HomeMy WebLinkAbout74-75REPORT NO.6 LITTER FROM MILANI_ AND MILAN1 HOLDINGS _�t 1,5". On May 27 Dianne klarcus MSC(Pl) of Milani and Milani Holdings wrote to Ghe Regional Commissioner requesting that the Regional and Town Engineers produce reports on the capacity of the water system in Newcastle Village. A copy was sent to Council and referred to this Committee. Members of the Committee will find in their Agendas of April 8, that a report was produced by John Layng following a meeting with myself, our Town Engineer, representatives from the Village P.U.C., the hegional Works Department, and the Province's consulting engineers in Newcastle (Kilborn Engineering). Kilborn's original study of the water supply in the Village recommen- ded that no new subdivisions should be approved until additional wateris supplied from Lake Ontario - atove and beyond the anticipated increase expected from the proposed second well. The others at the meeting questioned Kilborn's representatives closely to ensure that the consultant based his conclusions on recommended Provincial design standards. Mr. Layng had a copy of those standards with him. There was a concensus reached among all those present that Kilborn Engineer- ing's conclusions were well ,founded and this conclusion was contained in Mr. Layng's report which was approved by Council. Since the Town is not the authority responsible for the water supply system in Newcastle Village, I see no reason for us to undertake any continued........ 2 further study of that system. Rather, I recommend that we should continue to abide by Mr.- Layng's recommendations until such time as the proper�authoritiesh (�e� the Regional Works Department)dvisew s Lha- the consider_thq_ water su 1 to be adequate for the approval P flzrt.he s Sons Since Mr, Layng's report was produced two further significant events have occurred: 1. The water supply from the proposed new second well has been found to have a high nitrate content, 2, The Province, through the Ministry of housing, have suggested that money may be available as part of the Iiousing Action Program to expedite the bringing of water to the Village from Lake Ontario to bring the water supply in line with the sewage capacity. If water is to be brought from the lake relatively quickly, then the currently proposed second well could become a redundant and inferior source of water, The Region is currently planning to spend approxima- tely 41170,000 on the second well and connecting mains. If it is likely that water will be brought from the lake a short period of time, it may be adviseable to reconsider the need for the proposed second well. OF course, since households are already connecting to the sewage system, a big increase in the demand for water by existing dwellings may soon follow. In this case it may be necessary to proceed with the second well even if it yields only an interim supply until continued.. „ ..... ° 3 ResPectfully submitted 9 George F. howdeng Planning Director.