HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-09-11 Minutes ii To illuminate Clarington and its heritage through 1 a r 1 n 8 f 0 n lasting and meaningful experiences with artifacts, M exhibitions and programmes that inspires future generations and enlivens our community aad Archiva 62 Temperance Street,Bowmanville,Ontario L1C 3A8 905-623-2734 at Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre BOARD MEETING MINUTES September 11, 2013 Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 62 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario Present: J. Witheridge, [Chair] M. Carlton G. Humes M. Morawetz S. Laing A. Foster [Mayor] C. Morgan J. Neal B. Seto Regrets: M. Speelman Viney [Vice-Chair} Absent: J. Cashin-Oster Staff: J. Fielding, [Executive Director] N. Ellis [ recording secretary] 1. Call to Order: The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Adoption of Agenda: Moved by: Chair Seconded by: Mayor A. Foster THAT: the agenda be approved. MOTION CARRIED 3. Disclosure of Interests: No interests were disclosed. 4. Approval of Minutes a) THAT: the Board meeting June 2013 minutes be approved as corrected. Moved by: M. Morawetz Seconded by: G. Humes MOTION CARRIED b) THAT: the Executive Meeting August, 2013 minutes be approved. Moved by: M. Morawetz Seconded by: J. Neal MOTION CARRIED 5. Announcements a) M. Morawetz invites everyone to join her at the Terry Fox Run this Sunday. b) Mayor A. Foster volunteers to give the Executive Director contact information for Clarington fire fighters for future outreach opportunities. 6. Executive Director's Report: The Executive Director discusses the museum's progress, including priorities in year 1 and summer highlights. She briefly talks about financial, visitors, product and organizational capacity performance measures and timelines. Notes: Mayor A. Foster inquires about revenue from afternoons teas. The Executive Director reported successful season and a profit of$600.00 plus 15 to 20 people came into the Bowmanville Museum each Wednesday. Motion that: the Executive Director's report be accepted. Moved by: G. Humes Seconded by: S. Laing MOTION CARRIED a) Finance Report: G. Humes corrected the Bank interest amount to $759.00. B. Seto inquires about reserved funds. Approximately $50, 000. She explains she thinks the money could be getting better interest. She suggests the money could be earning at least three per cent. G. Humes asks Julia to look into this through Nancy Taylor and see if something can be done. 7. Business Arising: a) Executive Director's Status (Board Executive) Motion that Julia Fielding Executive Director of Clarington Museums and Archives be placed on a full time contract with all the responsibilities and benefits of the position. Moved by: C. Morgan Seconded by: G. Humes MOTION CARRIED b) Motion that: the Strategic Plan and Operations Plan separate into two motions. Moved by: G. Humes Seconded by: Mayor A. Foster MOTION CARRIED c) Motion that: the Strategic Plan be approved. C. Morgan said there is some confusion over the word"capacity" in the Strategic Plans and Operations. G. Humes suggests using "capabilities and confidence" instead. Chair agrees. J. Fielding will change "capacity" to "capabilities and confidence." Discussion: about how board members are chosen, The Chair agrees it is part of the board's job to say how we feel. The Executive Director thinks an induction plan would be good, where the Chair and herself bring the new members up to speed with museum news. Mayor A. Foster said that he has been approached by other boards and they have some similar concerns about skills. He agrees there should be an emphasis on required/desired skills. But, it is still council's decision. S. Laing said maybe an orientation plan would be better suited than an induction plan. Discussion J. Neal asks about the difference and similarities between fundraising and raising funds. G. Humes inquires about a fundraising plan. G. Humes also notes 5.7 (Create a fundraising Plan) should be added to Appendix 5. The Chair says the board needs to establish a clear fundraising policy. He encourages board support for fundraising events. S. Laing explains on page five, section 4.2 reads: "liaison committee" and that we no longer have one. She suggests an established committee for collections. M. Morawetz reminds the board that it was decided before that J. Fielding and C. Taws are the experts and that was why they were chosen to make collection decisions. J. Fielding said it should be her, C. Taws and the Collections Chair to bring it (collection business) to the board. The Chair asks J. Fielding to look into this and decide if they need a Collections Chair or a Collections Committee for next meeting. It was agreed by the Board that the Strategic Plan be approved Moved by: G. Humes Seconded by: M. Morawetz MOTION CARRIED d) Motion that: the Operations Plans be approved. Moved by: Mayor A. Foster Seconded by: G. Humes MOTION CARRIED C.M.O.G. Report: J. Fielding explains C.M.O.G. is a section of the Ontario government that funds museums by supplying grants, etc. She explains that the Ministry didn't receive Standards Feedback Form Assessments from the Museum in 2011 and 2012 S. Laing says she thinks they did send forms in, in 2011. Mayor A. Foster asks there is potential to get the missed funds. S. Laing believes that those documents would've had to have been signed by board members. The Chair asks J. Fielding to complete June plan for 2014. She agrees she will have that plan for next meeting. Motion that: staff and Board work together to complete a policy review as required by C.M.O.G. and submit it to them by June 2014. Moved by: Mayor A. Foster Seconded by: C. Morgan MOTION CARRIED 8. Committee Reports: a) Finance (G. Humes) All is in order with finances. Motion that the Board accept the Finance report Moved by: M. Morawetz Seconded by: S. Laing MOTION CARRIED b) Fundraising (J. Neal) Most of the details of the Heritage Harvest are okay. The Chair says that Board members should ask people they know to come. Marketing is out now. Tickets are printed. Schools in the area will be getting posters, along with OPG etc. Motion that: the Board accept the fundraising committee report. Moved by: Bonnie Seto Seconded by: Mavis Carlton MOTION CARRIED c) Property (M. Morawetz) Motion that: the Board accept the property committee report. (Appendix I) Discussion: Over the Museum Projects and a report presented (Appendix 6) with recommendations for closing some projects. B. Seto asks about the Kirby Church funds donated over the years by people who wanted to move the Kirby Church location. M. Morawetz confirms those funds and the book sale money is being kept separate from museum business. Moved by: J. Neal Seconded by: S. Laing MOTION CARRIED d) Membership (B. Seto) There are now 78 members. This has increased over the summer through the teas and small events Moved by: Susan Laing Seconded by: Mavis Carlton MOTION CARRIED 9. New Business: a) Board of Governance Schedule Motion that: Vice-Chair work with the Chair to make sure we are all aware of the Board Governance issues. Board members discuss how to get the best board members on the board. Mayor A. Foster suggests talking to other boards. It is decided that a policy of hiring people with the right skill set should be in place. Ultimately decisions are up to council, but education should be given to new board members. Moved by: Marilyn Morawetz Seconded by: Grant Humes MOTION CARRIED New Motion: That the regular board meetings are scheduled on the third Wednesday of each month. Discussion: that the ACO meets at the SJWHC on the third Wednesday of each month. To hold the meeting on the first Wednesday of the month is too early for the museum budget to be ready. S. Laing is unavailable for the fourth Wednesday of each month. Meetings will be as scheduled, for the second Wednesday of each month. Moved by: J. Neal Seconded by: Bonnie Seto MOTION DEFEATED Motion: That M. Morawetz will be the museum's representative for the new Camp 30 committee. Mayor A. Foster has been tasked with making recommendations for people who should be on the Camp 30 committee. He says Willie Woo will be the liaison for the political committee concerning Camp 30. M. Morawetz has been chosen for her ACO connections and outlook on museum matters. Moved by: G. Humes Seconded by: S. Laing MOTION CARRIED Additional News (business): The Chair explains a fundraising opportunity for February or March next year. Boston Pizza allows fundraising committees to wait tables for part of the profit. He invites all members to think about this idea. 10. The Board Homework is explained. (Self-Evaluation Booklet) I Date and Place of Next Board Meeting: The next meeting will be held October 9th 2013 at the Clarke Museum at 7 p.m. 12. Adjournment: THAT the meeting adjourn at 9:27 p.m. Moved by: J. Neal Seconded by Clayton Morgan MOTION CARRIED Minutes for the September 11, 2013 meeting of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board have been accepted and approved on Chair, Executive Director, Clarington Museums and Archives Board Clarington Museums and Archives APPENDIX (I) Property (M. Morawetz) • The Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre will need sheers with fire retardant. The sheers are needed to protect artifacts from UV hazard. • At the Bowmanville Museum, the paint is peeling and wood is cracking in the conservatory windows. The plan is to have the conservatory looked after with what money is available and when more is available; a better restoration job can be completed. • The Bowmanville Museum will also need the verandah sanded and painted. This job is expected to be about $4,000 and the paint should last four to five years. • The Boy's room will need a structural engineer to do a report until any changes can be made. • The Potting shed roof needs repair that is not critical. Inquires are being made about an asphalt roof. • The Clarke Museum front will be painted before the winter and the side door will be fixed. This will cost approximately $15,000. • M. Morawetz suggested there should be a security camera on the front of the museum. More lighting is also recommended. • Cementing in the arbors alongside the SJWHC to prevent vandalism is also recommended.