HomeMy WebLinkAbout74-14/A. SMEARY WORT Vo. 16A, DAW - A>WL 8, 1974 TO - hembers of the PInnnjnn,, Advisory ConrjRLoe FROTI - H. W Best, Socretevy. he: Mon A Volevie Smith - Ovexnight Tvailer Clammp 11 Too appDoonho klo" and Movie Smith have requested an amendoenb to RostrAied Avea Ay-lav ho. 1653, iPhereby 0.4 acre: in the uouth west covxier of lot 6, CV1000010n 3, Clax!,ce would be rezoned to a category pexmItAng an ovewnigbt 01001 vamv !yAlnent _10ait', /I MY 5, 1971 - Application received by Council and reforpred to Olmite Plan nine: BoaLcl. (2) September 16 v 1971 AYpJ ,cation approved in principle by Planning Ma :3 and cop es of the application forwarded to 13 govevnuont agencies. ROP1100 were received from 5 of the agencies notified, pherein ixo wlvo: So comments were noted, 3, 1971 - A total of ten form letters were mailed to pe-coon2, oywing p7opewLy Athin tDO ft. of the subject Lando, explaininC An NMI,; of the pTopoQed rezoning and requesting comments in favouX ox in opp-r' blo, to this re coning application. 0'' _t,ou_-., replies received, three were in opposition; one in favour, A ) PUY 18, 1972 � ApplicatIon approved by Planning Boaxd and 11unielpal Co: sr3hwnts requested to prepare an appvopriate amending by-law. (5) SWO 15, 1972 WaR anending by-law approved by Planning Boavd. (6) Jr'-'r- 19, 1972 BY-law oubmi%ted to CoUnci.3 with recommendation that same to rdophad and pacogd. 17) Sore 20, 1972 3y-'1 aw pasck by Council and nu nbe-ced as By-law Mo. 1734. 11 (8) i'01y 1972 - ITo. 1730, circulated to 11 ownevo of land and 5 acenviera. I To We best of tho wri•er's knowledge, 2 lettou of objection were received. (9) MGM 179 1972 - By-lan W 1731, submitted to the Ontaxio, ?hmIcIpal -0oaed No appwoval. SUP94MY REMIT No. ION6ontinue,6 (10) Janlla-YY 1049739 Plioo. J. Darrell, Senior, Planner of 'Plans Administration Bh,mach, commented t}i6b the site plan accorapanying -v',ho by-law was, not complete iii all. necoosary detail and fuothe-^ suggested that the Munici- p,)I!Ly should porn a by-law uMor the NLualcipol Act to licence 4id dove-vo tlailovu 10081b 3d -W a bxililor capip. (IL) Iday 1.6, 19'11, RoviDed oite plar by-lav appiloved by Planning Board and v(,,-,oyPn(,-ndad -Lo Covian-U. (12) October 2, 1973, M aft 'by-,l aw panned by CoWncil and nimbored an By-law i,lo. 176J. (1-3) October 3, 1973, By-Aaw No. 1763- dubmitbed to OnLaxio Municipal Board for aopwoval. (14) November 13, 1973r Let for from 0. Saray.-ma adviain'g that. it would be nacosoa-oy to circulate an amending By-lau, 11o. 1761 in accordance wIth the Board"o stonding rules of pxoceduve. I 17o-O'e.- No fixtliej• action was bakeh due to lack of sufficient time to obtain ne-lesnu,y,y copies of the site plan in a reduced size whick world ,,coon-o,-u,iy the Br-law for ciTeiilation ptrposen.