HomeMy WebLinkAbout74-10Report #6 LQIte. rg Pits an r s -"C At the last meeting of the Advisory Cotn,gittee, there was some confusion about the role we were bein,; asked to play with regard to pit and quarry license applicati ants. There also was expressed some concern over the way in w!:ish these applic- ations were being handled by tite '.,,inist r,f of Natural Lesulirces. I have written the attached letter to the Minister asking for clarification and outlining some of m,l own views on the sub,joct. I have taken full responsibility for these views in my letter although I believe members of the Committee would agree with many of the points I have raised. This letter is submLf,ted now for information only, and I will also submit a copy of the I4lnister's reply when it is received. //0. CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE TELEPHONE 6233379 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LlC 3A6 April 3, 1)"/)4. Hon. Leo }fernier, .'sinister of datllral hesr)urces, 1 %oom 6327, Whitney block, Queen's : ark, Toronto, Ontario. M7A lW3 Dear Mr. Lernier: I am writing on behalf of ttre Pia iiiing Advis, ,)ry Comi,u ttee of the Town of �dewcastle to make certain enquiries and oxpress certain concerns whim some neuters of the Cor ,ii ttee have rep and ini; the operation of the Fits and Quarries tact. We have had submitted to our Council for its co, "sideration 17 site plans fouling part of al)plic itions for licences under the new fits and I 'luarries Act. These 111 ,,ris v,ere refe, °red t-y Council to its Planning Advisory Committee for examination and report. Council -ind its Planning Advisory Coirmittee were both s )mOwriat uncertain as to the action which tfiey were expected t,(-) take with regard to these site plans, but ttioce members who have t,oen i.� -Votved in Planning in Ontario for some tine have becume accustomed to having plans submitted to them by a number of t'rovincial i,.inistries on various occasions for tneir comments a -)d local i_,put. I think most members assumed that a similar procedure was being ndopted, here. The plans with which we are ,ill most iarnil iar are, of course, the draft plans of sui)division w�,ic'ri are to its for comment by the Ministry Of housing. Altho>>i�,!, tiie type of land iise proposed in the site plans we are currently receiving y, >>ir Ministry is very di,ferent from teat proposed in plans of subdivisZon, T note from my reading of tine Hits al,d Y tarries _pct, tli(lt under : e.,tion 6 the Minister has similar broad powers of a,prov -zl, rejection, or adproval with conditions that apply to glans of s>)bdivision. As planner for this municipality I have inspected a number of the locations of the 17 site plans submitted to pis taus far. All of these plans save one provide for the exparisiul) of e ,ista' , g operations rather than the initiation of new un,iertakin�s. After visiting these sites I prepared comments foz, ollr i'lu lint; idvisory Coj�lfjittee 2 (cont'd) and for ultimate submit sion to yo,ir Ministry. These comments dealt with matters such as: i) removal from a pror)os °d site plan of a po-tio,i of the site which is not yet leing mined and which is not, zoned to permit pits and quarries, ii) removal from a proposed site 1-,Ian of a 1)ortion of the site which intrudes lntu lands l(,si,_n.tted "Environ- mental Protection" in the new draft ifficial flan for Darlington township, iii) prohibition of grnv(,l was;iL,-rL; on a site close to a major stream in tree lo,-ality, iv) restriction of ace, ss to a site where some sections of abutting roads are not sui taL1(2 for heavy tr,if fic, v) requirement for an owner to ma'' «e i mdroven,ents to a short secti.uii of ­,unicitjal ro,, ,d wr icn i s c,irrentl y not adey,iate for the iflcreased traffic wciich trit granting of a license would impose. The kinds of comments and recommendations w;iich we were preparing would in no case have suggested or implied tt.e cic,siri dow,j of any existing operation, nor would ti.e,, t aVc it l,r,sec1 any 1indre Orden on any operator when the degree oi expansio-; proposed was t"IlLorr ir_tu account. Even where the comments su�,�ested some reduction of the future area of excavation, there was always left available a good many years of supply at current rates of extraction. The Committee invited t're local Pits and qu :rries 1- spector to attend the me, ting wherein tree first group of site plans wore to be discussed, in order that he could clarify the role we were being asked to play. At the meeting i, ,e Inspector infc,rmed us thint our comments were not actually wanted ,t all; what i,as wanLeo was some kind of approval whose purpose was not exactly clpar, vie were told that since the present apl1ications all cc) corned licences for bits and quarries already i!r opc—ation, the liinI stry we ulc? approve all of these site plans as sifl,ritted ;grid v ithouf, :any (,ondi- tions other than a limit on the an ival ton is Je extracted. We were further advised that tLis would t apPen re(,a—dles- of any comments we chose to make. The applications curr(,ntly being processed in this municil,ality deal mainly with existing operations wnicrt are eittler )ermi',ted uses under local zoning by -laws or legal nc� cot foz °ming uses l re-- dating such by-laws. Ministry officials ii this area appear to nave been told that in these cases t'rjey have no c[ioi ce O)t to approve these site plans uncond ltio Tally as s,ibmitted so long as trle plans meet ti:e bare minimum rein rements of tune rict and ILeglalations. ® 3 - (cont'd) This seems to oe a liKtati )n wain Oe mictr;; Kqs imposed on itseli; this reuric0 d c,ncept of to- ; ini, t is powp is not contained in the Fits and QuarriNs Act itself. Indead l I thi nf- most of its here understood it to be one of ti o funct suns of the Act to overcome tr,e inadequacies of muni r ipal zonK4 >: y- W2 as a means of controllir� surface mineral e7trocLion. Poch of the value of tt e new Act would Oerefc;re be loJ if any application which met zoning requirements were automatically approved. The rehatilitation requirements in the Wt will mnrlr>ybtedly yield many benefits to foture ;enerations, K"t I Wink shat it is quite natural that people in local municipaii t i c ; Or"Yahout the Province appear to be more cone, rnrd with t. o reVulation of Pits and Quarries during their oyeratln„ y�ars t ,ati with vitirrate rehabilitation. In many cases even toe more J"hior of our -itizens will be quite long in the toota by Kn t iqe ultimate ranabi 1 i tat i orl occurs, and in the wee itime many of ovr people will nave to live with crushing and screenint, plants as their rye i_,t,wurs and witi, gravel trucks as tnei r constant travel la n, ca span i ons for many years. I think that the cone rn felt here vita toe r, aviation of existing nits and marries is also lelatimat( sigce there are many small pits prescritly in open• do w in this municipality and the greatest portion of the minerals extracted here over t"e next twenty years will undogbtedly c-me iru; pits which are expansions of existing operations ratUr twan tot• lly new "ndertaki i,s. The purpose for which site glans are t_eing forwarded to us remains unclear at the moment. It seemed at one point that we were being asked merely to comment on YLctner or not those plans con- formed to zoning requirements; nowever, toe local Cit: and Quarries Inspector has stated that plans which do not conform to our zoning are screened out first by the Ai nistry aid are not forwarded to us. Those we receive Loop tnercfore alrendy beer checked for con- formity with zoning by -laws. At present the appearance is being; created that somt kind of approval of t "ese site plans is w"nted but that any critical_ comments which local -people have to make arc unwanted. Prankly, an unfortunate impression is reins liven, I hope unjustified, that Ministry officials see themselves as working more Or too mineral. extraction industry than for tt e public c living in tl_eiz areas. The present methods of consultation are a rdly designed to foster empathy between local municipalities and Ke Ministry in Torunto, and it seems unrealistic to me to expect local officials to remain silent on applications which, in many cases slave direct advert e impact on their own constituents. (cont'd) I feel that if the Mnistry is also foro4oing a vary useful source of information and advice if it fails to seek frank and detailed comments from local municipalities before issuing pit and quarry licences. Often the local plannin j staff, planning boards, etc. are able to see wider im)licatiogs of a particular proposal which are not always obvious to the Ministry's own staff with their more specialized training and tale much wider areas they nave to cover. To return to the primary dnrduse of this enquiry, I think my Committee would like to know the aiswers to the ioi.lowing two questions: 1. Does the Kinistry intend to approve all site flans for existing pits and quarries as submitted and without conditions or are soca plans open tD sni aestioas for modifications and conditions? We need to know this bec- ause, if the former is t"e case, t "ero is little point in our municipality gi.vin� detailed cunsideratioq to these plans. I tninL yo z wiil appreciate that as a new municipality in a new re„ron, we nave a jreat many matters pending wnich are cryin ,.nor attention and we really shouldn't undertake any now task unless some productive result can ensue. 2. Is the Ministry asking the municipality for ge Feral comments on site Awls covering w4atever aspects we think fit, or are we being Nsked to ,confine our remarks to some specific aspect of the application? I think our munici- pality is ready and willing to play a part in the implem- etation of the new Act it our active participation is being sought. Some of the views expressed in this letter are purely personal and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Planning Advisory Committee or Council of this municipality. levertheless, the Committee are anxious to nave your advice on now tu proceed in deal- ing with the site plans whicn are currently Leing submitted to us. I am presenting a copy of tnis letter to the Koygittee and will pass on your reply as soon as it is received. Thank -you for your kind attention. Yours very truly, _�o 5,_ 91,10— Ueorge F. nowden, Plannin; Director. GFH:dc