HomeMy WebLinkAbout74-15/S. Deport No. 9 Napping and Aerial - Fhotol7raphy Pla fining Base Mayes have been drawn by tne he-jonal Planning Department for t'je Town of !lewcastle at scales of 111= 2000' and 1" = 10001. The 1" = 2000' map consists of a single sheet covering the whole muni.cil)alit,y. The 1" = 1000' map consists of four sheets eaca Colo/ering the north or south T of one of the former townships. The Region will allow us to borrow these mans to make reproducible mylar positives of them, I recommend that: j;x ,._ tS,, * (a) myl,ar copies be made of each of these maps (cost will be approximately $2.00 per sq. ft.) (b) five paper copies of eac�i rrnap be run off for our own use. (c) a supply of 50 copies of the 1" = 2000' map be run off for sale to the )ublic at cost plus 15;19 for handling charges. (d) the mylars be turned over to our consultants for their use during the Official Plan work program, to be returned to us on eomp'6etion of the draft plan. 2. Northway Siirvey Company in Toronto flew our municipality last summer for Ontario Hydro as part of their Lennox- Oshawa transmission line study. This is the taost up to date air photo coverage of our area a -id because most of the wor_c has already been done, it is available to us at a very low )rice. I obtained an estimate from 11orthway of the cost of supplying us with various materials. This estimate is attached hereto. 2 - The mo aics referred to w }1>1d Le reProdticible transparent positives. If item 2 were ordered at this time we would obtain 3 siict� positives cov =ring the w1iole municipality. Since these are photo mosaics wuiild be at the same scale as our planning base maps information could betransferred to the maps by over - layin;,, them. h'or example, our land use could thus be updated with- out exte)isive field cnecking. This would in itself be a saving in time and money wrlich would justify the expense.I recommend that Dt this time we or(](-,,r air photo mosaics for the entire mumicipality at a :kale of 1000 ft = 1 inch. Eespectfully ;rubmitted, George F. Bowden, illanning Director. FM ESTIMS'ITE FOR FROII '.y jJ!,T" y 1. Photo I!osaic for enti re munici,)ality at r,(--,)le of 2000 ft = 1 in. = ,,p 52 5.00 2. Photo Mosaic for entire mu- iLcipality at Z,75.00 of 1000 ft = 1 in. 3. Photo enlargements (see maps) Area 1 (9 photos ) = 41305.00 Area 2 (7 l)hotos) = w245.00 Area 3 (3 photos) = 4105.00 Area 4 (2 photos) = 4d70.00 Area 5 (1 p;,o to) = �r35. 00 Area 6 (2 photos) - 00.00 Area 7 (3 photos) = X105.00 Area 8 (5 n:iotos) = X175.00 Area 9 (2 p,,- )tos) = 470.00 Area 10 (3 p`iotos) = ,; to5). 00 ,,1285.00 i 1.11 55 74 15 51 11 11 F I I VII ' I 1 (� VI j r I II IV 1 E ,r m U,hnwuij Y, r ® � i I I I t I' fiF 5� r nl.. -b •r11 I.LrI 0 11 � RCS LfN `I Lrr_ 1'^J � _ EXISTING LAND ._ J LAND USE Official LEGEND i 1060 ♦ ♦00�� I y - � f r I I , r II I HOSPORI r" � I I,YII' „IrI 11fA 617 t IRUrfr�r,a nhfl i r�q 1 1 1 I J RI I I {t.........♦ r owl I I , ��� PR0V1Hr,al i QVr i � r It ARfrn1A, RO�II' (4 J r/ onRn Waal SEE to OF J f J'j ORO AR A Orono / ! UN p -1 1 — Oil,l rn.;in - --F RA�l4tr I' [< Q 15 ! xlo J I L/ N ry i i r,r,,ra , 1 r [ ar, q � F r •n f 0 I �— " K4 r •n f 0 TOWN OF NEWCAS!rLE i PROPOSED WORK PROGRAM FOR THE MrASTU DISTRICT ALAN , DRAFT MUCH 20,' 1974 mucH 26, 1974 MUNICIPAL PLANNING CONSULTANTS CO. LTD. TOWN PLANNERS . PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS 400 MOUNT PLEASANT ROAD TORONTO, ONT. TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PROPOSED WORK PROGRAM FOR THE NEWCASTLE DISTRICT PLAN DRAFT MARCH 20, 1974 MARCH 26, 1974 MUNICIPAL PLANNING CONSULTANTS CO. LTD. TOWN PLANNERS . PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS 400 MOUNT PLEASANT ROAD . TORONTO, ONT. WORK PROGRAM NEWCASTLE DISTRICT PLAN 1. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this document is to outline: (i) the basic approach to be followed in the preparation of the District Plan. (ii) the general content to be found within the initial Plan- ning Study and District Plan; (iii) the anticipated timing of the various stages of the pro- gram; and (iv) the detailed studies to be prepared for the long term Planning of the District. 2. BASIC APPROACH It is proposed that the District Plan be initially developed through a fairly straightforward process of reviewing the four existing Official Plans, updating the data where necessary, re- vising the documents in light of recent Provincial, Regional and District policies and consolidating this information into one document. The purpose of the Plan is to establish policies that will guide the development of the Newcastle District in a desirable fashion, until such time as a Regional Plan has been approved. 3. PHASE I (a) Goals and Objectives: The first task before the Planning Advisory Ccmmittee should be to establish a set of District goals and objectives that would provide the proper direction to the analysis and syn- thesis of the individual existing Official Plans, in order that a common reference will exist to assist in reconciling competing or otherwise conflicting interests. (1) Preliminary goals and objectives would be prepared by con- solidating the goals and objectives of the four communities. The Planning Advisory Committee would review the goals and objectives, ensuring they reflected the desired state for the District. (b) Base Mapping: A Base Map for the Town of Newcastle will be prepared at the scale of 1" = 2000' from the Darlington and Clarke Official Plan Base Maps. The map will be designed so that,for presen- tation purposes, it would be approximately 42" x 65" and could later be reduced to 11" x 17" for inclusion in the final document of the District Plan. For the areas of concentrated growth detail maps at a larger scale will be used. Cronars of all plates, schedules and base maps will be required from the Bowmanville and Newcastle Official Plans and Planning Studies. Where suitable base mapping already exists, copies of the dylars would be pro- vided to the Consultants. (c) Detailed Review of'Existing Plans: The Consultants shall prepare a report reviewing the exist- ing Official Plans on a subject basis. For example, Estate Residential would be analysed on how the various Plans dif- fered in their handling of this form of development, as well as outlining the strengths and weaknesses of the various ap- proaches. Once the report has been prepared, the Planning Advisory Committee and the Consultants should meet in order that areas of concern and /or conflict'kay be identified. Copies of the Bowmanville Official Plan and Planning Studies, as well as any backup reports, are required by the Consultant. Where they exist, the Regional Planning Department and the Ministry of Housing's comments of the four existing plans will be taken into consideration. 4. PHASE ii Based on the existing Planning Studies and reports, a Consolidated Planning Study will be prepared for the Town of Newcastle. Up- dating of data will be provided where necessary. (2) During Phase II it is not anticipated that any new in -depth studies will be prepared, but rather that the background data that already exists will be updated and consolidated. The reasons for this initial approach are basically: (i) substantial effort went into the preparation of the exist- ing planning studies, and this information should not be disregarded; (ii) by accepting the data basically as it is, with minor up- dating, the length of time required to prepare an interim District Plan will be greatly reduced; and (iii) problem areas that do appear can be studied in -depth as special reports, after the general development guidelines and policies have been established. The following aspects will be examined in the initial planning study. Topics that will require special in -depth study will be expanded upon in Phase V. (a) PHYSICAL ASPECTS: Regional Setting Natural Features - including physiography, mineral resources, agricultural capability, etc. Land Use - the existing land use maps will be updated where necessary. Transportation )Any reports not included in the existing Municipal Services)studies will be analysed and included in the report. (b) SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC ASPECTS: Historic Development Population Characteristics Community Facilities (3) - Population projections from the existing Plans will be analysed and re- evaluated if they are not in keeping with the Districts' goals regarding growth rate. - Including a preliminary analysis of recreational facilities and school facilities. Administrative/Financial Land Use Requirements Future Development 5. PHASE - Including Economic Base, Assess- ment Ratio. - Based on Population projections and acreages and areas for the various land uses. Interim and Long Term. - Long Term look at areas of future development. Phase III will be concerned with the preparation of the District Plan and will contain such sections as: Goals and Objectives; Land Use Policies; Transportation Policies; Development Policies; Implementation and Interpretation, as well as Land Use and Road Plans for the District. Goals and Objectives - relating to the following areas of concern: Environmental Protection Areas, Recreation, Agriculture, Economics, Transportation, Servicing and Administra- tion. Land Use Policies - relating to the following Land Use categories: Environmental Protection Areas, Recreational, Conservation, Open Space, Urban, Hamlet, Estate Residential, Com- mercial, (General, Highway, Recreational and Local), Industrial (General, Restrictive, Waste, and Extractive), Rural and Existing Land Uses. Transportation Policies - including Functional Classification of roadway and areas for improvement. Development Policies - regarding Staging, Servicing, method and location of development, secondary plans, site plans, and reference plans. Implementation Interpretation (4) Schedules Schedule "A" Land Use and Road Plan for the Rural Portion. Schedule "B" - Land Use and Road Plan for the Urban areas. Schedule "C" - Staging Plans for the larger urban areas. Schedule "D" - Development on Neighbourhood Plan for the larger urban areas. 6, PHASE IV Following the presentation of the Draft District Plan to the Planning Advisory Committee and Council and its subsequent en- dorsement, a summary of the Plan will be prepared for Public Presentation. The District Plan will be revised once the Planning Advisory Committee and Council have reviewed the Plan in light of the Public's comments. 7. PHASE V Once the interim District Plan has been prepared, the following areas could be analysed in greater detail. (a) Commercial Land Need Stud: This report would take a more detailed look at the Commer- cial requirements of the District and its relationship to the Region. Included in the report could be a break -down of requirements for general, highway and shopping centre commercial needs. (b) Servicing: This report would look into the servicing problems of the District, with emphasis in the areas of urban concentration. (c) Secondary Plans: Detailed land use plans would be prepared for the areas of urban concentration. (5)