HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-06-18 Minutes MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL BOARD Meeting of the Newcastle Community Hall Board on June 18 2013 at 7pm in the Council Chambers. Present Were: C. Abraham (chair) B. Carmichael P. DeJong S. DeJong W. Woo G. Bell (secretary) Regrets From: W. Partner S. Rogers HISTORICAL SOCIETY 1.1 Myno VanDyke spoke to board on behalf of Newcastle Historical Society—NDHS would like to put an 1891 Massey-Harris plow in the front gardens. It was donated by Farncomb Legreely to the NDHS. Could be incorporated as part of the 901h celebration for the hall. NDHS would retain ownership, maintenance;take care of having it installed and removing each winter prior to Halloween. Install in the SW corner of gardens. Horticultural Society has agreed to placement as well. Would be installed with angle iron in cement sonotube. Board suggested plaque with description be installed as well. Discussed how this could attract visitors and be ideal for wedding pics. MINUTES 2.1 Motion by P. DeJong, seconded by B Carmichael That minutes be accepted as presented with amendment to 3.1"seconded by W. Partner" CARRIED BUSINESS ARISING 3.1 Bowling Alley—email received from N.Taylor's office indicating Municipality has approved committee for NBA in the past. C. Abraham will follow up with N.Taylor as to proceeding with future set up of bowling association i.e. committee of the board. Emails received from Alan Tibbles that he is aware Dorella has been in contact with leagues that are interested in joining NBA. He also has a lead on another group and will forward their info to me at a later after he meets with them. 3.2 B. Carmichael obtained another quote for flooring—attached. 3.3 Advertising on website almost ready to move forward—agreed to$50.00/year. Ads must pertain to activities at hall i.e. caterers, decorators, DJ's, etc. 1 3.4 Chamber of Commerce Group Plan has sent new paperwork encouraging S. Fogg to change plan from family to couple as his daughter is no longer covered. He is looking papers over—this would be a cost savings to employee and employer with close to same coverage. 3.5 Rental contract given out for members to look over and discuss at next meeting. 3.6 Lions bartending—on hold for summer will set up meeting with Lions (Tom)for fall. 3.7 Decided not to install vanities in bowling alley washrooms—dispose of same. BILLS 4.1 Motion by S. DeJong, seconded by P. DeJong That bills for supervision S. Fogg$395.00 and B. Carmichael $75.00 be paid as presented. CARRIED HEALTH &SAFETY 5.1 Trees need trimming—report to be forwarded to Operations Dept. Motion by W. Woo, seconded by P. DeJong That request to have ladder to clock also be replaced or fixed. CARRIED CORRESPONDENCE 6.1 Workplace Safety received for information 6.2 Growth Management Update received from Municipality—received for information 6.3 Faye Langmaid email received re: enquiry from Myno Van Dyke regarding grant opportunities for NCH. Members discussed how we need to be careful when asking questions of other groups that they are aware board will contact appropriate contacts for further information on our behalf as requests can be misunderstood. 6.4 Forms for nominations Clarington Blooms received for information. 6.5 Notice from Sandra McKee, Sr Buyer with list of items available from Municipality—nothing on list that could be used by Hall. 6.6 C. Abraham will fill in Government survey on Small Business. 6.7 Letter and check from A Touch of Glass for glass rentals through hall events. Board agreed to new agreement of 15%take and allows glasses to be washed in hall kitchen. FUNDRAISING 7.1 B. Carmichael reported Publican Brewery will be participating in Oktoberfest 7.2 Board discussed how fundraising dollars would be spent. Motion by B. Carmichael, seconded by S. DeJong That monies raised through fundraising efforts by NCH fundraising committee shall be used for capital hall improvements not covered by Municipality of Clarington. CARRIED 7.3 C. Abraham will follow up with Director of Operations regarding feasibility of A/C 7.4 Email received from Karen Bastas on behalf of Newcastle BIA—they would like board to assist with fundraising event concert on October 4 proceeds to go towards NCH Improvements fund. 2 Board in agreement due to Oktoberfest on September 29 we do not have them manpower to do two fundraisers a week apart. Respond to Karen "Thank you for your endeavors to fundraise for the Community Hall, however, at this time we are unable to assist with planning but may be able to help the day of." NEW BUSINESS 8.1 Chair signed Lions Club and YMCA contracts. 8.2 G. Bell reported on Operations seminar attended by S. Fogg and G. Bell. Covered Health and Safety—Asbestos Awareness, Ladder Safety, Occupational Health &Safety, WHMIS,Workplace Inspection and Risk Management. 8.3 G. Bell to attend media seminar this weekend with Geek Girl Media 8.4 Request from Robotics Camp for Kids for full week rate during summer. Motion by P. DeJong, seconded by W. Woo That weekly rate of$350.00 is approved on condition that 4 weeks are booked, appropriate insurance obtained,waivers signed by attendees. CARRIED 8.5 Yoga classes scheduled for the fall in Council Chambers and Auditorium 8.6 Discussed coverage for this Sunday—W. Woo will set up tables—S. Fogg to take the day off. 8.7 Discussed purchase of IPAD for secretary—could use for pictures and information when showing hall. Motion by S. DeJong, seconded by W. Woo That a tablet be purchased with a budget of$600.00 CARRIED 8.8 S. Fogg took care of roof leak due to blocked eaves—ask Municipality to check all eaves. 8.9 Massey Plow discussed—Motion by S. DeJong, seconded by P. DeJong That plow is installed on patio slab with sonotube in SW corner of gardens. Would like a plaque like the one at fountain as well. CARRIED C. Abraham will let Myno VanDyke know decision after meeting. 8.10 C. Abraham will discuss irrigation with Horticultural Society 8.11 Add Weed man to 2014 budget discussion 8.12 B. Carmichael reported fountain plaque is bent from skateboarders—refer to Municipality 8.13 W. Woo presented water color of Hall painted by Patricia Stephenson. May be used for a raffle to raise dollars or kept. Patricia is also selling post cards with same picture on it. Thank you card to be sent. 8.14 Discussed 901h Anniversary on August 112013—Garden Party - Plow - Plaques for Garden project installed - Music by local talent - New picture from Patricia Stephenson on display -Cake, punch 8.15 W. Woo asked about A/C on behalf of Masons. Secretary to look back in minutes as this has been asked and answered in the past. Info to be forwarded to W. Woo 8.16 W. Woo presented certificate to S. DeJong for celebration of his 72nd birthday form the Mayor's office. 3 FINANCIAL REPORT 9.1 Motion by W. Woo, seconded by S. DeJong That financial report is accepted as presented. CARRIED 4