HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN-34-99 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: COUNCIL File # Aug- CcU Date: NOVEMBER 8 1999 Res. # C, Report #: ADMIN.34 - 99 Subject: CLARINGTON'S FUTURE PROSPECTS Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that Council approve the following: 1. That Report ADMIN. 34 — 99 be received; 2. That the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to retain Enid Slack Consulting Inc. to assist staff for the purpose outlined in this report, with an upset limit of $25,000 to be drawn from the Working Funds Reserve Account #2900-1-X; and 3. That the purchasing by-law be waived for this contract. REPORT 1. Council received Report ADMIN. 8 — 98 on March 30 1998 in consideration of the Municipality's future role under the Greater Toronto Services Board. Recommendation #6 of that report stated: "THAT the Chief Administrative Officer and the appropriate staff be directed to commence the drafting of Terms of Reference for the number of studies needed to be carried out to assist Council in deciding how Clarington would function as a Municipality should it decide to request permission from the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to leave the GTA and the GTSB as articulated in report ADMIN. 41-97". 2 2. It is important that the Municipality be proactive about its future and be in a position to be able to respond quickly in view of the evolving situation regarding governance within the Region and the G.T.A. In this regard, it is important to develop an independent base of information on the financial prospects of the Municipality in the context of possible local government restructuring in the future. 3. It is proposed that Enid Slack Consulting Inc. be retained to develop this base of information with the assistance of staff. Ms Slack has previously worked for the Municipality dealing with issues related to the Darlington Generating Station and comes highly recommended by the Solicitor for this work. She has a wealth of previous experience in municipal economic studies. Ms Slack's curriculum vitae is attached. In light of her previous experience with the Municipality, it is recommended that the purchasing by-law be waived. 4. The work to be undertaken by the consultant would be overseen by a Steering Committee of Department Heads and the Chief Administrative Officer. Respectfully submitted, r� Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer Att. CURRICULUM'VITAE Name: Naomi Enid Slack Address: 214 King Street West, Suite 214 TORONTO, Ontario M5H 3S6 Telephone Numbers: (416) 348-0640 (business) (416) 348-0641 (FAX) eslack(a,neteom.ca(email) F (416) 960-6052 (home) Place and Date of Birth: Ottawa, Ontario, May 3, 1951 Education: Primary and Secondary Schools, Ottawa, Ontario Honours B.A., York University(Glendon College),1972 M.A., University of Toronto, 1973 Ph.D., University of Toronto, 1977 Academic Honours: York University Entrance Scholarship, 1968-69 Ontario Graduate Fellowship, 1972-73 Ontario Graduate Fellowship, 1973-74 Central Mortgage and Housing Fellowship, 1974-75 Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation Fellowship, 1976-77 Work Experience: F Consultant, Enid Slack Consulting Inc., 1982-present Lecturer,University of Toronto, 1980 -present Research Associate,International Centre for Tax Studies, Faculty of Management, University of Toronto, 1995 -present Consultant, Public Finance, Ontario Economic Council, 1981-1984 Research Officer,Urban Affairs, Ontario Economic Council, 1977-81 h M 1 nrT 17 lggq 14:48 416 34e 0641 PAGE.05 International Experience: c Advisor on property taxation,Fiscal Analysis Office, funded by USAID,Kiev, Ukraine, 1998 Member, Canadian Urban Policy Mission to South Africa,funded by IDRC, 1996 Instructor for IRIS-Mongolia project in workshop on the Division of Responsibilities and Revenues among Different Levels of Goyemnent, funded by USAID, Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia, 1994 Instructor for ttte World Bank on Housing Economics to housing officials in China, c Tongi University, Shanghai, 1988 Consultant to Colombian Mission on Intergovernmental Finance,Bogota, Colombia, 1980 a Appointments: Research Director and Special Advisor to the Mayor's Task Force on Homelessness, 1998 Co-Chair, Learning Opportunities Grant Expert Panel, Ontario Ministry of Education and Training, 1997 Member, Ontario Who Does What Panel on provincial-local responsibilities, 1996 Special Advisor, Greater Toronto Area Task Force, 1996 Member, B.C. Education Funding Review Panel, 1992 Experience as an Expert Witness: f Witness on municipal finance before the Ontario Municipal Board in the Town of Geraldton proposed annexation, 1993 Witness on education finance before the Ontario Divisional Court in the Ontario Homebuilders' challenge of education development charges, 1992 Witness on the costs of rent review before the Commission of Inquiry into Residential Tenancies, 1986 c 2 OCT 13 1999 14:49 416 348 0641 PAGE.06 Clients: r Federal Government: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Department of Communications Department of Finance Public Works and Government Services Canada Provincial and Territorial Governments: Department of Finance, Saskatchewan F Government of the Northwest Territories Ministry of Community and Social Services, Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations, Ontario Ministry of Education,British Columbia Ministry of Education and Training, Ontario Ministry of Housing, Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Ontario Ministry of Municipalities, Culture and Housing,New Brunswick Ministry of the Attorney General, Ontario Ministry of the Lnvironmcnt, Ontario = Ministry of the Solicitor General and Correctional Services, Ontario Ministry of Tourism and Recreation, Ontario Ontario Women's Directorate Municipal Governments and School Boards: City of Pembroke City of Peterborough City of Toronto,Planning and Development City of Windsor Constituent Assembly on Municipal Government System in Hamilton=Wentworth District of Algoma Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto Region of York Sudbury-Manitoulin District Social Services Administration Board Town of Newcastle Town of Newmarket Township of Chapleau Township of Oro-Medonte Township of Temagami Metropolitan Toronto School Board F Ottawa Board of Education Toronto Board of Education 3 OCT 13 1999 14:49 416 34e 0641 PAGE.07 Agencies and Associations: Association of Large School Boards of Ontario Association of Municipalities of Ontario Associations of Municipalities in New Brunswick Canadian Film and Television Association The Fair Rental Policy Organization of Ontario Federation of Canadian Municipalities Niagara Home Builders'.Association Ontario Home Builders Association Ontario Waste Management Corporation Power Workers'Union Commissions and Task Forces: Mayor's Task Force on Homelessness Greater Toronto Area Task Force Commission of Inquiry into Residential Tenancies Commission on Local Government, Saskatchewan Fair Tax Commission, Ontario Research Institutions: Canadian Real Estate Research Bureau Canadian.-Tax Foundation Canadian Urban Institute Government and Competitiveness Project, Queen's University Institute for Research on Public Policy Intergovernmental Committee on Urban and Regional Research(ICURR) Ontario Economic Council The Laurier Institute Private Sector: Bramalea Ltd./Centara Developments Enbridge Consumers Gas Development Charges Coalition Great Lakes Power Inco Laidlaw Environmental Services Ltd, McMillan-Bloedel TransCanada Pipelines f Union Gas . Viking Rideau Corporation 4 A,c -ZAo PAGE.08 F International: International Development Research Centre (1DRC) IRIS Center at the University of Maryland at College Park The World Bank U.S. Agency for International Development(USAID) Refereed Publications: F Residential Property Tax Relief in Ontario (Toronto: University of Toronto Press for the Ontario Economic Counci1, 1978)with R.M.Bird 'Local Fiscal Response to Intergovernmental Transfers:Review of Economics and Statistics Vol. LXII,No. 3,August, 1980 'Can Property Taxes be Reformed? Reflections on the Ontario Experience.' Canadian Public Administration Vol. 24,No. 3,Fall 1981 with R.M.Bird 'A Provincial Personal Income Tax Surcharge for Municipalities.' In D.W. Conklin(ed.) A Separate Personal Income Tax for Ontario: Background Payers (Ontario Economic Council, 1984) Urban Public Finance in Canada (Toronto: Butterworths, 1983) with R.M. Bird 'The Design of Intergovernmental Transfers: The Case of Colombia' Government and Policy Vol. 1, 1983,with R.M. Bird 'The Taxation of Northern Allowances' Canadian Tax Journal Vol. 31, No. 5, September-October, 1983,with R.M.Bird f 'Local Response to Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfers: The Case of Colombia'Public Finance Vol. XXXVM,No, 3, 1983,with R.M.Bird 'Ontario's Experience with Rent Regulation'In Arnett, R.J.Arnott and J.M. Mintz(eds.) Policy Forum on Rent Controls in—Ontario(Queen's University: John Deutsch Institute for the Study of Economic Policy), 1987 'Equalization: The Representative Tax System Revisited,' Canadian Tax Journal July- August, 1990 with R.M. Bird F 'Territorial Government Finance--The Yukon and the Northwest Territories,' Pwvin cial Public Finances,Volume I,Provincial Surveys(Canadian Tax Foundation), 1991 5 OCT 13 1999 14:50 416 34e 0641 PAGE.09 'Financing Urban Growth Through Development Charges,' Canadian Tax Journal Vol. 39, Number S, 1991, with R.M. Bird Urban Public Finance..in Canada(second edition) (Toronto:John Wiley and Sons, 1993) with R.Bird Business Property Taxation (Ottawa: Government and Competitiveness Project, Queen's University, 1993)with H.Kitchen 'Finance and Governance: The Case of the Greater Toronto Area.'In Hobson,Paul and France St.-Hilaire (eds)jrban Governance and Finance: A Case of Who Does What. (Montreal: The Institute for Research on Public Policy, 1997) Other Reports and Studies: 'The Incidence of the Property Tax in Canada: A Review of the Literature.' A Report prepared for the Tri-Level Task Force on Public Finance(Toronto: 1976) with R.M, Bird 'Property Tax Reform and Educational Finance in Ontario.'A paper prepared for the Commission on Declining School Enrolments in Ontario (Toronto: 1978)with R.M. r Bird. 'An Analysis of the Situado Fiscal.' A paper prepared for the Colombian Mission on Intergovernmental Finance(1980) 'The Impact of Cultural Activities on Ontario's Economy: A Quantitative Overview.' A paper prepared for the Ontario Ministry of Culture and Recreation(1980) 'Provincial-Municipal Grant Reform in Ontario.'In Bossons, J. M.Denny and E. Slack, Municipal Fiscal Reform in Ontario: Property Taxes and Provincial Grants(Ontario Economic Council, 1981) 'Manpower Needs for the Next Decade.' A paper prepared for the Toronto Board of Education, (1982) 'Incentive Package for the Canadian Film Industry.' A study prepared for the Department of Communications, (1982)with Econalysis Consulting Services Inc. 'Urban Finance and User Charges.'In Break, George (ed.) State and Local Finance: The Pressures of the 80's (Madison:The University of Wisconsin Press, 1983)with R.M.Bird c 'Rent Registry Altematives.'A paper prepared for the Commission of Inquiry into Residential Tenancies, (1983) with S. Glied 6 ncT 13 1999 14:50 416 349 0641 PAGE.10 f' 'Tax Incentives for R and D,' A paper prepared for the Ontario Ministry of Industry and Trade(1983) 'The Distributive Impact of Rent Regulation.'A Paper prepared for the Commission of Inquiry into Residential Tenancies 0984) with D. Amborski 'The Personal Income Tax Treatment of Women.' A paper prepared for the Ontario Women's Directorate(1984) 'The Impact of Federal-Provincial Transfers on provincial Revenues and Expenditures: A i Review.' In Cook, G.,D. Conklin and T. Courchene(eds.) Ottawa and the Provinces: The Distribution of Money and Power (Ontario Economic Council, 1985)with D. Crocker 'The Implications of Federalism for Postsecondary Education.' Ontario Economic Council (1985) 'Alternative Methods of Financing Education.' A paper prepared for the Toronto Board of Education(198 5) 'Lump-Sum Grants and the Flypaper Effect: Is Thcre a Paradox?' A paper prepared for the Ontario Economic Council (1985) with A. Athanassakos 'The Costs of Rent Review.'A paper prepared for the Commission of Inquiry into Residential Tenancies (1986) 'The Impact of Property Tax Reform on Property Taxes and Educational Finance in the City of Toronto.' A paper prepared for the Board of Education for the City of Toronto (1986) 'The Implications for Educational Finance in Toronto of Implementing the Macdonald Commission Recommendations and Property Tax Reform.'A paper prepared for the Board of Education for the City of Toronto(1986) 'The Implications of the Implementation of the Macdonald Commission on Educational Finance for ALSBO Boards: An Analysis.' (1986)with L. Feldman 'Social Gaming in Ontario:A Summary of the Issues.'A paper prepared for the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations (January, 1987) 'Municipal Infrastructure:Federal,Provincial and Municipal Co-operation.'In Federation of Canadian Municipalities,Proceedings of the first Canadian Conference on Urban Infrastructure(Edmonton: Sodanell Canada Inc., 1987)with D.Amborski 7 nC'T 17 1 999 14:51 416 34e 0641 PRGE.11 F 'Franchising: A Survey of the Issues and Problems.' A paper prepared for the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations(April, 1987) 'The Roy Committee Report and the Ottawa Board of Education: An Analysis of the Financial Impact,' (May, 1987)with L. Feldman 'The Impact of Tax Reform on Women.'A paper prepared for the Ontario Women's Directorate(August, 1987) 'Tax Reform and Child Care.'A paper prepared for the Ministry of Community and f Social Services (September, 1987) 'Tax Reform,Federal Transfers and Provincial Spending.'In Brooks,W Neil (ed.)The Quest for Tax Reform(Toronto: Carswell, 1988) 'An Analysis of the Results and Implications of the City of Toronto Reassessment Survey."A paper prepared for the City of Toronto Assessment Reform Worldng Group (March, 1988) 'Reforming the Property Tax Base: Can it be DoneT A paper prepared for the Canadian F Economics Association Mcctings (June, 1988) 'Issues in Municipal Finance in the Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton.'A paper prepared for the Ottawa-Carleton Regional Review (July, 1988) 'An Analysis of Expenditures and Revenues in the Regional Municipality of Niagara.'A paper prepared for the Niagara Region Review Commission(October, 1988) 'Tax Incentives for Canadian Film and Television Productions.' A paper prepared for the Canadian Film and Television Association (October, 1988)with J. Todd r 'Formula Financing in the Northwest Territories: Demographic and Other Extensions.'A paper prepared for Government of the Northwest Territories (May, 1989)with D.K.Foot 'Provincial-Municipal Equalization Grants: An Application to Ontario." A paper prepared for the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs (June, 1989) 'An Analysis of Property Tax Relief Measures and Phase-in Mechanisms.'A paper prepared for the Task Force on Reassessment in Metropolitan Toronto (August, 1989) 'Formula Financing, Fiscal Capacity and Fiscal Effort in the Northwest Territories,'A paper prepared for the Department of Finance, Government of the Northwest Territories (October, 1989)with R.M. Bird B r nrT 17 14Qo' 1d:S1 416 34e 0641 PAGE. 12 `An Analysis of Expenditures and Revenues in the Town of Newcastle' plus the design of a number of studies of the community impact of the Darlington Nuclear station (including a financial impact study) funded by the Community Impact Fund out of the Community Impact Agreement between Ontario Hydro and the Town of Newcastle (1990) 'An Economic Analysis of Development Charges in British Columbia and Ontario.'A paper prepared for the Laurier Institute, Vancouver(March, 1990) t' 'Identifying Beneficiaries of Water and Sewage Infrastructure and Examining Alternative Financing and Administrative Arrangements.'A paper prepared in conjunction with Apogee Research International,Ltd. for the Ontario Ministry of the Environment(1990) 'Development Charges: The Canadian Experience.'A paper prepared for the Committee on Taxation,Resources and Economic Development(TRED), Cambridge,Mass. (October, 1990)with R.M.Bird 'Financing Local Government in OECD Countries: The Role of Local Taxes and User Charges.'In Owens, Jeffrey and Giorgio Panella(eds.) Local Government: An x International Persne-c 've(Amsterdam:North-Holland Press, 1991)with R.M. Bird 'An Analysis of the Feasibility of Implementing Variable Mill Rates in Ontario.'A paper prepared for the Ministry of Municipal Affairs (March, 1991) 'Financing Local Government: The Delicate Balance between Financial Pressures and Planning Principles.'A paper presented to a symposium on"Cities in the Nineties,"Rio de Janeiro (March, 1991) 'The Public Financing of Recreation.'A paper prepared for the Ministry of Tourism and c Recreation(April, 199 1) 'An Analysis of the Proposed Development Charges in the Town of Oakville.'A paper prepared for the Development Charges Coalition(August, 1991) 'The Impact of Alternative Methods of Financing Education on the Metropolitan Toronto School Board.' A paper prepared for the Metropolitan Toronto School Board(February, 1992) 'Local Government Finance: Principles and Issues.'A paper prepared for the lair Tax Commission(March, 1992)with J. Bossons and H. Kitchen 'An Evaluation of Six Solid Waste Management Models.' A paper prepared for the Ministry of the Environment(August, 1992)with V. Maclaren, C. Amrhein, P. Byer, and M. Gertl er 9 OCT 13 1999 14:51 416 349 OG41 PAGE.13 'Federal Expenditures on Recreation.' A paper prepared for the Ontario Ministry of Tourism and Recreation(October 1992) 'Building Partnerships: A Finance System for Public Schools.'A paper prepared as a member of the Education Funding Review panel,British Columbia(November 1992) 'Trends in Municipal Finance.'A paper prepared for Canada Mortgage and Housing r Corporation(March 1993)with H. Kitchen 'The Taxation of Non-Residential Property.'A paper prepared for the Ontario Fair Tax Commission and the Government and Competitiveness Project(March 1993) with H. Kitchen 'The Land Use Implications of Alternative Municipal Financial Tools: A Discussion Paper'. A paper prepared for the Intergovernmental Committee on Urban and Regional Research (December 1993) 'The Impact of Recent Provincial Initiatives on Municipal Governments in New Brunswick.'A paper prepared for the municipal associations of New Brunswick (February, 1994) with H. Kitchen 'Development Charges in Canadian Municipalities:An Analysis.'A paper prepared for the Intergovernmental Committee on Urban and Regional Research(April, 1994) 'Non-Residential.Property Taxation and Competitive Advantage in the Greater Toronto Area'A paper prepared for the Canadian Urban Institute (October, 1994) 'Principles of a Municipal Finance System.'A paper prepared for the Chief F Administrative Officer's Department,Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto (June, 1995) 'Options for Financing Local Government and Education.'A paper prepared for the Government of the Northwest Territories (July, 1995) 'Property Assessment in the Regional Municipality of Hamilton-Wentworth.'A paper prepared for the Constituent Assembly on the Municipal Government System in Hamilton-Wentworth(July, 1995) 'Is There an Economic Crisis in the GTAT A paper prepared for the Greater Toronto Area F. Task Force(August, 1995) ;The provision of Urban Infrastructure Services in Canada.' A paper prepared for the World Bank(October, 1995) io F' OCT 13 1999 14:52 416 349 0641 PAGE.14 t' 'Area or Value: An Evaluation of Assessment Alternatives,' A report prepared for the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (May, 1996) 'Financing Infrastructure: An Evaluation of Existing Research and Information Gaps.'A report prepared for Canada Mortgage and Dousing Corporation(August, 1996) 'Averting a Fiscal Crisis in Toronto.'Policy Options, Vol. 17,No. 10,December 1996 'The Role of Property Taxes in Funding Education in Canada.' School Business Affairs. Vol. 63,No, 2, February 1997 'Inter-Municipal Cooperation: Sharing of Expenditures and Revenues.' A paper prepared for the Intergovernmental Committee on Urban and Regional Research(March 1997) "An Overview of Property Taxation in Canada." A report prepared for the Department of Finance, Ottawa(August, 1998) F' `Property Tax in Ukraine: Third Attempt,' Budget and Fiscal Review, Second Quarter, (August,1998) "Report to the Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada on Federal Payments in Lieu of Taxes," (October 1998) Book Reviews: Review of P,D. Groenewegen,The Taxable Capacity of Local Government in New South Wales Centre for Research on Federal Financial Relations, Research Monograph 13, _ Australian National University Press, Canberra 1976. In Finanzarchiv.Vol. 36,No. 3, 1978. Review of G.B. Doern (ed.)How Ottawa Spends Your Tax Dollars:Federal Priorities. 1981 (Toronto; James Lorimer and Company, Publishers, 1981).In Canadian Public Police Vol. 7, No. 4,Autumn 1981 Review of Douglas Auld and Harry Kitchen,The Supply of Government Services (Vancouver: The Fraser Institute). In Canadian Public Policy, Vol. XVI,No. 1,March 1990 F January 1999 F' i OCT 13 1999 14:52 416 348 0641 PAGE. 15