HomeMy WebLinkAbout74-73REPORT NO.4 CtiNADI��N LEGION PURCHASE OF LAND 4f �3 Tn Can�uian Legion has written to Council offerring to purchase 3 acres of land in the Bowman ille Industrial Pain as a site for the relocation of their legion hall. They have offerred to purchase this land immediately south of the cemetery for 8219000. I have examined this proposal and make the following observations: 1. Before the Legion could build on the proposed site they would have to have an Official Plan Amendment approved by the Rc;;ion and Q>>o�n's Park and a Zoning Amendment approved by Council and the O.M.B. This is likely to be a protracted process and perhaps not a successful one. 2. This proposal would subtract from the supply of industrial land at a time when the Town is clearly short of industrial assessment and local employment opportunities. 3. The price offerred by the Legion is not realistic in today's market. Industrial Land is currently selling at at least 615,000 per acre in the Bowmanville area according to roil estate agents estimates. To sell this land at less than its full market price because of the proposed "service club" nature of the development could constitute a precedent which would be seriously disadvantageous to the interests of the municipality's taxpayers. 4. The Region would have to extend municipal sewers and water mains approximately 1800 ft. north along Cemetery Road from Base Line Road. Approvals for this would probably take some �- 2 4® (cont Id) time and the Rc3ion would probably want the Legion to pay for this initially, although some of the costs could be recovered later if additional developments looked up to the extensions,, This initial capital cost would not be significant to an industrial developer, but could be beyond the means of the local Legion Branch. In conclusion T think that the present proposal is not particularly advantageous from either the Town's or the Legion's point of view, and 1 would recommend that the Legion be urged to seek another more suitable site within the Town. Respectfully submitted, • � r' George F. howden, Planning Director,