HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-176-91 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE DN:OAK-RIDGES.GPA REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Date: Monday, July 22, 1991 Res. By-Law# Report#: File #: Pln 17 . 13 Subject: PROVINCIAL INTEREST ON THE OAK RIDGES MORAINE OF THE GREATER TORONTO AREA: PROVINCIAL STUDY AND IMPLEMENTATION GUIDELINES Recommend : ftns ols respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-176-91 be received for information; 2 . THAT the interested parties be forwarded a copy of this report. 1. BACKGROUND 1. 1 On July 26, 1990, the report entitled "Space for All: Options for a Greater Toronto Area Greenlands Strategy, 199011 (otherwise known as the Kanter Report) was released. This report recognized the significance and sensitivity of the Oak Ridges Moraine and provides recommendations for its long term protection. On the same day, two specific measures to protect the Moraine were announced. First, the intent to initiate a two year planning study of the Moraine and, second, to protect the Moraine in the interim, provincial interest in the Moraine under Section 2 of the Planning Act was expressed. The expression of provincial interest on the Oak Ridges Moraine's is an indiction of the Province's overall interest in land use planning within the Oak Ridges Moraine. PIEq PA Pt It CVCLt (v REPORT NO. : PD-176-91 PAGE 2 1. 2 On June 24, 1991 the Honourable Bud Wildman, Ministry of Natural Resources announced that the government was undertaking two initiatives to implement the declared Provincial Interest on the Oak Ridges Moraine within the Greater Toronto Area specifically: a two year planning study to be co-ordinated by the Province through the Ministry of Natural Resources and involving municipalities, conservation authorities and others . Implementation Guidelines to assist in understanding the expression of provincial interest, how it will be implemented and how it will affect the planning and development approval process . 2. PLANNING STUDY OF THE OAR RIDGES MORAINE 2 . 1 The overall intent of the planning study is to develop a long term strategy for the protection and management of the Oak Ridges Moraine. The Moraine within the Greater Toronto Area comprises 17 different municipal jurisdictions, 6 conservation authorities and a variety of provincial ministries with program mandates in the Moraine. One overall strategy outlining a preferred direction for all to follow is desirable not only to overcome jurisdiction discrepancies but to provide a holistic basis to deal with feature which has natural systems not conveniently slotted into artificially created boundaries . 2 .2 The Oak Ridges Moraine strategy will outline the natural systems and green corridors that will be protected to maintain key features and functions, biological diversity, habitat and fish and wildlife movement. In a general sense, C� (:� 9 �' REPORT NO. : PD-176-91 PAGE 3 it will identify levels of development acceptable for various parts of the Moraine and areas where no development can take place. The strategy will promote landform conservation, that is the rolling, wooded landscape that gives the distinct character to the Moraine. 2 . 3 Once completed, the strategy could form the basis for further action such as the preparation of a Provincial plan (similar to the Niagara Escarpment Plan) or a policy statement under the Planning Act. The strategy would need to be incorporated into the Region of Durham and Town of Newcastle Official Plans . 2 .4 Three main tasks will be carried out as part of the study. Identification of the key features of the Moraine. This will document natural feature information on wetlands, significant areas, groundwater, forested areas, fishery streams, etc . The significant scenic aspect of the landscape of the Moraine will lead to the identification of an optimal alignment for the trail system. Development of an Ecologically based approach for the Treatment and Management of the Moraine. The natural systems and corridors will be identified to form a "green framework" for the Moraine. Cumulative Impact The difficult task of determining the "cumulative impact" of development proposals will be examined to attempt to identify the appropriate level of development and limitations for specific areas of the Moraine. The Ministry of the Environment will take the lead on this aspect of the Study. REPORT NO. : PD-176-91 PAGE 4 2 .5 Two years is allocated for the planning study. In order to guide the study and to consider the comments and concerns of all agencies, special interest groups and the public, two committees will be established. Technical Working Committee Comprised primarily of government agencies, this committee has the overall responsibility to guide the planning study. Regional municipalities, but not local municipalities, will be represented on this Committee. In addition, this Committee includes the Conservation Council of Ontario, Save the Oak Ridges Moraine (STORM) , Urban Development Institute, Aggregate Producers Association of Ontario and the Chair of the Citizens Adivsory Committee. Citizen's Advisory Committee Comprised of individuals of various backgrounds or interests, this Committee is responsible to provide a two- way communication vehicle. It will have specific responsibility for designing and conducting to the public participation component of the study. 3. IMPLEMENTATION GUIDELINES 3 . 1 Until the planning study is completed and a long term strategy is developed, the province has defined their interest in the Oak Ridges Moraine by means of Implementation Guidelines . In preparing guidelines to assist in the understanding of the provincial interest in the Oak Ridges Moraine within the GTA, three elements are incorporated: ( 1) Principles and evaluation criteria used to determine whether planning and development applications meet the intent of the provincial interest. REPORT NO. : PD-176-91 PAGE 5 (2) Information required to assess planning and development applications in the context of the provincial interest. (3) Government review procedures for planning and development applications in the Oak Ridges Moraine Area. It is noted that these Guidelines do not take precedence or supersede provincial policies or other provincial guidelines . They must be considered in conjunction with these other guidelines or policies . 3 .2 The Implementation Guidelines identifies eight principles which will be used as the basis for determining whether or not a proposed change in land use meets the intent of the expression of provincial interest. Growth and Settlement Scattered development is discouraged. Development outside of settlement areas will only be permitted where a municipality has undertaken a comprehensive municipal analysis of the need for this form of development and assesses long term cumulative impacts on municipal servicing costs and the natural environment, including the protection of the integrity of groundwater quality and quantity. Ecological Integrity Development must recognize natural systems and processes and take steps to ensure they are maintained or enhanced. Landform Conservation Development must minimize disruption of existing landform and landscape and employ clustering and allow intensification of buildings and structures on less sensitive parts of a site. REPORT NO. : PD-176-91 PAGE 6 Significant Natural Areas No development shall be permitted in significant natural areas . Woodlands Development must be carried out in a manner that encourages the protection and management of woodlands . Watercourses and Lakes Changes to the natural quality and hydrological characteristics of watercourses and lakes including baseflow, waterquality, temperature, storage levels or capacities are to be minimized and no development shall be permitted that will result in an unacceptable impact. Highly Permeable Soils No expansion of the limits of urban and rural settlement areas into or onto highly permeable soils shall be permitted until a comprehensive analysis and groundwater management strategy have been developed by the municipality to ensure maintenance of the recharge capacity and water quality of aquifer systems in the area. Secondary plans and major Official Plan Amendments contemplated within the limits of existing urban and rural settlements shall also be required to undertake a comprehensive analysis and develop a groundwater management strategy. Groundwater Resources Changes to the recharge capacity of an area or reductions in groundwater quality, levels or storage capacity or its contribution to watercourses are to be minimized and no development shall be permitted that will result in an unacceptable impact. 509 REPORT NO. : PD-176-91 PAGE 7 3 . 3 The Implementation Guidelines details very specific requirements to be prepared for any application including the following: Mapping and Related Natural Resources Information Hydrogeological Studies Surface Water Management Studies Fisheries Resources Management Studies Woodland Management Studies Natural Area Management Studies 3.4 The Implementation Guidelines apply to the review of: Official Plans Official Plan Amendments Zoning By-laws Zoning By-law Amendments Plans of Subdivision Multiple Consents The province will be working with the three regional governments to integrate provincial review procedures into the established process . In addition, the province is requesting local municipalities to ensure a regard for these guidelines in their decision making process and help in ensuring proponents are aware of the requirements of these guidelines as early as possible in the process. The Guidelines establish a process for all new applications. In addition, all existing applications for which comments have been provided will be re-assessed. In each case, prior to approval of an application, it will be necessary to comply with the evaluation criteria and receive clearance on the Expression of Provincial Interest. Q1 REPORT NO. : PD-176-91 PAGE 8 Exempted from review under the Guidelines are: Minor Variances Site Plan Approval Building Permits Individual Consents Minor development such as infilling in built-up areas and extensions to existing buildings . If a plan of subdivision has received draft approval or official plans and amendments received final approval they are exempt from the application of the Guidelines . All other applications, including those before the O.M.B. are subject to the Guidelines . 4. COMMENTS 4 . 1 The following documents/applications are affected by the declaration of provincial interest and subject to the Implementation Guidelines: File: Document/Application Status OP 3 . 1 Burketon Station Hamlet Regional Approval Secondary Plan OP 3 . 3 Enniskillen Hamlet Regional Approval Secondary Plan OPA 88-020/D Canada Building Materials Under Review DEV 88-26 OPA 88-108/D James Reynaert/Kirby OMB September 1991 DEV 88-122 Heights Estates 18T-90001 OPA 89-004/D Taylor Sand and Gravel Town Approved DEV 89-49 OPA 89-142/N Langley (Burketon Station) Under Review DEV 89-141 OPA 90-063/D Mican Investments Ltd. Application Received REPORT NO. : PD-176-91 PAGE 9 File: Document/Application Status 18T-89030 Graham Dallas (Enniskillen) Under Review DEV 89-35 18T-89012 R. Rowan (Enniskillen) Under Review Staff has contacted the Ministry of Natural Resources for clarification as to the impact of the Implementation Guidelines on these applications . Each application will be reviewed on an individual basis in light of the principles established. It would appear that there will be some flexibility for applications which have substantially completed the review with regard to information requirements (studies) and the approval process . 4 .2 Staff will be meeting with Regional Staff to review alterations to procedures as may be required to incorporate the Implementation Guidelines into the review of any new applications . 4 . 3 The Planning Study of the Oak Rides Moraine will be a significant undertaking which promises the development of a comprehensive co-ordinated strategy for this important landform. Staff will maintain contact with the Technical Advisory Committee for this Study. The Region has appointed the Commissioner of Planning or his designate as the Region's representative. The results of this study will be incorporated into the Town's Official Plan Review process . Copies of the Implementation Guidelines and the Terms of Reference for the Planning Study are available from the Department of Planning and Development. 1-- REPORT NO. : PD-176-91 PAGE 1Q Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee Franklin Wu, M.C .I .P . Lawrence (�- Kotsef f Dir ector of Planning Chief A trative and Development Officer DC*FW*df *Attach 11 July 1991 Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committees decision: SAGA c/o Katherine Gusel le , R.R.#1 Orono, Ontario. LOB 1MO STORM c/o Niva Rowan R.R.#1 Newtonville, Ontario. LOA 1JO