HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-133-91THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE DN: DEV91021.GPA REPORT PUBLIC MEETING Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Lt iA> A D t° o Crate: Monday, June 17, 1991 Res. # ._, Report # :PD- 133 -91 File #: - DEV 91 -021 [3y -Law # Subject: REZONING APPLICATION AND SITE PLAN APPLICATION - KEN SLATER ON BEHALF OF KINROW INVESTMENTS INC. PART LOT 28 CONCESSION 1, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE, 386 MILL STREET, NEWCASTLE VILLAGE FILE: DEV 91 -021 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD- 133 -91 be received; 2. THAT application to amend the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By -law 84 -63, as amended, submitted by Ken Slater on behalf of Kinrow Investments Inc. be referred back to Staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report upon receipt of all outstanding comments; and 3. THAT the Durham Region Planning Department, and all interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Applicant: Ken Slater on behalf of Kinrow Investments 1.2 Owner: Newcastle Multi -Care Centre Inc. 1.3 Rezoning: From Urban Residential Exception (R1 -3) to a "Residential Exception" zone to permit the establishment of a Day nursery, Medical or Dental Clinic, and business, professional or administrative offices. 1.4 Area: 0.416 ha (1.03 ac) 2. LOCATION 2.1 The subject site is located in Part of Lot 28, Concession 1, former Township of Clarke. More specifically, the lands are situated at 386 Mill Street in Newcastle Village. ....2 PAPE„ �Y� I r v DAIS IS Pli DMD A N nECYCLED PAPER REPORT NO. PD- 133 -91 PAGE 2 3 BACKGROUND 3.1 On May 3, 1991, an application to amend the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By -law 84 -63, as amended, was submitted to the Planning and Development Department. The application proposed to convert the existing structure from a senior citizens residence to a mixed -use "community care facility ". It was originally proposed that a day -care, assembly hall, medical or dental clinic, and business, professional or administrative offices be permitted within the existing structure. However, the applicant has since decided to not include an assembly hall as one of the proposed uses. Staff have been advised that the "business, professional or administrative offices" will be used by organizations such as "Big Brothers ", "Big Sisters ", Newcastle Seniors ", "Community Care" and "Public Health" 4 EXISTING AND SURROUNDING USES 4.1 Existing Uses: abandoned senior citizens residential complex 4.2 Surrounding Uses: East - existing residential and Newcastle Public School West - existing residential South - existing residential North - existing residential 5 OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES 5.1 According to the Durham Region Official Plan the subject lands appear to be designated "Residential ". Section a) states that community uses such as day cares are permitted within the "Residential" designation. Section c) permits limited office development in Residential areas as an exception, subject to the inclusion of appropriate provisions in the respective restrictive area (zoning) by -law. These uses must be compatible with the surrounding area and deemed to be desirable. 5.2 The Town of Newcastle Official Plan designates the lands "Residential ". Section c) states that certain public recreational and community uses such as day care centres which ....3 REPORT NO. PD- 133 -91 PAGE 3 are compatible with the surrounding uses, may be permitted in residential neighbourhoods. This Official Plan does not specify as to whether limited office development is permitted in Residential areas. However, Section 1.1.3 of the Town's Official Plan states that in the event of a conflict between the provisions of the two plans, the provisions of the Regional Official Plan shall prevail. 6 ZONING BY -LAW PROVISIONS 6.1 According to the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By -law 84 -63, as amended, the lands are zoned "Urban Residential Exception (Rl -3) ". In addition to the uses permitted in the R1 zone, this zone permitted a nursing home. 7 PUBLIC MEETING AND SUBMISSION 7.1 Pursuant to Council's Resolution of July 26, 1982 and the requirements of the Planning Act the appropriate signage acknowledging the application was installed on the subject lands. In addition, the appropriate notice was mailed to each landowner within the prescribed distance. 7.2 Neighbourhood residents have made inquiries with respect to this application. Generally these inquiries were for the purposes of clarification. A letter of concern has been received from an abutting land owner. The concerns expressed include: the close proximity of the proposed playground facility to her residence; the availability of monitoring and supervision of youth activities; and the impacts of increased traffic volume in a residential area. The citizen was also concerned about a banquet hall being permitted. However, the applicant has since withdrawn an assembly /banquet hall as a proposed use on site. 8 AGENCY COMMENTS 8.1 In accordance with departmental procedures, the application was circulated to obtain comments from other departments and ....4 REPORT NO. PD- 133 -91 PAGE 4 agencies. The following departments /agencies in providing comments, offered no objection to the application as filed: Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Newcastle Roman Catholic Separate School Board Ministry of Natural Resources 8.2 The Town of Newcastle Fire Department had no objection to the application. It was suggested that the direct alarm system be re- connected to the Newcastle Village Fire Station. Also, all renovations must be reviewed by this department. 8.3 The Town of Newcastle Public Works Department required monies for the reconstruction /upgrading of Robert and Church Streets, monies for street light upgrading ($1680.00), a grading plan, a stormwater management report, a site servicing plan for storm water, and that the property limits and road allowances be confirmed by survey. 8.4 The Ministry of Community and Social Services have stated that the proposal could support a maximum of 116 children therefore the outdoor playground area for the daycare must be at least 279 sq. m. in area and 24 parking spaces must be allocated to the daycare use. Also, a safe area for the drop -off and pick -up of children must be available. Staff can not determine if there is such an area until detailed information regarding the location of the day -care entrance is provided. 8.5 Comments have yet to be received from the following agencies: Town of Newcastle Community Services Newcastle Hydro Electric Commission Northumberland and Newcastle Public School Board Durham Region Planning Department Durham Region Works Department Ministry of Transportation ....5 REPORT NO. PD- 133 -91 PAGE 5 9 STAFF COMMENTS 9.1 It is the intention of this application to only renovate the interior of the structure to allow a day care, professional, business and administrative offices, and two medical clinics. However, there exists an outcrop on the second floor under which there is no structure. It is the applicants intention to enclose this area adding approximately 74 sq. m. to the total floor area of the building. 9.2 In consideration of the various proposed uses, the adequacy of parking is an important element. The proposal has a total of 45 parking spaces. The site plan indicates that tandem parking is proposed for 6 of these parking spaces. Tandem parking is unacceptable thus eliminating 3 of the 45 parking spaces for a total of 42 spaces. According to Staffs calculations 57 parking spaces are required. TABLE 1 PARKING REQUIREMENTS Proposed Use Floor Area No. of Parking square metres Spaces Required Day Care 557.4 24 Medical Clinic 55.74 10 Business, Professional and Administrative Offices 668.88 23 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1282.02 57 The above indicates that 15 more parking spaces are required than that which has been provided. 9.3 With respect to the concerns raised by the neighbour, the proximity of the playground cannot be properly assessed until such time as plans showing these details have been submitted to the Town. With respect to traffic, undoubtedly a proposal such as this, the volume of traffic is expected to increase. However, comments from the Public Works Department have not indicated that a traffic study is necessary. REPORT NO. PD- 133 -91 PAGE 6 10 CONCLUSION 10.1 The purpose of this report is to facilitate the Public Meeting as required by the Planning Act, to provide Committee and Council with some background on the application submitted and for Staff to indicate issues or areas of concern regarding the subject application. It is recommended the application be referred back to Staff for further processing and subsequent report upon resolution of the above issues and receipt of all outstanding comments and required revisions. Respectfully submitted, �AS� Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning and Development HM *FW *cc Attachment #1 - Location Sketch Attachment #2 - Proposed Site Plan 7 June 1991 Recommended for presentation to the Committee 4W Lawrence Kotseff Chief A istrative Officer Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Kinrow Investments Newcastle Multi -Care Centre Inc c/o Ken Slater c/o Bowmanville Memorial Hospital 15 Wertheim Court 47 Liberty Street Suite 701 Bowmanville, Ontario Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B 3H7 Mr. Cureatz 14 North St. at King St. W. Unit # 1 Newcastle, Ont. L1B 1H7 Mrs. Lena Graham 340 Mill St. Newcastle, Ontario � SUBJECT SITE LOT 29 LOT 28 LOT 27 KING STREET ( HIGHWAY. N° 2 ) ■CARTIER I�FREEWAY mi R 1 Z O 1 � �•• HIGHWAY N° 401 c ""C w A U � r� O � / V m KEY MAP 5 °°° 2 °° 300m Dev. 9 t � 021 0 rn 70 rn m CHURCH STREET MILL ST�EET ti 10 C N D O F— D r II I I Z D T {N ° o f � Z $ D Z i m 6 U) Z C7 D Z Z Ln n D j D v O O M z Z In f D m f'l N cO W .p cD Q J A D D D Z Z x m O OC D � ITl r*� 0 0 41 CP O N N D I) C7 M N C, D O D S O C T D � cl � O r O m� D II _ rn II F O W _ N ° c 00 °O �bo O O N O to O O H- W ;j I —i Au O -O O CA F CA FTi -O r- D z z ITl O D C) r- Ti D r- 77 s O C C7 M�•