HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-149-91 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE DN: DEV91022 REPORT P U B L I C M E E T I N G Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File# ID i 4.D 5V•9(.o Z2 Gate: Monday, July 8, 1991 Res. ,# Report.#:PD-149-91 File #: DEV 91-022 By-Law# Subject: REZONING APPLICATION - ROSEBRIDGE NEWCASTLE INC. PART LOT 34, CONCESSION 2, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON FILE: DEV 91-022 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-149-91 be received; 2 . THAT application to amend the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, submitted by Joseph Realty Consultants on behalf of Rosebridge Newcastle Inc . be referred back to Staff for further processing; and 3 . THAT the interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council 's decision. 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1. 1 Applicant: Rosebridge Newcastle Inc . 1 . 2 Agent: Joseph Realty Consultants 1. 3 Rezoning Application: from "Special Purpose Commercial Exception (C5- 3) " to permit the development of 929 square metres of office commercial and 3717 square metres of retail commercial totalling 4646 square metres of commercial office and retail floor space and 110 residential apartment units . 1.4 Land Area: 1 . 62 ha (4 . 0 acres) i r � . . . .2 THIS is PRPJIM IX!❑[CYCLED PAPER REPORT NO. PD-149-91 PAGE 2 2. LOCATION 2 . 1 The subject property is located in Part Lot 34, Concession 2, former Township of Darlington. The lands are on the north-east corner of Highway No. 2 and Varcoe Road. The site is municipally known as numbers 1450, 1454, 1456, 1458, 1460, 1464, 1468 Highway No. 2 and 7 and 9 Varcoe Road. 3. BACKGROUND 3 . 1 The subject rezoning application was received by the Town of Newcastle Planning and Development Department on May 7, 1991. The rezoning application was submitted concurrently with an application for Site Plan approval. The site as described above falls within the Courtice Highway No. 2 Corridor Study. The applicant had previously submitted an Official Plan Amendment application (O.P.A. 90-072/N) . Staff considered this application in the preparation of the Official Plan Amendment for the Highway No. 2 Corridor. 3.2 The application proposes to develop the 1. 62 Ha parcel with three buildings . Two of the buildings are located in the proximity of the Varcoe Road and Highway No. 2 intersection, paralleling each of the two roads and connected by a covered walkway area. The two buildings are both two (2) storey with a combined retail floor space area of 1117 m2 and an office floor space of 929 m2 . The third building is an L-shaped structure paralleling the north and east property lines . It is proposed to be a five (5) storey structure with a total of 2600 m2 of retail commercial on the ground floor and four (4) floors of residential with a total of 110 apartment units . 4 EXISTING AND SURROUNDING USES 4 . 1 The existing site is currently occupied with a sales centre for Birchdale Village which is marketing a development proposed for the area north of Nash between Trulls Road and Courtice Road. The site also contains a few vacant residential structures . . . . .3 REPORT NO. PD-149-91 PAGE 3 4 .2 Surrounding land uses are as follows : South: an Esso Service Station, Pegasus Motor Vehicle Sales, Oshawa Monument and vacant lands subject to a development application for a mixed use proposal. East: existing single family residential and parkette. North: vacant lands subject to residential development applications . West: The Kingvar Motor Vehicle Sales Establishment and existing residential fronting on Varcoe Road. 5 PUBLIC MEETING AND RESPONSE 5 . 1 Pursuant to Council 's resolution of July 26, 1982 and the requirements of the Planning Act, the appropriate signage acknowledging the application was installed on the subject lands. In addition the appropriate notice was mailed to each landowner and tenant within the 120 metre prescribed distance. As of the writing of this report no letters of objection or concern with regards to the applications have been received. Although Staff have received telephone enquiries from neighbouring residents. 6 OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES 6 . 1 Within the existing Durham Regional Official Plan the subject property is designated "Residential" . The predominant use of lands designated residential shall be for housing purposes . Section 8 . 3 . 3 .2 of the current Regional Official Plan allows all existing Special Purpose Commercial uses not designated on the land use schedule 'A' to be recognized in the zoning by-law in accordance with Section 16 . 6 of the Plan at the discretion of the local Council. 6 .2 Through the Regional Official Plan review process, Regional Council approved the new Durham Regional Official Plan which designates the lands as a "Sub-Central Area" . The new Sub- Central Area policies encourage areas designated as such to be planned similar to, but generally smaller than a Main Central i7: . . . .4 « � REPORT NO. PD-149-91 PAGE 4 Area. They are to servelarge segments of urban areas with uses complementary to those offered in the Main Central Area. Typical uses shall include an array of shopping, personal, recreational and residential uses . Town Council has previously had opportunity to review the draft Regional Official Plan and concurred with recommendations contained there in. 6 . 3 Within the Town of Newcastle Official Plan the subject property is designated "Gateway Commercial" and falls within Policy Area "C" - "Mixed Use Development Policy Area" . These policies were introduced through The Courtice Corridor Study and have recently received Regional Council approval. The policies of the Gateway Commercial attempt to achieve an appropriate range of commercial uses and higher density residential uses in appropriate locations that can be well integrated with the mixed use character of the area. The lands designated as "Mixed Use Development Area" are to be the focal point of activity and architectural interest in the Gateway Commercial Area. 6 . 4 The uses permitted within Policy Area "C" include mixed-use commercial/residential buildings having retail and personal service uses on the ground floor, office buildings, and high density residential buildings not exceeding 80 units per net hectare. The maximum gross retail and personal service floor space which may be constructed in Policy Area "C" is 14,000 square metres . In accordance with the Official Plan policies Council shall require a market analysis for any development proposing more than 1400 square metres of commercial floor space. Lands in this designation are permitted to develop to a maximum floor space index of 0 . 85 and to a maximum height of 5 storeys . 6 .5 The proponent has applied to develop a total 4646 square metres of commercial floor space. This would appear to be in compliance with the 14,000 for the Policy Area, however the applicant will be required to submit a market analysis in support of the . . . .5 �, 0 REPORT NO. PD-149-91 PAGE 5 proposal. The proposed site density of 67 . 9 units per net ha would appear to comply as does the maximum floor space index of 0 . 85 and the number of storeys at five (5) . 6 . 6 In the Courtice West Neighbourhood Development Plan the subject lands are identified as being within the "Gateway Commercial Area" and further designated as a "Mixed Use Area" . The policies are similar and consistent with those of the Town's Official Plan. 7 ZONING 7 . 1 The current zoning on the subject property is "Special Purpose Commercial Exception (C5-3) " . This special exception zone category would permit all the uses in the parent "C5" zone. These use however, would not permit the residential component of the application or the office commercial floor space, hence this application to amend the zoning by-law. 8 AGENCY COMMENTS 8 . 1 In accordance with departmental procedure the subject application was circulated to a number of agencies and departments for comment. To date comments remain outstanding from Newcastle Community Services Department, Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, Regional Planning, Regional Public Works, Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Natural Resources, Ontario Hydro and Bell Canada. 8 .2 The Public School Board has advised that the 110 units proposed would generate 35 students at S.T. Worden P. S . which is currently over capacity with four portables on site. Although the school board staff provided no objection they required that sidewalks be constructed on Varcoe Road as a condition of approval . 8 . 3 The Separate School Board's review of the proposal also raised no objections . Students from this development will attend Mother 0 .6 "� REPORT NO. PD-149-91 PAGE 6 Teresa Elementary School in Courtice, while secondary students will be bussed to St. Stephen's in Bowmanville. 8 .4 The Town's Fire Department review of the application noted the site falls within the response area of station # 4 on Trull's Rd. Response time to this site will be approximately 4 - 5 minutes for full-time and 8 - 10 minutes for part-time personnel . Ideal response time within an urban area is 3 - 4 minutes . Detailed drawings for the site will have to be reviewed prior to site plan approval to confirm compliance with the Ontario Fire and Building Code. 8.5 The Town of Newcastle Public Works Department has advised that a traffic study be prepared by a transportation engineer, to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works . The report should deal specifically with the impacts on existing Town roads, addressing the egress and ingress of a development of this nature and the impact it will have. In addition, the report should consider the geometric of the accesses in reference to the traffic flow and queuing of vehicles . The applicant will also be required to prepare a site servicing plan, for the approval of the Director of Public Works. In addition the proponent will be responsible for a stormwater management report for the storm drainage of this development. The report should address in detail major/minor systems, location of the detention facility, impact of the site on the watershed and include relevant information required from other reviewing agencies (ie. C.L.O.C.A. and M.N.R. ) . At such time as the above studies have been completed to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works, the applicant will be required to satisfy the standard conditions of approval regarding utility distribution, granting of easements, providing a road widening at the north end of the site along Varcoe Road, bearing the costs ( 100%) of any works required on Varcoe Road. , . . . .7 I REPORT NO. PD-149-91 PAGE 7 preparation of a lot grading plan and ensuring adequate sight distance at Varcoe Rd. and Highway No. 2 in conjunction with the Ministry of Transportation. 9 STAFF COMMENTS 9 . 1 The newly amended Official Plan policies, dealing with the Courtice corridor area stress the importance of creating an attractive environment for pedestrians, siting of buildings in such a manner which will clearly define edges of streets, and providing pedestrian amenities and appropriate landscape features between buildings and public walkways . The proposal has a setback in excess of 16 . 0 m (52 .5 ft) from both Highway No. 2 and Varcoe Road. This would not appear to be in keeping with the policies . The applicant has provided a greater setback from Highway No. 2 , due to Ministry of Transportation comments on similar proposals requesting a 14 m setback from the property line. However, it would appear the building could be shifted closer to Varcoe Rd in compliance with the policies while providing appropriate landscape features . 9 .2 One of the objectives of the Corridor Study was to create a focal point at the intersection of Highway No. 2 and Varcoe Rd. The massing of buildings was one suggested element towards the creation of the prominent corners . The application does not achieve this objective with a two storey structure on the south west corner of the site containing approximately 15% of the total floor space proposed. The balance of floor space (85%) is contained in a five storey structure in the north east corner of the site, nearest the existing low density residential. 9 . 3 The landscaping currently proposed does not appear to satisfy the Council approved Landscaped Design Guidelines . Mixed commercial/ residential developments require 4 .5 m landscaped strip abutting public roads and parks and a 3. 0 m strip abutting residential areas . Further landscape details such as species type, size and 8 � 7 . . . . REPORT NO. PD-149-91 PAGE 8 number will be established at a latter date. Other site plan issues which need to be resolved include the number of on-site parking spaces proposed. The applicant is currently proposing to provide parking for the residential component and the retail portion of the commercial only. This is not in compliance with the current parking requirements and will require further review. 9 .4 In addition to the retail market analysis, stormwater management report and site servicing plan previously requested, should the proposed site plan not change significantly through the processing, the applicant will be required to provide shadowing drawings for the five (5) storey building. The loading spaces should be relocated, and the traffic study requested by the Public Works Department should include supporting documentation for the parking which is not being provided for the office commercial component as the proponent believes it will be shared and used jointly with the residential component of the project. 9 CONCLUSION 9 . 1 The purpose of this report is to facilitate the Public meeting as required by the Planning Act, to provide Committee and Council with some background on the application submitted and for Staff to indicate issues or area of concern regarding the subject application. It is recommend the application be referred back to Staff for further processing and subsequent report upon resolution of the above issues and receipt of all outstanding comments and required supporting documentation. i i REPORT NO. PD-149-91 PAGE 9 Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee (j ",— 4 Franklin Wu, M.C.I .P. LaV7renc Kotseff DIrector of Planning Chief A nistrative and Development Office CP*FW*cc *Attach 2 July 1991 List of attached schedules Schedule No. 1 Key Map Schedule No. 2 Site Plan Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Rosebridge Newcastle Inc . David Johnston Architect Inc . 4300 Steeles Avenue West 1110 Sheppard Avenue East Unit 17 NORTH YORK, Ontario WOODBRIDGE, Ontario M5N 1T9 L4L 4C2 Attn: David Johnston Joseph Realty Consultants 310 Glencairn Avenue TORONTO, Ontario M5N 1T9 Attn: Henry Joseph Schedule No 1 SUBJECT SITE LOT 35 LOT 34 LOT 33 NA H ROAD R1 R1 0 °� o (H)RI R 1 p w R O cr C C5 0: w F R1-4 C1 R2 C24 1 " cs C1 C5 C P C5 C5 (H)RI R1 M) R1 (H)R4-7 -- R t , ' cm E J /i Q ( 1 cr O a°O (H R to R1 z (H)RI Rt z W r vrF J w (H? p W z z R1 Z Ri R, a O 0 ! EP KINGSW O I Ri R1 (H)R+ (H) KEY MAP 500 om '°° 200 300m Dev. 91 -022 EXIST ' G RES . ZONING i PARK KoR T N 00. N 77'42'SO•C 19.J00 21�Sf7 19.f20 +e.zee 10.668 s`°—-----——---— ——1- ---—--�-----— -——t I ] IT IIIIIIIIII III III (@ PARK ACCESS aev lions I ISSUE a PARK a OUTDOOR MAIN FLOOR RETAIL., AMENITY 1500,.SQ.M. SPAC SPACE 4--STOREY RESIDENTIAL A60VE L j-------' �•�q 1183 SO.M./FLR s) 1 1 g o, i g M 5.7M 6,7M MAIN FLOOR 6:7m 5.7 M 2 STOREY . Q RETAIL Q i BUILDING l,00 sQ.M. -- j EX I ST ' G - 480 SQ.M. j ° !\ 1 /FLR. 1 4 STOREY 16i,4M n RES . V 1 ' RESIDENTIAL �n ® ABOVE 2 STOREY BLDG. ' 1700 SQ.M. 637 SQ. FLR. M .7 .7M.6.7M 5.7M .7M 617M .7M /FLR. • 1 0 THE "'°•' ® 3^ i�Pi JOSEPH S "'°^°� °__�,��- b< V f eo5 N 60 HIGH N f9•lJ'40''�- 1 WAY —No . 2 q AVID O M611TCCT°g Yncn ICON SITE STATISTICS PART OF LOT 34, CONCESSION 2 PARKING ISSUED STANDARDS RAT.7 1991 SITE AREA (174,473 ,q.ft.) 16,215 ,q.• —RETAIL • i SPACE/20 ,q•.. ( 4.64 SPACES/1,000 ,q.ft.) RESIDENTIAL': 1.23 SPACES/UNIT (AVERAGE 2 BEDROOM) —OFFICE: SHARED BASIS WITH OTHER USES DP— er: OCnJC�ED. PROPOSED COVERAGE 85.0% SPACES REQUIRED SCALE: GATE: -RETAIL ; 3,717,q.•. /20- 186 SPACES 1 000 MAY 1991 RESIDENTIAL; 6,136 ,q... .110 UNITS APPROX. PROPOSED FLOORSPACE : io . 1.25 138 SPACES TITLE: OFFICE 0 SPACES 1, PROPOSED RETAIL 40,000,q.rl.) 3,7n.q.. SITE PLAN OFFICE 10,000 ,q.ft; 929 ,q.• TOTAL REWIRED' 324 SPACES RESIDENTIAL(itO IIIITS APPRox 96,J0.0,q:ft:i••➢,136,q.e PARKING PROVIDED TOTAL AREA PROPOSED (146,300,q.ft,) 13,762,q.• _SURFACE PARKING 252 SPACES OvG. No. -BELOW GRADE PARKING 62 SPACES TOTAL PROVIDED 324 SPACES 90100 Al f