HomeMy WebLinkAbout74-7/• Report #J: to the Members of the Planning Advisory Committee, Town of Newcastle From: John Layng, Planning Consultant March 28, 1974 Re: ONTARIO HYDRO PROPOSED BOWMANVILLE GENERATING STATION WATER LOT, FRONTING LOTS 18 to 24 B.F. CONCESSION, DARLINGTON The letter of January 14, 1974 from Mr. W. J. West of Ontario Hydro to the Clerk of the Town of Newcastle requests the approval of the Council of the Town of Newcastle of the above Water Lot. A requirement of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Form L. 10, APPLICATION TO OCCUPY A WATER LOT "Applicants must file with this application, consent of the local municipal council to the granting of an authority ", plus letters from the Ministry of Natural Resources to Ontario Hydro, give the Town of Newcastle a right of approval or rejection. This Ministry has the jurisdiction of public lands. Mr. T. B. Reynolds, Plant Development Engineer, Generating Concept Department, Ontario Hydro, discussed the site plan with me on March 18, 1974, and has supplied a copy of the revised drawing, #NK23- -DEH-- 11100- -0002 -0 , dated January 21, 1974, showing the proposed waterlot dimensions and the rock - filled cofferdam section and plan. This site plan showns also the topographical contours at 10 foot intervals, the wooded areas, the existing sideroads, the Ontario Hydro property boundaries and parts of the neighbouring properties and road systems. 2. The water lot would extend for about 10,000 feet (1.89 miles), out about 1500 feet, on an average, from the existing high shore line. The stone filled cofferdam would be about 11,000 feet long and out about 1400 feet, at its outer base, from the existing shore line. The cooling water intake would be by a tunnel in the bed rock about 4000 feet from the shore or 40 feet deep. According to Mr. Reynolds, the land and trees on the north 660 acres of the property, north of the C.N.R. lines, would be kept intact. Ontario Hydro will apply to the Town of Newcastle to close the existing side roads between Lots 18 and 19, and between Lots 22 and 23 and the subdivision roads of Plan 97, within the limits of the Ontario Hydro property. The Holt Road between Lots 20 and 21, south of 401, would be reconstructed as a heavy duty road by Ontario Hydro for the construction and operation phases. These are matters to be negotiated if and when the Town of Newcastle wishes. Ontario Hydro states that the proposed water lot is required to create space for the removal of earth fill from the high shore of the site to lower the grade of the proposed building site from elevation 320 to 259 (61 feet) for easier water pumping and for better screening of the 150 foot high buildings. Lake Ontario is at elevation 246. Ontario Hydro is planning this energy centre to produce up to 12,000 megawatts by nuclear power! For comparison, the proposed Wesleyville Generating Station would produce 2152 megawatts; 3. and the Pickering nuclear generating station produces now 2000 megawatts, and will be increased to produce 4000 megawatts. Mr. Earl Mitchell, Assistant Land Supervisor, of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Lindsay Administrative District, on March 21, 1974, was concerned mainly with the effect of the proposed extension of the shore upon the existing shore currents, and the effects of such new currents upon the local ecology and upon the rate of erosion to neighbouring existing shorelines. He is also concerned about the effect of a possible differential of 20 °F between the temperatures of the intake and the discharge water on the fish and other aquatic life of this locality of Lake Ontario. Mr. M. Palmer of the Ministry of Environment, Toronto Office, on March 18, 1974, said that the Ministry has had conversations with Ontario Hydro about the proposed Bowmanville Generating Station, and is satisfied that Ontario Hydro will conduct all the studies and tests that the Ministry requires, and will meet all standards established for this situation. The results of these studies and tests will not be available to publish before October December, 1974, according to Mr. Reynolds. The Planning Advisory Committee should recommend to the Council of the Town of Newcastle that Ontario Hydro provide it, before its consideration of a consent to the water lot, 4. with at least the following items of an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ANALYSIS for all areas within 5 miles of the site. 1. Need, purpose, dimensions, position and height of all structures and buildings on the site- and their visible profiles. 2. Effect upon the existing natural and ecological resources: vegetation, trees, wildlife, acquatic life. 3. Disturbances to contiguous shorelines by new lake current patterns, and from construction of cofferdam and backfilling. 4. Increase in access and general road traffic during both construction and operating phases. 5. Change in the quality of air and water:, and in noise levels. 6. Potential radiation, fire, explosion and disaster. 7. Final lines of egress of the overhead transmission line towers north to connect with the proposed Lennox - Oshawa Transmission lines. Since this may be the largest single construction project in this district during the next one hundred years, its magnitude and eventual consequences should be discussed thoroughly and assessed jointly by the Planning Advisory Committee and the Council of the Town of Newcastle, before consideration by Council of a consent. Such discussion should include the following items: 1. The amendments required to the present land uses and zoning for the neighbouring areas. (Restricted Industry 5• and Agriculture). Ontario Hydro is exempted from the Zoning By.-law. 2. The lasting effects of this proposed project upon the physical development of the lands within 5 miles of this site. 3. The total impact of this proposed project upon the social, economic, industrial, recreational, agricultural and transportation activities of the Town of Newcastle. 4. Measures needed to minimize certain damaging effects and to provide security and protection, if the project proceeds. RECOMMENDATION: UNTIL ONTARIO HYDRO CAN SUPPLY MUCH MORE DETAILED INFORMATION ON THIS PROJECT, AND UNTIL THE WHOLE MATTER CAN BE DISCUSSED BY THE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE AND THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE, THE CONSENT FOR THE WATER LOT SHOULD BE WITHHELD. Respectfully submitted,