HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-151-91 TIFF CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE DN:BRAMALEA.GPA REPORT PUBLIC MEETING p •o�A•gj•�02� Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File fl 14. DLV• °J I•bllo Date: Monday, July 8, 1991 Res. # By-Law# Report#: PD-151-91 File #: Subject: Official Plan Amendments and Zoning By-law Amendment Plan of Subdivision Application Bramalea Limited - Part Lots 28 and 29, Lots 30 and 31, Broken Front Concession 'B' , former Village of Newcastle Recommenc eVN respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-151-91 be received; 2 . THAT the applications submitted by Bramalea Limited to amend the Durham Regional Official Plan and the Town of Newcastle Official Plan (OPA 91-020/D/N) , the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63 (DEV 91-016) and for approval of a plan of subdivision ( 18T-91004) be referred back to staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report pending the receipt of all outstanding comments; and 3 . THAT the interested parties listed at the end of this Report be advised of Committee's and Council's decision. 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1. 1 Applicant: Bramalea Limited 1 .2 Official Plan Amendment: Increase target population in both the Durham Regional Official Plan and the Town of Newcastle Official Plan and introduce Medium and High Density symbols within the Town of Newcastle Official Plan. 1. 3 Subdivision: Seeking approval for a mix of single detached dwellings, townhouses, apartments totalling a maximum of 1650 units, a 70 unit motel and various commercial uses . RE AP RECYCLE I.IS IS PRif--RECYCLED PAPER REPORT NO. : PD-151-91 PAGE 2 1.4 Zoning Amendment: From Agricultural (A) , Holding- Urban Residential Exception ( (H) R3-4) , Holding-Urban Residential Exception ( (H) R4-5) , Holding Special Purpose Commercial Exception ( (H) C5-6) , Holding Environmental Protection-Exception ( (H) EP-1) and Environmental Protection (EP) to an appropriate zone or zones in order to implement the above noted development. 1.5 Area: 88 .228 hectares (218 acres) 2. LOCATION 2 . 1 Legal Description: Part Lot 28 and 29, Lots 30 and 31, Broken Front Concession 'B' , former Village of Newcastle. 2 . 2 Relative Location: The subject lands are located south of the unopened road allowance Broken Front Concession 'B' and Concession 1 and north of Lake Ontario between Graham and Wilmot Creeks . 3. BACKGROUND 3 . 1 On April 11, 1991, the Town of Newcastle Planning and Development Department received a rezoning application submitted by Bramalea Limited. 3 .2 On April 26, 1991, the Planning and Development Department was advised by the Regional Planning Department of an application for a plan of subdivision proposing a mix of 2,�� REPORT NO. : PD-151-91 PAGE 3 single detached dwellings, townhouses and apartments totalling a maximum of 1650 units. 3 . 3 On May 21, 1991, the Planning and Development Department was advised by the Regional Planning Department of an application to amend both the Durham Regional Official Plan and the Town of Newcastle Official Plan in order to permit the above noted development. 4. LAND USES 4 . 1 Existing Uses: The subject property is almost entirely vacant, however, the south-eastern portion of the site contains an active marina with 260 berths, a retail store and a marina clubhouse. 4 .2 Surrounding Uses: East - Graham Creek West - Wilmot Creek North - Agricultural Land, Ontario Hydro Corridor and the Graham Creek Sewage Treatment Plant South - Lake Ontario and the Newcastle Water Supply Plant 5. 1976 DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN (EXISTINGI 5 . 1 The Existing ( 1976) Durham Regional Official Plan, designates the majority of the subject site "Residential" . The lands along the waterfront and at the mouth of the Wilmot, Foster and Graham Creeks are designated. "Waterfront Related Open Space" . The west side of Wilmot Creek is "Open Space land affected by Section 12 . 3 . 3" which requires the preparation of a Waterfront development plan. In the vicinity of the Port of Newcastle Marina, the Regional Plan REPORT NO. : PD-151-91 PAGE 4 indicates nodes for Marina, Recreational and Tourist uses . The 1976 Regional Official Plan, allocates the entire residential area south of the Canadian National rail line, a population target of 1,500 people. 6 . 1991 DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN (PROPOSED) 6 . 1 The Proposed ( 1991) Durham Regional Official Plan designates the central portion of the subject site as a "Living Area" . This Living Area is surrounded by the Waterfront Major Open Space System. It is one of the three Living Areas that comprise the Newcastle Village Major Urban Area which has a population allocation of 27,000. The, 1991 Regional Official Plan does not subdivide population targets into neighbourhood levels but it would appear, from staff's preliminary analysis, that the Bramalea Ltd. proposal exceeds its proportionate share of the population target. 7. TOWN OF NEWCASTLE OFFICIAL PLAN 7 . 1 The Town of Newcastle Official Plan designates the majority of the subject lands as "Residential" . This "Residential" portion is Neighbourhood 3b of the Newcastle Village Small Urban Area. This Neighbourhood has a population allocation. of 1, 100 (which implies an allocation of about 370 residential units) . The subject proposal requests an increase in the target population. "Waterfront Related Open Space" lands are designated on all sides of the subject site, in particular the Wilmot and Graham Creek valleys and the waterfront. Nodes for marina, recreation and tourism uses are indicated. REPORT NO. : PD-151-91 PAGE 5 7 .2 Toronto Street and Baldwin Street are designated as Collector Roads, which is appropriate for the population target of 1500 persons for Neighbourhood 3A and 3B. However, if the population of Subneighbourhood 3b is increased to 4 or 5, 000, it may be necessary to amend the plan to upgrade one or both collector roads to "arterial road" status . 8. ZONING BY-LAW COMPLIANCE 8 . 1 Within the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84- 63, the majority of the subject property is zoned Agricultural (A) . However a small area of the subject property, just west of the mouth of Graham Creek is currently zoned in part Holding Urban Residential Exception ( (H) R4-5) , Holding Special Purpose Commercial Exception ( (H) C5-6) and Holding Environmental Protection ( (H) EP-1) . As the applicant has applied for a maximum of 1,650 residential units, the applicant has applied to appropriately amend the zone categories of the subject property. In addition, the Lake Ontario Shoreline and the various watercourses which traverse the subject property are zoned Environmental Protection (EP) . 8 .2 The various zone categories in the vicinity of the west side of the mouth of Graham Creek were the result of Zoning Amendment application DEV 77-025 submitted by Windsweep. The special exception provisions permit link townhouses, apartments and a conference centre which included a hotel/motel, retail stores, offices and eating establishments . However, the Holding (H) symbols were never removed since a site plan agreement was never executed with the municipality. REPORT NO. : PD-151-91 PAGE 6 9. PUBLIC NOTICE AND SUBMISSIONS 9 . 1 The appropriate signage acknowledging the application was installed on the subject lands . In addition, the appropriate notice was mailed to each landowner within the prescribed distance. 9 .2 As of the writing of this report, no written submissions have been received. However, the Planning and Development Department have received two (2) counter inquiries requesting more detailed information with respect to the nature of the applications . 10. AGENCY COMIMNTS 10 . 1 In accordance with departmental procedures, the three related applications were circulated to various agencies and departments for their review and comment. The following provides a brief synopsis of the comments received to date. 10 .2 The Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority has advised that the recommended setback for development from the Lake Ontario shoreline is 87 metres (285 feet) . The applicant is proposing to develop the subject property well within the 87 metre setback and the plan indicates that shoreline protection measures will be taken. However, the Authority advises that shoreline protection plans have as yet not been submitted. Therefore, the Authority has recommended that the consideration of the application be deferred until such time as the issue of shoreline protection has been satisfactorily resolved. 10 . 3 Bell Canada has advised that they have no objection to the application subject to the owner granting to Bell Canada any easements that may be required for telecommunication services . REPORT NO. : PD-151-91 PAGE 7 10.4 The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education has advised that the proposal would generate approximately 336 to 530 students at the Newcastle Public School. Therefore, although the School Board has no objection to the application, the Board has advised that a school site will be required and that the owner will be required to enter into an agreement with the Board for the future purchase of a school site. 10. 5 The Town of Newcastle Fire Department and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food have not provided objectionable comments. 10. 6 As of the writing of this report, responses from the circulation are pending from the Town of Newcastle Public Works Department, the Town of Newcastle Community Services Department, the Newcastle Hydro Electric Commission, the Public School Board, the Separate School Board, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of the Environment and the Royal Commission on the Future of the Toronto Waterfront. It is noted, however, that many of these agencies are awaiting technical reports to be submitted by the applicant. 11. STAFF COMMENTS 11. 1 Technical Documents The Town has not received any technical documents from Bramalea Ltd. concerning any of the three related applications . The following studies are anticipated: 1) Shoreline Protection (and Lakefill) Analysis; 2) Retail Market Analysis (if the commercial proposal exceeds 500 sq.m. ( or 5,400 sq. ft. ) ; 3) Traffic Study for the Mill Street Extension; r REPORT NO. : PD-151-91 PAGE 8 4) Noise Study; 5) Environmental Analysis; and 6) Open Space Report (incorporating concerns for public access to the Lakefront and the Lakefront Trail) . 11.2 Town of Newcastle Waterfront Study The Town has engaged the firms of Bird & Hale and Walker Wright Young to undertake a long-term planning study for the preservation, enhancement and development of its Lake Ontario Waterfront. The Study has many objectives, one of which is to "provide guidance to Council" on a number of development applications, including: a "proposal by Bramalea to develop waterfront lands in Newcastle Village" . It is to be noted that the Study consultants are to undertake a peer review of all documentation submitted in support of the Bramalea proposal . 11. 3 Being virtually the only landowner in the area, Bramalea is able to undertake a comprehensive design of the entire neighbourhood. The proposed plan utilizes a traditional grid network with axial view corridors to open space areas along the creeks or waterfront. The subject proposal envisages a variety of housing types and forms . In addition to the single detached dwellings, link dwelling and townhouse units, there are several apartment blocks located near the proposed neighbourhood focal point next to the marina. The application proposes three to six storey buildings with densities of 74 . 1 uph and 98 . 8 uph. Although these are considered high density by Town standards, the applicant is not proposing high point �_ t�r REPORT NO. : PD-151-91 PAGE 9 towers commonly associated with high densities . To accomplish this, much of the parking would likely be underground. 11.4 Bramalea proposes a number of innovations from the traditional plan of subdivision. Bramalea is also requesting flexible zoning and lotting arrangements to accommodate the variations in the market over the 10 year construction period for this development. This would require that the municipality plan services for the maximum population permitted. The benefit of a more flexible arrangement for lotting of a project this size, is that there is not the need for continuous revision to adjust the lot pattern for market conditions . 11 . 5 Bramalea Ltd. proposes to fill in several acres of Lake Ontario and construct a shoreline protection works for the proposed public parkland along the waterfront. In order to do this Bramalea Ltd. must follow lengthy procedures and obtain many approvals . To initiate the lakefill process Bramalea Ltd. would have to acquire the appropriate waterlots from the Province of Ontario. The filling process will require approvals by the Ministries of Natural Resources and Environment, the Federal Department of Oceans and Fisheries and the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority. Bramalea Ltd. 's shoreline protection proposals varies with the standards set out by the above Conservation Authority. It is noted that there is a Provincial review to lakefill policies at this time. The approval process is likely to take some time and there is no guarantee of approval. The Town will need to ensure the dedication of the waterfront lands for public purposes regardless of the approval of this particular scheme. �� ) 7 REPORT NO. : PD-151-91 PAGE 10 11. 6 Bramalea Ltd. is proposing to create a new arterial access road to enter the site from Mill Street South. This arterial road joins Mill Street South with 'A' Street in the plan of subdivision. It would also include the construction of a new underpass through the C.N.R. right-of-way. The Director of Public Works and Planning Staff have advised Bramalea Ltd. to contact the Ministry of the Environment with regard to undertaking a Class Environmental Assessment for this project since it will affect private property and the public roadway outside of the plan of subdivision. 11. 7 The purpose of this report is to satisfy the Planning Act requirement for a public meeting as well as to provide a status report on the subject applications . In view of the Outstanding Comments and the need for further detailed evaluation of the proposal, the applications should be referred back to staff for further processing. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to t e Committee Franklin Wu, M.C.I .P. Lawren a E. Kotseff Director of Planning Chief inistrative and Development Offic r BR*WM*DC*LT*FW*df 2 July 1991 Attachment 1 - Key Map Attachment 2 - Copy of Proposed Plan Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Bramalea Limited 1867 Yonge Street Toronto, Ontario. M45 1Y5 Attention: Mairi Huras HIGHWAY N2 401 rs FARF pro ��� dia L 42 1 IT -L t eelstll t (� tart ill �ifi3 ;� �•; , S=SS �JS:: i i• i � j t'I ► i ,�� � 'jl �i'�ii,y�lctt�i j.� I ( � I �� �i i ( iij j`) f j j• =2