HomeMy WebLinkAbout74-11Report No. 7, New Official ®Plait for the City Oshawa The Town of Newcastle has Leen asked by the Ministry of Housing to comment on the proposed new Official Plan for the City of Oshawa, I have reviewed this proposed plan and identified three issues which I felt were of concer+i to this municipality. These proposed comments are attached hereto and I am requ6sting their approval by this Conmittee and Council Respectfully submitted, 7' George F. Howden9 Planning Director. Comment op Pro used New Official Plan for the City®of_U haw& Planning Area The Town of Newcastle has not attempted to review this Plan in detail because it has neither the title nor the resources to do so, and because most of the matters covered in this Plan are the internal concerns of the City of Oshawa and do not affect in any way the planning and development of the Town of Newcastle. These comments are restricted to three aspects of the Plan which do have a direct effect on the Town of Newcastle. 1, Staging of Services: The Plan does not contain a schedule showing the staging of municipal water and sewer services, but Section 4,2 does state that all undevel- oped land within the planning area will be provided with sanitary trunk sewer service within the next five years. We wish to point out that the Official Plan for Darlington Township has shoran since 1960 an area immediately east of Oshawa (known as the Courtice Commiu -1ity) for development on the basis of water and sewer services to be extended from the City. It is now the responsibility of the Region to determine priorities for the extension of water and sewer services, and in the present situation of housing; shortRge9 we feel that such extensions should be designed to create the greatest supply of serviced land most quickly and at the least cost. This may or may not mean that areas lying outside the city boundaries should have greater priority for servicing than some lands within Oshawa itself. 2_ S o )pint Centres The Plan shows n proposed shopping centre to be located at the inter- section of King Street and Townline Road, In Table II of the Appendix this centre is indicated as a District Shopping Centre to serve areas 2 ? ShopialnP Centres> icont......) in the east end of Oshawa and adjacent parts of Darlington Township, Since this centre could be up to 200,000 sq,ft, in gross leasable area, it should be considered a project of Regional significance, There will undoubtedly be sufficient demand in future for a shopping centre to serve: the east Oshawa - Darlington area, but the best location for such a centre should be determined by the hegion in consultation with the two local iilunicipalities in the area, J Second Marsh Areae This area has been designated industrial, apparently on the assumption that the federal crown lands in the area will be developed for harbour purposes. We must express some reservations about this designation fop two reasons. Pirst_ly, if harbour facilities in Oshawa are to be expanded, it may be more economical to create an artificial harbo,,., in the open lake rather than to dredge the Second Narsh, especially in view of the size of ships plying the Great Lakes today. SeconcIl; the marsh constitutes a unique natural and ecological asset close co the urban area, and in combination with thE. adjacent Darlington Provincial Park, it could be used for recreational and conservation purposes, 6'e understand that the Region will be producing a water- front plan as a part of its overall Regional Official Plan, and we feel it may to adviseable not to commit this area to industrial development until such time as this waterfront plan has been produc-�,,