HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-137-91 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE DN: CAUSE-OR.GPA REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File# Date: Monday, June 17 , 1991 Res. # By-Law# Report#: PD-137-91 File#: Subject: REQUEST FOR CAUSE STUDY - ORONO DOWNTOWN BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA RecornmendfV01%; respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-137-91 be received; 2 . THAT the Orono Downtown Business Improvement Area and the Orono Town Hall Board be advised that Council will continue to keep the interests of Downtown Orono in mind but cannot commit to undertaking a second CAUSE Study at this time. 1. On May 13, 1990, Council referred to staff for a report pertaining to correspondence from Mr. Pat Lycett, Secretary of the Board of Management for the Orono Town Hall (Attachment #1) . Mr. Lycett, on behalf of the Orono Town Hall Board and the Orono Downtown Business Improvement Area, requested that the Town consider undertaking a CAUSE Study for Orono. 2 . As Council is aware the CAUSE is a Program of the Ontario Association of Architects (O.A.A. ) . The O.A.A. only offers two study weekends per year (one in the spring and one in the fall) . The CAUSE Study Weekend for Downtown Bowmanville is in the final stages of preparation. It is scheduled for late September 1991. ; 80 RECYCLE, RECYCLE 1H L"IS PNtliEU(X!P[CYCIED PPCii REPORT NO. : PD-137-91 PAGE 2 3 . Staff contacted the O.A.A. with regard to a study for Orono and were verbally advised that the Association would not negatively view an Orono study simply because Newcastle previously received favourable consideration for Bowmanville. However, it is staff's opinion that, given the number of municipalities in Ontario and the limited number of CAUSE studies undertaken, it is unlikely the O.A.A. would grant a second CAUSE in the Town of Newcastle for at least a few years . Moreover, Newcastle Planning staff is fully committed to the larger task of preparing a new Town of Newcastle Official Plan. 4 . As a point of interest, Staff notes that a number of studies have already been undertaken in Orono by the Town to address some pressing concerns: 1) the Proctor and Redfern Downtown Orono Parking Deficiencies Study; 2) the Proctor and Redfern Hamlet of Orono Study leading to the creation (and adoption by Council) of the Hamlet of Orono Secondary Plan; 3) the Community Services Department Woods Walk Park Study; and 4) the municipal water and sewer services initiatives undertaken by the Newcastle Public Works Department. Currently, Orono is part of the Community Improvement Policies Study as one of eleven ( 11) Candidate Community Improvement Areas . 5 . It is Staff 's opinion that an urban design study for Downtown Orono should be considered subsequent to the completion of a new Official Plan and the similar studies of the three urban areas which are under considerable growth REPORT NO. : PD-137-91 PAGE 3 pressure. Consequently, this matter should be held in abeyance to be considered in subsequent years . At that time a decision can be made with regard to hiring an architectural consultant or applying for a CAUSE study. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee----&V r r Franklin Wu, M.C. I.P. Lawrence . Kotseff Director of Planning Chief A 'nistrative and Development Officer BR*DC*FW*df *Attach 7 June 1991 COUNCIL INFORMATION Attachment 1 BOARD OF MANAGEMENT ORONO TOWN HALL M1I ORONO,ONTARIO LOB 1 M0 kR 30 8 46 49 'g1 ppvw , April 24, 1991 APR 2 6 1991 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Mayor Hubbbard and Members of Council MAYOR'S OFFICE Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanvilie Dear Mrs. Hubbard : The Town Hall Board Members, together with the DBIA, had the opportunity to become informed on CAUSE, which we understand has been operating for about 10 years, Wafer Evans and Bob Russell visited our monthly dinner, held at the Town Hall, We would like you to know that we are very interested in making application for a CAUSE stddy and ask that you keep our interest in the front of your mind. We will also be in touch with the Works Department in the person o4- David Crone, Thankyou for your interest. I remain, Yours sincerely, DIS ` ON CLERK Pat Irwin Lycett _. ! Secretary i; ACK. M" ORIG':1"A.- - I�C 4