HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN-31-99 Addendum UNFINISHED BUSINESS THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File # _ Date: NOVEMBER 15, 1999 Res. #�o '/�= FILE #: Report #: ADDENDUM TO ADMIN-31-99 By-law # Subject: SURPLUS PROPERTY - WESTLAKE SUBDIVISION RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report ADMIN-31-99 (Attachment No. 1) be lifted from the table; 2. THAT Addendum Report No. ADMIN-31-99 be received; 3. THAT the recommendation to declare the easterly portion of Block 43 in Plan 40M- 11787, the Westlake Subdivision to be surplus be approved; and 4. THAT staff initiate the appropriate procedures for the sale of this property. 1.0 BACKGROUND: 1.1 On November 1 st, 1999 Report ADMIN-31-99 was dealt with at the General Purpose and administration Committee Meeting. The Committee tabled the report for staff to provide comment if the referenced lands are currently being used for soccer and if there is a need for soccer pitches in the Municipality. 2.0 PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS: 2.1 The open space lands are not being permitted by the Municipality for use as a soccer pitch. The lands are not conducive for use as a soccer pitch for the following reasons: 1. Size and geometrics of site do not permit the construction of a regular (senior size 50m x 100m) soccer pitch, only mini size could be accommodated; 2. Site was not accepted nor designed for use as a soccer pitch, only passive recreational use; 3. The grading and drainage of the area is not ideal; 1301 REPORT NO.: ADDENDUM TO ADMIN-31-99 PAGE 2 4. The area is bound by an open channel and storm water management pond; and 5. Pedestrian access is only available from Solina Road. 2.2 From our discussions with the soccer organizations, there is a need to provide more soccer fields, however, we wish to expand existing parks rather than developing fields in a sporadic manner. 2.3 The expansion of the Solina Park is being considered especially if through the sale of part of the open space lands in question, funds could be directed toward purchasing additional land for expansion of Solina Park and providing additional soccer fields. 2.4 We will be dealing with this matter in the near future as we commence working on next year's capital budget. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, Fred�c orvath, Property Manager F lin Wu, and alth & Safety Officer Chief Administrative Officer Stephen Vokes, Director of Public Works FH:SV:tc:sa 1302 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 ' TO REPORT NO. ADMIN-31-99 ADDENDUM THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File # Date: NOVEMBER 1, 1999 Res. # FILE #: Report #: ADMIN-31-99 By-law # Subject: SURPLUS PROPERTY -WESTLAKE SUBDIVISION RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . THAT Report No. ADMIN-31-99 be received; 2. THAT Council declare the easterly portion of Block 43 in Plan 40M-11787, the Westlake Subdivision as shown on Attachment #1 to be surplus; and 3. THAT staff initiate the appropriate procedures for the sale of this property. 1.0 BACKGROUND: 1 .1 Staff received a letter from Mr. Bruce Rondeau expressing an interest in acquiring lands identified in the easterly portion of Block 43, in Plan 40M-17787, the Westlake Subdivision. Upon receipt of the letter, staff circulated the request to the Planning and Public Works Departments to review status and if the lands can be declared surplus. 1.2 The lands were dedicated as an Open Space Block. The western portion of the property will be used as a storm management facility. Block 43 is designated as Hamlet Residential and Environmental Protected Area in the Clarington Official Plan. The western portion of Block 43 is zoned as Environmental Protection Zone, the balance of the site is zoned Residential Hamlet (RH) and Agricultural exception (Al) Zone (Attachment#2). There are no specific uses for the eastern portion of this site although at one time it was considered for passive recreational activities compatible with the natural environment. 1303 REPORT NO.: ADMIN-31-99 PAGE 2 2.0 STAFF COMMENTS: 2.1 Both the Public Works and Planning Departments have reviewed the land in question and are in support of the recommendation to declare the above lands as surplus. Respectfully submitted,, Reviewed by, Frederik J. Horvath, Property Manager Franklin Wu, and Health & Safety Officer Chief Administrative Officer vi rome, irector of Planning FH:sa 1304 �•� .Al ilk' 'J .� ��� • �I �'�,f1Tf►li,t•.,�.•.� J 1 ' �►i�i�j��is '/ t .� � � !/ � r � �" / . 1 � f t ATTACHMENT #2 TO REPORT NO. ADMIN-31-99 LOT 25 RH A-i LEGEND LOT 26 LOT 24 I LOT 23 EP ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION A AGRICULTURAL RC RES,OENTIAL CLUSTER RE RESIDENTIAL ESTATE (H)RH H RN RESIDENTIAL HAMLET (H)RH RM RESDENTIAL MOBILE HOME Rs RESDENTIAL SHDRELNE RI URBAN RMOE RTIAL TYPE C (o Ito R CIO R2 URBAN RESIDENTIAL TYPE T EP RS URBAN MMOENT"TYPE T Z R4 URBAN RESIDENTIAL TYPE R Z G EP A 1 °- O Cl GENERAL COMMERCIAL N �`6 CII HAMLET COMMERCIALMERCi N A-1 Q R H w C4 SPECIAL PURPOSE COMMERC z ce L�aE�u RH SERVICE � Z CT SERVICE STATION COML(SEF 0 RH V MI DRY LIGHT NIOUSTRUL M2 GENERAL OMSTRIAL MS EXTRACTIVE NDVSTRtAL ROAD &mtft -------;--ARTERIAL ROAD T' ARTERIAL ROAD T' Z A_1 EP RH ^_� Z REVISIONS* 20/oe/9 RH ly BriLnw se-e(IPo.wa�uNEF 0 0 BY-LAWST-122^m"dAME1 (H)RH RH EP BY-LAW92.11(,PolsodlllAY� 0 N BY-LAW46-0(O,P��dJAN U U MUNICIPALITY ot CLARINM A (FotmaT*"of Nft=Mk SOLKA U _� �_� U (FORMER TowN N►OF OARLRNI 3 THIS IS SCHEDULE TO BY-LAW 84-6 PASSED THIS 10Th 0i OF SEPTEMBER,198 C i..:. ....' 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