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The proposod work frog rani
by tLe Re�,iona.l Planning;
comments Lo this report.
undertook a review of t''Cle
still a 11u1nte' of c1t �n; cs
outlined below;
sia11 1 fitted by o „r consultrints has teen rov Lowed
�e )a) - bient and I nave ) tt tched a copy of their
hft,,r r,-)c(iving ttie = legion's comrrnencs on it, I
work program z,,iyself and concluded that there are
whicn sl_ould to made in it. These changes are
1, Short and L011,1 RUn P1_ tnning
The Region lncenc+ to remain firm on choir esi al-Dlished policy that they
will not a,), -rove any development co ,mitments beyond 19779 i-) District
Plans now Loing prepared,
Tclerefore, if we are to obtain Regional approval of a District flan
tefore 1'779 the plan which we are now ;)reparing must be a separate
one from any longer term planning which we intend to do. I think that
we will also wish to produce a longer tern deT,elopment concept as an
Input to Regional and Provincial thinking,, but this will Have to ire
prepared alrost as a separate document although, of course, it could
be Lovnd in the salve cover as the plan submitted for formal approval
1-y Regional Council, The need to produce a, plan which is lit reality
two separate documents must be reflected in the Goals and Objectives
(Phase I (a)) of the work progra1n9 and in Phase III, The division
into short and long term planning will have to be reflected throughout
Phase; III with <3 j ew )ossib,le exceptions (presumably the Environmental
Protect iorj Areas will remain constant in both tine short and long runs).
I know that our corisvltants do not favour a separation into s port and
long tert plans, and I agree that t11is is less than the ideal way to
plan. hovrever, in tiie prese,at political and administrative, situation,
it is necessary; ai)d our consultants must revise their work program to
take this into account,
2. Base 14apping.
Base ma,)ping for oua municipality h,is Already been prepared ry the
Regional Planning Department at scales of 1” =1000' and 1 "= 2000'. This
should be used 1.n the wort, program l�y our consultant to avoid duplica-
tion of worm already done, The consultant has nlre,ady baen in touch
with the Region rega.rdino use of their materials.
3. Sources of Data
I recognize that the amcvunt of research which we can now out Into the
planning study referred to in Phase III is very lioited dup to constr-
aints of Lime, ni,inpowe_,, and financial resources. Therefore, I
consider it very important ttiat we do not overlook any existing sources
of itafornlation which .tre readily avoilable. I refer in porticulor to
the O.A.P,A.D.S. study winlch is available to us through the Fegi_on
- 2 - REPOET NO. 1 (cont.....)
and can provide Much valuable information already assembled in a
convenient form, Por erg pie O.A.P.A.D.5. have already mapped the
capability of land is our area for agriculture recreation, for
mineral extraction, conservation etc. I think that at would be worth -
while for tae c9 snitants and oyself to spend a day or two going over
this material and extr wtinrg information we can "se. fig any case the
work pro ;r`3H swo ld f e sat u,, to wake use of toe infornati on a.vailatle
throuz'n other a;eoci_s ia addition to the previors foi r nonicipalities.
4. 1lunici1) a1 Serv1c(,, s a
V appear to have reached the li pits of one or more of tho services
in each of our three urban co�'.unities unich have hard services, and
we are encountering poly -tion problems in many of the other small-r
urban centres such as 1amDton and Newtonville which mile out any
significant development u ltil services are provided. Wither we accept
the fact that all significant urban development will stop until the
Regional Plan is oroduced in 1977cx retry to find some short term
servicing solutions in co-operation with the Region or we try to
irdoce the Region to make some long term decisions on servicing
(eg. water sodply in Newcastle Village) t efore the Regional Plan is
finalized. kith regard to t4e third alternative,, I have already had
at least a verbal undertaking that the hegion wil) conside making some
long term decisions on servicing before 1977. Although we do not want
to get involved in detailed engineering studies at this stage, some
investigation of feasible areas for servicing and some decisions in
principle regarding new plant etc. seem to be required during this
interim period✓ I do not think that an analysis of existing reports
will provide all the answers we need. I think that we and our
consultants must sit down with the appropriate provincial and regional
officials and try to resolve some of the more presjing issues regard-
ing servicing as a Dart of the District Plan work program.
5. Local Input'.
I run a bit concerned about tae way in which the work program jumps
directly from the information gwthe=6 st: ;e to the plan production
stage. nembei s of uay ✓Tannin, advisory Commil tee who wore involved
in the preparation ol Official Plans in the previogs four municipali-
ties may be fa 11iar with the procedure `fiat has often been followed
in producing Official Plans for small municipalities throughout
Ontario. What La dens is that the consultPQ undertakes his study
and obtains ,}uidance fruw various Provincial agencies ns to the kind
of plan which is axpec ted o Theis ne produces his plan more or less
on his own and suLwitts the finished draft to the municipality for
approval. The municipality often knows very little atout what is
going into the plan until it is completed. This is an easy trap to
fall into when the plan is being produced at some remove from the
local scene
I think that there is a danger thDt this plan could folloy n siTilor
route and become a matter for negotiation between the Province, the
"eglon, ind the consultant with little opp02tanity for laput fro- the
local municipality. To avoid this I mink that the Planning Study
3 -- REPOLT NO. l (cont.....)
produced 111 Phase II sizouid conclude with a summary statement of the
short teri,l onJ Ion, terl+ options which are availal_le in connection
with eacii componeiA of tie pi,uposed plan. Tile ch,,Ices -unich are
available slioiild tiler tc disk:llssed with the - Tannin g 1�dvlsory Commi-
ttee and so,,ie consl1isions re,3ched tuZore Please III hlie actual prepar-
ation of thu �Acan) begins. It is ii,iportant that the contents of the
draft plan I e dotpria-_ ied ty the Co,,wii_ttee and not merely reflect
implicit decision; de ty staff, consultants, Regional and Provincial
officials, etc.
Lon; Term Pla �-!ni,ig o
We must produce a short tern plan for hopefully quick approval ry the
Legion in order to resolve tale many difficulties and uncertainties
which arise from workln.- witn the four existing Official Plans some of
which are not in thetiselves approved. Nevertheless, the long term
planning of the municipality is also of importance to us, and I do not
think -vie shod 1 d draw our horizons at the limited time span the Region
has allocated for our initial interim District -Plan (ie. 1977). It
is ii, portant that we maintain the initiative created by the initial
exercise and go on to develop a longer term concept which conveys our
thoughts about the long term future of our area to the Legion and the
Province. Our whole planning program will yield very little value for
money to us if we accept 1977 as the Zinal date of olir forward planning.
In this connection I think that -Phase V should be extended to include
a "Future Development Concept" including the proposed items V(a) and
(b) and other sections as required to give its a welL mounded input into
the production of tho Regional Offlcl,31 Plan. The alternative, which
I think i,iost 1)eople in this area would find unacceptar-le, is to wait
until the Reg 2_on decides the f lte oj_ this muni_cil3ality without making
any positive input irito the decision ourselves.
%. Sumivaryo
In summary I mould r(.,o_oi.l,,end tli t t xe l)roposed wo it prograri to modified
as follows,-
(a) to provide fo3° separate production of a sho-ot term flan and a long
tern develo � (lent concept In order to meet Regional requirements.
(b) to provide for rise of :-Pse mapping and other technic it work done
by the Loglonal -Planning Departrzont.
(c) to provide for the lase of L�Aformatzon ravailab] e from sources other
th,nn the stied ies d Dne for the prev lo>>s four municipalities,
Particularly the O.A.P.A.D.S. study.
(d) to Znclude9
if possible aad without en aging In detailed engineering
studies, an lovesti.gatron of the feasibility of providing new or
extended water acid sewer services in the urban coiniminities.
(e) to include u,a analysis of the short and long run policy alterna-
tives open to the municipality as a part of the planning stildy.
® 4 m REPORT N0, 1 (cont,,o)
M to include a long term Future Uevelopment Concert as a follow
On Lo the initial Intai in Distr3 ct P1 In.
I have t Len the l i t uvty of forwarding v copy of this report to our
consultants so the t they will 1. e awp ve of the Ppcompendati.ons herein when
the Conmittee opets to finalize the York program.
Respectfully submitted 9
George ?. Lowden,
Planning Director,