HomeMy WebLinkAbout74-28i NNIM REPORT NO. 3 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Report on Sutdivision Application 1. MINISTRY OF HUUSINn FILE NO.: 17T - 240A3 2. APPLICANT& Msrio Veltri 3. LOCATION: Part of Lot 299 Concession 59 Town of Newcastle. 4. PROPMED USE: he s id ent ial . 5. STATUS Oi OFFICIAL PLAIN: Passed. 6. CONFORMITY WITH OFFICIAL PLAN: Yes. 7. STATUS OF ZONING BY -LAWS: Approved. By -law No. 1653 8. CONFORMITY WITH ZONING BY -LAWS: Nog the land is zoned (A) Agricul- ture and requires lots of 40 acres minimum. 9. BY -LAW PROVISIONS: (1) Permitted uses: Agriculture (Residential) (2) Minimum frontage 330 ft. (3) Minimum area 40 acres. (4) Plinimtmq side yard 25 ft. 10. TAX ARREARS: None. 11. SITE ChARACTERISTICS : (1) Slope and topography- surface drop;lO -15 ft. at the tack to a smali drainage channel. At the front there is a steep bank leading down to the road. This bank is about 10 feet high at the north and and increases to about 25 feet at the south. (2) Drainage - Fair, aided considerably by ample vegetation and forest cover. (3) Soil - Bondhead Loam. (4) Vegetation - Grass, Hardwood trees. (cont..........) - 2 - REPORT NO. 3 (5) Existing uses and buildings- ,) Insul brick garage. ii) l2 storey insul brick dwelling, frame shed. iii) Remainder vacant, 12. PROPOSED SERVICES: Piped water - yes Paved roads - yes Sanitary sewers - no Curbs and gutters - no Storm sewers - no Sidewalks - no Underground electricity - no Street Lighting - no Above ground electricity - yes 13. MUNICIPAL SERVICES RECOHMENDED: (not proposed by applicant) Underground electricity & telephone, storm sewers, curbs & gutters, street lighting. 14. AGENCIES CONTACTED 13Y MINISTRY OF HOUSING. 1. Health Unit - have not yet replied. 2. United Counties Engineer. 3. Several others (not making significant comments). 15. I,ESUME OF SIGNIFICANT AGENCY COhnENTS s The Counties Engineer objected to the proposed entrance on Main Street at the brow of the hill leading up from the bridge over Orono Creek. This street was formerly a County Road. The Health Unit have not yet replied to the circulation of this subdivision, but since they objected to development of land further up the drainage course which crosses this site (ie. in the Ochonski subdivision) it can be assumed that the health Unit will have the same objections here as they did in the previous subdivision. (cont,.,,,,.,..) - 3 W REPORT NO, 3 16. SUIT ARY s (1) The lot sizes although they fit the minimum by -law standards are not a suitable size to accommodate a septic tank. The Durham Health Unit advise that ttie minimum lot size for septic tanks should be approximately 12,000 sq.ft. As no lots in this proposal currently meet this standard, all can be consid- ered unsuitable for residential development. (2) The slope of the land indicates that major drainage of the land to the north is through the subject area. Because drainage will he affected by development, it may ultimately change the characteristics of the surrounding land with detrimental effects, (3) The water system of Orono is not capable of accommodating any increased population until the second well is oper- ational. (4) The length of the cul -de -sac is above the required standard for C.M.H..C. approval. (5) The only entrance and exit is situated on the brown of a hill and thus creates an unnecessary traffic hazzard. (6) The location of the proposed park dedication is not in the municipalities interest as it is neither convenient for the users, maintenance or supervision of the park. (7) The layout of the proposed subdivision is unduly contorted and in at least one case a dwelling would have to be located so that it overlooked the rear of its next door neighbour. (cont..........) ® 4 - REPORT N0, 3 RECOMMENDAT IONS: 1. I recommend that this proposed subdivision be refused due to inadequate soil and drainage conditions on part of the site and the unsuitability of the proposed access. Development of the northeast portion of the site could be acceptable when the second well comes into operation but there is no way in which the problem of access can be overcome unless and until access is ultimately provided through lands to the rear of the site. 2. Any lots which are created on this site should be at least 12,500 sq.ft. in area. Copies of this report if and when it is approved by Council, should be sent to the Regional Planning Department, the Regional Engineering Department, and the Ministry of Housing. Respectfully submitted, George F. Howden, Planning Director.