HomeMy WebLinkAbout74-303©, REPORT NO. 5 Report to the Planning Advisory Committee on the application by Larry Beaupre for rezoning of property part of Lot 24, Concession VIII to Highway Coi,irnercial (110 RPril 309 1)74. M ivif,NTS The site is currently within an a,reLL zoned (A) Agriculture. The total area to to considefed is 3.475 acres. 'resent rise of the site includes the owners residence, a sportin- goods service centre for boats, snowmobiles ai-id rnotorcyclos9 a storage barn for these goods and an unclassified storage shed with it's use proLably linked to the residence. In the past, the site has been operated as a preexisting non conforming use. The owner has erected a second building (the stow- age darn) without applying for rezoning until the tuilding was co npleted and in use. A prosecution is presently underway. In making the recomi,iendat ions in this report, the site was classified as one property although it a_s actually two sepErate parcels. If the property is to l;e considered as one property or to to nade one property (see r coiamendation 4) all setbacks of exlstlnl; titi_ldings would then conioroi to existing by-laws. Presently the comi,iorci.al building and - rorage Marti do not conforoi to the )-,,y-laws it the area remains two separate properties. There was no mention of size of current parking f,ic111ties in the zoning application. irC01�i�'i��IvUA�.CI011S o The proposed rezoning is recommended under the following conditions: (continued) UPOPT NO, 5 to maximum coverage of the sutject area should not exceed 20% of the lot including parking, residential co"wercial and storage uses. 20 The accesE to tine ,property should not he less than 110 feet from the centre lone of the Provincial Highway and restricted the 8th line road, 30 P[inimum setbacks to accessory buildings should be 30 feet including sheds, storage facilities, other commercial or residential buildings. 4. The owner should make the subject area one property under one title nolder In order to eliminate non- conformity and to minimize future legal confrontations, which would occur with 2 separate properties, 5. Approval of this rezoning should not be considered a reason for discontinuing prosecution of the applicant for his original violation of by -law 1653, 6. The amount of area to te rezoned should be limited to the present 3,475 acres. Respectfully sut mitted y t v George F. howden, Planning Director,