HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-158-91 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE DN: LAIDLAW.EXP REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee F i I e# 9P2 Date: Monday, July 8, 1991 Res. # % Law# Report#: PD-158-91 File#: Pln. 17 .4 . 1; OPA 89-97/ Subject: LAIDLAW WASTE SYSTEMS (DURHAM) LTD. MAJOR EXPANSION PROPOSAL PT. LOT 11, CONC. 2 & PT. LOTS 11 & 12, CONC. 3, FORMER TWP. OF CLARKE LAIDLAW LEACHATE FORCEMAIN PROPOSAL Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-158-91 be received for information. 2 . THAT Mr. David Scott of the Committee of Clarke Constituents, the interested parties indicated in this Report and any delegation be forwarded a copy of this report and be advised of Council's decision. 1. PURPOSE 1. 1 The purpose of this report is to advise Committee and Council of the status of Laidlaw's proposal for a major expansion of their existing landfill site, and Official Plan Amendment Application 89-97/D related to Laidlaw's proposal for capacity to be allocated in the Graham Creek Pollution Control Plant to treat leachate from the Laidlaw landfill site. 2 . MAJOR EXPANSION PROPOSAL 2 . 1 Approvals Require 2 . 1. 1 Laidlaw has indicated its intent to apply to develop a solid, non-hazardous waste management operation on approximately 50 ha ( 123 acres) of land to the south of its current landfill site. official Plan Amendment and Rezoning applications will be required for the project, although neither application has been submitted to date. 2 . 1.2 Laidlaw is also required to seek approval for the expansion proposal under Part V of the Environmental Protection Act (EPA) . The Environmental Assessment Act (EAA) only applies to Illy-, F 5 9 1n 11—M R_........ 1 REPORT NO. : PD-158-91 PAGE 2 public sector undertakings . Private sector waste management projects may be designated as subject to the Act by regulation passed by the Lieutenant Governor-in-Council. No such regulation has been passed to date. However, Laidlaw has indicated that it is voluntarily submitting the Expansion Proposal to the requirements of the EAA. Although Town Council has formally requested the Ministry of the Environment to designate Laidlaw's proposed expansion as an undertaking to which the EAA applies, to date the Minister has not responded to this request. At present, therefore, Laidlaw is continuing to proceed with a "voluntary" environmental assessment although the legal protection to the Town and the public under the EAA, does not apply. As of the writing of this Report, Laidlaw had not submitted applications pursuant to either the EPA or the EAA. 2 .2 Pre-Submission Consultation 2 . 2 . 1 Ministry of the Environment policy requires the proponent of an application proceeding under the EAA to consult with the public and governmental agencies prior to the submission of the actual EAA application. As part of their pre-submission consultation, Laidlaw held Public Open Houses on November 28, 1988 at the Clarke High School and on May 16, 1989 at the Newcastle Community Centre. Laidlaw has also released two newsletters, dated November 1988 and May 1989, in respect of the proposed expansion. 2 .2 . 2 On April 30, 1991, Laidlaw made a presentation in respect of the Expansion Proposal to a joint meeting of the Regional Planning and Works Committees . The Committees were advised that the presentation was part of the pre-submission process as required by the Ministry of the Environment. Laidlaw also indicated that they intend to make presentations before each of the Area Municipal Councils to discuss the Expansion Proposal . r9 REPORT NO. : PD-158-91 PAGE 3 2 . 3 Description of the Proposed Undertaking 2 . 3 . 1 The following description of the Expansion Proposal is taken from a Brief provided by Laidlaw at the time of their presentation to the Joint Planning and Works Committees . 2 . 3.2 Landfill Design 2 . 3.2 . 1 The landfill is intended to occupy 48 ha ( 118 . 6 acres) with a design capacity of approximately 7 . 15 million tonnes (Attachment No. 1) . A 2000 tonne per day design capacity is proposed, which would result in an estimated lifespan of 15 to 20 years . Only non-hazardous solid waste would be accepted. 2 . 3 .2 . 2 Laidlaw also proposes to include a number of waste diversion and recycling facilities as part of the site operation, including an on-site composting operation, a recycling depot, a materials recovery depot and a household hazardous waste depot. 2 . 3. 2 . 3 Laidlaw further proposes to treat the leachate by transporting it via a forcemain from the landfill site to the Graham Creek Water Pollution Control Plant in Newcastle VIllage. This aspect of the proposed site design, including Official Plan Amendment Application 89-97/D, is discussed in greater detail later in this report. 2 . 3 . 3 Landfill Access 2 . 3 . 3 . 1 Laidlaw is proposing that access to the new landfill site be provided by a new 2 . 3 km ( 1.4 mile) two-lane paved access road (see Attachment No. 1) . The proposal would involve the construction of a new Highway 401 interchange immediately east of the closed Stapleton Road allowance, with the new road proceeding north to the southern limit of Laidlaw's property. 2 . 3. 3 . 2 Laidlaw has proposed that the section of the road between Highway 401 and Highway 2 be assumed by the Region, with Laidlaw covering all capital costs. Laidlaw further proposes 591 REPORT NO. : PD-158-91 PAGE 4 that the remainder of the road, which would be located on private lands under Laidlaw's control, be operated and maintained by Laidlaw as a private road. 3 . LEACHATE TREATMENT FOR THE EXPANSION PROPOSAL 3 . 1 Official Plan Amendment Application 89-97/D 3 . 1. 1 The subject application as submitted by Laidlaw in August 1989, seeks to amend the Durham Regional Official Plan to allocate capacity within the Graham Creek Water Pollution Control Plant in Newcastle Village for the treatment of leachate from the Laidlaw landfill site. Specifically, Laidlaw is requesting a reserve capacity at the Plant based on an average discharge of 64,000 gallons per day and a peak flow of 270,000 gallons per day. 3 . 1.2 The application originally proposed to treat leachate from both the Infill Project and the Major Expansion Project. In March 1990, Laidlaw advised the Region that they intended to proceed with the subject Official Plan Amendment application in connection with the Expansion application only. 3 .2 Proposed Leachate Forcemain 3 .2 . 1 In the Brief regarding the Expansion Proposal provided by Laidlaw to the Region in April 1990, Laidlaw indicated that on-site treatment of the leachate is the preferred method of leachate treatment. Such treatment would consist of physical/chemical and biological treatment, and the transfer of the pre-treated effluent by means of a forcemain to the sewage treatment plant for final treatment and discharge to Lake Ontario. 3 .2 .2 The leachate forcemain is proposed to run from the landfill site to the Water Pollution Control Plant, a distance of 12 .2 km (7 . 5 miles) (Attachment No. 2) . The forcemain is proposed by Laidlaw to utilize Town-owned road allowances for part of this distance. On May 15, 1989, Council denied a request , , / 2 REPORT NO. : PD-158-91 PAGE 5 submitted by Laidlaw's consultant for permission to construct and operate portions of the forcemain along Town road allowances . 3 .2 . 3 Laidlaw further indicated in the Brief that, if they are unable to obtain the necessary approvals for the forcemain, the leachate would be fully treated on-site and the effluent discharged to Graham Creek. It was indicated that the effluent would meet all surface water quality objectives of the Ministry of the Environment after dilution with water in Graham Creek. 3 . 2 . 4 Laidlaw also suggested in the Brief that it would be possible, with the cooperation of the Town and the Region, to oversize the forcemain to provide sanitary sewer service to the hamlet of Newtonville. 4 . REOUESTS MADE BY LAIDLAW 4 . 1 The Brief submitted by Laidlaw to the Region outlined the following requests : that Laidlaw and their consultants be permitted to continue on-going discussions with Regional Staff that the Region actively participate in the pre- submission consultation program that the Region and the Town deal with the Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning applications, and the review of the draft Environmental Assessment Document, in a timely manner that, subject to the approval of the waste management facility by the Consolidated Hearings Board, the Region approve in principle the following: the construction of the proposed interchange and Regional Road to Highway 2 the allocation of sufficient capacity at the sewage treatment plant for the treatment of leachate from the Laidlaw landfill REPORT NO. : PD-158-91 PAGE 6 the construction of the forcemain along the preferred route. Laidlaw also requested the Region to give due consideration to the potential realignment of Regional Road 18 to the west of Newtonville. 4 .2 It is noted that the Joint Regional Works/Planning Committees did not adopt any resolutions in respect of the presentation made by Laidlaw. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee Franklin Wu, M.C. I .P. Lawrenc Kotseff Director of Planning Chief nistrative and Development Office ?4 *Attach 3 July 1991 Attachments # 1 Conceptual Site Plan & Site Access # 2 Proposed Leachate Forcemain Route Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Mr. David Scott Committee of Clarke Constituents Box 20028 Newcastle, Ontario UB 1M3 Mr. Michael J. Pullen, P.Eng. Laidlaw Waste Systems Ltd. 3410 South Service Road P.O. Box 5057, Station 'A' Burlington, Ontario L7R 3Y8 LOT 17 11 16 1 15 I 14 i 13 II 12 i 11 1 110 I 9 �L 8 I 7 CONCESSION ROAD 4 I CROOKED CREEK I I I I I i SEDIMENTATION LAIDLAW PONDS PROPERTY I I I BOUNDARY I M I I GRPNAM I E�� I I I o Z I I EARTH BERM EARTH BERM I CONC. R D. 3 PROPOSED I I STOCKPILES I o I I o I I N I W ( z (z I I I I 1 l o W I I z N a I I F°- I o I v I � I z i 10 I < I v I I o 1 PROPOSED PRIVATE ROAD o I 0 1 ACCESS ALIGNMENT w I w I HIGHWAY No. 2 1 I I I t- _ N—toNVliLE — I I I 1 I I PROPOSED INTERCHANGE AND I ( I REGIONAL ROAD ALIGNMENT I I HIGHWAY No. 401 I 1 I I 1 I I ci I I I I I z I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 ® EXISTING LANDFILL SITE Attachment No. 1 AREA TO BE LANDFILLED CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN & SITE ACCESS _ Q PROPOSED LEACHATE - ED PUMPING STATION CREEK EXISTING LANDFILL .;:;.:_::: . •.:::;SITE 35 ::::;:.::. 115 nF IX o� G� f 3 e' ��e p Q I? � z 18 O i Ld J d r1 FQ- • 2 NEWCASTLE HIGHWAY No.2 NEWTONVILLE _ p Q O HIGHWAY 401 401 z Q CD METC ST. � CONCESSION ROAD 1 GRAHAM CREEK WATER POLLUTION CONTROL PLANT J 011,111,41.11 PROPOSED LEACHATE FORCEMAIN ROUTE Lake Ontario Attachment No. 2 ��