HomeMy WebLinkAbout74-72REPORT NO.3 LETTER re PURCHASE OF L1,,NEWAX OFF FIRST STREET, BOWMANVILLE 4 1A. Mr. Leo McLean has written to the Town requesting to purchase six feet of the unopened lane running from First Street to the CPR tracks on the attached sketch. This lane is also part of a proposed three lot subdivision outlined in solid black on the sketch. This subdivision has draft approval, but requires the inclusion of the lane in order to bring the third lot up to the frontage required by the zoning by-law. If the Town wishes to see the lot fronting on First Street developed, it would be desir blo to convey the whole of the lane to the subdivider, rather than to split it and convey half to the sub- divider and half to the other adjacent owner ® Mr. McLe -mm. However, in this case I believe that the Town has no choice in splitting the lane down the middle when it is disposed of. I appears that this lane is an unopened road allowance within an old plan of subdivision (Lockhart and Simpson Plan9 1856). I believe that it has never been assumed as a public highway nor has any work ever been done on it. It presently shows no physical evidence of its existence as a lane and is currently used as part of a garden plot. If these facts are true (they should be checked by the To,,,ri's solicitor) then the lane would have to be disposed of through a sludge's order under Section 86 of the Registry Acre U der these proceedings, I believe the Town would be obligated to offer one half or the lane to each continued....... 2 abutting owner. This land would have to lk, conveyed frk-) of charge.IfMr. McLean choses to accept six fc.c,t of the lon(;,, then the subdivider would have the choice of j)urehas ln- I t f i,om 1111n Qr applying to the Committee of Adjustment for a r- ,bictzon of lot frontage to 44 feet., Iii any case, the disposal of this lot is henceforth -A 1,-gal matter rather than a planning matter, and I recoMtIII -nd thnt Ui i s report be referred to the Financo and L3gal co miji ttce. R�.Spcctfully ^ui,rnittc'd, Georgc F, Howd(.n, Planning Director. z Lu 0 •• f SCA LE 1 =40 I Fl RST ST. TRPc m a