid or / At ""• h ? to--Mn_ 4209, 124. 00 upon d ebe n$ :7 rez for the T.._ ., - . ...}f.._• .ra c _ g A equipping cat a :h l Library, " ,_.e't bv*a v by rpOaO4 t4a amount to be dpbqnt"red to ;54, 00.00 -n4 by nakin; certain nther changes . „, a. ? t _ t -1 W. 946 beinE,. ,-: by-law to W.ho;`'^i"ff? !Z/10/66 oanstraction of aVe4-sq� z }`'.e Department ��yfC�L./LyCyc�.i�,��y, s.+:,aley'�p�t to "FS _'{'x �. �.t .�. �i+"Nx ELM `_ sf... ,4 r `�. e1 t...'L,.J upon n k�ti..�.l(:.,ni.0 ,5 ss - -° sartain ' other and tin _> a., e cost ._ J 1 s' r v s e g :e r t.a i: works a s T o under rrnnw*ent works improvement ' Ap To-a! •"r f '7{o-_ ;"` Act. m 11 7 ' lnen,4 By-in" ._ � n -, fo ' he rp !l t i on 5/1 0j," L F