HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-122 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NUMBER 2001- 122 BEING A BY-LAW TO ADOPT THE ESTIMATES OF ALL SUMS REQUIRED DURING THE YEAR FOR AND TO STRIKE THE RATES OF TAXATION FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES FOR THE YEAR 2001. WHEREAS,the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington,has,in accordance with the Municipal Act,considered the estimates of the Municipality and it is necessary that funds be raised by means of taxation for the year 2001. AND WHEREAS,the Assessment Roll made in 2000 and upon which the 2001 taxes are to be levied is the latest returned assessment roll,which is still subject to revision by the Court of Revision;and as Identified on Attachment N1; I AND WHEREAS,pursuant to Chapter M.45 as amended of the Municipal Act RSO 1990,the Council of the local Municipality must pass a by-law to levy a separate tax rate on the assessment in each property class,on the whole of the assessment for real property according to the last revised assessment roll,a sum equal to the aggregate of the sums set out in Attachment Ni. AND WHEREAS,the property classes have been prescribed by the Minister of Finance under the Assessment Act,R.S.O.1990,Chapter A.31,as amended and its Regulations. AND WHEREAS,Subsection 220(17)of the Municipal Act as amended,provides that the Council of a municipality shall in each year levy a special charge upon rateable property in a Business Improvement Area which has been designated under Subsection 220(1). NOW THEREFORE,THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the estimated expenditures,net of revenue and applied surplus required during the year 2001 totalling approximately$18,103,648(2000-$16,978,781)to be adopted and the following amounts to be levied therefore in the manner as set hereunder(excludes garbage which is collected on flat rate charge per stop): ............................. 2000 1999 General Purposes $ :):7;970;148::::::::::::: $ 16,850,281 S 16,248,699 ..........I.................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. Rates for Business Improvement Areas 133;5QQ:: 128,500 109,850 TOTAL S:::::::::::1:8;1(13;648:::::::::::::::::::::::: $ 16,978,781 1 $ 16,358,549 2. There shall be levied and collected upon the assessable land,buildings,and businesses within the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington,the rates identified on Attachment#1,and as follows for Business Improvement Areas and garbage for this year 2001: Business Improvements: (Note 3) Bowmanville Newcastle Orono CT&CG 0.00612247 0.00173935 0.00255035 CU 0.00428573 0.00121755 0.00178525 CX 0.00428573 0.00121755 0.00178525 IT 0.00933636 0.00265240 0.00388912 I Garbage: (Note i) 2007:::: 2000 1999 Region Waste Levy :1;982,700 1,932,262 1,741,992 Flat Rate-Town Wide-Region ::88 95 83 Municipal 54 Total ::::::::::::::$:145 $145 $133 (Note 1-Garbage flat rate includes Region and Municipal charges and is collected on a flat rate per collection stop). (Note 2-Due to delays resulting from implementation of Bill 140,Multi-Residential,Commercial and Industrial properties may be billed separately in 2001). (Note 3-Rates: CT=Commercial Taxable-Full;CU=Commercial Taxable-Excess Land;CX=Commercial Taxable-Vacant Land;IT=Industrial Taxable-Full;CG=Commercial Payment in Lieu-General(Municipal&Region) Page-2- 3. All property classes including local improvement assessments,shall be deemed to have been imposed and become due and payable on the 1st day of January 2001 but may be paid in four installments,of which,two installments will be to receive interim taxes levied under authority of By-Law 99.26. 4. The remaining Residential,farmland,managed forest,and pipeline taxes including local improvement assessments,after deduction of taxes levied prior to the adoption of these estimates may be paid in two installments on the 23rd day of August and the 20th day of September 2001. (subject to mandated bill requirements). 5. Commercial,Industrial and Multi-Residential Taxes will be levied in accordance with Bill 140;payable in two instlaments on the following projected dates: September 20th and October 25th,2001, (subject to change based on timing of information received). 6. The Director of Finance is hereby authorized to revise the assessments indicated on Attachment#1(and resulting tax rates)if deemed necessary in conjunction with changes made by OPAC to the returned roll and revised in OPTA. 7. There shall be imposed a penalty for non-payment of taxes on the first day of default of any instalment thereof,the amount of 1 114%of the amount due and unpaid on the first day of each calendar month thereafter in which default continues,but not after the end of the year in which the taxes are levied,under authority of By-Law 83.38 and By-Law 83-39. 8. In accordance with Chapter M.45,Section 399(1)of the Municipal Act,R.S.O.1990"in default of payment of any installment by the day named for payment thereof,the subsequent installment or instalments shall forthwith become payable". 9. The Tax Collector is hereby authorized to mail or cause to be mailed the notice of taxes due to the address of the residence or place of business of the person to whom notice is required to be given. 10. All 2001 taxes shall be paid during the calendar year of 2001 at most Financial Institutions. All prior years taxes shall be paid into the Office of the Director of Finance. 11. The Tax Collector and Director of Finance are hereby empowered to accept part payment from time to time on account of any taxes due. 12. Realty taxpayers shall have the right to enter into the optional Pre-Authorized Payment System for taxes as authorized under the authority of By-Law 96.50,effective December 1,1996 for the 1997 taxation year and subsequent years. Municipality of Clarington employees shall also have the right to enter into the Employee Payroll Deduction for tax payments as authorized under the same By-Law 96.50. 13. The Municipality will collect and forward Region and Education Levies in accordance with the rates established by the Region of Durham and the Province of Ontario as reflected in Attachment N1. 14. This By-Law shall come into force and effect upon the date of the final reading thereof. By-Law read a first and second time this 25th day of June 2001. By-Law read a third time and finally passed this 25th day of June 2001. J m Mutt',Mayor at arrie,Clerk 18-Jun-01 2001 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARRIOTON TAX RATE BY-LAW-ATTACHMENT 01 AS 'Q,17A 110P eokwmm RESIDENML RATE INCREASE LOCAL REGION EDUCN .4d, Taxi RasldsMfaUFarm Rr 3ssl,oea269 0.00673324 23,977,022 0.00373 13,282,037 ;•;8A09$UKI::.:.: 220;118 1.45% 51,488,627 -5.07% -3.36% -9.90% ZaidemlalfFatm-SHARED PIL RN ae,sso 0.00673324 052 0.00373 361 ':'b.00319/fOj:::::::::.::::::367: 1.45% 1,400 Residential/FamHPIL-Full RF 414,600 0.00673324 2,792 0.00373 1,548 D;l03l1N!!':•: :1.850: 1.45% 5,994 Residerdlalifamo-PIL-FullPROV TENANT RP 3,637,2350A0673324 24,490 0.00373 13,567 :'.0.9099,9490:':<':'::':14,630: 1.45% 52,587 ResidentlayFamfPIL-Gen RG B47,345 0.00673324 5,705 0 :':,0.;0089,9496. 1.07% 9,090 Combined Decrease -5.6% Famrdand FT 164,147,943 0.00168331 276,312 0.0009325 153,068 9.,deb99875�:: 1P19;t3$ 0.36% 593,319 Multi-Res-PIL-Full 771E 1,458,000 0.01676577 24,444 0.00373 5,438 b.090lt2311:.::.::::::..t4,309 3.04% 44,385 Multi-Res nor 37.431,980 0.01676577 627,576 0.00373 139,621 :':0.;9ob947ii•..'..'.'.'912,348' 3.04% 1,139,545 3,769.116,22 z •1':<':'.;•ii::. 51332947 Commercial Occupied CT 209,628,742 0.00997798 2,091,671 0.02003926 4,200,805 ::8A0592D041 1;;; :1;241;014 3.59% 7,533,487 Commercial-SHARED PIL CH 20,883,540 0.00997798 208,376 0.02003926 418,491 :b.06$l2dttit •: :•123,83:1. 3.59% 750,498 Commercial-PIL-Full CF 5,989,184 0.00997798 59,760 0.02003926 120,018 O,d099Y094{::;•.'.'.':35jLS8: 3.50% 215,235 ... 9 ..,.... Commercial-PIL-Gan CG 3,379,070 0.00997798 33,718 0 'O' RID041:•:;•};{•;204'004. 1.59% 53,720 CommarclaFPIL-FWFPROV TENANT cP 4,059055 0.00997798 40,501 0.02003926 81,340 U.V6892D9Aj;•;•:::•;24,099: 3.59% 145,871 Co mmerciat-PIL-Full-excessland-PROVTENANT co 51,175 0.00698439 357 0.01402708 718 ;•;Q,Q84�4403.;•; :71; 2.52% 1,287 Commercial Excess Land CU 1,420.059 0.00698439 0,918 0.01402708 19,919 •;•U;0641440;<!:•;:;;; 8,495; 2.52% 35,722 Commercial-PIL-Full excess land cv 454,771 0.00698439 3,176 0.01402708 6,379 4.804144441::,::}ii:ts08 2.52% 11,440 Commercial Vacant Land CX 6,790.500 0.00698439 47,428 0.01402708 95,251 .:•D.00414409• i.::.iM,'140 2.52% 170,819 Commercial-PIL-Gen vac land c2 951,000 0.00698439 6,642 0 8.do'414493ll:::: JAI 1.11% 10,583 Office Buildings-Shared PIL DH 8,756,330 0.01545952 135,369 0.03104807 271,867 ':'b.06MM291':'.':':':':'80,31b 5.57% 487,552 Shopping Centres ST 26,026.20 0.00813240 211,6% 0.01633269 425,078 :'.0.0992694`:':':':':''129,377.: 2.93% 762,310 Shopping Centre-excess/vac SU 2.429.660 0.00569295 13,832 0.01143343 27,779 ''OA93�TF53.':':':':':':':8206 2.05% 49,817 .'.1:': 10,226,341 290,619 288 .'.1.'.'.'.' Industrial IT 33,325,B61 0.01431104 476,928 0.02611257 870,224 :#8;929 4.91% 1,636,078 Industrial-SHARED PIL IH 411.500 0.01431104 5,889 0.02611257 10,745 <':':o.00eiecial'::':':.':;:9,i68: 4.91% 20,202 Industrial-PIL-Full IF c 0.01431104 0 0.02611257 0 obOOI ;.;:;:::: .'.'. 0' 4.91% 0 Industrial excess land IU W1,514 0.00930237 6,154 0.01697352 11,228 '::::¢.Qti¢s;fa�q•:•;•; im 3.19% 21,110 Industrial Vacant Land Ix 5,610200 0.00930237 52,188 0.01697352 95,225 -b;ol}saa$eR!s;:•:i;•;•31,81'�; 3.19% 179,028 Industrial Fomlland Class l d 137,000 0.00437660 600 0.00242450 332 .:.;.¢.O05111* ............. 1........... 40,1460 Large Industrial LT 45,626,230 0.02288703 1,044,249 0.04176070 1,905,383 ;892A73:7 .85% 3,582,245 Large Industrial-Shared PIL LH 24.729,2Cd 0.02288703 565,978 0.04176070 1,032,709 A417O6aiq•''''''-142273 7.85% 1,941,560 Large Industrial-excess land-Shared PIL LK 755,080 0.01487657 11,233 0.02714445 20,498 bb0004��: 8,S05; 5.1 D% 38,534 Large Industrial-Full-excess land W 1,554,354 0.01487657 23,272 0.02714445 42,464 ¢.8o9etggl}; '.A., 5.1 D% 79,834 Subtotal Industrial 112820938 72.674864 '..... .. ........ 1::::::::::::: Pipeline" PT 26,665,500 0.00827784 237,288 0.01730720 496,120 U111,1111d 3.05% 874,194 .t........... Managed Forest Tr 9,582,40 0.00168331 18,130 0.00003250 8,936 ':':':o,olioiaa7a.�.'.'.�.'.'.'.84i70. 0.36% 34,836 38.247.903 .'.1,', •, •,• TOTAL ASSESSMENT t00% 1 ,7B7.1M8 t{t7.970,f4111 $71989997 Exempt 185,749 350 TOTAL a 3ss,753,700 2000 C arative Total Assessment 3 821 057 901 % 15.07 Tax Split 42% 33% 25% 100% "amended by OPAC letter dated March 26,2001 reducing pipeline assessment by$10,666,000.(4,396,753,700+10,666,000=4,407,419,700) FoaORg 1.�nery: 6111-00101.X Municipal Tax 8176-00101-X Municipal PIL - 6111-00201-X Region Tax .>, 7802-1-x Region Tex Paid 29,112,823 6176-00201.X Region P.I.L 78024-x Region PIL Peid 1,129,090 - 30,241,907 6176-00401-X EducationPIL retained 78WI1X Tax Le`y-eng public 16,584,588 6111-00301-X Education Tax 7804-3-x PIL-eng public 17,231 6176-00301-X Education PIL paid 78o6-1-x Tau Levu-erg separele 4,248,226 7806-3-x PIL-eng sepmale 2,644 Total education 7803-1-x Tau Levy-trench public 26,409 7805-1-x T.-B Y-trench sap 914,400 7805-3-z PIL-french separate 1,465 Total Tax(ezcl.PIL retuned) 21,795,183