HomeMy WebLinkAbout74-33REPORT NO. 8 NEW ZONING BY -LAW FOR BOWM,,NVILLE El As some members of this Committee are already aware, we are experiencing increasing problems in Bowmanville in working with a very old zD ning by -law which now has numerous shortcomings -- 1) It predates and does not implement comform with the approved Official Plan on many points. 2) It does not provide adequately for modern types of development such as condominiums and multi purpose complexes. 3) It contain.es many ambiguous and poorly worded sections. In recognition of these facts, the Bowmanville Council las year commissioned Proctor and Redfern to prepare amendments to the old by -law. These amendments were received in March but I found them not to be suitable in form for adoption by Council at that time. In addi- tion, I did not consider it desirable to add further patches to a by -law which had already been patched many times. Using the old by -law and the proposed amendments as a basis, I have drafted a new by -law for Bowmanville. I have also added a new section to make use of new powers recently conferred on municipalities by an amendment to the Planning .ct. This new by -law is now ready for consideration by this Committee and Council, except for some redrafting and reproduction of the maps in it. This drafting work is being under- taken by Urban Design Consultants in Whitby. The proposed by -law will be mailed to members of this Committee when it is completed, hopefully before the Committee's next meeting. In the meantime I would like to 2 (cont.,,..,,...) submit this draft by -law to Municipal Planning Consultants for a quick final review, since this is a major document and I think it would be desirable to have a second planner's opinion before the bylaw is forwarded to Council for enactment. I am therefore recommending that the proposed new zoning by-law for Bowmanville be forwarded to Municipal Planning Consultants for review and report back to this Committee at its next meeting. Respectfully Submitted, George Fe Howden, Planning Director.